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Ignore whitespace Rev 665 → Rev 691

Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,36
Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
Es ist Ihnen gestattet:
* das Werk vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen
* Abwandlungen bzw. Bearbeitungen des Inhaltes anfertigen
Zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
* Namensnennung.
Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen.
* Keine kommerzielle Nutzung.
Dieses Werk darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden.
* Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen.
Wenn Sie den lizenzierten Inhalt bearbeiten oder in anderer Weise umgestalten,
verändern oder als Grundlage für einen anderen Inhalt verwenden,
dürfen Sie den neu entstandenen Inhalt nur unter Verwendung von Lizenzbedingungen
weitergeben, die mit denen dieses Lizenzvertrages identisch oder vergleichbar sind.
Im Falle einer Verbreitung müssen Sie anderen die Lizenzbedingungen, unter welche dieses
Werk fällt, mitteilen. Am Einfachsten ist es, einen Link auf diese Seite einzubinden.
Jede der vorgenannten Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie die Einwilligung
des Rechteinhabers dazu erhalten.
Diese Lizenz lässt die Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte unberührt.
Weitere Details zur Lizenzbestimmung gibt es hier:
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,208
#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
# - Google Earth Server for MK Mission Cockpit
# Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (
# Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
# Es ist Ihnen gestattet:
# * das Werk vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen
# * Abwandlungen bzw. Bearbeitungen des Inhaltes anfertigen
# Zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
# * Namensnennung.
# Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen.
# * Keine kommerzielle Nutzung.
# Dieses Werk darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden.
# * Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen.
# Wenn Sie den lizenzierten Inhalt bearbeiten oder in anderer Weise umgestalten,
# verändern oder als Grundlage für einen anderen Inhalt verwenden,
# dürfen Sie den neu entstandenen Inhalt nur unter Verwendung von Lizenzbedingungen
# weitergeben, die mit denen dieses Lizenzvertrages identisch oder vergleichbar sind.
# Im Falle einer Verbreitung müssen Sie anderen die Lizenzbedingungen, unter welche dieses
# Werk fällt, mitteilen. Am Einfachsten ist es, einen Link auf diese Seite einzubinden.
# Jede der vorgenannten Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie die Einwilligung
# des Rechteinhabers dazu erhalten.
# Diese Lizenz lässt die Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte unberührt.
# Weitere Details zur Lizenzbestimmung gibt es hier:
# Kurzform:
# Komplett:
# 20090317 0.0.1 rw created
# 20090401 0.1.0 rw RC1
$Version{''} = "0.1.0 - 2009-04-01";
# Parameter
$port_listen = $Cfg->{'geserver'}->{'HttpPort'};
use Socket;
use IO::Select;
use threads;
use threads::shared;
$| = 1;
# "Lon, Lat, Alt"
share (@GeCoords);
sub GeServer()
local *S;
socket (S, PF_INET , SOCK_STREAM , getprotobyname('tcp')) or die "couldn't open socket: $!";
setsockopt (S, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1);
bind (S, sockaddr_in($port_listen, INADDR_ANY));
listen (S, 5) or die "don't hear anything: $!";
my $ss = IO::Select->new();
$ss -> add (*S);
my @connections_pending = $ss->can_read();
foreach (@connections_pending)
my $fh;
my $remote = accept($fh, $_);
my($port,$iaddr) = sockaddr_in($remote);
my $peeraddress = inet_ntoa($iaddr);
# memory-leak in threads!!! Process only one request in parallel
# my $t = threads->create(\&new_connection, $fh);
&new_connection ($fh);
sub new_connection
my $fh = shift;
binmode $fh;
my %req;
my $request_line = <$fh>;
my $first_line = "";
while ($request_line ne "\r\n")
unless ($request_line)
close $fh;
chomp $request_line;
unless ($first_line)
$first_line = $request_line;
my @parts = split(" ", $first_line);
if (@parts != 3)
close $fh;
$req{METHOD} = $parts[0];
$req{OBJECT} = $parts[1];
my ($name, $value) = split(": ", $request_line);
$name = lc $name;
$req{HEADER}{$name} = $value;
$request_line = <$fh>;
&http_request_handler($fh, \%req);
close $fh;
sub http_request_handler
my $fh = shift;
my $req_ = shift;
my %req = %$req_;
my %header = %{$req{HEADER}};
print $fh "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n";
print $fh "Content-Type: application/; charset=iso-8859-1\n";
print $fh "Connection: close\n\n";
# KML Header
print $fh <<EOF;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
<name>Mikrokopter GPS logging</name>
<Style id="MK_gps-style">
<name>Flight live</name>
# send all KML Coords for each request
for $i (0 .. $#GeCoords)
print $fh "$GeCoords[$i]\n";
# KML Trailler
print $fh <<EOF;
# Debug:
# print "Method: $req{METHOD}\n";
# print "Object: $req{OBJECT}\n>";
# foreach my $r (keys %header)
# {
# print $r, " = ", $header{$r} , "\n";
# }
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,62
#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
# - Conversion GPS and Map-X/Y Coordinates
# Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (
# Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
# Es ist Ihnen gestattet:
# * das Werk vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen
# * Abwandlungen bzw. Bearbeitungen des Inhaltes anfertigen
# Zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
# * Namensnennung.
# Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen.
# * Keine kommerzielle Nutzung.
# Dieses Werk darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden.
# * Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen.
# Wenn Sie den lizenzierten Inhalt bearbeiten oder in anderer Weise umgestalten,
# verändern oder als Grundlage für einen anderen Inhalt verwenden,
# dürfen Sie den neu entstandenen Inhalt nur unter Verwendung von Lizenzbedingungen
# weitergeben, die mit denen dieses Lizenzvertrages identisch oder vergleichbar sind.
# Im Falle einer Verbreitung müssen Sie anderen die Lizenzbedingungen, unter welche dieses
# Werk fällt, mitteilen. Am Einfachsten ist es, einen Link auf diese Seite einzubinden.
# Jede der vorgenannten Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie die Einwilligung
# des Rechteinhabers dazu erhalten.
# Diese Lizenz lässt die Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte unberührt.
# Weitere Details zur Lizenzbestimmung gibt es hier:
# Kurzform:
# Komplett:
# 2009-10-28 0.0.1 rw created
$Version{''} = "0.0.1 - 2009-10-28";
%CfgOpt = (
AudioMute => [ "Yes", "No", ],
PlayerMode => [ "Play", "Pause", "Home", "Stop", ],
PlayerRandomMode => [ "STD", "RND", "MAP", ],
PlayerWptKmlMode => [ "WPT", "KML",],
Active => [ "Yes", "No", ],
Port => [ "COM1", "COM2", "COM3", "COM4", "COM5", "COM6", "COM7", "COM8",
"COM9", "COM10", "COM11", "COM12", "COM13", "COM14", "COM15", "COM16", ],
PortSetSkip => [ "Yes", "No", ],
MapDefault => [ sort keys %Maps ],
0,0 → 1,207
#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
# - Conversion GPS and Map-X/Y Coordinates
# Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (
# Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
# Es ist Ihnen gestattet:
# * das Werk vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen
# * Abwandlungen bzw. Bearbeitungen des Inhaltes anfertigen
# Zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
# * Namensnennung.
# Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen.
# * Keine kommerzielle Nutzung.
# Dieses Werk darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden.
# * Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen.
# Wenn Sie den lizenzierten Inhalt bearbeiten oder in anderer Weise umgestalten,
# verändern oder als Grundlage für einen anderen Inhalt verwenden,
# dürfen Sie den neu entstandenen Inhalt nur unter Verwendung von Lizenzbedingungen
# weitergeben, die mit denen dieses Lizenzvertrages identisch oder vergleichbar sind.
# Im Falle einer Verbreitung müssen Sie anderen die Lizenzbedingungen, unter welche dieses
# Werk fällt, mitteilen. Am Einfachsten ist es, einen Link auf diese Seite einzubinden.
# Jede der vorgenannten Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie die Einwilligung
# des Rechteinhabers dazu erhalten.
# Diese Lizenz lässt die Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte unberührt.
# Weitere Details zur Lizenzbestimmung gibt es hier:
# Kurzform:
# Komplett:
# 2009-03-06 0.0.1 rw created
# 2009-04-01 0.1.0 rw RC1
# 2009-05-13 0.1.1 rw MapGpsAt() added
# 2009-05-22 0.1.2 rw add default Map dir
# 2009-07-22 0.1.3 rw Map Offset_x, Offset_y added
# 2009-08-08 0.1.4 rw atan -> atan2
$Version{''} = "0.1.4 - 2009-08-08";
use Geo::Ellipsoid; #
use Math::Trig;
if ( ! defined Cfg->{'map'}->{'MapDir'} )
# set default map directory
$Cfg->{'map'}->{'MapDir'} = "map";
require "$Cfg->{'map'}->{'MapDir'}/"; # Landkarte
# Convert GPS (Lat,Lon) to pixel coordinates in map
sub MapGps2XY ()
my ($Lat, $Lon, $Bearing) = @_;
# Aktuell gültige Karte
my %Map = %{$Maps{'Current'}};
my $Map_Geo = Geo::Ellipsoid->new( 'units' => 'degrees',
'distance_units' => 'meter',
'ellipsoid' => 'WGS84',
# P1 -> P2: Entfernung und Richtung
my ($P1P2_Dist_m, $P1P2_Bearing) = $Map_Geo->to( $Map{'P1_Lat'}, $Map{'P1_Lon'}, $Map{'P2_Lat'}, $Map{'P2_Lon'} );
my $dx_p = $Map{'P2_x'} - $Map{'P1_x'};
my $dy_p = $Map{'P2_y'} - $Map{'P1_y'};
my $P1P2_Dist_p = sqrt($dx_p*$dx_p + $dy_p*$dy_p);
my $PixRes = $P1P2_Dist_m / $P1P2_Dist_p ; # 1 Pixel = $PixRes Meter
my $Phi = rad2deg atan2 ($dy_p, $dx_p);
my $PhiRef = $P1P2_Bearing - $Phi; # Winkel zwischen N und Bild-Horizont
# P1 -> Target: Entfernung und Richtung
my ($T_Dist_m, $T_Bearing) = $Map_Geo->to( $Map{'P1_Lat'}, $Map{'P1_Lon'}, $Lat, $Lon );
my $Alpha = deg2rad($T_Bearing - $PhiRef); # Winkel zw. Bild-Horizont und Target
my $T_dx_p = cos($Alpha) * $T_Dist_m / $PixRes;
my $T_dy_p = sin($Alpha) * $T_Dist_m / $PixRes;
my $X_p = $Map{'P1_x'} + $T_dx_p + $Map{'Offset_x'};
my $Y_p = $Map{'P1_y'} + $T_dy_p - $Map{'Offset_y'};
# map calibration adjustment
$X_p += $Map{'Offset_x'};
$Y_p -= $Map{'Offset_y'};
$Angel = $Bearing - $PhiRef;
return ($X_p, $Y_p, $Angel);
# Convert pixel coordinates in map to GPS (Lat,Lon)
sub MapXY2Gps ()
my ($X, $Y) = @_;
# Aktuell gültige Karte
my %Map = %{$Maps{'Current'}};
# map calibration adjustment
$X -= $Map{'Offset_x'};
$Y += $Map{'Offset_y'};
my $Map_Geo = Geo::Ellipsoid->new( 'units' => 'degrees',
'distance_units' => 'meter',
'ellipsoid' => 'WGS84',
# P1 -> P2: Entfernung und Richtung
my ($P1P2_Dist_m, $P1P2_Bearing) = $Map_Geo->to( $Map{'P1_Lat'}, $Map{'P1_Lon'}, $Map{'P2_Lat'}, $Map{'P2_Lon'} );
my $dx_p = $Map{'P2_x'} - $Map{'P1_x'};
my $dy_p = $Map{'P2_y'} - $Map{'P1_y'};
my $P1P2_Dist_p = sqrt($dx_p*$dx_p + $dy_p*$dy_p);
my $PixRes = $P1P2_Dist_m / $P1P2_Dist_p ; # 1 Pixel = $PixRes Meter
my $Phi = rad2deg atan2 ($dy_p, $dx_p);
my $PhiRef = $P1P2_Bearing - $Phi; # Winkel zwischen N und Bild-Horizont
my $dx = $X - $Map{'P1_x'};
my $dy = $Y - $Map{'P1_y'};
my $Phi = rad2deg atan2 ($dy, $dx);
my $Bearing = $PhiRef + $Phi;
my $Dist = $PixRes * sqrt($dx*$dx + $dy*$dy);
my ($Lat, $Lon) = $Map_Geo->at( $Map{'P1_Lat'}, $Map{'P1_Lon'}, $Dist, $Bearing );
return ($Lat, $Lon);
# Get Bearing, Distance from 2 GPS Points
sub MapGpsTo()
my ($Lat1, $Lon1, $Lat2, $Lon2) = @_;
my $Map_Geo = Geo::Ellipsoid->new( 'units' => 'degrees',
'distance_units' => 'meter',
'ellipsoid' => 'WGS84',
my ($Dist, $Bearing) = $Map_Geo->to( $Lat1, $Lon1, $Lat2, $Lon2);
return ($Dist, $Bearing);
# Get Target from GPS-Point, Bearing, Distance
sub MapGpsAt()
my ($Lat, $Lon, $Dist, $Bearing) = @_;
my $Map_Geo = Geo::Ellipsoid->new( 'units' => 'degrees',
'distance_units' => 'meter',
'ellipsoid' => 'WGS84',
my ($Target_Lat, $Target_Lon) = $Map_Geo->at( $Lat, $Lon, $Dist, $Bearing);
return ($Target_Lat, $Target_Lon);
# Angel geographic North to Map Horizont
sub MapAngel()
# Aktuell gültige Karte
my %Map = %{$Maps{'Current'}};
my $Map_Geo = Geo::Ellipsoid->new( 'units' => 'degrees',
'distance_units' => 'meter',
'ellipsoid' => 'WGS84',
# P1 -> P2: Entfernung und Richtung
my ($P1P2_Dist_m, $P1P2_Bearing) = $Map_Geo->to( $Map{'P1_Lat'}, $Map{'P1_Lon'}, $Map{'P2_Lat'}, $Map{'P2_Lon'} );
my $dx_p = $Map{'P2_x'} - $Map{'P1_x'};
my $dy_p = $Map{'P2_y'} - $Map{'P1_y'};
my $Phi = rad2deg atan2 ($dy_p, $dx_p);
my $PhiRef = $P1P2_Bearing - $Phi; # Winkel zwischen N und Bild-Horizont
return ($PhiRef);
0,0 → 1,1752
#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
# - MK Mission Cockpit - Subroutined for GUI Frontend
# Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (
# Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
# Es ist Ihnen gestattet:
# * das Werk vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen
# * Abwandlungen bzw. Bearbeitungen des Inhaltes anfertigen
# Zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
# * Namensnennung.
# Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen.
# * Keine kommerzielle Nutzung.
# Dieses Werk darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden.
# * Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen.
# Wenn Sie den lizenzierten Inhalt bearbeiten oder in anderer Weise umgestalten,
# verändern oder als Grundlage für einen anderen Inhalt verwenden,
# dürfen Sie den neu entstandenen Inhalt nur unter Verwendung von Lizenzbedingungen
# weitergeben, die mit denen dieses Lizenzvertrages identisch oder vergleichbar sind.
# Im Falle einer Verbreitung müssen Sie anderen die Lizenzbedingungen, unter welche dieses
# Werk fällt, mitteilen. Am Einfachsten ist es, einen Link auf diese Seite einzubinden.
# Jede der vorgenannten Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie die Einwilligung
# des Rechteinhabers dazu erhalten.
# Diese Lizenz lässt die Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte unberührt.
# Weitere Details zur Lizenzbestimmung gibt es hier:
# Kurzform:
# Komplett:
# 2009-08-09 0.2.5 rw subroutines moved from
# 2009-09-05 0.2.6 rw POI heading control added
# 2009-10-10 0.2.7 rw Layout Config-dialog
# Fix Message-Balloon in KML-Mode
# 2009-10-25 0.3.0 rw NC 0.17
# Read/Write KopterTool WPL Waypoint list
# configuration Combo Box
$Version{''} = "0.3.0 - 2009-10-25";
# check, if %MkOsd is valid
sub MkOsdIsValid()
return ( $MkOsd{'_Timestamp'} >= time-2 );
# check, if current GPS position is valid
sub CurPosIsValid()
return ( &MkOsdIsValid() and $MkOsd{'SatsInUse'} >= 6 and $MkOsd{'CurPos_Stat'} == 1 );
# check, if home GPS position is valid
sub HomePosIsValid()
return ( &MkOsdIsValid() and $MkOsd{'SatsInUse'} >= 6 and $MkOsd{'HomePos_Stat'} == 1 );
# check, if target GPS position is valid
sub TargetIsValid()
return ( &MkOsdIsValid() and $MkOsd{'SatsInUse'} >= 6 and $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Stat'} == 1 );
# check, if motor are on
sub MkIsMotorOn()
return ( &MkOsdIsValid() and $MkOsd{'MKFlags'} & 0x01 );
# check, if MK is flying
sub MkIsFlying()
return ( &MkOsdIsValid() and $MkOsd{'MKFlags'} & 0x02 );
# check, if MK is calibrating
sub MkIsCalibrating()
return ( &MkOsdIsValid() and $MkOsd{'MKFlags'} & 0x04 );
# check, if Motor is starting
sub MkIsMotorStarting()
return ( &MkOsdIsValid() and $MkOsd{'MKFlags'} & 0x08 );
# check, Emergency Landing
sub MkEmergencyLanding()
return ( &MkOsdIsValid() and $MkOsd{'MKFlags'} & 0x10 );
# check, if MK is FREE Mode
sub MkIsFreeMode()
return ( &MkOsdIsValid() and $MkOsd{'NCFlags'} & 0x01 );
# check, if MK is in PH Mode
sub MkIsPhMode()
return ( &MkOsdIsValid() and $MkOsd{'NCFlags'} & 0x02 );
# check, if MK is in WPT Mode
sub MkIsWptMode()
return ( &MkOsdIsValid() and $MkOsd{'NCFlags'} & 0x04 );
# check, Range Limit
sub MkRangeLimit()
return ( &MkOsdIsValid() and $MkOsd{'NCFlags'} & 0x08 );
# check, Serial Link
sub MkSerialLink()
return ( &MkOsdIsValid() and $MkOsd{'NCFlags'} & 0x10 );
# check, Target reached
sub MkTargetReached()
return ( &MkOsdIsValid() and $MkOsd{'NCFlags'} & 0x20 );
# check, Manual Control
sub MkManualControl()
return ( &MkOsdIsValid() and $MkOsd{'NCFlags'} & 0x40 );
# get battery capacity in %
sub BatCapacity()
my ($UBat) = @_;
my $CfgVal = $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'BatCharacteristics'};
my @Voltage = split ' ', $CfgVal;
my $Capacity = 0;
if ( $UBat >= $Voltage[0] )
$Capacity = 100;
$Cnt = $#Voltage;
for ($i=0; $i < $Cnt; $i++)
my $V1 = $Voltage[$i];
my $V2 = $Voltage[$i+1];
if ( $UBat >= $V1 and $UBat < $V2 or
$UBat <= $V1 and $UBat > $V2 )
# linear interpolation
my $x = $i + ($UBat - $V1 ) / ($V2 - $V1);
$Capacity = 100 - $x * 100 / $Cnt;
return $Capacity;
# Waypoint handling
# Add a Waypoint to @Waypoints List
sub WpAdd()
my ($Wp_x, $Wp_y) = @_;
# save Wp-Hash in Waypoint-Array
my $Wp = {};
my $Tag = sprintf "Waypoint-%d.%d", time, int (rand(9)) ; # kind of unique Tag for this Wp
($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($Wp_x, $Wp_y);
$Wp->{'Tag'} = $Tag;
$Wp->{'MapX'} = $Wp_x;
$Wp->{'MapY'} = $Wp_y;
$Wp->{'Pos_Lat'} = $Lat;
$Wp->{'Pos_Lon'} = $Lon;
$Wp->{'Pos_Alt'} = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'};
$Wp->{'Heading'} = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultHeading'};
$Wp->{'ToleranceRadius'} = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultToleranceRadius'};
$Wp->{'Holdtime'} = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultHoldtime'};
$Wp->{'Event_Flag'} = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultEventFlag'};
push @Waypoints, $Wp;
# Delete Waypoint from @Waypoints List
sub WpDelete ()
my ($WpIndex) = @_;
# delete Wp in Waypoint-Array
splice @Waypoints, $WpIndex, 1;
# Load @Waypoints from file
sub WpLoadFile ()
my ($WpFile) = @_;
if ( $WpFile =~ /.wpl$/i )
# load Mikrokopter Tool WP List *.wpl
my $WpCnt = 0;
my $WpIndex = 0;
my @WpWpl;
open WPL, "<$WpFile";
my @Wpl = <WPL>;
close WPL;
foreach my $Line (@Wpl)
chomp $Line;
if ( $Line =~ /NumberOfWaypoints\s*=\s*(\d*)/i )
$WpCnt = $1;
elsif ( $Line =~ /\[Waypoint(\d*)\]/i )
$WpIndex = $1;
elsif ( $Line =~ /(\S*)\s*=\s*(\S*)/i )
my $Key = $1;
my $Value = $2;
$WpWpl[$WpIndex]{$Key} = $Value;
# WPL Array in Waypoints-Array umkopieren
undef @Waypoints;
for ( $Index=0; $Index < $WpCnt; $Index++)
my $Wp = {};
my $Tag = sprintf "Waypoint-%d.%d", time, $Index + 1; # kind of unique Tag for this Wp
my $Lat = $WpWpl[$Index]{'Latitude'};
my $Lon = $WpWpl[$Index]{'Longitude'};
($MapX, $MapY) = &MapGps2XY($Lat, $Lon);
$Wp->{'Tag'} = $Tag;
$Wp->{'MapX'} = $MapX;
$Wp->{'MapY'} = $MapY;
$Wp->{'Pos_Lat'} = $Lat;
$Wp->{'Pos_Lon'} = $Lon;
$Wp->{'Pos_Alt'} = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'};
$Wp->{'Heading'} = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultHeading'};
$Wp->{'ToleranceRadius'} = $WpWpl[$Index]{'Radius'};
$Wp->{'Holdtime'} = $WpWpl[$Index]{'DelayTime'};
$Wp->{'Event_Flag'} = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultEventFlag'};
push @Waypoints, $Wp;
# load Mission Cockpit XML
# XML in Hash-Ref lesen
my $Wp = XMLin($WpFile, ForceArray => 1);
# XML Hash-Ref in Wp-Array umkopieren
undef @Waypoints;
foreach $key (sort keys %$Wp)
my $Point = $Wp->{$key}->[0];
# relative Pixelkoordinaten auf Bildgroesse umrechnen
if ( $Point->{'MapX'} <= 1 and $Point->{'MapY'} <= 1 )
$Point->{'MapX'} = int ( $Point->{'MapX'} * $MapSizeX + 0.5 );
$Point->{'MapY'} = int ( $Point->{'MapY'} * $MapSizeY + 0.5 );
# GPS Koordinaten für die aktuelle Karte neu aus Map x/y berechnen
my ($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($Point->{'MapX'}, $Point->{'MapY'});
$Point->{'Pos_Lat'} = $Lat;
$Point->{'Pos_Lon'} = $Lon;
push @Waypoints, $Point;
# Save @Waypoints to file
sub WpSaveFile()
my ($WpFile) = @_;
if ( $WpFile =~ /.wpl$/i )
# save Mikrokopter Tool WP List *.wpl
open WPL, ">$WpFile";
my $WpCnt = scalar @Waypoints;
print WPL "[General\]\n";
print WPL "FileVersion=1\n";
print WPL "NumberOfWaypoints=$WpCnt\n";
for $i ( 0 .. $#Waypoints )
print WPL "\[Waypoint${i}\]\n";
print WPL "Latitude=$Waypoints[$i]{'Pos_Lat'}\n";
print WPL "Longitude=$Waypoints[$i]{'Pos_Lon'}\n";
print WPL "Radius=$Waypoints[$i]{'ToleranceRadius'}\n";
print WPL "DelayTime=$Waypoints[$i]{'Holdtime'}\n";
close WPL;
# save Mission Cockpit XML
# Waypoint-Array in Hash umkopieren
for $i ( 0 .. $#Waypoints )
my $key = sprintf ("WP-%04d", $i);
my $Wp = {%{$Waypoints[$i]}}; # copy of Hash-content
$WpOut{$key} = $Wp;
# Pixelkoordinaten relativ zur Bildgroesse speichern
$WpOut{$key}{'MapX_Pixel'} = $WpOut{$key}{'MapX'};
$WpOut{$key}{'MapY_Pixel'} = $WpOut{$key}{'MapY'};
$WpOut{$key}{'MapX'} /= $MapSizeX;
$WpOut{$key}{'MapY'} /= $MapSizeY;
# WP-Hash als XML speichern
&XMLout (\%WpOut,
'OutputFile' => $WpFile,
'AttrIndent' => '1',
'RootName' => 'Waypoints',
# Get Wp Index from Canvas Id
sub WpGetIndexFromId()
my ($id) = @_;
my @Tags = $map_canvas->gettags($id);
my $WpTag = $Tags[1];
for $i (0 .. $#Waypoints)
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$i];
if ( $Wp->{'Tag'} eq $WpTag )
# got it
return $i;
return -1;
# Resend all Waypoints to MK
sub WpSendAll()
# OSD/Debug Abfragefrequenz verringern, sonst kommen nicht alle Wp im MK an
# Sicherheitshalber doppelt senden
$MkSendWp = 1; # verhindert ueberschreiben im Timer
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "o", "$AddrNC", pack ("C", 1000) ); # Frequenz OSD Datensatz, * 10ms
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "d", "$AddrNC", pack ("C", 1000) ); # Frequenz MK Debug Datensatz, * 10ms
usleep (200000);
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "o", "$AddrNC", pack ("C", 1000) ); # Frequenz OSD Datensatz, * 10ms
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "d", "$AddrNC", pack ("C", 1000) ); # Frequenz MK Debug Datensatz, * 10ms
usleep (200000);
# Alte WP-Liste im MK löschen
my $Wp = $Waypoints[0];
&MkFlyTo ( '-lat' => $Wp->{'Pos_Lat'},
'-lon' => $Wp->{'Pos_Lon'},
'-mode' => "Waypoint Delete"
for $i (0 .. $#Waypoints)
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$i];
&MkFlyTo ( '-lat' => $Wp->{'Pos_Lat'},
'-lon' => $Wp->{'Pos_Lon'},
'-alt' => $Wp->{'Pos_Alt'},
'-heading' => $Wp->{'Heading'},
'-toleranceradius' => $Wp->{'ToleranceRadius'},
'-holdtime' => $Wp->{'Holdtime'},
'-eventflag' => $Wp->{'Event_Flag'},
'-mode' => "Waypoint",
'-index' => $i,
usleep (150000) # NC Zeit zum Verarbeiten geben
$MkSendWp = 0; # normale OSD/Debug Abfragefrequenz wird automatisch im 5s Timer wieder eingestellt
# gray connectors: Wp are sent to MK
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorWpConnector'},
# MK ist nun synchron mit @Waypoints
$WaypointsModified = 0;
# Redraw Waypoint Icons
sub WpRedrawIcons()
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode =~ /WPT/i )
# delete old icons and Wp-Number from canvas
# create new icons
for $i (0 .. $#Waypoints)
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$i];
my $x = $Wp->{'MapX'};
my $y = $Wp->{'MapY'};
my $Tag = $Wp->{'Tag'};
# Waypoint Icon
my $IconHeight = 48;
my $IconWidth = 48;
$map_canvas->createImage($x-$IconWidth/2, $y-$IconHeight,
'-tags' => ['Waypoint', $Tag],
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => 'Waypoint-Photo',
# Waypoint Number
my $WpNumber = $i + 1;
$map_canvas->createText ( $x+3, $y-$IconHeight/2+12,
'-tags' => ['WaypointNumber', $Tag],
'-text' => $WpNumber,
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-100-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorWpNumber'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
$map_canvas->lower('Waypoint', 'Target'); # waypoint below Target
$map_canvas->lower('WaypointNumber', 'Waypoint'); # waypoint-number below waypoint
# Redraw Waypoint connectors
sub WpRedrawLines()
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'WPT' and $PlayerRandomMode eq 'STD' )
# delete old connectors from canvas
my $Color = $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorWpConnector'};
if ( $WaypointsModified )
$Color = $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorWpResend'};
my $Wp = $Waypoints[0];
my $x_last = $Wp->{'MapX'};
my $y_last = $Wp->{'MapY'};
for $i (1 .. $#Waypoints)
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$i];
my $x = $Wp->{'MapX'};
my $y = $Wp->{'MapY'};
$map_canvas->createLine ( $x_last, $y_last, $x, $y,
'-tags' => 'Waypoint-Connector',
'-arrow' => 'last',
'-arrowshape' => [10, 10, 3 ],
'-fill' => $Color,
'-width' => 1,
$x_last = $x;
$y_last = $y;
$map_canvas->lower('Waypoint-Connector', 'Waypoint'); # connector below waypoint
# Hide Waypoints and connectors on Canvas
sub WpHide()
# Hide Kml-Track on Canvas
sub KmlHide()
# Load @KmlTargets from file
sub KmlLoadFile()
my ($File) = @_;
# XML in Hash-Ref lesen
my $Kml = XMLin($File);
# init state maschine
undef @KmlTargets;
$KmlPlayerIndex = 0;
my $Coordinates = $Kml->{Document}->{Placemark}->{LineString}->{coordinates};
foreach $Line (split "\n", $Coordinates)
chomp $Line;
$Line =~ s/\s//g; # remove white space
if ( $Line ne "" )
my ($Lon, $Lat, $Alt) = split ",", $Line;
$Lon = sprintf ("%f", $Lon);
$Lat = sprintf ("%f", $Lat);
$Alt = sprintf ("%f", $Alt);
push @KmlTargets, {'Lat' => $Lat,
'Lon' => $Lon,
'Alt' => $Alt,
# Redraw KML track
sub KmlRedraw()
# delete old Track from canvas
my @Track;
foreach $Target ( @KmlTargets )
my $Lat = $Target->{'Lat'};
my $Lon = $Target->{'Lon'};
my $Alt = $Target->{'Alt'};
my ($x, $y) = &MapGps2XY($Lat, $Lon);
push @Track, $x, $y;
if ( scalar @Track >= 4 ) # at least 2 Koordinaten-Paare
$map_canvas->createLine ( @Track,
'-tags' => 'KML-Track',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorKmlTrack'},
'-width' => 1,
$map_canvas->lower('KML-Track', 'Target'); # Track below Target
# Redraw Footprint
sub FootprintRedraw()
# delete old Footprint from canvas
if ( scalar @Footprint >= 4 ) # at least 2 Koordinaten-Paare
$map_canvas->createLine ( @Footprint,
'-tags' => 'Footprint',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorFootprint'},
'-width' => 1,
$map_canvas->lower('Footprint', 'Target');
# Waypoint Player: Set Waypoint - sequence or random
sub WpTargetSet()
my ($Index) = @_;
my $WpCnt = scalar @Waypoints;
if ( $Index < 0 or $Index >= $WpCnt )
# invalid WP number
return 1;
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$Index];
my $Wp_x = $Wp->{'MapX'};
my $Wp_y = $Wp->{'MapY'};
# is Wp reachable?
if ( ! &IsTargetReachable($Wp_x, $Wp_y) )
# new Wp-Target is not reachable
return 1;
# set new Wp-Target
$WpPlayerIndex = $Index;
$WpPlayerHoldtime = -1;
return 0;
# Waypoint Player: Goto next Waypoint - sequence or random
sub WpTargetNext()
my ($ParIndex) = @_;
my $WpCnt = scalar @Waypoints;
# Std- or Random Waypoint sequence
if ( $PlayerRandomMode =~ /STD/i or
$PlayerRandomMode =~ /RND/i )
$NewIndex = $WpPlayerIndex;
# get next Wp
for ( $i=0; $i<5; $i++) # avoid deadlock, if no WP reachable
for ( $j=0; $j<5; $j++ ) # avoid deadlock, if only 1 WP
if ( $PlayerRandomMode =~ /STD/i )
$NewIndex ++;
if ( $NewIndex >= $WpCnt )
# Restart with 1st Wp
$NewIndex = 0;
if ( $PlayerRandomMode =~ /RND/i )
$NewIndex = int (rand($WpCnt));
# want to have different Wp
if ( $NewIndex ne $WpPlayerIndex )
# Set new Target
if ( &WpTargetSet ($NewIndex) == 0 )
# new Wp-Target set
# Random Map sequence
if ( $PlayerRandomMode =~ /MAP/i )
$RandomTarget_x = $MkPos_x;
$RandomTarget_y = $MkPos_y;
for ( $i=0; $i<50; $i++) # avoid deadlock, if target not reachable
# don't use 10% around the map
my $New_x = int (rand($MapSizeX - 2 * $MapSizeX/10));
my $New_y = int (rand($MapSizeY - 2 * $MapSizeY/10));
$New_x += $MapSizeX/10;
$New_y += $MapSizeY/10;
# is Target reachable?
if ( &IsTargetReachable($New_x, $New_y) )
# new Target found
$RandomTarget_x = $New_x;
$RandomTarget_y = $New_y;
&TtsSpeak ('MEDIUM', $Translate{'TtsNextTarget'});
$WpPlayerHoldtime = -1;
# Waypoint Player: Goto previous Waypoint
sub WpTargetPrev()
if ( $PlayerRandomMode =~ /STD/i )
$WpPlayerIndex --;
if ( $WpPlayerIndex < 0 )
# Restart with last Wp
$WpPlayerIndex = $#Waypoints;
# Next Random Target
$WpPlayerHoldtime = -1;
# Waypoint Player: Goto first Waypoint
sub WpTargetFirst()
$WpPlayerIndex = 0;
$WpPlayerHoldtime = -1;
# Waypoint Player: Goto last Waypoint
sub WpTargetLast()
$WpPlayerIndex = $#Waypoints;
$WpPlayerHoldtime = -1;
# Waypoint Player: Waypoint Target reached?
sub WpCheckTargetReached()
if ( $WpPlayerHoldtime == -1 )
lock (%MkOsd); # until end of block
if ( &CurPosIsValid() and &HomePosIsValid() and &MkIsWptMode() )
# Gueltige SAT Daten
# for Wp mode
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$WpPlayerIndex];
my $WpTarget_Lat = $Wp->{'Pos_Lat'};
my $WpTarget_Lon = $Wp->{'Pos_Lon'};
my $WpTolerance = $Wp->{'ToleranceRadius'};
my $WpHoldtime = $Wp->{'Holdtime'};
# Random-Map Mode
if ( $PlayerRandomMode =~ /MAP/i )
($WpTarget_Lat, $WpTarget_Lon) = &MapXY2Gps ($RandomTarget_x, $RandomTarget_y);
$WpTolerance = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultToleranceRadius'};
$WpHoldtime = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultHoldtime'};
# Operation Radius pruefen
my ($HomeDist, $HomeBearing) = &MapGpsTo($MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'}, $WpTarget_Lat, $WpTarget_Lon );
if ( $HomeDist > $MkOsd{'OperatingRadius'} )
# Target entsprechend Operation Radius neu berechnen
$HomeDist = $MkOsd{'OperatingRadius'};
($WpTarget_Lat, $WpTarget_Lon) = &MapGpsAt($MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'}, $HomeDist, $HomeBearing);
# Abstand zum Ziel pruefen
my ($Dist, $Bearing) = &MapGpsTo($MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'}, $WpTarget_Lat, $WpTarget_Lon );
$Dist = int ($Dist + 0.5);
if ( $Dist <= $WpTolerance )
# Target reached - count down Holdtime
$WpPlayerHoldtime = 2 * $WpHoldtime; # 0..2n - decrement im 0.5s timer
&TtsSpeak ('MEDIUM', $Translate{'TtsTargetReached'});
if ( $WpPlayerHoldtime == 0 ) # wird im 0.5s timer runtergezaehlt
# Target reached - Holdtime is over
$WpPlayerHoldtime = -1;
return 1;
# Target NOT reached
return 0;
# KML Player: 10s forward
sub KmlTargetNext()
$KmlPlayerIndex += int (10 / $Cfg->{waypoint}->{'KmlTimeBase'} + 0.5);
if ( $KmlPlayerIndex > $#KmlTargets )
# Next loop
$KmlPlayerIndex -= $#KmlTargets;
# KML Player: 10s backward
sub KmlTargetPrev()
$KmlPlayerIndex -= int (10 / $Cfg->{waypoint}->{'KmlTimeBase'} + 0.5);
if ( $KmlPlayerIndex < 0 )
# Next loop
$KmlPlayerIndex += $#KmlTargets;
# KML Player: Goto first Target
sub KmlTargetFirst()
$KmlPlayerIndex = 0;
# KML Player: Goto last Target
sub KmlTargetLast()
$KmlPlayerIndex = $#KmlTargets;
# Set Player modes
# set player to "Play" mode
sub PlayerPlay()
$PlayerMode = 'Play';
$WpPlayerHoldtime = -1;
# Play/Pause-Icon loeschen und neu anzeigen
$map_canvas->createImage($MapSizeX/2+150, $MapSizeY-48,
'-tags' => 'Wp-PlayPause',
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => 'WpPause-Foto',
# set player to "Pause" mode
sub PlayerPause()
$PlayerMode = 'Pause';
$WpPlayerHoldtime = -1;
# Play/Pause-Icon loeschen und neu anzeigen
$map_canvas->createImage($MapSizeX/2+150, $MapSizeY-48,
'-tags' => 'Wp-PlayPause',
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => 'WpPlay-Foto',
# momentane Position merken und im Player-Timer senden
$PlayerPause_Lon = "";
$PlayerPause_Lat = "";
lock (%MkOsd); # until end of block
if ( &CurPosIsValid() )
$PlayerPause_Lon = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'};
$PlayerPause_Lat = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'};
# set player to "Home" mode
sub PlayerHome()
$PlayerMode = 'Home';
# Play/Pause-Icon loeschen und neu anzeigen
$map_canvas->createImage($MapSizeX/2+150, $MapSizeY-48,
'-tags' => 'Wp-PlayPause',
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => 'WpPlay-Foto',
# set player to "Stop" mode
sub PlayerStop()
$PlayerMode = 'Stop';
# set Play/Pause Icon to "Play
$map_canvas->createImage($MapSizeX/2+150, $MapSizeY-48,
'-tags' => 'Wp-PlayPause',
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => 'WpPlay-Foto',
# switch player to Wp Mode
# set player Random Mode to "STD"
sub PlayerRandomStd()
$PlayerRandomMode = "STD";
# Set Icon
$map_canvas->createImage($MapSizeX/2-200, $MapSizeY-48,
'-tags' => 'Wp-WptRandom',
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => 'WpRandomOn-Foto',
# redraw connectors and Icons on canvas
# set player Random Mode to "RND"
sub PlayerRandomRnd()
$PlayerRandomMode = "RND";
# Set Icon
$map_canvas->createImage($MapSizeX/2-200, $MapSizeY-48,
'-tags' => 'Wp-WptRandom',
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => 'WpRandomMap-Foto',
# delete Wp-connectors from canvas
# set player Random Mode to "MAP"
sub PlayerRandomMap()
$PlayerRandomMode = "MAP";
# Set Icon
$map_canvas->createImage($MapSizeX/2-200, $MapSizeY-48,
'-tags' => 'Wp-WptRandom',
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => 'WpRandomOff-Foto',
# Get 1st Target
# hide WP and connectors on canvas
# set player to KML mode
sub PlayerKml()
$PlayerWptKmlMode = 'KML';
# Wpt/Kml-Player-Icon loeschen und neu anzeigen
$map_canvas->createImage($MapSizeX/2-250, $MapSizeY-48,
'-tags' => 'Wp-WptKml',
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => 'WpKml-Foto',
# delete Waypoints from canvas
# show KML Track
# set player to WPT mode
sub PlayerWpt()
$PlayerWptKmlMode = 'WPT';
# Wpt/Kml-Player-Icon loeschen und neu anzeigen
$map_canvas->createImage($MapSizeX/2-250, $MapSizeY-48,
'-tags' => 'Wp-WptKml',
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => 'WpWpt-Foto',
# delete Kml-Track from canvas
# Show waypoints, WP resend required
$WaypointsModified = 1;
if ( $PlayerRandomMode ne 'MAP' )
if ( $PlayerRandomMode eq 'STD' )
# Activate Recording mode
sub PlayerRecordOn
$PlayerRecordMode = "REC";
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Rec-Value', '-text' => "Recording" );
# Record new KML-Track
undef @KmlTargets;
$KmlPlayerIndex = 0;
# delete Kml-Track from canvas
# Deactivate Recording mode
sub PlayerRecordOff
$PlayerRecordMode = "";
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Rec-Value', '-text' => "" );
# Hide Fox icon on canvas
sub FoxHide()
$map_canvas->lower('Fox', 'Map');
# Show Fox icon on canvas
sub FoxShow()
$map_canvas->raise('Fox', 'Target');
# Hide POI icon on canvas
sub PoiHide()
$map_canvas->lower('POI', 'Map');
# Show POI icon on canvas
sub PoiShow()
$map_canvas->raise('POI', 'Track-Antenna');
# System Messages
# Init Messages for a Subsystem/timer
sub MkMessageInit ()
my ($Id) = @_;
$MkMessages{$Id} = [];
# Register message
sub MkMessage ()
my ($Message, $Id) = @_;
push @{$MkMessages{$Id}}, $Message;
# show registered messages
sub MkMessageShow()
my @Messages;
my $MsgLines = 0;
my $MaxMsgLen = 0;
# Collect Messages of each category
foreach my $Id (keys %MkMessages)
foreach $i ( 0 .. $#{$MkMessages{$Id}} )
my $Msg = $MkMessages{$Id}[$i];
push @Messages, $Msg;
$MsgLines ++;
my $Len = length $Msg;
if ( $Len > $MaxMsgLen )
$MaxMsgLen = $Len;
$map_canvas->delete('Message-Balloon'); # delete old Balloon
if ( $MsgLines > 0 )
# draw Balloon
my @MsgBalloon = ( $MkPos_x , $MkPos_y,
$MkPos_x + 30 , $MkPos_y + 40,
$MkPos_x + 30 + $MaxMsgLen * 11, $MkPos_y + 40,
$MkPos_x + 30 + $MaxMsgLen * 11, $MkPos_y + 44 + $MsgLines * 20,
$MkPos_x + 20, $MkPos_y + 44 + $MsgLines * 20,
$MkPos_x + 20, $MkPos_y + 40,
$MkPos_x, $MkPos_y,
$map_canvas->createPolygon( @MsgBalloon,
'-tags' => ['Message-Balloon', 'Message-BalloonBubble'],
'-fill' => 'yellow',
'-outline' => 'yellow',
'-width' => 1,
# draw Messages
my $MsgLine = 1;
foreach my $Msg (@Messages)
$map_canvas->createText ( $MkPos_x + 25, $MkPos_y + 32 + $MsgLine * 20 ,
'-tags' => ['Message-Balloon', 'Message-BalloonText'],
'-text' => $Msg,
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-200-*',
'-fill' => 'blue',
'-anchor' => 'w',
$MsgLine ++;
$map_canvas->lower('Message-Balloon', 'MK-Arrow');
# Show Balloon, when arproaching Target
sub TargetMessageShow ()
$map_canvas->delete('Target-Balloon'); # delete old Balloon
if ( $OperationMode ne "Free" and $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Stat'} == 1 and $MkOsd{'TargetPosDev_Dist'} /10 < 25 )
my $BalloonLines = 0;
$ColorBalloon = "blue";
my ($T_x, $T_y) = &MapGps2XY($MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lon'});
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$MkOsd{'WaypointIndex'}];
# Holdtime Wp-Player Mode
if ( $WpPlayerHoldtime >= 0 and $PlayerWptKmlMode eq "WPT" )
# Holdtime
$ColorBalloon = 'red';
my $HoldTime = sprintf ("%5s %3d s", "HLD:", int ($WpPlayerHoldtime / 2 + 0.5) );
$map_canvas->createText ( $T_x + 25, $T_y - 40,
'-tags' => ['Target-Balloon', 'Target-BalloonText'],
'-text' => $HoldTime,
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-200-*',
'-fill' => $ColorBalloon,
'-anchor' => 'w',
$BalloonLines ++;
# Holdtime WPT-Mode
if ( &MkTargetReached() and $OperationMode eq "WPT" )
# Holdtime from MK
$ColorBalloon = 'red';
my $HoldTime = sprintf ("%5s %3d s", "HLD:", int ($MkOsd{'TargetHoldTime'} + 0.5) );
$map_canvas->createText ( $T_x + 25, $T_y - 40,
'-tags' => ['Target-Balloon', 'Target-BalloonText'],
'-text' => $HoldTime,
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-200-*',
'-fill' => $ColorBalloon,
'-anchor' => 'w',
$BalloonLines ++;
# Tolerance Radius Player Mode
if ( &MkIsWptMode() and $OperationMode eq "Play" and $PlayerWptKmlMode eq "WPT" )
my $WpTolerance = sprintf ("%5s %3d m", "TOL:", $Wp->{'ToleranceRadius'});
$map_canvas->createText ( $T_x + 25, $T_y - 60,
'-tags' => ['Target-Balloon', 'Target-BalloonText'],
'-text' => $WpTolerance,
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-200-*',
'-fill' => $ColorBalloon,
'-anchor' => 'w',
$BalloonLines ++;
# Tolerance WPT-Mode
if ( &MkIsWptMode and $OperationMode eq "WPT" )
my $WpTolerance = sprintf ("%5s %3d m", "TOL:", $Wp->{'ToleranceRadius'} );
$map_canvas->createText ( $T_x + 25, $T_y - 60,
'-tags' => ['Target-Balloon', 'Target-BalloonText'],
'-text' => $WpTolerance,
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-200-*',
'-fill' => $ColorBalloon,
'-anchor' => 'w',
$BalloonLines ++;
# Distance to Target
my $Dist = int ($MkOsd{'TargetPosDev_Dist'} /10 + 0.5);
$map_canvas->createText ( $T_x + 25, $T_y - 80,
'-tags' => ['Target-Balloon', 'Target-BalloonText'],
'-text' => sprintf ("%5s %3d m", "DST:", $Dist) ,
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-200-*',
'-fill' => $ColorBalloon,
'-anchor' => 'w',
$BalloonLines ++;
if ( $BalloonLines >= 1 )
# draw Balloon
my @TargetBalloon = ( $T_x , $T_y,
$T_x + 30, $T_y - (3 - $BalloonLines) * 20 -27,
$T_x + 150, $T_y - (3 - $BalloonLines) * 20 -27 ,
$T_x + 150, $T_y - 93,
$T_x + 20, $T_y - 93,
$T_x + 20, $T_y - (3 - $BalloonLines) * 20 -27,
$T_x, $T_y,
$map_canvas->createPolygon( @TargetBalloon,
'-tags' => ['Target-Balloon', 'Target-BalloonBubble'],
'-fill' => 'lightgray',
'-outline' => 'yellow',
'-width' => 1,
$map_canvas->lower('Target-Balloon', 'MK-Home-Line');
$map_canvas->lower('Target-BalloonBubble', 'Target-BalloonText');
# Airfield border
# Are two segments A(a1/a2), B(b1/b2) and C(c1/c2), D(d1/d2) crossing ?
sub SegmentCross()
my ( $a1, $a2, $b1, $b2, $c1, $c2, $d1, $d2) = @_;
# segment C/D ist vertical, avoid div/0
if ( $c1 == $d1 )
$d1 += 0.00001;
my $n = ($b1 - $a1) * ($d2 - $c2) - ($b2 - $a2) * ($d1 - $c1);
if ( $n == 0.0 )
# AB und CD sind parallel
return 0;
my $s = ( ($c1 - $a1) * ($d2 - $c2) - ($c2 - $a2) * ($d1 - $c1) ) / $n;
my $t = ( $a1 - $c1 + $s * ($b1 - $a1) ) / ( $d1 - $c1 );
if ( $s >= 0.0 and $s <= 1.0 and $t >= 0.0 and $t <= 1.0 )
# beide Strecken kreuzen sich
# Schnittpunkt: s_x, s_y
my $s_x = $a1 + $s * ( $b1 - $a1 );
my $s_y = $a2 + $s * ( $b2 - $a2 );
return 1;
# beide Strecken kreuzen sich nicht
return 0;
# How often does a segment A(a1,a2), B(b1,b2) cross the polygon?
sub SegmentPolygonCross()
my ( $a1, $a2, $b1, $b2, $Polygon) = @_;
my $Cross = 0;
my $PolyCnt = scalar @{$Polygon};
my $PolyPointCnt = $PolyCnt / 2;
my $i = 0;
for ( $p=0; $p < $PolyPointCnt; $p++ )
my $c1 = ${$Polygon}[$i++];
my $c2 = ${$Polygon}[$i++];
if ( $i >= $PolyCnt ) { $i = 0; }
my $d1 = ${$Polygon}[$i];
my $d2 = ${$Polygon}[$i+1];
# map calibration offsets
$c1 -= $Map{'Offset_x'};
$c2 += $Map{'Offset_y'};
$d1 -= $Map{'Offset_x'};
$d2 += $Map{'Offset_y'};
if ( &SegmentCross($a1, $a2, $b1, $b2, $c1, $c2, $d1, $d2) )
$Cross ++;
return $Cross;
# Is point A inside airfield border?
sub IsInsideBorder()
my ($a1, $a2) = @_;
if ( scalar @Map{'Border'} == 0 )
# no border defined, always inside
return 1;
my $Cross = &SegmentPolygonCross (-10, -10, $a1, $a2, @Map{'Border'} );
# Ungerade Anzahl Kreuzungen: Inside
return ( $Cross % 2 );
# Is segment A, B crossing the airfield border?
sub IsCrossingBorder()
my ($a1, $a2, $b1, $b2) = @_;
if ( scalar @Map{'Border'} == 0 )
# no border defined, always not crossing
return 0;
my $Cross = &SegmentPolygonCross ($a1, $a2, $b1, $b2, @Map{'Border'} );
return ( $Cross > 0 );
# How often is segment A, B crossing the airfield border?
sub CrossingBorderCount()
my ($a1, $a2, $b1, $b2) = @_;
if ( scalar @Map{'Border'} == 0 )
# no border defined, not crossing
return 0;
my $Cross = &SegmentPolygonCross ($a1, $a2, $b1, $b2, @Map{'Border'} );
return ( $Cross );
# check, if Target is reachable my MK
sub IsTargetReachable()
my ($T_x, $T_y) = @_;
my $MkIsInside = &IsInsideBorder($MkPos_x, $MkPos_y);
my $TargetIsInside = &IsInsideBorder($T_x, $T_y);
my $MkTargetCrossingCount = &CrossingBorderCount($MkPos_x, $MkPos_y, $T_x, $T_y);
if ( ($MkIsInside and $MkTargetCrossingCount == 0 ) or
(! $MkIsInside and $TargetIsInside and $MkTargetCrossingCount == 1) )
# Target is reachable
return 1;
# Target is not reachable
return 0;
# Configuration and data-visualisation
# Display or Modify Hash
sub DisplayHash()
my ($hrefData, $Titel, $Mode) = @_;
# $Mode: Display, Edit, Waypoint, Refresh
my %Id;
my $Label;
my $Value;
# Neues Fenster aufmachen
my $popup = $main->Toplevel();
# Buttons
my $popup_button = $popup->Frame() -> pack('-side' => 'bottom',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 's',
'-padx' => 5,
'-pady' => 5,
$popup_button->Button('-text' => 'Schließen',
'-command' => sub
if ( $Mode =~ /edit/i and $Mode =~ /waypoint/i )
$WaypointsModified = 1;
# Frame mit den Labels
my $popup_label = $popup->Frame() -> pack('-side' => 'left',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-padx' => 10,
'-pady' => 10,
# Labels anzeigen
foreach $Label ( sort keys %{$hrefData})
if ( $Translate{$Label} ne "" )
$Label = $Translate{$Label};
$popup_label->Label ('-text' => $Label,
'-width' => 25,
'-anchor' => 'w',
) -> pack();
# Frame mit den Daten
my $popup_values = $popup->Frame() -> pack('-side' => 'left',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-padx' => 10,
'-pady' => 10,
# Daten anzeigen
foreach $Value ( sort keys %{$hrefData})
if ( $Mode =~ /display/i )
# Display
$Id{$Value} = $popup_values->Label ('-text' => ${$hrefData}{$Value},
'-width' => 20,
'-anchor' => 'e',
'-relief' => 'sunken',
) -> pack();
if ( $Mode =~ /edit/i )
# Edit
$Id{$Value} = $popup_values->Entry ('-textvariable' => \${$hrefData}{$Value},
'-exportselection' => '1',
'-width' => 20,
'-relief' => 'sunken',
) -> pack();
if ( $Mode =~ /waypoint/i )
# einige Waypoint-Felder nicht aenderbar einstellen
if ( "MapX MapY Pos_Lat Pos_Lon Tag" =~ /$Value/i )
$Id{$Value}->configure('-state' => 'disabled', );
if ( $Mode =~ /refresh/i )
# Timer: 0.1s
$popup_values->repeat (100, sub
# Datenfelder alle 100ms aktualisieren
my $BgColor = 'white';
if ( $Mode =~ /heartbeat/i )
$BgColor = 'red';
if ( &MkOsdIsValid() )
# gültige daten vom MK
$BgColor = 'white';
foreach $Value ( sort keys %{$hrefData} )
# Eingebbare Waypoint-Felder nicht aktualisieren
if ( ! ($Mode =~ /waypoint/i and
"Event_Flag Heading ToleranceRadius HoldTime Pos_Alt" =~ /$Value/i) )
$Id{$Value}->configure('-text' => ${$hrefData}{$Value},
'-background' => "$BgColor",
return 0;
# Konfigurationsdatei mkcockpit.xml im Popup-Fenster editieren
sub Configure()
# Copy Cfg-Hash for editing
my $CfgEdit = {%{$Cfg}};
foreach $key (keys %{$Cfg})
if ( ref $Cfg->{$key} )
$CfgEdit->{$key} = {%{$Cfg->{$key}}};
# Neues Fenster aufmachen
my $popup = $main->Toplevel();
$popup->title("Einstellungen - $XmlConfigFile");
# jede Sektion in einem Tab anzeigen
my $book = $popup->NoteBook()->pack( -fill=>'both', -expand=>1 );
foreach $key (sort keys %{$CfgEdit})
if ( ! ref $CfgEdit->{$key} )
my $TabLabel = "$key";
if ( $Translate{$key} ne "" )
$TabLabel = $Translate{$key};
my $Tab = $book->add( "$key", -label=>"$TabLabel", );
# Frame fuer Buttons
my $book_button = $Tab->Frame() -> pack('-side' => 'bottom',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 's',
'-padx' => 5,
'-pady' => 5,
$book_button->Button('-text' => 'OK',
'-width' => '10',
'-command' => sub
# Copy back CfgEdit-Hash
$Cfg = {%{$CfgEdit}};
foreach $key (keys %{$CfgEdit})
if ( ref $CfgEdit->{$key} )
$Cfg->{$key} = {%{$CfgEdit->{$key}}};
# set new timestamp
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my $TimeStamp = sprintf ("%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
$Cfg->{'CreationDate'} = $TimeStamp;
# set MkCockpit Version
$Cfg->{'Version'} = $Version{''};
# Cfg in mkcockpit.xml speichern
&XMLout ($Cfg,
'OutputFile' => $XmlConfigFile,
'AttrIndent' => '1',
'RootName' => 'mkcockpit-Config',
} )->pack ('-side' => 'left',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 's',
'-padx' => 5,
'-pady' => 5,
$book_button->Button('-text' => $Translate{'Abort'},
'-width' => '10',
'-command' => sub { $popup->destroy() },
)->pack ('-side' => 'left',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 's',
'-padx' => 5,
'-pady' => 5,
$book_button->Label ('-text' => $Translate{'RestartRequired'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-foreground' => 'red',
) ->pack ('-side' => 'left',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 's',
'-padx' => 10,
'-pady' => 5,
# Frame for label and data
my $popup_cfg = $Tab->Frame() -> pack('-side' => 'left',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-padx' => 10,
'-pady' => 10,
# Eingabefelder/Optionmenu mit Daten anzeigen
$Row = 0;
foreach $Entry ( sort keys %{$CfgEdit->{$key}})
# Label
my $Label = $Entry;
if ( $Translate{$Label} ne "" )
$Label = $Translate{$Label};
$popup_cfg->Label (-text => $Label,
-width => 35,
-anchor => 'w',
)->grid (-row => $Row,
-column => 0,
# Values
if ( defined $CfgOpt{$Entry}[0] )
# Combo Box with optiones defined in
my $cbo = $popup_cfg->BrowseEntry( -label => "",
-variable => \$CfgEdit->{$key}->{$Entry},
-width => 27,
-relief => 'sunken'
)->grid (-row => $Row,
-column => 1,
-sticky => 'w',
# add options
$cbo->insert("end", @{ $CfgOpt{$Entry} });
# Text entry
$popup_cfg->Entry ( -textvariable => \$CfgEdit->{$key}->{$Entry},
-exportselection => '1',
-width => 30,
-relief => 'sunken',
)->grid (-row => $Row,
-column => 1,
-sticky => 'e',
$Row ++;
0,0 → 1,1067
#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
# - Conversion GPS and Map-X/Y Coordinates
# Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (
# Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
# Es ist Ihnen gestattet:
# * das Werk vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen
# * Abwandlungen bzw. Bearbeitungen des Inhaltes anfertigen
# Zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
# * Namensnennung.
# Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen.
