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/// MKLiveView
/// Copyright © 2016 Steph
///This file is part of MKLiveView.
///MKLiveView is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
///it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
///the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
///(at your option) any later version.
///MKLiveView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
///but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
///GNU General Public License for more details.
///You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
///along with cssRcon.  If not, see <>.
///Chootair (
///for his "C# Avionic Instrument Controls" (
///I used some of his code for displaying the compass
///Tom Pyke (
///for his "Artifical horizon" (
///Great job!
/// and last but most of all to JOHN C. MACDONALD at Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering and Technology
/// and the sourcode (
/// By his work I finally managed to get the communication with the Mikrokopter controllers to run
/// Some of his code was used in this programm like the SimpelSerialPort class (with some changes)
/// and the FilghtControllerMessage class

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace MKLiveView
    public partial class MainForm : Form
        String[] NC_Error = new string[44]
            "No Error",
            "FC not compatible" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "MK3Mag not compatible" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "no FC communication" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "no compass communication" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "no GPS communication" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "bad compass value" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "RC Signal lost" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "FC spi rx error" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR: no NC communication" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR: FC Nick Gyro" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR: FC Roll Gyro" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR: FC Yaw Gyro" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR: FC Nick ACC" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR: FC Roll ACC" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR: FC Z-ACC" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR: Pressure sensor" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR: FC I2C" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR: Bl Missing" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "Mixer Error" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "FC: Carefree Error" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR: GPS lost" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR: Magnet Error" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "Motor restart" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "BL Limitation" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "Waypoint range" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR:No SD-Card" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR:SD Logging aborted" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR:Flying range!" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR:Max Altitude" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "No GPS Fix" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "compass not calibrated" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR:BL selftest" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "no ext. compass" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "compass sensor" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "FAILSAFE pos.!" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR:Redundancy" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "Redundancy test" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "GPS Update rate" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR:Canbus" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR: 5V RC-Supply" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR:Power-Supply" + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ACC not calibr." + Environment.NewLine + "",
            "ERR:Parachute!" + Environment.NewLine + ""

        enum NC_HWError0 : short
            None = 0,
            SPI_RX = 1,
            COMPASS_RX = 2,
            FC_INCOMPATIBLE = 4,
            GPS_RX = 16,
            COMPASS_VALUE = 32
        enum FC_HWError0 : short
            None = 0,
            GYRO_NICK = 1,
            GYRO_ROLL = 2,
            GYRO_YAW = 4,
            ACC_NICK = 8,
            ACC_ROLL = 16,
            ACC_TOP = 32,
            PRESSURE = 64,
            CAREFREE = 128
        enum FC_HWError1 : short
            None = 0,
            I2C = 1,
            BL_MISSING = 2,
            SPI_RX = 4,
            PPM = 8,
            MIXER = 16,
            RC_VOLTAGE = 32,
            ACC_NOT_CAL = 64,
            RES3 = 128
        public enum LogMsgType { Incoming, Outgoing, Normal, Warning, Error };
        // Various colors for logging info
        private Color[] LogMsgTypeColor = { Color.FromArgb(43, 145, 175), Color.Green, Color.Black, Color.Orange, Color.Red };

        string[] sAnalogLabel = new string[32];
        string[] sAnalogData = new string[32];
        bool bReadContinously = false;
        bool check_HWError = false;
        bool _bCBInit = true;
        bool _init = true;
        bool _debugDataAutorefresh = true;
        bool _navCtrlDataAutorefresh = true;
        bool _blctrlDataAutorefresh = true;
        bool _OSDAutorefresh = true;
        int crcError = 0;
        int iLableIndex = 0;
        string filePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
        string fileName = "NCLabelTexts.txt";
        int _iCtrlAct = 0;
        int _iLifeCounter = 0;
        int iOSDPage = 0;
        int iOSDMax = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// interval for sending debugdata (multiplied by 10ms)
        /// </summary>
        byte debugInterval = 25; //(=> 250ms)
        /// <summary>
        /// interval for sending BL-CTRL status (multiplied by 10ms)
        /// </summary>
        byte blctrlInterval = 45;
        /// <summary>
        /// interval for sending NAV-CTRL status (multiplied by 10ms)
        /// </summary>
        byte navctrlInterval = 80;
        /// <summary>
        /// interval for sending OSD page update (multiplied by 10ms)
        /// </summary>
        byte OSDInterval = 85;
        /// <summary>
        /// datatable for the debug data array - displayed on settings tabpage in datagridview
        /// </summary>
        DataTable dtAnalog = new DataTable();

