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# Geo::Ellipsoid
# This package implements an Ellipsoid class to perform latitude
# and longitude calculations on the surface of an ellipsoid.
# This is a Perl conversion of existing Fortran code (see
# ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS) and the author of this class makes no
# claims of originality. Nor can he even vouch for the
# results of the calculations, although they do seem to
# work for him and have been tested against other methods.
package Geo::Ellipsoid;
use warnings;
use strict;
use 5.006_00;
use Scalar::Util 'looks_like_number';
use Math::Trig;
use Carp;
=head1 NAME
Geo::Ellipsoid - Longitude and latitude calculations using an ellipsoid model.
=head1 VERSION
Version 1.12, released July 4, 2008.
our $VERSION = '1.12';
our $DEBUG = 0;
use Geo::Ellipsoid;
$geo = Geo::Ellipsoid->new(ellipsoid=>'NAD27', units=>'degrees');
@origin = ( 37.619002, -122.374843 ); # SFO
@dest = ( 33.942536, -118.408074 ); # LAX
( $range, $bearing ) = $geo->to( @origin, @dest );
($lat,$lon) = $geo->at( @origin, 2000, 45.0 );
( $x, $y ) = $geo->displacement( @origin, $lat, $lon );
@pos = $geo->location( $lat, $lon, $x, $y );
Geo::Ellipsoid performs geometrical calculations on the surface of
an ellipsoid. An ellipsoid is a three-dimension object formed from
the rotation of an ellipse about one of its axes. The approximate
shape of the earth is an ellipsoid, so Geo::Ellipsoid can accurately
calculate distance and bearing between two widely-separated locations
on the earth's surface.
The shape of an ellipsoid is defined by the lengths of its
semi-major and semi-minor axes. The shape may also be specifed by
the flattening ratio C<f> as:
f = ( semi-major - semi-minor ) / semi-major
which, since f is a small number, is normally given as the reciprocal
of the flattening C<1/f>.
The shape of the earth has been surveyed and estimated differently
at different times over the years. The two most common sets of values
used to describe the size and shape of the earth in the United States
are 'NAD27', dating from 1927, and 'WGS84', from 1984. United States
Geological Survey topographical maps, for example, use one or the
other of these values, and commonly-available Global Positioning
System (GPS) units can be set to use one or the other.
See L<"DEFINED ELLIPSOIDS"> below for the ellipsoid survey values
that may be selected for use by Geo::Ellipsoid.
# class data and constants
our $degrees_per_radian = 180/pi;
our $eps = 1.0e-23;
our $max_loop_count = 20;
our $twopi = 2 * pi;
our $halfpi = pi/2;
our %defaults = (
ellipsoid => 'WGS84',
units => 'radians',
distance_units => 'meter',
longitude => 0,
latitude => 1, # allows use of _normalize_output
bearing => 0,
our %distance = (
'foot' => 0.3048,
'kilometer' => 1_000,
'meter' => 1.0,
'mile' => 1_609.344,
'nm' => 1_852,
# set of ellipsoids that can be used.
# values are
# 1) a = semi-major (equatorial) radius of Ellipsoid
# 2) 1/f = reciprocal of flattening (f), the ratio of the semi-minor
# (polar) radius to the semi-major (equatorial) axis, or
# polar radius = equatorial radius * ( 1 - f )
our %ellipsoids = (
'AIRY' => [ 6377563.396, 299.3249646 ],
'AIRY-MODIFIED' => [ 6377340.189, 299.3249646 ],
'AUSTRALIAN' => [ 6378160.0, 298.25 ],
'BESSEL-1841' => [ 6377397.155, 299.1528128 ],
'CLARKE-1880' => [ 6378249.145, 293.465 ],
'EVEREST-1830' => [ 6377276.345, 300.8017 ],
'EVEREST-MODIFIED' => [ 6377304.063, 300.8017 ],
'FISHER-1960' => [ 6378166.0, 298.3 ],
'FISHER-1968' => [ 6378150.0, 298.3 ],
'GRS80' => [ 6378137.0, 298.25722210088 ],
'HOUGH-1956' => [ 6378270.0, 297.0 ],
'HAYFORD' => [ 6378388.0, 297.0 ],
'IAU76' => [ 6378140.0, 298.257 ],
'KRASSOVSKY-1938' => [ 6378245.0, 298.3 ],
'NAD27' => [ 6378206.4, 294.9786982138 ],
'NWL-9D' => [ 6378145.0, 298.25 ],
'SOUTHAMERICAN-1969' => [ 6378160.0, 298.25 ],
'SOVIET-1985' => [ 6378136.0, 298.257 ],
'WGS72' => [ 6378135.0, 298.26 ],
'WGS84' => [ 6378137.0, 298.257223563 ],
=head2 new
The new() constructor may be called with a hash list to set the value of the
ellipsoid to be used, the value of the units to be used for angles and
distances, and whether or not the output range of longitudes and bearing
angles should be symmetric around zero or always greater than zero.
