Subversion Repositories FlightCtrl

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 705 → Rev 706

/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/eeprom.c
76,8 → 76,8
ParamSet.LoopThreshold = 90; // Wert: 0-250 Schwelle für Stickausschlag
ParamSet.LoopHysteresis = 50;
ParamSet.LoopConfig = 0; // Bitcodiert: 0x01=oben, 0x02=unten, 0x04=links, 0x08=rechts / wird getrennt behandelt
ParamSet.AchsKopplung1 = 90;
ParamSet.AchsGegenKopplung1 = 5;
ParamSet.Yaw_PosFeedback = 90;
ParamSet.Yaw_NegFeedback = 5;
ParamSet.AngleTurnOverPitch = 100;
ParamSet.AngleTurnOverRoll = 100;
ParamSet.GyroAccTrim = 16; // 1/k
139,8 → 139,8
ParamSet.LoopThreshold = 90; // Wert: 0-250 Schwelle für Stickausschlag
ParamSet.LoopHysteresis = 50;
ParamSet.LoopConfig = 0; // Bitcodiert: 0x01=oben, 0x02=unten, 0x04=links, 0x08=rechts
ParamSet.AchsKopplung1 = 90; // Faktor, mit dem Yaw die Achsen Roll und Pitch verkoppelt
ParamSet.AchsGegenKopplung1 = 5;
ParamSet.Yaw_PosFeedback = 90; // Faktor, mit dem Yaw die Achsen Roll und Pitch verkoppelt
ParamSet.Yaw_NegFeedback = 5;
ParamSet.AngleTurnOverPitch = 100;
ParamSet.AngleTurnOverRoll = 100;
ParamSet.GyroAccTrim = 32; // 1/k
202,8 → 202,8
ParamSet.LoopThreshold = 90; // Wert: 0-250 Schwelle für Stickausschlag
ParamSet.LoopHysteresis = 50;
ParamSet.LoopConfig = 0; // Bitcodiert: 0x01=oben, 0x02=unten, 0x04=links, 0x08=rechts
ParamSet.AchsKopplung1 = 90; // Faktor, mit dem Yaw die Achsen Roll und Pitch verkoppelt
ParamSet.AchsGegenKopplung1 = 5;
ParamSet.Yaw_PosFeedback = 90; // Faktor, mit dem Yaw die Achsen Roll und Pitch verkoppelt
ParamSet.Yaw_NegFeedback = 5;
ParamSet.AngleTurnOverPitch = 100;
ParamSet.AngleTurnOverRoll = 100;
ParamSet.GyroAccTrim = 32; // 1/k
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/eeprom.h
86,8 → 86,8
uint8_t LoopGasLimit; // Wert: 0-250 max. Gas während Looping
uint8_t LoopThreshold; // Wert: 0-250 Schwelle für Stickausschlag
uint8_t LoopHysteresis; // Wert: 0-250 Hysterese für Stickausschlag
uint8_t AchsKopplung1; // Wert: 0-250 Faktor, mit dem Yaw die Achsen Roll und Pitch koppelt (PitchRollMitkopplung)
uint8_t AchsGegenKopplung1; // Wert: 0-250 Faktor, mit dem Yaw die Achsen Roll und Pitch Gegenkoppelt (PitchRollGegenkopplung)
uint8_t Yaw_PosFeedback; // Wert: 0-250 Faktor, mit dem Yaw die Achsen Roll und Pitch koppelt (PitchRollMitkopplung)
uint8_t Yaw_NegFeedback; // Wert: 0-250 Faktor, mit dem Yaw die Achsen Roll und Pitch Gegenkoppelt (PitchRollGegenkopplung)
uint8_t AngleTurnOverPitch; // Wert: 0-250 180°-Punkt
uint8_t AngleTurnOverRoll; // Wert: 0-250 180°-Punkt
uint8_t GyroAccTrim; // 1/k (Koppel_ACC_Wirkung)
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/fc.c
100,14 → 100,12
volatile int16_t CompassOffCourse = 0;
// flags
uint8_t EmergencyLanding = 0;
uint8_t HightControlActive = 0;
uint8_t MotorsOn = 0;
int32_t TurnOver180Pitch = 250000L, TurnOver180Roll = 250000L;
float GyroFactor;
float IntegralFactor;
float Gyro_P_Factor;
float Gyro_I_Factor;
volatile int16_t DiffPitch, DiffRoll;
164,8 → 162,8
