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Ignore whitespace Rev 364 → Rev 365

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#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
# - MK Mission Cockpit - GUI
# Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (
# Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
# Es ist Ihnen gestattet:
# * das Werk vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen
# * Abwandlungen bzw. Bearbeitungen des Inhaltes anfertigen
# Zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
# * Namensnennung.
# Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen.
# * Keine kommerzielle Nutzung.
# Dieses Werk darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden.
# * Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen.
# Wenn Sie den lizenzierten Inhalt bearbeiten oder in anderer Weise umgestalten,
# verändern oder als Grundlage für einen anderen Inhalt verwenden,
# dürfen Sie den neu entstandenen Inhalt nur unter Verwendung von Lizenzbedingungen
# weitergeben, die mit denen dieses Lizenzvertrages identisch oder vergleichbar sind.
# Im Falle einer Verbreitung müssen Sie anderen die Lizenzbedingungen, unter welche dieses
# Werk fällt, mitteilen. Am Einfachsten ist es, einen Link auf diese Seite einzubinden.
# Jede der vorgenannten Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie die Einwilligung
# des Rechteinhabers dazu erhalten.
# Diese Lizenz lässt die Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte unberührt.
# Weitere Details zur Lizenzbestimmung gibt es hier:
# Kurzform:
# Komplett:
# 2009-02-20 0.0.1 rw created
# 2009-04-01 0.1.0 rw RC1
$Version = "0.1.0 - 2009-04-01";
use threads; #
use threads::shared; #
use Thread::Queue; #
use Tk;
use Tk::Balloon;
use Tk::Dialog;
use Tk::Notebook;
use Math::Trig;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); #
use XML::Simple; #
# change working directory to program path
my $Cwd = substr ($0, 0, rindex ($0, ""));
chdir $Cwd;
# set path for local Perl libs
push @INC, $Cwd . "perl/lib", $Cwd . "perl/site/lib";
# Version setting
share (%Version);
$Version{''} = $Version;
# Read configuration
$XmlConfigFile = "mkcockpit.xml";
$Cfg = XMLin($XmlConfigFile);
require ""; # Tracking antenna
require ""; # MK communication
require ""; # CSV and GPX Logging
require ""; # Google Earth Server
require "$Cfg->{'map'}->{'MapDir'}/"; # Landkarte
require ""; # map subs
require ""; # Übersetzungstable
# Thread fuer Kommunikation mit MK starten
# Output: %MkOsd, %MkTarget, %MkNcDebug, %Mk
# Input: Thread-Queue: $MkSendQueue
$mk_thr = threads->create (\&MkCommLoop) -> detach();
# Start Logging Thread
$log_thr = threads->create (\&MkLogLoop) -> detach();
# Start GoogleEarth Thread
$ge_thr = threads->create (\&GeServer) -> detach();
# Aktuell gültige Karte
my %Map = %{$Maps{'Current'}};
# Hauptfenster
my $main = new MainWindow;
$main->title ("MK Mission Cockpit");
# Menu
# Menu bar
my $menu_bar = $main->Menu;
$main->optionAdd("*tearOff", "false");
$main->configure ('-menu' => $menu_bar);
my $menu_file = $menu_bar->cascade('-label' => "~Datei");
$menu_file->command('-label' => 'Einstellungen',
'-command' => [\&Configure],
$menu_file->command('-label' => 'Ende',
'-command' => sub{exit(0)},
my $menu_debug = $menu_bar->cascade(-label => "D~ebug");
$menu_debug->command('-label' => 'NC ~OSD Datensatz (O)',
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%MkOsd, "NC OSD Datensatz (O)", "Display Refresh Heartbeat"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => 'NC ~Target Datensatz (s)',
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%MkTarget, "NC Target Datensatz (s)", "Display Refresh Heartbeat"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => 'NC ~Debug Datensatz (D)',
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%MkNcDebug, "NC Debug Datensatz (D)", "Display Refresh Heartbeat"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => 'NC ~Sonstiges',
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%Mk, "NC Sonstiges", "Display Refresh Heartbeat"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => 'Tracking ~Antenne Debug Datensatz',
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%MkTrack, "Tracking Antenne Debug Datensatz", "Display Refresh Heartbeat"],
my $menu_help = $menu_bar->cascade(-label => "~Hilfe");
$menu_help->command('-label' => 'Version',
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%Version, "Version", "Display"],
$menu_help->command('-label' => 'Über',
'-command' => sub
my $License = <<EOF;
Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (rainerwalther-mail\
Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
my $DlgAbout = $frame_map->Dialog('-title' => 'Über MK Mission Cockpit',
'-text' => "$License",
'-buttons' => ['OK'],
'-bitmap' => 'info',
# Hauptfenster Statuszeile
$frame_status = $main->Frame( '-background' => 'lightgray',
) -> pack('-side' => 'bottom',
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-fill' => 'none',
'-expand' => 'y',
$status_line = $frame_status->Label ('-text' => 'Statuszeile',
) -> pack ('-side' => 'bottom',
# Frames
# Frame: Map
$frame_map = $main->Frame( '-background' => 'lightgray',
'-relief' => 'sunken',
'-borderwidth' => 5,
) -> pack('-side' => 'top',
'-fill' => 'x',