The initial default constructor is equivalent to the following:
my $geo = Geo::Ellipsoid->new(
ellipsoid => 'WGS84',
units => 'radians' ,
distance_units => 'meter',
longitude => 0,
bearing => 0,
The constructor arguments may be of any case and, with the exception of
the ellipsoid value, abbreviated to their first three characters.
Thus, ( UNI => 'DEG', DIS => 'FEE', Lon => 1, ell => 'NAD27', bEA => 0 )
is valid.
sub new
my( $class, %args ) = @_;
my $self = {%defaults};
print "new: @_\n" if $DEBUG;
foreach my $key ( keys %args ) {
my $val = $args{$key};
if( $key =~ /^ell/i ) {
$self->{ellipsoid} = uc $args{$key};
}elsif( $key =~ /^uni/i ) {
$self->{units} = $args{$key};
}elsif( $key =~ /^dis/i ) {
$self->{distance_units} = $args{$key};
}elsif( $key =~ /^lon/i ) {
$self->{longitude} = $args{$key};
}elsif( $key =~ /^bea/i ) {
$self->{bearing} = $args{$key};
carp("Unknown argument: $key => $args{$key}");
"Ellipsoid(units=>$self->{units},distance_units=>" .
"$self->{distance_units},ellipsoid=>$self->{ellipsoid}," .
"longitude=>$self->{longitude},bearing=>$self->{bearing})\n" if $DEBUG;
bless $self,$class;
return $self;
=head1 METHODS
=head2 set_units
Set the angle units used by the Geo::Ellipsoid object. The units may
also be set in the constructor of the object. The allowable values are
'degrees' or 'radians'. The default is 'radians'. The units value is
not case sensitive and may be abbreviated to 3 letters. The units of
angle apply to both input and output latitude, longitude, and bearing
sub set_units
my $self = shift;
my $units = shift;
if( $units =~ /deg/i ) {
$units = 'degrees';
}elsif( $units =~ /rad/i ) {
$units = 'radians';
croak("Invalid units specifier '$units' - please use either " .
"degrees or radians (the default)") unless $units =~ /rad/i;
$self->{units} = $units;
=head2 set_distance_unit
Set the distance unit used by the Geo::Ellipsoid object. The unit of
distance may also be set in the constructor of the object. The recognized
values are 'meter', 'kilometer', 'mile', 'nm' (nautical mile), or 'foot'.
The default is 'meter'. The value is not case sensitive and may be
abbreviated to 3 letters.
For any other unit of distance not recogized by this method, pass a
numerical argument representing the length of the distance unit in
meters. For example, to use units of furlongs, call
The distance conversion factors used by this module are as follows:
Unit Units per meter
-------- ---------------
foot 0.3048
kilometer 1000.0
mile 1609.344
nm 1852.0
sub set_distance_unit
my $self = shift;
my $unit = shift;
print "distance unit = $unit\n" if $DEBUG;
my $conversion = 0;
if( defined $unit ) {
my( $key, $val );
while( ($key,$val) = each %distance ) {
my $re = substr($key,0,3);
print "trying ($key,$re,$val)\n" if $DEBUG;
if( $unit =~ /^$re/i ) {
$self->{distance_units} = $unit;
$conversion = $val;
# finish iterating to reset 'each' function call
while( each %distance ) {}
if( $conversion == 0 ) {
if( looks_like_number($unit) ) {
$conversion = $unit;
carp("Unknown argument to set_distance_unit: $unit\nAssuming meters");
$conversion = 1.0;
carp("Missing or undefined argument to set_distance_unit: ".