AdNeutralPitch = 0;
AdNeutralRoll = 0;
AdNeutralYaw = 0;
FCParam.AchsKopplung1 = 0;
FCParam.AchsGegenKopplung1 = 0;
FCParam.Yaw_PosFeedback = 0;
FCParam.Yaw_NegFeedback = 0;
242,17 → 240,17
tmpl = Reading_IntegralPitch / 4096L;
tmpl *= ReadingYaw;
tmpl *= FCParam.AchsKopplung1; //125
tmpl *= FCParam.Yaw_PosFeedback; //125
tmpl /= 2048L;
tmpl2 = Reading_IntegralRoll / 4096L;
tmpl2 *= ReadingYaw;
tmpl2 *= FCParam.AchsKopplung1;
tmpl2 *= FCParam.Yaw_PosFeedback;
tmpl2 /= 2048L;
else tmpl = tmpl2 = 0;
// Roll
ReadingRoll += tmpl;
ReadingRoll += (tmpl2 * FCParam.AchsGegenKopplung1) / 512L; //109
ReadingRoll += (tmpl2 * FCParam.Yaw_NegFeedback) / 512L; //109
Reading_IntegralRoll2 += ReadingRoll;
Reading_IntegralRoll += ReadingRoll - AttitudeCorrectionRoll;
if(Reading_IntegralRoll > TurnOver180Roll)
279,7 → 277,7
// Pitch
ReadingPitch -= tmpl2;
ReadingPitch -= (tmpl*FCParam.AchsGegenKopplung1) / 512L;
ReadingPitch -= (tmpl*FCParam.Yaw_NegFeedback) / 512L;
Reading_IntegralPitch2 += ReadingPitch;
Reading_IntegralPitch += ReadingPitch - AttitudeCorrectionPitch;
if(Reading_IntegralPitch > TurnOver180Pitch)
420,8 → 418,8
CHK_POTI(FCParam.AchsKopplung1, ParamSet.AchsKopplung1,0,255);
Ki = (float) FCParam.I_Factor * FACTOR_I;
428,40 → 426,46
/* MotorControl */
void MotorRegler(void)
int MotorValue, pd_ergebnis, h, tmp_int;
int YawMixingFraction, GasMixingFraction;
static long SumPitch = 0, SumRoll = 0;
static long SetPointYaw = 0, tmp_long, tmp_long2;
static long IntegralErrorPitch = 0;
static long IntegralErrorRoll = 0;
static unsigned int RcLostTimer;
static unsigned char delay_neutral = 0;
static unsigned char delay_einschalten = 0,delay_ausschalten = 0;
static unsigned int modell_fliegt = 0;
static int hoehenregler = 0;
static char TimerDebugOut = 0;
static char StoreNewCompassCourse = 0;
static long CorrectionPitch, CorrectionRoll;
int16_t MotorValue, pd_ergebnis, h, tmp_int;
int16_t YawMixingFraction, GasMixingFraction;
static int32_t SumPitch = 0, SumRoll = 0;
static int32_t SetPointYaw = 0, tmp_long, tmp_long2;
static int32_t IntegralErrorPitch = 0;
static int32_t IntegralErrorRoll = 0;
static uint16_t RcLostTimer;
static uint8_t delay_neutral = 0, delay_startmotors = 0, delay_stopmotors = 0;
static uint16_t Modell_Is_Flying = 0;
static uint8_t EmergencyLanding = 0;
static uint8_t HightControlActive = 0;
static int16_t hoehenregler = 0;
static int8_t TimerDebugOut = 0;
static int8_t StoreNewCompassCourse = 0;
static int32_t CorrectionPitch, CorrectionRoll;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Gaswert ermitteln
// determine GAS value
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
GasMixingFraction = StickGas;
if(GasMixingFraction < 0) GasMixingFraction = 0;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Emfang schlecht
// RC-signal is bad
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(SenderOkay < 100)
// SenderOkay is incremented at good rc-level, i.e. if the ppm-signal deviation
// of a channel to previous frame is less than 1% the SenderOkay is incremented by 10.
