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#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
# - MK Communication Routines
# Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (
# Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
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# Weitere Details zur Lizenzbestimmung gibt es hier:
# Kurzform:
# Komplett:
# 2009-02-21 0.0.1 rw created
# 2009-03-18 0.0.2 rw NC 0.14e
# 2009-04-01 0.1.0 rw RC1
# 2009-04-06 0.1.1 rw NC 0.15c
# 2009-05-16 0.1.2 rw External control
# 2009-08-15 0.1.3 rw SIG-Handler removed
$Version{''} = "0.1.3 - 2009-08-15";
# MK Protokoll
# Parameter
# Com Port of MK Comm-Device (BT, WI.232)
if ( ! defined $Cfg->{'mkcomm'}->{'Port'} )
# set default
$Cfg->{'mkcomm'}->{'Port'} = "COM5";
$AddrFC = "b";
$AddrNC = "c";
$AddrMK3MAG = "d";
# Packages
use threads; #
use threads::shared; #
use Thread::Queue; #
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); #
if ( $^O =~ /Win32/i )
require Win32::SerialPort; #
require Device::SerialPort; #
require "";
# Hashes exported to other threads and main-program
share (%MkOsd);
share (%MkTarget);
share (%MkNcDebug);
share (%Mk);
# Queue for Sending to MK
$MkSendQueue = Thread::Queue->new();
sub MkCommExit()
# close COM port
if ( defined threads->self() )
sub MkInit()
if ( defined $MkPort )
return; # already open
# open COM-Port
my $MkComPort = $Cfg->{'mkcomm'}->{'Port'};
undef $MkPort;
if ( $^O =~ m/Win32/ )
$MkPort = Win32::SerialPort->new ($MkComPort) || die "Error open $MkComPort\n";
$MkPort = Device::SerialPort->new ($MkComPort) || die "Error open $MkComPort\n";
# Set COM parameters
$MkPort->read_const_time(100); # total = (avg * bytes) + const (ms)
# Read one line from MK
# Check send-queue
sub MkIOLine()
# Init serial port
my $RxLine = "";
while ( 1 )
# Check Send-Queue
my $Items = $MkSendQueue->pending();
if ( $Items >= 3 ) # Cmd, Addr, Data
my ($Id, $Addr, $Data) = $MkSendQueue->dequeue(3);
&MkSend ($Id, $Addr, $Data);
# Zeichenweise lesen, blockierend mit Timeout
my ($RxLen, $RxChar) = $MkPort->read(1);
if ( $RxLen == 1 )
if ( "$RxChar" eq "#" ) # 1st char of line
$RxLine = "#";
elsif ( "$RxChar" eq "\r" ) # last char of line
return ($RxLine);
$RxLine = "$RxLine" . "$RxChar"; # collect char
# Read and decode a command from MK
# process send queue in &MkIOLine()
sub MkIO()
my $RxData = &MkIOLine(); # Blocking Read for complete line
# Zeile decodieren
if ( substr ($RxData, 0, 1) eq '#' )
# Zeile decodieren
$Header = substr($RxData, 0, 3);
$Chksum = substr($RxData, -2);
$Data = substr($RxData, 3, length ($RxData) -5);
# CRC prüfen
if ( &CrcCheck ("$Header" . "$Data", $Chksum ) )
# Base64 decodieren
$Data = &Decode64($Data);
# Daten auswerten und in shared Hash schreiben
if ( &ProcessRx($Header, $Data) )
return 1; # alles OK
return 0; # keine Daten empfangen
# Send a command to MK
sub MkSend()
my ($Id, $Addr, $Data) = @_;
# Init serial port
my $Base64Data = &Encode64($Data);
my $TxData = "#" . "$Addr" . "$Id" . "$Base64Data";
my $Crc = &Crc($TxData);
my $TxSend = "$TxData" . "$Crc" . "\r";
# close COM-Port
sub MkClose()
undef $MkPort;
# CRC Prüfung
sub CrcCheck ()
my ($Data, $Crc) = @_;
my $Check = &Crc($Data);
