// This code was generated by a tool.
// Runtime Version:2.0.50727.312
// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
// the code is regenerated.
using Microsoft.Ccr.Core;
using Microsoft.Dss.Core.Attributes;
using Microsoft.Dss.ServiceModel.Dssp;
using Microsoft.Dss.Core.DsspHttp;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using W3C.Soap;
using roboboard = Robotics.RoboBoard;
namespace Robotics.RoboBoard
/// RoboBoard Contract class
public sealed class Contract
/// The Dss Service contract
public const String Identifier = "http://schemas.tempuri.org/2007/08/roboboardservice.html";
/// The RoboBoard State
public class RoboBoardState
private string _ComPort = "COM1";
public string ComPort
get { return _ComPort; }
set { _ComPort = value; }
private string _Command;
/// RoboBoard Main Operations Port
public class RoboBoardOperations : PortSet<
/// RoboBoard Get Operation
public class Get : Get>
/// RoboBoard Get Operation
public Get()
/// RoboBoard Get Operation
public Get(Microsoft.Dss.ServiceModel.Dssp.GetRequestType body) :
/// RoboBoard Get Operation
public Get(Microsoft.Dss.ServiceModel.Dssp.GetRequestType body, Microsoft.Ccr.Core.PortSet responsePort) :
base(body, responsePort)
public class Replace : Replace>
// Init Complete Handler
// tbd
public class InitComplete : Update>
public InitComplete()
public InitComplete(string Command)
: base(new InitCompleteRequest(Command))
public class InitCompleteRequest
public InitCompleteRequest()
public InitCompleteRequest(string command)
Command = command;
private string _Command;
public string Command
get { return _Command; }
set { _Command = value; }
// Set Com Port Handler
public class SetComPort : Update>
public SetComPort()
public SetComPort(string Portname)
: base(new SetComPortRequest(Portname))
public class SetComPortRequest
public SetComPortRequest()
public SetComPortRequest(string Portname)
PortName = Portname;
private string _PortName;
public string PortName
get { return _PortName; }
set { _PortName = value; }
// Receive Command Handler
// tbd
public class ReceiveCommand : Update>
public ReceiveCommand()
public ReceiveCommand(string Command)
: base(new ReceiveCommandRequest(Command))
public class ReceiveCommandRequest
public ReceiveCommandRequest()
public ReceiveCommandRequest(string command)
Command = command;
private string _Command;
public string Command
get { return _Command; }
set { _Command = value; }
// Send Command Request Handler
// tbd
public class SendCommand : Update>
public SendCommand()
public SendCommand(string Command)
: base(new SendCommandRequest(Command))
public class SendCommandRequest
public SendCommandRequest()
public SendCommandRequest(string command)
Command = command;
private string _Command;
public string Command
get { return _Command; }
set { _Command = value; }
// Level Handler
public class Level : Update>
public Level()
public Level(int Nick, int Roll)
: base(new LevelRequest(Nick,Roll))
public class LevelRequest
public LevelRequest()
public LevelRequest(int nick, int roll)
Nick = nick;
Roll = roll;
private int _Roll;
private int _Nick;
public int Roll
get { return _Roll; }
set { _Roll = value; }
public int Nick
get { return _Nick; }
set { _Nick = value; }
// Altitute Handler
public class SetAltitute : Update>
public SetAltitute()
public SetAltitute(float Altitute)
: base(new SetAltituteRequest(Altitute))
public class SetAltituteRequest
public SetAltituteRequest()
public SetAltituteRequest(float altitute)
Altitute = altitute;
private float _Altitute;
public float Altitute
get { return _Altitute; }
set { _Altitute = value; }
// Gier Handler
public class SetGier : Update>
public SetGier()
public SetGier(float Gier)
: base(new SetGierRequest(Gier))
public class SetGierRequest
public SetGierRequest()
public SetGierRequest(float gier)
Gier = gier;
private float _Gier;
public float Gier
get { return _Gier; }
set { _Gier = value; }
// Gas Handler
public class SetGas : Update>
public SetGas()
public SetGas(float Gas)
: base(new SetGasRequest(Gas))
public class SetGasRequest
public SetGasRequest()
public SetGasRequest(float gas)
Gas = gas;
private float _Gas;
public float Gas
get { return _Gas; }
set { _Gas = value; }
// Control Handler
public class Control : Update>
public Control()
public Control(float Nick, float Roll)
: base(new ControlRequest(Nick,Roll))
public class ControlRequest
public ControlRequest()
public ControlRequest(float nick, float roll)
Nick = nick;
Roll = roll;
private float _Roll;
private float _Nick;
public float Roll
get { return _Roll; }
set { _Roll = value; }
public float Nick
get { return _Nick; }
set { _Nick = value; }
// Increment Tick Request Handler
public class IncrementTick : Update>
public IncrementTick()
public IncrementTick(string Command)
: base(new IncrementTickRequest(Command))
public class IncrementTickRequest
public IncrementTickRequest()
public IncrementTickRequest(string command)
Command = command;
private string _Command;
public string Command
get { return _Command; }
set { _Command = value; }
#region CODECLIP 01-1
public class Subscribe : Subscribe>