// Typicaly within a frame of 8 channels (22.5ms) the SenderOkay is incremented by 8 * 10 = 80
// The decremtation of 1 in the mainloop is done every 2 ms, i.e. within a time of one rc frame
// the main loop is running 11 times that decrements the SenderOkay by 11.
if(SenderOkay < 100) // the rc-frame signal is not reveived or noisy
if(!PcAccess) // if also no PC-Access via UART
if(BeepModulation == 0xFFFF)
469,36 → 473,40
BeepModulation = 0x0C00;
if(RcLostTimer) RcLostTimer--;
if(RcLostTimer) RcLostTimer--; // decremtent timer after rc sigal lost
else // rc lost countdown finished
MotorsOn = 0;
EmergencyLanding = 0;
MotorsOn = 0; // stop all motors
EmergencyLanding = 0; // emergency landing is over
if(modell_fliegt > 2000) // wahrscheinlich in der Luft --> langsam absenken
ROT_ON; // set red led
if(Modell_Is_Flying > 2000) // wahrscheinlich in der Luft --> langsam absenken
GasMixingFraction = ParamSet.EmergencyGas;
EmergencyLanding = 1;
GasMixingFraction = ParamSet.EmergencyGas; // set emergency gas
EmergencyLanding = 1; // enable emergency landing
// set neutral rc inputs
PPM_diff[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] = 0;
PPM_diff[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] = 0;
PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] = 0;
PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] = 0;
PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_YAW]] = 0;
else MotorsOn = 0;
else MotorsOn = 0; // switch of all motors
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Emfang gut
// RC-signal is good
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(SenderOkay > 140)
EmergencyLanding = 0;
EmergencyLanding = 0; // switch off emergency landing if RC-signal is okay
// reset emergency timer
RcLostTimer = ParamSet.EmergencyGasDuration * 50;
if(GasMixingFraction > 40)
if(modell_fliegt < 0xffff) modell_fliegt++;
if(Modell_Is_Flying < 0xFFFF) Modell_Is_Flying++;
if((modell_fliegt < 200) || (GasMixingFraction < 40))
if((Modell_Is_Flying < 200) || (GasMixingFraction < 40))
SumPitch = 0;
SumRoll = 0;
505,50 → 513,63
Reading_IntegralYaw = 0;
Reading_IntegralYaw2 = 0;
// if motors are off and the thrust stick is in the upper position
if((PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_GAS]] > 80) && MotorsOn == 0)
// and if the yaw stick is in the leftmost position
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_YAW]] > 75)
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// auf Nullwerte kalibrieren
// calibrate the neutral readings of all attitude sensors
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_YAW]] > 75) // Neutralwerte
if(++delay_neutral > 200) // nicht sofort
if(++delay_neutral > 200) // not immediately (wait 200 loops = 200 * 2ms = 0.4 s)
delay_neutral = 0;
MotorsOn = 0;
delay_neutral = 0;
modell_fliegt = 0;
Modell_Is_Flying = 0;
// check roll/pitch stick position
// if pitch stick is topmost or roll stick is leftmost --> change parameter setting
// according to roll/pitch stick position
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] > 70 || abs(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]]) > 70)
unsigned char setting=1;
uint8_t setting = 1; // default
// _________
// |2 3 4|
// | |
// |1 5|
// | |
// |_________|
// roll stick leftmost and pitch stick centered --> setting 1
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] > 70 && PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] < 70) setting = 1;
// roll stick leftmost and pitch stick topmost --> setting 2
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] > 70 && PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] > 70) setting = 2;
// roll stick centered an pitch stick topmost --> setting 3
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] < 70 && PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] > 70) setting = 3;
// roll stick rightmost and pitch stick topmost --> setting 4
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] <-70 && PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] > 70) setting = 4;
// roll stick rightmost and pitch stick centered --> setting 5
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] <-70 && PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] < 70) setting = 5;
SetActiveParamSet(setting); // aktiven Datensatz merken
// update active parameter set in eeprom
if((ParamSet.GlobalConfig & CFG_HEIGHT_CONTROL)) // Höhenregelung aktiviert?