"$unit\nAssuming meters");
$conversion = 1.0;
$self->{conversion} = $conversion;
=head2 set_ellipsoid
Set the ellipsoid to be used by the Geo::Ellipsoid object. See
L<"DEFINED ELLIPSOIDS"> below for the allowable values. The value
may also be set by the constructor. The default value is 'WGS84'.
sub set_ellipsoid
my $self = shift;
my $ellipsoid = uc shift || $defaults{ellipsoid};
print " set ellipsoid to $ellipsoid\n" if $DEBUG;
unless( exists $ellipsoids{$ellipsoid} ) {
croak("Ellipsoid $ellipsoid does not exist - please use " .
"set_custom_ellipsoid to use an ellipsoid not in valid set");
$self->{ellipsoid} = $ellipsoid;
my( $major, $recip ) = @{$ellipsoids{$ellipsoid}};
$self->{equatorial} = $major;
if( $recip == 0 ) {
carp("Infinite flattening specified by ellipsoid -- assuming a sphere");
$self->{polar} = $self->{equatorial};
$self->{flattening} = 0;
$self->{eccentricity} = 0;
$self->{flattening} = ( 1.0 / $ellipsoids{$ellipsoid}[1]);
$self->{polar} = $self->{equatorial} * ( 1.0 - $self->{flattening} );
$self->{eccentricity} = sqrt( 2.0 * $self->{flattening} -
( $self->{flattening} * $self->{flattening} ) );
=head2 set_custom_ellipsoid
Sets the ellipsoid parameters to the specified ( major semiaxis and
reciprocal flattening. A zero value for the reciprocal flattening
will result in a sphere for the ellipsoid, and a warning message
will be issued.
$geo->set_custom_ellipsoid( 'sphere', 6378137, 0 );
sub set_custom_ellipsoid
my $self = shift;
my( $name, $major, $recip ) = @_;
$name = uc $name;
$recip = 0 unless defined $recip;
if( $major ) {
$ellipsoids{$name} = [ $major, $recip ];
croak("set_custom_ellipsoid called without semi-major radius parameter");
=head2 set_longitude_symmetric
If called with no argument or a true argument, sets the range of output
values for longitude to be in the range [-pi,+pi) radians. If called with
a false or undefined argument, sets the output angle range to be
[0,2*pi) radians.
sub set_longitude_symmetric
my( $self, $sym ) = @_;
# see if argument passed
if( $#_ > 0 ) {
# yes -- use value passed
$self->{longitude} = $sym;
# no -- set to true
$self->{longitude} = 1;
=head2 set_bearing_symmetric
If called with no argument or a true argument, sets the range of output
values for bearing to be in the range [-pi,+pi) radians. If called with
a false or undefined argument, sets the output angle range to be
[0,2*pi) radians.
sub set_bearing_symmetric
my( $self, $sym ) = @_;
# see if argument passed
if( $#_ > 0 ) {
# yes -- use value passed
$self->{bearing} = $sym;
# no -- set to true
$self->{bearing} = 1;
=head2 set_defaults
Sets the defaults for the new method. Call with key, value pairs similar to
units => 'degrees',
ellipsoid => 'GRS80',
distance_units => 'kilometer',
longitude => 1,
bearing => 0
Keys and string values (except for the ellipsoid identifier) may be shortened
to their first three letters and are case-insensitive:
uni => 'deg',
ell => 'GRS80',
dis => 'kil',
lon => 1,
bea => 0
sub set_defaults
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
foreach my $key ( keys %args ) {
if( $key =~ /^ell/i ) {
$defaults{ellipsoid} = uc $args{$key};
}elsif( $key =~ /^uni/i ) {
$defaults{units} = $args{$key};
}elsif( $key =~ /^dis/i ) {
$defaults{distance_units} = $args{$key};
}elsif( $key =~ /^lon/i ) {
$defaults{longitude} = $args{$key};
}elsif( $key =~ /^bea/i ) {
$defaults{bearing} = $args{$key};
croak("Geo::Ellipsoid::set_defaults called with invalid key: $key");
print "Defaults set to ($defaults{ellipsoid},$defaults{units}\n"
if $DEBUG;
=head2 scales
Returns a list consisting of the distance unit per angle of latitude
and longitude (degrees or radians) at the specified latitude.