# * Keine kommerzielle Nutzung.
# Dieses Werk darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden.
# * Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen.
# Wenn Sie den lizenzierten Inhalt bearbeiten oder in anderer Weise umgestalten,
# verändern oder als Grundlage für einen anderen Inhalt verwenden,
# dürfen Sie den neu entstandenen Inhalt nur unter Verwendung von Lizenzbedingungen
# weitergeben, die mit denen dieses Lizenzvertrages identisch oder vergleichbar sind.
# Im Falle einer Verbreitung müssen Sie anderen die Lizenzbedingungen, unter welche dieses
# Werk fällt, mitteilen. Am Einfachsten ist es, einen Link auf diese Seite einzubinden.
# Jede der vorgenannten Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie die Einwilligung
# des Rechteinhabers dazu erhalten.
# Diese Lizenz lässt die Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte unberührt.
# Weitere Details zur Lizenzbestimmung gibt es hier:
# Kurzform:
# Komplett:
# 2009-10-10 0.0.1 rw created
$Version{''} = "0.0.1 - 2009-10-10";
my $Simulator = "OFF";
sub MkSim()
my $popup = $main->Toplevel();
$popup->title("MikroKopter Simulator");
my $menu_bar = $popup->Menu;
$popup->optionAdd("*tearOff", "false");
$popup->configure ('-menu' => $menu_bar);
my $menu_action = $menu_bar->cascade('-label' => "Action");
$menu_action->command('-label' => "3D Fix",
'-command' => [\&CbSim3DFix ],
$menu_action->command('-label' => "Make MK Fly",
'-command' => [\&CbSimMkFly ],
$menu_action->command('-label' => "Start Simulator",
'-command' => [\&CbSimStart ],
$menu_action->command('-label' => "Stop Simulator",
'-command' => [\&CbSimStop ],
my $frame = $popup->Frame() -> pack('-side' => 'top',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 's',
'-padx' => 5,
'-pady' => 5,
my $button = $popup->Frame() -> pack('-side' => 'bottom',
'-expand' => 'y',
'-anchor' => 's',
'-padx' => 5,
'-pady' => 5,
# Exit Button
$button->Button('-text' => 'Exit',
'-width' => 10,
'-command' => sub
}) -> pack( '-anchor' => 's',
'-padx' => 5,
'-pady' => 5,
# Tabs erstellen
my $book = $frame->NoteBook()->pack( -fill=>'both', -expand=>1 );
# Tab: GPS
my $GpsTab = $book->add( "GPS", -label=>"GPS" );
# canvas grid position
my $GpsRow = 0;
my $GpsCol = 0;
my $GpsRowMap = $GpsRow + 1;
my $GpsColMap = $GpsCol;
my $GpsRowAlt = $GpsRow + 2;
my $GpsColAlt = $GpsCol;
my $GpsRowStat = $GpsRow + 4;
my $GpsColStat = $GpsCol;
my $GpsRowSats = $GpsRow + 5;
my $GpsColSats = $GpsCol;
# Create and scale Photo
my $ImgWidth = "$Cfg->{'mksim'}->{'ImageSize'}";
my $Factor = $MapSizeX / $ImgWidth;
my $Img1 = $popup->Photo( 'SimFoto',
'-file' => "$Cfg->{'map'}->{'MapDir'}/$Map{'File'}",
my $Img2 = $popup->Photo ('SimFoto-Resized');
$Img2->copy ( $Img1,
'-subsample' => $Factor, $Factor,
my $ImgWidth = $Img2->width;
my $ImgHeight = $Img2->height;
my $ImgScaleX = $MapSizeX / $ImgWidth;
my $ImgScaleY = $MapSizeY / $ImgHeight;
# display scaled Photo on canvas
my $canvas = $GpsTab->Canvas( '-width' => $ImgWidth,
'-height' => $ImgHeight,
) -> grid (-row => $GpsRowMap,
-column => $GpsColMap,
-columnspan => 4,
$canvas->createImage( 0, 0,
'-tags' => 'SimMap',
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => $Img2,
# Circle-Icon for MK, Target, Home
my $Dia = 14;
my $ImgSplit = $ImgWidth / 4;
my $MkX = $ImgSplit - $Dia/2;
my $MkY = $ImgHeight / 2 + $Dia/2;
my $TargetX = $ImgSplit * 2 - $Dia/2;
my $TargetY = $ImgHeight / 2 + $Dia/2;
my $HomeX = $ImgSplit * 3 - $Dia/2;
my $HomeY = $ImgHeight / 2 + $Dia/2;
($MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'}) = &MapXY2Gps ($MkX * $ImgScaleX, $MkY * $ImgScaleY);
($MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lon'}) = &MapXY2Gps ($TargetX * $ImgScaleX, $TargetY * $ImgScaleY);
($MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'}) = &MapXY2Gps ($HomeX * $ImgScaleX, $HomeY * $ImgScaleY);
$canvas->createOval ( $HomeX, $HomeY, $HomeX + $Dia, $HomeY + $Dia,
'-tags' => "SimHome",
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorHomeLine'},
'-outline' => "white",
$canvas->createOval ( $TargetX, $TargetY, $TargetX + $Dia, $TargetY + $Dia,
'-tags' => "SimTarget",
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorTargetLine'},
'-outline' => "white",
$canvas->createOval ( $MkX, $MkY, $MkX + $Dia, $MkY + $Dia,
'-tags' => "SimMk",
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorMkSatGood'},
'-outline' => "white",
# GPS Alt MK
$GpsTab->Label(-text => , $Translate{'CurPos_Alt'},
)->grid ('-row' => $GpsRowAlt,
'-column' => $GpsColAlt,
'-sticky' => 'w',
$MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'} = 0;
$scCurPos_Alt = $GpsTab->Scale(
'-orient' => 'vertical',
'-from' => 400,
'-to' => 0,
'-tickinterval' => 50,
'-resolution' => 1,
'-label' => "",
'-font' => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
'-length' => 150,
'-width' => 15,
'-variable' => \$MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'},
)->grid ('-row' => $GpsRowAlt+1,
'-column' => $GpsColAlt,
$MkOsd{'CurPos_Stat'} = 0;
$cbCurPos_Stat = $GpsTab->Checkbutton(
-text => $Translate{'CurPos_Stat'},
-offvalue => 0x00,
-onvalue => 0x01,
-variable => \$MkOsd{'CurPos_Stat'},
)->grid (-row => $GpsRowStat,
-column => $GpsColStat,
-columnspan => 2,
-sticky => 'w',
# Altimeter
$GpsTab->Label(-text => , $Translate{'Altimeter'},
)->grid ('-row' => $GpsRowAlt,
'-column' => $GpsColAlt +1,
$MkOsd{'Altimeter'} = 0;
$scAltimeter = $GpsTab->Scale(
-orient => 'vertical',
-from => 8000,
-to => 0,
-tickinterval => 2000,
-resolution => 1,
-label => "",
-font => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
-length => 150,
-width => 15,
-variable => \$MkOsd{'Altimeter'},
)->grid (-row => $GpsRowAlt +1,
-column => $GpsColAlt +1,
# GPS Alt Target
$GpsTab->Label(-text => , $Translate{'TargetPos_Alt'},
)->grid ('-row' => $GpsRowAlt,
'-column' => $GpsColAlt +2,
$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Alt'} = 0;
$scTargetPos_Alt = $GpsTab->Scale(
'-orient' => 'vertical',
'-from' => 400,
'-to' => 0,
'-tickinterval' => 50,
'-resolution' => 1,
'-label' => "",
'-font' => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
'-length' => 150,
'-width' => 15,
'-variable' => \$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Alt'},
)->grid ('-row' => $GpsRowAlt +1,
'-column' => $GpsColAlt +2,
$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Stat'} = 0;
$cbTargetPos_Stat = $GpsTab->Checkbutton(-text => $Translate{'TargetPos_Stat'},
-offvalue => 0x00,
-onvalue => 0x01,
-variable => \$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Stat'},
)->grid (-row => $GpsRowStat,
-column => $GpsColStat +2,
# GPS Alt Home
$GpsTab->Label(-text => , $Translate{'HomePos_Alt'},
)->grid ('-row' => $GpsRowAlt,
'-column' => $GpsColAlt +3,
$MkOsd{'HomePos_Alt'} = 0;
$scHomePos_Alt = $GpsTab->Scale(
'-orient' => 'vertical',
'-from' => 400,
'-to' => 0,
'-tickinterval' => 50,
'-resolution' => 1,
'-label' => "",
'-font' => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
'-length' => 150,
'-width' => 15,
'-variable' => \$MkOsd{'HomePos_Alt'},
)->grid ('-row' => $GpsRowAlt +1,
'-column' => $GpsColAlt +3,
$MkOsd{'HomePos_Stat'} = 0;
$cbHomePos_Stat = $GpsTab->Checkbutton(
-text => "Home Status", # $Translate{'HomePos_Stat'},
-offvalue => 0x00,
-onvalue => 0x01,
-variable => \$MkOsd{'HomePos_Stat'},
)->grid (-row => $GpsRowStat,
-column => $GpsColStat +3,
# Sats in Use
$MkOsd{'SatsInUse'} = 0;
$scSatsInUse = $GpsTab->Scale(
'-orient' => 'horizontal',
'-from' => 0,
'-to' => 12,
'-resolution' => 1,
'-tickinterval' => 1,
'-label' => $Translate{'SatsInUse'},
'-font' => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
'-length' => 300,
'-width' => 15,
'-variable' => \$MkOsd{'SatsInUse'},
)->grid (-row => $GpsRowSats,
-column => $GpsColSats,
-columnspan => 4,
# Balloon
my $simballoon = $popup->Balloon();
'-balloonposition' => 'mouse',
'-state' => 'balloon',
'-msg' => { 'SimMk' => 'MikroKopter',
'SimTarget' => 'Target',
'SimHome' => 'Home',
# Mouse button 1 for MK
my $MkOldx = 0;
my $MkOldy = 0;
# Pick MK
$canvas->bind('SimMk' => '<Button-1>' => sub
# prepare to move
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
$MkOldx = $x;
$MkOldy = $y;
# Move Mk
$canvas->bind('SimMk' => '<Button1-Motion>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
my $Dia2 = $Dia/2;
if ( $x < $Dia2 ) { $x = $Dia2 };
if ( $y < $Dia2 ) { $y = $Dia2 };
if ( $x > $ImgWidth - $Dia2 ) { $x = $ImgWidth - $Dia2 };
if ( $y > $ImgHeight - $Dia2) { $y = $ImgHeight - $Dia2 };
$canvas->move($id => $x - $MkOldx, $y - $MkOldy);
$MkOldx = $x;
$MkOldy = $y;
($MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'}) = &MapXY2Gps ($x * $ImgScaleX, $y * $ImgScaleY);
# Mouse button 1 for Target
my $TargetOldx = 0;
my $TargetOldy = 0;
# Pick Target
$canvas->bind('SimTarget' => '<Button-1>' => sub
# prepare to move
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
$TargetOldx = $x;
$TargetOldy = $y;
# Move Target
$canvas->bind('SimTarget' => '<Button1-Motion>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
my $Dia2 = $Dia/2;
if ( $x < $Dia2 ) { $x = $Dia2 };
if ( $y < $Dia2 ) { $y = $Dia2 };
if ( $x > $ImgWidth - $Dia2 ) { $x = $ImgWidth - $Dia2 };
if ( $y > $ImgHeight - $Dia2) { $y = $ImgHeight - $Dia2 };
$canvas->move($id => $x - $TargetOldx, $y - $TargetOldy);
$TargetOldx = $x;
$TargetOldy = $y;
($MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lon'}) = &MapXY2Gps ($x * $ImgScaleX, $y * $ImgScaleY);
# Mouse button 1 for Home
my $HomeOldx = 0;
my $HomeOldy = 0;
# Pick Home
$canvas->bind('SimHome' => '<Button-1>' => sub
# prepare to move
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
$HomeOldx = $x;
$HomeOldy = $y;
# Move Home
$canvas->bind('SimHome' => '<Button1-Motion>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
my $Dia2 = $Dia/2;
if ( $x < $Dia2 ) { $x = $Dia2 };
if ( $y < $Dia2 ) { $y = $Dia2 };
if ( $x > $ImgWidth - $Dia2 ) { $x = $ImgWidth - $Dia2 };
if ( $y > $ImgHeight - $Dia2) { $y = $ImgHeight - $Dia2 };
$canvas->move($id => $x - $HomeOldx, $y - $HomeOldy);
$HomeOldx = $x;
$HomeOldy = $y;
($MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'}) = &MapXY2Gps ($x * $ImgScaleX, $y * $ImgScaleY);
# Tab: Navigation
my $NavTab = $book->add( "Navigation", -label=>"Navigation", );
my $Row = 0;
my $Col = 0;
# Waypoint Index
$MkOsd{'WaypointIndex'} = 0;
$scWaypointIndex = $NavTab->Scale(
-orient => 'horizontal',
-from => 0,
-to => 20,
-tickinterval => 5,
-resolution => 1,
-label => $Translate{'WaypointIndex'},
-font => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
-length => 300,
-width => 15,
-variable => \$MkOsd{'WaypointIndex'},
)->grid (-row => $Row + 1,
-column => $Col,
# Waypoint Number
$MkOsd{'WaypointNumber'} = 0;
$scWaypointNumber = $NavTab->Scale(
-orient => 'horizontal',
-from => 0,
-to => 20,
-tickinterval => 5,
-resolution => 1,
-label => $Translate{'WaypointNumber'},
-font => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
-length => 300,
-width => 15,
-variable => \$MkOsd{'WaypointNumber'},
)->grid (-row => $Row + 2,
-column => $Col,
# Operating Radius
$MkOsd{'OperatingRadius'} = 250;
$scOperatingRadius = $NavTab->Scale(
-orient => 'horizontal',
-from => 0,
-to => 250,
-tickinterval => 50,
-resolution => 1,
-label => "$Translate{'OperatingRadius'} (m)",
-font => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
-length => 300,
-width => 15,
-variable => \$MkOsd{'OperatingRadius'},
)->grid (-row => $Row + 3,
-column => $Col,
# TargetPosDev_Dist
$MkOsd{'TargetPosDev_Dist'} = 250;
$scTargetPosDev_Dist = $NavTab->Scale(
-orient => 'horizontal',
-from => 0,
-to => 500,
-tickinterval => 100,
-resolution => 1,
-label => "$Translate{'TargetPosDev_Dist'} (dm)",
-font => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
-length => 300,
-width => 15,
-variable => \$MkOsd{'TargetPosDev_Dist'},
)->grid (-row => $Row + 4,
-column => $Col,
# Tab: MK
my $MkTab = $book->add( "MikroKopter", -label=>"MikroKopter", );
my $Row = 0;
my $Col = 0;
# Battery
$MkOsd{'UBat'} = 12.6;
$scUBat = $MkTab->Scale(
-orient => 'horizontal',
-from => 6.0,
-to => 18.0,
-tickinterval => 2,
-resolution => 0.1,
-label => "$Translate{'UBat'} (V)",
-font => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
-length => 200,
-width => 15,
-variable => \$MkOsd{'UBat'},
)->grid (-row => $Row,
-column => $Col,
# RC Quality
$MkOsd{'RC_Quality'} = 190;
$scRC_Quality = $MkTab->Scale(
-orient => 'horizontal',
-from => 0,
-to => 200,
-tickinterval => 50,
-resolution => 1,
-label => $Translate{'RC_Quality'},
-font => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
-length => 200,
-width => 15,
-variable => \$MkOsd{'RC_Quality'},
)->grid (-row => $Row +1,
-column => $Col,
# CompassHeading
$MkOsd{'CompassHeading'} = 0;
$scCompassHeading = $MkTab->Scale(
-orient => 'horizontal',
-from => 0,
-to => 360,
-tickinterval => 45,
-resolution => 1,
-label => $Translate{'CompassHeading'},
-font => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
-length => 200,
-width => 15,
-variable => \$MkOsd{'CompassHeading'},
)->grid (-row => $Row +2,
-rowspan => 4,
-column => $Col,
# GPS Groundspeed
$MkOsd{'GroundSpeed'} = 0;
$scGroundSpeed = $MkTab->Scale(
-orient => 'horizontal',
-from => 0,
-to => 1000,
-tickinterval => 200,
-resolution => 1,
-label => "$Translate{'GroundSpeed'} (dm/s)",
-font => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
-length => 200,
-width => 15,
-variable => \$MkOsd{'GroundSpeed'},
)->grid (-row => $Row + 6,
-rowspan => 4,
-column => $Col,
# GPS Speed North
$MkNcDebug{'Analog_21'} = 0;
$scAnalog_21 = $MkTab->Scale(
-orient => 'horizontal',
-from => -1000,
-to => 1000,
-tickinterval => 400,
-resolution => 1,
-label => "$Translate{'Analog_21'} (dm/s)",
-font => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
-length => 200,
-width => 15,
-variable => \$MkNcDebug{'Analog_21'},
)->grid (-row => $Row + 10,
-rowspan => 4,
-column => $Col,
# GPS Speed East
$MkNcDebug{'Analog_22'} = 0;
$scAnalog_22 = $MkTab->Scale(
-orient => 'horizontal',
-from => -1000,
-to => 1000,
-tickinterval => 400,
-resolution => 1,
-label => "$Translate{'Analog_22'} (dm/s)",
-font => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
-length => 200,
-width => 15,
-variable => \$MkNcDebug{'Analog_22'},
)->grid (-row => $Row + 14,
-rowspan => 4,
-column => $Col,
# Variometer
$MkOsd{'Variometer'} = 0;
$scVariometer = $MkTab->Scale(
-orient => 'vertical',
-from => 30,
-to => -30,
-tickinterval => 10,
-resolution => 1,
-label => $Translate{'Variometer'},
-font => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
-length => 100,
-width => 15,
-variable => \$MkOsd{'Variometer'},
)->grid (-row => $Row,
-rowspan => 2,
-column => $Col + 1,
my $DataLink = 1;
$cbDataLink = $MkTab->Checkbutton(
-text => $Translate{'DataLink'},
-offvalue => 0x00,
-onvalue => 0x01,
-variable => \$DataLink,
)->grid (-row => $Row + 2,
-column => $Col +1,
-ipadx => 10,
$MkTab->Label(-text => "", # space
)->grid (-row => $Row +3,
-column => $Col +1,
-ipadx => 10,
$MkTab->Label(-text => "$Translate{'MKFlags'}: --------",
)->grid (-row => $Row +4,
-column => $Col +1,
-ipadx => 10,
my $MkMotorRun = 0;
$cbMkMotorRun = $MkTab->Checkbutton(
-text => $Translate{'MkMotorRun'},
-offvalue => 0x00,
-onvalue => 0x01,
-variable => \$MkMotorRun,
)->grid (-row => $Row + 5,
-column => $Col +1,
-ipadx => 10,
my $MkFly = 0;
$cbMkFly = $MkTab->Checkbutton(
-text => $Translate{'MkFly'},
-variable => \$MkFly,
-offvalue => 0x00,
-onvalue => 0x02,
)->grid (-row => $Row + 6,
-column => $Col +1,
-ipadx => 10,
my $MkCalibrate = 0;
$cbMkCalibrate = $MkTab->Checkbutton(
-text => $Translate{'MkCalibrate'},
-variable => \$MkCalibrate,
-offvalue => 0x00,
-onvalue => 0x04,
)->grid (-row => $Row + 7,
-column => $Col +1,
-ipadx => 10,
my $MkStart = 0;
$cbMkStart = $MkTab->Checkbutton(
-text => $Translate{'MkStart'},
-variable => \$MkStart,
-offvalue => 0x00,
-onvalue => 0x08,
)->grid (-row => $Row + 8,
-column => $Col + 1,
-ipadx => 10,
my $MkEmergency = 0;
$cbMkEmergency = $MkTab->Checkbutton(
-text => $Translate{'MkEmergency'},
-variable => \$MkEmergency,
-offvalue => 0x00,
-onvalue => 0x10,
)->grid (-row => $Row + 9,
-column => $Col + 1,
-ipadx => 10,
$MkTab->Label(-text => "$Translate{'NCFlags'}: --------",
)->grid (-row => $Row + 10,
-column => $Col + 1,
-ipadx => 10,
my $NcFlagFree = 0;
$cbNcFlagFree = $MkTab->Checkbutton(
-text => $Translate{'NcFlagFree'},
-offvalue => 0x00,
-onvalue => 0x01,
-variable => \$NcFlagFree,
)->grid (-row => $Row + 11,
-column => $Col + 1,
-ipadx => 10,
my $NcFlagPH = 0;
$cbNcFlagPH = $MkTab->Checkbutton(
-text => $Translate{'NcFlagPH'},
-offvalue => 0x00,
-onvalue => 0x02,
-variable => \$NcFlagPH,
)->grid (-row => $Row + 12,
-column => $Col + 1,
-ipadx => 10,
my $NcFlagCH = 0;
$cbNcFlagCH = $MkTab->Checkbutton(
-text => $Translate{'NcFlagCH'},
-offvalue => 0x00,
-onvalue => 0x04,
-variable => \$NcFlagCH,
)->grid (-row => $Row + 13,
-column => $Col + 1,
-ipadx => 10,
my $NcFlagRangeLimit = 0;
$cbNcFlagRangeLimit = $MkTab->Checkbutton(
-text => $Translate{'NcFlagRangeLimit'},
-offvalue => 0x00,
-onvalue => 0x08,
-variable => \$NcFlagRangeLimit,
)->grid (-row => $Row + 14,
-column => $Col + 1,
-ipadx => 10,
my $NcFlagNoSerialLink = 0;
$cbNcFlagNoSerialLink = $MkTab->Checkbutton(
-text => $Translate{'NcFlagNoSerialLink'},
-offvalue => 0x00,
-onvalue => 0x10,
-variable => \$NcFlagNoSerialLink,
)->grid (-row => $Row + 15,
-column => $Col + 1,
-ipadx => 10,
my $NcFlagTargetReached = 0;
$cbNcFlagTargetReached = $MkTab->Checkbutton(
-text => $Translate{'NcFlagTargetReached'},
-offvalue => 0x00,
-onvalue => 0x20,
-variable => \$NcFlagTargetReached,
)->grid (-row => $Row + 16,
-column => $Col + 1,
-ipadx => 10,
my $NcFlagManualControl = 0;
$cbNcFlagManualControl = $MkTab->Checkbutton(
-text => $Translate{'NcFlagManualControl'},
-offvalue => 0x00,
-onvalue => 0x40,
-variable => \$NcFlagManualControl
)->grid (-row => $Row + 17,
-column => $Col + 1,
-ipadx => 10,
# Tab: Simulator
my $MkTab = $book->add( "Simulator", -label=>"Simulator", );
my $Row = 0;
my $Col = 0;
# Speed
my $SimSpeed = 20; # km/h
$scSimSpeed = $MkTab->Scale(
-orient => 'horizontal',
-from => 0,
-to => 50,
-tickinterval => 5,
-resolution => 1,
-label => "Speed (km/h)",
-font => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
-length => 300,
-width => 15,
-variable => \$SimSpeed,
)->grid (-row => $Row,
-column => $Col,
# Acceleration
my $SimAcc = 10; # m/s**2
$scSimAcc = $MkTab->Scale(
-orient => 'horizontal',
-from => 0,
-to => 30,
-tickinterval => 5,
-resolution => 0.5,
-label => "Acceleration (m/s**2)",
-font => '-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--10-100-75-75-p-56-iso8859-1',
-length => 300,
-width => 15,
-variable => \$SimAcc,
)->grid (-row => $Row +1,
-column => $Col,
my $Speed = 0; # Current Mk Speed
my $SpeedN = 0; # Speed North
my $SpeedE = 0; # Speed East
# Timer
my $SimTimebase = 100; # Simulator Timebase in ms
$popup->repeat ($SimTimebase, sub
lock (%MkOsd); # until end of block
$MkOsd{'MKFlags'} = $MkMotorRun | $MkFly | $MkCalibrate | $MkStart | $MkEmergency;
$MkOsd{'NCFlags'} = $NcFlagFree | $NcFlagPH | $NcFlagCH | $NcFlagRangeLimit |
$NcFlagNoSerialLink | $NcFlagTargetReached | $NcFlagManualControl;
# Calibration sequence
if ( $CalibCount > 0 )
$CalibCount ++;
if ( $CalibCount > 2 * 1000 / $SimTimebase ) # 2s
$cbMkCalibrate-> deselect();
$CalibCount = 0;
# Simulator
if ( $Simulator =~ /ON/i )
# Set Target-Pos
$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lat'} = $MkSim{'Target_Lat'};
$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lon'} = $MkSim{'Target_Lon'};
$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Alt'} = $MkSim{'Target_Alt'};
$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Status'} = 1;
my ($HomeDist, $HomeBearing) = &MapGpsTo($MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'},
$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lon'} );
if ( $HomeDist > $MkOsd{'OperatingRadius'} )
# Target entsprechend Operation Radius neu berechnen
$HomeDist = $MkOsd{'OperatingRadius'};
($MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lon'}) = &MapGpsAt($MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'},
$HomeDist, $HomeBearing);
# Mk physics
# Move MK to Target with constant acceleration
my ($Dist, $Bearing) = &MapGpsTo($MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'},
$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lon'} );
$MkOsd{'TargetPosDev_Dist'} = $Dist * 10; # in dm
$MkOsd{'TargetPosDev_Bearing'} = $Bearing;
my $AccN = $SimAcc * cos (deg2rad $Bearing); # Acceleration North
my $AccE = $SimAcc * sin (deg2rad $Bearing); # Acceleration East
my $t = $SimTimebase / 1000;
$SpeedN = $SpeedN + $AccN * $t; # Speed North
$SpeedE = $SpeedE + $AccE * $t; # Speed East
$Speed = sqrt ($SpeedN * $SpeedN + $SpeedE * $SpeedE);
if ( $Speed >= $SimSpeed/3.6 )
# Limit maximum Speed
my $SpeedBearing = rad2deg atan2 ($SpeedE, $SpeedN);
$SpeedN = $SimSpeed/3.6 * cos (deg2rad $SpeedBearing);
$SpeedE = $SimSpeed/3.6 * sin (deg2rad $SpeedBearing);
$Speed = $SimSpeed/3.6;
my $BreakDist = 5;
if ( $Dist <= $BreakDist )
$Speed = $SimSpeed/3.6 - $SimSpeed/3.6 * (1 - $Dist/$BreakDist);
my $SpeedBearing = rad2deg atan2 ($SpeedE, $SpeedN);
$SpeedN = $Speed * cos (deg2rad $SpeedBearing);
$SpeedE = $Speed * sin (deg2rad $SpeedBearing);
$AccN = 0;
$AccE = 0;
# Distance to go in this loop
my $GoDistN = $SpeedN * $t + 0.5 * $AccN * $t * $t;
my $GoDistE = $SpeedE * $t + 0.5 * $AccE * $t * $t;
my $GoDist = sqrt ( $GoDistN * $GoDistN + $GoDistE * $GoDistE);
my $GoBearing = rad2deg atan2 ($GoDistE, $GoDistN);
if ($GoDist > 0 )
($MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'}) = &MapGpsAt($MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'},
$GoDist, $GoBearing);
if ( $Dist < $MkSim{'Target_ToleranceRadius'} )
$cbNcFlagTargetReached -> select();
$cbNcFlagTargetReached -> deselect();
# GPS Groundspeed, North, East
$MkOsd{'GroundSpeed'} = $Speed * 100; # dm/s
$MkNcDebug{'Analog_21'} = $SpeedN * 100;
$MkNcDebug{'Analog_22'} = $SpeedE * 100;
# Heading
if ( $MkSim{'Target_Heading'} != 0 )
$scCompassHeading -> set($MkSim{'Target_Heading'});
# update display
$scAnalog_21 -> set($MkNcDebug{'Analog_21'});
$scAnalog_22 -> set($MkNcDebug{'Analog_22'});
$scTargetPos_Alt -> set($MkOsd{'TargetPos_Alt'});
$scTargetPosDev_Dist -> set ($MkOsd{'TargetPosDev_Dist'});
$scGroundSpeed -> set($MkOsd{'GroundSpeed'});
$scWaypointNumber -> set ($MkOsd{'WaypointNumber'});
$scWaypointIndex -> set ($MkOsd{'WaypointIndex'});
# move MK symbol on canvas
my ($x, $y) = &MapGps2XY ($MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'});
$x = $x / $ImgScaleX;
$y = $y / $ImgScaleY;
$canvas->coords ('SimMk', $x, $y, $x + $Dia, $y + $Dia);
# move Home symbol on canvas
my ($x, $y) = &MapGps2XY ($MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'});
$x = $x / $ImgScaleX;
$y = $y / $ImgScaleY;
$canvas->coords ('SimHome', $x, $y, $x + $Dia, $y + $Dia);
# move Target symbol on canvas
my ($x, $y) = &MapGps2XY ($MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lon'});
$x = $x / $ImgScaleX;
$y = $y / $ImgScaleY;
$canvas->coords ('SimTarget', $x, $y, $x + $Dia, $y + $Dia);
if ( $DataLink)
# Timestamp, wann der Datensatz geschrieben wurde
$MkOsd{'_Timestamp'} = time;
# Make MK Fly
sub CbSimMkFly
# start calibration sequence
$cbMkCalibrate-> select();
$CalibCount = 1;
# 3D Fix
sub CbSim3DFix
my $Alt = 50;
$scAltimeter->set($Alt * $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'AltFactor'});
# Set Home-Pos to Cur-Pos
$MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'} = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'};
$MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'} = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'};
# Switch Simulator ON
sub CbSimStart
$Simulator = "ON";
# Only one Target from Player
$MkOsd{'WaypointNumber'} = 1;
$MkOsd{'WaypointIndex'} = 0;
# Switch Simulator OFF
sub CbSimStop
$Simulator = "OFF";
0,0 → 1,871
#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
# - MK Mission Cockpit - Timer for GUI Frontend
# Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (
# Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
# Es ist Ihnen gestattet:
# * das Werk vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen
# * Abwandlungen bzw. Bearbeitungen des Inhaltes anfertigen
# Zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
# * Namensnennung.
# Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen.
# * Keine kommerzielle Nutzung.
# Dieses Werk darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden.
# * Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen.
# Wenn Sie den lizenzierten Inhalt bearbeiten oder in anderer Weise umgestalten,
# verändern oder als Grundlage für einen anderen Inhalt verwenden,
# dürfen Sie den neu entstandenen Inhalt nur unter Verwendung von Lizenzbedingungen
# weitergeben, die mit denen dieses Lizenzvertrages identisch oder vergleichbar sind.
# Im Falle einer Verbreitung müssen Sie anderen die Lizenzbedingungen, unter welche dieses
# Werk fällt, mitteilen. Am Einfachsten ist es, einen Link auf diese Seite einzubinden.
# Jede der vorgenannten Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie die Einwilligung
# des Rechteinhabers dazu erhalten.
# Diese Lizenz lässt die Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte unberührt.
# Weitere Details zur Lizenzbestimmung gibt es hier:
# Kurzform:
# Komplett:
# 2009-08-09 0.2.5 rw Timer moved from
# Optional Player home-pos in map configuration
# 2009-08-23 0.2.6 rw Tracking-Antenna Icon
# POI heading control
# 2009-10-11 0.2.7 rw Tracker control changed
$Version{''} = "0.2.7 - 2009-10-11";
use Math::Trig;
# Timer: 5s
$main->repeat (5000, sub
if ( ! $MkSendWp )
# Abfragefrequenz OSD und Debug regelmäßig neu einstellen, falls Übertragungsfehler
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "o", "$AddrNC", pack ("C", 10) ); # Frequenz OSD Datensatz, * 10ms
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "d", "$AddrNC", pack ("C", 10) ); # Frequenz MK Debug Datensatz, * 10ms
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "v", "$AddrNC", ""); # Version
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "e", "$AddrNC", ""); # Error Text Request
lock (%MkOsd); # until end of block
# Draw Operation Radius Border
if ( &HomePosIsValid() )
my $Radius = $MkOsd{'OperatingRadius'};
my $H_Lat = $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'};
my $H_Lon = $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'};
my $Angel = &MapAngel();
my ($T_Lat, $T_Lon) = &MapGpsAt ($H_Lat, $H_Lon, $Radius, $Angel -90);
my ($R_Lat, $R_Lon) = &MapGpsAt ($H_Lat, $H_Lon, $Radius, $Angel);
my ($B_Lat, $B_Lon) = &MapGpsAt ($H_Lat, $H_Lon, $Radius, $Angel + 90);
my ($L_Lat, $L_Lon) = &MapGpsAt ($H_Lat, $H_Lon, $Radius, $Angel + 180);
my ($T_x, $T_y) = &MapGps2XY ($T_Lat, $T_Lon);
my ($R_x, $R_y) = &MapGps2XY ($R_Lat, $R_Lon);
my ($B_x, $B_y) = &MapGps2XY ($B_Lat, $B_Lon);
my ($L_x, $L_y) = &MapGps2XY ($L_Lat, $L_Lon);
$map_canvas->createArc ( $L_x, $B_y, $R_x, $T_y,
'-tags' => 'Map-Border-OperatingRadius',
'-extent' => '359',
'-start' => '0',
'-style' => 'chord',
'-outline' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorAirfield'},
'-width' => '1',
$map_canvas->raise('Map-Border-OperatingRadius', 'Map'); # Border above Map
# Timer: 0.1s - Map Overlay aktualisieren
$frame_map_top->repeat (100, sub
# Clear old messages from this timer
&MkMessageInit ("Timer-MapOverlay");
lock (%MkOsd); # until end of block
# Aktuell gültige Karte
%Map = %{$Maps{'Current'}};
if ( &MkOsdIsValid() )
# Gueltige OSD Daten
# Operation Mode
$OperationMode = "";
if ( &MkIsWptMode() ) { $OperationMode = "WPT"; }
if ( $PlayerMode eq "Play" ) { $OperationMode = "Play"; }
if ( $PlayerMode eq "Pause" ) { $OperationMode = "Paus"; }
if ( $PlayerMode eq "Home" ) { $OperationMode = "Home"; }
if ( &MkIsPhMode() ) { $OperationMode = "PH"; }
if ( &MkIsFreeMode() ) { $OperationMode = "Free"; }
my $SatsInUse = $MkOsd{'SatsInUse'};
if ( &CurPosIsValid() and &HomePosIsValid() )
# ausreichender GPS Empfang
# get x,y map coords of current position
my ($C_x, $C_y, $C_Angel) = &MapGps2XY($MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'}, $MkOsd{'CompassHeading'});
$MkPos_x = $C_x;
$MkPos_y = $C_y;
# rotate MK arrow
my $dy = sin (deg2rad $C_Angel) * ($MapMkLen/2);
my $dx = cos (deg2rad $C_Angel) * ($MapMkLen/2);
my $x0 = $C_x - $dx;
my $y0 = $C_y - $dy;
my $x1 = $C_x + $dx;
my $y1 = $C_y + $dy;
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-Arrow', $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1);
# Update speed vector
my $MapAngel = &MapAngel(); # North to Map-Horizont
my $GpsSpeedNorth = $MkNcDebug{'Analog_21'};
my $GpsSpeedEast = $MkNcDebug{'Analog_22'};
my $PhiGpsSpeed = rad2deg atan2 ( $GpsSpeedEast, $GpsSpeedNorth );
$PhiMapSpeed = $PhiGpsSpeed - $MapAngel;
# 555 cm/s ~ 20 km/h -> Zeigerlänge = $MkSpeedLen bei 20 km/h
my $dy = sin (deg2rad $PhiMapSpeed) * $MapMkSpeedLen * $MkOsd{'GroundSpeed'} / 555;
my $dx = cos (deg2rad $PhiMapSpeed) * $MapMkSpeedLen * $MkOsd{'GroundSpeed'} / 555;
my $x0 = $C_x;
my $y0 = $C_y;
my $x1 = $C_x + $dx;
my $y1 = $C_y + $dy;
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-Speed', $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1);
# Update Line between Home and MK
my ($H_x, $H_y) = &MapGps2XY($MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'});
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-Home-Line', $H_x, $H_y, $C_x, $C_y);
# Update Distance between Home and MK
my ($Dist, $Bearing) = &MapGpsTo($MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'},
$MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'} );
my $x = ($C_x - $H_x) / 2 + $H_x + 8;
my $y = ($C_y - $H_y) / 2 + $H_y + 8;
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-Home-Dist', $x, $y);
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-Home-Dist',
'-text' => sprintf ("%4d m", int ($Dist + 0.5) ),
# Update OSD - Sat dependent values
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Spd-Value', '-text' => sprintf ("%3d km/h", $MkOsd{'GroundSpeed'} * 0.036) );
# Alt = average Luftdruck und Sat
my $Alt = int ( ($MkOsd{'Altimeter'} / $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'AltFactor'} +
$MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'} - $MkOsd{'HomePos_Alt'} ) / 2 + 0.5 );
$System{'Alt'} = $Alt;
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Alt-Value', '-text' => sprintf ("%3d m", $Alt) );
if ( &TargetIsValid() )
# Valid Target
# Update Line between Target and MK
my ($T_x, $T_y) = &MapGps2XY($MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lon'});
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-Target-Line', $C_x, $C_y, $T_x, $T_y);
# Update Distance between Target and MK
my ($Dist, $Bearing) = &MapGpsTo($MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'},
$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lon'} );
if ( $Dist >= 25 )
my $x = ($C_x - $T_x) / 2 + $T_x - 8;
my $y = ($C_y - $T_y) / 2 + $T_y + 8;
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-Target-Dist', $x, $y);
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-Target-Dist',
'-text' => sprintf ("%4d m", int ($Dist + 0.5) ),
# Don't show distance < 25m
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-Target-Dist', 0, -100);
# show target icon
my $IconHeight = 48;
my $IconWidth = 48;
$map_canvas->coords('Target', $T_x - $IconWidth/2, $T_y - $IconHeight );
$System{'CrossingBorder'} = 0;
if ( &MkIsFlying() and &IsCrossingBorder($MkPos_x, $MkPos_y, $T_x, $T_y) )
# only, if MK is flying
$System{'CrossingBorder'} = 1;
&MkMessage ($Translate{'MsgCrossingBorder'}, "Timer-MapOverlay");
# No valid Target, move target line out of sight/canvas
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-Target-Line', 0, -100, 0, -100);
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-Target-Dist', 0, -100);
# hide target icon
$map_canvas->coords('Target', 0, -100, );
# Update Line between MK and POI
if ( $PoiMode )
my ($P_x, $P_y) = &MapGps2XY($Poi_Lat, $Poi_Lon);
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-POI-Line', $P_x, $P_y, $C_x, $C_y);
$map_canvas->coords ('MK-POI-Line', 0, -200, 0, -200);
# kein ausreichender Sat-Empfang
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Spd-Value', '-text' => sprintf ("%3d km/h", 0 ) );
# Update OSD - non Sat dependent values
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Odo-Value', '-text' => sprintf ("%3.3f km", $OdoMeter / 1000) );
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Tim-Value', '-text' => sprintf ("%02d:%02d", $MkFlyingTime / 60, $MkFlyingTime % 60) );
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Sat-Value', '-text' => $MkOsd{'SatsInUse'} );
# battery - OSD and warning
my $UBat = sprintf ("%3.1f", $MkOsd{'UBat'});
$System{'UBat'} = $UBat;
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Bat-Value', '-text' => "$UBat V" );
$System{'BatWarning'} = 0;
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Bat-Value', '-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'});
if ( $MkOsd{'UBat'} < $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'UBatWarning'} )
if ( time %2 )
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Bat-Value', '-fill' => 'red');
&MkMessage ($Translate{'MsgBatWarning'}, "Timer-MapOverlay");
$System{'BatWarning'} = 1;
# Display Operation Mode
my $DisplayMode = $OperationMode;
if ( &MkIsWptMode() and $OperationMode eq "Play" )
my %ModeMatrix =
"KML-STD" => "Play KML",
"KML-RND" => "Play KML",
"KML-MAP" => "Play KML",
"WPT-STD" => "Play WPT",
"WPT-RND" => "Rand WPT",
"WPT-MAP" => "Rand MAP",
my $Key = "${PlayerWptKmlMode}-${PlayerRandomMode}";
$DisplayMode = $ModeMatrix{$Key};
$System{'RangeWarning'} = 0;
if ( &MkRangeLimit() )
$DisplayMode = "$DisplayMode" . " !!"; # Range Warning
$System{'RangeWarning'} = 1;
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Mode-Value', '-text' => $DisplayMode );
# Waypoints abhaengig vom Modus NC/Player
my $WpValue = "-- / --";
if ( $MkOsd{'WaypointNumber'} > 0)
$WpValue = sprintf ("%d / %d", $MkOsd{'WaypointIndex'}, $MkOsd{'WaypointNumber'});
if ($PlayerMode ne "Stop" and $PlayerWptKmlMode eq "WPT")
$WpValue = sprintf ("%d / %d", $WpPlayerIndex +1, scalar @Waypoints);
if ($PlayerMode ne "Stop" and $PlayerWptKmlMode eq "KML" )
my $KmlTimeBase = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'KmlTimeBase'} || 1.0;
my $CurrTime = int ($KmlPlayerIndex * $KmlTimeBase + 0.5);
my $TotTime = int (scalar @KmlTargets * $KmlTimeBase + 0.5);
$WpValue = sprintf ("%02d:%02d / %02d:%02d", $CurrTime / 60, $CurrTime % 60, $TotTime / 60, $TotTime % 60);
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Wp-Value', '-text' => "$WpValue");
# Recording Mode
my $RecordText = "";
if ( $PlayerRecordMode =~ /REC/i )
my $KmlTimeBase = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'KmlTimeBase'} || 1.0;
my $TotTime = int (scalar @KmlTargets * $KmlTimeBase + 0.5);
$RecordText = sprintf ("Recording %02d:%02d", $TotTime / 60, $TotTime % 60);
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Rec-Value', '-text' => $RecordText );
# Farbe MK-Zeiger abhängig vom GPS Empfang
my $MkCol= $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorMkSatNo'};
if ( $SatsInUse >= 1 ) { $MkCol = $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorMkSatLow'} ; }
if ( $SatsInUse >= 6 ) { $MkCol = $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorMkSatGood'}; }
$map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-Arrow', '-fill' => $MkCol);
# Show/Hide SatFix Icon
if ($SatsInUse >= 6 )
$map_canvas->coords('Satellite', $MapSizeX-300, 10, );
# move icon out of sight
$map_canvas->coords('Satellite', 0, -100, );
# Variometer Pointer
my $dy = -$MkOsd{'Variometer'} * 10;
$map_canvas->coords('Map-Variometer-Pointer', 5, $MapSizeY/2+$dy, 20, $MapSizeY/2+10+$dy, 20, $MapSizeY/2-10+$dy);
# System checks
if ( ! &MkIsMotorOn() ) { &MkMessage ($Translate{'MsgMotorOff'}, "Timer-MapOverlay"); }
if ( ! &MkIsFlying() ) { &MkMessage ($Translate{'MsgNotFlying'}, "Timer-MapOverlay"); }
if ( &MkIsCalibrating() ) { &MkMessage ($Translate{'MsgCalibrate'}, "Timer-MapOverlay"); }
if ( &MkIsMotorStarting() ) { &MkMessage ($Translate{'MsgStart'}, "Timer-MapOverlay") }
if ( &MkEmergencyLanding() ) { &MkMessage ($Translate{'MsgEmergencyLanding'}, "Timer-MapOverlay"); }
if ( &MkRangeLimit() ) { &MkMessage ($Translate{'MsgRangeLimit'}, "Timer-MapOverlay"); }
# RC range check
my $RcQuality = $MkOsd{'RC_Quality'};
$System{'RCQuality'} = "";
if ( $RcQuality < 100 )
$System{'RCQuality'} = "NO";
&MkMessage ($Translate{'MsgRcError'}, "Timer-MapOverlay");
elsif ( $RcQuality < 150 )
$System{'RCQuality'} = "WEAK";
&MkMessage ($Translate{'MsgRcWarning'}, "Timer-MapOverlay");
# Sat reception quality
if ( $SatsInUse == 0 )
&MkMessage ($Translate{'MsgNoSatReception'}, "Timer-MapOverlay");
elsif ( $SatsInUse > 0 and $SatsInUse < 6 )
&MkMessage ($Translate{'MsgWeakSatReception'}, "Timer-MapOverlay");
# MK Border check
$System{'OutsideBorder'} = "0";
if ( &MkIsFlying() and ! &IsInsideBorder($MkPos_x, $MkPos_y) )
# only, if MK is flying
$System{'OutsideBorder'} = "1";
&MkMessage ($Translate{'MsgOutsideBorder'}, "Timer-MapOverlay");
# Show Balloon, when aproaching Target
# keine aktuellen OSD Daten vom MK verfügbar
&MkMessage ($Translate{'MsgNoData'}, "Timer-MapOverlay");
# Wp-Number input from keyboard
if ( $CbPlayerKey ne "" )
# Key pressed
$KbNum = "$KbNum" . "$CbPlayerKey";
$CbPlayerKey = "";
$KbTimer = 0;
if ( $KbTimer > 7 and $KbNum ne "" )
# number complete, set target
my $WpIndex = sprintf ("%d", $KbNum);
&WpTargetSet ($WpIndex - 1);
# prepare for next number
$KbNum = "";
# Show System Messages
# Timer: 0.1s - Tracking Anzeige aktualisieren
if ( $Cfg->{'track'}->{'Active'} =~ /y/i )
$TrackMkCalibrateEdge = 0; # calibrate edge detection
$frame_map_top->repeat (100, sub
# Clear old messages from this timer
&MkMessageInit ("Timer-Tracking");
lock (%MkOsd); # until end of block
lock (%MkTrack); # until end of block
# Aktuell gültige Karte
%Map = %{$Maps{'Current'}};
# Zeiger neu zeichnen
my $ServoPan = @ServoPos[$MkTrack{'ServoPan'}];
if ( $ServoPan ne "" )
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2;
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY - 0 - $TrackOffY;
my $x1 = $TrackSizeX/2 - ($TrackPtrLen-22) * cos( deg2rad $ServoPan);
my $y1 = $TrackSizeY - ($TrackPtrLen-22) * sin (deg2rad $ServoPan) - $TrackOffY;
$track_canvas->coords ('Track-Ptr', $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1);
# Farbe Zeiger abhängig vom GPS Empfang
my $SatsInUse = $MkOsd{'SatsInUse'};
my $TrackPtrCol= 'red';
if ( $SatsInUse >= 1 ) { $TrackPtrCol = 'orange'; }
if ( $SatsInUse >= 6 ) { $TrackPtrCol = 'green'; }
$track_canvas->itemconfigure ('Track-Ptr', '-fill' => $TrackPtrCol);
# tracker coldstart condition at MK calibration, rising edge of signal
if ( &MkIsCalibrating() )
if ( $TrackMkCalibrateEdge == 0 )
$TrackMkCalibrateEdge = 1;
# send coldstart command to tracker
$TrackMkCalibrateEdge = 0;
# Timer: 0.5s - Waypoint Player
$frame_map_top->repeat (500, sub
# Clear old messages from this timer
&MkMessageInit ("Timer-Player");
lock (%MkOsd); # until end of block
if ( &MkIsWptMode() )
# NC is in WPT Mode
my $PoiHeading = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultHeading'};
if ( &CurPosIsValid() and $PoiMode )
$PoiHeading = &MapGpsTo ( $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'},
$Poi_Lat, $Poi_Lon );
if ( $PlayerMode eq "Pause" )
if ( $PlayerPause_Lat ne "" and $PlayerPause_Lon ne "" )
# Gespeicherte Pausen-Pos senden
&MkFlyTo ( '-lat' => $PlayerPause_Lat,
'-lon' => $PlayerPause_Lon,
'-holdtime' => "60",
'-heading' => $PoiHeading,
'-mode' => "Target",
if ( $PlayerMode eq "Home" and &HomePosIsValid() )
# Gespeicherte oder eingestellte Home-Pos senden
my $Home_Lat = $Map{'Home_Lat'} || $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'};
my $Home_Lon = $Map{'Home_Lon'} || $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'};
&MkFlyTo ( '-lat' => $Home_Lat,
'-lon' => $Home_Lon,
'-holdtime' => "60",
'-heading' => $PoiHeading,
'-mode' => "Target",
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode ne 'WPT' )
# not in Wp mode
if ( $PlayerMode eq "Play" )
if ( $PlayerRandomMode =~ /RND/i or $PlayerRandomMode =~ /STD/i )
my $WpCnt = scalar @Waypoints;
if ( $WpCnt > 0 and $WpPlayerIndex < $WpCnt )
# Target WP-Pos senden
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$WpPlayerIndex];
my $Wp_Lon = $Wp->{'Pos_Lon'};
my $Wp_Lat = $Wp->{'Pos_Lat'};
if ( $Wp_Lat ne "" and $Wp_Lon ne "" )
&MkFlyTo ( '-lat' => $Wp_Lat,
'-lon' => $Wp_Lon,
'-holdtime' => "60",
'-heading' => $PoiHeading,
'-mode' => "Target",
if ( $PlayerRandomMode =~ /MAP/i )
# Target Map-Pos senden
&MkFlyTo ( '-x' => $RandomTarget_x ,
'-y' => $RandomTarget_y ,
'-holdtime' => "60",
'-heading' => $PoiHeading,
'-mode' => "Target",
# Ziel erreicht?
if ( &WpCheckTargetReached() )
# WP Player Holdtime count down
if ( $WpPlayerHoldtime > 0 )
$WpPlayerHoldtime --;
# Timer: variabel - KML Player
my $KmlTimeBase = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'KmlTimeBase'} || 1.0;
$KmlTimeBase *= 1000;
$frame_map_top->repeat ($KmlTimeBase, sub
# Clear old messages from this timer
&MkMessageInit ("Timer-KMLPlayer");
lock (%MkOsd); # until end of block
if ( &CurPosIsValid() and $PlayerRecordMode =~ /REC/i )
# record current position
push @KmlTargets, {
'Lat' => $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'},
'Lon' => $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'},
'Alt' => $MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'},
if ( &MkIsWptMode() and $PlayerMode eq "Play" and $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'KML')
# Play KML
# Pause, Home is handled in WPT-Timer
my $KmlCnt = scalar @KmlTargets;
if ( $KmlCnt > 0 and $KmlPlayerIndex < $KmlCnt )
my $Lat = $KmlTargets[$KmlPlayerIndex]->{'Lat'};
my $Lon = $KmlTargets[$KmlPlayerIndex]->{'Lon'};
my $Alt = $KmlTargets[$KmlPlayerIndex]->{'Alt'};
&MkFlyTo ( '-lat' => $Lat,
'-lon' => $Lon,
'-alt' => $Alt,
'-holdtime' => "60",
'-mode' => "Target",
# proceed to next Target
$KmlPlayerIndex ++;
if ( $KmlPlayerIndex >= $KmlCnt )
$KmlPlayerIndex = 0;
# Timer: 1s
$frame_map_top->repeat (1000, sub
# Clear old messages from this timer
&MkMessageInit ("Timer-Misc-1s");
lock (%MkOsd); # until end of block
# Aktuell gültige Karte
%Map = %{$Maps{'Current'}};
if ( &MkOsdIsValid() )
# Heartbeat MK Datenübertragung
if ( time %2 )
$map_canvas->itemconfigure('Heartbeat', '-image' => 'HeartbeatLarge', );
$map_canvas->itemconfigure('Heartbeat', '-image' => 'HeartbeatSmall', );
# Flugzeit aktualisieren
# Flugzeit selber mitzählen, da $MkOsd{'FlyingTime'} immer 0 (0.14b)
if ( &MkIsFlying() )
$MkFlyingTime += 1;
# Update ODO-Meter
if ( &CurPosIsValid() )
my $C_Lat = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'};
my $C_Lon = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'};
if ( $OdoFirst ne "" )
my ($Dist, $Bearing) = &MapGpsTo($C_Lat, $C_Lon, $OdoPos_Lat, $OdoPos_Lon );
$OdoMeter += $Dist;
$OdoPos_Lat = $C_Lat;
$OdoPos_Lon = $C_Lon;
$OdoFirst = "1";
# # Bat capacity
# my $Capacity = 100.0;
# my $CapacityText = "";
# if ( &MkIsFlying() )
# {
# if ( $UBatAverage eq "" )
# {
# $UBatAverage = $MkOsd{'UBat'};
# }
# $UBatAverage = (9.0 * $UBatAverage + $MkOsd{'UBat'}) / 10.0;
# $Capacity = &BatCapacity($UBatAverage);
# $CapacityText = sprintf ("(%d %)", int ($Capacity + 0.5) );
# }
# $map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Bat-Level', '-text' => $CapacityText );
# # Estimate remaining flight time
# my $TextTimeLeft = "";
# if ( &MkIsFlying() and $Capacity <= 90 )
# {
# my $MaxTime = 100.0 / (100.0 - $Capacity) * $MkFlyingTime;
# my $TimeLeft = $MaxTime - $MkFlyingTime;
# $TextTimeLeft = sprintf ("(%d min)", int ($TimeLeft / 60.0 + 0.8) );
# }
# $map_canvas->itemconfigure ('MK-OSD-Tim-Left', '-text' => $TextTimeLeft );
# Footprint
if ( $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'FootprintLength'} > 0 )
if ( &CurPosIsValid() )
# neuen Footprint hinten anhaengen
my ($x, $y) = &MapGps2XY($MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'});
push @Footprint, $x, $y;
while ( $#Footprint / 2 > $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'FootprintLength'} )
# alte Footprints entfernen
splice @Footprint, 0, 2;
# show tracking antenna icon
if ( $MkTrack{'HomePos_Lat'} ne "" and $MkTrack{'HomePos_Lon'} ne "" )
# show antenna icon
my ($x, $y) = &MapGps2XY($MkTrack{'HomePos_Lat'}, $MkTrack{'HomePos_Lon'});
my $IconHeight = 48;
my $IconWidth = 48;
$map_canvas->coords('Track-Antenna', $x - $IconWidth/2, $y - $IconHeight );
# move icon out of sight
$map_canvas->coords('Track-Antenna', 0, -50 );
# fun :-)
if ( int rand (100) == 43 )
&TtsSpeak ('LOW', $Translate{'TtsFun'});
# Timer: 1s - TTS Sprachausgabe
$frame_map_top->repeat (1000, sub
# Aktuell gültige Karte
%Map = %{$Maps{'Current'}};
lock (%MkOsd); # until end of block
my $StatusInterval = $Cfg->{'tts'}->{'StatusInterval'} || "30";
$SpeechTimer ++;
my @TtsMsg;
if ( &MkOsdIsValid() )
# Gueltige OSD Daten
if ( $SpeechTimer % $StatusInterval == 0 )
# give system status, low prio messages
# clear old low prio messages
# Flight time
my $Min = int ( ($MkFlyingTime +1) / 60);
my $Sec = int ( ($MkFlyingTime +1) % 60);
my $Text = sprintf ("$Translate{'TtsFlightTimeMinSec'}", $Min, $Sec);
if ( $Min == 0 )
$Text = sprintf ("$Translate{'TtsFlightTimeSec'}", $Sec);
&TtsSpeak ('LOW', "$Text");
# Battery
my ($Volt, $Tenth) = split '\.', $System{'UBat'};
&TtsSpeak ('LOW', sprintf ("$Translate{'TtsBattery'}", $Volt, $Tenth));
# Altitude
if ( $System{'Alt'} < 0 )
&TtsSpeak ('LOW', sprintf ("$Translate{'TtsAltitudeNegative'}", abs($System{'Alt'}) ) );
&TtsSpeak ('LOW', sprintf ("$Translate{'TtsAltitude'}", $System{'Alt'} ) );
# Satellites
&TtsSpeak ('LOW', sprintf ("$Translate{'TtsSatellite'}", $MkOsd{'SatsInUse'}) );
# high prio messages
if ( $SpeechTimer % 5 == 0 )
if ( $System{'BatWarning'} ) { push @TtsMsg, $Translate{'TtsBatteryWarning'}; }
if ( $System{'RCQuality'} eq "WEAK" ) { push @TtsMsg, $Translate{'TtsRcWeak'}; }
if ( $System{'RCQuality'} eq "NO" ) { push @TtsMsg, $Translate{'TtsRcNo'}; }
if ( $System{'CrossingBorder'} ) { push @TtsMsg, $Translate{'TtsCrossingBorder'}; }
if ( $System{'OutsideBorder'} ) { push @TtsMsg, $Translate{'TtsOutsideAirfield'}; }
if ( $System{'RangeWarning'} ) { push @TtsMsg, $Translate{'TtsRange'}; }
# no data link
if ( $SpeechTimer % 5 == 0 )
push @TtsMsg, $Translate{'TtsNoDataLink'};
# speak high prio messages
if ( scalar @TtsMsg > 0 )
# Clear pending messsages
# Speak collected messages
foreach $Msg (@TtsMsg)
&TtsSpeak ('HIGH', $Msg);
0,0 → 1,407
#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
# - CSV, KLM, GPS Logging
# Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (
# Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
# Es ist Ihnen gestattet:
# * das Werk vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen
# * Abwandlungen bzw. Bearbeitungen des Inhaltes anfertigen
# Zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
# * Namensnennung.
# Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen.
# * Keine kommerzielle Nutzung.
# Dieses Werk darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden.
# * Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen.
# Wenn Sie den lizenzierten Inhalt bearbeiten oder in anderer Weise umgestalten,
# verändern oder als Grundlage für einen anderen Inhalt verwenden,
# dürfen Sie den neu entstandenen Inhalt nur unter Verwendung von Lizenzbedingungen
# weitergeben, die mit denen dieses Lizenzvertrages identisch oder vergleichbar sind.
# Im Falle einer Verbreitung müssen Sie anderen die Lizenzbedingungen, unter welche dieses
# Werk fällt, mitteilen. Am Einfachsten ist es, einen Link auf diese Seite einzubinden.
# Jede der vorgenannten Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie die Einwilligung
# des Rechteinhabers dazu erhalten.
# Diese Lizenz lässt die Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte unberührt.
# Weitere Details zur Lizenzbestimmung gibt es hier:
# Kurzform:
# Komplett:
# 2009-02-23 0.0.1 rw created
# 2009-04-01 0.1.0 rw RC1
# 2009-05-01 0.1.1 rw configurable logging interval
# 2009-05-17 0.1.7 rw _Timestamp timeout von 2s auf 10s erhoeht
# 2009-09-30 0.1.8 rw SignalHandler removed
$Version{''} = "0.1.8 - 2009-09-30";
# Parameter
my $LoopTime = $Cfg->{'logging'}->{'Intervall'} || 1; # in s
$LoopTime *= 1000000; # in us
# Packages
use threads;
use threads::shared;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
require ""; # MK communication
require ""; # Google Earth Server
require ""; # Übersetzungstable
my $LogCsvIsOpen = 0;
my $LogKmlIsOpen = 0;
my $LogGpxIsOpen = 0;
my $GeServerIsRunning = 0;
# Open CSV logfile
sub LogCsvOpen()
if ( ! $LogCsvIsOpen )
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my $Filename = sprintf ("mk-%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d.csv", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
open LOGCSV, ">$Cfg->{'logging'}->{'CsvLogDir'}/$Filename";
$LogCsvIsOpen = 1;
# print labes at first line
my $Sep = "";
foreach $Label (sort keys %MkOsd)
if ( $Translate{$Label} ne "" )
$Label = $Translate{$Label};
print LOGCSV "$Sep" . "$Label";
$Sep = ",";
# NC Debug
foreach $Label (sort keys %MkNcDebug)
if ( $Translate{$Label} ne "" )
$Label = $Translate{$Label};
print LOGCSV "$Sep" . "$Label";
print LOGCSV "\n";
return 0;
# Close CSV
sub LogCsvClose()
if ( $LogCsvIsOpen )
close LOGCSV;
$LogCsvIsOpen = 0;
return 0;
# Log CSV
sub LogCsv()
lock %MkOsd; # until end of Block
lock %MkNcDebug; # until end of Block
if ( $MkOsd{'_Timestamp'} >= time-10 )
# active connection to MK
my $Sep = "";
foreach $Label (sort keys %MkOsd)
print LOGCSV "$Sep" . "$MkOsd{$Label}";
$Sep = ",";
# NC Debug
foreach $Label (sort keys %MkNcDebug)
print LOGCSV "$Sep" . "$MkNcDebug{$Label}";
print LOGCSV "\n";
# connection to MK lost, close Logfile
return 0;
# Open GPX logfile
sub LogGpxOpen()
if ( ! $LogGpxIsOpen )
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my $TimeStamp = sprintf ("%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
my $Filename = "mk-" . $TimeStamp . ".gpx";
open LOGGPX, ">$Cfg->{'logging'}->{'GpxLogDir'}/$Filename";
$LogGpxIsOpen = 1;
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime(time);
my $UtcTimeStamp = sprintf ("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
# print GPX-Header
print LOGGPX <<EOF;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
creator="MK Mission Cockpit"
<name>Mikrokopter GPS logging</name>
<desc>Flight ${TimeStamp}</desc>
return 0;
# Close GPX
sub LogGpxClose()
if ( $LogGpxIsOpen )
# print GPX-Trailer
print LOGGPX <<EOF;
close LOGGPX;
$LogGpxIsOpen = 0;
return 0;
# Log GPX
sub LogGpx()
lock %MkOsd; # until end of Block
if ( $MkOsd{'_Timestamp'} >= time-10 and
$MkOsd{'MKFlags'} & 0x02 and $MkOsd{'CurPos_Stat'} == 1 )
# active connection to MK, MK is flying, valid GPS
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = gmtime(time);
my $UtcTimeStamp = sprintf ("%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
my $Speed = $MkOsd{'GroundSpeed'} / 100; # m/s
printf LOGGPX <<EOF;
<trkpt lat="$MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}" lon="$MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'}">
<Waypoint>$MkOsd{'WaypointIndex'} / $MkOsd{'WaypointNumber'}</Waypoint>
# Open KML logfile
sub LogKmlOpen()
if ( ! $LogKmlIsOpen )
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
my $TimeStamp = sprintf ("%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d", $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
my $Filename = "mk-" . $TimeStamp . ".kml";
open LOGKML, ">$Cfg->{'logging'}->{'KmlLogDir'}/$Filename";
$LogKmlIsOpen = 1;
# print KML-Header
print LOGKML <<EOF;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
<name>Mikrokopter GPS logging</name>
<Style id="MK_gps-style">
<name>Flight ${TimeStamp}</name>
return 0;
# Close KML
sub LogKmlClose()
if ( $LogKmlIsOpen )
# print KML-Trailer
print LOGKML <<EOF;
close LOGKML;
$LogKmlIsOpen = 0;
return 0;
# Log KML
sub LogKml()
lock %MkOsd; # until end of Block
if ( $MkOsd{'_Timestamp'} >= time-10 and
$MkOsd{'MKFlags'} & 0x02 and $MkOsd{'CurPos_Stat'} == 1 )
# active connection to MK, MK is flying, valid GPS
my $AltRel = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'} - $MkOsd{'HomePos_Alt'};
if ( $AltRel < 0 ) { $AltRel = 0; }
printf LOGKML " %f, %f, %f\n", $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $AltRel;
# Send Coords to GoogleEarth server
sub Send2GeServer()
lock %MkOsd; # until end of Block
if ( $MkOsd{'_Timestamp'} >= time-10 and
$MkOsd{'MKFlags'} & 0x02 and $MkOsd{'CurPos_Stat'} == 1 )
# active connection to MK, MK is flying, valid GPS
my $AltRel = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'} - $MkOsd{'HomePos_Alt'};
if ( $AltRel < 0 ) { $AltRel = 0; }
push @GeCoords, sprintf "%f, %f, %f", $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $AltRel;
sub MkLogLoop()
while (1)
&Send2GeServer(); # Google Earth
# kurz schlafen legen
usleep $LoopTime;
# Hauptprgramm
if ( $0 =~ /$/i )
# Program wurde direkt aufgerufen
# Kommunikation zum MK herstellen
$mk_thr = threads->create (\&MkCommLoop) -> detach();
# should never exit
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,30
Border="555, 430,
516, 555,
258, 555,
100, 300,
580, 260,
530, 94,
627, 130,
735, 300,
680, 400,
757, 470,
720, 515,
575, 420,"
0,0 → 1,275
# - Map definition
## Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (
# Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
# Es ist Ihnen gestattet:
# * das Werk vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen
# * Abwandlungen bzw. Bearbeitungen des Inhaltes anfertigen
# Zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
# * Namensnennung.
# Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen.
