Subversion Repositories Projects

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 1197 → Rev 958

18,10 → 18,6
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
*initial testing stuff for -45° rotated flights (X instead of +)
*some minor code changes
*possible fix of the previous ugly RSSI hack
33,7 → 33,7
Connect the "To FC" port from EPi-OSD to the Debug port of the NaviCtrl.
You will need at least NaviCtrl 0.24b soft to fully enjoy the software.
You will need at least NaviCtrl 0.18c soft to fully enjoy the software.
S1 enters a menu where you can cycle through using S2 and toggle/accept choice with S1
49,7 → 49,7
How to flash the software (the MK-user way):
How To Flash the software (the MK-user way):
- Windows PC with a real SerialPort
- PonyProg (
66,18 → 66,4
- Open the .hex file and Writa All (Ctrl+W)
- Hopefully done :)
How to flash the software with avrdude:
- ISP-Programmer which is supported by avrdude (SerCon, usbasp, AVRISP-MKII and so on...)
- avrdude
- assuming your ISP programmer is a usbasp compatible connected via usb
- fuses:
avrdude -c usbasp -P usb -p m162 -u -v -U lfuse:w:0xff:m -U hfuse:w:0xD7:m -U efuse:w:0xFB:m
- firmware:
avrdude -c usbasp -P usb -p m162 -u -U flash:w:C-OSD-######.hex
- for serial port programming using the SerCon
avrdude -p m162 -c siprog -P COM1 *****************look above*****************
32,7 → 32,6
// EEPROM bytes
uint8_t EEMEM ee_checkbyte1 = CHECKBYTE1;
uint8_t EEMEM ee_checkbyte2 = CHECKBYTE2;
uint8_t EEMEM ee_COSD_FLAGS_MODES = 0;
51,6 → 50,9
const displaymode_t * mode;
const char ee_message0[] PROGMEM = "Loading from EEPROM";
const char ee_message1[] PROGMEM = "No Data in EEPROM";
const char* ee_msg[] PROGMEM = {ee_message0, ee_message1};
* read data saved in eeprom, print out message if <verbose> is set
57,7 → 59,7
void get_eeprom(uint8_t verbose) {
if (eeprom_read_byte(&ee_checkbyte1) == CHECKBYTE1 && eeprom_read_byte(&ee_checkbyte2) == CHECKBYTE2) {
if (verbose) write_ascii_string_pgm(2, 2, PSTR("Loading from EEPROM")); // Loading data
if (verbose) write_ascii_string_pgm(2, 2, ee_msg[0]); // Loading data
COSD_FLAGS_MODES = eeprom_read_byte(&ee_COSD_FLAGS_MODES);
COSD_FLAGS_CONFIG = eeprom_read_byte(&ee_COSD_FLAGS_CONFIG);
66,7 → 68,7
scope[i] = eeprom_read_byte(&ee_COSD_SCOPE[i]);
} else {
if (verbose) write_ascii_string_pgm(2, 2, PSTR("No Data in EEPROM")); // Loading data
if (verbose) write_ascii_string_pgm(2, 2, ee_msg[1]); // Loading data
24,11 → 24,7
MCU = atmega162
CC = avr-gcc
AVRDUDE = avrdude
ISPTYPE = usbasp
## Options common to compile, link and assembly rules
COMMON = -mmcu=$(MCU)
63,7 → 59,7
## Build
all: $(TARGET) C-OSD.hex C-OSD.eep C-OSD.lss size #flash
all: $(TARGET) C-OSD.hex C-OSD.eep C-OSD.lss size
## Compile
main.o: ../main.c
125,11 → 121,6
@avr-size -C --mcu=${MCU} ${TARGET}
flash: ${TARGET}
avrdude -c ${ISPTYPE} -P ${ISPPORT} -p ${MCU} -u -U flash:w:C-OSD.hex
## Clean target
.PHONY: clean
60,11 → 60,8
* ##########################################################################*/
volatile NaviData_t naviData;
volatile str_DebugOut debugData;
volatile NaviData_t naviData;
// cache old vars for blinking attribute, checkup is faster than full
// attribute write each time
109,10 → 106,39
// flags from last round to check for changes
uint8_t old_MKFlags = 0;
char* directions[8] = {"NE", "E ", "SE", "S ", "SW", "W ", "NW", "N "};
// store stats description in progmem to save space
