Rev 21 | Details | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed
Rev | Author | Line No. | Line |
21 | user | 1 | // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
2 | // + Copyright (c) 04.2007 Holger Buss |
3 | // + only for non-profit use |
4 | // + |
5 | // + see the File "License.txt" for further Informations |
6 | // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ |
7 | |||
8 | #include "main.h" |
9 | |||
10 | volatile int Aktuell_Nick,Aktuell_Roll,Aktuell_Gier,Aktuell_ax, Aktuell_ay,Aktuell_az, UBat = 100; |
11 | volatile int AccumulateNick = 0, AccumulateRoll = 0, AccumulateGier = 0; |
12 | volatile int accumulate_AccRoll = 0,accumulate_AccNick = 0,accumulate_AccHoch = 0; |
13 | volatile char MessanzahlNick = 0, MessanzahlRoll = 0, MessanzahlGier = 0; |
14 | volatile char messanzahl_AccNick = 0, messanzahl_AccRoll = 0, messanzahl_AccHoch = 0; |
15 | volatile long Luftdruck = 32000; |
16 | volatile int StartLuftdruck; |
17 | volatile unsigned int MessLuftdruck = 1023; |
18 | unsigned char DruckOffsetSetting; |
19 | volatile int HoeheD = 0; |
20 | volatile char messanzahl_Druck; |
21 | volatile int tmpLuftdruck; |
22 | volatile unsigned int ZaehlMessungen = 0; |
23 | |||
24 | //####################################################################################### |
25 | // |
26 | void ADC_Init(void) |
27 | //####################################################################################### |
28 | { |
29 | ADMUX = 0;//Referenz ist extern |
30 | ADCSRA=(1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADSC)|(1<<ADATE)|(1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<<ADPS0)|(1<<ADIE); |
31 | //Free Running Mode, Division Factor 128, Interrupt on |
32 | } |
33 | |||
34 | void SucheLuftruckOffset(void) |
35 | { |
36 | unsigned int off; |
37 | for(off=0; off < 250;off++) |
38 | { |
39 | OCR0A = off; |
40 | Delay_ms(50); |
41 | printf("."); |
42 | if(MessLuftdruck < 900) break; |
43 | } |
44 | DruckOffsetSetting = off; |
45 | Delay_ms(200); |
46 | } |
47 | |||
48 | |||
49 | //####################################################################################### |
50 | // |
52 | //####################################################################################### |
53 | { |
54 | static unsigned char kanal=0,state = 0; |
55 | signed int wert; |
56 | ANALOG_OFF; |
57 | switch(state++) |
58 | { |
59 | case 0: |
60 | wert = (signed int) AdNeutralGier - ADC; |
61 | AccumulateGier += wert; // |
62 | MessanzahlGier++; |
63 | Mess_Integral_Gier += wert;// / 16; |
64 | Mess_Integral_Gier2 += wert; |
65 | kanal = 1; |
66 | ZaehlMessungen++; |
67 | break; |
68 | case 1: |
69 | wert = (signed int) ADC - AdNeutralRoll; |
70 | Mess_IntegralRoll += wert; |
71 | Mess_IntegralRoll2 += wert; |
72 | if(ADC < 10) wert = -700; |
73 | if(ADC > 1000) wert = +700; |
74 | AccumulateRoll += wert; |
75 | MessanzahlRoll++; |
76 | kanal = 2; |
77 | break; |
78 | case 2: |
79 | wert = (signed int) ADC - AdNeutralNick; |
80 | Mess_IntegralNick += wert; |
81 | Mess_IntegralNick2 += wert; |
82 | if(ADC < 10) wert = -700; |
83 | if(ADC > 1000) wert = +700; |
84 | AccumulateNick += wert; |
85 | MessanzahlNick++; |
86 | kanal = 4; |
87 | break; |
88 | case 3: |
89 | UBat = (3 * UBat + ADC / 3) / 4;//(UBat + ((ADC * 39) / 256) + 19) / 2; |
90 | kanal = 6; |
91 | break; |
92 | case 4: |
93 | Aktuell_ay = NeutralAccY - ADC; |
94 | accumulate_AccRoll += Aktuell_ay; |
95 | messanzahl_AccRoll++; |
96 | kanal = 7; |
97 | break; |
98 | case 5: |
99 | Aktuell_ay = ADC - NeutralAccX; |
100 | accumulate_AccNick += Aktuell_ay; |
101 | messanzahl_AccNick++; |
102 | kanal = 5; |
103 | state = 6; |
104 | break; |
105 | case 6: |
106 | accumulate_AccHoch = (signed int) ADC - NeutralAccZ; |
107 | accumulate_AccHoch += abs(Aktuell_ay) / 4 + abs(Aktuell_ax) / 4; |
108 | if(accumulate_AccHoch > 1) |
109 | { |
110 | if(NeutralAccZ < 800) NeutralAccZ+= 0.02; |
111 | } |
112 | else if(accumulate_AccHoch < -1) |
113 | { |
114 | if(NeutralAccZ > 600) NeutralAccZ-= 0.02; |
115 | } |
116 | messanzahl_AccHoch = 1; |
117 | Aktuell_az = ADC; |
118 | Mess_Integral_Hoch += accumulate_AccHoch; // Integrieren |
119 | Mess_Integral_Hoch -= Mess_Integral_Hoch / 1024; // dämfen |
120 | // Mess_Integral_Hoch -= Mess_Integral_Hoch / 512; // dämfen |
121 | /* if(EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig & CFG_HOEHENREGELUNG) |
122 | { |
123 | kanal = 3; |
124 | state = 7; |
125 | } |
126 | else |
127 | { |
128 | kanal = 0; |
129 | state = 0; |
130 | }*/ |
131 | kanal = 3; |
132 | state = 7; |
133 | break; |
134 | case 7: |
135 | tmpLuftdruck += ADC; |
136 | if(++messanzahl_Druck >= 5) |
137 | { |
138 | MessLuftdruck = ADC; |
139 | messanzahl_Druck = 0; |
140 | HoeheD = (int)(StartLuftdruck - tmpLuftdruck - HoehenWert); // D-Anteil = neuerWert - AlterWert |
141 | Luftdruck = (tmpLuftdruck + 3 * Luftdruck) / 4; |
142 | HoehenWert = StartLuftdruck - Luftdruck; |
143 | tmpLuftdruck = 0; |
144 | } |
145 | kanal = 0; |
146 | state = 0; |
147 | break; |
148 | default: |
149 | kanal = 0; |
150 | state = 0; |
151 | break; |
152 | } |
153 | ADMUX = kanal; |
154 | ANALOG_ON; |
155 | } |