if ( $Check ne $Crc )
return 0; # CRC passt nicht
return (1); # CRC OK
# CRC berechnen
sub Crc ()
my ($Data) = @_;
my $TmpCrc = 0;
my $Len = length $Data;
for ($i=0; $i<$Len; $i++)
$TmpCrc += ord(substr($Data, $i, 1));
$TmpCrc %= 4096;
my $Crc1 = ord ("=") + $TmpCrc / 64;
my $Crc2 = ord ("=") + $TmpCrc % 64;
$Crc = pack("CC", $Crc1, $Crc2);
return ($Crc);
# Empfangene Daten decodieren, modifiziertes Base64
sub Decode64()
my ($DataIn) = @_;
my $ptrIn = 0;
my $DataOut = "";
my $len = length ($DataIn);
while ( $len > 0 )
$a = ord (substr ($DataIn, $ptrIn ++, 1)) - ord ("=");
$b = ord (substr ($DataIn, $ptrIn ++, 1)) - ord ("=");
$c = ord (substr ($DataIn, $ptrIn ++, 1)) - ord ("=");
$d = ord (substr ($DataIn, $ptrIn ++, 1)) - ord ("=");
$x = ($a << 2) | ($b >> 4);
$y = (($b & 0x0f) << 4) | ($c >> 2);
$z = (($c & 0x03) << 6) | $d;
foreach $i ( $x, $y, $z )
if ( $len--)
my $Tmp = pack ('C1', $i);
$DataOut = "$DataOut" . "$Tmp";
return ($DataOut);
# zu sendende Daten codieren, modifiziertes Base64
sub Encode64()
my ($Data) = @_;
my $Length = length $Data;
my $TxBuf = "";
my $ptr = 0;
while( $Length > 0 )
my $a = 0;
my $b = 0;
my $c = 0;
if ($Length) {$a = ord(substr ($Data, $ptr++, $Length--));}
if ($Length) {$b = ord(substr ($Data, $ptr++, $Length--));}
if ($Length) {$c = ord(substr ($Data, $ptr++, $Length--));}
my $ac = ord("=") + ($a >> 2);
my $bc = ord("=") + ( (($a & 0x03) << 4) | (($b & 0xf0) >> 4) );
my $cc = ord("=") + ( (($b & 0x0f) << 2) | (($c & 0xc0) >> 6) );
my $dc = ord("=") + ($c & 0x3f);
$TxBuf = "$TxBuf" . pack ("C4", $ac, $bc, $cc, $dc);
return ($TxBuf);
# Empfangenen Datensatz verarbeiten
sub ProcessRx()
my ($Header, $Data) = @_;
my $Adr = substr ($Header, 1, 1); # b=FC, c=NC, d=MK3MAG
my $Id = substr ($Header, 2, 1);
if ( $Id eq "O" )
# OSD-Daten nach %MkOsd einlesen
# Struktur Datensatz:
# u8 Version // version of the data structure
# GPS_Pos_t CurrentPosition;
# GPS_Pos_t TargetPosition;
# GPS_PosDev_t TargetPositionDeviation;
# GPS_Pos_t HomePosition;
# GPS_PosDev_t HomePositionDeviation;
# u8 WaypointIndex; // index of current waypoints running from 0 to WaypointNumber-1
# u8 WaypointNumber; // number of stored waypoints
# u8 SatsInUse; // no of satellites used for position solution
# s16 Altimeter; // hight according to air pressure
# s16 Variometer; // climb(+) and sink(-) rate
# u16 FlyingTime; // in seconds
# u8 UBat; // Battery Voltage in 0.1 Volts
# u16 GroundSpeed; // speed over ground in cm/s (2D)
# s16 Heading; // current flight direction in deg as angle to north
# s16 CompassHeading; // current compass value
# s8 AngleNick; // current Nick angle in 1°
# s8 AngleRoll; // current Rick angle in 1°
# u8 RC_Quality; // RC_Quality
# u8 MKFlags; // Flags from FC
# u8 NCFlags; // Flags from NC
# u8 Errorcode; // 0 --> okay
# u8 OperatingRadius // current operation radius around the Home Position in m
# s16 TopSpeed; // velocity in vertical direction in cm/s
# u8 TargetHoldTime; // time in s to stay at the given target, counts down to 0 if target has been reached
# u8 Reserve[4]; // for future use
# GPS_Pos_t:
# s32 Longitude; // in 1E-7 deg
# s32 Latitude; // in 1E-7 deg
# s32 Altitude; // in mm
# u8 Status; // validity of data
# GPS_PosDev_t:
# s16 Distance; // distance to target in dm
# s16 Bearing; // course to target in deg
# Status:
# MKFlags 0x01: MOTOR_RUN, 0x02 FLY, 0x04: CALIBRATE, 0x08: START, 0x10: EMERGENCY_LANDING
# NCFlags 0x01: FLAG_FREE, 0x02: FLAG_PH, 0x04: FLAG_CH, 0x08: FLAG_RANGE_LIMIT
# 0x80: FLAG_8
lock (%MkOsd); # until end of Block