# Map Überschrift
$frame_map_top = $frame_map->Frame() -> pack( '-side' => 'top',
'-expand' => 'x',
'-anchor' => 'w',
$frame_map_top->Label ('-text' => "Karte: $Map{'Name'} ($Map{'File'})",
'-background' => 'lightgray',
'-relief' => 'flat',
) -> pack( '-side' => 'left' );
# Map Statuszeile
$map_status = $frame_map->Frame( '-background' => 'lightgray',
) -> pack('-side' => 'bottom',
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-fill' => 'none',
'-expand' => 'y',
$map_status_line = $map_status->Label ( '-text' => 'Statuszeile',
'-background' => 'lightgray',
) -> pack ('-side' => 'bottom',);
# Map Canvas
# Canvas size
$MapSizeX = $Map{'Size_X'};
$MapSizeY = $Map{'Size_Y'};
$map_canvas = $frame_map->Canvas( '-width' => $MapSizeX,
'-height' => $MapSizeY,
'-cursor' => 'cross',
) -> pack();
# load Map photo
$map_canvas->Photo( 'Map',
'-file' => "$Cfg->{'map'}->{'MapDir'}/$Map{'File'}",
$map_canvas->createImage( 0, 0,
'-tags' => 'Map',
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => 'Map',
# border polygon
$map_canvas->createPolygon( @Map{'Border'},
'-tags' => 'Map-Border',
'-fill' => '',
'-outline' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorAirfield'}, '-width' => 2,
# load Heartbeat icon
$map_canvas->Photo( 'HeartbeatSmall',
'-file' => "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconHeartSmall'}",
$map_canvas->Photo( 'HeartbeatLarge',
'-file' => "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconHeartLarge'}",
$map_canvas->createImage( $MapSizeX/4, 10,
'-tags' => 'Heartbeat',
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => 'HeartbeatSmall',
# load Satellite icon
$map_canvas->Photo( 'Satellite-Photo',
'-file' => "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconSatellite'}",
$map_canvas->createImage($MapSizeX-180, -100, # hide photo
'-tags' => 'Satellite',
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => 'Satellite-Photo',
# load Waypoint icon
$map_canvas->Photo( 'Waypoint-Photo',
'-file' => "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconWaypoint'}",
# load Target icon
$map_canvas->Photo( 'Target-Photo',
'-file' => "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconTarget'}",
$map_canvas->createImage(0, -100, # hide photo
'-tags' => 'Target',
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => 'Target-Photo',
# load Fox icon
$map_canvas->Photo( 'Fox-Photo',
'-file' => "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconFox'}",
$map_canvas->createImage($MapSizeX/2+50, $MapSizeY/2,
'-tags' => 'Fox',
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => 'Fox-Photo',
# Balloon attached to Canvas
$map_balloon = $frame_map->Balloon('-statusbar' => $status_line, );
'-balloonposition' => 'mouse',
'-state' => 'balloon',
'-msg' => { 'MK-Arrow' => "MikroKopter",
'MK-Home-Line' => "Hier gehts nach Hause",
'MK-Home-Dist' => "Entfernung nach Hause",
'MK-Target-Line' => "Hier gehts zum Ziel",
'MK-Target-Dist' => "Entfernung zum Ziel",
'MK-Speed' => 'Geschwindigkeits-Vektor',
'Map-Variometer' => 'Variometer',
'Map-Variometer-Pointer' => 'Variometer',
'Map-Variometer-Skala' => 'Variometer',
'Fox' => 'Ziel für Fuchsjagd',
'Heartbeat' => 'Aktivität Datenübertragung zum MK',
'Satellite' => 'Guter Satelliten-Empfang',
'Waypoint' => 'Wegpunkt',
'Map-Border' => 'Flugplatz',
'Waypoint-Connector' => 'Verbinder Wegpunkte',
# Mouse buttons
# general Mouse button 1
$map_canvas->CanvasBind("<Button-1>", sub
# print coords in status line
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my ($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Lat: $Lat Lon: $Lon x: $x y: $y");
# Mouse button 1 for Fox
my $FoxOldx = 0;
my $FoxOldy = 0;
# Pick Fox
$map_canvas->bind('Fox' => '<Button-1>' => sub
# prepare to move Fox
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
$FoxOldx = $x;
$FoxOldy = $y;
$FoxTime = time;
# Move Fox
$map_canvas->bind('Fox' => '<Button1-Motion>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
$map_canvas->move($id => $x - $FoxOldx, $y - $FoxOldy);
$FoxOldx = $x;
$FoxOldy = $y;
if ( time > $FoxTime )
# wenn in Bewegung Koordinaten nur 1/s senden
my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = $map_canvas->bbox ($id);
$x = $x0 + ($x1 - $x0)/2;
$y = $y1;
&MkFlyTo ( '-x' => $x,
'-y' => $y,
'-mode' => "Target",
$FoxTime = time;
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Ziel-Koordinaten gesendet -> Lat: $Lat Lon: $Lon x: $x y: $y");
# Release Fox
$map_canvas->bind('Fox' => '<Button1-ButtonRelease>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = $map_canvas->bbox ($id);
$x = $x0 + ($x1 - $x0)/2;
$y = $y1;
&MkFlyTo ( '-x' => $x,
'-y' => $y,
'-mode' => "Target"
# Show user that Waypoints in MK are cleared
$WaypointsModified = 1;
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Ziel-Koordinaten gesendet -> Lat: $Lat Lon: $Lon x: $x y: $y");
# Pick Waypoint
$map_canvas->bind('Waypoint' => '<Button-1>' => sub
# prepare to move
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
$WpOldx = $x;
$WpOldy = $y;
# Move Waypoint
$map_canvas->bind('Waypoint' => '<Button1-Motion>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
# move icon and Wp-Number
my $WpIndex = &WpGetIndexFromId($id);
if ( $WpIndex >= 0 )
my $Tag = $Waypoints[$WpIndex]{'Tag'};