if((ReadingAirPressure > 950) || (ReadingAirPressure < 750)) SearchAirPressureOffset();
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_YAW]] < -75) // ACC Neutralwerte speichern
// and if the yaw stick is in the rightmost position
// save the ACC neutral setting to eeprom
else if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_YAW]] < -75)
if(++delay_neutral > 200) // nicht sofort
if(++delay_neutral > 200) // not immediately (wait 200 loops = 200 * 2ms = 0.4 s)
delay_neutral = 0;
SetParamWord(PID_ACC_PITCH,0xFFFF); // Werte löschen
MotorsOn = 0;
delay_neutral = 0;
modell_fliegt = 0;
SetParamWord(PID_ACC_PITCH, 0xFFFF); // make value invalid
Modell_Is_Flying = 0;
// ACC-NeutralWerte speichern
// Save ACC neutral settings to eeprom
SetParamWord(PID_ACC_PITCH, (uint16_t)NeutralAccX);
SetParamWord(PID_ACC_ROLL, (uint16_t)NeutralAccY);
SetParamWord(PID_ACC_Z, (uint16_t)NeutralAccZ);
558,20 → 579,19
else delay_neutral = 0;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Gas ist unten
// thrust stick is down
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_GAS]] < 35-120)
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_GAS]] < -85)
// Starten
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_YAW]] < -75)
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Einschalten
// and yaw stick is rightmost --> start motors
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(++delay_einschalten > 200)
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_YAW]] < -75)
delay_einschalten = 200;
modell_fliegt = 1;
if(++delay_startmotors > 200) // not immediately (wait 200 loops = 200 * 2ms = 0.4 s)
delay_startmotors = 200; // do not repeat if once executed
Modell_Is_Flying = 1;
MotorsOn = 1;
SetPointYaw = 0;
Reading_IntegralYaw = 0;
584,58 → 604,67
SumRoll = 0;
else delay_einschalten = 0;
//Auf Neutralwerte setzen
else delay_startmotors = 0; // reset delay timer if sticks are not in this position
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Auschalten
// and yaw stick is leftmost --> stop motors
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_YAW]] > 75)
if(++delay_ausschalten > 200) // nicht sofort
if(++delay_stopmotors > 200) // not immediately (wait 200 loops = 200 * 2ms = 0.4 s)
delay_stopmotors = 200; // do not repeat if once executed
Modell_Is_Flying = 0;
MotorsOn = 0;
delay_ausschalten = 200;
modell_fliegt = 0;
else delay_ausschalten = 0;
else delay_stopmotors = 0; // reset delay timer if sticks are not in this position
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// neue Werte von der Funke
// new values from RC
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(!NewPpmData-- || EmergencyLanding)
if(!NewPpmData-- || EmergencyLanding) // NewData = 0 means new data from RC
int tmp_int;
ParameterMapping(); // remapping params (online poti replacement)
// calculate Stick inputs by rc channels (P) and changing of rc channels (D)
StickPitch = (StickPitch * 3 + PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] * ParamSet.Stick_P) / 4;
StickPitch += PPM_diff[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] * ParamSet.Stick_D;
StickRoll = (StickRoll * 3 + PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] * ParamSet.Stick_P) / 4;
StickRoll += PPM_diff[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] * ParamSet.Stick_D;
