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        .include "startup_generic.s"

# reference to external interrupt handlers
                .extern SWI_Handler
                .extern Prefetch_Handler
                .extern Abort_Handler
                .extern Undefined_Handler
                .extern FIQ_Handler

        .equ    VectorAddress,          0xFFFFF030      /* VIC Vector address register address. */
        .equ    VectorAddressDaisy,     0xFC000030      /* Daisy VIC Vector address register */

# Standard definitions of Mode bits and Interrupt (I & F) flags in PSRs
        .equ    Mode_USR,   0x10
        .equ    Mode_FIQ,   0x11
        .equ    Mode_IRQ,   0x12
        .equ    Mode_SVC,   0x13
        .equ    Mode_ABT,   0x17
        .equ    Mode_UND,   0x1B
        .equ    Mode_SYS,   0x1F
        .equ    I_BIT, 0x80        /* when I bit is set, IRQ is disabled */
        .equ    F_BIT, 0x40        /* when F bit is set, FIQ is disabled */
# System Memory definitions
#  Internal RAM definitions
        .equ    RAM_Size,      0x0018000      /* 96K */
        .equ    RAM_Base,      0x4000000

# Control Startup Code Operation
.equ    SRAM_SETUP  ,   1     /* Enable setup of SRAM */
.equ    FMI_SETUP   ,   0     /* Enable FMI Setup */   /* already done by bootloader */
.equ    CLOCK_SETUP ,   1         /* Enable clock setup */
.equ    ETM_SETUP ,   0           /* Enable ETM setup */

# Hardware Definitions 

# Flash Memory Interface (FMI) definitions (Flash banks sizes and addresses)
.equ    FMI_BASE        ,     0x54000000      /* FMI Base Address (non-buffered) */
.equ    FMI_BBSR_OFS    ,     0x00            /* Boot Bank Size Register */
.equ    FMI_NBBSR_OFS   ,     0x04            /* Non-boot Bank Size Register       */
.equ    FMI_BBADR_OFS   ,     0x0C            /* Boot Bank Base Address Register       #!!! Documentation page 30,*/
.equ    FMI_NBBADR_OFS  ,     0x10            /* Non-boot Bank Base Address Register   #!!! adresseses do not correspond*/
.equ    FMI_CR_OFS      ,     0x18            /* Control Register */
.equ    FMI_SR_OFS              ,         0x1C            /* Status Register */

.equ    FMI_CR_Val      ,     0x00000018
.equ    FMI_BBSR_Val    ,     0x00000004  /* 04 */
.equ    FMI_BBADR_Val   ,     0x00000000  /* 00 */
.equ    FMI_NBBSR_Val   ,     0x00000002  /* 02 */
.equ    FMI_NBBADR_Val  ,     0x00080000  /* 80000 */
.equ    FLASH_CFG_Val   ,     0x00001010
.equ    FMI_SR_Val      ,     0x00000003      /* Clear status errors (register not in STR912 manual! */

# System Control Unit (SCU) definitions
.equ    SCU_BASE        ,     0x5C002000      /* SCU Base Address (non-buffered)               */
.equ    SCU_CLKCNTR_OFS ,     0x00            /* Clock Control register Offset                 */
.equ    SCU_PLLCONF_OFS ,     0x04            /* PLL Configuration register Offset                 */
.equ    SCU_SYSTAT_OFS  ,         0x08            /* SCU status register offset                */
.equ    SCU_PCGR0_OFS   ,     0x14            /* Peripheral Clock Gating Register 0 Offset */
.equ    SCU_PCGR1_OFS   ,     0x18            /* Peripheral Clock Gating Register 1 Offset */
.equ    SCU_SCR0_OFS    ,     0x34            /* System Configuration Register 0 Offset    */