These values may be used for fast approximations of distance
calculations in the vicinity of some location.
( $lat_scale, $lon_scale ) = $geo->scales($lat0);
$x = $lon_scale * ($lon - $lon0);
$y = $lat_scale * ($lat - $lat0);
sub scales
my $self = shift;
my $units = $self->{units};
my $lat = $_[0];
if( defined $lat ) {
$lat /= $degrees_per_radian if( $units eq 'degrees' );
carp("scales() method requires latitude argument; assuming 0");
$lat = 0;
my $aa = $self->{equatorial};
my $bb = $self->{polar};
my $a2 = $aa*$aa;
my $b2 = $bb*$bb;
my $d1 = $aa * cos($lat);
my $d2 = $bb * sin($lat);
my $d3 = $d1*$d1 + $d2*$d2;
my $d4 = sqrt($d3);
my $n1 = $aa * $bb;
my $latscl = ( $n1 * $n1 ) / ( $d3 * $d4 * $self->{conversion} );
my $lonscl = ( $aa * $d1 ) / ( $d4 * $self->{conversion} );
if( $DEBUG ) {
print "lat=$lat, aa=$aa, bb=$bb\nd1=$d1, d2=$d2, d3=$d3, d4=$d4\n";
print "latscl=$latscl, lonscl=$lonscl\n";
if( $self->{units} eq 'degrees' ) {
$latscl /= $degrees_per_radian;
$lonscl /= $degrees_per_radian;
return ( $latscl, $lonscl );
=head2 range
Returns the range in distance units between two specified locations given
as latitude, longitude pairs.
my $dist = $geo->range( $lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2 );
my $dist = $geo->range( @origin, @destination );
sub range
my $self = shift;
my @args = _normalize_input($self->{units},@_);
my($range,$bearing) = _inverse($self,@args);
print "inverse(@_[1..4]) returns($range,$bearing)\n" if $DEBUG;
return $range;
=head2 bearing
Returns the bearing in degrees or radians from the first location to
the second. Zero bearing is true north.
my $bearing = $geo->bearing( $lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2 );
sub bearing
my $self = shift;
my $units = $self->{units};
my @args = _normalize_input($units,@_);
my($range,$bearing) = _inverse($self,@args);
print "inverse(@args) returns($range,$bearing)\n" if $DEBUG;
my $t = $bearing;
print "_normalize_output($t) returns($bearing)\n" if $DEBUG;
return $bearing;
=head2 at
Returns the list (latitude,longitude) in degrees or radians that is a
specified range and bearing from a given location.
my( $lat2, $lon2 ) = $geo->at( $lat1, $lon1, $range, $bearing );
sub at
my $self = shift;
my $units = $self->{units};
my( $lat, $lon, $az ) = _normalize_input($units,@_[0,1,3]);
my $r = $_[2];
print "at($lat,$lon,$r,$az)\n" if $DEBUG;
my( $lat2, $lon2 ) = _forward($self,$lat,$lon,$r,$az);
print "_forward returns ($lat2,$lon2)\n" if $DEBUG;
return ( $lat2, $lon2 );
=head2 to
In list context, returns (range, bearing) between two specified locations.
In scalar context, returns just the range.
my( $dist, $theta ) = $geo->to( $lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2 );
my $dist = $geo->to( $lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2 );
sub to
my $self = shift;
my $units = $self->{units};
my @args = _normalize_input($units,@_);
print "to($units,@args)\n" if $DEBUG;
my($range,$bearing) = _inverse($self,@args);
print "to: inverse(@args) returns($range,$bearing)\n" if $DEBUG;
#$bearing *= $degrees_per_radian if $units eq 'degrees';
if( wantarray() ) {
return ( $range, $bearing );
return $range;
=head2 displacement
Returns the (x,y) displacement in distance units between the two specified
my( $x, $y ) = $geo->displacement( $lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2 );
NOTE: The x and y displacements are only approximations and only valid
between two locations that are fairly near to each other. Beyond 10 kilometers
or more, the concept of X and Y on a curved surface loses its meaning.