        DataTable dtMotors1 = new DataTable();
        DataTable dtMotors2 = new DataTable();

        public MainForm()
            dataGridView1.DataSource = dtAnalog;
            dgvMotors1.DataSource = dtMotors1;
            dgvMotors2.DataSource = dtMotors2;
            dgvMotors1.Columns[0].Width = 24;
            dgvMotors1.Columns[1].Width = 74;
            dgvMotors1.Columns[2].Width = 74;
            dgvMotors2.Columns[0].Width = 24;
            dgvMotors2.Columns[1].Width = 74;
            dgvMotors2.Columns[2].Width = 74;
            simpleSerialPort.PortClosed += SimpleSerialPort_PortClosed;
            simpleSerialPort.PortOpened += SimpleSerialPort_PortOpened;
            simpleSerialPort.DataReceived += processMessage;
            chkbAutoBL.Checked = _blctrlDataAutorefresh;
            chkbAutoDbg.Checked = _debugDataAutorefresh;
            chkbAutoNav.Checked = _navCtrlDataAutorefresh;
            chkbAutoOSD.Checked = _OSDAutorefresh;
            labelTimingDebug.Text = (debugInterval * 10).ToString();
            labelTimingBLCTRL.Text = (blctrlInterval * 10).ToString();
            labelTimingNAV.Text = (navctrlInterval * 10).ToString();
            labelTimingOSD.Text = (OSDInterval * 10).ToString();
        #region events
        private void MainForm_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _init = false;
            splitContainer1.SplitterDistance = 514;
        private void MainForm_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e)
        private void SimpleSerialPort_PortOpened()
            btnConn.Invoke((Action)(() => btnConn.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(192, 255, 192)));
            btnConn.Invoke((Action)(() => btnConn.Text = "close" + Environment.NewLine + "serial port"));
           // _readCont(true);
        private void SimpleSerialPort_PortClosed()
            btnConn.Invoke((Action)(() => btnConn.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(224, 224, 224)));
            btnConn.Invoke((Action)(() => btnConn.Text = "open" + Environment.NewLine + "serial port"));
        /// <summary>
        /// timer for refreshing subscription of subscribed data
        /// query lifecounter for connection failure
        /// </summary>
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (_debugDataAutorefresh) { _readDebugData(true); Thread.Sleep(10); }

                if (_blctrlDataAutorefresh) { _readBLCtrl(true); Thread.Sleep(10); }
                if (_navCtrlDataAutorefresh && _iCtrlAct == 2) { _readNavData(true); Thread.Sleep(10); }
                check_HWError = true;
                if (_OSDAutorefresh) { _OSDMenueAutoRefresh(); }
                if (_iLifeCounter > 0)
                    lblLifeCounter.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 224, 0);
                    _iLifeCounter = 0;
                    Log(LogMsgType.Error, "No communication to NC/FC!");
                    lblLifeCounter.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(224, 0, 0);
        private void cbOSD_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!_bCBInit && cbOSD.SelectedIndex > -1)
        private void chkbAutoDbg_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if(!_init) _debugDataAutorefresh = chkbAutoDbg.Checked;
        private void chkbAutoNav_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!_init) _navCtrlDataAutorefresh = chkbAutoNav.Checked;
        private void chkbAutoBL_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!_init) _blctrlDataAutorefresh = chkbAutoBL.Checked;
        private void chkbAutoOSD_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!_init) _OSDAutorefresh = chkbAutoOSD.Checked;
        private void cbTimingDebug_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cbTimingDebug.SelectedIndex > -1)
                debugInterval = (byte)(Convert.ToInt16(cbTimingDebug.SelectedItem) / 10);
                labelTimingDebug.Text = (debugInterval * 10).ToString();
        private void cbTimingNAV_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cbTimingNAV.SelectedIndex > -1)
                navctrlInterval = (byte)(Convert.ToInt16(cbTimingNAV.SelectedItem) / 10);
                labelTimingNAV.Text = (navctrlInterval * 10).ToString();
        private void cbTimingBLCTRL_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cbTimingBLCTRL.SelectedIndex > -1)
                blctrlInterval = (byte)(Convert.ToInt16(cbTimingBLCTRL.SelectedItem) / 10);
                labelTimingBLCTRL.Text = (blctrlInterval * 10).ToString();
        private void cbTimingOSD_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (cbTimingOSD.SelectedIndex > -1)
                OSDInterval = (byte)(Convert.ToInt16(cbTimingOSD.SelectedItem) / 10);
                labelTimingOSD.Text = (OSDInterval * 10).ToString();
        #endregion events