// direct mapping of yaw and gas
StickYaw = -PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_YAW]];
StickGas = PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_GAS]] + 120;
StickGas = PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_GAS]] + 120;// shift to positive numbers
// update max stick positions for pitch and roll
if(abs(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]]) > MaxStickPitch)
MaxStickPitch = abs(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]]); else MaxStickPitch--;
MaxStickPitch = abs(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]]);
else MaxStickPitch--;
if(abs(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]]) > MaxStickRoll)
MaxStickRoll = abs(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]]); else MaxStickRoll--;
if(EmergencyLanding) {MaxStickPitch = 0; MaxStickRoll = 0;}
MaxStickRoll = abs(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]]);
else MaxStickRoll--;
GyroFactor = ((float)FCParam.Gyro_P + 10.0) / 256.0;
IntegralFactor = ((float) FCParam.Gyro_I) / 44000;
// update gyro control loop factors
Gyro_P_Factor = ((float) FCParam.Gyro_P + 10.0) / 256.0;
Gyro_I_Factor = ((float) FCParam.Gyro_I) / 44000;
//+ Digitale Steuerung per DubWise
// Digital Control via DubWise
#define KEY_VALUE (FCParam.UserParam1 * 4) //(Poti3 * 8)
#define KEY_VALUE (FCParam.UserParam1 * 4) // step width
if(DubWiseKeys[1]) BeepTime = 10;
if(DubWiseKeys[1] & DUB_KEY_UP) tmp_int = KEY_VALUE; else
if(DubWiseKeys[1] & DUB_KEY_DOWN) tmp_int = -KEY_VALUE; else tmp_int = 0;
if(DubWiseKeys[1] & DUB_KEY_UP) tmp_int = KEY_VALUE;
else if(DubWiseKeys[1] & DUB_KEY_DOWN) tmp_int = -KEY_VALUE;
else tmp_int = 0;
ExternStickPitch= (ExternStickPitch* 7 + tmp_int) / 8;
if(DubWiseKeys[1] & DUB_KEY_LEFT) tmp_int = KEY_VALUE; else
if(DubWiseKeys[1] & DUB_KEY_RIGHT) tmp_int = -KEY_VALUE; else tmp_int = 0;
if(DubWiseKeys[1] & DUB_KEY_LEFT) tmp_int = KEY_VALUE;
else if(DubWiseKeys[1] & DUB_KEY_RIGHT) tmp_int = -KEY_VALUE;
else tmp_int = 0;
ExternStickRoll = (ExternStickRoll * 7 + tmp_int) / 8;
if(DubWiseKeys[0] & 8) ExternStickYaw = 50;else
646,24 → 675,29
StickPitch += ExternStickPitch/ 8;
StickRoll += ExternStickRoll / 8;
StickYaw += ExternStickYaw;
//+ Analoge Steuerung per Seriell
//+ Analoge Control via serial communication
if(ExternControl.Config & 0x01 && FCParam.UserParam1 > 128)
StickPitch += (int) ExternControl.Pitch * (int) ParamSet.Stick_P;
StickRoll += (int) ExternControl.Roll * (int) ParamSet.Stick_P;
StickPitch += (int16_t) ExternControl.Pitch * (int16_t) ParamSet.Stick_P;
StickRoll += (int16_t) ExternControl.Roll * (int16_t) ParamSet.Stick_P;
StickYaw += ExternControl.Yaw;
ExternHightValue = (int) ExternControl.Hight * (int)ParamSet.Hight_Gain;
ExternHightValue = (int16_t) ExternControl.Hight * (int16_t)ParamSet.Hight_Gain;
if(ExternControl.Gas < StickGas) StickGas = ExternControl.Gas;
// disable I part of gyro control feedback
if(ParamSet.GlobalConfig & CFG_HEADING_HOLD) Gyro_I_Factor = 0;
// avoid negative scaling factors
if(Gyro_P_Factor < 0) Gyro_P_Factor = 0;
if(Gyro_I_Factor < 0) Gyro_I_Factor = 0;
if(ParamSet.GlobalConfig & CFG_HEADING_HOLD) IntegralFactor = 0;
if(GyroFactor < 0) GyroFactor = 0;
if(IntegralFactor < 0) IntegralFactor = 0;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Looping?
