Subversion Repositories Projects

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 373 → Rev 377

163,6 → 163,15
* convert the <heading> gotton from NC into a more
* precise index
uint8_t heading_fine_conv(uint16_t heading) {
if (heading > 337) return 0;
return (heading * 10) / 225;
* draw a compass rose at <x>/<y> for <heading>
void draw_compass(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint16_t heading) {
181,6 → 190,56
/* ##########################################################################
* battery index
* ##########################################################################*/
* draw a battery symbol at <x>/<y> according to <voltage>
void draw_battery(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint16_t voltage) {
uint8_t percent = (100* (voltage - UBAT_WRN) / (UBAT_MAX - UBAT_WRN));
if (percent > 100) percent = 100;
write_char_xy(x, y, 0x9d - (percent * 13 / 100));
//write_ndigit_number_u(x, y-1, percent * 13 / 100, 100, 0);
* draw variometer arrows at <x>/<y> according to <variometer>
void draw_variometer(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, int16_t variometer) {
if (variometer == 0) {
write_char_xy(x, y, 0xbb); // plain line
} else if (variometer > 0) { // gain height
switch (variometer / 5){
case 0:
write_char_xy(x, y, 0xba); // smallest arrow up
case 1:
write_char_xy(x, y, 0xb9); // small arrow up
case 2:
write_char_xy(x, y, 0xb8); // large arrow up
write_char_xy(x, y, 0xb7); // largest arrow up
} else { // sink
switch (variometer / -5){
case 0:
write_char_xy(x, y, 0xbc); // smallest arrow down
case 1:
write_char_xy(x, y, 0xbd); // small arrow down
case 2:
write_char_xy(x, y, 0xbe); // large arrow down
write_char_xy(x, y, 0xbf); // largest arrow down
/* ##########################################################################
* artificial horizon
* ##########################################################################*/
// remember last time displayed values
539,12 → 598,14
uint8_t old_MKFlags = 0;
char* directions[8] = {"NE", "E ", "SE", "S ", "SW", "W ", "NW", "N "};
char arrowdir[8] = {218, 217, 224, 223, 222, 221, 220, 219};
//char arrowdir[8] = {218, 217, 224, 223, 222, 221, 220, 219};
/*write_ndigit_number_s_10th(5, 10, 1, 100, 0);
write_ndigit_number_s_10th(5, 11, -1, 100, 0);
write_ndigit_number_s_10th(5, 12, -11, 100, 0);*/
//write_ndigit_number_u(2,2, heading_fine_conv(45), 100, 0);
while (1) {
// write icons at init or after menu/mode-switch
552,7 → 613,7
write_char_xy(10, top_line, 202); // RC-transmitter
write_char_xy(16, top_line, 208); // degree symbol
write_char_xy(27, top_line, 204); // small meters m
write_ascii_string(6, bottom_line, "V"); // voltage
//write_ascii_string(6, bottom_line, "V"); // voltage
write_char_xy(14, bottom_line, 209); // on clock
write_char_xy(22, bottom_line, 210); // fly clock
write_char_xy(26, bottom_line, 200); // sat1
592,19 → 653,9
write_ndigit_number_u(13, top_line, naviData.CompassHeading, 100, 0);
write_ascii_string(17, top_line, directions[heading_conv(naviData.CompassHeading)]);
draw_variometer(20, top_line, naviData.Variometer);
if (naviData.Variometer == 0) {
write_char_xy(20, top_line, 206); // plain line
} else if (naviData.Variometer > 0 && naviData.Variometer <= 10) {
write_char_xy(20, top_line, 234); // small arrow up
} else if (naviData.Variometer > 10) {
write_char_xy(20, top_line, 235); // big arrow up
} else if (naviData.Variometer < 0 && naviData.Variometer >= -10) {
write_char_xy(20, top_line, 232); // small arrow down
} else {
write_char_xy(20, top_line, 233); //big arrow down
//note:lephisto:according to several sources it's /30
if (naviData.Altimeter > 300 || naviData.Altimeter < -300) {
// above 10m only write full meters
620,7 → 671,9
// TODO: verify correctness
uint16_t heading_home = (naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Bearing + 360 - naviData.CompassHeading) % 360;
write_char_xy(27, top_line + 1, arrowdir[heading_conv(heading_home)]);
//write_char_xy(27, top_line + 1, arrowdir[heading_conv(heading_home)]);
// finer resolution, 0xa0 is first character and we add the index 0 <= index < 16
write_char_xy(27, top_line + 1, 0xa0 + heading_fine_conv(heading_home));
write_ndigit_number_u(24, top_line + 1, naviData.HomePositionDeviation.Distance / 10, 100, 0);
666,6 → 719,7
for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 7; x++)
write_char_att_xy(x, bottom_line, 0);
draw_battery(6, bottom_line, naviData.UBat);
write_time(8, bottom_line, uptime);
write_time(16, bottom_line, naviData.FlyingTime);