Subversion Repositories FlightCtrl

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Regard whitespace Rev 1427 → Rev 1428

/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/spectrum.c
File deleted
/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/spectrum.h
File deleted
/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/FlightControl.pnproj
1,0 → 0,0
<Project name="FlightControl"><Folder name="Sources"><File path="ubx.c"></File><File path="analog.c"></File><File path="dsl.c"></File><File path="eeprom.c"></File><File path="fc.c"></File><File path="gps.c"></File><File path="led.c"></File><File path="main.c"></File><File path="menu.c"></File><File path="mk3mag.c"></File><File path="mm3.c"></File><File path="mymath.c"></File><File path="printf_P.c"></File><File path="rc.c"></File><File path="spectrum.c"></File><File path="spi.c"></File><File path="timer0.c"></File><File path="timer2.c"></File><File path="twimaster.c"></File><File path="uart0.c"></File><File path="uart1.c"></File><File path="isqrt.S"></File></Folder><Folder name="Header"><File path="ubx.h"></File><File path="analog.h"></File><File path="dsl.h"></File><File path="eeprom.h"></File><File path="fc.h"></File><File path="gps.h"></File><File path="led.h"></File><File path="main.h"></File><File path="menu.h"></File><File path="mk3mag.h"></File><File path="mm3.h"></File><File path="mymath.h"></File><File path="old_macros.h"></File><File path="printf_P.h"></File><File path="rc.h"></File><File path="spectrum.h"></File><File path="spi.h"></File><File path="timer0.h"></File><File path="timer2.h"></File><File path="twimaster.h"></File><File path="uart0.h"></File><File path="uart1.h"></File></Folder><File path="License.txt"></File><File path="makefile"></File><File path="version.txt"></File></Project>
<Project name="FlightControl"><Folder name="Sources"><File path="ubx.c"></File><File path="analog.c"></File><File path="dsl.c"></File><File path="eeprom.c"></File><File path="fc.c"></File><File path="gps.c"></File><File path="led.c"></File><File path="main.c"></File><File path="menu.c"></File><File path="mk3mag.c"></File><File path="mm3.c"></File><File path="mymath.c"></File><File path="printf_P.c"></File><File path="rc.c"></File><File path="spi.c"></File><File path="timer0.c"></File><File path="timer2.c"></File><File path="twimaster.c"></File><File path="uart0.c"></File><File path="uart1.c"></File><File path="isqrt.S"></File><File path="spektrum.c"></File></Folder><Folder name="Header"><File path="ubx.h"></File><File path="analog.h"></File><File path="dsl.h"></File><File path="eeprom.h"></File><File path="fc.h"></File><File path="gps.h"></File><File path="led.h"></File><File path="main.h"></File><File path="menu.h"></File><File path="mk3mag.h"></File><File path="mm3.h"></File><File path="mymath.h"></File><File path="old_macros.h"></File><File path="printf_P.h"></File><File path="rc.h"></File><File path="spi.h"></File><File path="timer0.h"></File><File path="timer2.h"></File><File path="twimaster.h"></File><File path="uart0.h"></File><File path="uart1.h"></File><File path="spektrum.h"></File><File path="libfcinit.h"></File></Folder><File path="License.txt"></File><File path="makefile"></File><File path="version.txt"></File></Project>
/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/FlightControl.pnps
1,0 → 0,0
<pd><ViewState><e p="FlightControl" x="true"></e><e p="FlightControl\Header" x="false"></e><e p="FlightControl\Sources" x="true"></e></ViewState></pd>
<pd><ViewState><e p="FlightControl" x="true"></e><e p="FlightControl\Header" x="true"></e><e p="FlightControl\Sources" x="true"></e></ViewState></pd>
/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/dsl.c
106,10 → 106,15
ChannelPair_t ChannelPair;
void Dsl_Init(void)
// This function is called, when a new servo signal is properly received.