$map_canvas->move($Tag => $x - $WpOldx, $y - $WpOldy);
$WpOldx = $x;
$WpOldy = $y;
# Release Wp
$map_canvas->bind('Waypoint' => '<Button1-ButtonRelease>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
# take coords from lower/middle icon position
my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = $map_canvas->bbox ($id);
$x = $x0 + ($x1 - $x0)/2;
$y = $y1;
# update Waypoint-Array
my $WpIndex = &WpGetIndexFromId($id);
if ( $WpIndex >= 0 )
# got it: set new coords
my ($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$WpIndex];
$Wp->{'MapX'} = $x;
$Wp->{'MapY'} = $y;
$Wp->{'Pos_Lat'} = $Lat;
$Wp->{'Pos_Lon'} = $Lon;
# redraw connector-lines
# red connectors: Wp still have to be sent to MK
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorWpResend'},
$WaypointsModified = 1;
my $WpNum = $WpIndex + 1;
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Wegpunkt $WpNum verschoben Lat: $Lat Lon: $Lon x: $x y: $y");
# Mouse button 3 context menu
my $map_menu = $map_canvas->Menu('-tearoff' => 0,
'-title' =>'None',
'-menuitems' =>
[Button => "Wegpunkt hinzufügen und senden", -command => sub
my $Tag = sprintf "Waypoint-%d.%d", time, int (rand(9)) ; # kind of unique Tag for this Wp
# Waypoint Icon
my $IconHeight = 48;
my $IconWidth = 48;
$map_canvas->createImage($MapCanvasX-$IconWidth/2, $MapCanvasY-$IconHeight,
'-tags' => ['Waypoint', $Tag],
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => 'Waypoint-Photo',
# Waypoint Number
my $WpNumber = scalar @Waypoints + 1;
$map_canvas->createText ( $MapCanvasX+3, $MapCanvasY-$IconHeight/2+12,
'-tags' => ['WaypointNumber', $Tag],
'-text' => $WpNumber,
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-100-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorWpNumber'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
$map_canvas->lower('Waypoint', 'Fox'); # waypoint below Fox
$map_canvas->lower('WaypointNumber', 'Waypoint'); # Nr below waypoint
# send Wp to MK
($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($MapCanvasX, $MapCanvasY);
&MkFlyTo ( '-lat' => $Lat,
'-lon' => $Lon,
'-mode' => "Waypoint"
# save Wp-Hash in Waypoint-Array
my $Wp = {};
$Wp->{'Tag'} = $Tag;
$Wp->{'MapX'} = $MapCanvasX;
$Wp->{'MapY'} = $MapCanvasY;
$Wp->{'Pos_Lat'} = $Lat;
$Wp->{'Pos_Lon'} = $Lon;
$Wp->{'Pos_Alt'} = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'};
$Wp->{'Heading'} = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultHeading'};
$Wp->{'ToleranceRadius'} = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultToleranceRadius'};
$Wp->{'Holdtime'} = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultHoldtime'};
$Wp->{'Event_Flag'} = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultEventFlag'};
push @Waypoints, $Wp;
# redraw connector-lines
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Wegpunkt gespeichert und gesendet -> Lat: $Lat Lon: $Lon");
[Button => "Wegpunkt Eigenschaften", -command => sub
# find Wp-Hash for selected icon/tag
my $WpIndex = &WpGetIndexFromId($MapCanvasId);
if ( $WpIndex >= 0 )
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$WpIndex];
my $WpNum = $WpIndex + 1;
&DisplayHash ($Wp, "Eigenschaften Wegpunkt $WpNum", "Edit Waypoint Refresh");
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Wegpunkt $WpNum Eigenschaften");
[Button => "Alle Wegpunkte erneut senden", -command => sub
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Alle Wegpunkte gesendet");
'', # Separator
[Button => "Wegpunkte laden und senden", -command => sub
$WpFile = $main->getOpenFile('-defaultextension' => ".xml",
'-filetypes' =>
[['Waypoints', '.xml' ],
['All Files', '*', ],
'-initialdir' => $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'WpDir'},
'-title' => "Wegpunkte laden",
if ( -f $WpFile )
# XML in Hash-Ref lesen
my $Wp = XMLin($WpFile, ForceArray => 1);
# XML Hash-Ref in Wp-Array umkopieren
undef @Waypoints;
foreach $key (sort keys %$Wp)
my $Point = $Wp->{$key}->[0];
# GPS Koordinaten für die aktuelle Karte neu aus Map x/y berechnen
my ($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($Point->{'MapX'}, $Point->{'MapY'});
$Point->{'Pos_Lat'} = $Lat;
$Point->{'Pos_Lon'} = $Lon;
push @Waypoints, $Point;
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Wegpunkte aus $WpFile geladen und gesendet");
[Button => "Wegpunkte speichern", -command => sub
$WpFile = $main->getSaveFile('-defaultextension' => ".xml",
'-filetypes' =>
[['Waypoints', '.xml' ],
['All Files', '*', ],
'-initialdir' => $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'WpDir'},
'-title' => "Wegpunkte speichern",
# Waypoint-Array in Hash umkopieren
my %Wp;
for $i ( 0 .. $#Waypoints )
my $key = sprintf ("WP-%04d", $i);
$Wp{$key} = $Waypoints[$i];
# WP-Hash als XML speichern
&XMLout (\%Wp,
'OutputFile' => $WpFile,
'AttrIndent' => '1',
'RootName' => 'Waypoints',
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Wegpunkte in $WpFile gespeichert");
'', # Separator
[Button => "Wegpunkt löschen", -command => sub
# find Wp-Hash for selected icon/tag
my $WpIndex = &WpGetIndexFromId($MapCanvasId);
if ( $WpIndex >= 0 )
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$WpIndex];
# remove icon and Wp-Number on canvas;
# delete Wp in Waypoint-Array
splice @Waypoints, $WpIndex, 1;
# redraw connector-lines
$WaypointsModified = 1;