# * Keine kommerzielle Nutzung.
# Dieses Werk darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden.
# * Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen.
# Wenn Sie den lizenzierten Inhalt bearbeiten oder in anderer Weise umgestalten,
# verändern oder als Grundlage für einen anderen Inhalt verwenden,
# dürfen Sie den neu entstandenen Inhalt nur unter Verwendung von Lizenzbedingungen
# weitergeben, die mit denen dieses Lizenzvertrages identisch oder vergleichbar sind.
# Im Falle einer Verbreitung müssen Sie anderen die Lizenzbedingungen, unter welche dieses
# Werk fällt, mitteilen. Am Einfachsten ist es, einen Link auf diese Seite einzubinden.
# Jede der vorgenannten Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie die Einwilligung
# des Rechteinhabers dazu erhalten.
# Diese Lizenz lässt die Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte unberührt.
# Weitere Details zur Lizenzbestimmung gibt es hier:
# Kurzform:
# Komplett:
# 2009-03-06 0.0.1 rw created
# 2009-04-01 0.1.0 rw RC1
# 2009-04-18 0.1.1 rw Select default map, if configured map does not exist
# 2009-07-22 0.1.2 rw Offset_x and Offset_y for adjustment of map calibration
# 2009-08-15 0.1.3 rw Tracking Antenne Home position added
# Player home position added
# Read map definition from XML file
# 2009-09-29 0.1.4 rw Read map definition from KML file (GE import)
# Allow Config lines in map definition file (like mkcockpit.xml)
$Version{'map/'} = "0.1.4 - 2009-09-29";
use XML::Simple; #
%Maps =
Default => {
'Name' => "Default",
'File' => 'default-800.gif',
'P1_x' => '71', # calibration P1, P2
'P1_y' => '472',
'P2_x' => '500',
'P2_y' => '103',
'P1_Lat' => '48.856253',
'P1_Lon' => '2.3500000',
'P2_Lat' => '54.090153',
'P2_Lon' => '12.133249',
# 'Offset_x' => 5, # Optional Pixel offset MK to right
# 'Offset_y' => 5, # Optional pixel offset MK to top
# 'Home_Lat' => '54.090153', # Optional home position for player
# 'Home_Lon' => '12.133249', # Optional home position for player
# 'Poi_Lat' => '54.090153', # Optional POI position for player
# 'Poi_Lon' => '12.133249', # Optional POI position for player
# 'Track_Lat' => '49.685333', # Optional Tracking Antenna pos
# 'Track_Lon' => '10.950134', # Optional Tracking Antenna pos
# 'Track_Alt' => '500', # Optional Tracking Antenna altitude
# 'Track_Bearing' => 10, # Optional Tracking antenne direction
# 'Border' => [ 555, 430, # airfield border
# 516, 555,
# 258, 555,
# 100, 300,
# 580, 260,
# 530, 94,
# 627, 130,
# 735, 300,
# 680, 400,
# 757, 470,
# 720, 515,
# 575, 420,
# ],
# load additional Maps from XML files
my $MapDir = $Cfg->{'map'}->{'MapDir'} || "map";
if ( -d $MapDir )
opendir DIR, $MapDir;
my @Files = readdir DIR;
@Files = grep /\.xml$/, @Files;
closedir DIR;
foreach $Xml (@Files)
my $MapConfigFile = "$MapDir/$Xml";
if ( -f $MapConfigFile )
my $XmlMap = XMLin($MapConfigFile);
foreach $Location (keys %{$XmlMap})
foreach $Key (keys %{$XmlMap->{$Location}} )
my $Value = $XmlMap->{$Location}->{$Key};
if ( $Key =~ /Border/i )
$Value =~ s/\s//g;
my @Border = split ',', $Value;
@{$Maps{$Location}->{$Key}} = @Border;
$Maps{$Location}->{$Key} = $Value;
# load additional Maps from KML files
my $MapDir = $Cfg->{'map'}->{'MapDir'} || "map";
if ( -d $MapDir )
opendir DIR, $MapDir;
my @Files = readdir DIR;
@Files = grep /\.kml$/, @Files;
closedir DIR;
foreach $Kml (@Files)
my $MapConfigFile = "$MapDir/$Kml";
if ( -f $MapConfigFile )
my $KmlMap = XMLin($MapConfigFile);
my $Name = $KmlMap->{'Document'}->{'Folder'}->{'name'};
my $Desc = $KmlMap->{'Document'}->{'Folder'}->{'description'};
$Maps{$Name}->{'Name'} = $Name;
# Airfield Border
my $Border = "";
my $bBorder = 0;
# parse config lines
@DescLines = split '\n', $Desc;
foreach $Line (@DescLines)
if ( $bBorder )
# collect border lines
if ( $Line =~ /=/i )
# New keyword found. End of multi-line border config
$bBorder = 0;
$Border = "$Border" . "$Line";
if ( $Line =~ /\s*(\S*)\s*=\s*(.*)/i)
my $Key = $1;
my $Value = $2;
chomp $Value;
# search for border keyword
if ($Key =~ /border/i )
$Border = $Value;
$bBorder = 1;
$Maps{$Name}->{$Key} = $Value;
if ( $Border ne "" )
$Border =~ s/\s//g;
my @Border = split ',', $Border;
@{$Maps{$Name}->{'Border'}} = @Border;
# P1 calibration point
my $P1 = $KmlMap->{'Document'}->{'Folder'}->{'Placemark'}->{'P1'}->{'Point'}->{'coordinates'};
my $P1Desc = $KmlMap->{'Document'}->{'Folder'}->{'Placemark'}->{'P1'}->{'description'};
($Maps{$Name}->{'P1_Lon'}, $Maps{$Name}->{'P1_Lat'}) = split ',', $P1;
if ( $P1Desc =~ /\s*x\s*=\s*(\d*)/i) { $Maps{$Name}->{'P1_x'} = $1; } # x=nnn
if ( $P1Desc =~ /\s*y\s*=\s*(\d*)/i) { $Maps{$Name}->{'P1_y'} = $1; } # y=nnn
# P2 calibration point
my $P2 = $KmlMap->{'Document'}->{'Folder'}->{'Placemark'}->{'P2'}->{'Point'}->{'coordinates'};
my $P2Desc = $KmlMap->{'Document'}->{'Folder'}->{'Placemark'}->{'P2'}->{'description'};
($Maps{$Name}->{'P2_Lon'}, $Maps{$Name}->{'P2_Lat'}) = split ',', $P2;
if ( $P2Desc =~ /\s*x\s*=\s*(\d*)/i) { $Maps{$Name}->{'P2_x'} = $1; } # x=nnn
if ( $P2Desc =~ /\s*y\s*=\s*(\d*)/i) { $Maps{$Name}->{'P2_y'} = $1; } # y=nnn
# Home position
if ( $KmlMap->{'Document'}->{'Folder'}->{'Placemark'}->{'Home'}->{'visibility'} ne "0" )
my $Home = $KmlMap->{'Document'}->{'Folder'}->{'Placemark'}->{'Home'}->{'Point'}->{'coordinates'};
my $HomeDesc = $KmlMap->{'Document'}->{'Folder'}->{'Placemark'}->{'Home'}->{'description'};
($Maps{$Name}->{'Home_Lon'}, $Maps{$Name}->{'Home_Lat'}) = split ',', $Home;
# POI position
if ( $KmlMap->{'Document'}->{'Folder'}->{'Placemark'}->{'POI'}->{'visibility'} ne "0" )
my $Poi = $KmlMap->{'Document'}->{'Folder'}->{'Placemark'}->{'POI'}->{'Point'}->{'coordinates'};
my $PoiDesc = $KmlMap->{'Document'}->{'Folder'}->{'Placemark'}->{'POI'}->{'description'};
($Maps{$Name}->{'Poi_Lon'}, $Maps{$Name}->{'Poi_Lat'}) = split ',', $Poi;
# Antenna tracker position
if ( $KmlMap->{'Document'}->{'Folder'}->{'Placemark'}->{'Antenna'}->{'visibility'} ne "0" )
my $Track = $KmlMap->{'Document'}->{'Folder'}->{'Placemark'}->{'Antenna'}->{'Point'}->{'coordinates'};
my $TrackDesc = $KmlMap->{'Document'}->{'Folder'}->{'Placemark'}->{'Antenna'}->{'description'};
($Maps{$Name}->{'Track_Lon'}, $Maps{$Name}->{'Track_Lat'}) = split ',', $Track;
if ( $TrackDesc =~ /\s*Track_Alt\s*=\s*(\d*)/i) { $Maps{$Name}->{'Track_Alt'} = $1; } # Track_Alt=nnn
if ( $TrackDesc =~ /\s*Track_Bearing\s*=\s*(\d*)/i) { $Maps{$Name}->{'Track_Bearing'} = $1; } # Track_Bearing=nnn
# Die verwendete Karte
my $MapDefault = $Cfg->{'map'}->{'MapDefault'};
if ( defined $Maps{$MapDefault} )
$Maps{'Current'} = $Maps{$MapDefault};
$Maps{'Current'} = $Maps{'Default'};
print "Map \"$MapDefault\" not found in Using \"Default\" map\n";
# Todo: Karte automatisch anhand der aktuellen GPS Position auswählen
0,0 → 1,1536
#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
# - MK Mission Cockpit - GUI
# Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (
# Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
# Es ist Ihnen gestattet:
# * das Werk vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen
# * Abwandlungen bzw. Bearbeitungen des Inhaltes anfertigen
# Zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
# * Namensnennung.
# Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen.
# * Keine kommerzielle Nutzung.
# Dieses Werk darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden.
# * Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen.
# Wenn Sie den lizenzierten Inhalt bearbeiten oder in anderer Weise umgestalten,
# verändern oder als Grundlage für einen anderen Inhalt verwenden,
# dürfen Sie den neu entstandenen Inhalt nur unter Verwendung von Lizenzbedingungen
# weitergeben, die mit denen dieses Lizenzvertrages identisch oder vergleichbar sind.
# Im Falle einer Verbreitung müssen Sie anderen die Lizenzbedingungen, unter welche dieses
# Werk fällt, mitteilen. Am Einfachsten ist es, einen Link auf diese Seite einzubinden.
# Jede der vorgenannten Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie die Einwilligung
# des Rechteinhabers dazu erhalten.
# Diese Lizenz lässt die Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte unberührt.
# Weitere Details zur Lizenzbestimmung gibt es hier:
# Kurzform:
# Komplett:
# 2009-02-20 0.0.1 rw created
# 2009-04-01 0.1.0 rw RC1
# 2009-04-16 0.1.1 rw Bugfix, ALT= average of airsensor and Sat
# 2009-05-14 0.2.0 rw Waypoint Player
# 2009-05-17 0.2.1 rw Cursor-Steuerung fuer WP-Player. Cmdline-Parameter "-geometry"
# 2009-07-18 0.2.2 rw DE/EN multinational
# Target-Balloon with Distance, Tolerance and Holdtime
# Fix footprint "Ausreiser"
# JPEG and PNG maps supported
# Player for KML Files
# 2009-07-26 0.2.3 rw System Messages Balloon
# 2009-07-31 0.2.4 rw ODO Kilometerzähler
# Enter WP-Number from Keyboard
# Random WP-Player (Waypoint and Map)
# Check Airfield Border
# Draw Calibration points on map
# 2009-08-08 0.2.5 rw KML Recorder
# Text to speech
# Subroutines moved to
# Timer moved to
# Start Scenarion configuration
# Battery capacity estimation
# Read map definition from maps/map.xml
# 2009-08-23 0.2.6 rw Tracking-Antenna Icon
# Show Fox only in Player-Pause mode
# POI heading control
# Display scale
# Measuring-tool on left mouse button
# Display Operation Radius Border
# Read map definition from KML file (GE import)
# Include of local *.pm changed
# Copy x/y/Lat/Lon to Clipboard when pressing left mouse button
# Calculate size of map image
# - Commandline parameter added for COM ports
# don't use local perl libs any more
# 2009-10-18 0.2.7 rw Mk-Simulator
# Start tracker at program start. Coldstart at MK-calibration
# COM Port >9; PortSetSkip config
# Reset Flight-Time and ODO when clicking on OSD-value
# 2009-10-25 0.3.0 rw NC 0.17
# Read/Write KopterTool WPL Waypoint list
# Cfg Optionmenues
$Version = "0.3.0 - 2009-10-25";
# change working directory to program path
my $Cwd = substr ($0, 0, rindex ($0, ""));
chdir $Cwd;
# set path for local Perl libs
push @INC, $Cwd . "perl/lib";
use threads; #
use threads::shared; #
use Thread::Queue; #
use Tk;
use Tk::Balloon;
use Tk::Dialog;
use Tk::Notebook;
use Tk::JPEG; #
use Tk::PNG; #
use Math::Trig;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); #
use XML::Simple; #
use Clipboard; #
use Image::Size; #
use Tk::BrowseEntry; #
# Version setting
share (%Version);
$Version{''} = $Version;
# Read configuration
$XmlConfigFile = "mkcockpit.xml";
$Cfg = XMLin($XmlConfigFile);
require ""; # Tracking antenna
require ""; # MK communication
require ""; # CSV and GPX Logging
require ""; # Google Earth Server
require "$Cfg->{'map'}->{'MapDir'}/"; # Landkarte
require ""; # map subs
require ""; # Übersetzungstable
require ""; # Text to Speech
require ""; # Subroutines
require ""; # MK Simulator
require ""; # Option menu values
# Commandline parameter
my %CmdLine = @ARGV;
# Aktuell gültige Karte
my %Map = %{$Maps{'Current'}};
# optional map specific Cfg setup from map definition
foreach $Key (keys %Map)
# Cfg:Section:Keyword
if ( $Key =~ /^Cfg:(\S*):(\S*)/i )
$Section = $1;
$Keyword = $2;
$Cfg->{$Section}->{$Keyword} = $Map{$Key};
# Canvas size - get image size
my $ImgFile = "$Cfg->{'map'}->{'MapDir'}/$Map{'File'}";
($MapSizeX, $MapSizeY, my $ImgError) = imgsize ($ImgFile);
if ( $MapSizeX eq "" )
print "$ImgFile: $ImgError\n";
# Try size information from map definition
$MapSizeX = $Map{'Size_X'};
$MapSizeY = $Map{'Size_Y'};
# Thread fuer Kommunikation mit MK starten
# Output: %MkOsd, %MkTarget, %MkNcDebug, %Mk
# Input: Thread-Queue: $MkSendQueue
$mk_thr = threads->create (\&MkCommLoop) -> detach();
# Start Logging Thread
$log_thr = threads->create (\&MkLogLoop) -> detach();
# Start GoogleEarth Thread
$ge_thr = threads->create (\&GeServer) -> detach();
# Start TTS Thread
$tts_thr = threads->create (\&TtsLoop) -> detach();
# Start Antenna tracker
if ( $Cfg->{'track'}->{'Active'} =~ /y/i )
$track_thr = threads->create (\&TrackAntennaGps)->detach();
# Player:
# Waypoint-List: @Waypoints
# KML-Target-List: @KmlTargets
# Player state machine
$PlayerMode = 'Stop'; # Play, Stop, Pause, Home ...
$PlayerWptKmlMode = 'WPT'; # WPT, KML
$PlayerRandomMode = 'STD'; # STD, RND, MAP
$PlayerRecordMode = ""; # "", REC
$WpPlayerIndex = 0;
$WpPlayerHoldtime = -1;
$KmlPlayerIndex = 0;
$PlayerPause_Lat = "";
$PlayerPause_Lon = "";
# Point Of Interest (POI)
my $Poi_x = $MapSizeX/2-100;
my $Poi_y = $MapSizeY/2 ;
($Poi_Lat, $Poi_Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($Poi_x + 24, $Poi_y + 48);
# POI from Map configuration
if ( $Map{'Poi_Lat'} ne "" and $Map{'Poi_Lon'} ne "" )
$Poi_Lat = $Map{'Poi_Lat'};
$Poi_Lon = $Map{'Poi_Lon'};
($Poi_x, $Poi_y) = &MapGps2XY($Poi_Lat, $Poi_Lon);
$Poi_x = $Poi_x - 24;
$Poi_y = $Poi_y - 48;
$Poi_Mode = 0; # POI Mode off
# Hauptfenster
$main = new MainWindow;
$main->title ("MK Mission Cockpit - Version $Version");
if ( $CmdLine{'-geometry'} ne "" )
$main->geometry( "$CmdLine{'-geometry'}" );
# pattern for dashed lines
my $stipple_bits = [];
foreach my $b (1..8)
push @$stipple_bits, pack ('b8', '1' x $b . '.' x (8 - $b));
$main->DefineBitmap("stipple$b" => 8, 1, $stipple_bits->[$b-1]);
# Menu
# Menu bar
my $menu_bar = $main->Menu;
$main->optionAdd("*tearOff", "false");
$main->configure ('-menu' => $menu_bar);
my $menu_file = $menu_bar->cascade('-label' => $Translate{'File'});
$menu_file->command('-label' => $Translate{'Preferences'},
'-command' => [\&Configure],
$menu_file->command('-label' => $Translate{'Exit'},
'-command' => [\&CbExit ],
my $menu_debug = $menu_bar->cascade(-label => $Translate{'Debug'});
$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'NcOsdDataset'},
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%MkOsd, $Translate{'NcOsdDataset'}, "Display Refresh Heartbeat"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'NcTargetDataset'},
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%MkTarget, $Translate{'NcTargetDataset'}, "Display Refresh Heartbeat"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'NcDebugDataset'},
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%MkNcDebug, $Translate{'NcDebugDataset'}, "Display Refresh Heartbeat"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'NcOther'},
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%Mk, $Translate{'NcOther'}, "Display Refresh Heartbeat"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'TrackingDebugDataset'},
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%MkTrack, $Translate{'TrackingDebugDataset'}, "Display Refresh Heartbeat"],
$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'MkDebugSim'},
'-command' => \&MkSim,
#$menu_debug->command('-label' => $Translate{'MapDebugDataset'},
# '-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%Map, $Translate{'MapDebugDataset'}, "Display"],
# );
my $menu_help = $menu_bar->cascade(-label => $Translate{'Help'});
$menu_help->command('-label' => 'Version',
'-command' => [\&DisplayHash, \%Version, $Translate{'Version'}, "Display"],
$menu_help->command('-label' => $Translate{'About'},
'-command' => sub
my $License = <<EOF;
Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (rainerwalther-mail\
Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
my $DlgAbout = $frame_map->Dialog('-title' => $Translate{'AboutMissionCockpit'},
'-text' => "$License",
'-buttons' => ['OK'],
'-bitmap' => 'info',
# Hauptfenster Statuszeile
$frame_status = $main->Frame( '-background' => 'lightgray',
) -> pack('-side' => 'bottom',
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-fill' => 'none',
'-expand' => 'y',
$status_line = $frame_status->Label ('-text' => $Translate{'StatusLine'},
) -> pack ('-side' => 'bottom',
# Frames
# Frame: Map
$frame_map = $main->Frame( '-background' => 'lightgray',
'-relief' => 'sunken',
'-borderwidth' => 5,
) -> pack('-side' => 'top',
'-fill' => 'x',
# Map Überschrift
$frame_map_top = $frame_map->Frame() -> pack( '-side' => 'top',
'-expand' => 'x',
'-anchor' => 'w',
$frame_map_top->Label ('-text' => "$Translate{'Map'}: $Map{'Name'} ($Map{'File'})",
'-background' => 'lightgray',
'-relief' => 'flat',
) -> pack( '-side' => 'left' );
# Map Statuszeile
$map_status = $frame_map->Frame( '-background' => 'lightgray',
) -> pack('-side' => 'bottom',
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-fill' => 'none',
'-expand' => 'y',
$map_status_line = $map_status->Label ( '-text' => $Translate{'StatusLine'},
'-background' => 'lightgray',
) -> pack ('-side' => 'bottom',);
# Map Canvas
$map_canvas = $frame_map->Canvas( '-width' => $MapSizeX,
'-height' => $MapSizeY,
'-cursor' => 'cross',
) -> pack();
# Images and Icons on canvas
my @Icons = (
# Image Tag File Pos_x Pos_y
'Map', 'Map', "$Cfg->{'map'}->{'MapDir'}/$Map{'File'}", 0, 0,
'HeartbeatSmall', 'Heartbeat', "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconHeartSmall'}", $MapSizeX/4, 10,
'HeartbeatLarge', 'Heartbeat', "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconHeartLarge'}", $MapSizeX/4, -100,
'Satellite-Photo', 'Satellite', "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconSatellite'}", $MapSizeX-300, -100,
'Antenna-Photo', 'Track-Antenna',"$Cfg->{'track'}->{'IconAntenna'}", 0, -50,
'POI-Photo', 'POI' ,"$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconPoi'}", $Poi_x, $Poi_y,
'Waypoint-Photo', 'Waypoint', "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconWaypoint'}", 0, -150,
'Target-Photo', 'Target', "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconTarget'}", 0, -100,
'Fox-Photo', 'Fox', "$Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'IconFox'}", $MapSizeX/2-100, $MapSizeY/2,
'WpPlay-Foto', 'Wp-PlayPause', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconPlay'}", $MapSizeX/2+150, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpPause-Foto', 'Wp-PlayPause', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconPause'}", $MapSizeX/2+150, -100,
'WpStop-Foto', 'Wp-Stop', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconStop'}", $MapSizeX/2+200, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpNext-Foto', 'Wp-Next', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconNext'}", $MapSizeX/2+50, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpPrev-Foto', 'Wp-Prev', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconPrev'}", $MapSizeX/2, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpFirst-Foto', 'Wp-First', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconFirst'}", $MapSizeX/2-50, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpLast-Foto', 'Wp-Last', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconLast'}", $MapSizeX/2+100, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpHome-Foto', 'Wp-Home', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconHome'}", $MapSizeX/2-100, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpRecord-Foto', 'Wp-Record', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconRecord'}", $MapSizeX/2-150, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpRandomOff-Foto', 'Wp-WptRandom', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconRandomOff'}", $MapSizeX/2-200, -100,
'WpRandomOn-Foto', 'Wp-WptRandom', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconRandomOn'}", $MapSizeX/2-200, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpRandomMap-Foto', 'Wp-WptRandom', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconRandomMap'}", $MapSizeX/2-200, -100,
'WpWpt-Foto', 'Wp-WptKml', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconWpt'}", $MapSizeX/2-250, $MapSizeY-48,
'WpKml-Foto', 'Wp-WptKml', "$Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'IconKml'}", $MapSizeX/2-250, -100 ,
my $i = 0;
for $Icon (0 .. $#Icons/5)
my $Image = $Icons[$i++];
my $Tag = $Icons[$i++];
my $File = $Icons[$i++];
my $Pos_x = $Icons[$i++];
my $Pos_y = $Icons[$i++];
$map_canvas->Photo( $Image,
'-file' => $File,
$map_canvas->createImage( $Pos_x, $Pos_y,
'-tags' => $Tag,
'-anchor' => 'nw',
'-image' => $Image,
# Calibration Points
$map_canvas->createLine ( $Map{'P1_x'}-8, $Map{'P1_y'},
$Map{'P1_x'}+8, $Map{'P1_y'},
$Map{'P1_x'}, $Map{'P1_y'},
$Map{'P1_x'}, $Map{'P1_y'}-8,
$Map{'P1_x'}, $Map{'P1_y'}+8,
'-tags' => 'Calibration',
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => 'red',
'-width' => 1,
$map_canvas->createLine ( $Map{'P2_x'}-8, $Map{'P2_y'},
$Map{'P2_x'}+8, $Map{'P2_y'},
$Map{'P2_x'}, $Map{'P2_y'},
$Map{'P2_x'}, $Map{'P2_y'}-8,
$Map{'P2_x'}, $Map{'P2_y'}+8,
'-tags' => 'Calibration',
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => 'red',
'-width' => 1,
# scale
my $x1 = $MapSizeX/2 +280;
my $x2 = $MapSizeX -30;
my $y1 = $MapSizeY - 20;
my $y2 = $MapSizeY - 15;
if ( $x2 - $x1 > 150 )
$x1 = $x2 - 150;
$map_canvas->createLine ( $x1, $y1,
$x1, $y2,
$x2, $y2,
$x2, $y1,
'-tags' => 'Scale',
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => 'red',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorScale'} || 'white',
'-width' => 1,
my ($Lat1, $Lon1) = &MapXY2Gps($x1, $y1);
my ($Lat2, $Lon2) = &MapXY2Gps($x2, $y2);
my ($Dist, $Bearing) = &MapGpsTo($Lat1, $Lon1, $Lat2, $Lon2 );
$Dist = sprintf ("%.2f m", $Dist);
$map_canvas->createText ( $x1 + ($x2 - $x1)/2 - 20, $y1 - ($y2 - $y1)/2,
'-tags' => 'Scale-Text',
'-text' => $Dist,
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-120-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorScale'} || 'white',
# border polygon
$map_canvas->createPolygon( @Map{'Border'},
'-tags' => 'Map-Border',
'-fill' => '',
'-outline' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorAirfield'}, '-width' => 2,
$map_canvas->raise('Map-Border', 'Map'); # Border above Map
# Balloon attached to Canvas
$map_balloon = $frame_map->Balloon('-statusbar' => $status_line, );
'-balloonposition' => 'mouse',
'-state' => 'balloon',
'-msg' => { 'MK-Arrow' => $Translate{'Balloon-MK-Arrow'},
'MK-Home-Line' => $Translate{'Balloon-MK-Home-Line'},
'MK-Home-Dist' => $Translate{'Balloon-MK-Home-Dist'},
'MK-Target-Line' => $Translate{'Balloon-MK-Target-Line' },
'MK-Target-Dist' => $Translate{'Balloon-MK-Target-Dist'},
'MK-Speed' => $Translate{'Balloon-MK-Speed'},
'Map-Variometer' => $Translate{'Balloon-Map-Variometer' },
'Map-Variometer-Pointer' => $Translate{'Balloon-Map-Variometer-Pointer'},
'Map-Variometer-Skala' => $Translate{'Balloon-Map-Variometer-Pointer'},
'Fox' => $Translate{'Balloon-Fox'},
'Heartbeat' => $Translate{'Balloon-Heartbeat'},
'Satellite' => $Translate{'Balloon-Satellite'},
'Waypoint' => $Translate{'Balloon-Waypoint'},
'Map-Border' => $Translate{'Balloon-Map-Border'},
'Waypoint-Connector' => $Translate{'Balloon-Waypoint-Connector'},
'Wp-PlayPause' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-PlayPause'},
'Wp-Stop' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-Stop'},
'Wp-First' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-First'},
'Wp-Last' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-Last'},
'Wp-Next' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-Next'},
'Wp-Prev' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-Prev'},
'Wp-Home' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-Home'},
'Wp-WptKml' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-WptKml'},
'Wp-WptRandom' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-WptRandom'},
'Wp-Record' => $Translate{'Balloon-Wp-Record'},
'Track-Antenna' => $Translate{'Balloon-TrackAntenna'},
'POI' => $Translate{'Balloon-Poi'},
# Mouse button 1
# Button 1 Press
$map_canvas->CanvasBind("<Button-1>", sub
# print coords in status line
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my ($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Lat: $Lat Lon: $Lon x: $x y: $y");
# save Coords and GPS-Pos for Button-Motion and Release
$Button1_x = $x;
$Button1_y = $y;
$Button1_Lat = $Lat;
$Button1_Lon = $Lon;
# copy Pixel-Coordinates to Clipboard
Clipboard->copy ("x=$x\r\n" . "y=$y\r\n" . "Lat=$Lat\r\n" . "Lon=$Lon\r\n");
# Button 1 Motion
$map_canvas->CanvasBind("<Button1-Motion>", sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
# delete old measuring line
my @Tags = $map_canvas->gettags($id);
if ( ( $Tags[0] eq "Map" or $Tags[0] eq "Map-Border") and
$x ne $Button1_x and $y ne $Button1_y )
# button moved on Map
# draw new measuring line
$map_canvas->createLine ( $Button1_x, $Button1_y, $x, $y,
'-tags' => 'Map-Measure',
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => 'white',
'-width' => 1,
# update status line
my ($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
my ($Dist, $Bearing) = &MapGpsTo($Button1_Lat, $Button1_Lon, $Lat, $Lon);
$Dist = sprintf ("%.2f m", $Dist);
$Bearing = sprintf ("%.2f degree", $Bearing);
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Dist: $Dist Bearing: $Bearing");
# Button 1 Release
$map_canvas->CanvasBind("<Button1-ButtonRelease>", sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
# delete measuring line
my @Tags = $map_canvas->gettags($id);
if ( ( $Tags[0] eq "Map" or $Tags[0] eq "Map-Border") and
$x ne $Button1_x and $y ne $Button1_y )
# button released on Map
# update status line
my ($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
my ($Dist, $Bearing) = &MapGpsTo($Button1_Lat, $Button1_Lon, $Lat, $Lon);
$Dist = sprintf ("%.2f m", $Dist);
$Bearing = sprintf ("%.2f degree", $Bearing);
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "Dist: $Dist Bearing: $Bearing");
# Mouse button 1 for Fox
my $FoxOldx = 0;
my $FoxOldy = 0;
my $FoxTime = time;
&FoxHide(); # Show only in Player-Pause Mode
# Pick Fox
$map_canvas->bind('Fox' => '<Button-1>' => sub
# prepare to move Fox
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
$FoxOldx = $x;
$FoxOldy = $y;
$FoxTime = time;
# Move Fox
$map_canvas->bind('Fox' => '<Button1-Motion>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
$map_canvas->move($id => $x - $FoxOldx, $y - $FoxOldy);
$FoxOldx = $x;
$FoxOldy = $y;
if ( time > $FoxTime )
# wenn in Bewegung Koordinaten nur 1/s senden
my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = $map_canvas->bbox ($id);
$x = $x0 + ($x1 - $x0)/2;
$y = $y1;
($PlayerPause_Lat, $PlayerPause_Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
$FoxTime = time;
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'TargetCoordSent'} -> Lat: $PlayerPause_Lat Lon: $PlayerPause_Lon x: $x y: $y");
# Release Fox
$map_canvas->bind('Fox' => '<Button1-ButtonRelease>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = $map_canvas->bbox ($id);
$x = $x0 + ($x1 - $x0)/2;
$y = $y1;
($PlayerPause_Lat, $PlayerPause_Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
# Show user that Waypoints in MK are cleared
$WaypointsModified = 1;
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'TargetCoordSent'} -> Lat: $PlayerPause_Lat Lon: $PlayerPause_Lon x: $x y: $y");
# Pick Waypoint
my $WpOldx;
my $WpOldy;
$map_canvas->bind('Waypoint' => '<Button-1>' => sub
# prepare to move
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
$WpOldx = $x;
$WpOldy = $y;
# Move Waypoint
$map_canvas->bind('Waypoint' => '<Button1-Motion>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
# move icon and Wp-Number
my $WpIndex = &WpGetIndexFromId($id);
if ( $WpIndex >= 0 )
my $Tag = $Waypoints[$WpIndex]{'Tag'};
$map_canvas->move($Tag => $x - $WpOldx, $y - $WpOldy);
$WpOldx = $x;
$WpOldy = $y;
# Release Wp
$map_canvas->bind('Waypoint' => '<Button1-ButtonRelease>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
# take coords from lower/middle icon position
my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = $map_canvas->bbox ($id);
$x = $x0 + ($x1 - $x0)/2;
$y = $y1;
# update Waypoint-Array
my $WpIndex = &WpGetIndexFromId($id);
if ( $WpIndex >= 0 )
# got it: set new coords
my ($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$WpIndex];
$Wp->{'MapX'} = $x;
$Wp->{'MapY'} = $y;
$Wp->{'Pos_Lat'} = $Lat;
$Wp->{'Pos_Lon'} = $Lon;
# redraw connector-lines
# red connectors: Wp still have to be sent to MK
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorWpResend'},
$WaypointsModified = 1;
my $WpNum = $WpIndex + 1;
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'WpMoved'}: $WpNum -> Lat: $Lat Lon: $Lon x: $x y: $y");
# Mouse button 1 for POI
my $PoiOldx = 0;
my $PoiOldy = 0;
# Pick Poi
$map_canvas->bind('POI' => '<Button-1>' => sub
# prepare to move Icon
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
$PoiOldx = $x;
$PoiOldy = $y;
# Move POI
$map_canvas->bind('POI' => '<Button1-Motion>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
$map_canvas->move($id => $x - $PoiOldx, $y - $PoiOldy);
$PoiOldx = $x;
$PoiOldy = $y;
# Release POI
$map_canvas->bind('POI' => '<Button1-ButtonRelease>' => sub
my ($x, $y) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
my $id = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
my ($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = $map_canvas->bbox ($id);
$x = $x0 + ($x1 - $x0)/2;
$y = $y1;
($Poi_Lat, $Poi_Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'PoiMoved'}: -> Lat: $Poi_Lat Lon: $Poi_Lon x: $x y: $y");
# Reset Flight time
$map_canvas->bind('MK-OSD-Tim-Value' => '<Button-1>' => sub
$MkFlyingTime = 0;
# Reset ODO
$map_canvas->bind('MK-OSD-Odo-Value' => '<Button-1>' => sub
$OdoMeter = 0;
# Mouse button 3 context menu
my $map_menu = $map_canvas->Menu('-tearoff' => 0,
'-title' =>'None',
'-menuitems' =>
[Button => $Translate{'WpAddAndSend'}, -command => sub
# send Wp to MK
($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($Wp_x, $Wp_y);
&MkFlyTo ( '-lat' => $Lat,
'-lon' => $Lon,
'-mode' => "Waypoint",
'-index' => scalar @Waypoints,
# Add Wp to Waypoints list
&WpAdd ($MapCanvasX, $MapCanvasY);
# switch player to Wp mode and redraw waypoints
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'WpSavedAndSent'} -> Lat: $Lat Lon: $Lon");
[Button => $Translate{'WpProperties'}, -command => sub
# find Wp-Hash for selected icon/tag
my $WpIndex = &WpGetIndexFromId($MapCanvasId);
if ( $WpIndex >= 0 )
my $Wp = $Waypoints[$WpIndex];
my $WpNum = $WpIndex + 1;
&DisplayHash ($Wp, "$Translate{'WpProperties'} $WpNum", "Edit Waypoint Refresh");
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'WpProperties'} $WpNum");
[Button => $Translate{'WpResendAll'}, -command => sub
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => $Translate{'WpAllSent'});
'', # Separator
[Button => $Translate{'WpLoadAndSend'}, -command => sub
my $WpFile = $main->getOpenFile('-defaultextension' => ".xml",
'-filetypes' =>
[['Mission Cockpit', '.xml' ],
['Mikrokopter Tool', '.wpl' ],
['All Files', '*', ],
'-initialdir' => $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'WpDir'},
'-title' => $Translate{'WpLoad'},
if ( -f $WpFile )
&WpLoadFile ($WpFile);
# send all Wp to MK
# switch player to Wp mode and redraw waypoints
$PlayerRandomMode = 'STD';
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'WpLoadedAndSent'}: $WpFile");
[Button => $Translate{'WpSave'}, -command => sub
my $WpFile = $main->getSaveFile('-defaultextension' => ".xml",
'-filetypes' =>
[['Mission Cockpit', '.xml' ],
['Mikrokopter Tool', '.wpl' ],
['All Files', '*', ],
'-initialdir' => $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'WpDir'},
'-title' => $Translate{'WpSave'},
&WpSaveFile ($WpFile);
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'WpSaved'}: $WpFile");
'', # Separator
[Button => $Translate{'WpDelete'}, -command => sub
# find Wp-Hash for selected icon/tag
my $WpIndex = &WpGetIndexFromId($MapCanvasId);
if ( $WpIndex >= 0 )
&WpDelete ($WpIndex);
# redraw connector-lines
$WaypointsModified = 1;
&WpRedrawIcons(); # wg. Wp-Nummern
my $WpNum = $WpIndex + 1;
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'WpDeleted'}: $WpNum");
[Button => $Translate{'WpAllDeleteAndSend'}, -command => sub
undef @Waypoints;
$WpPlayerIndex = 0;
$WpPlayerHoldtime = -1;
# remove all Wp-Icons and Wp-Number on canvas
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'WpAllDeleted'}: $WpIndex");
'', # Separator
[Button => $Translate{'KmlLoadAndPlay'}, -command => sub
$KmlFile = $main->getOpenFile('-defaultextension' => ".kml",
'-filetypes' =>
[['KML', '.kml' ],
['All Files', '*', ],
'-initialdir' => $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'KmlDir'},
'-title' => $Translate{'KmlLoad'},
if ( -f $KmlFile )
# switch player to KML mode and redraw track
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'KmlLoaded'}: $KmlFile" );
'', # Separator
[Button => $Translate{'WpFlyImmediately'}, -command => sub
&MkFlyTo ( '-x' => $MapCanvasX,
'-y' => $MapCanvasY,
'-mode' => "Target"
# redraw connector-lines
$WaypointsModified = 1;
$map_status_line->configure ('-text' => "$Translate{'TargetCoordSent'} -> Lat: $Lat Lon: $Lon x: $MapCanvasX y: $MapCanvasY");
$map_canvas->CanvasBind("<Button-3>" => [ sub
my($w, $x, $y) = @_;
($MapCanvasX, $MapCanvasY) = ($Tk::event->x, $Tk::event->y);
$MapCanvasId = $map_canvas->find('withtag', 'current');
$map_menu->post($x, $y);
}, Ev('X'), Ev('Y') ] );
# Mouse bindings
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-PlayPause' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerPlayPause );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-Next' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerNext );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-Prev' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerPrev );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-First' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerFirst );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-Last' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerLast );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-Home' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerHome );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-Stop' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerStop );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-WptKml' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerWptKml );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-WptRandom' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerWptRandom );
$map_canvas->bind('Wp-Record' => '<Button-1>' => \&CbPlayerRecord );
# Focus Canvas, if any key pressed. Needed for the following key-bindings
$main->bind('<Any-Enter>' => sub { $map_canvas->Tk::focus });
# Disable default arrow-key bindings on canvas
$main->bind('Tk::Canvas',"<$_>",undef)for qw /Left Right Up Down/;
# keyboard bindings
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-space>' , \&CbPlayerPlayPause );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-n>' , \&CbPlayerNext );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-p>' , \&CbPlayerPrev );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-f>' , \&CbPlayerFirst );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-l>' , \&CbPlayerLast );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-h>' , \&CbPlayerHome );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-s>' , \&CbPlayerStop );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-w>' , \&CbPlayerWptKml );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-k>' , \&CbPlayerWptKml );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-r>' , \&CbPlayerWptRandom );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-a>' , \&CbPlayerRecord );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-m>' , \&CbPlayerMute );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-v>' , \&CbPoi );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-0>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "0"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-1>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "1"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-2>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "2"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-3>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "3"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-4>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "4"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-5>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "5"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-6>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "6"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-7>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "7"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-8>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "8"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-9>' , [\&CbPlayerNum, "9"] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-Left>' , [\&CbPlayerMove, -1, 0] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-Right>' , [\&CbPlayerMove, 1, 0] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-Up>' , [\&CbPlayerMove, 0, 1] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-Down>' , [\&CbPlayerMove, 0, -1] );
$map_canvas->Tk::bind( '<Key-Escape>', \&CbExit );
# dynamic objecs on canvas
# current MK position on canvas
$MkPos_x = $MapSizeX/2;
$MkPos_y = $MapSizeY/2;
# Line from MK to Home
$map_canvas->createLine ( $MapSizeX/2, $MapSizeY/2, $MapSizeX/2, $MapSizeY/2,
'-tags' => 'MK-Home-Line',
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorHomeLine'},
'-width' => 3,
# Text Entfernung positioniert an der Home-Linie
$map_canvas->createText ( $MapSizeX/2 + 8, $MapSizeY/2 - 8,
'-tags' => 'MK-Home-Dist',
'-text' => '0 m',
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-200-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorHomeDist'},
# Line from MK to Target, draw invisible out of sight
$map_canvas->createLine ( 0, -100, 0, -100,
'-tags' => 'MK-Target-Line',
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorTargetLine'},
'-width' => 3,
# Text Entfernung positioniert an der Target-Linie
$map_canvas->createText ( 0, -100,
'-tags' => 'MK-Target-Dist',
'-text' => '0 m',
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-200-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorTargetDist'},
# Line from MK to POI, draw invisible out of sight
$map_canvas->createLine ( 0, -200, 0, -200,
'-tags' => 'MK-POI-Line',
'-arrow' => 'none',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorPoiLine'},
'-stipple' => "stipple4",
'-width' => 1,
$map_canvas->lower('MK-POI-Line', 'Target');
# MK Geschwindigkeits-Vektor
$MapMkSpeedLen = 60; # Länge Speed-Zeiger
my $x0 = $MapSizeX/2;
my $y0 = $MapSizeY/2;
my $x1 = $MapSizeX/2;
my $y1 = $MapSizeY/2 - $MapMkSpeedLen;
$map_canvas->createLine ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-tags' => 'MK-Speed',
'-arrow' => 'last',
'-arrowshape' => [10, 10, 3 ],
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorSpeedVector'},
'-width' => 4,
# MK als Pfeilspitze einer Linie darstellen
$MapMkLen = 25;
my $x0 = $MapSizeX/2;
my $y0 = $MapSizeY/2 + $MapMkLen/2;
my $x1 = $MapSizeX/2;
my $y1 = $MapSizeY/2 - $MapMkLen/2;
$map_canvas->createLine ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-tags' => 'MK-Arrow',
'-arrow' => 'last',
'-arrowshape' => [25, 30, 10 ],
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorMkSatNo'},
'-width' => 1
# OSD Texte auf Karte anzeigen
my @Texts = (
# Tag Text Pos_x Pos_y Font
'MK-OSD-Tim-Label', "TIM", $MapSizeX/2 - 40, 20, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Tim-Value', "00:00", $MapSizeX/2, 20, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Tim-Left', "", $MapSizeX/2 + 90, 20, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Bat-Label', "BAT", $MapSizeX/2 - 40, 50, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Bat-Value', "0.0 V", $MapSizeX/2, 50, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
# 'MK-OSD-Bat-Level', "", $MapSizeX/2 + 90, 50, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Spd-Label', "SPD", 10, 20, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Spd-Value', "0.0 km/h", 60, 20, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Alt-Label', "ALT", 10, 50, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Alt-Value', "0 m", 60, 50, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Odo-Label', "ODO", 10, 80, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Odo-Value', "0.000 km", 60, 80, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Sat-Label', "SAT", $MapSizeX - 230, 20, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Sat-Value', "0", $MapSizeX - 180, 20, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Wp-Label', "WPT", $MapSizeX - 230, 50, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Wp-Value', "0 / 0", $MapSizeX - 180, 50, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Mode-Label', "MOD", $MapSizeX - 230, 80, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'MK-OSD-Mode-Value', "", $MapSizeX - 180, 80, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-270-*',
'MK-OSD-Rec-Value', "", $MapSizeX - 180, 110, '-*-Arial-Bold-R-Normal--*-200-*',
my $i = 0;
for $Text (0 .. $#Texts/5)
my $Tag = $Texts[$i++];
my $Text = $Texts[$i++];
my $Pos_x = $Texts[$i++];
my $Pos_y = $Texts[$i++];
my $Font = $Texts[$i++];
$map_canvas->createText ( $Pos_x, $Pos_y,
'-tags' => $Tag,
'-text' => $Text,
'-font' => $Font,
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorOsd'},
'-anchor' => 'w',
# Variometer on canvas
my @Polygon;
for ( $y = -100; $y <= 100; $y += 10)
my $Len = 5;
if ( ($y % 50) == 0 )
$Len = 10;
$map_canvas->createText ( $Len+5, $MapSizeY/2 + $y,
'-tags' => 'Map-Variometer-Skala',
'-text' => sprintf ("%3d", -$y / 10),
'-anchor' => 'w',
'-font' => '-*-Arial-Normal-R-Normal--*-150-*',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorVariometer'},
push @Polygon, ( 0, $MapSizeY/2 + $y);
push @Polygon, ($Len, $MapSizeY/2 + $y);
push @Polygon, ( 0, $MapSizeY/2 + $y);
'-tags' => 'Map-Variometer',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorVariometer'},
'-width' => 2,
'-arrow' => 'none',
# Vario Pointer
$map_canvas->createPolygon( 5, $MapSizeY/2, 20, $MapSizeY/2+10, 20, $MapSizeY/2-10,
'-tags' => 'Map-Variometer-Pointer',
'-fill' => $Cfg->{'mkcockpit'}->{'ColorVariometerPointer'},
'-outline' => 'black', '-width' => 1,
# Tracking Canvas
if ( $Cfg->{'track'}->{'Active'} =~ /y/i )
# Canvas size
$TrackSizeX = 125;
$TrackSizeY = 100;
$TrackOffY = $TrackSizeY - $MapSizeY + 20;
$TrackPtrLen = 50; # Länge Zeiger
# draw in map-canvas
$track_canvas = $map_canvas;
# Ziffernblatt
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2 - $TrackPtrLen;
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY + $TrackPtrLen - $TrackOffY;
my $x1 = $TrackSizeX/2 + $TrackPtrLen;
my $y1 = $TrackSizeY - $TrackPtrLen - $TrackOffY;
$track_canvas->createArc ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-extent' => '200',
'-start' => '-10',
'-style' => 'chord',
'-outline' => 'gray', '-width' => '1',
# Skala Ziffernblatt
for ($i=0; $i<=180; $i+=15)
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2 - ($TrackPtrLen - 20) * cos( deg2rad $i );
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY - ($TrackPtrLen - 20) * sin( deg2rad $i ) - $TrackOffY;
my $x1 = $TrackSizeX/2 - ($TrackPtrLen - 28) * cos( deg2rad $i );
my $y1 = $TrackSizeY - ($TrackPtrLen - 28) * sin( deg2rad $i ) - $TrackOffY;
$track_canvas->createLine ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-fill' => 'white',
'-width' => 1,
# Skala Beschriftung Ziffernblatt
for ($i=0; $i<=180; $i+=45)
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2 - ($TrackPtrLen - 12) * cos( deg2rad $i );
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY - ($TrackPtrLen - 12) * sin( deg2rad $i ) - $TrackOffY;
$track_canvas->createText ( $x0, $y0,
'-text' => $i - 90,
'-fill' => 'white',
# Ziffernblatt Beschriftung Einheit
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2;
my $y0 = $MapSizeY -6;
$track_canvas->createText ( $x0, $y0,
'-text' => "Antenne Winkel",
'-justify' => 'center',
'-fill' => 'white',
# Zeiger
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2;
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY - 0 - $TrackOffY;
my $x1 = $TrackSizeX/2;
my $y1 = $TrackSizeY - ($TrackPtrLen - 22) - $TrackOffY;
$track_ptr_id= $track_canvas->createLine ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-tags' => 'Track-Ptr',
'-arrow' => 'last',
'-arrowshape' => [20, 30, 5 ],
'-fill' => 'red',
'-width' => 8,
# Zeiger Center
my $Dia = 7;
my $x0 = $TrackSizeX/2 - $Dia;
my $y0 = $TrackSizeY + $Dia - $TrackOffY;
my $x1 = $TrackSizeX/2 + $Dia;
my $y1 = $TrackSizeY - $Dia - $TrackOffY;
$track_canvas->createArc ( $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1,
'-extent' => '359',
'-outline' => 'gray', '-width' => 1,
'-fill' => 'gray',
# Load Start Scenario
# Waypoint file
my $CfgVal = $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'WpFile'};
if ( ! -f $CfgVal )
$CfgVal = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'WpDir'} . "/" . $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'WpFile'};
if ( -f $CfgVal )
# send all Wp to MK
# KML file
my $CfgVal = $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'KmlFile'};
if ( ! -f $CfgVal )
$CfgVal = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'KmlDir'} . "/" . $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'KmlFile'};
if ( -f $CfgVal )
# PLayer Mode
my $CfgVal = $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'PlayerMode'};
if ( $CfgVal =~ /Play/i ) { &PlayerPlay(); }
if ( $CfgVal =~ /Pause/i ) { &PlayerPause(); }
if ( $CfgVal =~ /Home/i ) { &PlayerHome(); }
if ( $CfgVal =~ /Stop/i ) { &PlayerStop(); }
# Player Random Mode
my $CfgVal = $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'PlayerRandomMode'};
if ( $CfgVal eq "STD" ) { &PlayerRandomStd(); }
if ( $CfgVal eq "RND" ) { &PlayerRandomRnd(); }
if ( $CfgVal eq "MAP" ) { &PlayerRandomMap(); }
# PLayer Wpt/Kml Mode
my $CfgVal = $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'PlayerWptKmlMode'};
if ( $CfgVal eq "WPT" ) { &PlayerWpt(); }
if ( $CfgVal eq "KML" ) { &PlayerKml(); }
# Audio TTS Mute
my $CfgVal = $Cfg->{'StartScenario'}->{'AudioMute'};
if ( $CfgVal =~ /y/i )
$TtsMute = 1;
# Timer
require "";
MainLoop(); # should never end
# GUI Call Back
# Player CallBack: Play/Pause button
sub CbPlayerPlayPause()
if ( ($PlayerMode eq "Pause") or ($PlayerMode eq "Stop") or ($PlayerMode eq "Home") )
# Player CallBack: Next
sub CbPlayerNext()
if ( $PlayerMode ne 'Stop' )
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'WPT' )
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'KML' )
# Player CallBack: Prev
sub CbPlayerPrev()
if ( $PlayerMode ne 'Stop' )
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'WPT' )
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'KML' )
# Player CallBack: First
sub CbPlayerFirst()
if ( $PlayerMode ne 'Stop' )
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'WPT' )
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'KML' )
# Player CallBack: Last
sub CbPlayerLast()
if ( $PlayerMode ne 'Stop' )
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'WPT' )
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode eq 'KML' )
# Player CallBack: Home
sub CbPlayerHome()
if ( $PlayerMode ne 'Stop' )
# Player CallBack: Stop
sub CbPlayerStop()
if ( $PlayerMode ne 'Stop' )
# Player CallBack: Move MK in Pause-Mode
sub CbPlayerMove()
my ($Id, $DirX, $DirY) = @_;
if ( $PlayerMode eq 'Pause' and
$PlayerPause_Lat ne "" and $PlayerPause_Lon ne "" )
my $Dist = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'PauseMoveDist'} || 1; # 1m default
my $BearingTop = &MapAngel() - 90.0;
my $BearingKey = rad2deg atan2($DirX, $DirY);
my $Bearing = $BearingTop + $BearingKey;
($PlayerPause_Lat, $PlayerPause_Lon) = &MapGpsAt($PlayerPause_Lat, $PlayerPause_Lon, $Dist, $Bearing)
# Player CallBack: Toggle WPT/KML button
sub CbPlayerWptKml()
if ( $PlayerWptKmlMode =~ /WPT/i )
elsif ( $PlayerWptKmlMode =~ /KML/i )
# Player CallBack: Toggle Random modes. STD -> RND -> MAP
sub CbPlayerWptRandom()
if ( $PlayerRandomMode eq "STD" )
elsif ( $PlayerRandomMode eq "RND" )
# Player CallBack: Togglle Record KML
sub CbPlayerRecord()
if ( $PlayerRecordMode =~ /REC/i )
elsif ( $PlayerRecordMode eq "" )
# Player CallBack: Number Keys
sub CbPlayerNum()
my ($Id, $Num) = @_;
$CbPlayerKey = "$CbPlayerKey" . "$Num";
# Player CallBack: mute TTS audio
sub CbPlayerMute()
if ( $TtsMute )
$TtsMute = 0;
$TtsMute = 1;
# Switch POI Mode
sub CbPoi()
if ( $PoiMode )
$PoiMode = 0;
$PoiMode = 1;
# CallBack: Exit Mission Cockpit
sub CbExit()
# stop antenna tracking
$TrackQueue->enqueue( "IDLE" );
# wait for tracker shutdown, with timeout
for ($i=0; $i < 5; $i++)
if ( $MkTrack{'State'} ne "Idle" )
sleep 1;
# subroutines moved to
# Timer moved to
0,0 → 1,84
<mkcockpit-Config CreationDate="20091010-213939">
<StartScenario AudioMute="n"
WpFile="" />
<geserver HttpPort="8080" />
<logging CsvLogDir="log"
KmlLogDir="log" />
<map MapDefault="Hemhofen"
MapDir="map" />
<mkcockpit AltFactor="20"
UBatWarning="10.0" />
<mkcomm Port="COM1"
<mksim ImageSize="300" />
<track Active="n"
ServoTiltSpeed="0" />
<tts Active="y"
Options="-v de -a 200 -s 200"
Welcome="Starte Mischn Kockpit, Bitte anschnallen, und das Rauchen einstellen." />
<waypoint DefaultEventFlag="0"
WpDir="waypoints" />
0,0 → 1,804
#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
# - MK Communication Routines
# Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (
# Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
# Es ist Ihnen gestattet:
# * das Werk vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen
# * Abwandlungen bzw. Bearbeitungen des Inhaltes anfertigen
# Zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
# * Namensnennung.
# Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen.