// Parameters: servo - servo number (0-9)
// signal - servo signal between 7373 (1ms) and 14745 (2ms)
void dsl_new_signal(uint8_t channel, int16_t signal)
void Dsl_new_signal(uint8_t channel, int16_t signal)
int16_t tmp;
uint8_t index = channel + 1; // mk channels start with 1
153,7 → 158,7
// This function is called within dsl_parser(), when a complete
// data packet with valid checksum has been received.
void dsl_decode_packet(void)
void Dsl_decode_packet(void)
uint8_t i;
189,8 → 194,8
ChannelPair.byte[0] = PacketBuffer[2];
ChannelPair.byte[3] = PacketBuffer[3];
ChannelPair.byte[2] = PacketBuffer[4];
dsl_new_signal(i, ChannelPair.Servo[0]);
Dsl_new_signal(i, ChannelPair.Servo[0]);
} // EOF header condition
198,7 → 203,7
// this function should be called within the UART RX ISR
void dsl_parser(uint8_t c)
void Dsl_Parser(uint8_t c)
static uint8_t last_c = 0;
static uint8_t crc = 0;
224,7 → 229,7
crc = ~crc;
if (crc == 0xFF) crc = 0xFE;
// if crc matches decode the packet
if (c == crc) dsl_decode_packet();
if (c == crc) Dsl_decode_packet();
// handle next packet
cnt = 0;
crc = 0;
/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/dsl.h
8,8 → 8,11
extern uint8_t dsl_Allocation; // Frequency allocation (35,40,72)
#define USART1_BAUD 38400
// initialization
extern void Dsl_Init(void);
// this function should be called within the UART RX ISR
extern void dsl_parser(uint8_t c);
extern void Dsl_Parser(uint8_t c);
#endif //_DSL_H
/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/eeprom.c
143,7 → 143,7
ParamSet.LowVoltageWarning = 33; // automatic cell detection for values < 50
ParamSet.EmergencyGas = 35;
ParamSet.EmergencyGasDuration = 30;
ParamSet.UfoArrangement = 0;
ParamSet.Receiver = 0;
ParamSet.IFactor = 32;
ParamSet.UserParam1 = 0;
ParamSet.UserParam2 = 0;
246,7 → 246,7
ParamSet.LowVoltageWarning = 33; // auto cell detection for values < 50
ParamSet.EmergencyGas = 35;
ParamSet.EmergencyGasDuration = 30;
ParamSet.UfoArrangement = 0;
ParamSet.Receiver = 0;
ParamSet.IFactor = 32;
ParamSet.UserParam1 = 0;
ParamSet.UserParam2 = 0;
349,7 → 349,7
ParamSet.LowVoltageWarning = 33; // auto cell detection for values < 50
ParamSet.EmergencyGas = 35;
ParamSet.EmergencyGasDuration = 20;
ParamSet.UfoArrangement = 0;
ParamSet.Receiver = 0;
ParamSet.IFactor = 16;
ParamSet.UserParam1 = 0;
ParamSet.UserParam2 = 0;
/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/eeprom.h
79,6 → 79,12
#define CFG2_RES4 0x40
#define CFG2_RES5 0x80
#define RECV_PPMONLY 0
#define RECV_JETI 2
#define RECV_ACT_DSL 3
#define RECV_ACT_S3D 4
// defines for lookup ParamSet.ChannelAssignment
#define CH_NICK 0
#define CH_ROLL 1
135,7 → 141,7
uint8_t LowVoltageWarning; // Value : 0-247
uint8_t EmergencyGas; // Value : 0-247 //Gaswert bei Empängsverlust
uint8_t EmergencyGasDuration; // Value : 0-247 // Zeitbis auf EmergencyGas geschaltet wird, wg. Rx-Problemen
uint8_t UfoArrangement; // x or + Formation
uint8_t Receiver; // Value : 0= Summensignal, 1 = Spektrum, 2 = Jeti, 3 = ACT DSL, 4 = ACT S3D
uint8_t IFactor; // Value : 0-247
uint8_t UserParam1; // Value : 0-247
uint8_t UserParam2; // Value : 0-247
/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/fc.c
1458,7 → 1458,7
DebugOut.Analog[11] = YawGyroHeading / GYRO_DEG_FACTOR;
DebugOut.Analog[19] = CompassCalState;
DebugOut.Analog[20] = ServoNickValue;
//DebugOut.Analog[29] = NCSerialDataOkay;
DebugOut.Analog[29] = NCSerialDataOkay;
DebugOut.Analog[30] = GPSStickNick;
DebugOut.Analog[31] = GPSStickRoll;
/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/fc.h
158,7 → 158,7
#define FCFLAG_LOWBAT 0x20
#define FCFLAG_SPI_RX_ERR 0x40
#define FCFLAG_RESERVE1 0x80