&WpRedrawIcons(); # wg. Wp-Nummern
$WpNum = $WpIndex + 1;
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Wegpunkt $WpNum gelöscht");
[Button => "Alle Wegpunkte löschen und senden", -command => sub
undef @Waypoints;
# remove all Wp-Icons and Wp-Number on canvas
# redraw connector-lines
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Alle Wegpunkte $WpIndex gelöscht");
'', # Separator
[Button => "Ziel sofort anfliegen", -command => sub
&MkFlyTo ( '-x' => $MapCanvasX,
'-y' => $MapCanvasY,
'-mode' => "Target"
# redraw connector-lines
$WaypointsModified = 1;
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Ziel-Koordinaten gesendet -> Lat: $Lat Lon: $Lon x: $x y: $y");
$map_canvas->CanvasBind("<Button-3>" => [ sub
my($w, $x, $y) = @_;
($MapCanvasX, $MapCanvasY) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
$MapCanvasId = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
$map_menu->post($x, $y);
}, Ev('X'), Ev('Y') ] );
# Objects on canvas
# Line from MK to Home
$map_canvas->createLine ( $MapSizeX/2, $MapSizeY/2, $MapSizeX/2, $MapSizeY/2,
'-tags' => 'MK-Home-Line',
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorHomeLine'},
'-width' => 3,
# Text Entfernung positioniert an der Home-Linie
$map_canvas->createText ( $MapSizeX/2 + 8, $MapSizeY/2 - 8,
'-tags' => 'MK-Home-Dist',
'-text' => '0 m',
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-200-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorHomeDist'},
# Line from MK to Target, draw invisible out of sight
$map_canvas->createLine ( 0, -100, 0, -100,
'-tags' => 'MK-Target-Line',
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorTargetLine'},
'-width' => 3,
# Text Entfernung positioniert an der Target-Linie
$map_canvas->createText ( 0, -100,
'-tags' => 'MK-Target-Dist',
'-text' => '0 m',
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-200-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorTargetDist'},
# MK Geschwindigkeits-Vektor
$MapMkSpeedLen = 60; # Länge Speed-Zeiger
my $x0 = $MapSizeX/2;
my $y0 = $MapSizeY/2;
my $x1 = $MapSizeX/2;
my $y1 = $MapSizeY/2 - $MapMkSpeedLen;
$map_canvas->createLine ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-tags' => 'MK-Speed',
'-arrow' => 'last',
'-arrowshape' => [10, 10, 3 ],
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorSpeedVector'},
'-width' => 4,
# MK als Pfeilspitze einer Linie darstellen
$MapMkLen = 25;
my $x0 = $MapSizeX/2;
my $y0 = $MapSizeY/2 + $MapMkLen/2;
my $x1 = $MapSizeX/2;
my $y1 = $MapSizeY/2 - $MapMkLen/2;
$map_canvas->createLine ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-tags' => 'MK-Arrow',
'-arrow' => 'last',
'-arrowshape' => [25, 30, 10 ],
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorMkSatNo'},
'-width' => 1
# OSD Daten auf Karte anzeigen
# Flugzeit
$map_canvas->createText ( $MapSizeX/2 - 40, 20,
'-tags' => 'MK-OSD-Tim-Label',
'-text' => 'TIM',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
$map_canvas->createText ( $MapSizeX/2, 20,
'-tags' => 'MK-OSD-Tim-Value',
'-text' => $MkFlyingTime, # $MkOsd{'FlyingTime'},
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
# Batterie Spannung
$map_canvas->createText ( $MapSizeX/2 - 40, 50,
'-tags' => 'MK-OSD-Bat-Label',
'-text' => 'BAT',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
$map_canvas->createText ( $MapSizeX/2, 50,
'-tags' => 'MK-OSD-Bat-Value',
'-text' => sprintf ("%3.1f V", $MkOsd{'UBat'}),
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
# Ground speed
$map_canvas->createText ( 10, 20,
'-tags' => 'MK-OSD-Spd-Label',
'-text' => 'SPD',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
$map_canvas->createText ( 50, 20,
'-tags' => 'MK-OSD-Spd-Value',
'-text' => sprintf ("%3d km/h", $MkOsd{'GroundSpeed'} * 0.036),
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
# Hoehe (Luftdruck)
$map_canvas->createText ( 10, 50,
'-tags' => 'MK-OSD-Alt-Label',
'-text' => 'ALT',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
$map_canvas->createText ( 50, 50,
'-tags' => 'MK-OSD-Alt-Value',
'-text' => sprintf ("%3d m", $MkOsd{'Altimeter'}/$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'AltFactor'}),
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
# Variometer
$map_canvas->createText ( 10, 80,
'-tags' => 'MK-OSD-Vsi-Label',
'-text' => 'VSI',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
$map_canvas->createText ( 50, 80,
'-tags' => 'MK-OSD-Vsi-Value',
'-text' => sprintf ("%3d", $MkOsd{'Variometer'}),
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
# Anzahl Satelitten
$map_canvas->createText ( $MapSizeX - 120, 20,
'-tags' => 'MK-OSD-Sat-Label',
'-text' => 'SAT',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
$map_canvas->createText ( $MapSizeX - 70, 20,
'-tags' => 'MK-OSD-Sat-Value',
'-text' => "$MkOsd{'SatsInUse'}",
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
# Wegpunkte
$map_canvas->createText ( $MapSizeX - 120, 50,
'-tags' => 'MK-OSD-Wp-Label',
'-text' => 'WPT',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
$map_canvas->createText ( $MapSizeX - 70, 50,
'-tags' => 'MK-OSD-Wp-Value',
'-text' => $MkOsd{'WaypointIndex'} . "/" . $MkOsd{'WaypointNumber'} ,
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
# Navigation Mode
$map_canvas->createText ( $MapSizeX - 120, 80,