const char stats_item_0[] PROGMEM = "max Altitude:";
const char stats_item_1[] PROGMEM = "max Speed :";
const char stats_item_2[] PROGMEM = "max Distance:";
const char stats_item_3[] PROGMEM = "min Voltage :";
const char stats_item_4[] PROGMEM = "max Time:";
const char stats_item_5[] PROGMEM = "longitude :";
const char stats_item_6[] PROGMEM = "latitude:";
const char stats_item_7[] PROGMEM = "max current :";
const char *stats_item_pointers[8] PROGMEM = {stats_item_0, stats_item_1, stats_item_2,
stats_item_3, stats_item_4, stats_item_5, stats_item_6, stats_item_7};
//char* directions[8] = {"NE", "E ", "SE", "S ", "SW", "W ", "NW", "N "};
//char arrowdir[8] = {218, 217, 224, 223, 222, 221, 220, 219};
const char str_NE[] PROGMEM = "NE";
const char str_E[] PROGMEM = "E ";
const char str_SE[] PROGMEM = "SE";
const char str_S[] PROGMEM = "S ";
const char str_SW[] PROGMEM = "SW";
const char str_W[] PROGMEM = "W ";
const char str_NW[] PROGMEM = "NW";
const char str_N[] PROGMEM = "N ";
const char *directions[8] PROGMEM = {
/* ##########################################################################
* Different display mode function pointers
* ##########################################################################*/
377,12 → 403,6
naviData = *((NaviData_t*)pRxData);
#ifdef SHIFTBYminus45
naviData.AngleNick = (int8_t)(((int16_t)naviData.AngleRoll + (int16_t)naviData.AngleNick) / 2);
naviData.AngleRoll = (int8_t)(((int16_t)naviData.AngleRoll - (int16_t)naviData.AngleNick) / 2);
naviData.CompassHeading = (naviData.CompassHeading + (360 - 45)) % 360;
// init on first data retrival, distinguished by last battery :)
if (last_UBat == 255) {
if (naviData.UBat > 40) {
169,11 → 169,8
* ##########################################################################*/
volatile uint16_t setsReceived;
volatile NaviData_t naviData;
volatile str_DebugOut debugData;
volatile NaviData_t naviData;
// cache old vars for blinking attribute, checkup is faster than full
// attribute write each time
215,6 → 212,7
uint8_t old_MKFlags;
uint8_t old_NCFlags;
char *directions[8];
const char *directions[8];
const char *stats_item_pointers[8];
72,7 → 72,7
// jopl ... compass
write_ndigit_number_u(13, top_line, debugData.Analog[8], 3, 0);
write_ascii_string_pgm(17, top_line, directions[heading_conv(debugData.Analog[8])]);
write_ascii_string_pgm(17, top_line, (const char *)(pgm_read_word(&(directions[heading_conv(debugData.Analog[8])]))));
// end jopl
// jopl Altimeter modification
73,7 → 73,7
void draw_compass(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, uint16_t heading) {
//char* rose = "---N---O---S---W---N---O---S---W---N---O---S---W";
static char rose[] PROGMEM = {216, 215, 216, 211, 216, 215, 216, 213, 216, 215, 216, 212,
static char rose[48] PROGMEM = {216, 215, 216, 211, 216, 215, 216, 213, 216, 215, 216, 212,
216, 215, 216, 214, 216, 215, 216, 211, 216, 215, 216, 213,
216, 215, 216, 212, 216, 215, 216, 214, 216, 215, 216, 211,
216, 215, 216, 213, 216, 215, 216, 212, 216, 215, 216, 214};
109,15 → 109,45
* draw variometer arrows at <x>/<y> according to <variometer>
void draw_variometer(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, int16_t variometer) {
uint8_t chr = 0xbb;
if (variometer > 0) { // gain height
chr = 0x70 + (variometer / 5);
if (chr > 0x73) chr = 0x73;
if (variometer == 0) {
write_char_xy(x, y, 0xbb); // plain line
} else if (variometer > 0) { // gain height
