using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace OSD { // this is mainly copied from osd_panels.pde using uint16_t = System.UInt16; using uint8_t = System.Byte; using int8_t = System.SByte; using boolean = System.Byte; class Panels { OSD osd; public Panels(OSD os) { osd = os; } string PSTR(string input) { return input; } double abs(double input) { return Math.Abs(input); } int round(double input) { return (int)Math.Round(input, 0); } double tan(double input) { return Math.Tan(input); } /*Panels variables*/ //Will come from APM telem port static float osd_vbat = 11.61f; // voltage in milivolt static uint16_t osd_battery_remaining = 50; // 0 to 100 <=> 0 to 1000 static uint8_t osd_battery_pic = 0xb4; // picture to show battery remaining static uint16_t osd_mode = 100; // Navigation mode from RC AC2 = CH5, APM = CH8 static uint8_t osd_nav_mode = 4; // Navigation mode from RC AC2 = CH5, APM = CH8 static float osd_lat = -35.020938f; // latidude static float osd_lon = 117.883419f; // longitude static uint8_t osd_satellites_visible = 7; // number of satelites static uint8_t osd_fix_type = 3; // GPS lock 0-1=no fix, 2=2D, 3=3D //static uint8_t osd_got_home = 0; // tels if got home position or not //static float osd_home_lat = 0; // home latidude //static float osd_home_lon = 0; // home longitude //static float osd_home_alt = 0; static long osd_home_distance = 0; // distance from home static uint8_t osd_home_direction = 0; // Arrow direction pointing to home (1-16 to CW loop) static int8_t osd_pitch = 0; // pitch form DCM static int8_t osd_roll = 0; // roll form DCM //static uint8_t osd_yaw = 0; // relative heading form DCM static float osd_heading = 0; // ground course heading from GPS static float osd_alt = 200; // altitude static float osd_groundspeed = 12; // ground speed static uint16_t osd_throttle = 52; // throtle //MAVLink session control static boolean mavbeat = 1; //static float lastMAVBeat = 0; //static boolean waitingMAVBeats = 1; static uint8_t apm_mav_type = 2; //static uint8_t apm_mav_system = 7; //static uint8_t apm_mav_component = 0; //static boolean enable_mav_request = 0; /******* PANELS - DEFINITION *******/ /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panAlt // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : Alt symbol and altitude value in meters from MAVLink // Size : 1 x 7Hea (rows x chars) // Staus : done public int panAlt(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); //osd.printf("%c%5.0f%c",0x85, (double)(osd_alt - osd_home_alt), 0x8D); osd.printf("%c%5.0f%c", 0x85, (double)(osd_alt), 0x8D); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panVel // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : Velocity value from MAVlink with symbols // Size : 1 x 7 (rows x chars) // Staus : done public int panVel(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); osd.printf("%c%3.0f%c", 0x86, (double)osd_groundspeed, 0x88); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panThr // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : Throttle value from MAVlink with symbols // Size : 1 x 7 (rows x chars) // Staus : done public int panThr(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); osd.printf("%c%3.0i%c", 0x87, osd_throttle, 0x25); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panHomeDis // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : Home Symbol with distance to home in meters // Size : 1 x 7 (rows x chars) // Staus : done public int panHomeDis(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); osd.printf("%c%5.0f%c", 0x1F, (double)osd_home_distance, 0x8D); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panCenter // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : 2 row croshair symbol created by 2 x 4 chars // Size : 2 x 4 (rows x chars) // Staus : done public int panCenter(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x05\x03\x04\x05|\x15\x13\x14\x15")); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panHorizon // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : 12 x 4 Horizon line surrounded by 2 cols (left/right rules) // Size : 14 x 4 (rows x chars) // Staus : done public int panHorizon(int first_col, int first_line) { showHorizon((first_col + 1), first_line); osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xc8\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\xc9|")); osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xc8\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\xc9|")); osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xd8\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\xd9|")); osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xc8\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\xc9|")); osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xc8\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\xc9")); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panPitch // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : -+ value of current Pitch from vehicle with degree symbols and pitch symbol // Size : 1 x 6 (rows x chars) // Staus : done public int panPitch(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); osd.printf("%4i%c%c", osd_pitch, 0xb0, 0xb1); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panRoll // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : -+ value of current Roll from vehicle with degree symbols and roll symbol // Size : 1 x 6 (rows x chars) // Staus : done public int panRoll(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); osd.printf("%4i%c%c", osd_roll, 0xb0, 0xb2); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panBattery A (Voltage 1) // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : Voltage value as in XX.X and symbol of over all battery status // Size : 1 x 8 (rows x chars) // Staus : done public int panBatt_A(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); osd.printf("%c%5.2f%c%c", 0xE2,(double)osd_vbat, 0x8E, osd_battery_pic); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } //------------------ Panel: Startup ArduCam OSD LOGO ------------------------------- public int panLogo(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x20\x20\x20\x20\xba\xbb\xbc\xbd\xbe|\x20\x20\x20\x20\xca\xcb\xcc\xcd\xce|ArduCam OSD")); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } //------------------ Panel: Waiting for MAVLink HeartBeats ------------------------------- public int panWaitMAVBeats(int first_col, int first_line) { panLogo(10, 5); osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); osd.printf_P(PSTR("Waiting