'-tags' => 'MK-OSD-Mode-Label',
'-text' => 'MOD',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
$map_canvas->createText ( $MapSizeX - 70, 80,
'-tags' => 'MK-OSD-Mode-Value',
'-text' => '' ,
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
# Variometer on canvas
my @Polygon;
for ( $y = -100; $y <= 100; $y += 10)
my $Len = 5;
if ( ($y % 50) == 0 )
$Len = 10;
$map_canvas->createText ( $Len+5, $MapSizeY/2 + $y,
'-tags' => 'Map-Variometer-Skala',
'-text' => sprintf ("%3d", -$y / 10),
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Normal-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorVariometer'},
push @Polygon, ( 0, $MapSizeY/2 + $y);
push @Polygon, ($Len, $MapSizeY/2 + $y);
push @Polygon, ( 0, $MapSizeY/2 + $y);
'-tags' => 'Map-Variometer',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorVariometer'},
'-width' => 2,
'-arrow' => 'none',
# Vario Pointer
$map_canvas->createPolygon( 5, $MapSizeY/2, 20, $MapSizeY/2+10, 20, $MapSizeY/2-10,
'-tags' => 'Map-Variometer-Pointer',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorVariometerPointer'},
'-outline' => 'black', '-width' => 1,
# Tracking Canvas
if ( $Cfg->{'track'}->{'Active'} =~ /y/i )
# Canvas size
$TrackSizeX = 125;
$TrackSizeY = 100;
$TrackOffY = $TrackSizeY - $MapSizeY + 20;
$TrackPtrLen = 50; # Länge Zeiger
# draw in map-canvas
$track_canvas = $map_canvas;
# Ziffernblatt
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2 - $TrackPtrLen;
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY + $TrackPtrLen - $TrackOffY;
my $x1 = $TrackSizeX/2 + $TrackPtrLen;
my $y1 = $TrackSizeY - $TrackPtrLen - $TrackOffY;
$track_canvas->createArc ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-extent' => '200',
'-start' => '-10',
'-style' => 'chord',
'-outline' => 'gray', '-width' => '1',
# Skala Ziffernblatt
for ($i=0; $i<=180; $i+=15)
my $pi = 3.14159265358979;
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2 - ($TrackPtrLen - 20) * cos($i / 180 * $pi);
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY - ($TrackPtrLen - 20) * sin($i / 180 * $pi) - $TrackOffY;
my $x1 = $TrackSizeX/2 - ($TrackPtrLen - 28) * cos($i / 180 * $pi);
my $y1 = $TrackSizeY - ($TrackPtrLen - 28) * sin($i / 180 * $pi) - $TrackOffY;
$track_canvas->createLine ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-fill' => 'white',
'-width' => 1,
# Skala Beschriftung Ziffernblatt
for ($i=0; $i<=180; $i+=45)
my $pi = 3.14159265358979;
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2 - ($TrackPtrLen - 12) * cos($i / 180 * $pi);
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY - ($TrackPtrLen - 12) * sin($i / 180 * $pi) - $TrackOffY;
$track_canvas->createText ( $x0, $y0,
'-text' => $i - 90,
'-fill' => 'white',
# Ziffernblatt Beschriftung Einheit
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2;
my $y0 = $MapSizeY -6;
$track_canvas->createText ( $x0, $y0,
'-text' => "Antenne Winkel",
'-justify' => 'center',
'-fill' => 'white',
# Zeiger
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2;
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY - 0 - $TrackOffY;
my $x1 = $TrackSizeX/2;
my $y1 = $TrackSizeY - ($TrackPtrLen - 22) - $TrackOffY;
$track_ptr_id= $track_canvas->createLine ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-tags' => 'Track-Ptr',
'-arrow' => 'last',
'-arrowshape' => [20, 30, 5 ],
'-fill' => 'red',
'-width' => 8,
# Zeiger Center
my $Dia = 7;
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2 - $Dia;
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY + $Dia - $TrackOffY;
my $x1 = $TrackSizeX/2 + $Dia;
my $y1 = $TrackSizeY - $Dia - $TrackOffY;
$track_canvas->createArc ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-extent' => '359',
'-outline' => 'gray', '-width' => 1,
'-fill' => 'gray',
# Timer
# Timer: 5s
$main->repeat (5000, sub
if ( ! $MkSendWp )
# Abfragefrequenz OSD und Debug regelmäßig neu einstellen, falls Übertragungsfehler
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "o", "$AddrNC", pack ("C", 10) ); # Frequenz OSD Datensatz, * 10ms
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "d", "$AddrNC", pack ("C", 10) ); # Frequenz MK Debug Datensatz, * 10ms
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "v", "$AddrNC", ""); # Version
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "e", "$AddrNC", ""); # Error Text Request
# Timer: 0.1s - Map Overlay aktualisieren
$frame_map_top->repeat (100, sub
lock (%MkOsd); # until end of block
# Aktuell gültige Karte
my %Map = %{$Maps{'Current'}};
if ( $MkOsd{'_Timestamp'} >= time-2 )
# Gueltige OSD Daten
my $SatsInUse = $MkOsd{'SatsInUse'};
if ( $SatsInUse > 0 and $MkOsd{'CurPos_Stat'} == 1 and $MkOsd{'HomePos_Stat'} == 1 )
# ausreichender GPS Empfang
# get x,y map coords of current position
my ($C_x, $C_y, $C_Angel) = &MapGps2XY($MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'}, $MkOsd{'CompassHeading'});
# rotate MK arrow
my $dy = sin (deg2rad $C_Angel) * ($MapMkLen/2);
my $dx = cos (deg2rad $C_Angel) * ($MapMkLen/2);
my $x0 = $C_x - $dx;
my $y0 = $C_y - $dy;
my $x1 = $C_x + $dx;
my $y1 = $C_y + $dy;
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-Arrow', $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1);
# Update speed vector
my $MapAngel = &MapAngel(); # Norh to Map-Horizont