sub displacement
my $self = shift;
print "displacement(",join(',',@_),"\n" if $DEBUG;
my @args = _normalize_input($self->{units},@_);
print "call _inverse(@args)\n" if $DEBUG;
my( $range, $bearing ) = _inverse($self,@args);
print "disp: _inverse(@args) returns ($range,$bearing)\n" if $DEBUG;
my $x = $range * sin($bearing);
my $y = $range * cos($bearing);
return ($x,$y);
=head2 location
Returns the list (latitude,longitude) of a location at a given (x,y)
displacement from a given location.
my @loc = $geo->location( $lat, $lon, $x, $y );
sub location
my $self = shift;
my $units = $self->{units};
my($lat,$lon,$x,$y) = @_;
my $range = sqrt( $x*$x+ $y*$y );
my $bearing = atan2($x,$y);
$bearing *= $degrees_per_radian if $units eq 'degrees';
print "location($lat,$lon,$x,$y,$range,$bearing)\n" if $DEBUG;
return $self->at($lat,$lon,$range,$bearing);
# internal functions
# inverse
# Calculate the displacement from origin to destination.
# The input to this subroutine is
# ( latitude-1, longitude-1, latitude-2, longitude-2 ) in radians.
# Return the results as the list (range,bearing) with range in the
# current specified distance unit and bearing in radians.
sub _inverse()
my $self = shift;
my( $lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2 ) = (@_);
print "_inverse($lat1,$lon1,$lat2,$lon2)\n" if $DEBUG;
my $a = $self->{equatorial};
my $f = $self->{flattening};
my $r = 1.0 - $f;
my $tu1 = $r * sin($lat1) / cos($lat1);
my $tu2 = $r * sin($lat2) / cos($lat2);
my $cu1 = 1.0 / ( sqrt(($tu1*$tu1) + 1.0) );
my $su1 = $cu1 * $tu1;
my $cu2 = 1.0 / ( sqrt( ($tu2*$tu2) + 1.0 ));
my $s = $cu1 * $cu2;
my $baz = $s * $tu2;
my $faz = $baz * $tu1;
my $dlon = $lon2 - $lon1;
if( $DEBUG ) {
printf "lat1=%.8f, lon1=%.8f\n", $lat1, $lon1;
printf "lat2=%.8f, lon2=%.8f\n", $lat2, $lon2;
printf "r=%.8f, tu1=%.8f, tu2=%.8f\n", $r, $tu1, $tu2;
printf "faz=%.8f, dlon=%.8f\n", $faz, $dlon;
my $x = $dlon;
my $cnt = 0;
print "enter loop:\n" if $DEBUG;
my( $c2a, $c, $cx, $cy, $cz, $d, $del, $e, $sx, $sy, $y );
do {
printf " x=%.8f\n", $x if $DEBUG;
$sx = sin($x);
$cx = cos($x);
$tu1 = $cu2*$sx;
$tu2 = $baz - ($su1*$cu2*$cx);
printf " sx=%.8f, cx=%.8f, tu1=%.8f, tu2=%.8f\n",
$sx, $cx, $tu1, $tu2 if $DEBUG;
$sy = sqrt( $tu1*$tu1 + $tu2*$tu2 );
$cy = $s*$cx + $faz;
$y = atan2($sy,$cy);
my $sa;
if( $sy == 0.0 ) {
$sa = 1.0;
$sa = ($s*$sx) / $sy;
printf " sy=%.8f, cy=%.8f, y=%.8f, sa=%.8f\n", $sy, $cy, $y, $sa
if $DEBUG;
$c2a = 1.0 - ($sa*$sa);
$cz = $faz + $faz;
if( $c2a > 0.0 ) {
$cz = ((-$cz)/$c2a) + $cy;
$e = ( 2.0 * $cz * $cz ) - 1.0;
$c = ( ((( (-3.0 * $c2a) + 4.0)*$f) + 4.0) * $c2a * $f )/16.0;
$d = $x;
$x = ( ($e * $cy * $c + $cz) * $sy * $c + $y) * $sa;
$x = ( 1.0 - $c ) * $x * $f + $dlon;
$del = $d - $x;
if( $DEBUG ) {
printf " c2a=%.8f, cz=%.8f\n", $c2a, $cz;
printf " e=%.8f, d=%.8f\n", $e, $d;