.equ    SCU_CLKCNTR_Val ,     0x00031004      /* Use PLL, external memory ratio/2 */
.equ    SCU_PLLCONF_Val ,     0x000BC019
.equ    SCU_PCGR0_Val   ,     0x00000FFB          /* Setup ext mem clock, EMI, SRAM, Prefetch Queue/Branch cache, FMI */
.equ    SCU_PCGR1_Val   ,     0x00FEC801          /* Setup GPIO8, 9 & 4                                                                                       */
.equ    SCU_SCR0_Val    ,     0x00000196      /* Disable Prefetch Queue and Branch cache, SRAM = 96kb */
.equ    SCU_SYSSTAT_LOCK ,    0x01                /* Check for PLL locked                                                                 */
.equ    SCU_PRR0_OFS    ,     0x1C            /*; Peripheral Reset Register        0 Offset     */
.equ    SCU_PRR1_OFS    ,     0x20            /* Peripheral Reset Register        1 Offset */

.equ    P_RESET_SETUP   ,           1
.equ    SCU_PRR0_Val    ,               0x00001B73
.equ    SCU_PRR1_Val    ,               0x00FEC801

# APB Bridge 1 & 2 definitions (Peripherals)
.equ    APB0_BUF_BASE   ,     0x48001802      /* APB Bridge 0 Buffered Base Address              */
.equ    APB0_NBUF_BASE  ,     0x58000000      /* APB Bridge 0 Non-buffered Base Address  */
.equ    APB1_BUF_BASE   ,     0x4C000000      /* APB Bridge 1 Buffered Base Address              */
.equ    APB1_NBUF_BASE  ,     0x5C000000      /* APB Bridge 1 Non-buffered Base Address  */

# ETM Definitions
.equ    IOPORT2_ETM_ENABLE_BASE ,     0x5C00204C
.equ    IOPORT6_ETM_ENABLE_BASE ,     0x5C00205C

.equ    IOPORT2_ETM_ENABLE_VAL  ,     0x0000FFFF
.equ    IOPORT6_ETM_ENABLE_VAL  ,     0x0000FFFF

# Stack definitions

        .equ    UND_Stack_Size,    64*4
        .equ    SVC_Stack_Size,    64*4
        .equ    ABT_Stack_Size,    64*4
        .equ    FIQ_Stack_Size,    64*4
        .equ    IRQ_Stack_Size,    1024*4
        .equ    USR_Stack_Size,    1024*4
        .equ    Top_Stack,     RAM_Base + RAM_Size

# NOTE: Startup Code must be linked first at Address at which it expects to run.


                .extern main
                .global _app_entry
        .global start_up

        .func   start_up


# Exception Vectors
        LDR     PC, Reset_Addr          /* 0x0000 */        
        LDR     PC, Undef_Addr          /* 0x0004 */        
        LDR     PC, SWI_Addr            /* 0x0008 */        
        LDR     PC, PAbt_Addr           /* 0x000C */        
        LDR     PC, DAbt_Addr           /* 0x0010 */        
        NOP                                             /* 0x0014 Reserved Vector */
                LDR     PC, IRQ_Addr            /* 0x0018 wraps around address space to 0xFFFFFF030. Vector from VicVECAddr */
        LDR     PC, FIQ_Addr            /* 0x001C FIQ has no VIC vector slot!   */

# Interrupt Vectors

Reset_Addr:     .word   Hard_Reset                        /* CPU reset vector and entry point */
Undef_Addr:     .word   _Undef_Handler
SWI_Addr:       .word   _SWI_Handler
PAbt_Addr:      .word   _PAbt_Handler
DAbt_Addr:      .word   _DAbt_Handler
                .word   0                      /* Reserved Address */
IRQ_Addr:       .word   _IRQ_Handler                       /* Does not get used due to "LDR PC, [PC, #-0xFF0]" above */
FIQ_Addr:       .word   _FIQ_Handler                       

# Dummy Interrupt Vector Table (real service routines in INTERRUPT.C)

        _Undef_Handler:  B       UndefinedHandler
        _SWI_Handler:    B       SWIHandler
        _PAbt_Handler:   B       PrefetchHandler
        _DAbt_Handler:   B       AbortHandler
        _IRQ_Handler:    B              IRQHandler              
        _FIQ_Handler:    B       FIQHandler