my $GpsSpeedNorth = $MkNcDebug{'Analog_21'};
my $GpsSpeedEast = $MkNcDebug{'Analog_22'};
my $PhiGpsSpeed = rad2deg atan2 ( $GpsSpeedEast, $GpsSpeedNorth );
$PhiMapSpeed = $PhiGpsSpeed - $MapAngel;
# 555 cm/s ~ 20 km/h -> Zeigerlänge = $MkSpeedLen bei 20 km/h
my $dy = sin (deg2rad $PhiMapSpeed) * $MapMkSpeedLen * $MkOsd{'GroundSpeed'} / 555;
my $dx = cos (deg2rad $PhiMapSpeed) * $MapMkSpeedLen * $MkOsd{'GroundSpeed'} / 555;
my $x0 = $C_x;
my $y0 = $C_y;
my $x1 = $C_x + $dx;
my $y1 = $C_y + $dy;
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-Speed', $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1);
# Update Line between Home and MK
my ($H_x, $H_y) = &MapGps2XY($MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'});
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-Home-Line', $H_x, $H_y, $C_x, $C_y);
# Update Distance between Home and MK
my ($Dist, $Bearing) = MapGpsTo($MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'},
$MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'} );
my $x = ($C_x - $H_x) / 2 + $H_x + 8;
my $y = ($C_y - $H_y) / 2 + $H_y + 8;
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-Home-Dist', $x, $y);
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-Home-Dist',
'-text' => sprintf ("%4d m", $Dist),
if ( $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Stat'} == 1 )
# Valid Target
# Update Line between Target and MK
my ($T_x, $T_y) = &MapGps2XY($MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lon'});
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-Target-Line', $C_x, $C_y, $T_x, $T_y);
# Update Distance between Target and MK
my ($Dist, $Bearing) = MapGpsTo($MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'},
$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lon'} );
my $x = ($C_x - $T_x) / 2 + $T_x - 8;
my $y = ($C_y - $T_y) / 2 + $T_y + 8;
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-Target-Dist', $x, $y);
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-Target-Dist',
'-text' => sprintf ("%4d m", $Dist),
# show target icon
my $IconHeight = 48;
my $IconWidth = 48;
$map_canvas->coords('Target', $T_x - $IconWidth/2, $T_y - $IconHeight );
# No valid Target, move target line out of sight/canvas
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-Target-Line', 0, -100, 0, -100);
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-Home-Dist', 0, -100);
# hide target icon
$map_canvas->coords('Target', 0, -100, );
# Update OSD - Sat dependent values
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Spd-Value', '-text' => sprintf ("%3d km/h", $MkOsd{'GroundSpeed'} * 0.036) );
# kein ausreichender Sat-Empfang
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Spd-Value', '-text' => sprintf ("%3d km/h", 0 ) );
# Update OSD - non Sat dependent values
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Sat-Value', '-text' => "$MkOsd{'SatsInUse'}" );
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Wp-Value', '-text' => $MkOsd{'WaypointIndex'} . "/" . $MkOsd{'WaypointNumber'});
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Bat-Value', '-text' => sprintf ("%3.1f V", $MkOsd{'UBat'}) );
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Alt-Value', '-text' => sprintf ("%3d m", $MkOsd{'Altimeter'}/$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'AltFactor'}) );
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Vsi-Value', '-text' => sprintf ("%3d", $MkOsd{'Variometer'}) );
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Tim-Value', '-text' => sprintf ("%02d:%02d", $MkFlyingTime / 60, $MkFlyingTime % 60) );
# blink battery warning
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Bat-Value', '-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'});
if ( $MkOsd{'UBat'} < $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'UBatWarning'} )
if ( time %2 )
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Bat-Value', '-fill' => 'red');
my $Mode = "";
if ($MkOsd{'NCFlags'} & 0x01) { $Mode = "Free"};
if ($MkOsd{'NCFlags'} & 0x02) { $Mode = "PH"};
if ($MkOsd{'NCFlags'} & 0x04) { $Mode = "WPT"};
if ($MkOsd{'NCFlags'} & 0x08) { $Mode = "$Mode" . " !"}; # Range Warning
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Mode-Value', '-text' => "$Mode" );
# Farbe MK-Zeiger abhängig vom GPS Empfang
my $MkCol= $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorMkSatNo'};
if ( $SatsInUse >= 1 ) { $MkCol = $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorMkSatLow'} ; }
if ( $SatsInUse >= 6 ) { $MkCol = $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorMkSatGood'}; }
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-Arrow', '-fill' => $MkCol);
# Variometer Pointer
my $dy = -$MkOsd{'Variometer'} * 10;
$map_canvas->coords('Map-Variometer-Pointer', 5, $MapSizeY/2+$dy, 20, $MapSizeY/2+10+$dy, 20, $MapSizeY/2-10+$dy);
# Show/Hide SatFix Icon
if ($MkOsd{'SatsInUse'} >= 6 )
$map_canvas->coords('Satellite', $MapSizeX-180, 10, );
# move icon out of sight
$map_canvas->coords('Satellite', 0, -100, );
# keine aktuellen OSD Daten vom MK verfügbar
# Timer: 0.1s - Tracking Anzeige aktualisieren
if ( $Cfg->{'track'}->{'Active'} =~ /y/i )
$frame_map_top->repeat (100, sub
# Aktuell gültige Karte
my %Map = %{$Maps{'Current'}};
# Zeiger neu zeichnen
my $ServoPan = @ServoPos[$MkTrack{'ServoPan'}];
