Sub-version for an Arduino Pro Mini with an InvenSense ITG3200 3 axis I2C gyro. A 4017 decimal counter is used for servo control. I/O pin assignments: PB0/ICP1 PPM receiver signal in PB1,2 Digital outputs (output.c) PB3 SPI use and CLK of 4017 PB4 SPI use and red LED (LED1) PB5 Green Arduino LED (use as LED2). PB6,7 Xtal PC0,1,2,3 unused PC5/SCL I2C to gyro PC4/SDA I2C to gyro PC6 RESET PC7 No pin?? PD0 RxD serial for configuration, diags etc. PD1 TxD serial for configuration, diags etc. PD2 Performance analysis PD3 RESET of 4017 PD4 unused PD5 Beeper PD6 unused PD7 unused ADC6 Battery voltage divider ADC7 Airspeed sensor