                       Exception Handlers

* Macro Name     : SaveContext
* Description    : This macro used to save the context before entering
                   an exception handler.
* Input          : The range of registers to store.
* Output         : none

.macro  SaveContext reg1 reg2
                STMFD   sp!,{\reg1-\reg2,lr}    /* Save The workspace plus the current return */
                                                                                /* address lr_ mode into the stack */
                MRS             r1, spsr                                /* Save the spsr_mode into r1 */
                STMFD   sp!, {r1}                               /* Save spsr */

* Macro Name     : RestoreContext
* Description    : This macro used to restore the context to return from
                   an exception handler and continue the program execution.
* Input          : The range of registers to restore.
* Output         : none

.macro  RestoreContext reg1 reg2
                LDMFD   sp!, {r1}                               /* Restore the saved spsr_mode into r1 */
                MSR             spsr_cxsf, r1                   /* Restore spsr_mode */
                LDMFD   sp!, {\reg1-\reg2,pc}^  /* Return to the instruction following */
                                                                                /* the exception interrupt */

* Function Name  : IRQHandler
* Description    : This function called when IRQ exception is entered.
* Input          : none
* Output         : none
       SUB    lr, lr, #4                                /* Update the link register */
       SaveContext r0, r12                              /* Save the workspace plus the current */
                                                                                /* return address lr_irq and spsr_irq */
                LDR    r0, =VectorAddress
                LDR    r0, [r0]                                 /* Read the routine address of VIC0 */
                LDR    r1, =VectorAddressDaisy
                LDR    r1, [r1]                             /* Read the routine address of VIC1 */
                /* Padding between the acknowledge and re-enable of interrupts */
                /* For more details, please refer to the following URL */
                /* */
#               MSR             cpsr_c, #Mode_SYS               /* Switch to SYS mode and enable IRQ */
#               STMFD   sp!, {lr}                               /* Save the link register. */
                LDR             lr, =ReturnAddress              /* Read the return address. */
                CMP             r0, #0                                  /* Is VIC0 VAR zero? */
                BEQ             SkipVic0
                BX              r0                                              /* Branch to the IRQ handler. */
                CMP             r1, #0                                  /* Is VIC1 VAR zero? */
                BEQ             ReturnAddress
                BX              r1                                              /* Branch to the IRQ handler. */
#               LDMFD   sp!, {lr}                               /* Restore the link register. */
#               MSR             cpsr_c, #Mode_IRQ|I_BIT /* Switch to IRQ mode and disable IRQ */
                LDR             r0, =VectorAddress              /* Write to the VectorAddress to clear the */
                STR             r0, [r0]                                /* respective interrupt in the internal interrupt */
                LDR             r1, =VectorAddressDaisy /* Write to the VectorAddressDaisy to clear the */
                STR             r1, [r1]                                /* respective interrupt in the internal interrupt */
                RestoreContext r0, r12                  /* Restore the context and return to the program execution. */

* Function Name  : SWIHandler
* Description    : This function called when SWI instruction executed.
* Input          : none
* Output         : none

                SaveContext r0, r12                     /* r0 holds swi number */
                MOV     r1, sp                          /* load regs */
                BL              SWI_Handler
                RestoreContext r0, r12

* Function Name  : UndefinedHandler
* Description    : This function called when undefined instruction
                   exception is entered.
* Input          : none
* Output         : none

                SaveContext r0, r12
                BL              Undefined_Handler
                RestoreContext r0, r12

* Function Name  : PrefetchAbortHandler
* Description    : This function called when Prefetch Abort
                   exception is entered.
* Input          : none
* Output         : none

                SUB             lr, lr, #4                      /* Update the link register. */
                SaveContext r0, r12
                BL              Prefetch_Handler
                RestoreContext r0, r12

* Function Name  : DataAbortHandler
* Description    : This function is called when Data Abort
                   exception is entered.
* Input          : none
* Output         : none