# * Keine kommerzielle Nutzung.
# Dieses Werk darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden.
# * Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen.
# Wenn Sie den lizenzierten Inhalt bearbeiten oder in anderer Weise umgestalten,
# verändern oder als Grundlage für einen anderen Inhalt verwenden,
# dürfen Sie den neu entstandenen Inhalt nur unter Verwendung von Lizenzbedingungen
# weitergeben, die mit denen dieses Lizenzvertrages identisch oder vergleichbar sind.
# Im Falle einer Verbreitung müssen Sie anderen die Lizenzbedingungen, unter welche dieses
# Werk fällt, mitteilen. Am Einfachsten ist es, einen Link auf diese Seite einzubinden.
# Jede der vorgenannten Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie die Einwilligung
# des Rechteinhabers dazu erhalten.
# Diese Lizenz lässt die Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte unberührt.
# Weitere Details zur Lizenzbestimmung gibt es hier:
# Kurzform:
# Komplett:
# 2009-02-21 0.0.1 rw created
# 2009-03-18 0.0.2 rw NC 0.14e
# 2009-04-01 0.1.0 rw RC1
# 2009-04-06 0.1.1 rw NC 0.15c
# 2009-05-16 0.1.2 rw External control
# 2009-08-15 0.1.3 rw SIG-Handler removed
# 2009-10-05 0.1.4 rw COM-Ports > 9 + PortSetSkip configuration
# Export Target-Hash to Simulator
# 2009-10-24 0.3.0 rw NC 0.17b
$Version{''} = "0.3.0 - 2009-10-24";
# MK Protokoll
# Parameter
# Com Port of MK Comm-Device (BT, WI.232)
if ( ! defined $Cfg->{'mkcomm'}->{'Port'} )
# set default
$Cfg->{'mkcomm'}->{'Port'} = "COM5";
$AddrFC = "b";
$AddrNC = "c";
$AddrMK3MAG = "d";
if ( $0 =~ /$/i )
# Program wurde direkt aufgerufen
# change working directory to program path
my $Cwd = substr ($0, 0, rindex ($0, ""));
chdir $Cwd;
# set path for local Perl libs
push @INC, $Cwd . "perl/lib";
# Packages
use threads; #
use threads::shared; #
use Thread::Queue; #
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); #
if ( $^O =~ /Win32/i )
require Win32::SerialPort; #
require Device::SerialPort; #
require "";
# Hashes exported to other threads and main-program
share (%MkOsd);
share (%MkTarget);
share (%MkNcDebug);
share (%Mk);
share (%MkSSim); # Target info for simulator
# Queue for Sending to MK
$MkSendQueue = Thread::Queue->new();
sub MkCommExit()
# close COM port
if ( defined threads->self() )
sub MkInit()
if ( defined $MkPort )
return; # already open
# open COM-Port
my $MkComPort = $Cfg->{'mkcomm'}->{'Port'};
if ( $MkComPort =~ /^COM/i )
$MkComPort = "\\\\.\\" . $MkComPort; # \\.\COMnn for nn > 9
undef $MkPort;
if ( $^O =~ m/Win32/ )
$MkPort = Win32::SerialPort->new ($MkComPort) || die "Error open $MkComPort\n";
$MkPort = Device::SerialPort->new ($MkComPort) || die "Error open $MkComPort\n";
if ( ! ($Cfg->{'mkcomm'}->{'PortSetSkip'} =~ /y/i) )
# Set COM parameters, don't set for Bluetooth device
$MkPort->read_const_time(100); # total = (avg * bytes) + const (ms)
# Read one line from MK
# Check send-queue
sub MkIOLine()
# Init serial port
my $RxLine = "";
while ( 1 )
# Check Send-Queue
my $Items = $MkSendQueue->pending();
if ( $Items >= 3 ) # Cmd, Addr, Data
my ($Id, $Addr, $Data) = $MkSendQueue->dequeue(3);
&MkSend ($Id, $Addr, $Data);
# Zeichenweise lesen, blockierend mit Timeout
my ($RxLen, $RxChar) = $MkPort->read(1);
if ( $RxLen == 1 )
if ( "$RxChar" eq "#" ) # 1st char of line
$RxLine = "#";
elsif ( "$RxChar" eq "\r" ) # last char of line
return ($RxLine);
$RxLine = "$RxLine" . "$RxChar"; # collect char
# Read and decode a command from MK
# process send queue in &MkIOLine()
sub MkIO()
my $RxData = &MkIOLine(); # Blocking Read for complete line
# Zeile decodieren
if ( substr ($RxData, 0, 1) eq '#' )
# Zeile decodieren
$Header = substr($RxData, 0, 3);
$Chksum = substr($RxData, -2);
$Data = substr($RxData, 3, length ($RxData) -5);
# CRC prüfen
if ( &CrcCheck ("$Header" . "$Data", $Chksum ) )
# Base64 decodieren
$Data = &Decode64($Data);
# Daten auswerten und in shared Hash schreiben
if ( &ProcessRx($Header, $Data) )
return 1; # alles OK
return 0; # keine Daten empfangen
# Send a command to MK
sub MkSend()
my ($Id, $Addr, $Data) = @_;
# Init serial port
my $Base64Data = &Encode64($Data);
my $TxData = "#" . "$Addr" . "$Id" . "$Base64Data";
my $Crc = &Crc($TxData);
my $TxSend = "$TxData" . "$Crc" . "\r";
# close COM-Port
sub MkClose()
undef $MkPort;
# CRC Prüfung
sub CrcCheck ()
my ($Data, $Crc) = @_;
my $Check = &Crc($Data);
if ( $Check ne $Crc )
return 0; # CRC passt nicht
return (1); # CRC OK
# CRC berechnen
sub Crc ()
my ($Data) = @_;
my $TmpCrc = 0;
my $Len = length $Data;
for ($i=0; $i<$Len; $i++)
$TmpCrc += ord(substr($Data, $i, 1));
$TmpCrc %= 4096;
my $Crc1 = ord ("=") + $TmpCrc / 64;
my $Crc2 = ord ("=") + $TmpCrc % 64;
$Crc = pack("CC", $Crc1, $Crc2);
return ($Crc);
# Empfangene Daten decodieren, modifiziertes Base64
sub Decode64()
my ($DataIn) = @_;
my $ptrIn = 0;
my $DataOut = "";
my $len = length ($DataIn);
while ( $len > 0 )
$a = ord (substr ($DataIn, $ptrIn ++, 1)) - ord ("=");
$b = ord (substr ($DataIn, $ptrIn ++, 1)) - ord ("=");
$c = ord (substr ($DataIn, $ptrIn ++, 1)) - ord ("=");
$d = ord (substr ($DataIn, $ptrIn ++, 1)) - ord ("=");
$x = ($a << 2) | ($b >> 4);
$y = (($b & 0x0f) << 4) | ($c >> 2);
$z = (($c & 0x03) << 6) | $d;
foreach $i ( $x, $y, $z )
if ( $len--)
my $Tmp = pack ('C1', $i);
$DataOut = "$DataOut" . "$Tmp";
return ($DataOut);
# zu sendende Daten codieren, modifiziertes Base64
sub Encode64()
my ($Data) = @_;
my $Length = length $Data;
my $TxBuf = "";
my $ptr = 0;
while( $Length > 0 )
my $a = 0;
my $b = 0;
my $c = 0;
if ($Length) {$a = ord(substr ($Data, $ptr++, $Length--));}
if ($Length) {$b = ord(substr ($Data, $ptr++, $Length--));}
if ($Length) {$c = ord(substr ($Data, $ptr++, $Length--));}
my $ac = ord("=") + ($a >> 2);
my $bc = ord("=") + ( (($a & 0x03) << 4) | (($b & 0xf0) >> 4) );
my $cc = ord("=") + ( (($b & 0x0f) << 2) | (($c & 0xc0) >> 6) );
my $dc = ord("=") + ($c & 0x3f);
$TxBuf = "$TxBuf" . pack ("C4", $ac, $bc, $cc, $dc);
return ($TxBuf);
# Empfangenen Datensatz verarbeiten
sub ProcessRx()
my ($Header, $Data) = @_;
my $Adr = substr ($Header, 1, 1); # b=FC, c=NC, d=MK3MAG
my $Id = substr ($Header, 2, 1);
if ( $Id eq "O" )
# OSD-Daten nach %MkOsd einlesen
# Struktur Datensatz:
# u8 Version // version of the data structure
# GPS_Pos_t CurrentPosition;
# GPS_Pos_t TargetPosition;
# GPS_PosDev_t TargetPositionDeviation;
# GPS_Pos_t HomePosition;
# GPS_PosDev_t HomePositionDeviation;
# u8 WaypointIndex; // index of current waypoints running from 0 to WaypointNumber-1
# u8 WaypointNumber; // number of stored waypoints
# u8 SatsInUse; // no of satellites used for position solution
# s16 Altimeter; // hight according to air pressure
# s16 Variometer; // climb(+) and sink(-) rate
# u16 FlyingTime; // in seconds
# u8 UBat; // Battery Voltage in 0.1 Volts
# u16 GroundSpeed; // speed over ground in cm/s (2D)
# s16 Heading; // current flight direction in deg as angle to north
# s16 CompassHeading; // current compass value
# s8 AngleNick; // current Nick angle in 1°
# s8 AngleRoll; // current Rick angle in 1°
# u8 RC_Quality; // RC_Quality
# u8 MKFlags; // Flags from FC
# u8 NCFlags; // Flags from NC
# u8 Errorcode; // 0 --> okay
# u8 OperatingRadius // current operation radius around the Home Position in m
# s16 TopSpeed; // velocity in vertical direction in cm/s
# u8 TargetHoldTime; // time in s to stay at the given target, counts down to 0 if target has been reached
# u8 RC_RSSI; // Receiver signal strength (since version 2 added)
# s16 SetpointAltitude; // setpoint for altitude
# u8 Gas; // for future use
# GPS_Pos_t:
# s32 Longitude; // in 1E-7 deg
# s32 Latitude; // in 1E-7 deg
# s32 Altitude; // in mm
# u8 Status; // validity of data
# GPS_PosDev_t:
# s16 Distance; // distance to target in dm
# s16 Bearing; // course to target in deg
# Status:
# MKFlags 0x01: MOTOR_RUN, 0x02 FLY, 0x04: CALIBRATE, 0x08: START, 0x10: EMERGENCY_LANDING
# NCFlags 0x01: FLAG_FREE, 0x02: FLAG_PH, 0x04: FLAG_CH, 0x08: FLAG_RANGE_LIMIT
# 0x80: FLAG_8
lock (%MkOsd); # until end of Block
) = unpack ('ClllClllCsslllCssCCCssSCSssccCCCCCsCCsC', $Data);
$MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'} = sprintf("%.7f", $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'} / 10000000);
$MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'} = sprintf("%.7f", $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'} / 10000000);
$MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'} = sprintf("%.3f", $MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'} / 1000);
$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lon'} = sprintf("%.7f", $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lon'} / 10000000);
$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lat'} = sprintf("%.7f", $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Lat'} / 10000000);
$MkOsd{'TargetPos_Alt'} = sprintf("%.3f", $MkOsd{'TargetPos_Alt'} / 1000);
$MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'} = sprintf("%.7f", $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'} / 10000000);
$MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'} = sprintf("%.7f", $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'} / 10000000);
$MkOsd{'HomePos_Alt'} = sprintf("%.3f", $MkOsd{'HomePos_Alt'} / 1000);
$MkOsd{'UBat'} = sprintf("%.1f", $MkOsd{'UBat'} / 10);
# Timestamp, wann der Datensatz geschtieben wurde
$MkOsd{'_Timestamp'} = time;
elsif ( $Id eq "s" )
# NC Target position in %MkTarget
# Datenstruktur:
# GPS_Pos_t Position; // the gps position of the waypoint, see ubx.h for details
# s16 Heading; // orientation, future implementation
# u8 ToleranceRadius; // in meters, if the MK is within that range around the target, then the next target is
# u8 HoldTime; // in seconds, if the MK was once in the tolerance area around a WP,
# // this time defines the delay before the next WP is triggered
# u8 Event_Flag; // future emplementation
# u8 reserve[12]; // reserved
lock (%MkTarget); # until end of block
) = unpack ('lllCsCCC', $Data);
$MkTarget{'Pos_Lon'} = sprintf("%.7f", $MkTarget{'Pos_Lon'} / 10000000);
$MkTarget{'Pos_Lat'} = sprintf("%.7f", $MkTarget{'Pos_Lat'} / 10000000);
$MkTarget{'Pos_Alt'} = sprintf("%.3f", $MkTarget{'Pos_Alt'} / 1000);
# Timestamp, wann der Datensatz geschrieben wurdw
$MkTarget{'_Timestamp'} = time;
elsif ( $Id eq "W" )
# Request new waypoint
# Datenstruktur:
# u8 Number of waypoint
($WpNumber) = unpack ('C', $Data);
# keine Ahnung wofuer das gut sein soll
# print "Request new Waypoint Number: $WpNumber\n";
elsif ( $Id eq "V" )
# Version
# Datenstruktur:
# u8 SWMajor
# u8 SWMinor
# u8 ProtoMajor
# u8 ProtoMinor
# u8 SWPatch
# u8 Reserved[5]
) = unpack ('C5', $Data);
$Mk{'_Timestamp'} = time;
elsif ( $Id eq "E" )
# Error Text
# Datenstruktur:
# s8 ErrorMsg[25]
$Mk{'ErrorMsg'} = unpack ('Z25', $Data);
elsif ( $Id eq "D" )
# NC Debug %MkNcDebug
# Datenstruktur:
# u8 Digital[2];
# u16 Analog[32];
lock (%MkNcDebug); # until end of block
) = unpack ('C2s32', $Data);
# Timestamp, wann der Datensatz geschrieben wurde
$MkNcDebug{'_Timestamp'} = time;
elsif ( $Id eq "B" )
# External Control
# Datenstruktur:
# u8 ConfirmFrame;
my ($ConfirmFrame) = unpack ('C5', $Data);
print "Unknown Command: $Header $Data\n";
# send Target or Waypoint to MK
sub MkFlyTo()
my %Param = @_;
my $x = $Param{'-x'};
my $y = $Param{'-y'};
my $Lat = $Param{'-lat'};
my $Lon = $Param{'-lon'};
my $Alt = $Param{'-alt'};
my $Heading = $Param{'-heading'};
my $ToleranceRadius = $Param{'-toleranceradius'};
my $Holdtime = $Param{'-holdtime'};
my $EventFlag = $Param{'-eventflag'};
my $Mode = $Param{'-mode'};
my $Index = $Param{'-index'}; # 1..n
if ( $x ne "" and $y ne "" and $Lat eq "" and $Lon eq "" )
($Lat, $Lon) = &MapXY2Gps($x, $y);
if ( $Alt eq "" ) { $Alt = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'}; }
if ( $Heading eq "" ) { $Heading = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultHeading'}; }
if ( $ToleranceRadius eq "" ) { $ToleranceRadius = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultToleranceRadius'}; }
if ( $Holdtime eq "" ) { $Holdtime = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultHoldtime'}; }
if ( $EventFlag eq "" ) { $EventFlag = $Cfg->{'waypoint'}->{'DefaultEventFlag'}; }
my $Status = 1; # valid
if ( $Mode =~ /delete/i )
$Status = 0; # invalid -> delete NC WP-List
my $Lat_i = sprintf "%d", $Lat * 10000000;
my $Lon_i = sprintf "%d", $Lon * 10000000;
my $Alt_i = sprintf "%d", $Alt * 1000;
# Datenstruktur:
# GPS_Pos_t Position; // the gps position of the waypoint, see ubx.h for details
# s16 Heading; // orientation, future implementation
# u8 ToleranceRadius; // in meters, if the MK is within that range around the target, then the next target is
# u8 HoldTime; // in seconds, if the MK was once in the tolerance area around a WP,
# // this time defines the delay before the next WP is triggered
# u8 Event_Flag; // future emplementation
# u8 Index; // to indentify different waypoints, workaround for bad communications PC <-> NC
# u8 reserve[11]; // reserved
my $Wp = pack ('lllCsC15',
$Index + 1,
if ( $Mode =~ /waypoint/i )
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "w", "$AddrNC", $Wp );
# &MkSend( "w", "$AddrNC", $Wp );
elsif ( $Mode =~ /target/i )
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "s", "$AddrNC", $Wp );
# &MkSend( "s", "$AddrNC", $Wp );
# set Target information for Simulator
$MkSim{'Target_Lat'} = $Lat;
$MkSim{'Target_Lon'} = $Lon;
$MkSim{'Target_Alt'} = $Alt;
$MkSim{'Target_Status'} = $Status;
$MkSim{'Target_Heading'} = $Heading;
$MkSim{'Target_ToleranceRadius'} = $ToleranceRadius;
$MkSim{'Target_Holdtime'} = $Holdtime;
$MkSim{'Target_EventFlag'} = $EventFlag;
# Timestamp, wann der Datensatz geschtieben wurde
$MkSim{'_Timestamp'} = time;
# ignore
return 0;
# send External control to MK
sub ExternalControl()
my %Param = @_;
my $RemoteButtons = $Param{'-remotebuttons'};
my $Nick = $Param{'-nick'};
my $Roll = $Param{'-roll'};
my $Yaw = $Param{'-yaw'};
my $Gas = $Param{'-gas'};
my $Hight = $Param{'-hight'};
my $Free = $Param{'-free'};
my $Frame = $Param{'-frame'};
my $Config = $Param{'-config'};
# Datenstruktur:
# u8 Digital[2];
# u8 RemoteButtons;
# s8 Nick;
# s8 Roll;
# s8 Yaw;
# u8 Gas;
# s8 Height;
# u8 free;
# u8 Frame;
# u8 Config;
my $Ec = pack ('CCCcccCcCCC',
0, 0,
$MkSendQueue->enqueue( "b", "$AddrNC", $Ec );
# &MkSend( "b", "$AddrNC", $Ec );
return 0;
# when called as thread
sub MkCommLoop()
while (1)
# Hauptprgramm
if ( $0 =~ /$/i )
# Program wurde direkt aufgerufen
# should never exit
0,0 → 1,23
echo off
echo Download and Installation of required Perl Packages
call ppm install Tk
call ppm install Tk::Balloon
call ppm install Tk::Dialog
call ppm install Tk::Notebook
call ppm install Tk::JPEG
call ppm install Tk::PNG
call ppm install Math::Trig
call ppm install XML::Simple
call ppm install Geo::Ellipsoid
call ppm install threads
call ppm install threads::shared
call ppm install Thread::Queue
call ppm install Time::Hires
rem call ppm install Win32::SerialPort
call ppm install Win32::Locale
call ppm install Clipboard
call ppm install Spiffy
call ppm install Image::Size
echo done
0,0 → 1,2969
package Win32::SerialPort;
use Win32;
use Win32API::CommPort qw( :STAT :PARAM 0.17 );
use Carp;
use strict;
$VERSION = '0.19';
require Exporter;
## require AutoLoader;
@ISA = qw( Exporter Win32API::CommPort );
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
@EXPORT= qw();
# parameters that must be included in a "save" and "checking subs"
my %validate = (
ALIAS => "alias",
BAUD => "baudrate",
BINARY => "binary",
DATA => "databits",
E_MSG => "error_msg",
EOFCHAR => "eof_char",
ERRCHAR => "error_char",
EVTCHAR => "event_char",
HSHAKE => "handshake",
PARITY => "parity",
PARITY_EN => "parity_enable",
RCONST => "read_const_time",
READBUF => "set_read_buf",
RINT => "read_interval",
RTOT => "read_char_time",
STOP => "stopbits",
U_MSG => "user_msg",
WCONST => "write_const_time",
WRITEBUF => "set_write_buf",
WTOT => "write_char_time",
XOFFCHAR => "xoff_char",
XOFFLIM => "xoff_limit",
XONCHAR => "xon_char",
XONLIM => "xon_limit",
intr => "is_stty_intr",
quit => "is_stty_quit",
s_eof => "is_stty_eof",
eol => "is_stty_eol",
erase => "is_stty_erase",
s_kill => "is_stty_kill",
bsdel => "stty_bsdel",
clear => "is_stty_clear",
echo => "stty_echo",
echoe => "stty_echoe",
echok => "stty_echok",
echonl => "stty_echonl",
echoke => "stty_echoke",
echoctl => "stty_echoctl",
istrip => "stty_istrip",
icrnl => "stty_icrnl",
ocrnl => "stty_ocrnl",
opost => "stty_opost",
igncr => "stty_igncr",
inlcr => "stty_inlcr",
onlcr => "stty_onlcr",
isig => "stty_isig",
icanon => "stty_icanon",
DVTYPE => "devicetype",
HNAME => "hostname",
HADDR => "hostaddr",
DATYPE => "datatype",
CFG_1 => "cfg_param_1",
CFG_2 => "cfg_param_2",
CFG_3 => "cfg_param_3",
# parameters supported by the stty method
my %opts = ( "intr" => "is_stty_intr:argv_char",
"quit" => "is_stty_quit:argv_char",
"eof" => "is_stty_eof:argv_char",
"eol" => "is_stty_eol:argv_char",
"erase" => "is_stty_erase:argv_char",
"kill" => "is_stty_kill:argv_char",
"echo" => "stty_echo:1",
"-echo" => "stty_echo:0",
"echoe" => "stty_echoe:1",
"-echoe" => "stty_echoe:0",
"echok" => "stty_echok:1",
"-echok" => "stty_echok:0",
"echonl" => "stty_echonl:1",
"-echonl" => "stty_echonl:0",
"echoke" => "stty_echoke:1",
"-echoke" => "stty_echoke:0",
"echoctl" => "stty_echoctl:1",
"-echoctl" => "stty_echoctl:0",
"istrip" => "stty_istrip:1",
"-istrip" => "stty_istrip:0",
"icrnl" => "stty_icrnl:1",
"-icrnl" => "stty_icrnl:0",
"ocrnl" => "stty_ocrnl:1",
"-ocrnl" => "stty_ocrnl:0",
"igncr" => "stty_igncr:1",
"-igncr" => "stty_igncr:0",
"inlcr" => "stty_inlcr:1",
"-inlcr" => "stty_inlcr:0",
"onlcr" => "stty_onlcr:1",
"-onlcr" => "stty_onlcr:0",
"opost" => "stty_opost:1",
"-opost" => "stty_opost:0",
"isig" => "stty_isig:1",
"-isig" => "stty_isig:0",
"icanon" => "stty_icanon:1",
"-icanon" => "stty_icanon:0",
"parenb" => "parity_enable:1",
"-parenb" => "parity_enable:0",
"inpck" => "parity_enable:1",
"-inpck" => "parity:none",
"cs5" => "databits:5",
"cs6" => "databits:6",
"cs7" => "databits:7",
"cs8" => "databits:8",
"cstopb" => "stopbits:2",
"-cstopb" => "stopbits:1",
"parodd" => "parity:odd",
"-parodd" => "parity:even",
"clocal" => "handshake:none",
"-clocal" => "handshake:dtr",
"crtscts" => "handshake:rts",
"-crtscts" => "handshake:none",
"ixon" => "handshake:xoff",
"-ixon" => "handshake:none",
"ixoff" => "handshake:xoff",
"-ixoff" => "handshake:none",
"start" => "xon_char:argv_char",
"stop" => "xoff_char:argv_char",
#### Package variable declarations ####
my @binary_opt = (0, 1);
my @byte_opt = (0, 255);
my $cfg_file_sig="Win32::SerialPort_Configuration_File -- DO NOT EDIT --\n";
my $Verbose = 0;
# test*.t only - suppresses default messages
sub set_test_mode_active {
return unless (@_ == 2);
# object not defined but :: upsets strict
return (keys %validate);
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $device = shift;
my @new_cmd = ($device);
my $quiet = shift;
if ($quiet) {
push @new_cmd, 1;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@new_cmd);
unless ($self) {
return 0 if ($quiet);
# "private" data
$self->{"_DEBUG"} = 0;
$self->{U_MSG} = 0;
$self->{E_MSG} = 0;
$self->{OFS} = "";
$self->{ORS} = "";
$self->{"_T_INPUT"} = "";
$self->{"_LOOK"} = "";
$self->{"_LASTLOOK"} = "";
$self->{"_LASTLINE"} = "";
$self->{"_CLASTLINE"} = "";
$self->{"_SIZE"} = 1;
$self->{"_LMATCH"} = "";
$self->{"_LPATT"} = "";
$self->{"_PROMPT"} = "";
$self->{"_MATCH"} = [];
$self->{"_CMATCH"} = [];
@{ $self->{"_MATCH"} } = "\n";
@{ $self->{"_CMATCH"} } = "\n";
$self->{DVTYPE} = "none";
$self->{HNAME} = "localhost";
$self->{HADDR} = 0;
$self->{DATYPE} = "raw";
$self->{CFG_1} = "none";
$self->{CFG_2} = "none";
$self->{CFG_3} = "none";
# user settable options for lookfor (the "stty" collection)
# defaults like RedHat linux unless indicated
# char to abort nextline subroutine
$self->{intr} = "\cC"; # MUST be single char
# char to abort perl
$self->{quit} = "\cD"; # MUST be single char
# end_of_file char (linux typ: "\cD")
$self->{s_eof} = "\cZ"; # MUST be single char
# end_of_line char
$self->{eol} = "\cJ"; # MUST be single char
# delete one character from buffer (backspace)
$self->{erase} = "\cH"; # MUST be single char
# clear line buffer
$self->{s_kill} = "\cU"; # MUST be single char
# written after erase character
$self->{bsdel} = "\cH \cH";
# written after kill character
my $space76 = " "x76;
$self->{clear} = "\r$space76\r"; # 76 spaces
# echo every character
$self->{echo} = 0;
# echo erase character with bsdel string
$self->{echoe} = 1;
# echo \n after kill character
$self->{echok} = 1;
# echo \n
$self->{echonl} = 0;
# echo clear string after kill character
$self->{echoke} = 1; # linux console yes, serial no
# echo "^Char" for control chars
$self->{echoctl} = 0; # linux console yes, serial no
# strip input to 7-bits
$self->{istrip} = 0;
# map \r to \n on input
$self->{icrnl} = 0;
# map \r to \n on output
$self->{ocrnl} = 0;
# ignore \r on input
$self->{igncr} = 0;
# map \n to \r on input
$self->{inlcr} = 0;
# map \n to \r\n on output
$self->{onlcr} = 1;
# enable output mapping
$self->{opost} = 0;
# enable quit and intr characters
$self->{isig} = 0; # linux actually SUPPORTS signals
# enable erase and kill characters
$self->{icanon} = 0;
my $token;
my @bauds = $self->are_baudrate;
foreach $token (@bauds) { $opts{$token} = "baudrate:$token"; }
# initialize (in CommPort) and write_settings need these defined
$self->{"_N_U_MSG"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_E_MSG"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_ALIAS"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_intr"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_quit"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_s_eof"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_eol"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_erase"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_s_kill"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_bsdel"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_clear"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_echo"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_echoe"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_echok"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_echonl"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_echoke"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_echoctl"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_istrip"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_icrnl"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_ocrnl"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_opost"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_igncr"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_inlcr"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_onlcr"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_isig"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_icanon"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_DVTYPE"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_HNAME"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_HADDR"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_DATYPE"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_CFG_1"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_CFG_2"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_CFG_3"} = 0;
$self->{ALIAS} = $device; # so "\\.\+++" can be changed
$self->{DEVICE} = $device; # clone so NAME stays in CommPort
($self->{MAX_RXB}, $self->{MAX_TXB}) = $self->buffer_max;
bless ($self, $class);
return $self;
sub stty_intr {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{intr} = shift; }
return if (@_);
return $self->{intr};
sub stty_quit {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{quit} = shift; }
return if (@_);
return $self->{quit};
sub is_stty_eof {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{s_eof} = chr(shift); }
return if (@_);
return ord($self->{s_eof});
sub is_stty_eol {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{eol} = chr(shift); }
return if (@_);
return ord($self->{eol});
sub is_stty_quit {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{quit} = chr(shift); }
return if (@_);
return ord($self->{quit});
sub is_stty_intr {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{intr} = chr(shift); }
return if (@_);
return ord($self->{intr});
sub is_stty_erase {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{erase} = chr(shift); }
return if (@_);
return ord($self->{erase});
sub is_stty_kill {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{s_kill} = chr(shift); }
return if (@_);
return ord($self->{s_kill});
sub is_stty_clear {
my $self = shift;
my @chars;
if (@_ == 1) {
@chars = split (//, shift);
for (@chars) {
$_ = chr ( ord($_) - 32 );
$self->{clear} = join("", @chars);
return $self->{clear};
return if (@_);
@chars = split (//, $self->{clear});
for (@chars) {
$_ = chr ( ord($_) + 32 );
my $permute = join("", @chars);
return $permute;
sub stty_eof {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{s_eof} = shift; }
return if (@_);
return $self->{s_eof};
sub stty_eol {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{eol} = shift; }
return if (@_);
return $self->{eol};
sub stty_erase {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) {
my $tmp = shift;
return unless (length($tmp) == 1);
$self->{erase} = $tmp;
return if (@_);
return $self->{erase};
sub stty_kill {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) {
my $tmp = shift;
return unless (length($tmp) == 1);
$self->{s_kill} = $tmp;
return if (@_);
return $self->{s_kill};
sub stty_bsdel {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{bsdel} = shift; }
return if (@_);
return $self->{bsdel};
sub stty_clear {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{clear} = shift; }
return if (@_);
return $self->{clear};
sub stty_echo {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{echo} = yes_true ( shift ) }
return if (@_);
return $self->{echo};
sub stty_echoe {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{echoe} = yes_true ( shift ) }
return if (@_);
return $self->{echoe};
sub stty_echok {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{echok} = yes_true ( shift ) }
return if (@_);
return $self->{echok};
sub stty_echonl {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{echonl} = yes_true ( shift ) }
return if (@_);
return $self->{echonl};
sub stty_echoke {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{echoke} = yes_true ( shift ) }
return if (@_);
return $self->{echoke};
sub stty_echoctl {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{echoctl} = yes_true ( shift ) }
return if (@_);
return $self->{echoctl};
sub stty_istrip {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{istrip} = yes_true ( shift ) }
return if (@_);
return $self->{istrip};
sub stty_icrnl {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{icrnl} = yes_true ( shift ) }
return if (@_);
return $self->{icrnl};
sub stty_ocrnl {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{ocrnl} = yes_true ( shift ) }
return if (@_);
return $self->{ocrnl};
sub stty_opost {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{opost} = yes_true ( shift ) }
return if (@_);
return $self->{opost};
sub stty_igncr {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{igncr} = yes_true ( shift ) }
return if (@_);
return $self->{igncr};
sub stty_inlcr {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{inlcr} = yes_true ( shift ) }
return if (@_);
return $self->{inlcr};
sub stty_onlcr {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{onlcr} = yes_true ( shift ) }
return if (@_);
return $self->{onlcr};
sub stty_isig {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{isig} = yes_true ( shift ) }
return if (@_);
return $self->{isig};
sub stty_icanon {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{icanon} = yes_true ( shift ) }
return if (@_);
return $self->{icanon};
sub is_prompt {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) { $self->{"_PROMPT"} = shift; }
return if (@_);
return $self->{"_PROMPT"};
sub are_match {
my $self = shift;
my $pat;
my $patno = 0;
my $reno = 0;
my $re_next = 0;
if (@_) {
@{ $self->{"_MATCH"} } = @_;
if ($] >= 5.005) {
@{ $self->{"_CMATCH"} } = ();
while ($pat = shift) {
if ($re_next) {
$re_next = 0;
eval 'push (@{ $self->{"_CMATCH"} }, qr/$pat/)';
} else {
push (@{ $self->{"_CMATCH"} }, $pat);
if ($pat eq "-re") {
} else {
@{ $self->{"_CMATCH"} } = @_;
return @{ $self->{"_MATCH"} };
# parse values for start/restart
sub get_start_values {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $filename = shift;
unless ( open CF, "<$filename" ) {
carp "can't open file: $filename";
my ($signature, $name, @values) = <CF>;
close CF;
unless ( $cfg_file_sig eq $signature ) {
carp "Invalid signature in $filename: $signature";
chomp $name;
unless ( $self->{DEVICE} eq $name ) {
carp "Invalid Port DEVICE=$self->{DEVICE} in $filename: $name";
if ($Verbose or not $self) {
print "signature = $signature";
print "name = $name\n";
if ($Verbose) {
print "values:\n";
foreach (@values) { print " $_"; }
my $item;
my $key;
my $value;
my $gosub;
my $fault = 0;
no strict 'refs'; # for $gosub
foreach $item (@values) {
chomp $item;
($key, $value) = split (/,/, $item);
if ($value eq "") { $fault++ }
else {
$gosub = $validate{$key};
unless (defined &$gosub ($self, $value)) {
carp "Invalid parameter for $key=$value ";
use strict 'refs';
if ($fault) {
carp "Invalid value in $filename";
undef $self;
sub restart {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $filename = shift;
unless ( $self->init_done ) {
carp "Can't restart before Port has been initialized";
get_start_values($self, $filename);
sub start {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
return unless (@_);
my $filename = shift;
unless ( open CF, "<$filename" ) {
carp "can't open file: $filename";
my ($signature, $name, @values) = <CF>;
close CF;
unless ( $cfg_file_sig eq $signature ) {
carp "Invalid signature in $filename: $signature";
chomp $name;
my $self = new ($class, $name);
if ($Verbose or not $self) {
print "signature = $signature";
print "class = $class\n";
print "name = $name\n";
if ($Verbose) {
print "values:\n";
foreach (@values) { print " $_"; }
if ($self) {
if ( get_start_values($self, $filename) ) {
write_settings ($self);
else {
carp "Invalid value in $filename";
undef $self;
return $self;
sub write_settings {
my $self = shift;
my @items = keys %validate;
# initialize returns number of faults
if ( $self->initialize(@items) ) {
unless (nocarp) {
carp "write_settings failed, closing port";
if ($Verbose) {
print "writing settings to $self->{ALIAS}\n";
sub save {
my $self = shift;
my $item;
my $getsub;
my $value;
return unless (@_);
unless ($self->init_done) {
carp "can't save until init_done";
my $filename = shift;
unless ( open CF, ">$filename" ) {
carp "can't open file: $filename";
print CF "$cfg_file_sig";
print CF "$self->{DEVICE}\n";
# used to "reopen" so must be DEVICE=NAME
no strict 'refs'; # for $gosub
while (($item, $getsub) = each %validate) {
chomp $getsub;
$value = scalar &$getsub($self);
print CF "$item,$value\n";
use strict 'refs';
close CF;
if ($Verbose) {
print "wrote file $filename for $self->{ALIAS}\n";
##### tied FileHandle support
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
return unless (@_);
my $self = start($class, shift);
return $self;
# WRITE this, LIST
# This method will be called when the handle is written to via the
# syswrite function.
sub WRITE {
return if (@_ < 3);
my $self = shift;
my $buf = shift;
my $len = shift;
my $offset = 0;
if (@_) { $offset = shift; }
my $out2 = substr($buf, $offset, $len);
return unless ($self->post_print($out2));
return length($out2);
# PRINT this, LIST
# This method will be triggered every time the tied handle is printed to
# with the print() function. Beyond its self reference it also expects
# the list that was passed to the print function.
sub PRINT {
my $self = shift;
return unless (@_);
my $ofs = $, ? $, : "";
if ($self->{OFS}) { $ofs = $self->{OFS}; }
my $ors = $\ ? $\ : "";
if ($self->{ORS}) { $ors = $self->{ORS}; }
my $output = join($ofs,@_);
$output .= $ors;
return $self->post_print($output);
sub output_field_separator {
my $self = shift;
my $prev = $self->{OFS};
if (@_) { $self->{OFS} = shift; }
return $prev;
sub output_record_separator {
my $self = shift;
my $prev = $self->{ORS};
if (@_) { $self->{ORS} = shift; }
return $prev;
sub post_print {
my $self = shift;
return unless (@_);
my $output = shift;
if ($self->stty_opost) {
if ($self->stty_ocrnl) { $output =~ s/\r/\n/osg; }
if ($self->stty_onlcr) { $output =~ s/\n/\r\n/osg; }
my $to_do = length($output);
my $done = 0;
my $written = 0;
while ($done < $to_do) {
my $out2 = substr($output, $done);
$written = $self->write($out2);
if (! defined $written) {
return 0 unless ($written);
$done += $written;
$^E = 0;
# This method will be triggered every time the tied handle is printed to
# with the printf() function. Beyond its self reference it also expects
# the format and list that was passed to the printf function.
sub PRINTF {
my $self = shift;
my $fmt = shift;
return unless ($fmt);
return unless (@_);
my $output = sprintf($fmt, @_);
# READ this, LIST
# This method will be called when the handle is read from via the read
# or sysread functions.
sub READ {
return if (@_ < 3);
my $buf = \$_[1];
my ($self, $junk, $len, $offset) = @_;
unless (defined $offset) { $offset = 0; }
my $done = 0;
my $count_in = 0;
my $string_in = "";
my $in2 = "";
my $bufsize = $self->internal_buffer;
while ($done < $len) {
my $size = $len - $done;
if ($size > $bufsize) { $size = $bufsize; }
($count_in, $string_in) = $self->read($size);
if ($count_in) {
$in2 .= $string_in;
$done += $count_in;
$^E = 0;
elsif ($done) {
$^E = 0;
else {
my $tail = substr($$buf, $offset + $done);
my $head = substr($$buf, 0, $offset);
if ($self->{icrnl}) { $in2 =~ tr/\r/\n/; }
if ($self->{inlcr}) { $in2 =~ tr/\n/\r/; }
if ($self->{igncr}) { $in2 =~ s/\r//gos; }
$$buf = $head.$in2.$tail;
return $done if ($done);
# This method will be called when the handle is read from via <HANDLE>.
# The method should return undef when there is no more data.
my $self = shift;
return if (@_);
my $gotit = "";
my $match = "";
my $was;
if (wantarray) {
my @lines;
for (;;) {
$was = $self->reset_error;
if ($was) {
$^E = 1117; # ERROR_IO_DEVICE
return @lines if (@lines);
if (! defined ($gotit = $self->streamline($self->{"_SIZE"}))) {
return @lines if (@lines);
$match = $self->matchclear;
if ( ($gotit ne "") || ($match ne "") ) {
$^E = 0;
$gotit .= $match;
push (@lines, $gotit);
return @lines if ($gotit =~ /$self->{"_CLASTLINE"}/s);
else {
for (;;) {
$was = $self->reset_error;
if ($was) {
$^E = 1117; # ERROR_IO_DEVICE
if (! defined ($gotit = $self->lookfor($self->{"_SIZE"}))) {
$match = $self->matchclear;
if ( ($gotit ne "") || ($match ne "") ) {
$^E = 0;
return $gotit.$match; # traditional <HANDLE> behavior
# GETC this
# This method will be called when the getc function is called.
sub GETC {
my $self = shift;
my ($count, $in) = $self->read(1);
if ($count == 1) {
$^E = 0;
return $in;
else {
# CLOSE this
# This method will be called when the handle is closed via the close
# function.
sub CLOSE {
my $self = shift;
my $success = $self->close;
if ($Verbose) { printf "CLOSE result:%d\n", $success; }
return $success;
# DESTROY this
# As with the other types of ties, this method will be called when the
# tied handle is about to be destroyed. This is useful for debugging and
# possibly cleaning up.
my $self = shift;
if ($Verbose) { print "SerialPort::DESTROY called.\n"; }
sub alias {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { $self->{ALIAS} = shift; } # should return true for legal names
return $self->{ALIAS};
sub user_msg {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { $self->{U_MSG} = yes_true ( shift ) }
return wantarray ? @binary_opt : $self->{U_MSG};
sub error_msg {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { $self->{E_MSG} = yes_true ( shift ) }
return wantarray ? @binary_opt : $self->{E_MSG};
sub devicetype {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { $self->{DVTYPE} = shift; } # return true for legal names
return $self->{DVTYPE};
sub hostname {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { $self->{HNAME} = shift; } # return true for legal names
return $self->{HNAME};
sub hostaddr {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { $self->{HADDR} = shift; } # return true for assigned port
return $self->{HADDR};
sub datatype {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { $self->{DATYPE} = shift; } # return true for legal types
return $self->{DATYPE};
sub cfg_param_1 {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { $self->{CFG_1} = shift; } # return true for legal param
return $self->{CFG_1};
sub cfg_param_2 {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { $self->{CFG_2} = shift; } # return true for legal param
return $self->{CFG_2};
sub cfg_param_3 {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { $self->{CFG_3} = shift; } # return true for legal param
return $self->{CFG_3};
sub baudrate {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
unless ( defined $self->is_baudrate( shift ) ) {
if ($self->{U_MSG} or $Verbose) {
carp "Could not set baudrate on $self->{ALIAS}";
return wantarray ? $self->are_baudrate : $self->is_baudrate;
sub status {
my $self = shift;
my $ok = 0;
my $fmask = 0;
my $v1 = $Verbose | $self->{"_DEBUG"};
my $v2 = $v1 | $self->{U_MSG};
my $v3 = $v1 | $self->{E_MSG};
my @stat = $self->is_status;
return unless (scalar @stat);
if ($v1) { printf "BlockingFlags= %lx\n", $fmask; }
if ($v2 && $fmask) {
printf "Waiting for CTS\n" if ($fmask & BM_fCtsHold);
printf "Waiting for DSR\n" if ($fmask & BM_fDsrHold);
printf "Waiting for RLSD\n" if ($fmask & BM_fRlsdHold);
printf "Waiting for XON\n" if ($fmask & BM_fXoffHold);
printf "Waiting, XOFF was sent\n" if ($fmask & BM_fXoffSent);
printf "End_of_File received\n" if ($fmask & BM_fEof);
printf "Character waiting to TX\n" if ($fmask & BM_fTxim);
if ($v1) { printf "Error_BitMask= %lx\n", $fmask; }
if ($v3 && $fmask) {
# only prints if error is new (API resets each call)
printf "Invalid MODE or bad HANDLE\n" if ($fmask & CE_MODE);
printf "Receive Overrun detected\n" if ($fmask & CE_RXOVER);
printf "Buffer Overrun detected\n" if ($fmask & CE_OVERRUN);
printf "Parity Error detected\n" if ($fmask & CE_RXPARITY);
printf "Framing Error detected\n" if ($fmask & CE_FRAME);
printf "Break Signal detected\n" if ($fmask & CE_BREAK);
printf "Transmit Buffer is full\n" if ($fmask & CE_TXFULL);
return @stat;
sub handshake {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
unless ( $self->is_handshake(shift) ) {
if ($self->{U_MSG} or $Verbose) {
carp "Could not set handshake on $self->{ALIAS}";
return wantarray ? $self->are_handshake : $self->is_handshake;
sub parity {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
unless ( $self->is_parity(shift) ) {
if ($self->{U_MSG} or $Verbose) {
carp "Could not set parity on $self->{ALIAS}";
return wantarray ? $self->are_parity : $self->is_parity;
sub databits {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
unless ( $self->is_databits(shift) ) {
if ($self->{U_MSG} or $Verbose) {
carp "Could not set databits on $self->{ALIAS}";
return wantarray ? $self->are_databits : $self->is_databits;
sub stopbits {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
unless ( $self->is_stopbits(shift) ) {
if ($self->{U_MSG} or $Verbose) {
carp "Could not set stopbits on $self->{ALIAS}";
return wantarray ? $self->are_stopbits : $self->is_stopbits;
# single value for save/start
sub set_read_buf {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless (@_ == 1);
my $rbuf = int shift;
return unless (($rbuf > 0) and ($rbuf <= $self->{MAX_RXB}));
return $self->is_read_buf;
# single value for save/start
sub set_write_buf {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless (@_ == 1);
my $wbuf = int shift;
return unless (($wbuf >= 0) and ($wbuf <= $self->{MAX_TXB}));
return $self->is_write_buf;
sub buffers {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 2) {
my $rbuf = shift;
my $wbuf = shift;
unless (defined set_read_buf ($self, $rbuf)) {
if ($self->{U_MSG} or $Verbose) {
carp "Can't set read buffer on $self->{ALIAS}";
unless (defined set_write_buf ($self, $wbuf)) {
if ($self->{U_MSG} or $Verbose) {
carp "Can't set write buffer on $self->{ALIAS}";
$self->is_buffers($rbuf, $wbuf) || return;
elsif (@_) { return; }
return wantarray ? $self->are_buffers : 1;
sub read {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $wanted = shift;
my $ok = 0;
my $result = "";
return unless ($wanted > 0);
my $got = $self->read_bg ($wanted);
if ($got != $wanted) {
($ok, $got, $result) = $self->read_done(1); # block until done
else { ($ok, $got, $result) = $self->read_done(0); }
print "read=$got\n" if ($Verbose);
return ($got, $result);
sub lookclear {
my $self = shift;
if (nocarp && (@_ == 1)) {
$self->{"_T_INPUT"} = shift;
$self->{"_LOOK"} = "";
$self->{"_LASTLOOK"} = "";
$self->{"_LMATCH"} = "";
$self->{"_LPATT"} = "";
return if (@_);
sub linesize {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my $val = int shift;
return if ($val < 0);
$self->{"_SIZE"} = $val;
return $self->{"_SIZE"};
sub lastline {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
$self->{"_LASTLINE"} = shift;
if ($] >= 5.005) {
eval '$self->{"_CLASTLINE"} = qr/$self->{"_LASTLINE"}/';
} else {
$self->{"_CLASTLINE"} = $self->{"_LASTLINE"};
return $self->{"_LASTLINE"};
sub matchclear {
my $self = shift;
my $found = $self->{"_LMATCH"};
$self->{"_LMATCH"} = "";
return if (@_);
return $found;
sub lastlook {
my $self = shift;
return if (@_);
return ( $self->{"_LMATCH"}, $self->{"_LASTLOOK"},
$self->{"_LPATT"}, $self->{"_LOOK"} );
sub lookfor {
my $self = shift;
my $size = 0;
if (@_) { $size = shift; }
my $loc = "";
my $count_in = 0;
my $string_in = "";
$self->{"_LMATCH"} = "";
$self->{"_LPATT"} = "";
if ( ! $self->{"_LOOK"} ) {
$loc = $self->{"_LASTLOOK"};
if ($size) {
my ($bbb, $iii, $ooo, $eee) = status($self);
if ($iii > $size) { $size = $iii; }
($count_in, $string_in) = $self->read($size);
return unless ($count_in);
$loc .= $string_in;
else {
$loc .= $self->input;
if ($loc ne "") {
if ($self->{icrnl}) { $loc =~ tr/\r/\n/; }
my $n_char;
my $mpos;
my $erase_is_bsdel = 0;
my $nl_after_kill = "";
my $clear_after_kill = 0;
my $echo_ctl = 0;
my $lookbuf;
my $re_next = 0;
my $got_match = 0;
my $pat;
my $lf_erase = "";
my $lf_kill = "";
my $lf_eof = "";
my $lf_quit = "";
my $lf_intr = "";
my $nl_2_crnl = 0;
my $cr_2_nl = 0;
if ($self->{opost}) {
$nl_2_crnl = $self->{onlcr};
$cr_2_nl = $self->{ocrnl};
if ($self->{echo}) {
$erase_is_bsdel = $self->{echoe};
if ($self->{echok}) {
$nl_after_kill = $self->{onlcr} ? "\r\n" : "\n";
$clear_after_kill = $self->{echoke};
$echo_ctl = $self->{echoctl};
if ($self->{icanon}) {
$lf_erase = $self->{erase};
$lf_kill = $self->{s_kill};
$lf_eof = $self->{s_eof};
if ($self->{isig}) {
$lf_quit = $self->{quit};
$lf_intr = $self->{intr};
my @loc_char = split (//, $loc);
while (defined ($n_char = shift @loc_char)) {
## printf STDERR "0x%x ", ord($n_char);
if ($n_char eq $lf_erase) {
if ($erase_is_bsdel && (length $self->{"_LOOK"}) ) {
$mpos = chop $self->{"_LOOK"};
if ($echo_ctl && (($mpos lt "@")|($mpos eq chr(127)))) {
elsif ($n_char eq $lf_kill) {
$self->{"_LOOK"} = "";
$self->write($self->{clear}) if ($clear_after_kill);
elsif ($n_char eq $lf_intr) {
$self->{"_LOOK"} = "";
$self->{"_LASTLOOK"} = "";
elsif ($n_char eq $lf_quit) {
else {
$mpos = ord $n_char;
if ($self->{istrip}) {
if ($mpos > 127) { $n_char = chr($mpos - 128); }
$self->{"_LOOK"} .= $n_char;
## print $n_char;
if ($cr_2_nl) { $n_char =~ s/\r/\n/os; }
if ($nl_2_crnl) { $n_char =~ s/\n/\r\n/os; }
if (($mpos < 32) && $echo_ctl &&
($mpos != is_stty_eol($self))) {
$n_char = chr($mpos + 64);
elsif (($mpos == 127) && $echo_ctl) {
elsif ($self->{echonl} && ($n_char =~ "\n")) {
# also writes "\r\n" for onlcr
elsif ($self->{echo}) {
# also writes "\r\n" for onlcr
$lookbuf = $self->{"_LOOK"};
if (($lf_eof ne "") and ($lookbuf =~ /$lf_eof$/)) {
$self->{"_LOOK"} = "";
$self->{"_LASTLOOK"} = "";
return $lookbuf;
$count_in = 0;
foreach $pat ( @{ $self->{"_CMATCH"} } ) {
if ($pat eq "-re") {
if ($re_next) {
$re_next = 0;
# always at $lookbuf end when processing single char
if ( $lookbuf =~ s/$pat//s ) {
$self->{"_LMATCH"} = $&;
elsif (($mpos = index($lookbuf, $pat)) > -1) {
$lookbuf = substr ($lookbuf, 0, $mpos);
$self->{"_LMATCH"} = $pat;
if ($got_match) {
$self->{"_LPATT"} = $self->{"_MATCH"}[$count_in];
if (scalar @loc_char) {
$self->{"_LASTLOOK"} = join("", @loc_char);
## print ".$self->{\"_LASTLOOK\"}.";
else {
$self->{"_LASTLOOK"} = "";
$self->{"_LOOK"} = "";
return $lookbuf;
return "";
sub streamline {
my $self = shift;
my $size = 0;
if (@_) { $size = shift; }
my $loc = "";
my $mpos;
my $count_in = 0;
my $string_in = "";
my $re_next = 0;
my $got_match = 0;
my $best_pos = 0;
my $pat;
my $match = "";
my $before = "";
my $after = "";
my $best_match = "";
my $best_before = "";
my $best_after = "";
my $best_pat = "";
$self->{"_LMATCH"} = "";
$self->{"_LPATT"} = "";
if ( ! $self->{"_LOOK"} ) {
$loc = $self->{"_LASTLOOK"};
if ($size) {
my ($bbb, $iii, $ooo, $eee) = status($self);
if ($iii > $size) { $size = $iii; }
($count_in, $string_in) = $self->read($size);
return unless ($count_in);
$loc .= $string_in;
else {
$loc .= $self->input;
if ($loc ne "") {
$self->{"_LOOK"} .= $loc;
$count_in = 0;
foreach $pat ( @{ $self->{"_CMATCH"} } ) {
if ($pat eq "-re") {
if ($re_next) {
$re_next = 0;
if ( $self->{"_LOOK"} =~ /$pat/s ) {
( $match, $before, $after ) = ( $&, $`, $' );
$mpos = length($before);
if ($mpos) {
next if ($best_pos && ($mpos > $best_pos));
$best_pos = $mpos;
$best_pat = $self->{"_MATCH"}[$count_in];
$best_match = $match;
$best_before = $before;
$best_after = $after;
} else {
$self->{"_LPATT"} = $self->{"_MATCH"}[$count_in];
$self->{"_LMATCH"} = $match;
$self->{"_LASTLOOK"} = $after;
$self->{"_LOOK"} = "";
return $before;
# pattern at start will be best
elsif (($mpos = index($self->{"_LOOK"}, $pat)) > -1) {
$before = substr ($self->{"_LOOK"}, 0, $mpos);
if ($mpos) {
next if ($best_pos && ($mpos > $best_pos));
$best_pos = $mpos;
$best_pat = $pat;
$best_match = $pat;
$best_before = $before;
$mpos += length($pat);
$best_after = substr ($self->{"_LOOK"}, $mpos);
} else {
$self->{"_LPATT"} = $pat;
$self->{"_LMATCH"} = $pat;
$before = substr ($self->{"_LOOK"}, 0, $mpos);
$mpos += length($pat);
$self->{"_LASTLOOK"} = substr ($self->{"_LOOK"}, $mpos);
$self->{"_LOOK"} = "";
return $before;
# match at start will be best
if ($got_match) {
$self->{"_LPATT"} = $best_pat;
$self->{"_LMATCH"} = $best_match;
$self->{"_LASTLOOK"} = $best_after;
$self->{"_LOOK"} = "";
return $best_before;
return "";
sub input {
return unless (@_ == 1);
my $self = shift;
my $result = "";
if (nocarp && $self->{"_T_INPUT"}) {
$result = $self->{"_T_INPUT"};
$self->{"_T_INPUT"} = "";
return $result;
my $ok = 0;
my $got_p = " "x4;
my ($bbb, $wanted, $ooo, $eee) = status($self);
return "" if ($eee);
return "" unless $wanted;
my $got = $self->read_bg ($wanted);
if ($got != $wanted) {
# block if unexpected happens
($ok, $got, $result) = $self->read_done(1); # block until done
else { ($ok, $got, $result) = $self->read_done(0); }
### print "input: got= $got result=$result\n";
return $got ? $result : "";
sub write {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $wbuf = shift;
my $ok = 1;
return 0 if ($wbuf eq "");
my $lbuf = length ($wbuf);
my $written = $self->write_bg ($wbuf);
if ($written != $lbuf) {
($ok, $written) = $self->write_done(1); # block until done
if ($Verbose) {
print "wbuf=$wbuf\n";
print "lbuf=$lbuf\n";
print "written=$written\n";
return unless ($ok);
return $written;
sub transmit_char {
my $self = shift;
return unless (@_ == 1);
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v > 255));
return unless $self->xmit_imm_char ($v);
return wantarray ? @byte_opt : 1;
sub xon_char {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) {
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v > 255));
return wantarray ? @byte_opt : $self->is_xon_char;
sub xoff_char {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) {
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v > 255));
return wantarray ? @byte_opt : $self->is_xoff_char;
sub eof_char {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) {
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v > 255));
return wantarray ? @byte_opt : $self->is_eof_char;
sub event_char {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) {
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v > 255));
return wantarray ? @byte_opt : $self->is_event_char;
sub error_char {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) {
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v > 255));
return wantarray ? @byte_opt : $self->is_error_char;
sub xon_limit {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) {
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v > SHORTsize));
return wantarray ? (0, SHORTsize) : $self->is_xon_limit;
sub xoff_limit {
my $self = shift;
if (@_ == 1) {
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v > SHORTsize));
return wantarray ? (0, SHORTsize) : $self->is_xoff_limit;
sub read_interval {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless defined $self->is_read_interval( shift );
return wantarray ? (0, LONGsize) : $self->is_read_interval;
sub read_char_time {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless defined $self->is_read_char_time( shift );
return wantarray ? (0, LONGsize) : $self->is_read_char_time;
sub read_const_time {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless defined $self->is_read_const_time( shift );
return wantarray ? (0, LONGsize) : $self->is_read_const_time;
sub write_const_time {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless defined $self->is_write_const_time( shift );
return wantarray ? (0, LONGsize) : $self->is_write_const_time;
sub write_char_time {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless defined $self->is_write_char_time( shift );
return wantarray ? (0, LONGsize) : $self->is_write_char_time;
# true/false parameters
sub binary {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless defined $self->is_binary( shift );
return $self->is_binary;
sub parity_enable {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ( $self->can_parity_enable ) {
$self->is_parity_enable( shift );
elsif ($self->{U_MSG}) {
carp "Can't set parity enable on $self->{ALIAS}";
return $self->is_parity_enable;
sub modemlines {
return unless (@_ == 1);
my $self = shift;
my $result = $self->is_modemlines;
if ($Verbose) {
print "CTS is ON\n" if ($result & MS_CTS_ON);
print "DSR is ON\n" if ($result & MS_DSR_ON);
print "RING is ON\n" if ($result & MS_RING_ON);
print "RLSD is ON\n" if ($result & MS_RLSD_ON);
return $result;
sub stty {
my $ob = shift;
my $token;
if (@_) {
my $ok = 1;
no strict 'refs'; # for $gosub
while ($token = shift) {
if (exists $opts{$token}) {
## print " $opts{$token}\n";
my ($gosub, $value) = split (':', $opts{$token});
if ($value eq "argv_char") { $value = &argv_char(shift); }
if (defined $value) {
&$gosub($ob, $value);
} else {
nocarp or carp "bad value for parameter $token\n";
$ok = 0;
else {
nocarp or carp "parameter $token not found\n";
$ok = 0;
use strict 'refs';
return $ok;
else {
my @settings; # array returned by ()
my $current = $ob->baudrate;
push @settings, "$current";
push @settings, "intr";
push @settings, cntl_char($ob->stty_intr);
push @settings, "quit";
push @settings, cntl_char($ob->stty_quit);
push @settings, "erase";
push @settings, cntl_char($ob->stty_erase);
push @settings, "kill";
push @settings, cntl_char($ob->stty_kill);
push @settings, "eof";
push @settings, cntl_char($ob->stty_eof);
push @settings, "eol";
push @settings, cntl_char($ob->stty_eol);
push @settings, "start";
push @settings, cntl_char(chr $ob->xon_char);
push @settings, "stop";
push @settings, cntl_char(chr $ob->xoff_char);
# "stop" is last CHAR type
push @settings, ($ob->stty_echo ? "" : "-")."echo";
push @settings, ($ob->stty_echoe ? "" : "-")."echoe";
push @settings, ($ob->stty_echok ? "" : "-")."echok";
push @settings, ($ob->stty_echonl ? "" : "-")."echonl";
push @settings, ($ob->stty_echoke ? "" : "-")."echoke";
push @settings, ($ob->stty_echoctl ? "" : "-")."echoctl";
push @settings, ($ob->stty_istrip ? "" : "-")."istrip";
push @settings, ($ob->stty_icrnl ? "" : "-")."icrnl";
push @settings, ($ob->stty_ocrnl ? "" : "-")."ocrnl";
push @settings, ($ob->stty_igncr ? "" : "-")."igncr";
push @settings, ($ob->stty_inlcr ? "" : "-")."inlcr";
push @settings, ($ob->stty_onlcr ? "" : "-")."onlcr";
push @settings, ($ob->stty_opost ? "" : "-")."opost";
push @settings, ($ob->stty_isig ? "" : "-")."isig";
push @settings, ($ob->stty_icanon ? "" : "-")."icanon";
$current = $ob->databits;
push @settings, "cs$current";
push @settings, (($ob->stopbits == 2) ? "" : "-")."cstopb";
$current = $ob->handshake;
push @settings, (($current eq "dtr") ? "" : "-")."clocal";
push @settings, (($current eq "rts") ? "" : "-")."crtscts";
push @settings, (($current eq "xoff") ? "" : "-")."ixoff";
push @settings, (($current eq "xoff") ? "" : "-")."ixon";
my $parity = $ob->parity;
if ($parity eq "none") {
push @settings, "-parenb";
push @settings, "-parodd";
push @settings, "-inpck";
else {
$current = $ob->is_parity_enable;
push @settings, ($current ? "" : "-")."parenb";
push @settings, (($parity eq "odd") ? "" : "-")."parodd";
push @settings, ($current ? "" : "-")."inpck";
# mark and space not supported
return @settings;
sub cntl_char {
my $n_char = shift;
return "<undef>" unless (defined $n_char);
my $pos = ord $n_char;
if ($pos < 32) {
$n_char = "^".chr($pos + 64);
if ($pos > 126) {
$n_char = sprintf "0x%x", $pos;
return $n_char;
sub argv_char {
my $n_char = shift;
return unless (defined $n_char);
my $pos = $n_char;
if ($n_char =~ s/^\^//) {
$pos = ord($n_char) - 64;
elsif ($n_char =~ s/^0x//) {
$pos = hex($n_char);
elsif ($n_char =~ /^0/) {
$pos = oct($n_char);
## print "pos = $pos\n";
return $pos;
sub debug {
my $self = shift;
if (ref($self)) {
if (@_) { $self->{"_DEBUG"} = yes_true ( shift ); }
else {
my $tmp = $self->{"_DEBUG"};
nocarp || carp "Debug level: $self->{ALIAS} = $tmp";
return $self->{"_DEBUG"};
} else {
$Verbose = yes_true ($self);
nocarp || carp "SerialPort Debug Class = $Verbose";
return $Verbose;
sub close {
my $self = shift;
return unless (defined $self->{ALIAS});
if ($Verbose or $self->{"_DEBUG"}) {
carp "Closing $self " . $self->{ALIAS};
my $success = $self->SUPER::close;
$self->{DEVICE} = undef;
$self->{ALIAS} = undef;
if ($Verbose) {
printf "SerialPort close result:%d\n", $success;
return $success;
1; # so the require or use succeeds
# Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program.
=head1 NAME
Win32::SerialPort - User interface to Win32 Serial API calls
require 5.003;
use Win32::SerialPort qw( :STAT 0.19 );
=head2 Constructors
$PortObj = new Win32::SerialPort ($PortName, $quiet)
|| die "Can't open $PortName: $^E\n"; # $quiet is optional
$PortObj = start Win32::SerialPort ($Configuration_File_Name)
|| die "Can't start $Configuration_File_Name: $^E\n";
$PortObj = tie (*FH, 'Win32::SerialPort', $Configuration_File_Name)
|| die "Can't tie using $Configuration_File_Name: $^E\n";
=head2 Configuration Utility Methods
# before using start, restart, or tie
|| warn "Can't save $Configuration_File_Name: $^E\n";
# after new, must check for failure
$PortObj->write_settings || undef $PortObj;
print "Can't change Device_Control_Block: $^E\n" unless ($PortObj);
# rereads file to either return open port to a known state
# or switch to a different configuration on the same port
|| warn "Can't reread $Configuration_File_Name: $^E\n";
# "app. variables" saved in $Configuration_File, not used internally
$PortObj->devicetype('none'); # CM11, CM17, 'weeder', 'modem'
$PortObj->hostname('localhost'); # for socket-based implementations
$PortObj->hostaddr(0); # false unless specified
$PortObj->datatype('raw'); # in case an application needs_to_know
$PortObj->cfg_param_1('none'); # null string '' hard to save/restore
$PortObj->cfg_param_2('none'); # 3 spares should be enough for now
$PortObj->cfg_param_3('none'); # one may end up as a log file path
# specials for test suite only
@necessary_param = Win32::SerialPort->set_test_mode_active(1);
$PortObj->lookclear("loopback to next 'input' method");
=head2 Configuration Parameter Methods
# most methods can be called three ways:
$PortObj->handshake("xoff"); # set parameter
$flowcontrol = $PortObj->handshake; # current value (scalar)
@handshake_opts = $PortObj->handshake; # permitted choices (list)
# similar
# range parameters return (minimum, maximum) in list context
$PortObj->xon_limit(100); # bytes left in buffer
$PortObj->xoff_limit(100); # space left in buffer
$PortObj->error_char(0); # for parity errors
$PortObj->buffers(4096, 4096); # read, write
# returns current in list context
$PortObj->read_interval(100); # max time between read char (milliseconds)
$PortObj->read_char_time(5); # avg time between read char
$PortObj->read_const_time(100); # total = (avg * bytes) + const
# true/false parameters (return scalar context only)
$PortObj->binary(T); # just say Yes (Win 3.x option)
$PortObj->parity_enable(F); # faults during input
=head2 Operating Methods
($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $LatchErrorFlags) = $PortObj->status
|| warn "could not get port status\n";
if ($BlockingFlags) { warn "Port is blocked"; }
if ($BlockingFlags & BM_fCtsHold) { warn "Waiting for CTS"; }
if ($LatchErrorFlags & CE_FRAME) { warn "Framing Error"; }
# The API resets errors when reading status, $LatchErrorFlags
# is all $ErrorFlags seen since the last reset_error
Additional useful constants may be exported eventually. If the only fault
action desired is a message, B<status> provides I<Built-In> BitMask processing:
$PortObj->error_msg(1); # prints hardware messages like "Framing Error"
$PortObj->user_msg(1); # prints function messages like "Waiting for CTS"
($count_in, $string_in) = $PortObj->read($InBytes);
warn "read unsuccessful\n" unless ($count_in == $InBytes);
$count_out = $PortObj->write($output_string);
warn "write failed\n" unless ($count_out);
warn "write incomplete\n" if ( $count_out != length($output_string) );
if ($string_in = $PortObj->input) { PortObj->write($string_in); }
# simple echo with no control character processing
$PortObj->transmit_char(0x03); # bypass buffer (and suspend)
$ModemStatus = $PortObj->modemlines;
if ($ModemStatus & $PortObj->MS_RLSD_ON) { print "carrier detected"; }
=head2 Methods used with Tied FileHandles
$PortObj = tie (*FH, 'Win32::SerialPort', $Configuration_File_Name)
|| die "Can't tie: $^E\n"; ## TIEHANDLE ##
print FH "text"; ## PRINT ##
$char = getc FH; ## GETC ##
syswrite FH, $out, length($out), 0; ## WRITE ##
$line = <FH>; ## READLINE ##
@lines = <FH>; ## READLINE ##
printf FH "received: %s", $line; ## PRINTF ##
read (FH, $in, 5, 0) or die "$^E"; ## READ ##
sysread (FH, $in, 5, 0) or die "$^E"; ## READ ##
close FH || warn "close failed"; ## CLOSE ##
undef $PortObj;
untie *FH; ## DESTROY ##
$PortObj->linesize(10); # with READLINE
$PortObj->lastline("_GOT_ME_"); # with READLINE, list only
$old_ors = $PortObj->output_record_separator("RECORD"); # with PRINT
$old_ofs = $PortObj->output_field_separator("COMMA"); # with PRINT
=head2 Destructors
$PortObj->close || warn "close failed";
# passed to CommPort to release port to OS - needed to reopen
# close will not usually DESTROY the object
# also called as: close FH || warn "close failed";
undef $PortObj;
# preferred unless reopen expected since it triggers DESTROY
# calls $PortObj->close but does not confirm success
# MUST precede untie - do all three IN THIS SEQUENCE before re-tie.
untie *FH;
=head2 Methods for I/O Processing
$PortObj->are_match("text", "\n"); # possible end strings
$PortObj->lookclear; # empty buffers
$PortObj->write("Feed Me:"); # initial prompt
$PortObj->is_prompt("More Food:"); # new prompt after "kill" char
my $gotit = "";
my $match1 = "";
until ("" ne $gotit) {
$gotit = $PortObj->lookfor; # poll until data ready
die "Aborted without match\n" unless (defined $gotit);
last if ($gotit);
$match1 = $PortObj->matchclear; # match is first thing received
last if ($match1);
sleep 1; # polling sample time
printf "gotit = %s\n", $gotit; # input BEFORE the match
my ($match, $after, $pattern, $instead) = $PortObj->lastlook;
# input that MATCHED, input AFTER the match, PATTERN that matched
# input received INSTEAD when timeout without match
if ($match1) {
$match = $match1;
printf "lastlook-match = %s -after = %s -pattern = %s\n",
$match, $after, $pattern;
$gotit = $PortObj->lookfor($count); # block until $count chars received
$PortObj->are_match("-re", "pattern", "text");
# possible match strings: "pattern" is a regular expression,
# "text" is a literal string
$gotit = $PortObj->streamline; # poll until data ready
$gotit = $PortObj->streamline($count);# block until $count chars received
# fast alternatives to lookfor with no character processing
$PortObj->stty_intr("\cC"); # char to abort lookfor method
$PortObj->stty_quit("\cD"); # char to abort perl
$PortObj->stty_eof("\cZ"); # end_of_file char
$PortObj->stty_eol("\cJ"); # end_of_line char
$PortObj->stty_erase("\cH"); # delete one character from buffer (backspace)
$PortObj->stty_kill("\cU"); # clear line buffer
$PortObj->is_stty_intr(3); # ord(char) to abort lookfor method
$qc = $PortObj->is_stty_quit; # ($qc == 4) for "\cD"
my $air = " "x76;
$PortObj->stty_clear("\r$air\r"); # written after kill character
$PortObj->is_stty_clear; # internal version for config file
$PortObj->stty_bsdel("\cH \cH"); # written after erase character
$PortObj->stty_echo(0); # echo every character
$PortObj->stty_echoe(1); # if echo erase character with bsdel string
$PortObj->stty_echok(1); # if echo \n after kill character
$PortObj->stty_echonl(0); # if echo \n
$PortObj->stty_echoke(1); # if echo clear string after kill character
$PortObj->stty_echoctl(0); # if echo "^Char" for control chars
$PortObj->stty_istrip(0); # strip input to 7-bits
$PortObj->stty_icrnl(0); # map \r to \n on input
$PortObj->stty_ocrnl(0); # map \r to \n on output
$PortObj->stty_igncr(0); # ignore \r on input
$PortObj->stty_inlcr(0); # map \n to \r on input
$PortObj->stty_onlcr(1); # map \n to \r\n on output
$PortObj->stty_opost(0); # enable output mapping
$PortObj->stty_isig(0); # enable quit and intr characters
$PortObj->stty_icanon(0); # enable erase and kill characters
$PortObj->stty("-icanon"); # disable eof, erase and kill char, Unix-style
@stty_all = $PortObj->stty(); # get all the parameters, Perl-style
=head2 Capability Methods inherited from Win32API::CommPort
These return scalar context only.
can_baud can_databits can_stopbits
can_dtrdsr can_handshake can_parity_check
can_parity_config can_parity_enable can_rlsd
can_16bitmode is_rs232 is_modem
can_rtscts can_xonxoff can_xon_char
can_spec_char can_interval_timeout can_total_timeout
buffer_max can_rlsd_config
=head2 Operating Methods inherited from Win32API::CommPort
write_bg write_done read_bg
read_done reset_error suspend_tx
resume_tx dtr_active rts_active
break_active xoff_active xon_active
purge_all purge_rx purge_tx
pulse_rts_on pulse_rts_off pulse_dtr_on
pulse_dtr_off ignore_null ignore_no_dsr
subst_pe_char abort_on_error output_xoff
output_dsr output_cts tx_on_xoff
input_xoff get_tick_count
This module uses Win32API::CommPort for raw access to the API calls and
related constants. It provides an object-based user interface to allow
higher-level use of common API call sequences for dealing with serial
Uses features of the Win32 API to implement non-blocking I/O, serial
parameter setting, event-loop operation, and enhanced error handling.