printf " (d-x)=%.8g\n", $del;
}while( (abs($del) > $eps) && ( ++$cnt <= $max_loop_count ) );
$faz = atan2($tu1,$tu2);
$baz = atan2($cu1*$sx,($baz*$cx - $su1*$cu2)) + pi;
$x = sqrt( ((1.0/($r*$r)) -1.0 ) * $c2a+1.0 ) + 1.0;
$x = ($x-2.0)/$x;
$c = 1.0 - $x;
$c = (($x*$x)/4.0 + 1.0)/$c;
$d = ((0.375*$x*$x) - 1.0)*$x;
$x = $e*$cy;
if( $DEBUG ) {
printf "e=%.8f, cy=%.8f, x=%.8f\n", $e, $cy, $x;
printf "sy=%.8f, c=%.8f, d=%.8f\n", $sy, $c, $d;
printf "cz=%.8f, a=%.8f, r=%.8f\n", $cz, $a, $r;
$s = 1.0 - $e - $e;
$s = (((((((( $sy * $sy * 4.0 ) - 3.0) * $s * $cz * $d/6.0) - $x) *
$d /4.0) + $cz) * $sy * $d) + $y ) * $c * $a * $r;
printf "s=%.8f\n", $s if $DEBUG;
# adjust azimuth to (0,360) or (-180,180) as specified
if( $self->{symmetric} ) {
$faz += $twopi if $faz < -(pi);
$faz -= $twopi if $faz >= pi;
$faz += $twopi if $faz < 0;
$faz -= $twopi if $faz >= $twopi;
# return result
my @disp = ( ($s/$self->{conversion}), $faz );
print "disp = (@disp)\n" if $DEBUG;
return @disp;
# _forward
# Calculate the location (latitue,longitude) of a point
# given a starting point and a displacement from that
# point as (range,bearing)
sub _forward
my $self = shift;
my( $lat1, $lon1, $range, $bearing ) = @_;
if( $DEBUG ) {
printf "_forward(lat1=%.8f,lon1=%.8f,range=%.8f,bearing=%.8f)\n",
$lat1, $lon1, $range, $bearing;
my $eps = 0.5e-13;
my $a = $self->{equatorial};
my $f = $self->{flattening};
my $r = 1.0 - $f;
my $tu = $r * sin($lat1) / cos($lat1);
my $faz = $bearing;
my $s = $self->{conversion} * $range;
my $sf = sin($faz);
my $cf = cos($faz);
my $baz = 0.0;
$baz = 2.0 * atan2($tu,$cf) if( $cf != 0.0 );
my $cu = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 + $tu*$tu);
my $su = $tu * $cu;
my $sa = $cu * $sf;
my $c2a = 1.0 - ($sa*$sa);
my $x = 1.0 + sqrt( (((1.0/($r*$r)) - 1.0 )*$c2a) +1.0);
$x = ($x-2.0)/$x;
my $c = 1.0 - $x;
$c = ((($x*$x)/4.0) + 1.0)/$c;
my $d = $x * ((0.375*$x*$x)-1.0);
$tu = (($s/$r)/$a)/$c;
my $y = $tu;
if( $DEBUG ) {
printf "r=%.8f, tu=%.8f, faz=%.8f\n", $r, $tu, $faz;
printf "baz=%.8f, sf=%.8f, cf=%.8f\n", $baz, $sf, $cf;
printf "cu=%.8f, su=%.8f, sa=%.8f\n", $cu, $su, $sa;
printf "x=%.8f, c=%.8f, y=%.8f\n", $x, $c, $y;
my( $cy, $cz, $e, $sy );
do {
$sy = sin($y);
$cy = cos($y);
$cz = cos($baz+$y);
$e = (2.0*$cz*$cz)-1.0;
$c = $y;
$x = $e * $cy;
$y = (2.0 * $e) - 1.0;
$y = ((((((((($sy*$sy*4.0)-3.0)*$y*$cz*$d)/6.0)+$x)*$d)/4.0)-$cz)*$sy*$d) +
} while( abs($y-$c) > $eps );
$baz = ($cu*$cy*$cf) - ($su*$sy);
$c = $r*sqrt(($sa*$sa) + ($baz*$baz));
$d = $su*$cy + $cu*$sy*$cf;
my $lat2 = atan2($d,$c);
$c = $cu*$cy - $su*$sy*$cf;
$x = atan2($sy*$sf,$c);
$c = (((((-3.0*$c2a)+4.0)*$f)+4.0)*$c2a*$f)/16.0;
$d = (((($e*$cy*$c) + $cz)*$sy*$c)+$y)*$sa;
my $lon2 = $lon1 + $x - (1.0-$c)*$d*$f;
#$baz = atan2($sa,$baz) + pi;
# return result
return ($lat2,$lon2);