                SUB             lr, lr, #8                      /* Update the link register. */
                SaveContext r0, r12
                BL              Abort_Handler
                RestoreContext r0, r12

* Function Name  : FIQHandler
* Description    : This function is called when FIQ
                   exception is entered.
* Input          : none
* Output         : none

                SUB             lr, lr, #4                      /* Update the link register. */
                SaveContext r0, r7
                BL              FIQ_Handler
                RestoreContext r0, r7


# Reset Handler Entry Point
                 StartupDelay 500000

# Setup SRAM Size

                .IF      SRAM_SETUP == 1

                LDR     R0, =SCU_BASE
                LDR     R1, =SCU_SCR0_Val
                STR     R1, [R0, #SCU_SCR0_OFS]
 #               ORR     R1, R1, #0x00000200
 #               STR     R1, [R0, #SCU_SCR0_OFS]


# Setup Flash Memory Interface (FMI)

                .IF      FMI_SETUP == 1

                LDR     R0, =FMI_BASE
                LDR     R1, =FMI_BBSR_Val
                STR     R1, [R0, #FMI_BBSR_OFS]
                LDR     R1, =FMI_NBBSR_Val
                STR     R1, [R0, #FMI_NBBSR_OFS]
                LDR     R1, =(FMI_BBADR_Val >> 2)
                STR     R1, [R0, #FMI_BBADR_OFS]
                LDR     R1, =(FMI_NBBADR_Val >> 2)
                STR     R1, [R0, #FMI_NBBADR_OFS]
                LDR     R2, =FMI_CR_Val
                STR     R2, [R0, #FMI_CR_OFS]

                        LDR     R2, =FMI_SR_Val
                STR     R2, [R0, #FMI_SR_OFS]

                    # Write "Write flash configuration" command (60h)
                MOV     R0, R1, LSL #2
                MOV     R1, #0x60
                STRH    R1, [R0, #0]

                # Write "Write flash configuration confirm" command (03h)
                LDR     R2, =(FLASH_CFG_Val >> 2)
                ADD     R0, R0, R2
                MOV     R1, #0x03
                STRH    R1, [R0, #0]


# Setup Clock PLL

                .IF      CLOCK_SETUP == 1

                LDR     R0, =SCU_BASE
                LDR     R1, =0x00020002
                STR     R1, [R0, #SCU_CLKCNTR_OFS]    /* Select OSC as clock src */

                NOP     /* Wait for oscillator stabilisation */
                NOP     /* Must be more than 10 oscillator periods */
                LDR     R1, =0x0003C019               // Disable PLL 
                STR     R1, [R0, #SCU_PLLCONF_OFS]
                LDR     R1, =SCU_PLLCONF_Val 
                STR     R1, [R0, #SCU_PLLCONF_OFS]    // Set new PLL values 

                                .IF      (SCU_PLLCONF_Val & 0x8000)       // See if PLL is being used 

                LDR     R1, =SCU_SYSSTAT_LOCK
                                LDR             R2,[R0, #SCU_SYSTAT_OFS]      // Wait for PLL lock 
                                ANDS    R2, R2, R1
                                BEQ             PLL_LOCK_LOOP


                LDR     R1, =SCU_PLLCONF_Val
                STR     R1, [R0, #SCU_PLLCONF_OFS]
                LDR     R1, =SCU_CLKCNTR_Val
                STR     R1, [R0, #SCU_CLKCNTR_OFS]

                LDR     R1, =SCU_PCGR0_Val            // Enable clock gating 
                STR     R1, [R0, #SCU_PCGR0_OFS]
                LDR     R1, =SCU_PCGR1_Val
                STR     R1, [R0, #SCU_PCGR1_OFS]
  /*; --- wait states Flash confguration */

        LDR     R6, = 0x00080000            /*;Write a Write Flash Configuration */
        LDR     R7, =0x60                   /*;Register command (60h) to any word*/
        STRH    R7, [R6]                    /*;address in Bank 1.*/
        LDR     R6, = 0x00083040            /*;Write a Write Flash Configuration  */
        LDR     R7, = 0x3                   /*;Register Confirm command (03h)*/
        STRH    R7, [R6]                    /*;2Wstaites in read,PWD,LVD enabled, */
                                            /*;High BUSCFG.*/