) = unpack ('ClllClllCsslllCssCCCssSCSssccCCCCCsC', $Data);
$MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'} = sprintf("%.7f", $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'} / 10000000);
$MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'} = sprintf("%.7f", $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'} / 10000000);
$MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'} = sprintf("%.3f", $MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'} / 1000);
$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lon'} = sprintf("%.7f", $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lon'} / 10000000);
$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lat'} = sprintf("%.7f", $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lat'} / 10000000);
$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Alt'} = sprintf("%.3f", $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Alt'} / 1000);
$MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'} = sprintf("%.7f", $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'} / 10000000);
$MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'} = sprintf("%.7f", $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'} / 10000000);
$MkOsd{'HomePos_Alt'} = sprintf("%.3f", $MkOsd{'HomePos_Alt'} / 1000);
$MkOsd{'UBat'} = sprintf("%.1f", $MkOsd{'UBat'} / 10);
# Timestamp, wann der Datensatz geschtieben wurde
$MkOsd{'_Timestamp'} = time;
elsif ( $Id eq "s" )
# NC Target position in %MkTarget
# Datenstruktur:
# GPS_Pos_t Position; // the gps position of the waypoint, see ubx.h for details
# s16 Heading; // orientation, future implementation
# u8 ToleranceRadius; // in meters, if the MK is within that range around the target, then the next target is
# u8 HoldTime; // in seconds, if the MK was once in the tolerance area around a WP,
# // this time defines the delay before the next WP is triggered
# u8 Event_Flag; // future emplementation
# u8 reserve[12]; // reserved
lock (%MkTarget); # until end of block
) = unpack ('lllCsCCC', $Data);
$MkTarget{'Pos_Lon'} = sprintf("%.7f", $MkTarget{'Pos_Lon'} / 10000000);
$MkTarget{'Pos_Lat'} = sprintf("%.7f", $MkTarget{'Pos_Lat'} / 10000000);
$MkTarget{'Pos_Alt'} = sprintf("%.3f", $MkTarget{'Pos_Alt'} / 1000);
# Timestamp, wann der Datensatz geschtieben wurdw
$MkTarget{'_Timestamp'} = time;
elsif ( $Id eq "W" )
# Request new waypoint
# Datenstruktur:
# u8 Number of waypoint
($WpNumber) = unpack ('C', $Data);
# keine Ahnung wofuer das gut sein soll
# print "Request new Waypoint Number: $WpNumber\n";
elsif ( $Id eq "V" )
# Version
# Datenstruktur:
# u8 SWMajor
# u8 SWMinor
# u8 ProtoMajor
# u8 ProtoMinor
# u8 SWPatch
# u8 Reserved[5]
) = unpack ('C5', $Data);
$Mk{'_Timestamp'} = time;
elsif ( $Id eq "E" )
# Error Text
# Datenstruktur:
# s8 ErrorMsg[25]
$Mk{'ErrorMsg'} = unpack ('Z25', $Data);
elsif ( $Id eq "D" )