To pass in C<NULL> as the pointer to an optional buffer, pass in C<$null=0>.
This is expected to change to an empty list reference, C<[]>, when Perl
supports that form in this usage.
=head2 Initialization
The primary constructor is B<new> with a F<PortName> (as the Registry
knows it) specified. This will create an object, and get the available
options and capabilities via the Win32 API. The object is a superset
of a B<Win32API::CommPort> object, and supports all of its methods.
The port is not yet ready for read/write access. First, the desired
I<parameter settings> must be established. Since these are tuning
constants for an underlying hardware driver in the Operating System,
they are all checked for validity by the methods that set them. The
B<write_settings> method writes a new I<Device Control Block> to the
driver. The B<write_settings> method will return true if the port is
ready for access or C<undef> on failure. Ports are opened for binary
transfers. A separate C<binmode> is not needed. The USER must release
the object if B<write_settings> does not succeed.
Version 0.15 adds an optional C<$quiet> parameter to B<new>. Failure
to open a port prints a error message to STDOUT by default. Since only
one application at a time can "own" the port, one source of failure was
"port in use". There was previously no way to check this without getting
a "fail message". Setting C<$quiet> disables this built-in message. It
also returns 0 instead of C<undef> if the port is unavailable (still FALSE,
used for testing this condition - other faults may still return C<undef>).
Use of C<$quiet> only applies to B<new>.
=over 8
Certain parameters I<MUST> be set before executing B<write_settings>.
Others will attempt to deduce defaults from the hardware or from other
parameters. The I<Required> parameters are:
=item baudrate
Any legal value.
=item parity
One of the following: "none", "odd", "even", "mark", "space".
If you select anything except "none", you will need to set B<parity_enable>.
=item databits
An integer from 5 to 8.
=item stopbits
Legal values are 1, 1.5, and 2. But 1.5 only works with 5 databits, 2 does
not work with 5 databits, and other combinations may not work on all
hardware if parity is also used.
The B<handshake> setting is recommended but no longer required. Select one
of the following: "none", "rts", "xoff", "dtr".
Some individual parameters (eg. baudrate) can be changed after the
initialization is completed. These will be validated and will
update the I<Device Control Block> as required. The B<save>
method will write the current parameters to a file that B<start, tie,> and
B<restart> can use to reestablish a functional setup.
$PortObj = new Win32::SerialPort ($PortName, $quiet)
|| die "Can't open $PortName: $^E\n"; # $quiet is optional
$PortObj->buffers(4096, 4096);
$PortObj->write_settings || undef $PortObj;
$PortObj->restart($Configuration_File_Name); # back to 9600 baud
$PortObj->close || die "failed to close";
undef $PortObj; # frees memory back to perl
The F<PortName> maps to both the Registry I<Device Name> and the
I<Properties> associated with that device. A single I<Physical> port
can be accessed using two or more I<Device Names>. But the options
and setup data will differ significantly in the two cases. A typical
example is a Modem on port "COM2". Both of these F<PortNames> open
the same I<Physical> hardware:
$P1 = new Win32::SerialPort ("COM2");
$P2 = new Win32::SerialPort ("\\\\.\\Nanohertz Modem model K-9");
$P1 is a "generic" serial port. $P2 includes all of $P1 plus a variety
of modem-specific added options and features. The "raw" API calls return
different size configuration structures in the two cases. Win32 uses the
"\\.\" prefix to identify "named" devices. Since both names use the same
I<Physical> hardware, they can not both be used at the same time. The OS
will complain. Consider this A Good Thing. Use B<alias> to convert the
name used by "built-in" messages.
The second constructor, B<start> is intended to simplify scripts which
need a constant setup. It executes all the steps from B<new> to
B<write_settings> based on a previously saved configuration. This
constructor will return C<undef> on a bad configuration file or failure
of a validity check. The returned object is ready for access.
$PortObj2 = start Win32::SerialPort ($Configuration_File_Name)
|| die;
The third constructor, B<tie>, combines the B<start> with Perl's
support for tied FileHandles (see I<perltie>). Win32::SerialPort
implements the complete set of methods: TIEHANDLE, PRINT, PRINTF,
support was new with Version 0.14.
$PortObj2 = tie (*FH, 'Win32::SerialPort', $Configuration_File_Name)
|| die;
The implementation attempts to mimic STDIN/STDOUT behaviour as closely
as possible: calls block until done, data strings that exceed internal
buffers are divided transparently into multiple calls, and B<stty_onlcr>
and B<stty_ocrnl> are applied to output data (WRITE, PRINT, PRINTF) when
B<stty_opost> is true. In Version 0.17, the output separators C<$,> and
C<$\> are also applied to PRINT if set. Since PRINTF is treated internally
as a single record PRINT, C<$\> will be applied. Output separators are not
applied to WRITE (called as C<syswrite FH, $scalar, $length, [$offset]>).
The B<output_record_separator> and B<output_field_separator> methods can set
I<Port-FileHandle-Specific> versions of C<$,> and C<$\> if desired.
The input_record_separator C<$/> is not explicitly supported - but an
identical function can be obtained with a suitable B<are_match> setting.
Record separators are experimental in Version 0.17. They are not saved
in the configuration_file.
The tied FileHandle methods may be combined with the Win32::SerialPort
methods for B<read, input>, and B<write> as well as other methods. The
typical restrictions against mixing B<print> with B<syswrite> do not
apply. Since both B<(tied) read> and B<sysread> call the same C<$ob-E<gt>READ>
method, and since a separate C<$ob-E<gt>read> method has existed for some
time in Win32::SerialPort, you should always use B<sysread> with the
tied interface. Beginning in Version 0.17, B<sysread> checks the input
against B<stty_icrnl>, B<stty_inlcr>, and B<stty_igncr>. With B<stty_igncr>
active, the B<sysread> returns the count of all characters received including
and C<\r> characters subsequently deleted.
Because all the tied methods block, they should ALWAYS be used with
timeout settings and are not suitable for background operations and
polled loops. The B<sysread> method may return fewer characters than
requested when a timeout occurs. The method call is still considered
successful. If a B<sysread> times out after receiving some characters,
the actual elapsed time may be as much as twice the programmed limit.
If no bytes are received, the normal timing applies.
=head2 Configuration and Capability Methods
Starting in Version 0.18, a number of I<Application Variables> are saved
in B<$Configuration_File>. These parameters are not used internally. But
methods allow setting and reading them. The intent is to facilitate the
use of separate I<configuration scripts> to create the files. Then an
application can use B<start> as the Constructor and not bother with
command line processing or managing its own small configuration file.
The default values and number of parameters is subject to change.
$PortObj->hostname('localhost'); # for socket-based implementations
$PortObj->hostaddr(0); # a "false" value
$PortObj->datatype('raw'); # 'record' is another possibility
$PortObj->cfg_param_2('none'); # 3 spares should be enough for now
The Win32 Serial Comm API provides extensive information concerning
the capabilities and options available for a specific port (and
instance). "Modem" ports have different capabilties than "RS-232"
ports - even if they share the same Hardware. Many traditional modem
actions are handled via TAPI. "Fax" ports have another set of options -
and are accessed via MAPI. Yet many of the same low-level API commands
and data structures are "common" to each type ("Modem" is implemented
as an "RS-232" superset). In addition, Win95 supports a variety of
legacy hardware (e.g fixed 134.5 baud) while WinNT has hooks for ISDN,
16-data-bit paths, and 256Kbaud.
=over 8
Binary selections will accept as I<true> any of the following:
C<("YES", "Y", "ON", "TRUE", "T", "1", 1)> (upper/lower/mixed case)
Anything else is I<false>.
There are a large number of possible configuration and option parameters.
To facilitate checking option validity in scripts, most configuration
methods can be used in three different ways:
=item method called with an argument
The parameter is set to the argument, if valid. An invalid argument
returns I<false> (undef) and the parameter is unchanged. The function
will also I<carp> if B<$user_msg> is I<true>. After B<write_settings>,
the port will be updated immediately if allowed. Otherwise, the value
will be applied when B<write_settings> is called.
=item method called with no argument in scalar context
The current value is returned. If the value is not initialized either
directly or by default, return "undef" which will parse to I<false>.
For binary selections (true/false), return the current value. All
current values from "multivalue" selections will parse to I<true>.
Current values may differ from requested values until B<write_settings>.
There is no way to see requests which have not yet been applied.
Setting the same parameter again overwrites the first request. Test
the return value of the setting method to check "success".
=item method called with no argument in list context
Return a list consisting of all acceptable choices for parameters with
discrete choices. Return a list C<(minimum, maximum)> for parameters
which can be set to a range of values. Binary selections have no need
to call this way - but will get C<(0,1)> if they do. Beginning in
Version 0.16, Binary selections inherited from Win32API::CommPort may
not return anything useful in list context. The null list C<(undef)>
will be returned for failed calls in list context (e.g. for an invalid
or unexpected argument).
=item Asynchronous (Background) I/O
The module handles Polling (do if Ready), Synchronous (block until
Ready), and Asynchronous Modes (begin and test if Ready) with the timeout
choices provided by the API. No effort has yet been made to interact with
Windows events. But background I/O has been used successfully with the
Perl Tk modules and callbacks from the event loop.
=item Timeouts
The API provides two timing models. The first applies only to reading and
essentially determines I<Read Not Ready> by checking the time between
consecutive characters. The B<ReadFile> operation returns if that time
exceeds the value set by B<read_interval>. It does this by timestamping
each character. It appears that at least one character must by received in
I<every> B<read> I<call to the API> to initialize the mechanism. The timer
is then reset by each succeeding character. If no characters are received,
the read will block indefinitely.
Setting B<read_interval> to C<0xffffffff> will do a non-blocking read.
The B<ReadFile> returns immediately whether or not any characters are
actually read. This replicates the behavior of the API.
The other model defines the total time allowed to complete the operation.
A fixed overhead time is added to the product of bytes and per_byte_time.
A wide variety of timeout options can be defined by selecting the three
parameters: fixed, each, and size.
Read_Total = B<read_const_time> + (B<read_char_time> * bytes_to_read)
Write_Total = B<write_const_time> + (B<write_char_time> * bytes_to_write)
When reading a known number of characters, the I<Read_Total> mechanism is
recommended. This mechanism I<MUST> be used with I<tied FileHandles> because
the tie methods can make multiple internal API calls in response to a single
B<sysread> or B<READLINE>. The I<Read_Interval> mechanism is suitable for
a B<read> method that expects a response of variable or unknown size. You
should then also set a long I<Read_Total> timeout as a "backup" in case
no bytes are received.
=head2 Exports
Nothing is exported by default. Nothing is currently exported. Optional
tags from Win32API::CommPort are passed through.
=over 4
=item :PARAM
Utility subroutines and constants for parameter setting and test:
LONGsize SHORTsize nocarp yes_true
OS_Error internal_buffer
=item :STAT
Serial communications constants from Win32API::CommPort. Included are the
constants for ascertaining why a transmission is blocked:
BM_fCtsHold BM_fDsrHold BM_fRlsdHold BM_fXoffHold
BM_fXoffSent BM_fEof BM_fTxim BM_AllBits
Which incoming bits are active:
What hardware errors have been detected:
Offsets into the array returned by B<status:>
=head2 Stty Emulation
Nothing wrong with dreaming! A subset of stty options is available
through a B<stty> method. The purpose is support of existing serial
devices which have embedded knowledge of Unix communication line and
login practices. It is also needed by Tom Christiansen's Perl Power Tools
project. This is new and experimental in Version 0.15. The B<stty> method
returns an array of "traditional stty values" when called with no
arguments. With arguments, it sets the corresponding parameters.
$ok = $PortObj->stty("-icanon"); # equivalent to stty_icanon(0)
@stty_all = $PortObj->stty(); # get all the parameters, Perl-style
$ok = $PortObj->stty("cs7",19200); # multiple parameters
$ok = $PortObj->stty(@stty_save); # many parameters
The distribution includes a demo script, stty.plx, which gives details
of usage. Not all Unix parameters are currently supported. But the array
will contain all those which can be set. The order in C<@stty_all> will
match the following pattern:
baud, # numeric, always first
"intr", character, # the parameters which set special characters
"name", character, ...
"stop", character, # "stop" will always be the last "pair"
"parameter", # the on/off settings
"-parameter", ...
Version 0.13 added the primitive functions required to implement this
feature. A number of methods named B<stty_xxx> do what an
I<experienced stty user> would expect.
Unlike B<stty> on Unix, the B<stty_xxx> operations apply only to I/O
processed via the B<lookfor> method or the I<tied FileHandle> methods.
The B<read, input, read_done, write> methods all treat data as "raw".
The following stty functions have related SerialPort functions:
stty (control) SerialPort Default Value
---------------- ------------------ -------------
parenb inpck parity_enable from port
parodd parity from port
cs5 cs6 cs7 cs8 databits from port
cstopb stopbits from port
clocal crtscts handshake from port
ixon ixoff handshake from port
time read_const_time from port
110 300 600 1200 2400 baudrate from port
4800 9600 19200 38400 baudrate
75 134.5 150 1800 fixed baud only - not selectable
g, "stty < /dev/x" start, save none
sane restart none
stty (input) SerialPort Default Value
---------------- ------------------ -------------
istrip stty_istrip off
igncr stty_igncr off
inlcr stty_inlcr off
icrnl stty_icrnl on
parmrk error_char from port (off typ)
stty (output) SerialPort Default Value
---------------- ------------------ -------------
ocrnl stty_ocrnl off if opost
onlcr stty_onlcr on if opost
opost stty_opost off
stty (local) SerialPort Default Value
---------------- ------------------ -------------
raw read, write, input none
cooked lookfor none
echo stty_echo off
echoe stty_echoe on if echo
echok stty_echok on if echo
echonl stty_echonl off
echoke stty_echoke on if echo
echoctl stty_echoctl off
isig stty_isig off
icanon stty_icanon off
stty (char) SerialPort Default Value
---------------- ------------------ -------------
intr stty_intr "\cC"
is_stty_intr 3
quit stty_quit "\cD"
is_stty_quit 4
erase stty_erase "\cH"
is_stty_erase 8
(erase echo) stty_bsdel "\cH \cH"
kill stty_kill "\cU"
is_stty_kill 21
(kill echo) stty_clear "\r {76}\r"
is_stty_clear "-@{76}-"
eof stty_eof "\cZ"
is_stty_eof 26
eol stty_eol "\cJ"
is_stty_eol 10
start xon_char from port ("\cQ" typ)
is_xon_char 17
stop xoff_char from port ("\cS" typ)
is_xoff_char 19
The following stty functions have no equivalent in SerialPort:
[-]hup [-]ignbrk [-]brkint [-]ignpar
[-]tostop susp 0 50
134 200 exta extb
[-]cread [-]hupcl
The stty function list is taken from the documentation for IO::Stty by
Austin Schutz.
=head2 Lookfor and I/O Processing
Many of the B<stty_xxx> methods support features which are necessary for
line-oriented input (such as command-line handling). These include methods
which select control-keys to delete characters (B<stty_erase>) and lines
(B<stty_kill>), define input boundaries (B<stty_eol, stty_eof>), and abort
processing (B<stty_intr, stty_quit>). These keys also have B<is_stty_xxx>
methods which convert the key-codes to numeric equivalents which can be
saved in the configuration file.
Some communications programs have a different but related need - to collect
(or discard) input until a specific pattern is detected. For lines, the
pattern is a line-termination. But there are also requirements to search
for other strings in the input such as "username:" and "password:". The
B<lookfor> method provides a consistant mechanism for solving this problem.
It searches input character-by-character looking for a match to any of the
elements of an array set using the B<are_match> method. It returns the
entire input up to the match pattern if a match is found. If no match
is found, it returns "" unless an input error or abort is detected (which
returns undef).
The actual match and the characters after it (if any) may also be viewed
using the B<lastlook> method. In Version 0.13, the match test included
a C<s/$pattern//s> test which worked fine for literal text but returned
the I<Regular Expression> that matched when C<$pattern> contained any Perl
metacharacters. That was probably a bug - although no one reported it.
In Version 0.14, B<lastlook> returns both the input and the pattern from
the match test. It also adopts the convention from that match
strings are literal text (tested using B<index>) unless preceeded in the
B<are_match> list by a B<"-re",> entry. The default B<are_match> list
is C<("\n")>, which matches complete lines.
my ($match, $after, $pattern, $instead) = $PortObj->lastlook;
# input that MATCHED, input AFTER the match, PATTERN that matched
# input received INSTEAD when timeout without match ("" if match)
$PortObj->are_match("text1", "-re", "pattern", "text2");
# possible match strings: "pattern" is a regular expression,
# "text1" and "text2" are literal strings
The I<Regular Expression> handling in B<lookfor> is still
experimental. Please let me know if you use it (or can't use it), so
I can confirm bug fixes don't break your code. For literal strings,
C<$match> and C<$pattern> should be identical. The C<$instead> value
returns the internal buffer tested by the match logic. A successful
match or a B<lookclear> resets it to "" - so it is only useful for error
handling such as timeout processing or reporting unexpected responses.
The B<lookfor> method is designed to be sampled periodically (polled). Any
characters after the match pattern are saved for a subsequent B<lookfor>.
Internally, B<lookfor> is implemented using the nonblocking B<input> method
when called with no parameter. If called with a count, B<lookfor> calls
C<$PortObj-E<gt>read(count)> which blocks until the B<read> is I<Complete> or
a I<Timeout> occurs. The blocking alternative should not be used unless a
fault time has been defined using B<read_interval, read_const_time, and
read_char_time>. It exists mostly to support the I<tied FileHandle>
functions B<sysread, getc,> and B<E<lt>FHE<gt>>.
The internal buffers used by B<lookfor> may be purged by the B<lookclear>
method (which also clears the last match). For testing, B<lookclear> can
accept a string which is "looped back" to the next B<input>. This feature
is enabled only when C<set_test_mode_active(1)>. Normally, B<lookclear>
will return C<undef> if given parameters. It still purges the buffers and
last_match in that case (but nothing is "looped back"). You will want
B<stty_echo(0)> when exercising loopback.
Version 0.15 adds a B<matchclear> method. It is designed to handle the
"special case" where the match string is the first character(s) received
by B<lookfor>. In this case, C<$lookfor_return == "">, B<lookfor> does
not provide a clear indication that a match was found. The B<matchclear>
returns the same C<$match> that would be returned by B<lastlook> and
resets it to "" without resetting any of the other buffers. Since the
B<lookfor> already searched I<through> the match, B<matchclear> is used
to both detect and step-over "blank" lines.
The character-by-character processing used by B<lookfor> to support the
I<stty emulation> is fine for interactive activities and tasks which
expect short responses. But it has too much "overhead" to handle fast
data streams. Version 0.15 adds a B<streamline> method which is a fast,
line-oriented alternative with no echo support or input handling except
for pattern searching. Exact benchmarks will vary with input data and
patterns, but my tests indicate B<streamline> is 10-20 times faster then
B<lookfor> when uploading files averaging 25-50 characters per line.
Since B<streamline> uses the same internal buffers, the B<lookclear,
lastlook, are_match, and matchclear> methods act the same in both cases.
In fact, calls to B<streamline> and B<lookfor> can be interleaved if desired
(e.g. an interactive task that starts an upload and returns to interactive
activity when it is complete).
Beginning in Version 0.15, the B<READLINE> method supports "list context".
A tied FileHandle can slurp in a whole file with an "@lines = E<lt>FHE<gt>"
construct. In "scalar context", B<READLINE> calls B<lookfor>. But it calls
B<streamline> in "list context". Both contexts also call B<matchclear>
to detect "empty" lines and B<reset_error> to detect hardware problems.
The existance of a hardware fault is reported with C<$^E>, although the
specific fault is only reported when B<error_msg> is true.
There are two additional methods for supporting "list context" input:
B<lastline> sets an "end_of_file" I<Regular Expression>, and B<linesize>
permits changing the "packet size" in the blocking read operation to allow
tuning performance to data characteristics. These two only apply during
B<READLINE>. The default for B<linesize> is 1. There is no default for
the B<lastline> method.
In Version 0.15, I<Regular Expressions> set by B<are_match> and B<lastline>
will be pre-compiled using the I<qr//> construct on Perl 5.005 and higher.
This doubled B<lookfor> and B<streamline> speed in my tests with
I<Regular Expressions> - but actual improvements depend on both patterns
and input data.
The functionality of B<lookfor> includes a limited subset of the capabilities
found in Austin Schutz's I<> for Unix (and Tcl's expect which it
resembles). The C<$before, $match, $pattern, and $after> return values are
available if someone needs to create an "expect" subroutine for porting a
script. When using multiple patterns, there is one important functional
difference: I<> looks at each pattern in turn and returns the first
match found; B<lookfor> and B<streamline> test all patterns and return the
one found I<earliest> in the input if more than one matches.
Because B<lookfor> can be used to manage a command-line environment much
like a Unix serial login, a number of "stty-like" methods are included to
handle the issues raised by serial logins. One issue is dissimilar line
terminations. This is addressed by the following methods:
$PortObj->stty_icrnl; # map \r to \n on input
$PortObj->stty_igncr; # ignore \r on input
$PortObj->stty_inlcr; # map \n to \r on input
$PortObj->stty_ocrnl; # map \r to \n on output
$PortObj->stty_onlcr; # map \n to \r\n on output
$PortObj->stty_opost; # enable output mapping
The default specifies a raw device with no input or output processing.
In Version 0.14, the default was a device which sends "\r" at the end
of a line, requires "\r\n" to terminate incoming lines, and expects the
"host" to echo every keystroke. Many "dumb terminals" act this way and
the defaults were similar to Unix defaults. But some users found this
ackward and confusing.
Sometimes, you want perl to echo input characters back to the serial
device (and other times you don't want that).
$PortObj->stty_echo; # echo every character
$PortObj->stty_echoe; # if echo erase with bsdel string (default)
$PortObj->stty_echok; # if echo \n after kill character (default)
$PortObj->stty_echonl; # echo \n even if stty_echo(0)
$PortObj->stty_echoke; # if echo clear string after kill (default)
$PortObj->stty_echoctl; # if echo "^Char" for control chars
$PortObj->stty_istrip; # strip input to 7-bits
my $air = " "x76; # overwrite entire line with spaces
$PortObj->stty_clear("\r$air\r"); # written after kill character
$PortObj->is_prompt("PROMPT:"); # need to write after kill
$PortObj->stty_bsdel("\cH \cH"); # written after erase character
# internal method that permits clear string with \r in config file
my $plus32 = "@"x76; # overwrite line with spaces (ord += 32)
$PortObj->is_stty_clear("-$plus32-"); # equivalent to stty_clear
=head1 NOTES
The object returned by B<new> or B<start> is NOT a I<FileHandle>. You
will be disappointed if you try to use it as one. If you need a
I<FileHandle>, you must use B<tie> as the constructor.
e.g. the following is WRONG!!____C<print $PortObj "some text";>
You need something like this (Perl 5.005):
# construct
$tie_ob = tie(*FOO,'Win32::SerialPort', $cfgfile)
or die "Can't start $cfgfile\n";
print FOO "enter char: "; # destination is FileHandle, not Object
my $in = getc FOO;
syswrite FOO, "$in\n", 2, 0;
print FOO "enter line: ";
$in = <FOO>;
printf FOO "received: %s\n", $in;
print FOO "enter 5 char: ";
sysread (FOO, $in, 5, 0) or die;
printf FOO "received: %s\n", $in;
# destruct
close FOO || print "close failed\n";
undef $tie_ob; # Don't forget this one!!
untie *FOO;
Always include the C<undef $tie_ob> before the B<untie>. See the I<Gotcha>
description in I<perltie>.
The Perl 5.004 implementation of I<tied FileHandles> is missing
B<close> and B<syswrite>. The Perl 5.003 version is essentially unusable.
If you need these functions, consider Perl 5.005 seriously.
An important note about Win32 filenames. The reserved device names such
as C< COM1, AUX, LPT1, CON, PRN > can NOT be used as filenames. Hence
I<"COM2.cfg"> would not be usable for B<$Configuration_File_Name>.
Thanks to Ken White for testing on NT.
There is a linux clone of this module implemented using I<>.
It also runs on AIX and Solaris, and will probably run on other POSIX
systems as well. It does not currently support the complete set of methods -
although portability of user programs is excellent for the calls it does
support. It is available from CPAN as I<Device::SerialPort>.
Since everything is (sometimes convoluted but still pure) Perl, you can
fix flaws and change limits if required. But please file a bug report if
you do. This module has been tested with each of the binary perl versions
for which Win32::API is supported: AS builds 315, 316, 500-509 and GS
5.004_02. It has only been tested on Intel hardware.
Although the B<lookfor, stty_xxx, and Tied FileHandle> mechanisms are
considered stable, they have only been tested on a small subset of possible
applications. While "\r" characters may be included in the clear string
using B<is_stty_clear> internally, "\n" characters may NOT be included
in multi-character strings if you plan to save the strings in a configuration
file (which uses "\n" as an internal terminator).
=over 4
=item Tutorial
With all the options, this module needs a good tutorial. It doesn't
have a complete one yet. A I<"How to get started"> tutorial appeared
B<The Perl Journal #13> (March 1999). Examples from the article are
available from and from
The demo programs in the distribution are a good starting point for
additional examples.
=item Buffers
The size of the Win32 buffers are selectable with B<buffers>. But each read
method currently uses a fixed internal buffer of 4096 bytes. This can be
changed in the Win32API::CommPort source and read with B<internal_buffer>.
The XS version will support dynamic buffer sizing. Large operations are
automatically converted to multiple smaller ones by the B<tied FileHandle>
=item Modems
Lots of modem-specific options are not supported. The same is true of
TAPI, MAPI. I<API Wizards> are welcome to contribute.
=item API Options
Lots of options are just "passed through from the API". Some probably
shouldn't be used together. The module validates the obvious choices when
possible. For something really fancy, you may need additional API
documentation. Available from I<Micro$oft Pre$$>.
=head1 BUGS
On Win32, a port must B<close> before it can be reopened again by the same
process. If a physical port can be accessed using more than one name (see
above), all names are treated as one. The perl script can also be run
multiple times within a single batch file or shell script. The I<Makefile.PL>
spawns subshells with backticks to run the test suite on Perl 5.003 - ugly,
but it works.
On NT, a B<read_done> or B<write_done> returns I<False> if a background
operation is aborted by a purge. Win95 returns I<True>.
EXTENDED_OS_ERROR ($^E) is not supported by the binary ports before 5.005.
It "sort-of-tracks" B<$!> in 5.003 and 5.004, but YMMV.
A few NT systems seem to set B<can_parity_enable> true, but do not actually
support setting B<parity_enable>. This may be a characteristic of certain
third-party serial drivers.
__Please send comments and bug reports to
=head1 AUTHORS
Bill Birthisel,,
Tye McQueen,,
=head1 SEE ALSO
Win32API::CommPort - the low-level API calls which support this module
Win32API::File I<when available>
Win32::API - Aldo Calpini's "Magic", - Tom (Christiansen)'s Object-Oriented Tutorial - Austin Schutz's adaptation of TCL's "expect" for Unix Perls
Copyright (C) 1999, Bill Birthisel. All rights reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
Most of the code in this module has been stable since version 0.12.
Except for items indicated as I<Experimental>, I do not expect functional
changes which are not fully backwards compatible. However, Version 0.16
removes the "dummy (0, 1) list" which was returned by many binary methods
in case they were called in list context. I do not know of any use outside
the test suite for that feature.
Version 0.12 added an I<Install.PL> script to put modules into the documented
Namespaces. The script uses I<MakeMaker> tools not available in
ActiveState 3xx builds. Users of those builds will need to install
differently (see README). Programs in the test suite are modified for
the current version. Additions to the configurtion files generated by
B<save> prevent those created by Version 0.18 from being used by earlier
Versions. 4 November 1999.
0,0 → 1,3146
# This part includes the low-level API calls
package Win32API::CommPort;
use Win32;
use Win32::API 0.01;
if ( $] < 5.004 ) {
my $no_silly_warning = $Win32::API::VERSION;
$no_silly_warning = $Win32::API::pack;
use Carp;
use strict;
#### API declarations ####
no strict 'subs'; # these may be imported someday
use vars qw(
$_CloseHandle $_CreateFile $_GetCommState
$_ReadFile $_SetCommState $_SetupComm
$_PurgeComm $_CreateEvent $_GetCommTimeouts
$_SetCommTimeouts $_GetCommProperties $_ClearCommBreak
$_ClearCommError $_EscapeCommFunction $_GetCommConfig
$_GetCommMask $_GetCommModemStatus $_SetCommBreak
$_SetCommConfig $_SetCommMask $_TransmitCommChar
$_WaitCommEvent $_WriteFile $_ResetEvent
$_CreateFile = new Win32::API("kernel32", "CreateFile",
[P, N, N, N, N, N, N], N);
$_CloseHandle = new Win32::API("kernel32", "CloseHandle", [N], N);
$_GetCommState = new Win32::API("kernel32", "GetCommState", [N, P], I);
$_SetCommState = new Win32::API("kernel32", "SetCommState", [N, P], I);
$_SetupComm = new Win32::API("kernel32", "SetupComm", [N, N, N], I);
$_PurgeComm = new Win32::API("kernel32", "PurgeComm", [N, N], I);
$_CreateEvent = new Win32::API("kernel32", "CreateEvent", [P, I, I, P], N);
$_GetCommTimeouts = new Win32::API("kernel32", "GetCommTimeouts",
[N, P], I);
$_SetCommTimeouts = new Win32::API("kernel32", "SetCommTimeouts",
[N, P], I);
$_GetCommProperties = new Win32::API("kernel32", "GetCommProperties",
[N, P], I);
$_ReadFile = new Win32::API("kernel32", "ReadFile", [N, P, N, P, P], I);
$_WriteFile = new Win32::API("kernel32", "WriteFile", [N, P, N, P, P], I);
$_TransmitCommChar = new Win32::API("kernel32", "TransmitCommChar", [N, I], I);
$_ClearCommBreak = new Win32::API("kernel32", "ClearCommBreak", [N], I);
$_SetCommBreak = new Win32::API("kernel32", "SetCommBreak", [N], I);
$_ClearCommError = new Win32::API("kernel32", "ClearCommError", [N, P, P], I);
$_EscapeCommFunction = new Win32::API("kernel32", "EscapeCommFunction",
[N, N], I);
$_GetCommModemStatus = new Win32::API("kernel32", "GetCommModemStatus",
[N, P], I);
$_GetOverlappedResult = new Win32::API("kernel32", "GetOverlappedResult",
[N, P, P, I], I);
#### these are not used yet
$_GetCommConfig = new Win32::API("kernel32", "GetCommConfig", [N, P, P], I);
$_GetCommMask = new Win32::API("kernel32", "GetCommMask", [N, P], I);
$_SetCommConfig = new Win32::API("kernel32", "SetCommConfig", [N, P, N], I);
$_SetCommMask = new Win32::API("kernel32", "SetCommMask", [N, N], I);
$_WaitCommEvent = new Win32::API("kernel32", "WaitCommEvent", [N, P, P], I);
$_ResetEvent = new Win32::API("kernel32", "ResetEvent", [N], I);
use strict;
$VERSION = '0.19';
$RBUF_Size = 4096;
require Exporter;
## require AutoLoader;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
@EXPORT= qw();
@EXPORT_OK= qw();
%EXPORT_TAGS = (STAT => [qw( BM_fCtsHold BM_fDsrHold
BM_fRlsdHold BM_fXoffHold
BM_fXoffSent BM_fEof
BM_fTxim BM_AllBits
RAW => [qw( CloseHandle CreateFile
GetCommState ReadFile
SetCommState SetupComm
PurgeComm CreateEvent
GetCommTimeouts SetCommTimeouts
GetCommProperties ClearCommBreak
ClearCommError EscapeCommFunction
GetCommConfig GetCommMask
GetCommModemStatus SetCommBreak
SetCommConfig SetCommMask
TransmitCommChar WaitCommEvent
WriteFile ResetEvent
BAUD_134_5 BAUD_150 BAUD_300
BAUD_600 BAUD_1200 BAUD_1800
BAUD_2400 BAUD_4800 BAUD_7200
BAUD_9600 BAUD_14400 BAUD_19200
BAUD_38400 BAUD_56K BAUD_57600
BAUD_115200 BAUD_128K
DCB => [qw( CBR_110 CBR_300 CBR_600
CBR_1200 CBR_2400 CBR_4800
CBR_9600 CBR_14400 CBR_19200
CBR_38400 CBR_56000 CBR_57600
CBR_115200 CBR_128000 CBR_256000
FM_fBinary FM_fParity
FM_fOutxCtsFlow FM_fOutxDsrFlow
FM_fDtrControl FM_fDsrSensitivity
FM_fTXContinueOnXoff FM_fOutX
FM_fInX FM_fErrorChar
FM_fNull FM_fRtsControl
FM_fAbortOnError FM_fDummy2 )],
PARAM => [qw( LONGsize SHORTsize OS_Error
nocarp internal_buffer yes_true )]);
Exporter::export_ok_tags('STAT', 'RAW', 'COMMPROP', 'DCB', 'PARAM');
#### subroutine wrappers for API calls
sub CloseHandle {
return unless ( 1 == @_ );
return $_CloseHandle->Call( shift );
sub CreateFile {
return $_CreateFile->Call( @_ );
# returns handle
sub GetCommState {
return $_GetCommState->Call( @_ );
sub SetCommState {
return $_SetCommState->Call( @_ );
sub SetupComm {
return $_SetupComm->Call( @_ );
sub PurgeComm {
return $_PurgeComm->Call( @_ );
sub CreateEvent {
return $_CreateEvent->Call( @_ );
sub GetCommTimeouts {
return $_GetCommTimeouts->Call( @_ );
sub SetCommTimeouts {
return $_SetCommTimeouts->Call( @_ );
sub GetCommProperties {
return $_GetCommProperties->Call( @_ );
sub ReadFile {
return $_ReadFile->Call( @_ );
sub WriteFile {
return $_WriteFile->Call( @_ );
sub TransmitCommChar {
return $_TransmitCommChar->Call( @_ );
sub ClearCommBreak {
return unless ( 1 == @_ );
return $_ClearCommBreak->Call( shift );
sub SetCommBreak {
return unless ( 1 == @_ );
return $_SetCommBreak->Call( shift );
sub ClearCommError {
return $_ClearCommError->Call( @_ );
sub EscapeCommFunction {
return $_EscapeCommFunction->Call( @_ );
sub GetCommModemStatus {
return $_GetCommModemStatus->Call( @_ );
sub GetOverlappedResult {
return $_GetOverlappedResult->Call( @_ );
sub GetCommConfig {
return $_GetCommConfig->Call( @_ );
sub GetCommMask {
return $_GetCommMask->Call( @_ );
sub SetCommConfig {
return $_SetCommConfig->Call( @_ );
sub SetCommMask {
return $_SetCommMask->Call( @_ );
sub WaitCommEvent {
return $_WaitCommEvent->Call( @_ );
sub ResetEvent {
return unless ( 1 == @_ );
return $_ResetEvent->Call( shift );
#### "constant" declarations from Win32 header files ####
#### compatible with ActiveState ####
## COMMPROP structure
sub SP_SERIALCOMM { 0x1 }
sub BAUD_075 { 0x1 }
sub BAUD_110 { 0x2 }
sub BAUD_134_5 { 0x4 }
sub BAUD_150 { 0x8 }
sub BAUD_300 { 0x10 }
sub BAUD_600 { 0x20 }
sub BAUD_1200 { 0x40 }
sub BAUD_1800 { 0x80 }
sub BAUD_2400 { 0x100 }
sub BAUD_4800 { 0x200 }
sub BAUD_7200 { 0x400 }
sub BAUD_9600 { 0x800 }
sub BAUD_14400 { 0x1000 }
sub BAUD_19200 { 0x2000 }
sub BAUD_38400 { 0x4000 }
sub BAUD_56K { 0x8000 }
sub BAUD_57600 { 0x40000 }
sub BAUD_115200 { 0x20000 }
sub BAUD_128K { 0x10000 }
sub BAUD_USER { 0x10000000 }
sub PST_FAX { 0x21 }
sub PST_LAT { 0x101 }
sub PST_MODEM { 0x6 }
sub PST_NETWORK_BRIDGE { 0x100 }
sub PST_RS232 { 0x1 }
sub PST_RS422 { 0x3 }
sub PST_RS423 { 0x4 }
sub PST_RS449 { 0x5 }
sub PST_SCANNER { 0x22 }
sub PST_TCPIP_TELNET { 0x102 }
sub PST_X25 { 0x103 }
sub PCF_16BITMODE { 0x200 }
sub PCF_DTRDSR { 0x1 }
sub PCF_INTTIMEOUTS { 0x80 }
sub PCF_PARITY_CHECK { 0x8 }
sub PCF_RLSD { 0x4 }
sub PCF_RTSCTS { 0x2 }
sub PCF_SETXCHAR { 0x20 }
sub PCF_SPECIALCHARS { 0x100 }
sub PCF_XONXOFF { 0x10 }
sub SP_BAUD { 0x2 }
sub SP_DATABITS { 0x4 }
sub SP_HANDSHAKING { 0x10 }
sub SP_PARITY { 0x1 }
sub SP_PARITY_CHECK { 0x20 }
sub SP_RLSD { 0x40 }
sub SP_STOPBITS { 0x8 }
sub DATABITS_5 { 1 }
sub DATABITS_6 { 2 }
sub DATABITS_7 { 4 }
sub DATABITS_8 { 8 }
sub DATABITS_16 { 16 }
sub DATABITS_16X { 32 }
sub STOPBITS_10 { 1 }
sub STOPBITS_15 { 2 }
sub STOPBITS_20 { 4 }
sub PARITY_NONE { 256 }
sub PARITY_ODD { 512 }
sub PARITY_EVEN { 1024 }
sub PARITY_MARK { 2048 }
sub PARITY_SPACE { 4096 }
sub COMMPROP_INITIALIZED { 0xe73cf52e }
## DCB structure
sub CBR_110 { 110 }
sub CBR_300 { 300 }
sub CBR_600 { 600 }
sub CBR_1200 { 1200 }
sub CBR_2400 { 2400 }
sub CBR_4800 { 4800 }
sub CBR_9600 { 9600 }
sub CBR_14400 { 14400 }
sub CBR_19200 { 19200 }
sub CBR_38400 { 38400 }
sub CBR_56000 { 56000 }
sub CBR_57600 { 57600 }
sub CBR_115200 { 115200 }
sub CBR_128000 { 128000 }
sub CBR_256000 { 256000 }
sub EVENPARITY { 2 }
sub MARKPARITY { 3 }
sub NOPARITY { 0 }
sub ODDPARITY { 1 }
sub ONESTOPBIT { 0 }
sub ONE5STOPBITS { 1 }
## Flowcontrol bit mask in DCB
sub FM_fBinary { 0x1 }
sub FM_fParity { 0x2 }
sub FM_fOutxCtsFlow { 0x4 }
sub FM_fOutxDsrFlow { 0x8 }
sub FM_fDtrControl { 0x30 }
sub FM_fDsrSensitivity { 0x40 }
sub FM_fTXContinueOnXoff { 0x80 }
sub FM_fOutX { 0x100 }
sub FM_fInX { 0x200 }
sub FM_fErrorChar { 0x400 }
sub FM_fNull { 0x800 }
sub FM_fRtsControl { 0x3000 }
sub FM_fAbortOnError { 0x4000 }
sub FM_fDummy2 { 0xffff8000 }
## COMSTAT bit mask
sub BM_fCtsHold { 0x1 }
sub BM_fDsrHold { 0x2 }
sub BM_fRlsdHold { 0x4 }
sub BM_fXoffHold { 0x8 }
sub BM_fXoffSent { 0x10 }
sub BM_fEof { 0x20 }
sub BM_fTxim { 0x40 }
sub BM_AllBits { 0x7f }
## PurgeComm bit mask
sub PURGE_TXABORT { 0x1 }
sub PURGE_RXABORT { 0x2 }
sub PURGE_TXCLEAR { 0x4 }
sub PURGE_RXCLEAR { 0x8 }
## GetCommModemStatus bit mask
sub MS_CTS_ON { 0x10 }
sub MS_DSR_ON { 0x20 }
sub MS_RING_ON { 0x40 }
sub MS_RLSD_ON { 0x80 }
## EscapeCommFunction operations
sub SETXOFF { 0x1 }
sub SETXON { 0x2 }
sub SETRTS { 0x3 }
sub CLRRTS { 0x4 }
sub SETDTR { 0x5 }
sub CLRDTR { 0x6 }
sub SETBREAK { 0x8 }
sub CLRBREAK { 0x9 }
## ClearCommError bit mask
sub CE_RXOVER { 0x1 }
sub CE_OVERRUN { 0x2 }
sub CE_RXPARITY { 0x4 }
sub CE_FRAME { 0x8 }
sub CE_BREAK { 0x10 }
sub CE_TXFULL { 0x100 }
#### LPT only
# sub CE_PTO { 0x200 }
# sub CE_IOE { 0x400 }
# sub CE_DNS { 0x800 }
# sub CE_OOP { 0x1000 }
#### LPT only
sub CE_MODE { 0x8000 }
## GetCommMask bits
sub EV_RXCHAR { 0x1 }
sub EV_RXFLAG { 0x2 }
sub EV_TXEMPTY { 0x4 }
sub EV_CTS { 0x8 }
sub EV_DSR { 0x10 }
sub EV_RLSD { 0x20 }
sub EV_BREAK { 0x40 }
sub EV_ERR { 0x80 }
sub EV_RING { 0x100 }
sub EV_PERR { 0x200 }
sub EV_RX80FULL { 0x400 }
sub EV_EVENT1 { 0x800 }
sub EV_EVENT2 { 0x1000 }
## Allowed OVERLAP errors
sub ERROR_IO_PENDING { 997 }
#### "constant" declarations compatible with ActiveState ####
my $CP_format1="SSLLLLLLLLLSSLLLLSA*"; # rs232
my $CP_format0="SA50LA244"; # pre-read
my $TIMEOUTformat="LLLLL";
my $COMSTATformat="LLL";
my $cfg_file_sig="Win32API::SerialPort_Configuration_File -- DO NOT EDIT --\n";
sub SHORTsize { 0xffff; }
sub LONGsize { 0xffffffff; }
sub ST_BLOCK {0} # status offsets for caller
sub ST_INPUT {1}
sub ST_OUTPUT {2}
sub ST_ERROR {3} # latched
#### Package variable declarations ####
my @Yes_resp = (
my @binary_opt = (0, 1);
my @byte_opt = (0, 255);
my $Babble = 0;
my $testactive = 0; # test mode active
## my $null=[];
my $null=0;
my $zero=0;
# Preloaded methods go here.
sub OS_Error { print Win32::FormatMessage ( Win32::GetLastError() ); }
sub get_tick_count { return Win32::GetTickCount(); }
# test*.t only - suppresses default messages
sub set_no_messages {
return unless (@_ == 2);
$testactive = yes_true($_[1]);
sub nocarp { return $testactive }
sub internal_buffer { return $RBUF_Size }
sub yes_true {
my $choice = uc shift;
my $ans = 0;
foreach (@Yes_resp) { $ans = 1 if ( $choice eq $_ ) }
return $ans;
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = {};
my $ok = 0; # API return value
my $hr = 0; # temporary hashref
my $fmask = 0; # temporary for bit banging
my $fix_baud = 0;
my $key;
my $value;
my $CommPropBlank = " ";
# COMMPROP only used during new
my $CommProperties = " "x300; # extra buffer for modems
my $CP_Length = 0;
my $CP_Version = 0;
my $CP_ServiceMask = 0;
my $CP_Reserved1 = 0;
my $CP_MaxBaud = 0;
my $CP_ProvCapabilities = 0;
my $CP_SettableParams = 0;
my $CP_SettableBaud = 0;
my $CP_SettableData = 0;
my $CP_SettableStopParity = 0;
my $CP_ProvSpec1 = 0;
my $CP_ProvSpec2 = 0;
my $CP_ProvChar_start = 0;
my $CP_Filler = 0;
my $MC_ReqSize = 0;
my $MC_SpecOffset = 0;
my $MC_SpecSize = 0;
my $MC_ProvVersion = 0;
my $MC_ManfOffset = 0;
my $MC_ManfSize = 0;
my $MC_ModOffset = 0;
my $MC_ModSize = 0;
my $MC_VerOffset = 0;
my $MC_VerSize = 0;
my $MC_DialOpt = 0;
my $MC_CallFailTime = 0;
my $MC_IdleTime = 0;
my $MC_SpkrVol = 0;
my $MC_SpkrMode = 0;
my $MC_ModOpt = 0;
my $MC_MaxDTE = 0;
my $MC_MaxDCE = 0;
my $MC_Filler = 0;
$self->{NAME} = shift;
my $quiet = shift;
# device name
# no FILE_SHARE_xx
# no SECURITY_xx
# template file
unless ($self->{"_HANDLE"} >= 1) {
$self->{"_HANDLE"} = 0;
return 0 if ($quiet);
return if (nocarp);
carp "can't open device: $self->{NAME}\n";
# let Win32 know we allowed room for modem properties
$CP_Length = 300;
$CommProperties = pack($CP_format0,
$ok=GetCommProperties($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $CommProperties);
unless ( $ok ) {
carp "can't get COMMPROP block";
undef $self;
$CP_Filler)= unpack($CP_format1, $CommProperties);
if (($CP_Length > 64) and ($self->{"_TYPE"} == PST_RS232)) {
carp "invalid COMMPROP block length= $CP_Length";
undef $self;
if ($CP_ServiceMask != SP_SERIALCOMM) {
carp "doesn't claim to be a serial port\n";
undef $self;
if ($self->{"_TYPE"} == PST_MODEM) {
$MC_Filler)= unpack($CP_format6, $CommProperties);
if ($Babble) {
printf "\nMODEMDEVCAPS:\n";
printf "\$MC_ActualSize= %d\n", $CP_ProvChar_start;
printf "\$MC_ReqSize= %d\n", $MC_ReqSize;
printf "\$MC_SpecOffset= %d\n", $MC_SpecOffset;
printf "\$MC_SpecSize= %d\n", $MC_SpecSize;
if ($MC_SpecOffset) {
printf " DeviceSpecificData= %s\n", substr ($CommProperties,
60+$MC_SpecOffset, $MC_SpecSize);
printf "\$MC_ProvVersion= %d\n", $MC_ProvVersion;
printf "\$MC_ManfOffset= %d\n", $MC_ManfOffset;
printf "\$MC_ManfSize= %d\n", $MC_ManfSize;
if ($MC_ManfOffset) {
printf " Manufacturer= %s\n", substr ($CommProperties,
60+$MC_ManfOffset, $MC_ManfSize);
printf "\$MC_ModOffset= %d\n", $MC_ModOffset;
printf "\$MC_ModSize= %d\n", $MC_ModSize;
if ($MC_ModOffset) {
printf " Model= %s\n", substr ($CommProperties,
60+$MC_ModOffset, $MC_ModSize);
printf "\$MC_VerOffset= %d\n", $MC_VerOffset;
printf "\$MC_VerSize= %d\n", $MC_VerSize;
if ($MC_VerOffset) {
printf " Version= %s\n", substr ($CommProperties,
60+$MC_VerOffset, $MC_VerSize);
printf "\$MC_DialOpt= %lx\n", $MC_DialOpt;
printf "\$MC_CallFailTime= %d\n", $MC_CallFailTime;
printf "\$MC_IdleTime= %d\n", $MC_IdleTime;
printf "\$MC_SpkrVol= %d\n", $MC_SpkrVol;
printf "\$MC_SpkrMode= %d\n", $MC_SpkrMode;
printf "\$MC_ModOpt= %lx\n", $MC_ModOpt;
printf "\$MC_MaxDTE= %d\n", $MC_MaxDTE;
printf "\$MC_MaxDCE= %d\n", $MC_MaxDCE;
$MC_Filler= $MC_Filler; # for -w
## $MC_ReqSize = 250;
if ($CP_ProvChar_start != $MC_ReqSize) {
printf "\nARGH, a Bug! The \$CommProperties buffer must be ";
printf "at least %d bytes.\n", $MC_ReqSize+60;
## if (1 | $Babble) {
if ($Babble) {
printf "\$CP_Length= %d\n", $CP_Length;
printf "\$CP_Version= %d\n", $CP_Version;
printf "\$CP_ServiceMask= %lx\n", $CP_ServiceMask;
printf "\$CP_Reserved1= %lx\n", $CP_Reserved1;
printf "\$CP_MaxTxQueue= %lx\n", $self->{"_MaxTxQueue"};
printf "\$CP_MaxRxQueue= %lx\n", $self->{"_MaxRxQueue"};
printf "\$CP_MaxBaud= %lx\n", $CP_MaxBaud;
printf "\$CP_ProvSubType= %lx\n", $self->{"_TYPE"};
printf "\$CP_ProvCapabilities= %lx\n", $CP_ProvCapabilities;
printf "\$CP_SettableParams= %lx\n", $CP_SettableParams;
printf "\$CP_SettableBaud= %lx\n", $CP_SettableBaud;
printf "\$CP_SettableData= %x\n", $CP_SettableData;
printf "\$CP_SettableStopParity= %x\n", $CP_SettableStopParity;
printf "\$CP_CurrentTxQueue= %lx\n", $self->{WRITEBUF};
printf "\$CP_CurrentRxQueue= %lx\n", $self->{READBUF};
printf "\$CP_ProvSpec1= %lx\n", $CP_ProvSpec1;
printf "\$CP_ProvSpec2= %lx\n", $CP_ProvSpec2;
# "private" data
$self->{"_INIT"} = undef;
$self->{"_DEBUG_C"} = 0;
$self->{"_LATCH"} = 0;
$self->{"_W_BUSY"} = 0;
$self->{"_R_BUSY"} = 0;
$self->{"_TBUFMAX"} = $self->{"_MaxTxQueue"} ?
$self->{"_MaxTxQueue"} : LONGsize;
$self->{"_RBUFMAX"} = $self->{"_MaxRxQueue"} ?
$self->{"_MaxRxQueue"} : LONGsize;
# buffers
$self->{"_R_OVERLAP"} = " "x24;
$self->{"_W_OVERLAP"} = " "x24;
$self->{"_TIMEOUT"} = " "x24;
$self->{"_RBUF"} = " "x $RBUF_Size;
# allowed setting hashes
$self->{"_L_BAUD"} = {};
$self->{"_L_STOP"} = {};
$self->{"_L_PARITY"} = {};
$self->{"_L_DATA"} = {};
$self->{"_L_HSHAKE"} = {};
# capability flags
$fmask = $CP_SettableParams;
$self->{"_C_BAUD"} = $fmask & SP_BAUD;
$self->{"_C_DATA"} = $fmask & SP_DATABITS;
$self->{"_C_STOP"} = $fmask & SP_STOPBITS;
$self->{"_C_HSHAKE"} = $fmask & SP_HANDSHAKING;
$self->{"_C_PARITY_CFG"} = $fmask & SP_PARITY;
$self->{"_C_PARITY_EN"} = $fmask & SP_PARITY_CHECK;
$self->{"_C_RLSD_CFG"} = $fmask & SP_RLSD;
$fmask = $CP_ProvCapabilities;
$self->{"_C_RLSD"} = $fmask & PCF_RLSD;
$self->{"_C_PARITY_CK"} = $fmask & PCF_PARITY_CHECK;
$self->{"_C_DTRDSR"} = $fmask & PCF_DTRDSR;
$self->{"_C_16BITMODE"} = $fmask & PCF_16BITMODE;
$self->{"_C_RTSCTS"} = $fmask & PCF_RTSCTS;
$self->{"_C_XONXOFF"} = $fmask & PCF_XONXOFF;
$self->{"_C_XON_CHAR"} = $fmask & PCF_SETXCHAR;
$self->{"_C_SPECHAR"} = $fmask & PCF_SPECIALCHARS;
$self->{"_C_INT_TIME"} = $fmask & PCF_INTTIMEOUTS;
$self->{"_C_TOT_TIME"} = $fmask & PCF_TOTALTIMEOUTS;
if ($self->{"_C_INT_TIME"}) {
$self->{"_N_RINT"} = LONGsize; # min interval default
else {
$self->{"_N_RINT"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_RTOT"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_RCONST"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_C_TOT_TIME"}) {
$self->{"_N_WCONST"} = 201; # startup overhead + 1
$self->{"_N_WTOT"} = 11; # per char out + 1
else {
$self->{"_N_WTOT"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_WCONST"} = 0;
$hr = \%{$self->{"_L_HSHAKE"}};
if ($self->{"_C_HSHAKE"}) {
${$hr}{"xoff"} = "xoff" if ($fmask & PCF_XONXOFF);
${$hr}{"rts"} = "rts" if ($fmask & PCF_RTSCTS);
${$hr}{"dtr"} = "dtr" if ($fmask & PCF_DTRDSR);
${$hr}{"none"} = "none";
else { $self->{"_N_HSHAKE"} = undef; }
#### really just using the keys here, so value = Win32_definition
#### in case we ever need it for something else
# first check for programmable baud
$hr = \%{$self->{"_L_BAUD"}};
if ($CP_MaxBaud & BAUD_USER) {
$fmask = $CP_SettableBaud;
${$hr}{110} = CBR_110 if ($fmask & BAUD_110);
${$hr}{300} = CBR_300 if ($fmask & BAUD_300);
${$hr}{600} = CBR_600 if ($fmask & BAUD_600);
${$hr}{1200} = CBR_1200 if ($fmask & BAUD_1200);
${$hr}{2400} = CBR_2400 if ($fmask & BAUD_2400);
${$hr}{4800} = CBR_4800 if ($fmask & BAUD_4800);
${$hr}{9600} = CBR_9600 if ($fmask & BAUD_9600);
${$hr}{14400} = CBR_14400 if ($fmask & BAUD_14400);
${$hr}{19200} = CBR_19200 if ($fmask & BAUD_19200);
${$hr}{38400} = CBR_38400 if ($fmask & BAUD_38400);
${$hr}{56000} = CBR_56000 if ($fmask & BAUD_56K);
${$hr}{57600} = CBR_57600 if ($fmask & BAUD_57600);
${$hr}{115200} = CBR_115200 if ($fmask & BAUD_115200);
${$hr}{128000} = CBR_128000 if ($fmask & BAUD_128K);
${$hr}{256000} = CBR_256000 if (0); # reserved ??