#define FCFLAG_I2C_ERR 0x80
extern volatile uint8_t FCFlags;
/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/led.c
74,6 → 74,7
static uint8_t delay = 0;
static uint8_t J16Bitmask = 0, J17Bitmask = 0;
static uint8_t J16Warn = 0, J17Warn = 0;
80,17 → 81,29
if(!delay--) // 10 ms intervall
delay = 4;
J16Bitmask = ParamSet.J16Bitmask_Warning;
J17Bitmask = ParamSet.J17Bitmask_Warning;
if(!J16Warn) J16Blinkcount = 4;
J16Warn = 1;
if(!J17Warn) J17Blinkcount = 4;
J17Warn = 1;
J16Warn = 0;
J17Warn = 0;
J16Bitmask = ParamSet.J16Bitmask;
J17Bitmask = ParamSet.J17Bitmask;
if( (ParamSet.Config1 & CFG1_MOTOR_BLINK) && !(FCFlags & FCFLAG_MOTOR_RUN))
if(ParamSet.Config1 & CFG1_MOTOR_OFF_LED1) J16_ON;
112,8 → 125,16
if(J16Mask == 1) J16Mask = 128; else J16Mask /= 2;
if(J16Mask & J16Bitmask) J16_ON; else J16_OFF;
else if(!J16Blinkcount--)
J16Blinkcount = 10-1;
if(J16Mask == 1) J16Mask = 128; else J16Mask /= 2;
if(J16Mask & ParamSet.J16Bitmask_Warning) J16_ON; else J16_OFF;
if( (ParamSet.Config1 & CFG1_MOTOR_BLINK) && !(FCFlags & FCFLAG_MOTOR_RUN))
if(ParamSet.Config1 & CFG1_MOTOR_OFF_LED2) J17_ON;
135,5 → 156,12
if(J17Mask == 1) J17Mask = 128; else J17Mask /= 2;
if(J17Mask & J17Bitmask) J17_ON; else J17_OFF;
else if(!J17Blinkcount--)
J17Blinkcount = 10-1;
if(J17Mask == 1) J17Mask = 128; else J17Mask /= 2;
if(J17Mask & ParamSet.J17Bitmask_Warning) J17_ON; else J17_OFF;
/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/main.c
78,8 → 78,8
#include "twimaster.h"
#include "eeprom.h"
#include "libfcinit.h"
uint8_t BoardRelease = 10;
uint8_t CPUType = ATMEGA644;
uint8_t LowVoltageWarning = 94;
165,7 → 165,7
int16_t main (void)
uint16_t timer, flighttimer;
uint16_t timer, flighttimer, pollingtimer;
uint8_t i;
// disable interrupts global
194,7 → 194,6
if(CPUType == ATMEGA644P) USART1_Init();
208,6 → 207,9
if(CPUType == ATMEGA644P) USART1_Init();
InitFC(); // libfcinit
// enable interrupts global
331,10 → 333,19
timer = SetDelay(2000);
pollingtimer = SetDelay(250);
// begin of main loop
while (1)
pollingtimer = SetDelay(100);
Polling(); // libfcinit
if(UpdateMotor && ADReady) // control interval
UpdateMotor = 0; // reset Flag, is enabled every 2 ms by ISR of timer0
349,7 → 360,7
if(RC_Quality) RC_Quality--;
else PPM_INPUT_ON; // if RC-Quality is lost, enable PPM input (could be disabled by a receiver on uart1)
if(!--I2CTimeout || MissingMotor) // try to reset the i2c if motor is missing ot timeout
if(!--I2CTimeout || MissingMotor) // try to reset the i2c if motor is missing or timeout
357,6 → 368,7
I2CTimeout = 5;
DebugOut.Analog[28]++; // I2C-Error
if((BeepModulation == 0xFFFF) && (FCFlags & FCFLAG_MOTOR_RUN) )
367,6 → 379,7
if(!BeepTime) FCFlags &= ~FCFLAG_I2C_ERR;
// allow Serial Data Transmit if motors must not updated or motors are not running
396,7 → 409,7
if(!BeepTime) FCFlags &= ~FCFLAG_SPI_RX_ERR;
else // no data from NC
{ // set gps control sticks neutral
416,7 → 429,7
if(!BeepTime) FCFlags &= ~FCFLAG_LOWBAT;
/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/makefile
129,7 → 129,7
SRC += dsl.c
ifeq ($(RC), SPEKTRUM)
SRC += spectrum.c
SRC += spektrum.c
221,7 → 221,10
# -lm = math library
LDFLAGS += -lm
# extern lib
LDFLAGS += libfcinit.a
##LDFLAGS += -T./linkerfile/avr5.x
/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/spektrum.c
0,0 → 1,219
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "spektrum.h"
#include "rc.h"
uint8_t SpektrumTimer;
Code derived from:
Copyright (c) Rainer Walther
RC-routines from original MK rc.c (c) H&I
Useful infos from Walter:
only for non-profit use
Connection of Spectrum Sattelite to SV1 of FC:
Orange: 3V from the FC (never connect 5V!)