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if((PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] > ParamSet.LoopThreshold) && ParamSet.LoopConfig & CFG_LOOP_LEFT) Looping_Left = 1;
699,8 → 733,9
if(Looping_Left || Looping_Right) Looping_Roll = 1; else Looping_Roll = 0;
if(Looping_Top || Looping_Down) {Looping_Pitch = 1; Looping_Roll = 0; Looping_Left = 0; Looping_Right = 0;} else Looping_Pitch = 0;
} // Ende neue Funken-Werte
} // End of new RC values
if(Looping_Roll) BeepTime = 100;
if(Looping_Roll || Looping_Pitch)
707,33 → 742,35
if(GasMixingFraction > ParamSet.LoopGasLimit) GasMixingFraction = ParamSet.LoopGasLimit;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Bei Empfangsausfall im Flug
// in case of emergency landing
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
StickYaw = 0;
StickPitch = 0;
StickRoll = 0;
GyroFactor = 0.5;//Originalwert von Holger 0.1;
IntegralFactor = 0.003; //Originalwert von Holger 0.005;
Gyro_P_Factor = 0.5;
Gyro_I_Factor = 0.003;
Looping_Roll = 0;
Looping_Pitch = 0;
MaxStickPitch = 0;
MaxStickRoll = 0;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Integrale auf ACC-Signal abgleichen
// Trim Gyro-Integrals to ACC-Signals
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
MeanIntegralPitch += IntegralPitch; // Für die Mittelwertbildung aufsummieren
MeanIntegralPitch += IntegralPitch; // sum for averaging
MeanIntegralRoll += IntegralRoll;
MeanIntegralPitch2 += IntegralPitch2;
MeanIntegralRoll2 += IntegralRoll2;
if(Looping_Pitch || Looping_Roll)
if(Looping_Pitch || Looping_Roll) // if looping in any direction
IntegralAccPitch = 0;
IntegralAccRoll = 0;
749,11 → 786,11
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(!Looping_Pitch && !Looping_Roll)
if(!Looping_Pitch && !Looping_Roll) // if not lopping in any direction
long tmp_long, tmp_long2;
tmp_long = (long)(IntegralPitch / ParamSet.GyroAccFaktor - (long)Mean_AccPitch);
tmp_long2 = (long)(IntegralRoll / ParamSet.GyroAccFaktor - (long)Mean_AccRoll);
int32_t tmp_long, tmp_long2;
tmp_long = (int32_t)(IntegralPitch / ParamSet.GyroAccFaktor - (int32_t)Mean_AccPitch);
tmp_long2 = (int32_t)(IntegralRoll / ParamSet.GyroAccFaktor - (int32_t)Mean_AccRoll);
tmp_long /= 16;
tmp_long2 /= 16;
if((MaxStickPitch > 15) || (MaxStickRoll > 15))
915,7 → 952,7
AttitudeCorrectionPitch = 0;
if(!IntegralFactor) { AttitudeCorrectionRoll = 0; AttitudeCorrectionPitch = 0;} // z.B. bei HH
if(!Gyro_I_Factor) { AttitudeCorrectionRoll = 0; AttitudeCorrectionPitch = 0;} // z.B. bei HH
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
MeanIntegralPitch_old = MeanIntegralPitch;
MeanIntegralRoll_old = MeanIntegralRoll;
929,7 → 966,7
MeanIntegralRoll2 = 0;
ZaehlMessungen = 0;
//DebugOut.Analog[31] = StickRoll / (26*IntegralFactor);
//DebugOut.Analog[31] = StickRoll / (26*Gyro_I_Factor);
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Gieren
1025,14 → 1062,14
//DebugOut.Analog[26] = ReadingPitch;
//DebugOut.Analog[28] = ReadingRoll;
if(Looping_Pitch) ReadingPitch = ReadingPitch * GyroFactor;
else ReadingPitch = IntegralPitch * IntegralFactor + ReadingPitch * GyroFactor;
if(Looping_Roll) ReadingRoll = ReadingRoll * GyroFactor;
else ReadingRoll = IntegralRoll * IntegralFactor + ReadingRoll * GyroFactor;