else {
# get fixed baud from CP_MaxBaud
$fmask = $CP_MaxBaud;
$fix_baud = 75 if ($fmask & BAUD_075);
$fix_baud = 110 if ($fmask & BAUD_110);
$fix_baud = 134.5 if ($fmask & BAUD_134_5);
$fix_baud = 150 if ($fmask & BAUD_150);
$fix_baud = 300 if ($fmask & BAUD_300);
$fix_baud = 600 if ($fmask & BAUD_600);
$fix_baud = 1200 if ($fmask & BAUD_1200);
$fix_baud = 1800 if ($fmask & BAUD_1800);
$fix_baud = 2400 if ($fmask & BAUD_2400);
$fix_baud = 4800 if ($fmask & BAUD_4800);
$fix_baud = 7200 if ($fmask & BAUD_7200);
$fix_baud = 9600 if ($fmask & BAUD_9600);
$fix_baud = 14400 if ($fmask & BAUD_14400);
$fix_baud = 19200 if ($fmask & BAUD_19200);
$fix_baud = 34800 if ($fmask & BAUD_38400);
$fix_baud = 56000 if ($fmask & BAUD_56K);
$fix_baud = 57600 if ($fmask & BAUD_57600);
$fix_baud = 115200 if ($fmask & BAUD_115200);
$fix_baud = 128000 if ($fmask & BAUD_128K);
${$hr}{$fix_baud} = $fix_baud;
$self->{"_N_BAUD"} = undef;
#### data bits
$fmask = $CP_SettableData;
if ($self->{"_C_DATA"}) {
$hr = \%{$self->{"_L_DATA"}};
${$hr}{5} = 5 if ($fmask & DATABITS_5);
${$hr}{6} = 6 if ($fmask & DATABITS_6);
${$hr}{7} = 7 if ($fmask & DATABITS_7);
${$hr}{8} = 8 if ($fmask & DATABITS_8);
${$hr}{16} = 16 if ($fmask & DATABITS_16);
## ${$hr}{16X} = 16 if ($fmask & DATABITS_16X);
else { $self->{"_N_DATA"} = undef; }
#### value = (DCB Win32_definition + 1) so 0 means unchanged
$fmask = $CP_SettableStopParity;
if ($self->{"_C_STOP"}) {
$hr = \%{$self->{"_L_STOP"}};
${$hr}{1} = 1 + ONESTOPBIT if ($fmask & STOPBITS_10);
${$hr}{1.5} = 1 + ONE5STOPBITS if ($fmask & STOPBITS_15);
${$hr}{2} = 1 + TWOSTOPBITS if ($fmask & STOPBITS_20);
else { $self->{"_N_STOP"} = undef; }
if ($self->{"_C_PARITY_CFG"}) {
$hr = \%{$self->{"_L_PARITY"}};
${$hr}{"none"} = 1 + NOPARITY if ($fmask & PARITY_NONE);
${$hr}{"even"} = 1 + EVENPARITY if ($fmask & PARITY_EVEN);
${$hr}{"odd"} = 1 + ODDPARITY if ($fmask & PARITY_ODD);
${$hr}{"mark"} = 1 + MARKPARITY if ($fmask & PARITY_MARK);
${$hr}{"space"} = 1 + SPACEPARITY if ($fmask & PARITY_SPACE);
else { $self->{"_N_PARITY"} = undef; }
$hr = 0; # no loops
# changable dcb parameters
# 0 = no change requested
# mask_on: requested value for OR
# mask_off: complement of requested value for AND
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = 0;
### "VALUE" is initialized from DCB by default (but also in %validate)
# 0 = no change requested
# integer: requested value or (value+1 if 0 is a legal value)
# binary: 1=false requested, 2=true requested
$self->{"_N_XONLIM"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_XOFFLIM"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_XOFFCHAR"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_XONCHAR"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_ERRCHAR"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_EOFCHAR"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_EVTCHAR"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_BINARY"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_PARITY_EN"} = 0;
### "_N_items" for save/start
$self->{"_N_READBUF"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_WRITEBUF"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_HSHAKE"} = 0;
### The "required" DCB values are deliberately NOT defined. That way,
### write_settings can verify they "exist" to assure they got set.
### $self->{"_N_BAUD"}
### $self->{"_N_DATA"}
### $self->{"_N_STOP"}
### $self->{"_N_PARITY"}
$self->{"_R_EVENT"} = CreateEvent($null, # no security
1, # explicit reset req
0, # initial event reset
$null); # no name
unless ($self->{"_R_EVENT"}) {
carp "could not create required read event";
undef $self;
$self->{"_W_EVENT"} = CreateEvent($null, # no security
1, # explicit reset req
0, # initial event reset
$null); # no name
unless ($self->{"_W_EVENT"}) {
carp "could not create required write event";
undef $self;
$self->{"_R_OVERLAP"} = pack($OVERLAPPEDformat,
$zero, # osRead_Internal,
$zero, # osRead_InternalHigh,
$zero, # osRead_Offset,
$zero, # osRead_OffsetHigh,
$self->{"_W_OVERLAP"} = pack($OVERLAPPEDformat,
$zero, # osWrite_Internal,
$zero, # osWrite_InternalHigh,
$zero, # osWrite_Offset,
$zero, # osWrite_OffsetHigh,
# Device Control Block (DCB)
unless ( fetch_DCB ($self) ) {
carp "can't read Device Control Block for $self->{NAME}\n";
undef $self;
$self->{"_L_BAUD"}{$self->{BAUD}} = $self->{BAUD}; # actual must be ok
# Read Timeouts
unless ( GetCommTimeouts($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $self->{"_TIMEOUT"}) ) {
carp "Error in GetCommTimeouts";
undef $self;
$self->{WCONST})= unpack($TIMEOUTformat, $self->{"_TIMEOUT"});
bless ($self, $class);
return $self;
sub fetch_DCB {
my $self = shift;
my $ok;
my $hr;
my $fmask;
my $key;
my $value;
my $dcb = " "x32;
GetCommState($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $dcb) or return;
$self->{"_PackWORD"})= unpack($DCBformat, $dcb);
if ($self->{"_DCBLength"} > 32) {
carp "invalid DCB block length";
if ($Babble) {
printf "DCBLength= %d\n", $self->{"_DCBLength"};
printf "BaudRate= %d\n", $self->{BAUD};
printf "BitMask= %lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"};
printf "ResvWORD= %x\n", $self->{"_ResvWORD"};
printf "XonLim= %x\n", $self->{XONLIM};
printf "XoffLim= %x\n", $self->{XOFFLIM};
printf "ByteSize= %d\n", $self->{DATA};
printf "Parity= %d\n", $self->{"_Parity"};
printf "StopBits= %d\n", $self->{"_StopBits"};
printf "XonChar= %x\n", $self->{XONCHAR};
printf "XoffChar= %x\n", $self->{XOFFCHAR};
printf "ErrorChar= %x\n", $self->{ERRCHAR};
printf "EofChar= %x\n", $self->{EOFCHAR};
printf "EvtChar= %x\n", $self->{EVTCHAR};
printf "PackWORD= %x\n", $self->{"_PackWORD"};
printf "handle= %d\n\n", $self->{"_HANDLE"};
$fmask = 1 + $self->{"_StopBits"};
while (($key, $value) = each %{ $self->{"_L_STOP"} }) {
if ($value == $fmask) {
$self->{STOP} = $key;
$fmask = 1 + $self->{"_Parity"};
while (($key, $value) = each %{ $self->{"_L_PARITY"} }) {
if ($value == $fmask) {
$self->{PARITY} = $key;
$fmask = $self->{"_BitMask"};
if ($fmask & ( $hr << 4) ) {
$self->{HSHAKE} = "dtr";
elsif ($fmask & ( $ok << 12) ) {
$self->{HSHAKE} = "rts";
elsif ($fmask & ( FM_fOutX | FM_fInX ) ) {
$self->{HSHAKE} = "xoff";
else {
$self->{HSHAKE} = "none";
$self->{BINARY} = ($fmask & FM_fBinary);
$self->{PARITY_EN} = ($fmask & FM_fParity);
if ($fmask & FM_fDummy2) {
carp "Unknown DCB Flow Mask Bit in $self->{NAME}";
sub init_done {
my $self = shift;
return 0 unless (defined $self->{"_INIT"});
return $self->{"_INIT"};
sub update_DCB {
my $self = shift;
my $ok = 0;
return unless (defined $self->{"_INIT"});
fetch_DCB ($self);
if ($self->{"_N_HSHAKE"}) {
$self->{HSHAKE} = $self->{"_N_HSHAKE"};
if ($self->{HSHAKE} eq "dtr" ) {
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} = 0x1028;
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = 0xffffdceb;
elsif ($self->{HSHAKE} eq "rts" ) {
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} = 0x2014;
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = 0xffffecd7;
elsif ($self->{HSHAKE} eq "xoff" ) {
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} = 0x1310;
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = 0xffffdfd3;
else {
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} = 0x1010;
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = 0xffffdcd3;
$self->{"_N_HSHAKE"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_PARITY_EN"}) {
if (2 == $self->{"_N_PARITY_EN"}) {
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} |= FM_fParity; # enable
if ($self->{"_N_FM_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} |= FM_fParity;
else { $self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = LONGsize; }
else {
if ($self->{"_N_FM_ON"}) {
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} &= ~FM_fParity; # disable
if ($self->{"_N_FM_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} &= ~FM_fParity;
else { $self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = ~FM_fParity; }
## DEBUG ##
## printf "_N_FM_ON=%lx\n", $self->{"_N_FM_ON"}; ## DEBUG ##
## printf "_N_FM_OFF=%lx\n", $self->{"_N_FM_OFF"}; ## DEBUG ##
## DEBUG ##
$self->{"_N_PARITY_EN"} = 0;
## DEBUG ##
## printf "_N_AUX_ON=%lx\n", $self->{"_N_AUX_ON"}; ## DEBUG ##
## printf "_N_AUX_OFF=%lx\n", $self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}; ## DEBUG ##
## DEBUG ##
if ( $self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} or $self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} ) {
if ( $self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} ) {
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} &= $self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"};
else {
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = $self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"};
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} |= $self->{"_N_AUX_ON"};
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = 0;
## DEBUG ##
## printf "_N_FM_ON=%lx\n", $self->{"_N_FM_ON"}; ## DEBUG ##
## printf "_N_FM_OFF=%lx\n", $self->{"_N_FM_OFF"}; ## DEBUG ##
## DEBUG ##
if ( $self->{"_N_FM_ON"} or $self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} ) {
$self->{"_BitMask"} &= $self->{"_N_FM_OFF"};
$self->{"_BitMask"} |= $self->{"_N_FM_ON"};
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_XONLIM"}) {
$self->{XONLIM} = $self->{"_N_XONLIM"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_XONLIM"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_XOFFLIM"}) {
$self->{XOFFLIM} = $self->{"_N_XOFFLIM"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_XOFFLIM"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_BAUD"}) {
$self->{BAUD} = $self->{"_N_BAUD"};
$self->{"_N_BAUD"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_DATA"}) {
$self->{DATA} = $self->{"_N_DATA"};
$self->{"_N_DATA"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_STOP"}) {
$self->{"_StopBits"} = $self->{"_N_STOP"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_STOP"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_PARITY"}) {
$self->{"_Parity"} = $self->{"_N_PARITY"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_PARITY"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_XONCHAR"}) {
$self->{XONCHAR} = $self->{"_N_XONCHAR"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_XONCHAR"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_XOFFCHAR"}) {
$self->{XOFFCHAR} = $self->{"_N_XOFFCHAR"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_XOFFCHAR"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_ERRCHAR"}) {
$self->{ERRCHAR} = $self->{"_N_ERRCHAR"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_ERRCHAR"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_EOFCHAR"}) {
$self->{EOFCHAR} = $self->{"_N_EOFCHAR"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_EOFCHAR"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_EVTCHAR"}) {
$self->{EVTCHAR} = $self->{"_N_EVTCHAR"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_EVTCHAR"} = 0;
my $dcb = pack($DCBformat,
if ( SetCommState($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $dcb) ) {
print "updated DCB for $self->{NAME}\n" if ($Babble);
## DEBUG ##
## printf "DEBUG BitMask= %lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ## DEBUG ##
## DEBUG ##
else {
carp "SetCommState failed";
if ($Babble) {
printf "\ntried to write:\n";
printf "DCBLength= %d\n", $self->{"_DCBLength"};
printf "BaudRate= %d\n", $self->{BAUD};
printf "BitMask= %lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"};
printf "ResvWORD= %x\n", $self->{"_ResvWORD"};
printf "XonLim= %x\n", $self->{XONLIM};
printf "XoffLim= %x\n", $self->{XOFFLIM};
printf "ByteSize= %d\n", $self->{DATA};
printf "Parity= %d\n", $self->{"_Parity"};
printf "StopBits= %d\n", $self->{"_StopBits"};
printf "XonChar= %x\n", $self->{XONCHAR};
printf "XoffChar= %x\n", $self->{XOFFCHAR};
printf "ErrorChar= %x\n", $self->{ERRCHAR};
printf "EofChar= %x\n", $self->{EOFCHAR};
printf "EvtChar= %x\n", $self->{EVTCHAR};
printf "PackWORD= %x\n", $self->{"_PackWORD"};
printf "handle= %d\n", $self->{"_HANDLE"};
sub initialize {
my $self = shift;
my $item;
my $fault = 0;
foreach $item (@_) {
unless (exists $self->{"_N_$item"}) {
# must be "exists" so undef=not_settable
nocarp or carp "Missing REQUIRED setting for $item";
unless ($self->{"_INIT"}) {
$self->{"_INIT"} = 1 unless ($fault);
$self->{"_BitMask"} = 0x1011;
$self->{XONLIM} = 100 unless ($self->{"_N_XONLIM"});
$self->{XOFFLIM} = 100 unless ($self->{"_N_XOFFLIM"});
$self->{XONCHAR} = 0x11 unless ($self->{"_N_XONCHAR"});
$self->{XOFFCHAR} = 0x13 unless ($self->{"_N_XOFFCHAR"});
$self->{ERRCHAR} = 0 unless ($self->{"_N_ERRCHAR"});
$self->{EOFCHAR} = 0 unless ($self->{"_N_EOFCHAR"});
$self->{EVTCHAR} = 0 unless ($self->{"_N_EVTCHAR"});
if ($self->{"_N_READBUF"} or $self->{"_N_WRITEBUF"}) {
if ($self->{"_N_READBUF"}) {
$self->{READBUF} = $self->{"_N_READBUF"};
if ($self->{"_N_WRITEBUF"}) {
$self->{WRITEBUF} = $self->{"_N_WRITEBUF"};
$self->{"_N_READBUF"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_WRITEBUF"} = 0;
SetupComm($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $self->{READBUF}, $self->{WRITEBUF});
return $fault;
sub is_status {
my $self = shift;
my $ok = 0;
my $error_p = " "x4;
my $CommStatus = " "x12;
if (@_ and $testactive) {
$self->{"_LATCH"} |= shift;
$ok=ClearCommError($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $error_p, $CommStatus);
my $Error_BitMask = unpack("L", $error_p);
$self->{"_LATCH"} |= $Error_BitMask;
my @stat = unpack($COMSTATformat, $CommStatus);
push @stat, $self->{"_LATCH"};
$stat[ST_BLOCK] &= BM_AllBits;
if ( $Babble or $self->{"_DEBUG_C"} ) {
printf "Blocking Bits= %d\n", $stat[ST_BLOCK];
printf "Input Queue= %d\n", $stat[ST_INPUT];
printf "Output Queue= %d\n", $stat[ST_OUTPUT];
printf "Latched Errors= %d\n", $stat[ST_ERROR];
printf "ok= %d\n", $ok;
return ($ok ? @stat : undef);
sub reset_error {
my $self = shift;
my $was = $self->{"_LATCH"};
$self->{"_LATCH"} = 0;
return $was;
sub can_baud {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_BAUD"};
sub can_databits {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_DATA"};
sub can_stopbits {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_STOP"};
sub can_dtrdsr {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_DTRDSR"};
sub can_handshake {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_HSHAKE"};
sub can_parity_check {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_PARITY_CK"};
sub can_parity_config {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_PARITY_CFG"};
sub can_parity_enable {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_PARITY_EN"};
sub can_rlsd_config {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_RLSD_CFG"};
sub can_rlsd {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_RLSD"};
sub can_16bitmode {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_16BITMODE"};
sub is_rs232 {
my $self = shift;
return ($self->{"_TYPE"} == PST_RS232);
sub is_modem {
my $self = shift;
return ($self->{"_TYPE"} == PST_MODEM);
sub can_rtscts {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_RTSCTS"};
sub can_xonxoff {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_XONXOFF"};
sub can_xon_char {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_XON_CHAR"};
sub can_spec_char {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_SPECHAR"};
sub can_interval_timeout {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_INT_TIME"};
sub can_total_timeout {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_TOT_TIME"};
sub is_handshake {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless $self->{"_C_HSHAKE"};
return unless (defined $self->{"_L_HSHAKE"}{$_[0]});
$self->{"_N_HSHAKE"} = $self->{"_L_HSHAKE"}{$_[0]};
update_DCB ($self);
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{HSHAKE};
sub are_handshake {
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->{"_C_HSHAKE"};
return if (@_);
return keys(%{$self->{"_L_HSHAKE"}});
sub is_baudrate {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless $self->{"_C_BAUD"};
return unless (defined $self->{"_L_BAUD"}{$_[0]});
$self->{"_N_BAUD"} = int shift;
update_DCB ($self);
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{BAUD};
sub are_baudrate {
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->{"_C_BAUD"};
return if (@_);
return keys(%{$self->{"_L_BAUD"}});
sub is_parity {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless $self->{"_C_PARITY_CFG"};
return unless (defined $self->{"_L_PARITY"}{$_[0]});
$self->{"_N_PARITY"} = $self->{"_L_PARITY"}{$_[0]};
update_DCB ($self);
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{PARITY};
sub are_parity {
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->{"_C_PARITY_CFG"};
return if (@_);
return keys(%{$self->{"_L_PARITY"}});
sub is_databits {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless $self->{"_C_DATA"};
return unless (defined $self->{"_L_DATA"}{$_[0]});
$self->{"_N_DATA"} = $self->{"_L_DATA"}{$_[0]};
update_DCB ($self);
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{DATA};
sub are_databits {
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->{"_C_DATA"};
return if (@_);
return keys(%{$self->{"_L_DATA"}});
sub is_stopbits {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless $self->{"_C_STOP"};
return unless (defined $self->{"_L_STOP"}{$_[0]});
$self->{"_N_STOP"} = $self->{"_L_STOP"}{$_[0]};
update_DCB ($self);
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{STOP};
sub are_stopbits {
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->{"_C_STOP"};
return if (@_);
return keys(%{$self->{"_L_STOP"}});
# single value for save/start
sub is_read_buf {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { $self->{"_N_READBUF"} = int shift; }
return $self->{READBUF};
# single value for save/start
sub is_write_buf {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { $self->{"_N_WRITEBUF"} = int shift; }
return $self->{WRITEBUF};
sub is_buffers {
my $self = shift;
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $rbuf = shift;
my $wbuf = shift;
SetupComm($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $rbuf, $wbuf) or return;
$self->{"_N_READBUF"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_WRITEBUF"} = 0;
$self->{READBUF} = $rbuf;
$self->{WRITEBUF} = $wbuf;
sub read_bg {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $wanted = shift;
return unless ($wanted > 0);
if ($self->{"_R_BUSY"}) {
nocarp or carp "Second Read attempted before First is done";
my $got_p = " "x4;
my $ok;
my $got = 0;
if ($wanted > $RBUF_Size) {
$wanted = $RBUF_Size;
warn "read buffer limited to $RBUF_Size bytes at the moment";
$self->{"_R_BUSY"} = 1;
$ok=ReadFile( $self->{"_HANDLE"},
if ($ok) {
$got = unpack("L", $got_p);
$self->{"_R_BUSY"} = 0;
return $got;
sub write_bg {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $wbuf = shift;
if ($self->{"_W_BUSY"}) {
nocarp or carp "Second Write attempted before First is done";
my $ok;
my $got_p = " "x4;
return 0 if ($wbuf eq "");
my $lbuf = length ($wbuf);
my $written = 0;
$self->{"_W_BUSY"} = 1;
$ok=WriteFile( $self->{"_HANDLE"},
if ($ok) {
$written = unpack("L", $got_p);
$self->{"_W_BUSY"} = 0;
if ($Babble) {
print "error=$ok\n";
print "wbuf=$wbuf\n";
print "lbuf=$lbuf\n";
print "write_bg=$written\n";
return $written;
sub read_done {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $wait = yes_true ( shift );
my $ov;
my $got_p = " "x4;
my $wanted = 0;
$self->{"_R_BUSY"} = 1;
$ov=GetOverlappedResult( $self->{"_HANDLE"},
if ($ov) {
$wanted = unpack("L", $got_p);
$self->{"_R_BUSY"} = 0;
print "read_done=$wanted\n" if ($Babble);
return (1, $wanted, substr($self->{"_RBUF"}, 0, $wanted));
return (0, 0, "");
sub write_done {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $wait = yes_true ( shift );
my $ov;
my $got_p = " "x4;
my $written = 0;
$self->{"_W_BUSY"} = 1;
$ov=GetOverlappedResult( $self->{"_HANDLE"},
if ($ov) {
$written = unpack("L", $got_p);
$self->{"_W_BUSY"} = 0;
print "write_done=$written\n" if ($Babble);
return (1, $written);
return (0, $written);
sub purge_all {
my $self = shift;
return if (@_);
unless ( PurgeComm($self->{"_HANDLE"}, 0x0000000f) ) {
carp "Error in PurgeComm";
$self->{"_R_BUSY"} = 0;
$self->{"_W_BUSY"} = 0;
return 1;
sub purge_rx {
my $self = shift;
return if (@_);
unless ( PurgeComm($self->{"_HANDLE"}, 0x0000000a) ) {
carp "Error in PurgeComm";
$self->{"_R_BUSY"} = 0;
return 1;
sub purge_tx {
my $self = shift;
return if (@_);
unless ( PurgeComm($self->{"_HANDLE"}, 0x00000005) ) {
carp "Error in PurgeComm";
$self->{"_W_BUSY"} = 0;
return 1;
sub are_buffers {
my $self = shift;
return if (@_);
return ($self->{READBUF}, $self->{WRITEBUF});
sub buffer_max {
my $self = shift;
return if (@_);
return ($self->{"_RBUFMAX"}, $self->{"_TBUFMAX"});
sub suspend_tx {
my $self = shift;
return if (@_);
return SetCommBreak($self->{"_HANDLE"});
sub resume_tx {
my $self = shift;
return if (@_);
return ClearCommBreak($self->{"_HANDLE"});
sub xmit_imm_char {
my $self = shift;
return unless (@_ == 1);
my $v = int shift;
unless ( TransmitCommChar($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $v) ) {
carp "Can't transmit char: $v";
sub is_xon_char {
my $self = shift;
if ((@_ == 1) and $self->{"_C_XON_CHAR"}) {
$self->{"_N_XONCHAR"} = 1 + shift;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{XONCHAR};
sub is_xoff_char {
my $self = shift;
if ((@_ == 1) and $self->{"_C_XON_CHAR"}) {
$self->{"_N_XOFFCHAR"} = 1 + shift;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{XOFFCHAR};
sub is_eof_char {
my $self = shift;
if ((@_ == 1) and $self->{"_C_SPECHAR"}) {
$self->{"_N_EOFCHAR"} = 1 + shift;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{EOFCHAR};
sub is_event_char {
my $self = shift;
if ((@_ == 1) and $self->{"_C_SPECHAR"}) {
$self->{"_N_EVTCHAR"} = 1 + shift;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{EVTCHAR};
sub is_error_char {
my $self = shift;
if ((@_ == 1) and $self->{"_C_SPECHAR"}) {
$self->{"_N_ERRCHAR"} = 1 + shift;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{ERRCHAR};
sub is_xon_limit {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless ($self->{"_C_XONXOFF"});
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v > SHORTsize));
$self->{"_N_XONLIM"} = ++$v;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{XONLIM};
sub is_xoff_limit {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless ($self->{"_C_XONXOFF"});
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v > SHORTsize));
$self->{"_N_XOFFLIM"} = ++$v;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{XOFFLIM};
sub is_read_interval {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless ($self->{"_C_INT_TIME"});
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v > LONGsize));
if ($v == LONGsize) {
$self->{"_N_RINT"} = $v; # Win32 uses as flag
else {
$self->{"_N_RINT"} = ++$v;
return unless update_timeouts ($self);
return $self->{RINT};
sub is_read_char_time {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless ($self->{"_C_TOT_TIME"});
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v >= LONGsize));
$self->{"_N_RTOT"} = ++$v;
return unless update_timeouts ($self);
return $self->{RTOT};
sub is_read_const_time {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless ($self->{"_C_TOT_TIME"});
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v >= LONGsize));
$self->{"_N_RCONST"} = ++$v;
return unless update_timeouts ($self);
return $self->{RCONST};
sub is_write_const_time {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless ($self->{"_C_TOT_TIME"});
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v >= LONGsize));
$self->{"_N_WCONST"} = ++$v;
return unless update_timeouts ($self);
return $self->{WCONST};
sub is_write_char_time {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless ($self->{"_C_TOT_TIME"});
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v >= LONGsize));
$self->{"_N_WTOT"} = ++$v;
return unless update_timeouts ($self);
return $self->{WTOT};
sub update_timeouts {
return unless (@_ == 1);
my $self = shift;
unless ( GetCommTimeouts($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $self->{"_TIMEOUT"}) ) {
carp "Error in GetCommTimeouts";
$self->{WCONST})= unpack($TIMEOUTformat, $self->{"_TIMEOUT"});
if ($self->{"_N_RINT"}) {
if ($self->{"_N_RINT"} == LONGsize) {
$self->{RINT} = $self->{"_N_RINT"}; # Win32 uses as flag
else {
$self->{RINT} = $self->{"_N_RINT"} -1;
$self->{"_N_RINT"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_RTOT"}) {
$self->{RTOT} = $self->{"_N_RTOT"} -1;
$self->{"_N_RTOT"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_RCONST"}) {
$self->{RCONST} = $self->{"_N_RCONST"} -1;
$self->{"_N_RCONST"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_WTOT"}) {
$self->{WTOT} = $self->{"_N_WTOT"} -1;
$self->{"_N_WTOT"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_WCONST"}) {
$self->{WCONST} = $self->{"_N_WCONST"} -1;
$self->{"_N_WCONST"} = 0;
$self->{"_TIMEOUT"} = pack($TIMEOUTformat,
if ( SetCommTimeouts($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $self->{"_TIMEOUT"}) ) {
return 1;
else {
carp "Error in SetCommTimeouts";
# true/false parameters
sub is_binary {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
$self->{"_N_BINARY"} = 1 + yes_true ( shift );
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
### printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fBinary);
sub is_parity_enable {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
$self->{"_N_PARITY_EN"} = 1 + yes_true ( shift );
update_DCB ($self);
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ## DEBUG ##
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fParity);
sub ignore_null {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fNull;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fNull;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fNull;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fNull);
sub ignore_no_dsr {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fDsrSensitivity;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fDsrSensitivity;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fDsrSensitivity;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fDsrSensitivity);
sub subst_pe_char {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fErrorChar;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fErrorChar;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fErrorChar;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fErrorChar);
sub abort_on_error {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fAbortOnError;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fAbortOnError;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fAbortOnError;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fAbortOnError);
sub output_dsr {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fOutxDsrFlow;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fOutxDsrFlow;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fOutxDsrFlow;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fOutxDsrFlow);
sub output_cts {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fOutxCtsFlow;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fOutxCtsFlow;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fOutxCtsFlow;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fOutxCtsFlow);
sub input_xoff {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fInX;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fInX;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fInX;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fInX);
sub output_xoff {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fOutX;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fOutX;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fOutX;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fOutX);
sub tx_on_xoff {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fTXContinueOnXoff;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fTXContinueOnXoff;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fTXContinueOnXoff;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fTXContinueOnXoff);
sub dtr_active {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $onoff = yes_true ( shift ) ? SETDTR : CLRDTR ;
return EscapeCommFunction($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $onoff);
sub rts_active {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $onoff = yes_true ( shift ) ? SETRTS : CLRRTS ;
return EscapeCommFunction($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $onoff);
# pulse parameters
sub pulse_dtr_off {
return unless (@_ == 2);
if ( ($] < 5.005) and ($] >= 5.004) ) {
nocarp or carp "\npulse_dtr_off not supported on version $]\n";
my $self = shift;
my $delay = shift;
$self->dtr_active(0) or carp "Did not pulse DTR off";
$self->dtr_active(1) or carp "Did not restore DTR on";
sub pulse_rts_off {
return unless (@_ == 2);
if ( ($] < 5.005) and ($] >= 5.004) ) {
nocarp or carp "\npulse_rts_off not supported on version $]\n";
my $self = shift;
my $delay = shift;
$self->rts_active(0) or carp "Did not pulse RTS off";
$self->rts_active(1) or carp "Did not restore RTS on";
sub pulse_break_on {
return unless (@_ == 2);
if ( ($] < 5.005) and ($] >= 5.004) ) {
nocarp or carp "\npulse_break_on not supported on version $]\n";
my $self = shift;
my $delay = shift;
$self->break_active(1) or carp "Did not pulse BREAK on";
$self->break_active(0) or carp "Did not restore BREAK off";
sub pulse_dtr_on {
return unless (@_ == 2);
if ( ($] < 5.005) and ($] >= 5.004) ) {
nocarp or carp "\npulse_dtr_on not supported on version $]\n";
my $self = shift;
my $delay = shift;
$self->dtr_active(1) or carp "Did not pulse DTR on";
$self->dtr_active(0) or carp "Did not restore DTR off";
sub pulse_rts_on {
return unless (@_ == 2);
if ( ($] < 5.005) and ($] >= 5.004) ) {
nocarp or carp "\npulse_rts_on not supported on version $]\n";
my $self = shift;
my $delay = shift;
$self->rts_active(1) or carp "Did not pulse RTS on";
$self->rts_active(0) or carp "Did not restore RTS off";
sub break_active {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $onoff = yes_true ( shift ) ? SETBREAK : CLRBREAK ;
return EscapeCommFunction($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $onoff);
sub xon_active {
return unless (@_ == 1);
my $self = shift;
return EscapeCommFunction($self->{"_HANDLE"}, SETXON);
sub xoff_active {
return unless (@_ == 1);
my $self = shift;
return EscapeCommFunction($self->{"_HANDLE"}, SETXOFF);
sub is_modemlines {
return unless (@_ == 1);
my $self = shift;
my $mstat = " " x4;
unless ( GetCommModemStatus($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $mstat) ) {
carp "Error in GetCommModemStatus";
my $result = unpack ("L", $mstat);
return $result;
sub debug_comm {
my $self = shift;
if (ref($self)) {
if (@_) { $self->{"_DEBUG_C"} = yes_true ( shift ); }
else {
nocarp or carp "Debug level: $self->{NAME} = $self->{\"_DEBUG_C\"}";
return $self->{"_DEBUG_C"};
} else {
$Babble = yes_true ($self);
nocarp or carp "CommPort Debug Class = $Babble";
return $Babble;
sub close {
my $self = shift;
my $ok;
my $success = 1;
return unless (defined $self->{NAME});
if ($Babble) {
carp "Closing $self " . $self->{NAME};
if ($self->{"_HANDLE"}) {
purge_all ($self);
update_timeouts ($self); # if any running ??
if (! $ok) {
print "Error Closing handle $self->{\"_HANDLE\"} for $self->{NAME}\n";
$success = 0;
elsif ($Babble) {
print "Closing Device handle $self->{\"_HANDLE\"} for $self->{NAME}\n";
$self->{"_HANDLE"} = undef;
if ($self->{"_R_EVENT"}) {
if (! $ok) {
print "Error closing Read Event handle $self->{\"_R_EVENT\"} for $self->{NAME}\n";
$success = 0;
$self->{"_R_EVENT"} = undef;
if ($self->{"_W_EVENT"}) {
if (! $ok) {
print "Error closing Write Event handle $self->{\"_W_EVENT\"} for $self->{NAME}\n";
$success = 0;
$self->{"_W_EVENT"} = undef;
$self->{NAME} = undef;
if ($Babble) {
printf "CommPort close result:%d\n", $success;
return $success;
my $self = shift;
return unless (defined $self->{NAME});
if ($Babble or $self->{"_DEBUG_C"}) {
print "Destroying $self->{NAME}\n" if (defined $self->{NAME});
1; # so the require or use succeeds
# Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program.
=head1 NAME
Win32API::CommPort - Raw Win32 system API calls for serial communications.
use Win32; ## not required under all circumstances
require 5.003;
use Win32API::CommPort qw( :PARAM :STAT 0.19 );
## when available ## use Win32API::File 0.07 qw( :ALL );
=head2 Constructors
$PortObj = new Win32API::CommPort ($PortName, $quiet)
|| die "Can't open $PortName: $^E\n"; # $quiet is optional
@required = qw( BAUD DATA STOP );
$faults = $PortObj->initialize(@required);
if ($faults) { die "Required parameters not set before initialize\n"; }
=head2 Configuration Utility Methods
set_no_messages(1); # test suite use
# exported by :PARAM
nocarp || carp "Something fishy";
$a = SHORTsize; # 0xffff
$a = LONGsize; # 0xffffffff
$answer = yes_true("choice"); # 1 or 0
OS_Error unless ($API_Call_OK); # prints error
$PortObj->init_done || die "Not done";
$PortObj->fetch_DCB || die "Not done";
$PortObj->update_DCB || die "Not done";
$milliseconds = $PortObj->get_tick_count;
=head2 Capability Methods (read only)
# true/false capabilities
$a = $PortObj->can_baud; # else fixed
$a = $PortObj->can_databits;
$a = $PortObj->can_stopbits;
$a = $PortObj->can_dtrdsr;
$a = $PortObj->can_handshake;
$a = $PortObj->can_parity_check;
$a = $PortObj->can_parity_config;
$a = $PortObj->can_parity_enable;
$a = $PortObj->can_rlsd; # receive line signal detect (carrier)
$a = $PortObj->can_rlsd_config;
$a = $PortObj->can_16bitmode;
$a = $PortObj->is_rs232;
$a = $PortObj->is_modem;
$a = $PortObj->can_rtscts;
$a = $PortObj->can_xonxoff;
$a = $PortObj->can_xon_char;
$a = $PortObj->can_spec_char;
$a = $PortObj->can_interval_timeout;
$a = $PortObj->can_total_timeout;
# list output capabilities
($rmax, $wmax) = $PortObj->buffer_max;
($rbuf, $wbuf) = $PortObj->are_buffers; # current
@choices = $PortObj->are_baudrate; # legal values
@choices = $PortObj->are_handshake;
@choices = $PortObj->are_parity;
@choices = $PortObj->are_databits;
@choices = $PortObj->are_stopbits;
=head2 Configuration Methods
# most methods can be called two ways:
$PortObj->is_handshake("xoff"); # set parameter
$flowcontrol = $PortObj->is_handshake; # current value (scalar)
# similar
$PortObj->is_xon_limit(100); # bytes left in buffer
$PortObj->is_xoff_limit(100); # space left in buffer
$PortObj->is_error_char(0); # for parity errors
$rbuf = $PortObj->is_read_buf; # read_only except internal use
$wbuf = $PortObj->is_write_buf;
$size = $PortObj->internal_buffer;
$PortObj->is_buffers(4096, 4096); # read, write
# returns current in list context
$PortObj->is_read_interval(100); # max time between read char (millisec)
$PortObj->is_read_char_time(5); # avg time between read char
$PortObj->is_read_const_time(100); # total = (avg * bytes) + const
$PortObj->is_binary(T); # just say Yes (Win 3.x option)
$PortObj->is_parity_enable(F); # faults during input
=head2 Operating Methods
($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $LatchErrorFlags) = $PortObj->is_status
|| warn "could not get port status\n";
$ClearedErrorFlags = $PortObj->reset_error;
# The API resets errors when reading status, $LatchErrorFlags
# is all $ErrorFlags since they were last explicitly cleared
if ($BlockingFlags) { warn "Port is blocked"; }
if ($BlockingFlags & BM_fCtsHold) { warn "Waiting for CTS"; }
if ($LatchErrorFlags & CE_FRAME) { warn "Framing Error"; }
Additional useful constants may be exported eventually.
$count_in = $PortObj->read_bg($InBytes);
($done, $count_in, $string_in) = $PortObj->read_done(1);
# background read with wait until done
$count_out = $PortObj->write_bg($output_string); # background write
($done, $count_out) = $PortObj->write_done(0);
$PortObj->suspend_tx; # output from write buffer
$PortObj->xmit_imm_char(0x03); # bypass buffer (and suspend)
$PortObj->xoff_active; # simulate received xoff
$PortObj->xon_active; # simulate received xon
# controlling outputs from the port
$PortObj->dtr_active(T); # sends outputs direct to hardware
$PortObj->rts_active(Yes); # returns status of API call
$PortObj->break_active(N); # NOT state of bit
$PortObj->pulse_break_on($milliseconds); # off version is implausible
# sets_bit, delays, resets_bit, delays
# pulse_xxx methods not supported on Perl 5.004
$ModemStatus = $PortObj->is_modemlines;
if ($ModemStatus & $PortObj->MS_RLSD_ON) { print "carrier detected"; }
$PortObj->close || die;
# "undef $PortObj" preferred unless reopening port
# "close" should precede "undef" if both used
This provides fairly low-level access to the Win32 System API calls
dealing with serial ports.
Uses features of the Win32 API to implement non-blocking I/O, serial
parameter setting, event-loop operation, and enhanced error handling.
To pass in C<NULL> as the pointer to an optional buffer, pass in C<$null=0>.
This is expected to change to an empty list reference, C<[]>, when Perl
supports that form in this usage.
Beyond raw access to the API calls and related constants, this module
will eventually handle smart buffer allocation and translation of return
=head2 Initialization
The constructor is B<new> with a F<PortName> (as the Registry
knows it) specified. This will do a B<CreateFile>, get the available
options and capabilities via the Win32 API, and create the object.
The port is not yet ready for read/write access. First, the desired
I<parameter settings> must be established. Since these are tuning
constants for an underlying hardware driver in the Operating System,
they should all checked for validity by the method calls that set them.
The B<initialize> method takes a list of required parameters and confirms
they have been set. For others, it will attempt to deduce defaults from
the hardware or from other parameters. The B<initialize> method returns
the number of faults (zero if the port is setup ok). The B<update_DCB>
method writes a new I<Device Control Block> to complete the startup and
allow the port to be used. Ports are opened for binary transfers. A
separate C<binmode> is not needed. The USER must release the object
if B<initialize> or B<update_DCB> does not succeed.
Version 0.15 adds an optional C<$quiet> parameter to B<new>. Failure
to open a port prints a error message to STDOUT by default. Since only
one application at a time can "own" the port, one source of failure was
"port in use". There was previously no way to check this without getting
a "fail message". Setting C<$quiet> disables this built-in message. It
also returns 0 instead of C<undef> if the port is unavailable (still FALSE,
used for testing this condition - other faults may still return C<undef>).
Use of C<$quiet> only applies to B<new>.
The fault checking in B<initialize> consists in verifying an I<_N_$item>
internal variable exists for each I<$item> in the input list. The
I<_N_$item> is created for each parameter that is set either directly
or by default. A derived class must create the I<_N_$items> for any
varibles it adds to the base class if it wants B<initialize> to check
them. Win32API::CommPort supports the following:
$item _N_$item setting method
------ --------- --------------
BAUD "_N_BAUD" is_baudrate
BINARY "_N_BINARY" is_binary
DATA "_N_DATA" is_databits
EOFCHAR "_N_EOFCHAR" is_eof_char
ERRCHAR "_N_ERRCHAR" is_error_char
EVTCHAR "_N_EVTCHAR" is_event_char
HSHAKE "_N_HSHAKE" is_handshake
PARITY "_N_PARITY" is_parity
PARITY_EN "_N_PARITY_EN" is_parity_enable
RCONST "_N_RCONST" is_read_const_time
READBUF "_N_READBUF" is_read_buf
RINT "_N_RINT" is_read_interval
RTOT "_N_RTOT" is_read_char_time
STOP "_N_STOP" is_stopbits
WCONST "_N_WCONST" is_write_const_time
WRITEBUF "_N_WRITEBUF" is_write_buf
WTOT "_N_WTOT" is_write_char_time
XOFFCHAR "_N_XOFFCHAR" is_xoff_char
XOFFLIM "_N_XOFFLIM" is_xoff_limit
XONCHAR "_N_XONCHAR" is_xon_char
XONLIM "_N_XONLIM" is_xon_limit
Some individual parameters (eg. baudrate) can be changed after the
initialization is completed. These will automatically update the
I<Device Control Block> as required. The I<init_done> method indicates
when I<initialize> has completed successfully.
$PortObj = new Win32API::CommPort ($PortName, $quiet)
|| die "Can't open $PortName: $^E\n"; # $quiet is optional
if $PortObj->can_databits { $PortObj->is_databits(8) };
$PortObj->is_buffers(4096, 4096);
@required = qw( BAUD DATA STOP PARITY );
$PortObj->initialize(@required) || undef $PortObj;
$PortObj->close || die;
# "undef $PortObj" preferred unless reopening port
# "close" should precede "undef" if both used
undef $PortObj; # closes port AND frees memory in perl
The F<PortName> maps to both the Registry I<Device Name> and the
I<Properties> associated with that device. A single I<Physical> port
can be accessed using two or more I<Device Names>. But the options
and setup data will differ significantly in the two cases. A typical
example is a Modem on port "COM2". Both of these F<PortNames> open
the same I<Physical> hardware:
$P1 = new Win32API::CommPort ("COM2");
$P2 = new Win32API::CommPort ("\\\\.\\Nanohertz Modem model K-9");
$P1 is a "generic" serial port. $P2 includes all of $P1 plus a variety
of modem-specific added options and features. The "raw" API calls return
different size configuration structures in the two cases. Win32 uses the
"\\.\" prefix to identify "named" devices. Since both names use the same
I<Physical> hardware, they can not both be used at the same time. The OS
will complain. Consider this A Good Thing.
Version 0.16 adds B<pulse> methods for the I<RTS, BREAK, and DTR> bits. The
B<pulse> methods assume the bit is in the opposite state when the method
is called. They set the requested state, delay the specified number of
milliseconds, set the opposite state, and again delay the specified time.
These methods are designed to support devices, such as the X10 "FireCracker"
control and some modems, which require pulses on these lines to signal
specific events or data. Since the 5.00402 Perl distribution from CPAN does
not support sub-second time delays readily, these methods are not supported
on that version of Perl.
Version 0.16 also adds I<experimental> support for the rest of the option bits
available through the I<Device Control Block>. They have not been extensively
tested and these settings are NOT saved in the B<configuration file> by
I<Win32::SerialPort>. Please let me know if one does not work as advertised.
[Win32 API bit designation]
$PortObj->ignore_null(0); # discard \000 bytes on input [fNull]
$PortObj->ignore_no_dsr(0); # discard input bytes unless DSR
# [fDsrSensitivity]
$PortObj->subst_pe_char(0); # replace parity errors with B<is_error_char>
# when B<is_parity_enable> [fErrorChar]
$PortObj->abort_on_error(0); # cancel read/write [fAbortOnError]
# next one set by $PortObj->is_handshake("dtr");
$PortObj->output_dsr(0); # use DSR handshake on output [fOutxDsrFlow]
# next one set by $PortObj->is_handshake("rts");
$PortObj->output_cts(0); # use CTS handshake on output [fOutxCtsFlow]
# next two set by $PortObj->is_handshake("xoff");
$PortObj->input_xoff(0); # use Xon/Xoff handshake on input [fInX]
$PortObj->output_xoff(0); # use Xon/Xoff handshake on output [fOutX]
$PortObj->tx_on_xoff(0); # continue output even after input xoff sent
# [fTXContinueOnXoff]
The B<get_tick_count> method is a wrapper around the I<Win32::GetTickCount()>
function. It matches a corresponding method in I<Device::SerialPort> which
does not have access to the I<Win32::> namespace. It still returns time
in milliseconds - but can be used in cross-platform scripts.
=head2 Configuration and Capability Methods
The Win32 Serial Comm API provides extensive information concerning
the capabilities and options available for a specific port (and
instance). "Modem" ports have different capabilties than "RS-232"
ports - even if they share the same Hardware. Many traditional modem
actions are handled via TAPI. "Fax" ports have another set of options -
and are accessed via MAPI. Yet many of the same low-level API commands
and data structures are "common" to each type ("Modem" is implemented
as an "RS-232" superset). In addition, Win95 supports a variety of
legacy hardware (e.g fixed 134.5 baud) while WinNT has hooks for ISDN,
16-data-bit paths, and 256Kbaud.
=over 8
Binary selections will accept as I<true> any of the following:
C<("YES", "Y", "ON", "TRUE", "T", "1", 1)> (upper/lower/mixed case)
Anything else is I<false>.
There are a large number of possible configuration and option parameters.
To facilitate checking option validity in scripts, most configuration
methods can be used in two different ways:
=item method called with an argument
The parameter is set to the argument, if valid. An invalid argument
returns I<false> (undef) and the parameter is unchanged. After B<init_done>,
the port will be updated immediately if allowed. Otherwise, the value
will be applied when B<update_DCB> is called.
=item method called with no argument in scalar context
The current value is returned. If the value is not initialized either
directly or by default, return "undef" which will parse to I<false>.
For binary selections (true/false), return the current value. All
current values from "multivalue" selections will parse to I<true>.
Current values may differ from requested values until B<init_done>.
There is no way to see requests which have not yet been applied.
Setting the same parameter again overwrites the first request. Test
the return value of the setting method to check "success".
=item Asynchronous (Background) I/O
This version now handles Polling (do if Ready), Synchronous (block until
Ready), and Asynchronous Modes (begin and test if Ready) with the timeout
choices provided by the API. No effort has yet been made to interact with
Windows events. But background I/O has been used successfully with the
Perl Tk modules and callbacks from the event loop.
=item Timeouts
The API provides two timing models. The first applies only to reading and
essentially determines I<Read Not Ready> by checking the time between
consecutive characters. The B<ReadFile> operation returns if that time
exceeds the value set by B<is_read_interval>. It does this by timestamping
each character. It appears that at least one character must by received in
I<every> B<read> I<call to the API> to initialize the mechanism. The timer
is then reset by each succeeding character. If no characters are received,
the read will block indefinitely.
Setting B<is_read_interval> to C<0xffffffff> will do a non-blocking read.
The B<ReadFile> returns immediately whether or not any characters are
actually read. This replicates the behavior of the API.
The other model defines the total time allowed to complete the operation.
A fixed overhead time is added to the product of bytes and per_byte_time.
A wide variety of timeout options can be defined by selecting the three
parameters: fixed, each, and size.
Read_Total = B<is_read_const_time> + (B<is_read_char_time> * bytes_to_read)
Write_Total = B<is_write_const_time> + (B<is_write_char_time> * bytes_to_write)
When reading a known number of characters, the I<Read_Total> mechanism is
recommended. This mechanism I<MUST> be used with
I<Win32::SerialPort tied FileHandles> because the tie methods can make
multiple internal API calls. The I<Read_Interval> mechanism is suitable for
a B<read_bg> method that expects a response of variable or unknown size. You
should then also set a long I<Read_Total> timeout as a "backup" in case
no bytes are received.
=head2 Exports
Nothing is exported by default. The following tags can be used to have
large sets of symbols exported:
=over 4
=item :PARAM
Utility subroutines and constants for parameter setting and test:
LONGsize SHORTsize nocarp yes_true
OS_Error internal_buffer
=item :STAT
Serial communications status constants. Included are the constants for
ascertaining why a transmission is blocked:
BM_fCtsHold BM_fDsrHold BM_fRlsdHold BM_fXoffHold
BM_fXoffSent BM_fEof BM_fTxim BM_AllBits
Which incoming bits are active:
What hardware errors have been detected:
Offsets into the array returned by B<status:>
=item :RAW
The constants and wrapper methods for low-level API calls. Details of
these methods may change with testing. Some may be inherited from
Win32API::File when that becomes available.
$result=ClearCommError($handle, $Error_BitMask_p, $CommStatus);
$result=GetCommModemStatus($handle, $ModemStatus);
$result=GetCommProperties($handle, $CommProperties);
$result=GetCommState($handle, $DCB_Buffer);
$result=SetCommState($handle, $DCB_Buffer);
$result=SetupComm($handle, $in_buf_size, $out_buf_size);
$result=ReadFile($handle, $buffer, $wanted, $got, $template);
$result=WriteFile($handle, $buffer, $size, $count, $template);
$result=GetCommTimeouts($handle, $CommTimeOuts);
$result=SetCommTimeouts($handle, $CommTimeOuts);
$result=EscapeCommFunction($handle, $Func_ID);
$result=GetCommConfig($handle, $CommConfig, $Size);
$result=SetCommConfig($handle, $CommConfig, $Size);
$result=PurgeComm($handle, $flags);
$result=GetCommMask($handle, $Event_Bitmask);
$result=SetCommMask($handle, $Event_Bitmask);
$hEvent=CreateEvent($security, $reset_req, $initial, $name);
$handle=CreateFile($file, $access, $share, $security,
$creation, $flags, $template);
$result=TransmitCommChar($handle, $char);
$result=WaitCommEvent($handle, $Event_Bitmask, $lpOverlapped);
$result=GetOverlappedResult($handle, $lpOverlapped, $count, $bool);
Flags used by B<PurgeComm:>
Function IDs used by EscapeCommFunction:
Events used by B<WaitCommEvent:>
Errors specific to B<GetOverlappedResult:>
The constants for the I<CommProperties structure> returned by
B<GetCommProperties>. Included mostly for completeness.
BAUD_150 BAUD_300 BAUD_600 BAUD_1200
BAUD_1800 BAUD_2400 BAUD_4800 BAUD_7200
BAUD_9600 BAUD_14400 BAUD_19200 BAUD_38400
BAUD_56K BAUD_57600 BAUD_115200 BAUD_128K
=item :DCB
The constants for the I<Device Control Block> returned by B<GetCommState>
and updated by B<SetCommState>. Again, included mostly for completeness.
But there are some combinations of "FM_f" settings which are not currently
supported by high-level commands. If you need one of those, please report
the lack as a bug.
CBR_110 CBR_300 CBR_600 CBR_1200
CBR_2400 CBR_4800 CBR_9600 CBR_14400
CBR_19200 CBR_38400 CBR_56000 CBR_57600
CBR_115200 CBR_128000 CBR_256000
FM_fBinary FM_fParity FM_fOutxCtsFlow
FM_fOutxDsrFlow FM_fDtrControl FM_fDsrSensitivity
FM_fTXContinueOnXoff FM_fOutX FM_fInX
FM_fErrorChar FM_fNull FM_fRtsControl
FM_fAbortOnError FM_fDummy2
=item :ALL
All of the above. Except for the I<test suite>, there is not really a good
reason to do this.
=head1 NOTES
The object returned by B<new> is NOT a I<Filehandle>. You
will be disappointed if you try to use it as one.
e.g. the following is WRONG!!____C<print $PortObj "some text";>
I<Win32::SerialPort> supports accessing ports via I<Tied Filehandles>.
An important note about Win32 filenames. The reserved device names such
as C< COM1, AUX, LPT1, CON, PRN > can NOT be used as filenames. Hence
I<"COM2.cfg"> would not be usable for B<$Configuration_File_Name>.
This module uses Win32::API extensively. The raw API calls are B<very>
unforgiving. You will certainly want to start perl with the B<-w> switch.
If you can, B<use strict> as well. Try to ferret out all the syntax and
usage problems BEFORE issuing the API calls (many of which modify tuning
constants in hardware device drivers....not where you want to look for bugs).
Thanks to Ken White for testing on NT.
The current version of the module has been designed for testing using
the ActiveState and Core (GS 5.004_02) ports of Perl for Win32 without
requiring a compiler or using XS. In every case, compatibility has been
selected over performance. Since everything is (sometimes convoluted but
still pure) Perl, you can fix flaws and change limits if required. But
please file a bug report if you do. This module has been tested with
each of the binary perl versions for which Win32::API is supported: AS
builds 315, 316, and 500-509 and GS 5.004_02. It has only been tested on
Intel hardware.
=over 4
=item Tutorial
With all the options, this module needs a good tutorial. It doesn't
have a complete one yet. A I<"How to get started"> tutorial appeared
B<The Perl Journal #13> (March 1999). The demo programs are a good
starting point for additional examples.
=item Buffers
The size of the Win32 buffers are selectable with B<is_buffers>. But each read
method currently uses a fixed internal buffer of 4096 bytes. This can be
changed in the module source. The read-only B<internal_buffer> method will
give the current size. There are other fixed internal buffers as well. But
no one has needed to change those. The XS version will support dynamic buffer
=item Modems
Lots of modem-specific options are not supported. The same is true of
TAPI, MAPI. I<API Wizards> are welcome to contribute.
=item API Options
Lots of options are just "passed through from the API". Some probably
shouldn't be used together. The module validates the obvious choices when
possible. For something really fancy, you may need additional API
documentation. Available from I<Micro$oft Pre$$>.
=head1 BUGS
ActiveState ports of Perl for Win32 before build 500 do not support the
tools for building extensions and so will not support later versions of
this extension. In particular, the automated install and test scripts in
this distribution work differently with ActiveState builds 3xx.
There is no parameter checking on the "raw" API calls. You probably should
be familiar with using the calls in "C" before doing much experimenting.
On Win32, a port must B<close> before it can be reopened again by the same
process. If a physical port can be accessed using more than one name (see
above), all names are treated as one. The perl script can also be run
multiple times within a single batch file or shell script. The I<Makefile.PL>
spawns subshells with backticks to run the test suite on Perl 5.003 - ugly,
but it works.
On NT, a B<read_done> or B<write_done> returns I<False> if a background
operation is aborted by a purge. Win95 returns I<True>.
EXTENDED_OS_ERROR ($^E) is not supported by the binary ports before 5.005.
It "sort-of-tracks" B<$!> in 5.003 and 5.004, but YMMV.
A few NT systems seem to set B<can_parity_enable> true, but do not actually
support setting B<is_parity_enable>. This may be a characteristic of certain
third-party serial drivers. Or a Microsoft bug. I have not been able to
reproduce it on my system.
__Please send comments and bug reports to
=head1 AUTHORS
Bill Birthisel,,
Tye McQueen,,
=head1 SEE ALSO
Wi32::SerialPort - High-level user interface/front-end for this module
Win32API::File I<when available>
Win32::API - Aldo Calpini's "Magic", - Tom (Christiansen)'s Object-Oriented Tutorial
Copyright (C) 1999, Bill Birthisel. All rights reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
Most of the code in this module has been stable since version 0.12.
Except for items indicated as I<Experimental>, I do not expect functional
changes which are not fully backwards compatible. However, Version 0.16
removes the "dummy (0, 1) list" which was returned by many binary methods
in case they were called in list context. I do not know of any use outside
the test suite for that feature.
Version 0.12 added an I<Install.PL> script to put modules into the documented
Namespaces. The script uses I<MakeMaker> tools not available in
ActiveState 3xx builds. Users of those builds will need to install
differently (see README). Programs in the test suite are modified for
the current version. Additions to the configurtion files generated by
B<save> prevent those created by Version 0.15 from being used by earlier
Versions. 4 November 1999.
0,0 → 1,3146
# This part includes the low-level API calls
package Win32API::CommPort;
use Win32;
use Win32::API 0.01;
if ( $] < 5.004 ) {
my $no_silly_warning = $Win32::API::VERSION;
$no_silly_warning = $Win32::API::pack;
use Carp;
use strict;
#### API declarations ####
no strict 'subs'; # these may be imported someday
use vars qw(
$_CloseHandle $_CreateFile $_GetCommState
$_ReadFile $_SetCommState $_SetupComm
$_PurgeComm $_CreateEvent $_GetCommTimeouts
$_SetCommTimeouts $_GetCommProperties $_ClearCommBreak
$_ClearCommError $_EscapeCommFunction $_GetCommConfig
$_GetCommMask $_GetCommModemStatus $_SetCommBreak
$_SetCommConfig $_SetCommMask $_TransmitCommChar
$_WaitCommEvent $_WriteFile $_ResetEvent
$_CreateFile = new Win32::API("kernel32", "CreateFile",
[P, N, N, N, N, N, N], N);
$_CloseHandle = new Win32::API("kernel32", "CloseHandle", [N], N);
$_GetCommState = new Win32::API("kernel32", "GetCommState", [N, P], I);
$_SetCommState = new Win32::API("kernel32", "SetCommState", [N, P], I);
$_SetupComm = new Win32::API("kernel32", "SetupComm", [N, N, N], I);
$_PurgeComm = new Win32::API("kernel32", "PurgeComm", [N, N], I);
$_CreateEvent = new Win32::API("kernel32", "CreateEvent", [P, I, I, P], N);
$_GetCommTimeouts = new Win32::API("kernel32", "GetCommTimeouts",
[N, P], I);
$_SetCommTimeouts = new Win32::API("kernel32", "SetCommTimeouts",
[N, P], I);
$_GetCommProperties = new Win32::API("kernel32", "GetCommProperties",
[N, P], I);
$_ReadFile = new Win32::API("kernel32", "ReadFile", [N, P, N, P, P], I);
$_WriteFile = new Win32::API("kernel32", "WriteFile", [N, P, N, P, P], I);
$_TransmitCommChar = new Win32::API("kernel32", "TransmitCommChar", [N, I], I);
$_ClearCommBreak = new Win32::API("kernel32", "ClearCommBreak", [N], I);
$_SetCommBreak = new Win32::API("kernel32", "SetCommBreak", [N], I);
$_ClearCommError = new Win32::API("kernel32", "ClearCommError", [N, P, P], I);
$_EscapeCommFunction = new Win32::API("kernel32", "EscapeCommFunction",
[N, N], I);
$_GetCommModemStatus = new Win32::API("kernel32", "GetCommModemStatus",
[N, P], I);
$_GetOverlappedResult = new Win32::API("kernel32", "GetOverlappedResult",
[N, P, P, I], I);
#### these are not used yet
$_GetCommConfig = new Win32::API("kernel32", "GetCommConfig", [N, P, P], I);
$_GetCommMask = new Win32::API("kernel32", "GetCommMask", [N, P], I);
$_SetCommConfig = new Win32::API("kernel32", "SetCommConfig", [N, P, N], I);
$_SetCommMask = new Win32::API("kernel32", "SetCommMask", [N, N], I);
$_WaitCommEvent = new Win32::API("kernel32", "WaitCommEvent", [N, P, P], I);
$_ResetEvent = new Win32::API("kernel32", "ResetEvent", [N], I);
use strict;
$VERSION = '0.19';
$RBUF_Size = 4096;
require Exporter;
## require AutoLoader;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
@EXPORT= qw();
@EXPORT_OK= qw();
%EXPORT_TAGS = (STAT => [qw( BM_fCtsHold BM_fDsrHold
BM_fRlsdHold BM_fXoffHold
BM_fXoffSent BM_fEof
BM_fTxim BM_AllBits
RAW => [qw( CloseHandle CreateFile
GetCommState ReadFile
SetCommState SetupComm
PurgeComm CreateEvent
GetCommTimeouts SetCommTimeouts
GetCommProperties ClearCommBreak
ClearCommError EscapeCommFunction
GetCommConfig GetCommMask
GetCommModemStatus SetCommBreak
SetCommConfig SetCommMask
TransmitCommChar WaitCommEvent
WriteFile ResetEvent
BAUD_134_5 BAUD_150 BAUD_300
BAUD_600 BAUD_1200 BAUD_1800
BAUD_2400 BAUD_4800 BAUD_7200
BAUD_9600 BAUD_14400 BAUD_19200
BAUD_38400 BAUD_56K BAUD_57600
BAUD_115200 BAUD_128K
DCB => [qw( CBR_110 CBR_300 CBR_600
CBR_1200 CBR_2400 CBR_4800
CBR_9600 CBR_14400 CBR_19200
CBR_38400 CBR_56000 CBR_57600
CBR_115200 CBR_128000 CBR_256000
FM_fBinary FM_fParity
FM_fOutxCtsFlow FM_fOutxDsrFlow
FM_fDtrControl FM_fDsrSensitivity
FM_fTXContinueOnXoff FM_fOutX
FM_fInX FM_fErrorChar
FM_fNull FM_fRtsControl
FM_fAbortOnError FM_fDummy2 )],
PARAM => [qw( LONGsize SHORTsize OS_Error
nocarp internal_buffer yes_true )]);
Exporter::export_ok_tags('STAT', 'RAW', 'COMMPROP', 'DCB', 'PARAM');
#### subroutine wrappers for API calls
sub CloseHandle {
return unless ( 1 == @_ );
return $_CloseHandle->Call( shift );
sub CreateFile {
return $_CreateFile->Call( @_ );
# returns handle
sub GetCommState {
return $_GetCommState->Call( @_ );
sub SetCommState {
return $_SetCommState->Call( @_ );
sub SetupComm {
return $_SetupComm->Call( @_ );
sub PurgeComm {
return $_PurgeComm->Call( @_ );
sub CreateEvent {
return $_CreateEvent->Call( @_ );
sub GetCommTimeouts {
return $_GetCommTimeouts->Call( @_ );
sub SetCommTimeouts {
return $_SetCommTimeouts->Call( @_ );
sub GetCommProperties {
return $_GetCommProperties->Call( @_ );
sub ReadFile {
return $_ReadFile->Call( @_ );
sub WriteFile {
return $_WriteFile->Call( @_ );
sub TransmitCommChar {
return $_TransmitCommChar->Call( @_ );
sub ClearCommBreak {
return unless ( 1 == @_ );
return $_ClearCommBreak->Call( shift );
sub SetCommBreak {
return unless ( 1 == @_ );
return $_SetCommBreak->Call( shift );
sub ClearCommError {
return $_ClearCommError->Call( @_ );
sub EscapeCommFunction {
return $_EscapeCommFunction->Call( @_ );
sub GetCommModemStatus {
return $_GetCommModemStatus->Call( @_ );
sub GetOverlappedResult {
return $_GetOverlappedResult->Call( @_ );
sub GetCommConfig {
return $_GetCommConfig->Call( @_ );
sub GetCommMask {
return $_GetCommMask->Call( @_ );
sub SetCommConfig {
return $_SetCommConfig->Call( @_ );
sub SetCommMask {
return $_SetCommMask->Call( @_ );
sub WaitCommEvent {
return $_WaitCommEvent->Call( @_ );
sub ResetEvent {
return unless ( 1 == @_ );
return $_ResetEvent->Call( shift );
#### "constant" declarations from Win32 header files ####
#### compatible with ActiveState ####
## COMMPROP structure
sub SP_SERIALCOMM { 0x1 }
sub BAUD_075 { 0x1 }
sub BAUD_110 { 0x2 }
sub BAUD_134_5 { 0x4 }
sub BAUD_150 { 0x8 }
sub BAUD_300 { 0x10 }
sub BAUD_600 { 0x20 }
sub BAUD_1200 { 0x40 }
sub BAUD_1800 { 0x80 }
sub BAUD_2400 { 0x100 }
sub BAUD_4800 { 0x200 }
sub BAUD_7200 { 0x400 }
sub BAUD_9600 { 0x800 }
sub BAUD_14400 { 0x1000 }
sub BAUD_19200 { 0x2000 }
sub BAUD_38400 { 0x4000 }
sub BAUD_56K { 0x8000 }
sub BAUD_57600 { 0x40000 }
sub BAUD_115200 { 0x20000 }
sub BAUD_128K { 0x10000 }
sub BAUD_USER { 0x10000000 }
sub PST_FAX { 0x21 }
sub PST_LAT { 0x101 }
sub PST_MODEM { 0x6 }
sub PST_NETWORK_BRIDGE { 0x100 }
sub PST_RS232 { 0x1 }
sub PST_RS422 { 0x3 }
sub PST_RS423 { 0x4 }
sub PST_RS449 { 0x5 }
sub PST_SCANNER { 0x22 }
sub PST_TCPIP_TELNET { 0x102 }
sub PST_X25 { 0x103 }
sub PCF_16BITMODE { 0x200 }
sub PCF_DTRDSR { 0x1 }
sub PCF_INTTIMEOUTS { 0x80 }
sub PCF_PARITY_CHECK { 0x8 }
sub PCF_RLSD { 0x4 }
sub PCF_RTSCTS { 0x2 }
sub PCF_SETXCHAR { 0x20 }
sub PCF_SPECIALCHARS { 0x100 }
sub PCF_XONXOFF { 0x10 }
sub SP_BAUD { 0x2 }
sub SP_DATABITS { 0x4 }
sub SP_HANDSHAKING { 0x10 }
sub SP_PARITY { 0x1 }
sub SP_PARITY_CHECK { 0x20 }
sub SP_RLSD { 0x40 }
sub SP_STOPBITS { 0x8 }
sub DATABITS_5 { 1 }
sub DATABITS_6 { 2 }
sub DATABITS_7 { 4 }
sub DATABITS_8 { 8 }
sub DATABITS_16 { 16 }
sub DATABITS_16X { 32 }
sub STOPBITS_10 { 1 }
sub STOPBITS_15 { 2 }
sub STOPBITS_20 { 4 }
sub PARITY_NONE { 256 }
sub PARITY_ODD { 512 }
sub PARITY_EVEN { 1024 }
sub PARITY_MARK { 2048 }
sub PARITY_SPACE { 4096 }
sub COMMPROP_INITIALIZED { 0xe73cf52e }
## DCB structure
sub CBR_110 { 110 }
sub CBR_300 { 300 }
sub CBR_600 { 600 }
sub CBR_1200 { 1200 }
sub CBR_2400 { 2400 }
sub CBR_4800 { 4800 }
sub CBR_9600 { 9600 }
sub CBR_14400 { 14400 }
sub CBR_19200 { 19200 }
sub CBR_38400 { 38400 }
sub CBR_56000 { 56000 }
sub CBR_57600 { 57600 }
sub CBR_115200 { 115200 }
sub CBR_128000 { 128000 }
sub CBR_256000 { 256000 }
sub EVENPARITY { 2 }
sub MARKPARITY { 3 }
sub NOPARITY { 0 }
sub ODDPARITY { 1 }
sub ONESTOPBIT { 0 }
sub ONE5STOPBITS { 1 }
## Flowcontrol bit mask in DCB
sub FM_fBinary { 0x1 }
sub FM_fParity { 0x2 }
sub FM_fOutxCtsFlow { 0x4 }
sub FM_fOutxDsrFlow { 0x8 }
sub FM_fDtrControl { 0x30 }
sub FM_fDsrSensitivity { 0x40 }
sub FM_fTXContinueOnXoff { 0x80 }
sub FM_fOutX { 0x100 }
sub FM_fInX { 0x200 }
sub FM_fErrorChar { 0x400 }
sub FM_fNull { 0x800 }
sub FM_fRtsControl { 0x3000 }
sub FM_fAbortOnError { 0x4000 }
sub FM_fDummy2 { 0xffff8000 }
## COMSTAT bit mask
sub BM_fCtsHold { 0x1 }
sub BM_fDsrHold { 0x2 }
sub BM_fRlsdHold { 0x4 }
sub BM_fXoffHold { 0x8 }
sub BM_fXoffSent { 0x10 }
sub BM_fEof { 0x20 }
sub BM_fTxim { 0x40 }
sub BM_AllBits { 0x7f }
## PurgeComm bit mask
sub PURGE_TXABORT { 0x1 }
sub PURGE_RXABORT { 0x2 }
sub PURGE_TXCLEAR { 0x4 }
sub PURGE_RXCLEAR { 0x8 }
## GetCommModemStatus bit mask
sub MS_CTS_ON { 0x10 }
sub MS_DSR_ON { 0x20 }
sub MS_RING_ON { 0x40 }
sub MS_RLSD_ON { 0x80 }
## EscapeCommFunction operations
sub SETXOFF { 0x1 }
sub SETXON { 0x2 }
sub SETRTS { 0x3 }
sub CLRRTS { 0x4 }
sub SETDTR { 0x5 }
sub CLRDTR { 0x6 }
sub SETBREAK { 0x8 }
sub CLRBREAK { 0x9 }
## ClearCommError bit mask
sub CE_RXOVER { 0x1 }
sub CE_OVERRUN { 0x2 }
sub CE_RXPARITY { 0x4 }
sub CE_FRAME { 0x8 }
sub CE_BREAK { 0x10 }
sub CE_TXFULL { 0x100 }
#### LPT only
# sub CE_PTO { 0x200 }
# sub CE_IOE { 0x400 }
# sub CE_DNS { 0x800 }
# sub CE_OOP { 0x1000 }
#### LPT only
sub CE_MODE { 0x8000 }
## GetCommMask bits
sub EV_RXCHAR { 0x1 }
sub EV_RXFLAG { 0x2 }
sub EV_TXEMPTY { 0x4 }
sub EV_CTS { 0x8 }
sub EV_DSR { 0x10 }
sub EV_RLSD { 0x20 }
sub EV_BREAK { 0x40 }
sub EV_ERR { 0x80 }
sub EV_RING { 0x100 }
sub EV_PERR { 0x200 }
sub EV_RX80FULL { 0x400 }
sub EV_EVENT1 { 0x800 }
sub EV_EVENT2 { 0x1000 }
## Allowed OVERLAP errors
sub ERROR_IO_PENDING { 997 }
#### "constant" declarations compatible with ActiveState ####
my $CP_format1="SSLLLLLLLLLSSLLLLSA*"; # rs232
my $CP_format0="SA50LA244"; # pre-read
my $TIMEOUTformat="LLLLL";
my $COMSTATformat="LLL";
my $cfg_file_sig="Win32API::SerialPort_Configuration_File -- DO NOT EDIT --\n";
sub SHORTsize { 0xffff; }
sub LONGsize { 0xffffffff; }
sub ST_BLOCK {0} # status offsets for caller
sub ST_INPUT {1}
sub ST_OUTPUT {2}
sub ST_ERROR {3} # latched
#### Package variable declarations ####
my @Yes_resp = (
my @binary_opt = (0, 1);
my @byte_opt = (0, 255);
my $Babble = 0;
my $testactive = 0; # test mode active
## my $null=[];
my $null=0;
my $zero=0;