Black: GND
Gray: RXD1 (Pin 3)
If a receiver is connected via PPM input at the same time, the PPM input will be disabled
if a stable signal can be captured by the uart.
Data are send at every 20 ms @ 115200 Baud 8-N-1
DX7/DX6i: One data-frame @ 115200 Baud 8-N-1 every 22ms.
DX7se: One data-frame @ 115200 Baud 8-N-1 every 11ms.
Frame consist of:
byte1: unknown
byte2: unknown
byte3: and byte4: channel data
byte5: and byte6: channel data
byte7: and byte8: channel data
byte9: and byte10: channel data
byte11: and byte12: channel data
byte13: and byte14: channel data
byte15: and byte16: channel data
DS9 (9 Channel): One data-frame @ 115200 Baud 8-N-1 every 11ms,
alternating frame 1/2 for CH1-7 / CH8-9
1st Frame consist of:
byte1: unknown
byte2: unknown
byte3: and byte4: channel data
byte5: and byte6: channel data
byte7: and byte8: channel data
byte9: and byte10: channel data
byte11: and byte12: channel data
byte13: and byte14: channel data
byte15: and byte16: channel data
2nd Frame consist of:
byte1: unknown
byte2: unknown
byte3: and byte4: channel data
byte5: and byte6: channel data
byte7: and byte8: 0xffff
byte9: and byte10: 0xffff
byte11: and byte12: 0xffff
byte13: and byte14: 0xffff
byte15: and byte16: 0xffff
Each channel data (16 bit = 2byte, first msb, second lsb) is arranged as:
Bits: F 0 C3 C2 C1 C0 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
0 means a '0' bit
F: 0 = indicate first frame, 1 = indicates beginning of 2nd frame for CH8-9 (DS9 only)
C3 to C0 is the channel number. 0 to 9 (4 bit, as assigned in the transmitter)
D9 to D0 is the channel data (10 bit) 0xaa..0x200..0x356 for 100% transmitter-travel
void Spektrum_Init(void)
#define MIN_FRAMEGAP 68 // 7ms
#define MAX_BYTEGAP 3 // 375us
void Spektrum_Parser(uint8_t c)
static uint8_t Sync = 0, FrameCnt = 0, ByteHigh = 0, ReSync = 1, Frame2 = 0;
uint16_t Channel, index;
int16_t signal; //tmp;
int16_t bCheckDelay;
if (ReSync == 1)
// wait for beginning of new frame
ReSync = 0;
SpektrumTimer = MIN_FRAMEGAP;
FrameCnt = 0;
Sync = 0;
ByteHigh = 0;
if(!SpektrumTimer) bCheckDelay = 1;
else bCheckDelay = 0;
if ( Sync == 0 )
// nach einer Pause von mind. 7ms erstes Sync-Character gefunden
// Zeichen ignorieren, da Bedeutung unbekannt
SpektrumTimer = MAX_BYTEGAP;
Sync = 1;
// Zeichen kam vor Ablauf der 7ms Sync-Pause
// warten auf erstes Sync-Zeichen
SpektrumTimer = MIN_FRAMEGAP;
FrameCnt = 0;
Sync = 0;
ByteHigh = 0;
else if((Sync == 1) && !bCheckDelay)
// zweites Sync-Character ignorieren, Bedeutung unbekannt
SpektrumTimer = MAX_BYTEGAP;
Sync = 2;
else if((Sync == 2) && !bCheckDelay)
// Datenbyte high
SpektrumTimer = MAX_BYTEGAP;
ByteHigh = c;
if (FrameCnt == 2)
// is 1st Byte of Channel-data
// Frame 1 with Channel 1-7 comming next
Frame2 = 0;
if(ByteHigh & 0x80)
// DS9: Frame 2 with Channel 8-9 comming next
Frame2 = 1;
Sync = 3;
FrameCnt ++;
else if((Sync == 3) && !bCheckDelay)
// Datenbyte low
// High-Byte for next channel comes next
SpektrumTimer = MAX_BYTEGAP;
Sync = 2;
FrameCnt ++;
index = (ByteHigh >> 2) & 0x0f;
index ++;
Channel = ((uint16_t)ByteHigh << 8) | c;
signal = Channel & 0x3ff;
signal -= 0x200; // Offset, range 0x000..0x3ff?