ReadingYaw = ReadingYaw * (2 * GyroFactor) + IntegralYaw * IntegralFactor / 2;
if(Looping_Pitch) ReadingPitch = ReadingPitch * Gyro_P_Factor;
else ReadingPitch = IntegralPitch * Gyro_I_Factor + ReadingPitch * Gyro_P_Factor;
if(Looping_Roll) ReadingRoll = ReadingRoll * Gyro_P_Factor;
else ReadingRoll = IntegralRoll * Gyro_I_Factor + ReadingRoll * Gyro_P_Factor;
ReadingYaw = ReadingYaw * (2 * Gyro_P_Factor) + IntegralYaw * Gyro_I_Factor / 2;
DebugOut.Analog[25] = IntegralRoll * IntegralFactor;
DebugOut.Analog[31] = StickRoll;// / (26*IntegralFactor);
DebugOut.Analog[25] = IntegralRoll * Gyro_I_Factor;
DebugOut.Analog[31] = StickRoll;// / (26*Gyro_I_Factor);
DebugOut.Analog[28] = ReadingRoll;
// Maximalwerte abfangen
1111,7 → 1148,7
// Pitch-Achse
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
DiffPitch = ReadingPitch - (StickPitch - GPS_Pitch); // Differenz bestimmen
if(IntegralFactor) SumPitch += IntegralPitch * IntegralFactor - (StickPitch - GPS_Pitch); // I-Anteil bei Winkelregelung
if(Gyro_I_Factor) SumPitch += IntegralPitch * Gyro_I_Factor - (StickPitch - GPS_Pitch); // I-Anteil bei Winkelregelung
else SumPitch += DiffPitch; // I-Anteil bei HH
if(SumPitch > 16000) SumPitch = 16000;
if(SumPitch < -16000) SumPitch = -16000;
1136,7 → 1173,7
// Roll-Achse
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
DiffRoll = ReadingRoll - (StickRoll - GPS_Roll); // Differenz bestimmen
if(IntegralFactor) SumRoll += IntegralRoll * IntegralFactor - (StickRoll - GPS_Roll);// I-Anteil bei Winkelregelung
if(Gyro_I_Factor) SumRoll += IntegralRoll * Gyro_I_Factor - (StickRoll - GPS_Roll);// I-Anteil bei Winkelregelung
else SumRoll += DiffRoll; // I-Anteil bei HH
if(SumRoll > 16000) SumRoll = 16000;
if(SumRoll < -16000) SumRoll = -16000;
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/fc.h
26,8 → 26,8
uint8_t UserParam8;
uint8_t ServoPitchControl;
uint8_t LoopGasLimit;
uint8_t AchsKopplung1;
uint8_t AchsGegenKopplung1;
uint8_t Yaw_PosFeedback;
uint8_t Yaw_NegFeedback;
uint8_t DynamicStability;
} fc_param_t;
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/main.c
119,7 → 119,7
if (BoardRelease == 11) USART1_Init();
195,7 → 195,7
//PORTD &= ~0x08;
if(PcZugriff) PcZugriff--;
if(PcAccess) PcAccess--;
DubWiseKeys[0] = 0;
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/uart.c
33,7 → 33,7
unsigned char RemotePollDisplayLine = 0;
unsigned char NurKanalAnforderung = 0;
unsigned char DebugTextAnforderung = 255;
unsigned char PcZugriff = 100;
unsigned char PcAccess = 100;
unsigned char MotorTest[4] = {0,0,0,0};
unsigned char DubWiseKeys[4] = {0,0,0,0};
unsigned char MeineSlaveAdresse;
297,7 → 297,7
uint8_t tmp_char_arr2[2];
PcZugriff = 255;
PcAccess = 255;
case 'a':// Texte der Analogwerte
/branches/V0.68d Code Redesign killagreg/uart.h
6,8 → 6,8
#define DUB_KEY_UP 4
#define DUB_KEY_DOWN 8
#define DUB_KEY_LEFT 16
#define DUB_KEY_RIGHT 32
#define DUB_KEY_LEFT 16
#define DUB_KEY_FIRE 64
#include <inttypes.h>
29,7 → 29,7
extern unsigned volatile char PC_DebugTimeout;
extern unsigned volatile char NeueKoordinateEmpfangen;
extern unsigned char MeineSlaveAdresse;
extern unsigned char PcZugriff;
extern unsigned char PcAccess;
extern unsigned char RemotePollDisplayLine;
extern int Debug_Timer;