# Preloaded methods go here.
sub OS_Error { print Win32::FormatMessage ( Win32::GetLastError() ); }
sub get_tick_count { return Win32::GetTickCount(); }
# test*.t only - suppresses default messages
sub set_no_messages {
return unless (@_ == 2);
$testactive = yes_true($_[1]);
sub nocarp { return $testactive }
sub internal_buffer { return $RBUF_Size }
sub yes_true {
my $choice = uc shift;
my $ans = 0;
foreach (@Yes_resp) { $ans = 1 if ( $choice eq $_ ) }
return $ans;
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = {};
my $ok = 0; # API return value
my $hr = 0; # temporary hashref
my $fmask = 0; # temporary for bit banging
my $fix_baud = 0;
my $key;
my $value;
my $CommPropBlank = " ";
# COMMPROP only used during new
my $CommProperties = " "x300; # extra buffer for modems
my $CP_Length = 0;
my $CP_Version = 0;
my $CP_ServiceMask = 0;
my $CP_Reserved1 = 0;
my $CP_MaxBaud = 0;
my $CP_ProvCapabilities = 0;
my $CP_SettableParams = 0;
my $CP_SettableBaud = 0;
my $CP_SettableData = 0;
my $CP_SettableStopParity = 0;
my $CP_ProvSpec1 = 0;
my $CP_ProvSpec2 = 0;
my $CP_ProvChar_start = 0;
my $CP_Filler = 0;
my $MC_ReqSize = 0;
my $MC_SpecOffset = 0;
my $MC_SpecSize = 0;
my $MC_ProvVersion = 0;
my $MC_ManfOffset = 0;
my $MC_ManfSize = 0;
my $MC_ModOffset = 0;
my $MC_ModSize = 0;
my $MC_VerOffset = 0;
my $MC_VerSize = 0;
my $MC_DialOpt = 0;
my $MC_CallFailTime = 0;
my $MC_IdleTime = 0;
my $MC_SpkrVol = 0;
my $MC_SpkrMode = 0;
my $MC_ModOpt = 0;
my $MC_MaxDTE = 0;
my $MC_MaxDCE = 0;
my $MC_Filler = 0;
$self->{NAME} = shift;
my $quiet = shift;
# device name
# no FILE_SHARE_xx
# no SECURITY_xx
# template file
unless ($self->{"_HANDLE"} >= 1) {
$self->{"_HANDLE"} = 0;
return 0 if ($quiet);
return if (nocarp);
carp "can't open device: $self->{NAME}\n";
# let Win32 know we allowed room for modem properties
$CP_Length = 300;
$CommProperties = pack($CP_format0,
$ok=GetCommProperties($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $CommProperties);
unless ( $ok ) {
carp "can't get COMMPROP block";
undef $self;
$CP_Filler)= unpack($CP_format1, $CommProperties);
if (($CP_Length > 66) and ($self->{"_TYPE"} == PST_RS232)) {
carp "invalid COMMPROP block length= $CP_Length";
undef $self;
if ($CP_ServiceMask != SP_SERIALCOMM) {
carp "doesn't claim to be a serial port\n";
undef $self;
if ($self->{"_TYPE"} == PST_MODEM) {
$MC_Filler)= unpack($CP_format6, $CommProperties);
if ($Babble) {
printf "\nMODEMDEVCAPS:\n";
printf "\$MC_ActualSize= %d\n", $CP_ProvChar_start;
printf "\$MC_ReqSize= %d\n", $MC_ReqSize;
printf "\$MC_SpecOffset= %d\n", $MC_SpecOffset;
printf "\$MC_SpecSize= %d\n", $MC_SpecSize;
if ($MC_SpecOffset) {
printf " DeviceSpecificData= %s\n", substr ($CommProperties,
60+$MC_SpecOffset, $MC_SpecSize);
printf "\$MC_ProvVersion= %d\n", $MC_ProvVersion;
printf "\$MC_ManfOffset= %d\n", $MC_ManfOffset;
printf "\$MC_ManfSize= %d\n", $MC_ManfSize;
if ($MC_ManfOffset) {
printf " Manufacturer= %s\n", substr ($CommProperties,
60+$MC_ManfOffset, $MC_ManfSize);
printf "\$MC_ModOffset= %d\n", $MC_ModOffset;
printf "\$MC_ModSize= %d\n", $MC_ModSize;
if ($MC_ModOffset) {
printf " Model= %s\n", substr ($CommProperties,
60+$MC_ModOffset, $MC_ModSize);
printf "\$MC_VerOffset= %d\n", $MC_VerOffset;
printf "\$MC_VerSize= %d\n", $MC_VerSize;
if ($MC_VerOffset) {
printf " Version= %s\n", substr ($CommProperties,
60+$MC_VerOffset, $MC_VerSize);
printf "\$MC_DialOpt= %lx\n", $MC_DialOpt;
printf "\$MC_CallFailTime= %d\n", $MC_CallFailTime;
printf "\$MC_IdleTime= %d\n", $MC_IdleTime;
printf "\$MC_SpkrVol= %d\n", $MC_SpkrVol;
printf "\$MC_SpkrMode= %d\n", $MC_SpkrMode;
printf "\$MC_ModOpt= %lx\n", $MC_ModOpt;
printf "\$MC_MaxDTE= %d\n", $MC_MaxDTE;
printf "\$MC_MaxDCE= %d\n", $MC_MaxDCE;
$MC_Filler= $MC_Filler; # for -w
## $MC_ReqSize = 250;
if ($CP_ProvChar_start != $MC_ReqSize) {
printf "\nARGH, a Bug! The \$CommProperties buffer must be ";
printf "at least %d bytes.\n", $MC_ReqSize+60;
## if (1 | $Babble) {
if ($Babble) {
printf "\$CP_Length= %d\n", $CP_Length;
printf "\$CP_Version= %d\n", $CP_Version;
printf "\$CP_ServiceMask= %lx\n", $CP_ServiceMask;
printf "\$CP_Reserved1= %lx\n", $CP_Reserved1;
printf "\$CP_MaxTxQueue= %lx\n", $self->{"_MaxTxQueue"};
printf "\$CP_MaxRxQueue= %lx\n", $self->{"_MaxRxQueue"};
printf "\$CP_MaxBaud= %lx\n", $CP_MaxBaud;
printf "\$CP_ProvSubType= %lx\n", $self->{"_TYPE"};
printf "\$CP_ProvCapabilities= %lx\n", $CP_ProvCapabilities;
printf "\$CP_SettableParams= %lx\n", $CP_SettableParams;
printf "\$CP_SettableBaud= %lx\n", $CP_SettableBaud;
printf "\$CP_SettableData= %x\n", $CP_SettableData;
printf "\$CP_SettableStopParity= %x\n", $CP_SettableStopParity;
printf "\$CP_CurrentTxQueue= %lx\n", $self->{WRITEBUF};
printf "\$CP_CurrentRxQueue= %lx\n", $self->{READBUF};
printf "\$CP_ProvSpec1= %lx\n", $CP_ProvSpec1;
printf "\$CP_ProvSpec2= %lx\n", $CP_ProvSpec2;
# "private" data
$self->{"_INIT"} = undef;
$self->{"_DEBUG_C"} = 0;
$self->{"_LATCH"} = 0;
$self->{"_W_BUSY"} = 0;
$self->{"_R_BUSY"} = 0;
$self->{"_TBUFMAX"} = $self->{"_MaxTxQueue"} ?
$self->{"_MaxTxQueue"} : LONGsize;
$self->{"_RBUFMAX"} = $self->{"_MaxRxQueue"} ?
$self->{"_MaxRxQueue"} : LONGsize;
# buffers
$self->{"_R_OVERLAP"} = " "x24;
$self->{"_W_OVERLAP"} = " "x24;
$self->{"_TIMEOUT"} = " "x24;
$self->{"_RBUF"} = " "x $RBUF_Size;
# allowed setting hashes
$self->{"_L_BAUD"} = {};
$self->{"_L_STOP"} = {};
$self->{"_L_PARITY"} = {};
$self->{"_L_DATA"} = {};
$self->{"_L_HSHAKE"} = {};
# capability flags
$fmask = $CP_SettableParams;
$self->{"_C_BAUD"} = $fmask & SP_BAUD;
$self->{"_C_DATA"} = $fmask & SP_DATABITS;
$self->{"_C_STOP"} = $fmask & SP_STOPBITS;
$self->{"_C_HSHAKE"} = $fmask & SP_HANDSHAKING;
$self->{"_C_PARITY_CFG"} = $fmask & SP_PARITY;
$self->{"_C_PARITY_EN"} = $fmask & SP_PARITY_CHECK;
$self->{"_C_RLSD_CFG"} = $fmask & SP_RLSD;
$fmask = $CP_ProvCapabilities;
$self->{"_C_RLSD"} = $fmask & PCF_RLSD;
$self->{"_C_PARITY_CK"} = $fmask & PCF_PARITY_CHECK;
$self->{"_C_DTRDSR"} = $fmask & PCF_DTRDSR;
$self->{"_C_16BITMODE"} = $fmask & PCF_16BITMODE;
$self->{"_C_RTSCTS"} = $fmask & PCF_RTSCTS;
$self->{"_C_XONXOFF"} = $fmask & PCF_XONXOFF;
$self->{"_C_XON_CHAR"} = $fmask & PCF_SETXCHAR;
$self->{"_C_SPECHAR"} = $fmask & PCF_SPECIALCHARS;
$self->{"_C_INT_TIME"} = $fmask & PCF_INTTIMEOUTS;
$self->{"_C_TOT_TIME"} = $fmask & PCF_TOTALTIMEOUTS;
if ($self->{"_C_INT_TIME"}) {
$self->{"_N_RINT"} = LONGsize; # min interval default
else {
$self->{"_N_RINT"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_RTOT"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_RCONST"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_C_TOT_TIME"}) {
$self->{"_N_WCONST"} = 201; # startup overhead + 1
$self->{"_N_WTOT"} = 11; # per char out + 1
else {
$self->{"_N_WTOT"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_WCONST"} = 0;
$hr = \%{$self->{"_L_HSHAKE"}};
if ($self->{"_C_HSHAKE"}) {
${$hr}{"xoff"} = "xoff" if ($fmask & PCF_XONXOFF);
${$hr}{"rts"} = "rts" if ($fmask & PCF_RTSCTS);
${$hr}{"dtr"} = "dtr" if ($fmask & PCF_DTRDSR);
${$hr}{"none"} = "none";
else { $self->{"_N_HSHAKE"} = undef; }
#### really just using the keys here, so value = Win32_definition
#### in case we ever need it for something else
# first check for programmable baud
$hr = \%{$self->{"_L_BAUD"}};
if ($CP_MaxBaud & BAUD_USER) {
$fmask = $CP_SettableBaud;
${$hr}{110} = CBR_110 if ($fmask & BAUD_110);
${$hr}{300} = CBR_300 if ($fmask & BAUD_300);
${$hr}{600} = CBR_600 if ($fmask & BAUD_600);
${$hr}{1200} = CBR_1200 if ($fmask & BAUD_1200);
${$hr}{2400} = CBR_2400 if ($fmask & BAUD_2400);
${$hr}{4800} = CBR_4800 if ($fmask & BAUD_4800);
${$hr}{9600} = CBR_9600 if ($fmask & BAUD_9600);
${$hr}{14400} = CBR_14400 if ($fmask & BAUD_14400);
${$hr}{19200} = CBR_19200 if ($fmask & BAUD_19200);
${$hr}{38400} = CBR_38400 if ($fmask & BAUD_38400);
${$hr}{56000} = CBR_56000 if ($fmask & BAUD_56K);
${$hr}{57600} = CBR_57600 if ($fmask & BAUD_57600);
${$hr}{115200} = CBR_115200 if ($fmask & BAUD_115200);
${$hr}{128000} = CBR_128000 if ($fmask & BAUD_128K);
${$hr}{256000} = CBR_256000 if (0); # reserved ??
else {
# get fixed baud from CP_MaxBaud
$fmask = $CP_MaxBaud;
$fix_baud = 75 if ($fmask & BAUD_075);
$fix_baud = 110 if ($fmask & BAUD_110);
$fix_baud = 134.5 if ($fmask & BAUD_134_5);
$fix_baud = 150 if ($fmask & BAUD_150);
$fix_baud = 300 if ($fmask & BAUD_300);
$fix_baud = 600 if ($fmask & BAUD_600);
$fix_baud = 1200 if ($fmask & BAUD_1200);
$fix_baud = 1800 if ($fmask & BAUD_1800);
$fix_baud = 2400 if ($fmask & BAUD_2400);
$fix_baud = 4800 if ($fmask & BAUD_4800);
$fix_baud = 7200 if ($fmask & BAUD_7200);
$fix_baud = 9600 if ($fmask & BAUD_9600);
$fix_baud = 14400 if ($fmask & BAUD_14400);
$fix_baud = 19200 if ($fmask & BAUD_19200);
$fix_baud = 34800 if ($fmask & BAUD_38400);
$fix_baud = 56000 if ($fmask & BAUD_56K);
$fix_baud = 57600 if ($fmask & BAUD_57600);
$fix_baud = 115200 if ($fmask & BAUD_115200);
$fix_baud = 128000 if ($fmask & BAUD_128K);
${$hr}{$fix_baud} = $fix_baud;
$self->{"_N_BAUD"} = undef;
#### data bits
$fmask = $CP_SettableData;
if ($self->{"_C_DATA"}) {
$hr = \%{$self->{"_L_DATA"}};
${$hr}{5} = 5 if ($fmask & DATABITS_5);
${$hr}{6} = 6 if ($fmask & DATABITS_6);
${$hr}{7} = 7 if ($fmask & DATABITS_7);
${$hr}{8} = 8 if ($fmask & DATABITS_8);
${$hr}{16} = 16 if ($fmask & DATABITS_16);
## ${$hr}{16X} = 16 if ($fmask & DATABITS_16X);
else { $self->{"_N_DATA"} = undef; }
#### value = (DCB Win32_definition + 1) so 0 means unchanged
$fmask = $CP_SettableStopParity;
if ($self->{"_C_STOP"}) {
$hr = \%{$self->{"_L_STOP"}};
${$hr}{1} = 1 + ONESTOPBIT if ($fmask & STOPBITS_10);
${$hr}{1.5} = 1 + ONE5STOPBITS if ($fmask & STOPBITS_15);
${$hr}{2} = 1 + TWOSTOPBITS if ($fmask & STOPBITS_20);
else { $self->{"_N_STOP"} = undef; }
if ($self->{"_C_PARITY_CFG"}) {
$hr = \%{$self->{"_L_PARITY"}};
${$hr}{"none"} = 1 + NOPARITY if ($fmask & PARITY_NONE);
${$hr}{"even"} = 1 + EVENPARITY if ($fmask & PARITY_EVEN);
${$hr}{"odd"} = 1 + ODDPARITY if ($fmask & PARITY_ODD);
${$hr}{"mark"} = 1 + MARKPARITY if ($fmask & PARITY_MARK);
${$hr}{"space"} = 1 + SPACEPARITY if ($fmask & PARITY_SPACE);
else { $self->{"_N_PARITY"} = undef; }
$hr = 0; # no loops
# changable dcb parameters
# 0 = no change requested
# mask_on: requested value for OR
# mask_off: complement of requested value for AND
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = 0;
### "VALUE" is initialized from DCB by default (but also in %validate)
# 0 = no change requested
# integer: requested value or (value+1 if 0 is a legal value)
# binary: 1=false requested, 2=true requested
$self->{"_N_XONLIM"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_XOFFLIM"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_XOFFCHAR"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_XONCHAR"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_ERRCHAR"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_EOFCHAR"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_EVTCHAR"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_BINARY"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_PARITY_EN"} = 0;
### "_N_items" for save/start
$self->{"_N_READBUF"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_WRITEBUF"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_HSHAKE"} = 0;
### The "required" DCB values are deliberately NOT defined. That way,
### write_settings can verify they "exist" to assure they got set.
### $self->{"_N_BAUD"}
### $self->{"_N_DATA"}
### $self->{"_N_STOP"}
### $self->{"_N_PARITY"}
$self->{"_R_EVENT"} = CreateEvent($null, # no security
1, # explicit reset req
0, # initial event reset
$null); # no name
unless ($self->{"_R_EVENT"}) {
carp "could not create required read event";
undef $self;
$self->{"_W_EVENT"} = CreateEvent($null, # no security
1, # explicit reset req
0, # initial event reset
$null); # no name
unless ($self->{"_W_EVENT"}) {
carp "could not create required write event";
undef $self;
$self->{"_R_OVERLAP"} = pack($OVERLAPPEDformat,
$zero, # osRead_Internal,
$zero, # osRead_InternalHigh,
$zero, # osRead_Offset,
$zero, # osRead_OffsetHigh,
$self->{"_W_OVERLAP"} = pack($OVERLAPPEDformat,
$zero, # osWrite_Internal,
$zero, # osWrite_InternalHigh,
$zero, # osWrite_Offset,
$zero, # osWrite_OffsetHigh,
# Device Control Block (DCB)
unless ( fetch_DCB ($self) ) {
carp "can't read Device Control Block for $self->{NAME}\n";
undef $self;
$self->{"_L_BAUD"}{$self->{BAUD}} = $self->{BAUD}; # actual must be ok
# Read Timeouts
unless ( GetCommTimeouts($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $self->{"_TIMEOUT"}) ) {
carp "Error in GetCommTimeouts";
undef $self;
$self->{WCONST})= unpack($TIMEOUTformat, $self->{"_TIMEOUT"});
bless ($self, $class);
return $self;
sub fetch_DCB {
my $self = shift;
my $ok;
my $hr;
my $fmask;
my $key;
my $value;
my $dcb = " "x32;
GetCommState($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $dcb) or return;
$self->{"_PackWORD"})= unpack($DCBformat, $dcb);
if ($self->{"_DCBLength"} > 32) {
carp "invalid DCB block length";
if ($Babble) {
printf "DCBLength= %d\n", $self->{"_DCBLength"};
printf "BaudRate= %d\n", $self->{BAUD};
printf "BitMask= %lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"};
printf "ResvWORD= %x\n", $self->{"_ResvWORD"};
printf "XonLim= %x\n", $self->{XONLIM};
printf "XoffLim= %x\n", $self->{XOFFLIM};
printf "ByteSize= %d\n", $self->{DATA};
printf "Parity= %d\n", $self->{"_Parity"};
printf "StopBits= %d\n", $self->{"_StopBits"};
printf "XonChar= %x\n", $self->{XONCHAR};
printf "XoffChar= %x\n", $self->{XOFFCHAR};
printf "ErrorChar= %x\n", $self->{ERRCHAR};
printf "EofChar= %x\n", $self->{EOFCHAR};
printf "EvtChar= %x\n", $self->{EVTCHAR};
printf "PackWORD= %x\n", $self->{"_PackWORD"};
printf "handle= %d\n\n", $self->{"_HANDLE"};
$fmask = 1 + $self->{"_StopBits"};
while (($key, $value) = each %{ $self->{"_L_STOP"} }) {
if ($value == $fmask) {
$self->{STOP} = $key;
$fmask = 1 + $self->{"_Parity"};
while (($key, $value) = each %{ $self->{"_L_PARITY"} }) {
if ($value == $fmask) {
$self->{PARITY} = $key;
$fmask = $self->{"_BitMask"};
if ($fmask & ( $hr << 4) ) {
$self->{HSHAKE} = "dtr";
elsif ($fmask & ( $ok << 12) ) {
$self->{HSHAKE} = "rts";
elsif ($fmask & ( FM_fOutX | FM_fInX ) ) {
$self->{HSHAKE} = "xoff";
else {
$self->{HSHAKE} = "none";
$self->{BINARY} = ($fmask & FM_fBinary);
$self->{PARITY_EN} = ($fmask & FM_fParity);
if ($fmask & FM_fDummy2) {
carp "Unknown DCB Flow Mask Bit in $self->{NAME}";
sub init_done {
my $self = shift;
return 0 unless (defined $self->{"_INIT"});
return $self->{"_INIT"};
sub update_DCB {
my $self = shift;
my $ok = 0;
return unless (defined $self->{"_INIT"});
fetch_DCB ($self);
if ($self->{"_N_HSHAKE"}) {
$self->{HSHAKE} = $self->{"_N_HSHAKE"};
if ($self->{HSHAKE} eq "dtr" ) {
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} = 0x1028;
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = 0xffffdceb;
elsif ($self->{HSHAKE} eq "rts" ) {
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} = 0x2014;
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = 0xffffecd7;
elsif ($self->{HSHAKE} eq "xoff" ) {
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} = 0x1310;
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = 0xffffdfd3;
else {
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} = 0x1010;
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = 0xffffdcd3;
$self->{"_N_HSHAKE"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_PARITY_EN"}) {
if (2 == $self->{"_N_PARITY_EN"}) {
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} |= FM_fParity; # enable
if ($self->{"_N_FM_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} |= FM_fParity;
else { $self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = LONGsize; }
else {
if ($self->{"_N_FM_ON"}) {
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} &= ~FM_fParity; # disable
if ($self->{"_N_FM_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} &= ~FM_fParity;
else { $self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = ~FM_fParity; }
## DEBUG ##
## printf "_N_FM_ON=%lx\n", $self->{"_N_FM_ON"}; ## DEBUG ##
## printf "_N_FM_OFF=%lx\n", $self->{"_N_FM_OFF"}; ## DEBUG ##
## DEBUG ##
$self->{"_N_PARITY_EN"} = 0;
## DEBUG ##
## printf "_N_AUX_ON=%lx\n", $self->{"_N_AUX_ON"}; ## DEBUG ##
## printf "_N_AUX_OFF=%lx\n", $self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}; ## DEBUG ##
## DEBUG ##
if ( $self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} or $self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} ) {
if ( $self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} ) {
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} &= $self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"};
else {
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = $self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"};
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} |= $self->{"_N_AUX_ON"};
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = 0;
## DEBUG ##
## printf "_N_FM_ON=%lx\n", $self->{"_N_FM_ON"}; ## DEBUG ##
## printf "_N_FM_OFF=%lx\n", $self->{"_N_FM_OFF"}; ## DEBUG ##
## DEBUG ##
if ( $self->{"_N_FM_ON"} or $self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} ) {
$self->{"_BitMask"} &= $self->{"_N_FM_OFF"};
$self->{"_BitMask"} |= $self->{"_N_FM_ON"};
$self->{"_N_FM_ON"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_FM_OFF"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_XONLIM"}) {
$self->{XONLIM} = $self->{"_N_XONLIM"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_XONLIM"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_XOFFLIM"}) {
$self->{XOFFLIM} = $self->{"_N_XOFFLIM"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_XOFFLIM"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_BAUD"}) {
$self->{BAUD} = $self->{"_N_BAUD"};
$self->{"_N_BAUD"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_DATA"}) {
$self->{DATA} = $self->{"_N_DATA"};
$self->{"_N_DATA"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_STOP"}) {
$self->{"_StopBits"} = $self->{"_N_STOP"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_STOP"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_PARITY"}) {
$self->{"_Parity"} = $self->{"_N_PARITY"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_PARITY"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_XONCHAR"}) {
$self->{XONCHAR} = $self->{"_N_XONCHAR"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_XONCHAR"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_XOFFCHAR"}) {
$self->{XOFFCHAR} = $self->{"_N_XOFFCHAR"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_XOFFCHAR"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_ERRCHAR"}) {
$self->{ERRCHAR} = $self->{"_N_ERRCHAR"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_ERRCHAR"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_EOFCHAR"}) {
$self->{EOFCHAR} = $self->{"_N_EOFCHAR"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_EOFCHAR"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_EVTCHAR"}) {
$self->{EVTCHAR} = $self->{"_N_EVTCHAR"} - 1;
$self->{"_N_EVTCHAR"} = 0;
my $dcb = pack($DCBformat,
if ( SetCommState($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $dcb) ) {
print "updated DCB for $self->{NAME}\n" if ($Babble);
## DEBUG ##
## printf "DEBUG BitMask= %lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ## DEBUG ##
## DEBUG ##
else {
carp "SetCommState failed";
if ($Babble) {
printf "\ntried to write:\n";
printf "DCBLength= %d\n", $self->{"_DCBLength"};
printf "BaudRate= %d\n", $self->{BAUD};
printf "BitMask= %lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"};
printf "ResvWORD= %x\n", $self->{"_ResvWORD"};
printf "XonLim= %x\n", $self->{XONLIM};
printf "XoffLim= %x\n", $self->{XOFFLIM};
printf "ByteSize= %d\n", $self->{DATA};
printf "Parity= %d\n", $self->{"_Parity"};
printf "StopBits= %d\n", $self->{"_StopBits"};
printf "XonChar= %x\n", $self->{XONCHAR};
printf "XoffChar= %x\n", $self->{XOFFCHAR};
printf "ErrorChar= %x\n", $self->{ERRCHAR};
printf "EofChar= %x\n", $self->{EOFCHAR};
printf "EvtChar= %x\n", $self->{EVTCHAR};
printf "PackWORD= %x\n", $self->{"_PackWORD"};
printf "handle= %d\n", $self->{"_HANDLE"};
sub initialize {
my $self = shift;
my $item;
my $fault = 0;
foreach $item (@_) {
unless (exists $self->{"_N_$item"}) {
# must be "exists" so undef=not_settable
nocarp or carp "Missing REQUIRED setting for $item";
unless ($self->{"_INIT"}) {
$self->{"_INIT"} = 1 unless ($fault);
$self->{"_BitMask"} = 0x1011;
$self->{XONLIM} = 100 unless ($self->{"_N_XONLIM"});
$self->{XOFFLIM} = 100 unless ($self->{"_N_XOFFLIM"});
$self->{XONCHAR} = 0x11 unless ($self->{"_N_XONCHAR"});
$self->{XOFFCHAR} = 0x13 unless ($self->{"_N_XOFFCHAR"});
$self->{ERRCHAR} = 0 unless ($self->{"_N_ERRCHAR"});
$self->{EOFCHAR} = 0 unless ($self->{"_N_EOFCHAR"});
$self->{EVTCHAR} = 0 unless ($self->{"_N_EVTCHAR"});
if ($self->{"_N_READBUF"} or $self->{"_N_WRITEBUF"}) {
if ($self->{"_N_READBUF"}) {
$self->{READBUF} = $self->{"_N_READBUF"};
if ($self->{"_N_WRITEBUF"}) {
$self->{WRITEBUF} = $self->{"_N_WRITEBUF"};
$self->{"_N_READBUF"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_WRITEBUF"} = 0;
SetupComm($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $self->{READBUF}, $self->{WRITEBUF});
return $fault;
sub is_status {
my $self = shift;
my $ok = 0;
my $error_p = " "x4;
my $CommStatus = " "x12;
if (@_ and $testactive) {
$self->{"_LATCH"} |= shift;
$ok=ClearCommError($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $error_p, $CommStatus);
my $Error_BitMask = unpack("L", $error_p);
$self->{"_LATCH"} |= $Error_BitMask;
my @stat = unpack($COMSTATformat, $CommStatus);
push @stat, $self->{"_LATCH"};
$stat[ST_BLOCK] &= BM_AllBits;
if ( $Babble or $self->{"_DEBUG_C"} ) {
printf "Blocking Bits= %d\n", $stat[ST_BLOCK];
printf "Input Queue= %d\n", $stat[ST_INPUT];
printf "Output Queue= %d\n", $stat[ST_OUTPUT];
printf "Latched Errors= %d\n", $stat[ST_ERROR];
printf "ok= %d\n", $ok;
return ($ok ? @stat : undef);
sub reset_error {
my $self = shift;
my $was = $self->{"_LATCH"};
$self->{"_LATCH"} = 0;
return $was;
sub can_baud {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_BAUD"};
sub can_databits {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_DATA"};
sub can_stopbits {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_STOP"};
sub can_dtrdsr {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_DTRDSR"};
sub can_handshake {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_HSHAKE"};
sub can_parity_check {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_PARITY_CK"};
sub can_parity_config {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_PARITY_CFG"};
sub can_parity_enable {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_PARITY_EN"};
sub can_rlsd_config {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_RLSD_CFG"};
sub can_rlsd {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_RLSD"};
sub can_16bitmode {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_16BITMODE"};
sub is_rs232 {
my $self = shift;
return ($self->{"_TYPE"} == PST_RS232);
sub is_modem {
my $self = shift;
return ($self->{"_TYPE"} == PST_MODEM);
sub can_rtscts {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_RTSCTS"};
sub can_xonxoff {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_XONXOFF"};
sub can_xon_char {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_XON_CHAR"};
sub can_spec_char {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_SPECHAR"};
sub can_interval_timeout {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_INT_TIME"};
sub can_total_timeout {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{"_C_TOT_TIME"};
sub is_handshake {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless $self->{"_C_HSHAKE"};
return unless (defined $self->{"_L_HSHAKE"}{$_[0]});
$self->{"_N_HSHAKE"} = $self->{"_L_HSHAKE"}{$_[0]};
update_DCB ($self);
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{HSHAKE};
sub are_handshake {
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->{"_C_HSHAKE"};
return if (@_);
return keys(%{$self->{"_L_HSHAKE"}});
sub is_baudrate {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless $self->{"_C_BAUD"};
return unless (defined $self->{"_L_BAUD"}{$_[0]});
$self->{"_N_BAUD"} = int shift;
update_DCB ($self);
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{BAUD};
sub are_baudrate {
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->{"_C_BAUD"};
return if (@_);
return keys(%{$self->{"_L_BAUD"}});
sub is_parity {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless $self->{"_C_PARITY_CFG"};
return unless (defined $self->{"_L_PARITY"}{$_[0]});
$self->{"_N_PARITY"} = $self->{"_L_PARITY"}{$_[0]};
update_DCB ($self);
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{PARITY};
sub are_parity {
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->{"_C_PARITY_CFG"};
return if (@_);
return keys(%{$self->{"_L_PARITY"}});
sub is_databits {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless $self->{"_C_DATA"};
return unless (defined $self->{"_L_DATA"}{$_[0]});
$self->{"_N_DATA"} = $self->{"_L_DATA"}{$_[0]};
update_DCB ($self);
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{DATA};
sub are_databits {
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->{"_C_DATA"};
return if (@_);
return keys(%{$self->{"_L_DATA"}});
sub is_stopbits {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless $self->{"_C_STOP"};
return unless (defined $self->{"_L_STOP"}{$_[0]});
$self->{"_N_STOP"} = $self->{"_L_STOP"}{$_[0]};
update_DCB ($self);
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{STOP};
sub are_stopbits {
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->{"_C_STOP"};
return if (@_);
return keys(%{$self->{"_L_STOP"}});
# single value for save/start
sub is_read_buf {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { $self->{"_N_READBUF"} = int shift; }
return $self->{READBUF};
# single value for save/start
sub is_write_buf {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) { $self->{"_N_WRITEBUF"} = int shift; }
return $self->{WRITEBUF};
sub is_buffers {
my $self = shift;
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $rbuf = shift;
my $wbuf = shift;
SetupComm($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $rbuf, $wbuf) or return;
$self->{"_N_READBUF"} = 0;
$self->{"_N_WRITEBUF"} = 0;
$self->{READBUF} = $rbuf;
$self->{WRITEBUF} = $wbuf;
sub read_bg {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $wanted = shift;
return unless ($wanted > 0);
if ($self->{"_R_BUSY"}) {
nocarp or carp "Second Read attempted before First is done";
my $got_p = " "x4;
my $ok;
my $got = 0;
if ($wanted > $RBUF_Size) {
$wanted = $RBUF_Size;
warn "read buffer limited to $RBUF_Size bytes at the moment";
$self->{"_R_BUSY"} = 1;
$ok=ReadFile( $self->{"_HANDLE"},
if ($ok) {
$got = unpack("L", $got_p);
$self->{"_R_BUSY"} = 0;
return $got;
sub write_bg {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $wbuf = shift;
if ($self->{"_W_BUSY"}) {
nocarp or carp "Second Write attempted before First is done";
my $ok;
my $got_p = " "x4;
return 0 if ($wbuf eq "");
my $lbuf = length ($wbuf);
my $written = 0;
$self->{"_W_BUSY"} = 1;
$ok=WriteFile( $self->{"_HANDLE"},
if ($ok) {
$written = unpack("L", $got_p);
$self->{"_W_BUSY"} = 0;
if ($Babble) {
print "error=$ok\n";
print "wbuf=$wbuf\n";
print "lbuf=$lbuf\n";
print "write_bg=$written\n";
return $written;
sub read_done {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $wait = yes_true ( shift );
my $ov;
my $got_p = " "x4;
my $wanted = 0;
$self->{"_R_BUSY"} = 1;
$ov=GetOverlappedResult( $self->{"_HANDLE"},
if ($ov) {
$wanted = unpack("L", $got_p);
$self->{"_R_BUSY"} = 0;
print "read_done=$wanted\n" if ($Babble);
return (1, $wanted, substr($self->{"_RBUF"}, 0, $wanted));
return (0, 0, "");
sub write_done {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $wait = yes_true ( shift );
my $ov;
my $got_p = " "x4;
my $written = 0;
$self->{"_W_BUSY"} = 1;
$ov=GetOverlappedResult( $self->{"_HANDLE"},
if ($ov) {
$written = unpack("L", $got_p);
$self->{"_W_BUSY"} = 0;
print "write_done=$written\n" if ($Babble);
return (1, $written);
return (0, $written);
sub purge_all {
my $self = shift;
return if (@_);
unless ( PurgeComm($self->{"_HANDLE"}, 0x0000000f) ) {
carp "Error in PurgeComm";
$self->{"_R_BUSY"} = 0;
$self->{"_W_BUSY"} = 0;
return 1;
sub purge_rx {
my $self = shift;
return if (@_);
unless ( PurgeComm($self->{"_HANDLE"}, 0x0000000a) ) {
carp "Error in PurgeComm";
$self->{"_R_BUSY"} = 0;
return 1;
sub purge_tx {
my $self = shift;
return if (@_);
unless ( PurgeComm($self->{"_HANDLE"}, 0x00000005) ) {
carp "Error in PurgeComm";
$self->{"_W_BUSY"} = 0;
return 1;
sub are_buffers {
my $self = shift;
return if (@_);
return ($self->{READBUF}, $self->{WRITEBUF});
sub buffer_max {
my $self = shift;
return if (@_);
return ($self->{"_RBUFMAX"}, $self->{"_TBUFMAX"});
sub suspend_tx {
my $self = shift;
return if (@_);
return SetCommBreak($self->{"_HANDLE"});
sub resume_tx {
my $self = shift;
return if (@_);
return ClearCommBreak($self->{"_HANDLE"});
sub xmit_imm_char {
my $self = shift;
return unless (@_ == 1);
my $v = int shift;
unless ( TransmitCommChar($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $v) ) {
carp "Can't transmit char: $v";
sub is_xon_char {
my $self = shift;
if ((@_ == 1) and $self->{"_C_XON_CHAR"}) {
$self->{"_N_XONCHAR"} = 1 + shift;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{XONCHAR};
sub is_xoff_char {
my $self = shift;
if ((@_ == 1) and $self->{"_C_XON_CHAR"}) {
$self->{"_N_XOFFCHAR"} = 1 + shift;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{XOFFCHAR};
sub is_eof_char {
my $self = shift;
if ((@_ == 1) and $self->{"_C_SPECHAR"}) {
$self->{"_N_EOFCHAR"} = 1 + shift;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{EOFCHAR};
sub is_event_char {
my $self = shift;
if ((@_ == 1) and $self->{"_C_SPECHAR"}) {
$self->{"_N_EVTCHAR"} = 1 + shift;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{EVTCHAR};
sub is_error_char {
my $self = shift;
if ((@_ == 1) and $self->{"_C_SPECHAR"}) {
$self->{"_N_ERRCHAR"} = 1 + shift;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{ERRCHAR};
sub is_xon_limit {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless ($self->{"_C_XONXOFF"});
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v > SHORTsize));
$self->{"_N_XONLIM"} = ++$v;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{XONLIM};
sub is_xoff_limit {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless ($self->{"_C_XONXOFF"});
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v > SHORTsize));
$self->{"_N_XOFFLIM"} = ++$v;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
return $self->{XOFFLIM};
sub is_read_interval {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless ($self->{"_C_INT_TIME"});
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v > LONGsize));
if ($v == LONGsize) {
$self->{"_N_RINT"} = $v; # Win32 uses as flag
else {
$self->{"_N_RINT"} = ++$v;
return unless update_timeouts ($self);
return $self->{RINT};
sub is_read_char_time {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless ($self->{"_C_TOT_TIME"});
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v >= LONGsize));
$self->{"_N_RTOT"} = ++$v;
return unless update_timeouts ($self);
return $self->{RTOT};
sub is_read_const_time {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless ($self->{"_C_TOT_TIME"});
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v >= LONGsize));
$self->{"_N_RCONST"} = ++$v;
return unless update_timeouts ($self);
return $self->{RCONST};
sub is_write_const_time {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless ($self->{"_C_TOT_TIME"});
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v >= LONGsize));
$self->{"_N_WCONST"} = ++$v;
return unless update_timeouts ($self);
return $self->{WCONST};
sub is_write_char_time {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
return unless ($self->{"_C_TOT_TIME"});
my $v = int shift;
return if (($v < 0) or ($v >= LONGsize));
$self->{"_N_WTOT"} = ++$v;
return unless update_timeouts ($self);
return $self->{WTOT};
sub update_timeouts {
return unless (@_ == 1);
my $self = shift;
unless ( GetCommTimeouts($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $self->{"_TIMEOUT"}) ) {
carp "Error in GetCommTimeouts";
$self->{WCONST})= unpack($TIMEOUTformat, $self->{"_TIMEOUT"});
if ($self->{"_N_RINT"}) {
if ($self->{"_N_RINT"} == LONGsize) {
$self->{RINT} = $self->{"_N_RINT"}; # Win32 uses as flag
else {
$self->{RINT} = $self->{"_N_RINT"} -1;
$self->{"_N_RINT"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_RTOT"}) {
$self->{RTOT} = $self->{"_N_RTOT"} -1;
$self->{"_N_RTOT"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_RCONST"}) {
$self->{RCONST} = $self->{"_N_RCONST"} -1;
$self->{"_N_RCONST"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_WTOT"}) {
$self->{WTOT} = $self->{"_N_WTOT"} -1;
$self->{"_N_WTOT"} = 0;
if ($self->{"_N_WCONST"}) {
$self->{WCONST} = $self->{"_N_WCONST"} -1;
$self->{"_N_WCONST"} = 0;
$self->{"_TIMEOUT"} = pack($TIMEOUTformat,
if ( SetCommTimeouts($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $self->{"_TIMEOUT"}) ) {
return 1;
else {
carp "Error in SetCommTimeouts";
# true/false parameters
sub is_binary {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
$self->{"_N_BINARY"} = 1 + yes_true ( shift );
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
### printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fBinary);
sub is_parity_enable {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
$self->{"_N_PARITY_EN"} = 1 + yes_true ( shift );
update_DCB ($self);
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ## DEBUG ##
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fParity);
sub ignore_null {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fNull;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fNull;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fNull;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fNull);
sub ignore_no_dsr {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fDsrSensitivity;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fDsrSensitivity;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fDsrSensitivity;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fDsrSensitivity);
sub subst_pe_char {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fErrorChar;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fErrorChar;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fErrorChar;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fErrorChar);
sub abort_on_error {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fAbortOnError;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fAbortOnError;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fAbortOnError;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fAbortOnError);
sub output_dsr {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fOutxDsrFlow;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fOutxDsrFlow;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fOutxDsrFlow;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fOutxDsrFlow);
sub output_cts {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fOutxCtsFlow;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fOutxCtsFlow;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fOutxCtsFlow;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fOutxCtsFlow);
sub input_xoff {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fInX;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fInX;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fInX;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fInX);
sub output_xoff {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fOutX;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fOutX;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fOutX;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fOutX);
sub tx_on_xoff {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
if ($self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"}) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} &= ~FM_fTXContinueOnXoff;
else {
$self->{"_N_AUX_OFF"} = ~FM_fTXContinueOnXoff;
if ( yes_true ( shift ) ) {
$self->{"_N_AUX_ON"} |= FM_fTXContinueOnXoff;
update_DCB ($self);
else {
return unless fetch_DCB ($self);
## printf "_BitMask=%lx\n", $self->{"_BitMask"}; ###
return ($self->{"_BitMask"} & FM_fTXContinueOnXoff);
sub dtr_active {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $onoff = yes_true ( shift ) ? SETDTR : CLRDTR ;
return EscapeCommFunction($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $onoff);
sub rts_active {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $onoff = yes_true ( shift ) ? SETRTS : CLRRTS ;
return EscapeCommFunction($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $onoff);
# pulse parameters
sub pulse_dtr_off {
return unless (@_ == 2);
if ( ($] < 5.005) and ($] >= 5.004) ) {
nocarp or carp "\npulse_dtr_off not supported on version $]\n";
my $self = shift;
my $delay = shift;
$self->dtr_active(0) or carp "Did not pulse DTR off";
$self->dtr_active(1) or carp "Did not restore DTR on";
sub pulse_rts_off {
return unless (@_ == 2);
if ( ($] < 5.005) and ($] >= 5.004) ) {
nocarp or carp "\npulse_rts_off not supported on version $]\n";
my $self = shift;
my $delay = shift;
$self->rts_active(0) or carp "Did not pulse RTS off";
$self->rts_active(1) or carp "Did not restore RTS on";
sub pulse_break_on {
return unless (@_ == 2);
if ( ($] < 5.005) and ($] >= 5.004) ) {
nocarp or carp "\npulse_break_on not supported on version $]\n";
my $self = shift;
my $delay = shift;
$self->break_active(1) or carp "Did not pulse BREAK on";
$self->break_active(0) or carp "Did not restore BREAK off";
sub pulse_dtr_on {
return unless (@_ == 2);
if ( ($] < 5.005) and ($] >= 5.004) ) {
nocarp or carp "\npulse_dtr_on not supported on version $]\n";
my $self = shift;
my $delay = shift;
$self->dtr_active(1) or carp "Did not pulse DTR on";
$self->dtr_active(0) or carp "Did not restore DTR off";
sub pulse_rts_on {
return unless (@_ == 2);
if ( ($] < 5.005) and ($] >= 5.004) ) {
nocarp or carp "\npulse_rts_on not supported on version $]\n";
my $self = shift;
my $delay = shift;
$self->rts_active(1) or carp "Did not pulse RTS on";
$self->rts_active(0) or carp "Did not restore RTS off";
sub break_active {
return unless (@_ == 2);
my $self = shift;
my $onoff = yes_true ( shift ) ? SETBREAK : CLRBREAK ;
return EscapeCommFunction($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $onoff);
sub xon_active {
return unless (@_ == 1);
my $self = shift;
return EscapeCommFunction($self->{"_HANDLE"}, SETXON);
sub xoff_active {
return unless (@_ == 1);
my $self = shift;
return EscapeCommFunction($self->{"_HANDLE"}, SETXOFF);
sub is_modemlines {
return unless (@_ == 1);
my $self = shift;
my $mstat = " " x4;
unless ( GetCommModemStatus($self->{"_HANDLE"}, $mstat) ) {
carp "Error in GetCommModemStatus";
my $result = unpack ("L", $mstat);
return $result;
sub debug_comm {
my $self = shift;
if (ref($self)) {
if (@_) { $self->{"_DEBUG_C"} = yes_true ( shift ); }
else {
nocarp or carp "Debug level: $self->{NAME} = $self->{\"_DEBUG_C\"}";
return $self->{"_DEBUG_C"};
} else {
$Babble = yes_true ($self);
nocarp or carp "CommPort Debug Class = $Babble";
return $Babble;
sub close {
my $self = shift;
my $ok;
my $success = 1;
return unless (defined $self->{NAME});
if ($Babble) {
carp "Closing $self " . $self->{NAME};
if ($self->{"_HANDLE"}) {
purge_all ($self);
update_timeouts ($self); # if any running ??
if (! $ok) {
print "Error Closing handle $self->{\"_HANDLE\"} for $self->{NAME}\n";
$success = 0;
elsif ($Babble) {
print "Closing Device handle $self->{\"_HANDLE\"} for $self->{NAME}\n";
$self->{"_HANDLE"} = undef;
if ($self->{"_R_EVENT"}) {
if (! $ok) {
print "Error closing Read Event handle $self->{\"_R_EVENT\"} for $self->{NAME}\n";
$success = 0;
$self->{"_R_EVENT"} = undef;
if ($self->{"_W_EVENT"}) {
if (! $ok) {
print "Error closing Write Event handle $self->{\"_W_EVENT\"} for $self->{NAME}\n";
$success = 0;
$self->{"_W_EVENT"} = undef;
$self->{NAME} = undef;
if ($Babble) {
printf "CommPort close result:%d\n", $success;
return $success;
my $self = shift;
return unless (defined $self->{NAME});
if ($Babble or $self->{"_DEBUG_C"}) {
print "Destroying $self->{NAME}\n" if (defined $self->{NAME});
1; # so the require or use succeeds
# Autoload methods go after =cut, and are processed by the autosplit program.
=head1 NAME
Win32API::CommPort - Raw Win32 system API calls for serial communications.
use Win32; ## not required under all circumstances
require 5.003;
use Win32API::CommPort qw( :PARAM :STAT 0.19 );
## when available ## use Win32API::File 0.07 qw( :ALL );
=head2 Constructors
$PortObj = new Win32API::CommPort ($PortName, $quiet)
|| die "Can't open $PortName: $^E\n"; # $quiet is optional
@required = qw( BAUD DATA STOP );
$faults = $PortObj->initialize(@required);
if ($faults) { die "Required parameters not set before initialize\n"; }
=head2 Configuration Utility Methods
set_no_messages(1); # test suite use
# exported by :PARAM
nocarp || carp "Something fishy";
$a = SHORTsize; # 0xffff
$a = LONGsize; # 0xffffffff
$answer = yes_true("choice"); # 1 or 0
OS_Error unless ($API_Call_OK); # prints error
$PortObj->init_done || die "Not done";
$PortObj->fetch_DCB || die "Not done";
$PortObj->update_DCB || die "Not done";
$milliseconds = $PortObj->get_tick_count;
=head2 Capability Methods (read only)
# true/false capabilities
$a = $PortObj->can_baud; # else fixed
$a = $PortObj->can_databits;
$a = $PortObj->can_stopbits;
$a = $PortObj->can_dtrdsr;
$a = $PortObj->can_handshake;
$a = $PortObj->can_parity_check;
$a = $PortObj->can_parity_config;
$a = $PortObj->can_parity_enable;
$a = $PortObj->can_rlsd; # receive line signal detect (carrier)
$a = $PortObj->can_rlsd_config;
$a = $PortObj->can_16bitmode;
$a = $PortObj->is_rs232;
$a = $PortObj->is_modem;
$a = $PortObj->can_rtscts;
$a = $PortObj->can_xonxoff;
$a = $PortObj->can_xon_char;
$a = $PortObj->can_spec_char;
$a = $PortObj->can_interval_timeout;
$a = $PortObj->can_total_timeout;
# list output capabilities
($rmax, $wmax) = $PortObj->buffer_max;
($rbuf, $wbuf) = $PortObj->are_buffers; # current
@choices = $PortObj->are_baudrate; # legal values
@choices = $PortObj->are_handshake;
@choices = $PortObj->are_parity;
@choices = $PortObj->are_databits;
@choices = $PortObj->are_stopbits;
=head2 Configuration Methods
# most methods can be called two ways:
$PortObj->is_handshake("xoff"); # set parameter
$flowcontrol = $PortObj->is_handshake; # current value (scalar)
# similar
$PortObj->is_xon_limit(100); # bytes left in buffer
$PortObj->is_xoff_limit(100); # space left in buffer
$PortObj->is_error_char(0); # for parity errors
$rbuf = $PortObj->is_read_buf; # read_only except internal use
$wbuf = $PortObj->is_write_buf;
$size = $PortObj->internal_buffer;
$PortObj->is_buffers(4096, 4096); # read, write
# returns current in list context
$PortObj->is_read_interval(100); # max time between read char (millisec)
$PortObj->is_read_char_time(5); # avg time between read char
$PortObj->is_read_const_time(100); # total = (avg * bytes) + const
$PortObj->is_binary(T); # just say Yes (Win 3.x option)
$PortObj->is_parity_enable(F); # faults during input
=head2 Operating Methods
($BlockingFlags, $InBytes, $OutBytes, $LatchErrorFlags) = $PortObj->is_status
|| warn "could not get port status\n";
$ClearedErrorFlags = $PortObj->reset_error;
# The API resets errors when reading status, $LatchErrorFlags
# is all $ErrorFlags since they were last explicitly cleared
if ($BlockingFlags) { warn "Port is blocked"; }
if ($BlockingFlags & BM_fCtsHold) { warn "Waiting for CTS"; }
if ($LatchErrorFlags & CE_FRAME) { warn "Framing Error"; }
Additional useful constants may be exported eventually.
$count_in = $PortObj->read_bg($InBytes);
($done, $count_in, $string_in) = $PortObj->read_done(1);
# background read with wait until done
$count_out = $PortObj->write_bg($output_string); # background write
($done, $count_out) = $PortObj->write_done(0);
$PortObj->suspend_tx; # output from write buffer
$PortObj->xmit_imm_char(0x03); # bypass buffer (and suspend)
$PortObj->xoff_active; # simulate received xoff
$PortObj->xon_active; # simulate received xon
# controlling outputs from the port
$PortObj->dtr_active(T); # sends outputs direct to hardware
$PortObj->rts_active(Yes); # returns status of API call
$PortObj->break_active(N); # NOT state of bit
$PortObj->pulse_break_on($milliseconds); # off version is implausible
# sets_bit, delays, resets_bit, delays
# pulse_xxx methods not supported on Perl 5.004
$ModemStatus = $PortObj->is_modemlines;
if ($ModemStatus & $PortObj->MS_RLSD_ON) { print "carrier detected"; }
$PortObj->close || die;
# "undef $PortObj" preferred unless reopening port
# "close" should precede "undef" if both used
This provides fairly low-level access to the Win32 System API calls
dealing with serial ports.
Uses features of the Win32 API to implement non-blocking I/O, serial
parameter setting, event-loop operation, and enhanced error handling.
To pass in C<NULL> as the pointer to an optional buffer, pass in C<$null=0>.
This is expected to change to an empty list reference, C<[]>, when Perl
supports that form in this usage.
Beyond raw access to the API calls and related constants, this module
will eventually handle smart buffer allocation and translation of return
=head2 Initialization
The constructor is B<new> with a F<PortName> (as the Registry
knows it) specified. This will do a B<CreateFile>, get the available
options and capabilities via the Win32 API, and create the object.
The port is not yet ready for read/write access. First, the desired
I<parameter settings> must be established. Since these are tuning
constants for an underlying hardware driver in the Operating System,
they should all checked for validity by the method calls that set them.
The B<initialize> method takes a list of required parameters and confirms
they have been set. For others, it will attempt to deduce defaults from
the hardware or from other parameters. The B<initialize> method returns
the number of faults (zero if the port is setup ok). The B<update_DCB>
method writes a new I<Device Control Block> to complete the startup and
allow the port to be used. Ports are opened for binary transfers. A
separate C<binmode> is not needed. The USER must release the object
if B<initialize> or B<update_DCB> does not succeed.
Version 0.15 adds an optional C<$quiet> parameter to B<new>. Failure
to open a port prints a error message to STDOUT by default. Since only
one application at a time can "own" the port, one source of failure was
"port in use". There was previously no way to check this without getting
a "fail message". Setting C<$quiet> disables this built-in message. It
also returns 0 instead of C<undef> if the port is unavailable (still FALSE,
used for testing this condition - other faults may still return C<undef>).
Use of C<$quiet> only applies to B<new>.
The fault checking in B<initialize> consists in verifying an I<_N_$item>
internal variable exists for each I<$item> in the input list. The
I<_N_$item> is created for each parameter that is set either directly
or by default. A derived class must create the I<_N_$items> for any
varibles it adds to the base class if it wants B<initialize> to check
them. Win32API::CommPort supports the following:
$item _N_$item setting method
------ --------- --------------
BAUD "_N_BAUD" is_baudrate
BINARY "_N_BINARY" is_binary
DATA "_N_DATA" is_databits
EOFCHAR "_N_EOFCHAR" is_eof_char
ERRCHAR "_N_ERRCHAR" is_error_char
EVTCHAR "_N_EVTCHAR" is_event_char
HSHAKE "_N_HSHAKE" is_handshake
PARITY "_N_PARITY" is_parity
PARITY_EN "_N_PARITY_EN" is_parity_enable
RCONST "_N_RCONST" is_read_const_time
READBUF "_N_READBUF" is_read_buf
RINT "_N_RINT" is_read_interval
RTOT "_N_RTOT" is_read_char_time
STOP "_N_STOP" is_stopbits
WCONST "_N_WCONST" is_write_const_time
WRITEBUF "_N_WRITEBUF" is_write_buf
WTOT "_N_WTOT" is_write_char_time
XOFFCHAR "_N_XOFFCHAR" is_xoff_char
XOFFLIM "_N_XOFFLIM" is_xoff_limit
XONCHAR "_N_XONCHAR" is_xon_char
XONLIM "_N_XONLIM" is_xon_limit
Some individual parameters (eg. baudrate) can be changed after the
initialization is completed. These will automatically update the
I<Device Control Block> as required. The I<init_done> method indicates
when I<initialize> has completed successfully.
$PortObj = new Win32API::CommPort ($PortName, $quiet)
|| die "Can't open $PortName: $^E\n"; # $quiet is optional
if $PortObj->can_databits { $PortObj->is_databits(8) };
$PortObj->is_buffers(4096, 4096);
@required = qw( BAUD DATA STOP PARITY );
$PortObj->initialize(@required) || undef $PortObj;
$PortObj->close || die;
# "undef $PortObj" preferred unless reopening port
# "close" should precede "undef" if both used
undef $PortObj; # closes port AND frees memory in perl
The F<PortName> maps to both the Registry I<Device Name> and the
I<Properties> associated with that device. A single I<Physical> port
can be accessed using two or more I<Device Names>. But the options
and setup data will differ significantly in the two cases. A typical
example is a Modem on port "COM2". Both of these F<PortNames> open
the same I<Physical> hardware:
$P1 = new Win32API::CommPort ("COM2");
$P2 = new Win32API::CommPort ("\\\\.\\Nanohertz Modem model K-9");
$P1 is a "generic" serial port. $P2 includes all of $P1 plus a variety
of modem-specific added options and features. The "raw" API calls return
different size configuration structures in the two cases. Win32 uses the
"\\.\" prefix to identify "named" devices. Since both names use the same
I<Physical> hardware, they can not both be used at the same time. The OS
will complain. Consider this A Good Thing.
Version 0.16 adds B<pulse> methods for the I<RTS, BREAK, and DTR> bits. The
B<pulse> methods assume the bit is in the opposite state when the method
is called. They set the requested state, delay the specified number of
milliseconds, set the opposite state, and again delay the specified time.
These methods are designed to support devices, such as the X10 "FireCracker"
control and some modems, which require pulses on these lines to signal
specific events or data. Since the 5.00402 Perl distribution from CPAN does
not support sub-second time delays readily, these methods are not supported
on that version of Perl.
Version 0.16 also adds I<experimental> support for the rest of the option bits
available through the I<Device Control Block>. They have not been extensively
tested and these settings are NOT saved in the B<configuration file> by
I<Win32::SerialPort>. Please let me know if one does not work as advertised.
[Win32 API bit designation]
$PortObj->ignore_null(0); # discard \000 bytes on input [fNull]
$PortObj->ignore_no_dsr(0); # discard input bytes unless DSR
# [fDsrSensitivity]
$PortObj->subst_pe_char(0); # replace parity errors with B<is_error_char>
# when B<is_parity_enable> [fErrorChar]
$PortObj->abort_on_error(0); # cancel read/write [fAbortOnError]
# next one set by $PortObj->is_handshake("dtr");
$PortObj->output_dsr(0); # use DSR handshake on output [fOutxDsrFlow]
# next one set by $PortObj->is_handshake("rts");
$PortObj->output_cts(0); # use CTS handshake on output [fOutxCtsFlow]
# next two set by $PortObj->is_handshake("xoff");
$PortObj->input_xoff(0); # use Xon/Xoff handshake on input [fInX]
$PortObj->output_xoff(0); # use Xon/Xoff handshake on output [fOutX]
$PortObj->tx_on_xoff(0); # continue output even after input xoff sent
# [fTXContinueOnXoff]
The B<get_tick_count> method is a wrapper around the I<Win32::GetTickCount()>
function. It matches a corresponding method in I<Device::SerialPort> which
does not have access to the I<Win32::> namespace. It still returns time
in milliseconds - but can be used in cross-platform scripts.