signal = signal/3; // scaling to fit PPM resolution
if(index > 0 && index < MAX_RC_CHANNELS)
if(RC_Channels < index) RC_Channels = index;
// Stabiles Signal
if(abs(signal - PPM_in[index]) < 6)
if(RC_Quality < 200)
RC_Quality += 10;
RC_Quality = 200;
PPM_INPUT_OFF; // disable PPM input at ICP
tmp = (3 * PPM_in[index] + signal)/4;
if(tmp > signal+1) tmp--;
else if(tmp < signal-1) tmp++;
// calculate signal difference on good signal level
if(RC_Quality >= 180) PPM_diff[index] = ((signal - PPM_in[index]) / 3) * 3;
else PPM_diff[index] = 0;
PPM_in[index] = signal;
else if(index > 17) ReSync = 1; // hier stimmt was nicht: neu synchronisieren
// hier stimmt was nicht: neu synchronisieren
SpektrumTimer = MIN_FRAMEGAP; // next frame expexted after 7ms
ReSync = 1;
FrameCnt = 0;
Frame2 = 0;
// 16 Bytes per frame --> frame complete
if(FrameCnt >= 16)
// Frame complete
if(Frame2 == 0)
// Null bedeutet: Neue Daten
// nur beim ersten Frame (CH 0-7) setzen
if(!ReSync) NewPpmData = 0;
SpektrumTimer = MIN_FRAMEGAP;
FrameCnt = 0;
Frame2 = 0;
Sync = 0;
/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/spektrum.h
0,0 → 1,15
#ifndef _SPEKTRUM_H
#define _SPEKTRUM_H
#include <inttypes.h>
#define USART1_BAUD 115200
extern uint8_t SpektrumTimer;
// initalization
extern void Spektrum_Init(void);
// this function should be called within the UART RX ISR
extern void Spektrum_Parser(uint8_t c);
#endif //_SPEKTRUM_H
/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/timer0.c
63,7 → 63,7
#include "mk3mag.h"
#include "spectrum.h"
#include "spektrum.h"
/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/uart1.c
60,7 → 60,7
#include "dsl.h"
#include "spectrum.h"
#include "spektrum.h"
163,10 → 163,10
ubx_parser(c); // and put it into the ubx protocol parser
#ifdef USE_RC_DSL
dsl_parser(c); // parse dsl data stream
Dsl_Parser(c); // parse dsl data stream
spectrum_parser(c); // parse spectrum data stream
Spektrum_Parser(c); // parse spectrum data stream
/beta/Code Redesign killagreg/version.txt
352,10 → 352,13
- Servos3-5 einstellbar
- neues Kommando "f" -> schaltet auf anderen Parametersatz um
0.77b H.Buss 09.12.2009
- JetiBox: Menü wird übertragen
- neu: FCFlags |= FCFLAG_I2CERR;
- LED-Warn-Blinken nun mit festem Timing und abschaltbar
Anpassungen bzgl. V0.77a
G.Stobrawa 26.11.2009:
G.Stobrawa 10.12.2009:
- Code stärker modularisiert und restrukturiert
- viele Kommentare zur Erklärug eingefügt