switch (variometer / 5) {
case 0:
//write_char_xy(x, y, 0xba); // smallest arrow up
write_char_xy(x, y, 0x70); // one arrow up
case 1:
//write_char_xy(x, y, 0xb9); // small arrow up
write_char_xy(x, y, 0x71); // two arrows up
case 2:
//write_char_xy(x, y, 0xb8); // large arrow up
write_char_xy(x, y, 0x72); // three arrows up
//write_char_xy(x, y, 0xb7); // largest arrow up
write_char_xy(x, y, 0x73); // three black arrows up
} else { // sink
chr = 0x77 - (variometer / -5);
if (chr < 0x74) chr = 0x74;
switch (variometer / -5) {
case 0:
//write_char_xy(x, y, 0xbc); // smallest arrow down
write_char_xy(x, y, 0x77); // one arrow down
case 1:
//write_char_xy(x, y, 0xbd); // small arrow down
write_char_xy(x, y, 0x76); // two arrows down
case 2:
//write_char_xy(x, y, 0xbe); // large arrow down
write_char_xy(x, y, 0x75); // three arrows down
//write_char_xy(x, y, 0xbf); // largest arrow down
write_char_xy(x, y, 0x74); // three black arrows down
write_char_xy(x, y, chr);
// big vario arrays
312,9 → 342,9
uint8_t line = 3;
write_ascii_string_pgm(1, line, PSTR("max Altitude:")); // max Altitude
write_ascii_string_pgm(1, ++line, PSTR("max Speed :")); // max Speed
write_ascii_string_pgm(1, ++line, PSTR("max Distance:")); // max Distance
write_ascii_string_pgm(1, line, (const char *)(pgm_read_word(&(stats_item_pointers[0])))); // max Altitude
write_ascii_string_pgm(1, ++line, (const char *)(pgm_read_word(&(stats_item_pointers[1])))); // max Speed
write_ascii_string_pgm(1, ++line, (const char *)(pgm_read_word(&(stats_item_pointers[2])))); // max Distance
write_ndigit_number_s(16, line - 2, max_Altimeter * 32 / 10, 4, 0);
332,11 → 362,11
write_char_xy(20, line - 0, 204); // small meters m
write_ascii_string_pgm(1, ++line, PSTR("min Voltage :")); // min voltage
write_ascii_string_pgm(1, ++line, (const char *)(pgm_read_word(&(stats_item_pointers[3])))); // min voltage
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(16, line, min_UBat, 3, 0);
write_char_xy(20, line, 0x9E); // small V
write_ascii_string_pgm(1, ++line, PSTR("max current :")); // ampere
write_ascii_string_pgm(1, ++line, (const char *)(pgm_read_word(&(stats_item_pointers[7])))); // ampere
write_ndigit_number_u_10th(16, line, max_ampere / 10, 3, 0);
write_char_xy(20, line, 0x9F); // small A
350,12 → 380,12
write_char_xy(26, line, 0xB5); // mah
write_ascii_string_pgm(1, ++line, PSTR("max Time:")); // max time
write_ascii_string_pgm(1, ++line, (const char *)(pgm_read_word(&(stats_item_pointers[4])))); // max time
write_time(14, line, max_FlyingTime);
write_char_xy(20, line, 210); // fly clock
write_ascii_string_pgm(1, ++line, PSTR("longitude :")); // longitude
write_ascii_string_pgm(1, ++line, (const char *)(pgm_read_word(&(stats_item_pointers[5])))); // longitude
write_gps_pos(14, line, naviData.CurrentPosition.Longitude);
write_ascii_string_pgm(1, ++line, PSTR("latitude:")); // latitude
write_ascii_string_pgm(1, ++line, (const char *)(pgm_read_word(&(stats_item_pointers[6])))); // latitude
write_gps_pos(14, line, naviData.CurrentPosition.Latitude);
99,7 → 99,7
write_ndigit_number_u(13, top_line, naviData.CompassHeading, 3, 0);
write_ascii_string(17, top_line, directions[heading_conv(naviData.CompassHeading)]);
write_ascii_string_pgm(17, top_line, (const char *)(pgm_read_word(&(directions[heading_conv(naviData.CompassHeading)]))));
draw_variometer(21, top_line, naviData.Variometer);