=head2 Configuration and Capability Methods
The Win32 Serial Comm API provides extensive information concerning
the capabilities and options available for a specific port (and
instance). "Modem" ports have different capabilties than "RS-232"
ports - even if they share the same Hardware. Many traditional modem
actions are handled via TAPI. "Fax" ports have another set of options -
and are accessed via MAPI. Yet many of the same low-level API commands
and data structures are "common" to each type ("Modem" is implemented
as an "RS-232" superset). In addition, Win95 supports a variety of
legacy hardware (e.g fixed 134.5 baud) while WinNT has hooks for ISDN,
16-data-bit paths, and 256Kbaud.
=over 8
Binary selections will accept as I<true> any of the following:
C<("YES", "Y", "ON", "TRUE", "T", "1", 1)> (upper/lower/mixed case)
Anything else is I<false>.
There are a large number of possible configuration and option parameters.
To facilitate checking option validity in scripts, most configuration
methods can be used in two different ways:
=item method called with an argument
The parameter is set to the argument, if valid. An invalid argument
returns I<false> (undef) and the parameter is unchanged. After B<init_done>,
the port will be updated immediately if allowed. Otherwise, the value
will be applied when B<update_DCB> is called.
=item method called with no argument in scalar context
The current value is returned. If the value is not initialized either
directly or by default, return "undef" which will parse to I<false>.
For binary selections (true/false), return the current value. All
current values from "multivalue" selections will parse to I<true>.
Current values may differ from requested values until B<init_done>.
There is no way to see requests which have not yet been applied.
Setting the same parameter again overwrites the first request. Test
the return value of the setting method to check "success".
=item Asynchronous (Background) I/O
This version now handles Polling (do if Ready), Synchronous (block until
Ready), and Asynchronous Modes (begin and test if Ready) with the timeout
choices provided by the API. No effort has yet been made to interact with
Windows events. But background I/O has been used successfully with the
Perl Tk modules and callbacks from the event loop.
=item Timeouts
The API provides two timing models. The first applies only to reading and
essentially determines I<Read Not Ready> by checking the time between
consecutive characters. The B<ReadFile> operation returns if that time
exceeds the value set by B<is_read_interval>. It does this by timestamping
each character. It appears that at least one character must by received in
I<every> B<read> I<call to the API> to initialize the mechanism. The timer
is then reset by each succeeding character. If no characters are received,
the read will block indefinitely.
Setting B<is_read_interval> to C<0xffffffff> will do a non-blocking read.
The B<ReadFile> returns immediately whether or not any characters are
actually read. This replicates the behavior of the API.
The other model defines the total time allowed to complete the operation.
A fixed overhead time is added to the product of bytes and per_byte_time.
A wide variety of timeout options can be defined by selecting the three
parameters: fixed, each, and size.
Read_Total = B<is_read_const_time> + (B<is_read_char_time> * bytes_to_read)
Write_Total = B<is_write_const_time> + (B<is_write_char_time> * bytes_to_write)
When reading a known number of characters, the I<Read_Total> mechanism is
recommended. This mechanism I<MUST> be used with
I<Win32::SerialPort tied FileHandles> because the tie methods can make
multiple internal API calls. The I<Read_Interval> mechanism is suitable for
a B<read_bg> method that expects a response of variable or unknown size. You
should then also set a long I<Read_Total> timeout as a "backup" in case
no bytes are received.
=head2 Exports
Nothing is exported by default. The following tags can be used to have
large sets of symbols exported:
=over 4
=item :PARAM
Utility subroutines and constants for parameter setting and test:
LONGsize SHORTsize nocarp yes_true
OS_Error internal_buffer
=item :STAT
Serial communications status constants. Included are the constants for
ascertaining why a transmission is blocked:
BM_fCtsHold BM_fDsrHold BM_fRlsdHold BM_fXoffHold
BM_fXoffSent BM_fEof BM_fTxim BM_AllBits
Which incoming bits are active:
What hardware errors have been detected:
Offsets into the array returned by B<status:>
=item :RAW
The constants and wrapper methods for low-level API calls. Details of
these methods may change with testing. Some may be inherited from
Win32API::File when that becomes available.
$result=ClearCommError($handle, $Error_BitMask_p, $CommStatus);
$result=GetCommModemStatus($handle, $ModemStatus);
$result=GetCommProperties($handle, $CommProperties);
$result=GetCommState($handle, $DCB_Buffer);
$result=SetCommState($handle, $DCB_Buffer);
$result=SetupComm($handle, $in_buf_size, $out_buf_size);
$result=ReadFile($handle, $buffer, $wanted, $got, $template);
$result=WriteFile($handle, $buffer, $size, $count, $template);
$result=GetCommTimeouts($handle, $CommTimeOuts);
$result=SetCommTimeouts($handle, $CommTimeOuts);
$result=EscapeCommFunction($handle, $Func_ID);
$result=GetCommConfig($handle, $CommConfig, $Size);
$result=SetCommConfig($handle, $CommConfig, $Size);
$result=PurgeComm($handle, $flags);
$result=GetCommMask($handle, $Event_Bitmask);
$result=SetCommMask($handle, $Event_Bitmask);
$hEvent=CreateEvent($security, $reset_req, $initial, $name);
$handle=CreateFile($file, $access, $share, $security,
$creation, $flags, $template);
$result=TransmitCommChar($handle, $char);
$result=WaitCommEvent($handle, $Event_Bitmask, $lpOverlapped);
$result=GetOverlappedResult($handle, $lpOverlapped, $count, $bool);
Flags used by B<PurgeComm:>
Function IDs used by EscapeCommFunction:
Events used by B<WaitCommEvent:>
Errors specific to B<GetOverlappedResult:>
The constants for the I<CommProperties structure> returned by
B<GetCommProperties>. Included mostly for completeness.
BAUD_150 BAUD_300 BAUD_600 BAUD_1200
BAUD_1800 BAUD_2400 BAUD_4800 BAUD_7200
BAUD_9600 BAUD_14400 BAUD_19200 BAUD_38400
BAUD_56K BAUD_57600 BAUD_115200 BAUD_128K
=item :DCB
The constants for the I<Device Control Block> returned by B<GetCommState>
and updated by B<SetCommState>. Again, included mostly for completeness.
But there are some combinations of "FM_f" settings which are not currently
supported by high-level commands. If you need one of those, please report
the lack as a bug.
CBR_110 CBR_300 CBR_600 CBR_1200
CBR_2400 CBR_4800 CBR_9600 CBR_14400
CBR_19200 CBR_38400 CBR_56000 CBR_57600
CBR_115200 CBR_128000 CBR_256000
FM_fBinary FM_fParity FM_fOutxCtsFlow
FM_fOutxDsrFlow FM_fDtrControl FM_fDsrSensitivity
FM_fTXContinueOnXoff FM_fOutX FM_fInX
FM_fErrorChar FM_fNull FM_fRtsControl
FM_fAbortOnError FM_fDummy2
=item :ALL
All of the above. Except for the I<test suite>, there is not really a good
reason to do this.
=head1 NOTES
The object returned by B<new> is NOT a I<Filehandle>. You
will be disappointed if you try to use it as one.
e.g. the following is WRONG!!____C<print $PortObj "some text";>
I<Win32::SerialPort> supports accessing ports via I<Tied Filehandles>.
An important note about Win32 filenames. The reserved device names such
as C< COM1, AUX, LPT1, CON, PRN > can NOT be used as filenames. Hence
I<"COM2.cfg"> would not be usable for B<$Configuration_File_Name>.
This module uses Win32::API extensively. The raw API calls are B<very>
unforgiving. You will certainly want to start perl with the B<-w> switch.
If you can, B<use strict> as well. Try to ferret out all the syntax and
usage problems BEFORE issuing the API calls (many of which modify tuning
constants in hardware device drivers....not where you want to look for bugs).
Thanks to Ken White for testing on NT.
The current version of the module has been designed for testing using
the ActiveState and Core (GS 5.004_02) ports of Perl for Win32 without
requiring a compiler or using XS. In every case, compatibility has been
selected over performance. Since everything is (sometimes convoluted but
still pure) Perl, you can fix flaws and change limits if required. But
please file a bug report if you do. This module has been tested with
each of the binary perl versions for which Win32::API is supported: AS
builds 315, 316, and 500-509 and GS 5.004_02. It has only been tested on
Intel hardware.
=over 4
=item Tutorial
With all the options, this module needs a good tutorial. It doesn't
have a complete one yet. A I<"How to get started"> tutorial appeared
B<The Perl Journal #13> (March 1999). The demo programs are a good
starting point for additional examples.
=item Buffers
The size of the Win32 buffers are selectable with B<is_buffers>. But each read
method currently uses a fixed internal buffer of 4096 bytes. This can be
changed in the module source. The read-only B<internal_buffer> method will
give the current size. There are other fixed internal buffers as well. But
no one has needed to change those. The XS version will support dynamic buffer
=item Modems
Lots of modem-specific options are not supported. The same is true of
TAPI, MAPI. I<API Wizards> are welcome to contribute.
=item API Options
Lots of options are just "passed through from the API". Some probably
shouldn't be used together. The module validates the obvious choices when
possible. For something really fancy, you may need additional API
documentation. Available from I<Micro$oft Pre$$>.
=head1 BUGS
ActiveState ports of Perl for Win32 before build 500 do not support the
tools for building extensions and so will not support later versions of
this extension. In particular, the automated install and test scripts in
this distribution work differently with ActiveState builds 3xx.
There is no parameter checking on the "raw" API calls. You probably should
be familiar with using the calls in "C" before doing much experimenting.
On Win32, a port must B<close> before it can be reopened again by the same
process. If a physical port can be accessed using more than one name (see
above), all names are treated as one. The perl script can also be run
multiple times within a single batch file or shell script. The I<Makefile.PL>
spawns subshells with backticks to run the test suite on Perl 5.003 - ugly,
but it works.
On NT, a B<read_done> or B<write_done> returns I<False> if a background
operation is aborted by a purge. Win95 returns I<True>.
EXTENDED_OS_ERROR ($^E) is not supported by the binary ports before 5.005.
It "sort-of-tracks" B<$!> in 5.003 and 5.004, but YMMV.
A few NT systems seem to set B<can_parity_enable> true, but do not actually
support setting B<is_parity_enable>. This may be a characteristic of certain
third-party serial drivers. Or a Microsoft bug. I have not been able to
reproduce it on my system.
__Please send comments and bug reports to
=head1 AUTHORS
Bill Birthisel,,
Tye McQueen,,
=head1 SEE ALSO
Wi32::SerialPort - High-level user interface/front-end for this module
Win32API::File I<when available>
Win32::API - Aldo Calpini's "Magic", - Tom (Christiansen)'s Object-Oriented Tutorial
Copyright (C) 1999, Bill Birthisel. All rights reserved.
This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.
Most of the code in this module has been stable since version 0.12.
Except for items indicated as I<Experimental>, I do not expect functional
changes which are not fully backwards compatible. However, Version 0.16
removes the "dummy (0, 1) list" which was returned by many binary methods
in case they were called in list context. I do not know of any use outside
the test suite for that feature.
Version 0.12 added an I<Install.PL> script to put modules into the documented
Namespaces. The script uses I<MakeMaker> tools not available in
ActiveState 3xx builds. Users of those builds will need to install
differently (see README). Programs in the test suite are modified for
the current version. Additions to the configurtion files generated by
B<save> prevent those created by Version 0.15 from being used by earlier
Versions. 4 November 1999.
0,0 → 1,631
#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
# - Tracking Antenne
# Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (
# Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
# Es ist Ihnen gestattet:
# * das Werk vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen
# * Abwandlungen bzw. Bearbeitungen des Inhaltes anfertigen
# Zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
# * Namensnennung.
# Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen.
# * Keine kommerzielle Nutzung.
# Dieses Werk darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden.
# * Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen.
# Wenn Sie den lizenzierten Inhalt bearbeiten oder in anderer Weise umgestalten,
# verändern oder als Grundlage für einen anderen Inhalt verwenden,
# dürfen Sie den neu entstandenen Inhalt nur unter Verwendung von Lizenzbedingungen
# weitergeben, die mit denen dieses Lizenzvertrages identisch oder vergleichbar sind.
# Im Falle einer Verbreitung müssen Sie anderen die Lizenzbedingungen, unter welche dieses
# Werk fällt, mitteilen. Am Einfachsten ist es, einen Link auf diese Seite einzubinden.
# Jede der vorgenannten Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie die Einwilligung
# des Rechteinhabers dazu erhalten.
# Diese Lizenz lässt die Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte unberührt.
# Weitere Details zur Lizenzbestimmung gibt es hier:
# Kurzform:
# Komplett:
# 2009-02-14 0.0.1 rw created
# 2009-04-01 0.1.0 rw RC1
# 2009-06-14 0.1.1 rw Tilt-Servo added
# 2009-08-15 0.1.2 rw Flip Pan/Tilt servo for >180 degree
# config servo direction and range
# optional get antenna home position from Map-config
# Signal handler replaced by command-queue
# 2009-09-30 0.1.3 rw Commandline parameter added
# 2009-10-07 0.1.4 rw COM-Port > 9
# Servo Speed, neutral position and 8 bit position
# Add Coldstart command
# Relax servo at shutdown
# PortSetSkip config
$Version{''} = "0.1.4 - 2009-10-05";
if ( $0 =~ /$/i )
# Program wurde direkt aufgerufen
# change working directory to program path
my $Cwd = substr ($0, 0, rindex ($0, ""));
chdir $Cwd;
# set path for local Perl libs
push @INC, $Cwd . "perl/lib";
# Packages
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep gettimeofday); #
use threads; #
use threads::shared; #
use Thread::Queue; #
use Math::Trig;
use Geo::Ellipsoid; #
if ( $^O =~ /Win32/i )
require Win32::SerialPort; #
require Device::SerialPort; #
require ""; # MK communication
# Sharing for Threads
share (@ServoPos);
share (%MkTrack);
# Queue for receiving commands
$TrackQueue = Thread::Queue->new();
# Commandline
my %CmdLine = @ARGV;
# Parameter
# System Timer
$SysTimerResolution = 1000; # Resolution in us
# Com Port for Pololu Mikro-Servoboard
my $ComPort = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'Port'} || "COM8";
my $ServoPanCtrl = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'ServoPanCtrl'} || (0x00 | 15);
my $ServoTiltCtrl = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'ServoTiltCtrl'} || (0x20 | 15 );
my $ServoPanSpeed = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'ServoPanSpeed'} || 0;
my $ServoTiltSpeed = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'ServoTiltSpeed'} || 0;
my $ServoPanNeutral = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'ServoPanNeutral'} || 3000;
my $ServoTiltNeutral = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'ServoTiltNeutral'} || 3000;
$MkTrack{'ServoPanCtrl'} = $ServoPanCtrl;
$MkTrack{'ServoTiltCtrl'} = $ServoTiltCtrl;
$MkTrack{'ServoPanSpeed'} = $ServoPanSpeed;
$MkTrack{'ServoTiltSpeed'} = $ServoTiltSpeed;
$MkTrack{'ServoPanNeutral'} = $ServoPanNeutral;
$MkTrack{'ServoTiltNeutral'} = $ServoTiltNeutral;
# Servo parameter
$ServoPan = 0; # Servo channel Pan
$ServoTilt = 1; # Servo channel Tilt
$MkTrack{'ServoPan'} = $ServoPan;
$MkTrack{'ServoTilt'} = $ServoTilt;
@ServoSpeed = (200/40, 200/40, 200/40, 200/40, 200/40, 200/40, 200/40, 200/40); # ms/degree
$ServoConstPpm = 20; # PPM protocol overhead in ms
@ServoTest = ( [ 90, 0 ], # Pan, Tilt in degrees for servo test
[ 180, 0 ],
[ 180, 90 ],
[ 90, 0 ],
[ 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 90 ],
[ 90, 0 ],
[ 90, 180 ],
[ 90, 0 ], );
# Tracking
$TrackInterval = 50; # in ms
# Timer
sub SetTimer_ms()
return $SysTimerCount_ms + $_[0];
sub CheckTimer_ms()
my $Diff = $_[0] - $SysTimerCount_ms;
return ($Diff <= 0);
# Servo
sub ServoInit()
# open COM-Port
undef $ServoPort;
if ( $ComPort =~ /^COM/i )
$ComPort = "\\\\.\\" . $ComPort; # for Port > 9 required
if ( $^O =~ m/Win32/ )
$ServoPort = Win32::SerialPort->new ($ComPort) || die "Error open $ComPort\n";
$ServoPort = Device::SerialPort->new ($ComPort) || die "Error open $ComPort\n";
if ( ! ($Cfg->{'track'}->{'PortSetSkip'} =~ /y/i) )
# Set COM parameters, don't set for Bluetooth device
# Byte 1: sync - Pololu Mode
# Byte 2: device
# Byte 3: command
# Byte 4: Servo num
# Byte 5: Set Speed 0, 1..127, 0=full speed
# Speed Pan/Tilt servo #0/#1
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x80, 0x01, 0x01, 0, $ServoPanSpeed );
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x80, 0x01, 0x01, 1, $ServoTiltSpeed );
# Byte 5: Set Parameter
# Bit 6: Servo on/off
# Bit 5: Direction
# Bit 4-0: Servo Range
# Set Pan/Tilt servo #0/#1
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x80, 0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x40 | $ServoPanCtrl );
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x80, 0x01, 0x00, 1, 0x40 | $ServoTiltCtrl );
# Byte 5/6: Neutral in 0.5us
# Neutral Pan/Tilt servo #0/#1
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x80, 0x01, 0x05, 0, $ServoPanNeutral >> 7, $ServoPanNeutral & 0x7f);
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x80, 0x01, 0x05, 1, $ServoTiltNeutral >> 7, $ServoTiltNeutral & 0x7f);
@ServoStartTime = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); # Timestamp of last ServoMove() call
@ServoEndTime = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); # Timestamp of estimated arrival at end position
@ServoPos = (90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90); # Current servo position 0..180 degree
sub ServoMove()
my ($Num, $Angel, $Time) = @_;
my $Overhead = 0;
if ( $Angel != $ServoPos[$Num] )
if ( $Angel < 0) {$Angel = 0;}
if ( $Angel > 180) {$Angel = 180;}
my $Pos = int ($Angel * 255/180 + 0.5); # angel 0..180 degree to servo position 0..255
# output to COM port
# Byte 1: sync - Pololu Mode
# Byte 2: device
# Byte 3: command
# Byte 4: Servo num
# Byte 5/6: servo position 0..255
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x80, 0x01, 0x03, $Num, $Pos >> 7, $Pos & 0x7f);
$Overhead += $ServoConstPpm; # PPM protocol overhead
# set timer stuff for travel time predicion
my $LastAngel = $ServoPos[$Num];
my $EstimatedTime = abs($Angel - $LastAngel) * $ServoSpeed[$Num] + $Overhead;
if ( $Time > 0 )
# Parameter override
$EstimatedTime = $Time;
$ServoStartTime[$Num] = $SysTimerCount_ms;
$ServoEndTime[$Num] = $SysTimerCount_ms + $EstimatedTime;
$ServoPos[$Num] = $Angel;
return $ServoEndTime[$Num];
# switch off servo
sub ServoRelax()
if ( defined $ServoPort )
# Byte 1: sync - Pololu Mode
# Byte 2: device
# Byte 3: command
# Byte 4: Servo num
# Byte 5: Set Parameter
# Bit 6: Servo on/off
# Bit 5: Direction
# Bit 4-0: Servo Range
# Set Pan/Tilt servo #0/#1
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x80, 0x01, 0x00, 0, 0x00 | $ServoPanCtrl );
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x80, 0x01, 0x00, 1, 0x00 | $ServoTiltCtrl );
# Check, if servo has reached end position
sub ServoCheck()
my $Num = $_[0];
return &CheckTimer_ms($ServoEndTime[$Num]);
sub ServoClose()
# close COM-Port
undef $ServoPort;
# Track it
sub TrackAntennaGps()
# initialize system-timer
$SysTimerCount_ms = 0;
$SysTimerError = 0;
($t0_s, $t0_us) = gettimeofday;
# State maschine
my $State = "Idle";
while (1)
$MkTrack{'State'} = $State; # export state
# Idle
if ( $State eq "Idle" )
# nothing to do. Wait for commands in TrackQueue
# ColdStart
elsif ( $State eq "ColdStart" )
$ServoTestIndex = 0;
$State = "InitServoTest";
# Start servo test
# doesn't really make much sense, but looks cool:-)
elsif ( $State eq "InitServoTest")
if ( &ServoCheck ($ServoPan) and &ServoCheck ($ServoTilt) )
my $PanPos = $ServoTest[$ServoTestIndex][0];
my $TiltPos = $ServoTest[$ServoTestIndex][1];
$ServoTestIndex ++;
if ( defined $PanPos and defined $TiltPos )
my $Delay = 200;
my $LastPan = $ServoPos[$ServoPan];
my $LastTilt = $ServoPos[$ServoTilt];
my $EstimatedPan = 1000;
if ( $ServoPanSpeed != 0 )
# about 2ms/180degree pulse, 50us/s servo pulse change per unit
$EstimatedPan = abs($PanPos - $LastPan) * 0.002/180 / ($ServoPanSpeed * 0.000050) * 1000 + $Delay;
my $EstimatedTilt = 1000;
if ( $ServoTiltSpeed != 0 )
# about 2ms/180degree pulse, 50us/s servo pulse change per unit
$EstimatedTilt = abs($TiltPos - $LastTilt) * 0.002/180 / ($ServoTiltSpeed * 0.000050) * 1000 + $Delay;
&ServoMove ($ServoPan, $PanPos, $EstimatedPan); # override travel time
&ServoMove ($ServoTilt, $TiltPos, $EstimatedTilt); # override travel time
# complete
$ServoTestIndex = 0;
$State = "WaitGps";
# Servo test finisched
# Wait for GPS Home position and compass
elsif ( $State eq "WaitGps" )
if ( &ServoCheck ($ServoPan) )
lock (%MkOsd); # until end of block
lock (%MkTrack);
if ( $MkOsd{'_Timestamp'} >= time-2 and
$MkOsd{'SatsInUse'} >= 6 )
# gültige OSD daten vom MK und guter Satellitenempfang
# take GPS and compass from map definition or MK as antenna home-position
$MkTrack{'HomePos_Lon'} = $Map{'Track_Lon'} || $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'};
$MkTrack{'HomePos_Lat'} = $Map{'Track_Lat'} || $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'};
$MkTrack{'HomePos_Alt'} = $Map{'Track_Alt'} || $MkOsd{'HomePos_Alt'};
$MkTrack{'CompassHeading'} = $Map{'Track_Bearing'} || $MkOsd{'CompassHeading'};
$TrackTimer = &SetTimer_ms($TrackInterval);
$State = "TrackGps";
# GPS Fix Home position
# Track now
elsif ( $State eq "TrackGps" )
if ( &CheckTimer_ms($TrackTimer) and &ServoCheck($ServoPan) )
$TrackTimer = &SetTimer_ms($TrackInterval); # reload Timer
lock (%MkOsd); # until end of block
lock (%MkTrack);
if ( $MkOsd{'_Timestamp'} >= time -2 and
$MkOsd{'SatsInUse'} >= 4 )
# valid OSD data from the MK and sufficient satellites
my $Track_Geo = Geo::Ellipsoid->new( 'units' => 'degrees',
'distance_units' => 'meter',
'ellipsoid' => 'WGS84',
my ($Dist, $Bearing) = $Track_Geo->to($MkTrack{'HomePos_Lat'}, $MkTrack{'HomePos_Lon'},
$MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'});
my $Dir_h = $MkTrack{'CompassHeading'};
my $Dir_c = $MkOsd{'CompassHeading'};
if ( $Dist < 4 ) # meter
# Too close to Home-Position. Set antenna to middle position
$Bearing = $Dir_h;
$MkTrack{'Bearing'} = sprintf ("%d", $Bearing);
$MkTrack{'Dist'} = sprintf ("%d", $Dist);
$MkTrack{'CurPos_Lon'} = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'};
$MkTrack{'CurPos_Lat'} = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'};
$MkTrack{'CurPos_Alt'} = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'};
# antenna pan direction: 0..180 degree, centre = 90
my $AngelPan = $Bearing - $Dir_h + 90;
$AngelPan = $AngelPan % 360;
# antenna tilt direction: 0..180 degree, centre is up, 0 is front
my $AngelTilt = rad2deg(atan2(($MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'} - $MkTrack{'HomePos_Alt'}), $Dist));
if ( $AngelTilt < 0 ) { $AngelTilt = 0; }
if ( $AngelTilt > 180 ) { $AngelTilt = 180; }
if ( $AngelPan >= 180 )
# Flip Pan/Tilt
$AngelPan = $AngelPan - 180;
$AngelTilt = 180 - $AngelTilt;
$MkTrack{'AngelPan'} = $AngelPan;
$MkTrack{'AngelTilt'} = $AngelTilt;
&ServoMove ($ServoPan, $AngelPan);
&ServoMove ($ServoTilt, $AngelTilt);
# Timestamp, wann der Datensatz geschtieben wurde
$MkTrack{'_Timestamp'} = time;
# Restart
$State = "ColdStart";
# check command queue
while ( $TrackQueue->pending() > 0 )
my $Cmd = $TrackQueue->dequeue(1);
if ( $Cmd =~ /COLDSTART/i )
$State = "ColdStart";
if ( $Cmd =~ /IDLE/i )
if ( defined $ServoPort )
# move all Servo to neutral position
&ServoMove ($ServoPan, 90);
&ServoMove ($ServoTilt, 0);
sleep 1;
&ServoRelax(); # swith off servo
$State = "Idle";
# update system-timer
($t1_s, $t1_us) = gettimeofday;
$SysTimerSleep_us = ($t0_s - $t1_s) * 1000000 + $t0_us - $t1_us + $SysTimerCount_ms * $SysTimerResolution;
if ($SysTimerSleep_us > 0)
usleep ($SysTimerSleep_us);
$SysTimerError ++;
$SysTimerCount_ms ++;
# Main Program
if ( $0 =~ /$/i )
# Program wurde direkt aufgerufen
# Commandline Parameter
my $TrackPort = $CmdLine{'-TrackPort'};
if ( $TrackPort ne "" )
$ComPort = $TrackPort;
my $MkPort = $CmdLine{'-MkPort'};
if ( $MkPort ne "" )
$Cfg->{'mkcomm'}->{'Port'} = $MkPort;
my $PanCtrl = $CmdLine{'-PanCtrl'};
if ( $PanCtrl ne "" )
$ServoPanCtrl = $PanCtrl;
my $TiltCtrl = $CmdLine{'-TiltCtrl'};
if ( $TiltCtrl ne "" )
$ServoTiltCtrl = $TiltCtrl;
my $PanSpeed = $CmdLine{'-PanSpeed'};
if ( $PanSpeed ne "" )
$ServoPanSpeed = $PanSpeed;
my $TiltSpeed = $CmdLine{'-TiltSpeed'};
if ( $TiltSpeed ne "" )
$ServoTiltSpeed = $TiltSpeed;
my $PanNeutral = $CmdLine{'-PanNeutral'};
if ( $PanNeutral ne "" )
$ServoPanNeutral = $PanNeutral;
my $TiltNeutral = $CmdLine{'-TiltNeutral'};
if ( $TiltNeutral ne "" )
$ServoTiltNeutral = $TiltNeutral;
# Kommunikation zum MK herstellen
# Input: %MkOsd, %MkTarget, %MkNcDebug
# Ouput: Thread-Queue: $MkSendQueue
$mk_thr = threads->create (\&MkCommLoop) -> detach();
$TrackQueue->enqueue("COLDSTART"); # start command
# should never exit
0,0 → 1,639
#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
# - Translation fuer MK Datensaetze
# Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (
# Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
# Es ist Ihnen gestattet:
# * das Werk vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen
# * Abwandlungen bzw. Bearbeitungen des Inhaltes anfertigen
# Zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
# * Namensnennung.
# Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen.
# * Keine kommerzielle Nutzung.
# Dieses Werk darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden.
# * Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen.
# Wenn Sie den lizenzierten Inhalt bearbeiten oder in anderer Weise umgestalten,
# verändern oder als Grundlage für einen anderen Inhalt verwenden,
# dürfen Sie den neu entstandenen Inhalt nur unter Verwendung von Lizenzbedingungen
# weitergeben, die mit denen dieses Lizenzvertrages identisch oder vergleichbar sind.
# Im Falle einer Verbreitung müssen Sie anderen die Lizenzbedingungen, unter welche dieses
# Werk fällt, mitteilen. Am Einfachsten ist es, einen Link auf diese Seite einzubinden.
# Jede der vorgenannten Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie die Einwilligung
# des Rechteinhabers dazu erhalten.
# Diese Lizenz lässt die Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte unberührt.
# Weitere Details zur Lizenzbestimmung gibt es hier:
# Kurzform:
# Komplett:
# 2009-02-23 0.0.1 rw created
# 2009-04-01 0.1.0 rw RC1
# 2009-05-06 0.1.1 rw NC 0.15c
# 2009-05-17 0.1.2 rw Waypoint Player
# 2009-06-11 0.1.3 rw DE/EN support. English by Mark Griffin
# 2009-07-25 0.1.4 rw KML Player
# 2009-07-26 0.1.5 rw MK System messages
# 2009-08-08 0.1.7 rw TTS
# 2009-09-05 0.1.8 rw POI
# 2009-10-05 0.1.9 rw Servo Speed, Neutral
# MK Sim
# 2009-10-24 0.3.0 rw NC 0.17
$Version{''} = "0.3.0 - 2009-10-24";
use Win32::Locale; #
%Translate_DE = (
# NC Debug
"Analog_00" => "Angel Nick",
"Analog_01" => "Angel Roll",
"Analog_02" => "ACC Nick",
"Analog_03" => "ACC Roll",
"Analog_05" => "MK-Flags",
"Analog_06" => "NC-Flags",
"Analog_07" => "Nick Servo",
"Analog_08" => "Roll Servo",
"Analog_09" => "GPS Data",
"Analog_10" => "Compass Heading",
"Analog_11" => "Gyro Heading",
# "Analog_12" => "SPI Error",
"Analog_13" => "SPI OK",
# "Analog_14" => "I2C Error",
"Analog_15" => "I2C OK",
"Analog_16" => "FC Kalman K",
"Analog_17" => "ACC Speed North",
"Analog_18" => "ACC Speed East",
"Analog_19" => "GPS ACC",
"Analog_20" => "Max Drift",
"Analog_21" => "Speed North",
"Analog_22" => "Speed East",
"Analog_23" => "P-Part",
"Analog_24" => "I-Part",
"Analog_25" => "D-Part",
"Analog_26" => "PID-Part",
"Analog_27" => "Distance North",
"Analog_28" => "Distance East",
"Analog_29" => "GPS Nick",
"Analog_30" => "GPS Roll",
"Analog_31" => "Empfangene Satellitten",
"Altimeter" => "Höhe (Luftdruck)",
"AngleNick" => "Winkel Nick",
"AngleRoll" => "Winkel Roll",
"CompassHeading" => "Richtung Kompass",
"CurPos_Alt" => "Position Höhe",
"CurPos_Lat" => "Position Latitude",
"CurPos_Lon" => "Position Longitude",
"CurPos_Stat" => "Position Status",
"Errorcode" => "Fehler Code",
"FlyingTime" => "Flugzeit",
"GroundSpeed" => "Geschw. über Grund",
"Heading" => "Richtung",
"HomePosDev_Bearing" => "Homepos. Richtung",
"HomePosDev_Dist" => "Homepos. Entfernung",
"HomePos_Alt" => "Homepos. Höhe",
"HomePos_Lat" => "Homepos. Latitude",
"HomePos_Lon" => "Homepos. Longitude",
"HomePos_Stat" => "Homepos. Status",
"MKFlags" => "MK Flags",
"NCFlags" => "NC Flags",
"OperatingRadius" => "Operating Radius",
"RC_Quality" => "RC Signalstärke",
"SatsInUse" => "Empfangene Satellitten",
"TargetHoldTime" => "Wartezeit am Ziel",
"TargetPosDev_Bearing" => "Ziel Richtung",
"TargetPosDev_Dist" => "Ziel Entfernung",
"TargetPos_Alt" => "Ziel Höhe",
"TargetPos_Lat" => "Ziel Latitude",
"TargetPos_Lon" => "Ziel Longitude",
"TargetPos_Stat" => "Ziel Status",
"TopSpeed" => "Geschwindigkeit vertikal",
"UBat" => "Batterie Spannung",
"Variometer" => "Variometer",
"WaypointIndex" => "Wegpunkt Index",
"WaypointNumber" => "Wegpunkt Nummer",
"SetpointAltitude" => "Setpoint Höhe",
"Gas" => "Gas",
"_Timestamp" => "_Zeitstempel",
# NC Target
"EventFlag" => "Event Flag",
"Richtung" => "Richtung",
"HoldTime" => "Wartezeit",
"Pos_Alt" => "Position Höhe",
"Pos_Lat" => "Position Latitude",
"Pos_Lon" => "Position Longitude",
"Pos_Stat" => "Position Status",
"ToleranceRadius" => "Toleranz Radius",
# Configuration
"geserver" => "Google Earth Server",
"logging" => "Logging",
"map" => "Karte",
"mkcockpit" => "Mission Cockpit",
"mkcomm" => "MK Kommunikation",
"Port" => "Port *",
"PortSetSkip" => "Keine Port Parameter (Y für BT) *",
"track" => "Tracking Antenne",
"waypoint" => "Wegpunkte",
"HttpPort" => "HTTP Port *",
"CsvLogDir" => "CSV Log-Verzeichnis *",
"GpxLogDir" => "GPX Log-Verzeichnis *",
"KmlLogDir" => "KML Log-Verzeichnis *",
"MapDefault" => "Kartendefinition Hintergrundbild *",
"MapDir" => "Verzeichnis fuer Karten *",
"Active" => "Aktiv *",
"AltFactor" => "Faktor Höhe(Luftdruck) nach Meter",
"DefaultEventFlag" => "Default Event-Flag",
"DefaultHeading" => "Default Heading",
"DefaultHoldtime" => "Default Holdtime",
"DefaultToleranceRadius"=> "Default Toleranz Radius",
"WpDir" => "Verzeichnis Wegpunkte *",
"ColorAirfield" => "Farbe Flugfeldbegrenzung *",
"ColorHomeDist" => "Farbe Text Entfernung Home *",
"ColorHomeLine" => "Farbe Linie Entfernung Home *",
"ColorKmlTrack" => "Farbe KML Spur",
"ColorMkSatGood" => "Farbe MK guter Sat-Empfang",
"ColorMkSatLow" => "Farbe MK schlechter Sat-Empfang",
"ColorMkSatNo" => "Farbe MK kein Sat-Empfang",
"ColorOsd" => "Farbe OSD *",
"ColorSpeedVector" => "Farbe Speed-Vektor *",
"ColorTargetDist" => "Farbe Text Entfernung Ziel *",
"ColorTargetLine" => "Farbe Linie Entfernung Ziel *",
"ColorVariometer" => "Farbe Variometer-Skala *",
"ColorVariometerPointer"=> "Farbe Variometer-Zeiger *",
"ColorWpConnector" => "Farbe Wegpunkt-Connector",
"ColorWpResend" => "Farbe Wp-Conn. geaendert",
"ColorWpNumber" => "Farbe Wegpunkt Nummer",
"ColorFootprint" => "Farbe Footprint",
"FootprintLength" => "Länge Footprint (in s)",
"IconFox" => "Icon Fuchsjagd *",
"IconHeartLarge" => "Icon Heartbeat gross *",
"IconHeartSmall" => "Icon Heartbeat klein *",
"IconSatellite" => "Icon Satellit *",
"IconTarget" => "Icon Ziel *",
"IconWaypoint" => "Icon Wegpunkt *",
"Intervall" => "Intervall (in s) *",
"UBatWarning" => "Batterie Warnung (in V) ",
"IconFirst" => "Icon erster WP *",
"IconHome" => "Icon Home *",
"IconLast" => "Icon letzter WP *",
"IconNext" => "Icon nächster WP *",
"IconPause" => "Icon Pause *",
"IconPlay" => "Icon Play *",
"IconPrev" => "Icon vorheriger WP *",
"IconStop" => "Icon Stop WP-Player *",
"KmlDir" => "Verzeichnis KML-Files *",
"KmlTimeBase" => "KML Player Zeitbasis (s) *",
"PauseMoveDist" => "Pause-Verschiebe-Länge (m) *",
"tts" => "Text To Speech",
"StartScenario" => "Start Szenario",
"KmlFile" => "KML Dateiname *",
"WpFile" => "Waypoint Dateiname *",
"PlayerMode" => "Player Modus *",
"PlayerRandomMode" => "Random Modus *",
"PlayerWptKmlMode" => "Event- oder zeitgesteuert *",
"AudioMute" => "Audio stumm schalten *",
"ServoPanCtrl" => "Servo Pan Control *",
"ServoTiltCtrl" => "Servo Tilt Control *",
"ServoPanSpeed" => "Servo Pan Speed *",
"ServoTiltSpeed" => "Servo Tilt Speed *",
"ServoPanNeutral" => "Servo Pan Mittelstellung *",
"ServoTiltNeutral" => "Servo Tilt Mittelstellung *",
"IconAntenna" => "Icon Antenne *",
"mksim" => "Simulator",
"ImageSize" => "Größe Bild",
# Waypoint
"MapX" => "X-Position auf Karte",
"MapY" => "Y-Position auf Karte",
"Event_Flag" => "Event Flag",
"Holdtime" => "Wartezeit am Wegpunkt",
# GUI (
"File" => "~Datei",
"Preferences" => "Einstellungen",
"Exit" => "Ende",
"Debug" => "D~ebug",
"NcOsdDataset" => "NC ~OSD Datensatz (O)",
"NcTargetDataset" => "NC ~Target Datensatz (s)",
"NcDebugDataset" => "NC ~Debug Datensatz (D)",
"NcOther" => "NC ~Sonstiges",
"TrackingDebugDataset" => "Tracking ~Antenne Debug Datensatz",
"Help" => "~Hilfe",
"Version" => "Version",
"About" => "Über",
"AboutMissionCockpit" => "Über Mission Cockpit",
"StatusLine" => "Statuszeile",
"Map" => "Karte",
"MapDebugDataset" => "Map Datensatz",
"MkDebugSim" => "MK Simulator",
"MkMotorRun" => "Motor läuft",
"MkFly" => "Fliegt",
"MkCalibrate" => "Calibrierung",
"MkStart" => "Motor Start",
"MkEmergency" => "Notlandung",
"NcFlagFree" => "Free",
"NcFlagPH" => "PH",
"NcFlagCH" => "CH",
"NcFlagRangeLimit" => "Range Limit",
"NcFlagNoSerialLink" => "No Serial Link",
"NcFlagTargetReached" => "Target reached",
"NcFlagManualControl" => "Manual Control",
"DataLink" => "Daten Link",
"Balloon-MK-Arrow" => "MikroKopter",
"Balloon-MK-Home-Line" => "Hier gehts nach Hause",
"Balloon-MK-Home-Dist" => "Entfernung nach Hause",
"Balloon-MK-Target-Line" => "Hier gehts zum Ziel",
"Balloon-MK-Target-Dist" => "Entfernung zum Ziel",
"Balloon-MK-Speed" => "Geschwindigkeits-Vektor",
"Balloon-Map-Variometer" => "Variometer",
"Balloon-Map-Variometer-Pointer" => "Variometer",
"Balloon-Map-Variometer-Skala" => "Variometer",
"Balloon-Fox" => "Ziel für Fuchsjagd",
"Balloon-Heartbeat" => "Aktivität Datenübertragung zum MK",
"Balloon-Satellite" => "Guter Satelliten-Empfang",
"Balloon-Waypoint" => "Wegpunkt",
"Balloon-Map-Border" => "Flugplatz",
"Balloon-Waypoint-Connector" => "Verbinder Wegpunkte",
"Balloon-Wp-PlayPause" => "Play/Pause (Leertaste)",
"Balloon-Wp-Stop" => "Stop Player(s)",
"Balloon-Wp-First" => "Zum ersten Waypoint (f)",
"Balloon-Wp-Last" => "Zum letzten Waypoint (l)",
"Balloon-Wp-Next" => "Zum nächsten Waypoint (n)",
"Balloon-Wp-Prev" => "Zum vorgerigen Waypoint (p)",
"Balloon-Wp-Home" => "Zur Home-Position (h)",
"Balloon-Wp-WptKml" => "Waypoint oder KML Mode (w,k)",
"Balloon-Wp-WptRandom" => "Random Mode (r)",
"Balloon-Wp-Record" => "Aufnahme (a)",
"Balloon-TrackAntenna" => "Tracking Antenne",
"Balloon-Poi" => "Point Of Interest",
"TargetCoordSent" => "Ziel-Koordinaten gesendet",
"WpMoved" => "Wegpunkt verschoben",
"WpAddAndSend" => "Wegpunkt hinzufügen und senden",
"WpSavedAndSent" => "Wegpunkt gespeichert und gesendet",
"WpProperties" => "Wegpunkt Eigenschaften",
"WpResendAll" => "Alle Wegpunkte erneut senden",
"WpAllSent" => "Alle Wegpunkte gesendet",
"WpLoadAndSend" => "Wegpunkte laden und senden",
"WpLoad" => "Wegpunkte laden",
"WpLoadedAndSent" => "Wegpunkte geladen und gesendet",
"WpSave" => "Wegpunkte speichern",
"WpSaved" => "Wegpunkte in gespeichert",
"WpDelete" => "Wegpunkt löschen",
"WpDeleted" => "Wegpunkt gelöscht",
"WpAllDeleteAndSend" => "Alle Wegpunkte löschen und senden",
"WpAllDeleted" => "Alle Wegpunkte gelöscht",
"WpFlyImmediately" => "Ziel sofort anfliegen",
"Abort" => "Abbruch",
"RestartRequired" => "*) Aenderungen werden erst nach Programm-Neustart wirksam!",
"KmlLoadAndPlay" => "KML Datei laden",
"KmlLoad" => "KML laden",
"KmlLoaded" => "KML geladen",
"PoiMoved" => "POI verschoben",
# MK System Meldungen
"MsgNoSatReception" => "Kein SAT Empfang",
"MsgWeakSatReception" => "Schwacher SAT Empfang",
"MsgBatWarning" => "Akku Warnung",
"MsgNoData" => "Kein Daten-Link",
"MsgRangeLimit" => "Reichweiten Warnung",
"MsgRcWarning" => "RC Reichweiten Warnung",
"MsgRcError" => "Kein RC Empfang",
"MsgMotorOff" => "Motor ist aus",
"MsgNotFlying", => "MK ist am Boden",
"MsgCalibrate", => "Kalibrierung",
"MsgStart" => "Motor start ...",
"MsgEmergencyLanding" => "Notlandung",
"MsgOutsideBorder", => "MK ausserhalb Flugfeld",
"MsgCrossingBorder", => "Mk kreuzt Flugfeldbegrenzung",
"TtsBattery" => "Batterie, %d komma %d Volt",
"TtsFlightTimeMinSec" => "Flugzeit, %d Minuten, %d Sekunden",
"TtsFlightTimeSec" => "Flugzeit, %d Sekunden",
"TtsAltitude" => "Höhe, %d Meter",
"TtsAltitudeNegative" => "Höhe, Minus %d Meter",
"TtsSatellite" => "Sattelliten, %d",
"TtsBatteryWarning" => "Niedrige, Batterie Spannung",
"TtsRcWeak" => "schwacher, RC Empfang",
"TtsRcNo" => "Kein, RC Empfang",
"TtsCrossingBorder" => "Kreuzt, Flug feld Begrenzung",
"TtsOutsideAirfield" => "Ausserhalb, Flug feld",
"TtsRange" => "Reichweiten Warnung",
"TtsNoDataLink" => "Kein, Daten Link",
"TtsNextTarget" => "Fliege zum nächsten Ziel",
"TtsTargetReached" => "Ziel erreicht",
"TtsFun" => "Huiiii, das macht Spass!",
%Translate_EN = (
# NC Debug
"Analog_00" => "Angel Nick",
"Analog_01" => "Angel Roll",
"Analog_02" => "ACC Nick",
"Analog_03" => "ACC Roll",
"Analog_05" => "MK-Flags",
"Analog_06" => "NC-Flags",
"Analog_07" => "Tilt Servo",
"Analog_08" => "Pan Servo",
"Analog_09" => "GPS Data",
"Analog_10" => "Compass Heading",
"Analog_11" => "Gyro Heading",
# "Analog_12" => "SPI Error",
"Analog_13" => "SPI OK",
# "Analog_14" => "I2C Error",
"Analog_15" => "I2C OK",
"Analog_16" => "FC Kalman K",
"Analog_17" => "ACC Speed North",
"Analog_18" => "ACC Speed East",
"Analog_19" => "GPS ACC",
"Analog_20" => "Max Drift",
"Analog_21" => "Speed North",
"Analog_22" => "Speed East",
"Analog_23" => "P-Part",
"Analog_24" => "I-Part",
"Analog_25" => "D-Part",
"Analog_26" => "PID-Part",
"Analog_27" => "Distance North",
"Analog_28" => "Distance East",
"Analog_29" => "GPS Nick",
"Analog_30" => "GPS Roll",
"Analog_31" => "Satellite Receive",
"Altimeter" => "Altitude (air)",
"AngleNick" => "Nick angle",
"AngleRoll" => "Roll angle",
"CompassHeading" => "Compass Heading",
"CurPos_Alt" => "Position Höhe",
"CurPos_Lat" => "Position Latitude",
"CurPos_Lon" => "Position Longitude",
"CurPos_Stat" => "Position Status",
"Errorcode" => "Error Code",
"FlyingTime" => "Flying time",
"GroundSpeed" => "Ground speed",
"Heading" => "Heading",
"HomePosDev_Bearing" => "Homeposition Bearing",
"HomePosDev_Dist" => "Homeposition Distance",
"HomePos_Alt" => "Homeposition Altitude",
"HomePos_Lat" => "Homeposition Latitude",
"HomePos_Lon" => "Homeposition Longitude",
"HomePos_Stat" => "Homeposition Status",
"MKFlags" => "MK Flags",
"NCFlags" => "NC Flags",
"OperatingRadius" => "Operating Radius",
"RC_Quality" => "RC Signal quality",
"SatsInUse" => "Satellites in use",
"TargetHoldTime" => "Target hold time",
"TargetPosDev_Bearing" => "Target Richtung",
"TargetPosDev_Dist" => "Target Distance",
"TargetPos_Alt" => "Target Altitude",
"TargetPos_Lat" => "Target Latitude",
"TargetPos_Lon" => "Target Longitude",
"TargetPos_Stat" => "Target Status",
"TopSpeed" => "Vertical Speed",
"UBat" => "Battery Voltage",
"Variometer" => "Variometer",
"WaypointIndex" => "Waypoint Index",
"WaypointNumber" => "Waypoint Number",
"SetpointAltitude" => "Setpoint Altitude",
"Gas" => "Gas",
"_Timestamp" => "_Timestamp",
# NC Target
"EventFlag" => "Event Flag",
"Richtung" => "Direction",
"HoldTime" => "Hold Time",
"Pos_Alt" => "Position Altitude",
"Pos_Lat" => "Position Latitude",
"Pos_Lon" => "Position Longitude",
"Pos_Stat" => "Position Status",
"ToleranceRadius" => "Tolerance Radius",
# Configuration
"geserver" => "Google Earth Server",
"logging" => "Logging",
"map" => "Map",
"mkcockpit" => "Mission Cockpit",
"mkcomm" => "MK Communication",
"Port" => "Port *",
"PortSetSkip" => "Don't set Port Parameter (Y for BT) *",
"track" => "Tracking Antenna",
"waypoint" => "Waypoint",
"HttpPort" => "HTTP Port *",
"CsvLogDir" => "CSV Log directory *",
"GpxLogDir" => "GPX Log directory *",
"KmlLogDir" => "KML Log directory *",
"MapDefault" => "Map default Background image *",
"MapDir" => "Map Directory *",
"Active" => "Active *",
"AltFactor" => "Altitude factor (air) in Meter",
"DefaultEventFlag" => "Default Event-Flag",
"DefaultHeading" => "Default Heading",
"DefaultHoldtime" => "Default Holdtime",
"DefaultToleranceRadius"=> "Default Tolerance Radius",
"WpDir" => "Waypoint directory *",
"ColorAirfield" => "Color Airfield boundary *",
"ColorHomeDist" => "Color Text Distance Home *",
"ColorHomeLine" => "Color Line Distance Home *",
"ColorKmlTrack" => "Color KML Track",
"ColorMkSatGood" => "Color MK good Sat reception",
"ColorMkSatLow" => "Color MK weak Sat reception",
"ColorMkSatNo" => "Color MK no Sat reception",
"ColorOsd" => "Color OSD *",
"ColorSpeedVector" => "Color Speed-Vector *",
"ColorTargetDist" => "Color Text Target distance *",
"ColorTargetLine" => "Color Linie Target distance *",
"ColorVariometer" => "Color Variometer Scale *",
"ColorVariometerPointer"=> "Color Variometer pointer *",
"ColorWpConnector" => "Color Waypoint connector",
"ColorWpResend" => "Color Wp-Conn. changed",
"ColorWpNumber" => "Color Waypoint Number",
"ColorFootprint" => "Color Footprint",
"FootprintLength" => "Länge Footprint (in s)",
"IconFox" => "Icon Fox *",
"IconHeartLarge" => "Icon Heartbeat large *",
"IconHeartSmall" => "Icon Heartbeat small *",
"IconSatellite" => "Icon Satellite *",
"IconTarget" => "Icon Target *",
"IconWaypoint" => "Icon Waypoint *",
"Intervall" => "Interval (in s) *",
"UBatWarning" => "Battery Warning (in V) ",
"IconFirst" => "Icon first WP *",
"IconHome" => "Icon Home *",
"IconLast" => "Icon last WP *",
"IconNext" => "Icon next WP *",
"IconPause" => "Icon Pause *",
"IconPlay" => "Icon Play *",
"IconPrev" => "Icon previous WP *",
"IconStop" => "Icon Stop WP-Player *",
"KmlDir" => "Directory KML-Files *",
"KmlTimeBase" => "KML Player Timebase (s) *",
"PauseMoveDist" => "Pause Move Distance (m) *",
"tts" => "Text To Speech",
"StartScenario" => "Start Scenario",
"KmlFile" => "KML Filename *",
"WpFile" => "Waypoint Filename *",
"PlayerMode" => "Player Mode *",
"PlayerRandomMode" => "Random Mode *",
"PlayerWptKmlMode" => "Event- or time controlled *",
"AudioMute" => "Mute Audio *",
"ServoPanCtrl" => "Servo Pan Control *",
"ServoTiltCtrl" => "Servo Tilt Control *",
"ServoPanSpeed" => "Servo Pan Speed *",
"ServoTiltSpeed" => "Servo Tilt Speed *",
"ServoPanNeutral" => "Servo Pan Neutral *",
"ServoTiltNeutral" => "Servo Tilt Neutral *",
"IconAntenna" => "Icon Antenna *",
"mksim" => "Simulator",
"ImageSize" => "Image Size",
# Waypoint
"MapX" => "X-Position on the map",
"MapY" => "Y-Position on the map",
"Event_Flag" => "Event Flag",
"Holdtime" => "Waiting time at Waypoint",
# GUI (
"File" => "~File",
"Preferences" => "Preferences",
"Exit" => "E~xit",
"Debug" => "D~ebug",
"NcOsdDataset" => "NC ~OSD Record (O)",
"NcTargetDataset" => "NC ~Target Record (s)",
"NcDebugDataset" => "NC ~Debug Record (D)",
"NcOther" => "NC ~Other",
"TrackingDebugDataset" => "Tracking ~Antenna Debug Record",
"Help" => "~Help",
"Version" => "Version",
"About" => "About",
"AboutMissionCockpit" => "About Mission Cockpit",
"StatusLine" => "Status line",
"Map" => "Map",
"MapDebugDataset" => "Map Record",
"MkDebugSim" => "MK Simulator",
"Balloon-MK-Arrow" => "MikroKopter",
"Balloon-MK-Home-Line" => "This way to Home",
"Balloon-MK-Home-Dist" => "Distance to Home",
"Balloon-MK-Target-Line" => "This way to the Target",
"Balloon-MK-Target-Dist" => "Distance to Target",
"Balloon-MK-Speed" => "Speed vector",
"Balloon-Map-Variometer" => "Variometer",
"Balloon-Map-Variometer-Pointer" => "Variometer",
"Balloon-Map-Variometer-Skala" => "Variometer",
"Balloon-Fox" => "Target for Fox hunting",
"Balloon-Heartbeat" => "MK data activity",
"Balloon-Satellite" => "Good satellite reception",
"Balloon-Waypoint" => "Waypoint",
"Balloon-Map-Border" => "Airfield",
"Balloon-Waypoint-Connector" => "Waypoint connector",
"Balloon-Wp-PlayPause" => "Play/Pause (Space)",
"Balloon-Wp-Stop" => "Stop Player(s)",
"Balloon-Wp-First" => "Go to 1st Waypoint (f)",
"Balloon-Wp-Last" => "Go to last Waypoint (l)",
"Balloon-Wp-Next" => "Go to next Waypoint (n)",
"Balloon-Wp-Prev" => "Go to previous Waypoint (p)",
"Balloon-Wp-Home" => "Coming Home (h)",
"Balloon-Wp-WptKml" => "Waypoint or KML Mode (w,k)",
"Balloon-Wp-WptRandom" => "Random Mode (r)",
"Balloon-Wp-Record" => "Record (a)",
"Balloon-TrackAntenna" => "Tracking Antenna",
"Balloon-Poi" => "Point Of Interest",
"TargetCoordSent" => "Target coordinates sent",
"WpMoved" => "Waypoint moved",
"WpAddAndSend" => "Add and send Waypoint",
"WpSavedAndSent" => "Waypoint saved and sent",
"WpProperties" => "Waypoint preferneces",
"WpResendAll" => "Resend all Wayoints",
"WpAllSent" => "All Waypoints sent",
"WpLoadAndSend" => "Load and send Waypoints",
"WpLoad" => "Load Waypoints",
"WpLoadedAndSent" => "Waypoints loaded and sent",
"WpSave" => "Save Waypoints",
"WpSaved" => "Waypoints saved",
"WpDelete" => "Delete Waypoint",
"WpDeleted" => "Waypoint deleted",
"WpAllDeleteAndSend" => "Delete and send all Waypoints",
"WpAllDeleted" => "All Waypoints deleted",
"WpFlyImmediately" => "Fly immediately to Target",
"Abort" => "Abort",
"RestartRequired" => "*) Restart of Program required!",
"KmlLoadAndPlay" => "Load KML file",
"KmlLoad" => "KML load",
"KmlLoaded" => "KML file loaded",
"PoiMoved" => "POI moved",
# MK System Messages
"MsgNoSatReception" => "No SAT Reception",
"MsgWeakSatReception" => "Weak SAT Reception",
"MsgBatWarning" => "Battery Warning",
"MsgNoData" => "No Data-Link",
"MsgRangeLimit" => "Range Limit Warning",
"MsgRcWarning" => "RC Warning",
"MsgRcError" => "No RC Reception",
"MsgMotorOff" => "Engine is OFF",
"MsgNotFlying", => "MK on Ground",
"MsgCalibrate", => "Calibration",
"MsgStart" => "STart Engines ...",
"MsgEmergencyLanding" => "Emergency Landing",
"MsgOutsideBorder", => "MK outside Airfield",
"MsgCrossingBorder", => "Mk crossing Airfield Border",
"TtsBattery" => "Battery, %d dot %d Volt",
"TtsFlightTimeMinSec" => "Flight Time, %d Minutes, %d Seconds",
"TtsFlightTimeSec" => "Flight Time, %d Seconds",
"TtsAltitude" => "Altitude, %d Meter",
"TtsAltitudeNegative" => "Altitude, Minus %d Meter",
"TtsSatellite" => "Satellite, %d",
"TtsBatteryWarning" => "Batterie, Warning",
"TtsRcWeak" => "weak, Remote Control Reception",
"TtsRcNo" => "No, Remote Control Reception",
"TtsCrossingBorder" => "Crossing, Airfield, Border",
"TtsOutsideAirfield" => "Outside, Airfield",
"TtsRange" => "Range Warning",
"TtsNoDataLink" => "No Data Link",
"TtsNextTarget" => "Fly to next Target",
"TtsTargetReached" => "Target reached",
"TtsFun" => "yes, this is fun!",
# automatic language selection according to LOCALE setting
my $Lang = Win32::Locale::get_language();
if ( $Lang =~ /de/i )
%Translate = %Translate_DE;
%Translate = %Translate_EN;
0,0 → 1,180
#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
# - Text To Speech
# Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (
# Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
# Es ist Ihnen gestattet:
# * das Werk vervielfältigen, verbreiten und öffentlich zugänglich machen
# * Abwandlungen bzw. Bearbeitungen des Inhaltes anfertigen
# Zu den folgenden Bedingungen:
# * Namensnennung.
# Sie müssen den Namen des Autors/Rechteinhabers in der von ihm festgelegten Weise nennen.
# * Keine kommerzielle Nutzung.
# Dieses Werk darf nicht für kommerzielle Zwecke verwendet werden.
# * Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen.
# Wenn Sie den lizenzierten Inhalt bearbeiten oder in anderer Weise umgestalten,
# verändern oder als Grundlage für einen anderen Inhalt verwenden,
# dürfen Sie den neu entstandenen Inhalt nur unter Verwendung von Lizenzbedingungen
# weitergeben, die mit denen dieses Lizenzvertrages identisch oder vergleichbar sind.
# Im Falle einer Verbreitung müssen Sie anderen die Lizenzbedingungen, unter welche dieses
# Werk fällt, mitteilen. Am Einfachsten ist es, einen Link auf diese Seite einzubinden.
# Jede der vorgenannten Bedingungen kann aufgehoben werden, sofern Sie die Einwilligung
# des Rechteinhabers dazu erhalten.
# Diese Lizenz lässt die Urheberpersönlichkeitsrechte unberührt.
# Weitere Details zur Lizenzbestimmung gibt es hier:
# Kurzform:
# Komplett:
# 2009-08-08 0.0.1 rw created
$Version{''} = "0.0.1 - 2009-08-08";
# Packages
use threads; #
use threads::shared; #
use Thread::Queue; #
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep); #
# eSpeak software required, download from:
# Queues for Sending Mesages to TTS Thread
$TtsSendQueueLow = Thread::Queue->new(); # for low prio messages
$TtsSendQueueMedium = Thread::Queue->new(); # for medium prio messages
$TtsSendQueueHigh = Thread::Queue->new(); # for high prio messages
$TtsMute = 0; # Mute audio switch
# Main loop, never ending
sub TtsLoop()
# say hello
# Parameter
local $Program = $Cfg->{'tts'}->{'Program'} || "C:/Program Files/eSpeak/command_line/espeak.exe";
local $Options = $Cfg->{'tts'}->{'Options'} || "-v de -a 200 -b";
local $Welcome = $Cfg->{'tts'}->{'Welcome'} || "Starte Mischn Kockpit";
if ( ! -f $Program )
print "TTS: Program \"$Program\" does not exist. Exit\n";
# say hello
&TtsCall ($Welcome);
while ( 1 )
# process all High prio Messages
while ( $TtsSendQueueHigh->pending() > 0 )
my $Text = $TtsSendQueueHigh->dequeue(1);
# process all Medium prio Messages
while ( $TtsSendQueueMedium->pending() > 0 and
$TtsSendQueueHigh->pending() == 0 )
my $Text = $TtsSendQueueMedium->dequeue(1);
# Check Low prio Messages one by one
if ( $TtsSendQueueLow->pending() > 0 and
$TtsSendQueueMedium->pending() == 0 and
$TtsSendQueueHigh->pending() == 0 )
my $Text = $TtsSendQueueLow->dequeue(1);
usleep (100000); # 100ms
# call TTS program
sub TtsCall()
my ($Text) = @_;
my $Cmd = "\"$Program\" $Options \"$Text\"";
system $Cmd;
# Add Text to TTS-Queue
sub TtsSpeak ()
my ($Prio, $Text) = @_;
if ( ! $TtsMute and $Cfg->{'tts'}->{'Active'} =~ /y/i )
if ( $Prio eq 'HIGH' )
$TtsSendQueueHigh->enqueue( $Text);
elsif ( $Prio eq 'MEDIUM' )
$TtsSendQueueMedium->enqueue( $Text);
$TtsSendQueueLow->enqueue( $Text);
# Clear pending Messages
sub TtsClear ()
my ($Prio) = @_;
while ($Prio eq 'HIGH' and $TtsSendQueueHigh->pending() >0 )
while ($Prio eq 'MEDIUM' and $TtsSendQueueMedium->pending() >0 )
while ($Prio eq 'LOW' and $TtsSendQueueLow->pending() >0 )
# Hauptprgramm
if ( $0 =~ /$/i )
# Program wurde direkt aufgerufen
# should never exit
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ToleranceRadius="3" />
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ToleranceRadius="3" />
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ToleranceRadius="3" />
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