# _normalize_input
# Normalize a set of input angle values by converting to
# radians if given in degrees and by converting to the
# range [0,2pi), i.e. greater than or equal to zero and
# less than two pi.
sub _normalize_input
my $units = shift;
my @args = @_;
return map {
$_ = deg2rad($_) if $units eq 'degrees';
while( $_ < 0 ) { $_ += $twopi }
while( $_ >= $twopi ) { $_ -= $twopi }
} @args;
# _normalize_output
# Normalize a set of output angle values by converting to
# degrees if needed and by converting to the range [-pi,+pi) or
# [0,2pi) as needed.
sub _normalize_output
my $self = shift;
my $elem = shift; # 'bearing' or 'longitude'
# adjust remaining input values by reference
for ( @_ ) {
if( $self->{$elem} ) {
# normalize to range [-pi,pi)
while( $_ < -(pi) ) { $_ += $twopi }
while( $_ >= pi ) { $_ -= $twopi }
# normalize to range [0,2*pi)
while( $_ < 0 ) { $_ += $twopi }
while( $_ >= $twopi ) { $_ -= $twopi }
$_ = rad2deg($_) if $self->{units} eq 'degrees';
The following ellipsoids are defined in Geo::Ellipsoid, with the
semi-major axis in meters and the reciprocal flattening as shown.
The default ellipsoid is WGS84.
Ellipsoid Semi-Major Axis (m.) 1/Flattening
--------- ------------------- ---------------
AIRY 6377563.396 299.3249646
AIRY-MODIFIED 6377340.189 299.3249646
AUSTRALIAN 6378160.0 298.25
BESSEL-1841 6377397.155 299.1528128
CLARKE-1880 6378249.145 293.465
EVEREST-1830 6377276.345 290.8017
EVEREST-MODIFIED 6377304.063 290.8017
FISHER-1960 6378166.0 298.3
FISHER-1968 6378150.0 298.3
GRS80 6378137.0 298.25722210088
HOUGH-1956 6378270.0 297.0
HAYFORD 6378388.0 297.0
IAU76 6378140.0 298.257
KRASSOVSKY-1938 6378245.0 298.3
NAD27 6378206.4 294.9786982138
NWL-9D 6378145.0 298.25
SOUTHAMERICAN-1969 6378160.0 298.25
SOVIET-1985 6378136.0 298.257
WGS72 6378135.0 298.26
WGS84 6378137.0 298.257223563
The methods should not be used on points which are too near the poles
(above or below 89 degrees), and should not be used on points which
are antipodal, i.e., exactly on opposite sides of the ellipsoid. The
methods will not return valid results in these cases.
The conversion algorithms used here are Perl translations of Fortran
routines written by LCDR S<L. Pfeifer> NGS Rockville MD that implement
S<T. Vincenty's> Modified Rainsford's method with Helmert's elliptical
terms as published in "Direct and Inverse Solutions of Ellipsoid on
the Ellipsoid with Application of Nested Equations", S<T. Vincenty,>
Survey Review, April 1975.
The Fortran source code files inverse.for and forward.for
may be obtained from
=head1 AUTHOR
Jim Gibson, C<< <> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to
C<>, or through the web interface at
Copyright 2005-2008 Jim Gibson, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Geo::Distance, Geo::Ellipsoids
1; # End of Geo::Ellipsoid