if ( $ServoPan ne "" )
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2;
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY - 0 - $TrackOffY;
my $x1 = $TrackSizeX/2 - ($TrackPtrLen-22) * cos( deg2rad $ServoPan);
my $y1 = $TrackSizeY - ($TrackPtrLen-22) * sin (deg2rad $ServoPan) - $TrackOffY;
$track_canvas->coords ('Track-Ptr', $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1);
# Farbe Zeiger abhängig vom GPS Empfang
my $SatsInUse = $MkOsd{'SatsInUse'};
my $TrackPtrCol= 'red';
if ( $SatsInUse >= 1 ) { $TrackPtrCol = 'orange'; }
if ( $SatsInUse >= 6 ) { $TrackPtrCol = 'green'; }
$track_canvas->itemconfigure ('Track-Ptr', '-fill' => $TrackPtrCol);
# Timer: 1s
$frame_map_top->repeat (1000, sub
# Aktuell gültige Karte
my %Map = %{$Maps{'Current'}};
if ( $MkOsd{'_Timestamp'} >= time -2 )
# Heartbeat MK Datenübertragung
if ( time %2 )
$map_canvas->itemconfigure('Heartbeat', '-image' => 'HeartbeatLarge', );
$map_canvas->itemconfigure('Heartbeat', '-image' => 'HeartbeatSmall', );
# Flugzeit aktualisieren
# Flugzeit selber mitzählen, da $MkOsd{'FlyingTime'} immer 0 (0.14b)
if ( $MkOsd{'MKFlags'} & 0x02 )
$MkFlyingTime += 1;
# Footprint
if ( $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'FootprintLength'} > 0 )
if ( $MkOsd{'SatsInUse'} > 0 and $MkOsd{'CurPos_Stat'} == 1 )
# neuen Footprint hinten anhaengen
my ($x, $y) = &MapGps2XY($MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'});
push @Footprint, $x, $y;
while ( $#Footprint / 2 > $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'FootprintLength'} )
# alte Footprints entfernen
splice @Footprint, 0, 2;
# tracking antenne
if ( $MkOsd{'MKFlags'} & 0x01 and ! $MkTrack{'IsRunning'} and
$Cfg->{'track'}->{'Active'} =~ /y/i )
# start track at 1st motor start
$track_thr = threads->create (\&TrackAntennaGps)->detach();
$MkTrack{'IsRunning'} = "Running";
MainLoop(); # should never end
# Subroutines
# Get Wp Index from Canvas Id
sub WpGetIndexFromId()
my ($id) = @_;
my @Tags = $map_canvas->gettags($id);
my $WpTag = $Tags[1];
for $i (0 .. $#Waypoints)
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$i];
if ( $Wp->{'Tag'} eq $WpTag )
# got it
return $i;
return -1;
# Resend all Waypoints to MK
sub WpSendAll()
# OSD/Debug Abfragefrequenz verringern, sonst kommen nicht alle Wp im MK an
# Sicherheitshalber doppelt senden
$MkSendWp = 1; # verhindert ueberschreiben im Timer
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "o", "$AddrNC", pack ("C", 1000) ); # Frequenz OSD Datensatz, * 10ms
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "d", "$AddrNC", pack ("C", 1000) ); # Frequenz MK Debug Datensatz, * 10ms
usleep (200000);
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "o", "$AddrNC", pack ("C", 1000) ); # Frequenz OSD Datensatz, * 10ms
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "d", "$AddrNC", pack ("C", 1000) ); # Frequenz MK Debug Datensatz, * 10ms
usleep (200000);
# Alte WP-Liste im MK löschen
my $Wp = $Waypoints[0];
&MkFlyTo ( '-lat' => $Wp->{'Pos_Lat'},
'-lon' => Wp->{'Pos_Lon'},
'-mode' => "Waypoint Delete"
for $i (0 .. $#Waypoints)
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$i];
&MkFlyTo ( '-lat' => $Wp->{'Pos_Lat'},
'-lon' => $Wp->{'Pos_Lon'},
'-alt' => $Wp->{'Pos_Alt'},
'-heading' => $Wp->{'Heading'},
'-toleranceradius' => $Wp->{'ToleranceRadius'},
'-holdtime' => $Wp->{'Holdtime'},
'-eventflag' => $Wp->{'Event_Flag'},
'-mode' => "Waypoint"
usleep (150000) # NC Zeit zum Verarbeiten geben
$MkSendWp = 0; # normale OSD/Debug Abfragefrequenz wird automatisch im Timer wieder eingestellt
# gray connectors: Wp are sent to MK
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorWpConnector'},
# MK ist nun synchron mit @Waypoints
$WaypointsModified = 0;
# Redraw Waypoint Icons
sub WpRedrawIcons()
# delete old icons and Wp-Number from canvas
# create new icons
for $i (0 .. $#Waypoints)
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$i];
my $x = $Wp->{'MapX'};
my $y = $Wp->{'MapY'};
my $Tag = $Wp->{'Tag'};
# Waypoint Icon
my $IconHeight = 48;
my $IconWidth = 48;
$map_canvas->createImage($x-$IconWidth/2, $y-$IconHeight,
'-tags' => ['Waypoint', $Tag],
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => 'Waypoint-Photo',
# Waypoint Number
my $WpNumber = $i + 1;
$map_canvas->createText ( $x+3, $y-$IconHeight/2+12,
'-tags' => ['WaypointNumber', $Tag],
'-text' => $WpNumber,
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-100-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorWpNumber'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
$map_canvas->lower('Waypoint', 'Fox'); # waypoint below Fox
$map_canvas->lower('WaypointNumber', 'Waypoint'); # waypoint-number below waypoint
# Redraw Waypoint connectors
sub WpRedrawLines()
# delete old connectors from canvas
my $Color = $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorWpConnector'};
if ( $WaypointsModified )
$Color = $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorWpResend'};
my $Wp = $Waypoints[0];
my $x_last = $Wp->{'MapX'};
my $y_last = $Wp->{'MapY'};
for $i (1 .. $#Waypoints)
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$i];
my $x = $Wp->{'MapX'};
my $y = $Wp->{'MapY'};
$map_canvas->createLine ( $x_last, $y_last, $x, $y,
'-tags' => 'Waypoint-Connector',
