[Tera Term] ; Tera Term version number Version= ; Language (English/Japanese/Russian) Language=English ; Port type (serial/tcpip) Port= ; Window positions VTPos=-32768,-32768 TEKPos=-32768,-32768 ; Terminal size TerminalSize=80,24 ; Terminal size=window size (on/off) TermIsWin=off ; Auto window resizing option (on/off) AutoWinResize=off ; Convert a received new-line (CR) char to CR/CRLF CRReceive=CR ; New-line code to be transmitted (CR/CRLF) CRSend=CR ; Terminal ID TerminalID=VT100 ; Local echo (on/off) LocalEcho=off ; Answerback Answerback= ; Auto window switching (VT<->TEK; on/off) AutoWinSwitch=off ; Kanji code to be received (SJIS/EUC/JIS) KanjiReceive=SJIS ; JIS Katakana code to be received (7/8) KatakanaReceive=8 ; Kanji code to be transmitted (SJIS/EUC/JIS) KanjiSend=SJIS ; JIS Katakana to be transmitted (7/8) KatakanaSend=8 ; Kanji-in sequence to be transmitted (@/B) KanjiIn=B ; Kanji-out sequence to be transmitted (J/B) KanjiOut=J ; Russian code set used in host RussHost=Windows ; Russian code set used in PC RussClient=Windows ; Window title Title=Tera Term ; Cursor shape (block/vertical/horizontal) CursorShape=block ; Hide title & menu bars and enable popup menu (on/off) HideTitle=off ; Hide menu bar and enable popup menu (on/off) PopupMenu=off ; Full color emulation (on/off) FullColor=off ; Enable scroll buffer (on/off) EnableScrollBuff=on ; Scroll buffer size ScrollBuffSize=100 ; Text and background colors ; for Normal characters VTColor=0,0,0,255,255,255 ; for Bold characters VTBoldColor=0,0,255,255,255,255 ; for Blink characters VTBlinkColor=255,0,0,255,255,255 ; for TEK window TEKColor=0,0,0,255,255,255 ; TEK color emulation (on/off) TEKColorEmulation=off ; Font VTFont=Terminal,0,13,1 ; Bold style font (on/off) EnableBold=off ; Font for TEK window TEKFont=Terminal,0,8,1 ; Russian code set of the font RussFont=Windows ; Backspace key (BS/DEL) BSKey=BS ; transmit DEL by Delete key (on/off) DeleteKey=off ; Russian code set used in the keyboard driver RussKeyb=Windows ; Meta key (on/off) MetaKey=off ; Serial port parameters ; Port number ComPort=1 ; Baud rate BaudRate=9600 ; Parity (even/odd/none) Parity=none ; Data (7/8) DataBit=8 ; Stop (1/2) StopBit=1 ; Flow control (x/hard/none) FlowCtrl=none ; Transmit delay per character (in msec) DelayPerChar=0 ; Transmit delay per line (in msec) DelayPerLine=0 ; TCP/IP parameters ; TCP port# TCPPort=23 ; Telnet flag (on/off) Telnet=on ; Telnet terminal type TermType=vt100 ; Auto window closing option (on/off) AutoWinClose=on ; History list of hosts HistoryList=off ; Binary flag for Send File and Log (on/off) TransBin=off ; Log append (on/off) LogAppend=on ; XMODEM option (checksum/crc/1k) XmodemOpt=checksum ; Binary flag for XMODEM Receive and ZMODEM Send (on/off) XmodemBin=on ; Default directory for file transfers FileDir= ;------ special options (see Tera Term help) ; C1 (8-bit) control characters Accept8BitCtrl=on ; Wrong kanji-out ^[(H (Japanese only) AllowWrongSequence=off ; Auto file renaming for downloading AutoFileRename=on ; Auto text copying AutoTextCopy=on ; Back wrap BackWrap=off ; Beep by BEL Beep=on ; Beep on connection & disconnection BeepOnConnect=off ; B-Plus auto receive BPAuto=off ; Escape all control characters in B-Plus BPEscCtl=off ; B-Plus log BPLog=off ; "Disconnect?" warning ConfirmDisconnect=on ; Control characters in kanji (Japanese only) CtrlInKanji=on ; Display all characters (debug mode) Debug=off ; Delimters for word selection ; (compatible with earlier versions of Tera Term) ; DelimList=$20 ; DelimDBCS=off DelimList=$20!"#$24%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|}~ DelimDBCS=on ; Popup menu EnablePopupMenu=on ; "Show menu bar" command EnableShowMenu=on ; Enable the status line EnableStatusLine=on ; Enable IME / inline input (Japanese only) IME=on IMEInline=on ; Kermit log KmtLog=off ; Language selection LanguageSelection=on ; Max scroll buffer size MaxBuffSize= ; Max serial port number MaxComPort=12 ; Nonblinking cursor NonblinkingCursor=off ; Delay for pass-thru printing (in secs) PassThruDelay=3 ; Direct pass-thru printing PassThruPort= ; Printer font PrnFont= ; Page margins for printing ; (left, right, top and bottom in 1/100 inches) PrnMargin=50,50,50,50 ; Quick-VAN log QVLog=off ; Quick-VAN window size QVWinSize=8 ; Russian code set of printer font RussPrint=Windows ; Max lines per one jump scroll ScrollThreshold=12 ; Text selection on window activation SelectOnActivate=on ; Startup macro StartupMacro= ; TEK mouse code TEKGINMouseCode=32 ; Telnet binary option TelBin=off ; Telnet auto echo TelEcho=off ; Telnet log TelLog=off ; Standard telnet port TelPort=23 ; Auto setup for non-telnet TCPLocalEcho=off TCPCRSend= ; Title format TitleFormat=5 ; White & black color conversion UseTextColor=off ; Space between characters (lines) VTFontSpace=0,0,0,0 ; Scaling factors for printing (in pixels per inch) VTPPI=0,0 TEKPPI=0,0 ; [Window] menu WindowMenu=on ; XMODEM log XmodemLog=off ; ZMODEM auto receive ZmodemAuto=off ; ZMODEM parameters for sending ZmodemDataLen=1024 ZmodemWinSize=32767 ; Escape all control characters in ZMODEM ZmodemEscCtl=off ; ZMODEM log ZmodemLog=off ;------ end of special options ;------ Telnet host list ; Max number of hosts is 99. ; You can edit this list in the [Setup] TCP/IP dialog box. ;[Hosts] ; Host name ;Host1=myhost.mydomain ; IP address ;Host2= ; Host name with option ;Host3=myhost.mydomain /F=myhost.ini ; COM1 port ;Host4=/C=1 ; Replay a file ;Host5=/R=readme.txt [Hosts] Host1=myhost.mydomain Host2= Host3=myhost.mydomain /F=myhost.ini Host4=/C=1 ;serial port Host5=/R=readme.txt ;replay a file