for|MAVLink heartbeats...")); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panGPL // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : 1 static symbol with changing FIX symbol // Size : 1 x 2 (rows x chars) // Staus : done public int panGPL(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); switch (osd_fix_type) { case 0: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x10\x20")); break; case 1: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x10\x20")); break; case 2: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x11\x20"));//If not APM, x01 would show 2D fix break; case 3: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x11\x20"));//If not APM, x02 would show 3D fix break; } /* if(osd_fix_type <= 1) { osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x10")); } else { osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x11")); } */ osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panGPSats // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : 1 symbol and number of locked satellites // Size : 1 x 5 (rows x chars) // Staus : done public int panGPSats(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); osd.printf("%c%2i", 0x0f, osd_satellites_visible); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panGPS // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : two row numeric value of current GPS location with LAT/LON symbols as on first char // Size : 2 x 12 (rows x chars) // Staus : done public int panGPS(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); osd.printf("%c%11.6f|%c%11.6f", 0x83, (double)osd_lat, 0x84, (double)osd_lon); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panHeading // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : Symbols with numeric compass heading value // Size : 1 x 5 (rows x chars) // Staus : not ready public int panHeading(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); osd.printf("%4.0f%c", (double)osd_heading, 0xb0); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panRose // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : a dynamic compass rose that changes along the heading information // Size : 2 x 13 (rows x chars) // Staus : done public int panRose(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); //osd_heading = osd_yaw; //if(osd_yaw < 0) osd_heading = 360 + osd_yaw; osd.printf("%s|%c%s%c", "\x20\xc0\xc0\xc0\xc0\xc0\xc7\xc0\xc0\xc0\xc0\xc0\x20", 0xd0, Encoding.Default.GetString(buf_show), 0xd1); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panBoot // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : Booting up text and empty bar after that // Size : 1 x 21 (rows x chars) // Staus : done public int panBoot(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); osd.printf_P(PSTR("Booting up:\xed\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf2\xf3")); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panMavBeat // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : 2 symbols, one static and one that blinks on every 50th received // mavlink packet. // Size : 1 x 2 (rows x chars) // Staus : done public int panMavBeat(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); if (mavbeat == 1) { osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xEA\xEC")); mavbeat = 0; } else { osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xEA\xEB")); } osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panWPDir // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : 2 symbols that are combined as one arrow, shows direction to next waypoint // Size : 1 x 2 (rows x chars) // Staus : not ready public int panWPDir(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); showArrow(); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panHomeDir // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : 2 symbols that are combined as one arrow, shows direction to home // Size : 1 x 2 (rows x chars) // Status : not tested public int panHomeDir(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); showArrow(); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } /* **************************************************************** */ // Panel : panFlightMode // Needs : X, Y locations // Output : 2 symbols, one static name symbol and another that changes by flight modes // Size : 1 x 2 (rows x chars) // Status : done public int panFlightMode(int first_col, int first_line) { osd.setPanel(first_col, first_line); osd.openPanel(); if (apm_mav_type == 2)//ArduCopter { if (osd_mode == 100) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0stab"));//Stabilize if (osd_mode == 101) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0acro"));//Acrobatic if (osd_mode == 102) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0alth"));//Alt Hold if (osd_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_MODE.MAV_MODE_AUTO && osd_nav_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_NAV.MAV_NAV_WAYPOINT) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0auto"));//Auto if (osd_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_MODE.MAV_MODE_GUIDED && osd_nav_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_NAV.MAV_NAV_WAYPOINT) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0guid"));//Guided if (osd_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_MODE.MAV_MODE_AUTO && osd_nav_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_NAV.MAV_NAV_HOLD) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0loit"));//Loiter if (osd_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_MODE.MAV_MODE_AUTO && osd_nav_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_NAV.MAV_NAV_RETURNING) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0retl"));//Return to Launch if (osd_mode == 107) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0circ")); // Circle if (osd_mode == 108) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0posi")); // Position if (osd_mode == 109) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0land")); // Land if (osd_mode == 110) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0oflo")); // OF_Loiter } else if (apm_mav_type == 1) // arduplane { if (osd_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_MODE.MAV_MODE_TEST1 && osd_nav_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_NAV.MAV_NAV_VECTOR) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0\xE2"));//Stabilize if (osd_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_MODE.MAV_MODE_MANUAL && osd_nav_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_NAV.MAV_NAV_VECTOR) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0\xE3"));//Manual if (osd_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_MODE.MAV_MODE_AUTO && osd_nav_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_NAV.MAV_NAV_LOITER) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0\xE4"));//Loiter if (osd_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_MODE.MAV_MODE_AUTO && osd_nav_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_NAV.MAV_NAV_RETURNING) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0\xE5"));//Return to Launch if (osd_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_MODE.MAV_MODE_TEST2 && osd_nav_mode == 1) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0\xE6"));//FLY_BY_WIRE_A if (osd_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_MODE.MAV_MODE_TEST2 && osd_nav_mode == 2) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0\xE7"));//FLY_BY_WIRE_B if (osd_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_MODE.MAV_MODE_GUIDED) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0\xE7"));//GUIDED if (osd_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_MODE.MAV_MODE_AUTO && osd_nav_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_NAV.MAV_NAV_WAYPOINT) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0\xE7"));//AUTO if (osd_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_MODE.MAV_MODE_AUTO && osd_nav_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_NAV.MAV_NAV_RETURNING) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0\xE7"));//RTL if (osd_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_MODE.MAV_MODE_AUTO && osd_nav_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_NAV.MAV_NAV_LOITER) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0\xE7"));//LOITER if (osd_mode == (byte)ArdupilotMega.MAVLink.MAV_MODE.MAV_MODE_TEST3) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xE0\xE7"));//CIRCLE } // if(osd_mode == 3 && osd_nav_mode == 4) osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xD0\xD2")); osd.closePanel(); return 0; } // ---------------- EXTRA FUNCTIONS ---------------------- // Show those fancy 2 char arrows public int showArrow() { switch (osd_home_direction) { case 0: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x90\x91")); break; case 1: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x90\x91")); break; case 2: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x92\x93")); break; case 3: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x94\x95")); break; case 4: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x96\x97")); break; case 5: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x98\x99")); break; case 6: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x9A\x9B")); break; case 7: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x9C\x9D")); break; case 8: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x9E\x9F")); break; case 9: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xA0\xA1")); break; case 10: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xA2\xA3")); break; case 11: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xA4\xA5")); break; case 12: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xA6\xA7")); break; case 13: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xA8\xA9")); break; case 14: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xAA\xAB")); break; case 15: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xAC\xAD")); break; case 16: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\xAE\xAF")); break; } return 0; } // Calculate and shows Artificial Horizon public int showHorizon(int start_col, int start_row) { int x, nose, row, minval, hit, subval = 0; int cols = 12; int rows = 5; int[] col_hit = new int[cols]; double pitch, roll; if (abs(osd_pitch) == 90) { pitch = 89.99 * (90 / osd_pitch) * -0.017453293; } else { pitch = osd_pitch * -0.017453293; } if (abs(osd_roll) == 90) { roll = 89.99 * (90 / osd_roll) * 0.017453293; } else { roll = osd_roll * 0.017453293; } nose = round(tan(pitch) * (rows * 9)); for (int col = 1; col <= cols; col++) { x = (col * 12) - (cols * 6) - 6;//center X point at middle of each col col_hit[col - 1] = (int)(tan(roll) * x) + nose + (rows * 9) - 1;//calculating hit point on Y plus offset to eliminate negative values //col_hit[(col-1)] = nose + (rows * 9); } for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) { hit = col_hit[col]; if (hit > 0 && hit < (rows * 18)) { row = rows - ((hit - 1) / 18); minval = rows * 18 - row * 18 + 1; subval = hit - minval; subval = round((subval * 9) / 18); if (subval == 0) subval = 1; printHit((byte)(start_col + col), (byte)(start_row + row - 1), (byte)subval); } } return 0; } public int printHit(byte col, byte row, byte subval) { osd.openSingle(col, row); switch (subval) { case 1: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x06")); break; case 2: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x07")); break; case 3: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x08")); break; case 4: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x09")); break; case 5: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x0a")); break; case 6: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x0b")); break; case 7: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x0c")); break; case 8: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x0d")); break; case 9: osd.printf_P(PSTR("\x0e")); break; } return 0; } //------------------ Heading and Compass ---------------------------------------- byte[] buf_show = new byte[11]; byte[] buf_Rule = {0xc2,0xc0,0xc0,0xc1,0xc0,0xc0,0xc1,0xc0,0xc0, 0xc4,0xc0,0xc0,0xc1,0xc0,0xc0,0xc1,0xc0,0xc0, 0xc3,0xc0,0xc0,0xc1,0xc0,0xc0,0xc1,0xc0,0xc0, 0xc5,0xc0,0xc0,0xc1,0xc0,0xc0,0xc1,0xc0,0xc0}; public void setHeadingPatern() { int start; start = round((osd_heading * 36) / 360); start -= 5; if (start < 0) start += 36; for (int x = 0; x <= 10; x++) { buf_show[x] = buf_Rule[start]; if (++start > 35) start = 0; } // buf_show[11] = (byte)'\0'; } //------------------ Battery Remaining Picture ---------------------------------- public void setBatteryPic() { if (osd_battery_remaining <= 270) { osd_battery_pic = 0xb4; } else if (osd_battery_remaining <= 300) { osd_battery_pic = 0xb5; } else if (osd_battery_remaining <= 400) { osd_battery_pic = 0xb6; } else if (osd_battery_remaining <= 500) { osd_battery_pic = 0xb7; } else if (osd_battery_remaining <= 800) { osd_battery_pic = 0xb8; } else osd_battery_pic = 0xb9; } } }