/*; --- PLL configuration      */

        LDR     R1, = SCU_PLLCONF_Val               /*;Set PLL ENABLE, to 96Mhz */
        STR     R1, [R0, #SCU_PLLCONF_OFS]
        LDR     R1,[R0, #SCU_SYSTAT_OFS]   /*;Wait until PLL is Locked*/
                  ANDS    R1, R1, #0x01 
                  BEQ     Wait_Loop
        LDR     R1, = 0x00020080             /*;Set PLL as clock source after pll */
        STR     R1, [R0, #SCU_CLKCNTR_OFS ] /*;is locked and  FMICLK=RCLK,*/
        .ENDIF                                     /*;PCLK=RCLK/2*/

# Setup Peripheral Reset
                .IF      P_RESET_SETUP == 1
                LDR     R1, =SCU_PRR0_Val
                STR     R1, [R0, #SCU_PRR0_OFS]
                LDR     R1, =SCU_PRR1_Val
                STR     R1, [R0, #SCU_PRR1_OFS]

# Embedded Trace Module Setup

                .IF     ETM_SETUP == 1

# Configure IOPORT2 for ETM operation
                LDR     R0, =IOPORT2_ETM_ENABLE_BASE
                LDR     R1, =IOPORT2_ETM_ENABLE_VAL
                STR     R1, [R0, #0]  

# Configure IOPORT6 for ETM operation                           
                LDR     R0, =IOPORT6_ETM_ENABLE_BASE
                LDR     R1, =IOPORT6_ETM_ENABLE_VAL
                STR     R1, [R0, #0]  

# Compiler Runtime Environment Setup
# Note: R13 = SP

# Setup Stack for each mode
                                LDR     R0, =Top_Stack

# Set up Fast Interrupt Mode and set FIQ Mode Stack
                        MSR     CPSR_c, #Mode_FIQ|I_BIT|F_BIT
                    mov     r13, r0                     
                    sub     r0, r0, #FIQ_Stack_Size

# Set up Interrupt Mode and set IRQ Mode Stack
                    msr     CPSR_c, #Mode_IRQ|I_BIT|F_BIT
                        mov     r13, r0                     
                        sub     r0, r0, #IRQ_Stack_Size

# Set up Abort Mode and set Abort Mode Stack
                        msr     CPSR_c, #Mode_ABT|I_BIT|F_BIT
                        mov     r13, r0                     
                        sub     r0, r0, #ABT_Stack_Size

# Set up Undefined Instruction Mode and set Undef Mode Stack
                        msr     CPSR_c, #Mode_UND|I_BIT|F_BIT
                        mov     r13, r0                     
                        sub     r0, r0, #UND_Stack_Size

#       Set up Supervisor Mode and set Supervisor Mode Stack
                        msr     CPSR_c, #Mode_SVC|I_BIT|F_BIT
                        mov     r13, r0                     
                        sub     r0, r0, #SVC_Stack_Size

#       Set up User Mode and set User Mode Stack
                        msr     CPSR_c, #Mode_USR /* #Mode_USR */  /* Leave interrupts enabled in user mode                 */
                        mov     r13, r0             /* Note: interrupts will not happen until VIC is enabled */         

#  Setup a default Stack Limit (when compiled with "-mapcs-stack-check")
                        SUB     SL, SP, #1<<10         /* 1kB */

# Initialise current CPU status to prevent unwanted interrupts
#                               msr             CPSR_c,#0xD3

# Initialise RAM For Compiler Variables

                copy_section2 data, _etext, __data_start__, _edata

# Clear .bss section

                clear_section bss, __bss_start__, __bss_end__
                clear_section bss2, __bss2_start__, __bss2_end__

# Enter the C code
# Jump to main()

            B       main

        .size   _startup, . - _startup