'-arrow' => 'last',
'-arrowshape' => [10, 10, 3 ],
'-fill' => $Color,
'-width' => 1,
$x_last = $x;
$y_last = $y;
$map_canvas->lower('Waypoint-Connector', 'Waypoint'); # connector below waypoint
# Redraw Footprint
sub FootprintRedraw()
# delete old Footprint fom canvas
if ( scalar @Footprint >= 4 )
$map_canvas->createLine ( @Footprint,
'-tags' => 'Footprint',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorFootprint'},
'-width' => 1,
$map_canvas->lower('Footprint', 'Fox');
# Display or Modify Hash
sub DisplayHash()
my ($hrefData, $Titel, $Mode) = @_;
# $Mode: Display, Edit, Waypoint, Refresh
my %Id;
my $Label;
my $Value;
# Neues Fenster aufmachen
my $popup = $main->Toplevel();
# Buttons
my $popup_button = $popup->Frame() -> pack('-side' => 'bottom',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 's',
'-padx' => 5,
'-pady' => 5,
$popup_button->Button('-text' => 'Schließen',
'-command' => sub
if ( $Mode =~ /edit/i and $Mode =~ /waypoint/i )
$WaypointsModified = 1;
# Frame mit den Labels
my $popup_label = $popup->Frame() -> pack('-side' => 'left',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-padx' => 10,
'-pady' => 10,
# Labels anzeigen
foreach $Label ( sort keys %{$hrefData})
if ( $Translate{$Label} ne "" )
$Label = $Translate{$Label};
$popup_label->Label ('-text' => $Label,
'-width' => 25,
'-anchor' => 'w',
) -> pack();
# Frame mit den Daten
my $popup_values = $popup->Frame() -> pack('-side' => 'left',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-padx' => 10,
'-pady' => 10,
# Daten anzeigen
foreach $Value ( sort keys %{$hrefData})
if ( $Mode =~ /display/i )
# Display
$Id{$Value} = $popup_values->Label ('-text' => ${$hrefData}{$Value},
'-width' => 20,
'-anchor' => 'e',
'-relief' => 'sunken',
) -> pack();
if ( $Mode =~ /edit/i )
# Edit
$Id{$Value} = $popup_values->Entry ('-textvariable' => \${$hrefData}{$Value},
'-exportselection' => '1',
'-width' => 20,
'-relief' => 'sunken',
) -> pack();
if ( $Mode =~ /waypoint/i )
# einige Waypoint-Felder nicht aenderbar einstellen
if ( "MapX MapY Pos_Lat Pos_Lon Tag" =~ /$Value/i )
$Id{$Value}->configure('-state' => 'disabled', );
if ( $Mode =~ /refresh/i )
# Timer: 0.1s
$popup_values->repeat (100, sub
# Datenfelder alle 100ms aktualisieren
my $BgColor = 'white';
if ( $Mode =~ /heartbeat/i )
$BgColor = 'red';
if ( $MkOsd{'_Timestamp'} >= time-2 )
# gültige daten vom MK
$BgColor = 'white';
foreach $Value ( sort keys %{$hrefData} )
$Id{$Value}->configure('-text' => ${$hrefData}{$Value},
'-background' => "$BgColor",
return 0;
# Konfigurationsdatei mkcockpit.xml im Popup-Fenster editieren
sub Configure()
# Copy Cfg-Hash for editing
my $CfgEdit = {%{$Cfg}};
foreach $key (keys %{$Cfg})
if ( ref $Cfg->{$key} )
$CfgEdit->{$key} = {%{$Cfg->{$key}}};
# Neues Fenster aufmachen
my $popup = $main->Toplevel();
$popup->title("Einstellungen - $XmlConfigFile");
my $book = $popup->NoteBook()->pack( -fill=>'both', -expand=>1 );
# jede Sektion in einem Tab anzeigen
foreach $key (sort keys %{$CfgEdit})
if ( ! ref $CfgEdit->{$key} )
my $TabLabel = "$key";
if ( $Translate{$key} ne "" )
$TabLabel = $Translate{$key};
my $Tab = $book->add( "$key", -label=>"$TabLabel", );
# Frame fuer Buttons
my $book_button = $Tab->Frame() -> pack('-side' => 'bottom',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 's',
'-padx' => 5,
'-pady' => 5,
$book_button->Button('-text' => 'OK',
'-width' => '10',
'-command' => sub
# Copy back CfgEdit-Hash
$Cfg = {%{$CfgEdit}};
foreach $key (keys %{$CfgEdit})
if ( ref $CfgEdit->{$key} )
$Cfg->{$key} = {%{$CfgEdit->{$key}}};
# set new timestamp
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my $TimeStamp = sprintf ("%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
$Cfg->{'CreationDate'} = $TimeStamp;
# Cfg in mkcockpit.xml speichern
&XMLout ($Cfg,
'OutputFile' => $XmlConfigFile,
'AttrIndent' => '1',
'RootName' => 'mkcockpit-Config',
} )->pack ('-side' => 'left',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 's',
'-padx' => 5,
'-pady' => 5,
$book_button->Button('-text' => 'Abbruch',
'-width' => '10',
'-command' => sub { $popup->destroy() },
)->pack ('-side' => 'left',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 's',
'-padx' => 5,
'-pady' => 5,
$book_button->Label ('-text' => "*) Aenderungen werden erst nach Programm-Neustart wirksam!",
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-foreground' => 'red',
) ->pack ('-side' => 'left',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 's',
'-padx' => 10,
'-pady' => 5,
# Frame mit den Labels
my $popup_label = $Tab->Frame() -> pack('-side' => 'left',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-padx' => 10,
'-pady' => 10,
# Labels anzeigen
foreach $Label ( sort keys %{$CfgEdit->{$key}})
if ( $Translate{$Label} ne "" )
$Label = $Translate{$Label};
$popup_label->Label ('-text' => $Label,
'-width' => 30,
'-anchor' => 'w',
) -> pack();
# Frame mit den Daten
my $popup_values = $Tab->Frame() -> pack('-side' => 'left',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-padx' => 10,
'-pady' => 10,
# Eingabefelder mit Daten anzeigen
foreach $Value ( sort keys %{$CfgEdit->{$key}})
$popup_values->Entry ('-textvariable' => \$CfgEdit->{$key}->{$Value},
'-exportselection' => '1',
'-width' => 30,
'-relief' => 'sunken',
) -> pack();