# NC Debug %MkNcDebug
# Datenstruktur:
# u8 Digital[2];
# u16 Analog[32];
lock (%MkNcDebug); # until end of block
) = unpack ('C2s32', $Data);
# Timestamp, wann der Datensatz geschrieben wurde
$MkNcDebug{'_Timestamp'} = time;
elsif ( $Id eq "B" )
# External Control
# Datenstruktur:
# u8 ConfirmFrame;
my ($ConfirmFrame) = unpack ('C5', $Data);
print "Unknown Command: $Header $Data\n";
# send Target or Waypoint to MK
sub MkFlyTo()
my %Param = @_;
my $x = $Param{'-x'};
my $y = $Param{'-y'};
my $Lat = $Param{'-lat'};
my $Lon = $Param{'-lon'};
my $Alt = $Param{'-alt'};
my $Heading = $Param{'-heading'};
my $ToleranceRadius = $Param{'-toleranceradius'};
my $Holdtime = $Param{'-holdtime'};
my $EventFlag = $Param{'-eventflag'};
my $Mode = $Param{'-mode'};
if ( $x ne "" and $y ne "" and $Lat eq "" and $Lon eq "" )
($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
if ( $Alt eq "" ) { $Alt = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'}; }
if ( $Heading eq "" ) { $Heading = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultHeading'}; }
if ( $ToleranceRadius eq "" ) { $ToleranceRadius = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultToleranceRadius'}; }
if ( $Holdtime eq "" ) { $Holdtime = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultHoldtime'}; }
if ( $EventFlag eq "" ) { $EventFlag = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultEventFlag'}; }
my $Status = 1; # valid
if ( $Mode =~ /delete/i )
$Status = 0; # invalid -> delete NC WP-List
my $Lat_i = sprintf "%d", $Lat * 10000000;
my $Lon_i = sprintf "%d", $Lon * 10000000;
my $Alt_i = sprintf "%d", $Alt * 1000;
# Datenstruktur:
# GPS_Pos_t Position; // the gps position of the waypoint, see ubx.h for details
# s16 Heading; // orientation, future implementation
# u8 ToleranceRadius; // in meters, if the MK is within that range around the target, then the next target is
# u8 HoldTime; // in seconds, if the MK was once in the tolerance area around a WP,
# // this time defines the delay before the next WP is triggered
# u8 Event_Flag; // future emplementation
# u8 reserve[12]; // reserved
my $Wp = pack ('lllCsC15',
if ( $Mode =~ /waypoint/i )
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "w", "$AddrNC", $Wp );
# &MkSend( "w", "$AddrNC", $Wp );
elsif ( $Mode =~ /target/i )
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "s", "$AddrNC", $Wp );
# &MkSend( "w", "$AddrNC", $Wp );
# ignore
return 0;
# send External control to MK
sub ExternalControl()
my %Param = @_;
my $RemoteButtons = $Param{'-remotebuttons'};
my $Nick = $Param{'-nick'};
my $Roll = $Param{'-roll'};
my $Yaw = $Param{'-yaw'};
my $Gas = $Param{'-gas'};
my $Hight = $Param{'-hight'};
my $Free = $Param{'-free'};
my $Frame = $Param{'-frame'};
my $Config = $Param{'-config'};
# Datenstruktur:
# u8 Digital[2];
# u8 RemoteButtons;
# s8 Nick;
# s8 Roll;
# s8 Yaw;
# u8 Gas;
# s8 Height;
# u8 free;
# u8 Frame;
# u8 Config;
my $Ec = pack ('CCCcccCcCCC',
0, 0,
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "b", "$AddrNC", $Ec );
# &MkSend( "b", "$AddrNC", $Ec );
return 0;
# when called as thread
sub MkCommLoop()
while (1)
# Hauptprgramm
if ( $0 =~ /$/i )
# Program wurde direkt aufgerufen
# should never exit