        /// <summary> Log data to the terminal window. </summary>
        /// <param name="msgtype"> The type of message to be written. </param>
        /// <param name="msg"> The string containing the message to be shown. </param>
        private void Log(LogMsgType msgtype, string msg)
            rtfTerminal.Invoke(new EventHandler(delegate
                if (rtfTerminal.Lines.Length >= 1000)   //Wenn Terminal mehr als 1000 Zeilen hat
                    rtfTerminal.Select(42, (500 * 129));     //500 löschen
                rtfTerminal.Select(rtfTerminal.Text.Length, 0);
                rtfTerminal.SelectedText = string.Empty;
                rtfTerminal.SelectionFont = new Font(rtfTerminal.SelectionFont, FontStyle.Regular);
                rtfTerminal.SelectionColor = LogMsgTypeColor[(int)msgtype];
                rtfTerminal.AppendText(msg + Environment.NewLine);
        /// <summary> display the OSD text in 4 lines à 20 chars </summary>
        /// <param name="msgtype"> The type of message to be written. </param>
        /// <param name="msg"> The string containing the message to be shown. </param>
        private void OSD(LogMsgType msgtype, string msg)
            rtfOSD.Invoke(new EventHandler(delegate
                if (rtfOSD.Lines.Length > 4)
                rtfOSD.SelectedText = string.Empty;
                rtfOSD.SelectionFont = new Font(rtfOSD.SelectionFont, FontStyle.Regular);
                rtfOSD.SelectionColor = LogMsgTypeColor[(int)msgtype];
                rtfOSD.AppendText(msg + Environment.NewLine);
                if (rtfOSD.Text.IndexOf("ERR") > 0)
                    rtfOSD.Select(rtfOSD.Text.IndexOf("ERR"), 40);
                    rtfOSD.SelectionColor = LogMsgTypeColor[(int)LogMsgType.Error];
        private void ErrorLog(LogMsgType msgtype, string msg)
            rtfError.Invoke(new EventHandler(delegate
                if (rtfError.Lines.Length > 4)
                rtfError.Select(rtfError.Text.Length, 0);
                rtfError.SelectedText = string.Empty;
                rtfError.SelectionFont = new Font(rtfError.SelectionFont, FontStyle.Regular);
                rtfError.SelectionColor = LogMsgTypeColor[(int)msgtype];
                rtfError.AppendText(msg + Environment.NewLine);

        #region functions        

        #region processing received data
        /// <summary> Processing the messages and displaying them in the according form controls
        /// function called by simpleSerialPort.DataReceived event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message"> message bytearray recieved by SimpleSerialPort class </param>
        private void processMessage(byte[] message)
            if (message.Length > 0)
                //Log(LogMsgType.Incoming, BitConverter.ToString(message));
                //Log(LogMsgType.Incoming, message.Length.ToString());
                string s = new string(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetChars(message, 0, message.Length));
                char cmdID;
                byte adr;
                byte[] data;
                if (message[0] != '#')
                    Log(LogMsgType.Normal, s.Trim('\0', '\n','\r'));
                    FlightControllerMessage.ParseMessage(message, out cmdID, out adr, out data);

                    if (adr == 255) { crcError++; }
                    else crcError = 0;
                    lblCRCErr.Invoke((Action)(() => lblCRCErr.Text = crcError.ToString()));
                    //display the active controller (FC / NC)
                    if (adr > 0 && adr < 3 && adr != _iCtrlAct) //adr < 3: temporary workaround cause when I've connected the FC alone it always switches between mk3mag & FC every second...???
                        _iCtrlAct = adr;
                        switch (adr)
                            case 1:
                                lblCtrl.Invoke((Action)(() => lblCtrl.Text = "FC"));
                                lblNCCtrl.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCCtrl.Text = "FC"));
                                _setFieldsNA(); //display fields NA for FC
                            case 2:
                                lblCtrl.Invoke((Action)(() => lblCtrl.Text = "NC"));
                                lblNCCtrl.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCCtrl.Text = "NC"));
                            case 3:
                                lblCtrl.Invoke((Action)(() => lblCtrl.Text = "MK3MAG"));
                            case 4:
                                lblCtrl.Invoke((Action)(() => lblCtrl.Text = "BL-CTRL"));
                                lblCtrl.Invoke((Action)(() => lblCtrl.Text = "...."));
                   // else
                   //     Debug.Print("Address == 0?");

                    if (data != null && data.Length > 0)
                        s = new string(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetChars(data, 1, data.Length - 1));
                        s = s.Trim('\0', '\n');

                        switch (cmdID)
                            case 'A': //Label names

                            case 'D': //Debug data

                            case 'V': //Version
                                _processVersion(adr, data);

                            case 'K'://BL-CTRL data

                            case 'O': //NC Data

                            case 'E': //NC error-string
                                ErrorLog(LogMsgType.Error, "NC Error: " + s);

                            case 'L': //OSD Menue (called by pagenumber)

                            case 'H': //OSD Menue (with autoupdate - called by Key)

                            //    Log(LogMsgType.Incoming, "cmd: " + cmdID.ToString());
                            //    Log(LogMsgType.Incoming, BitConverter.ToString(data));
                            //    break;
                    //    Log(LogMsgType.Incoming, "cmd: " + cmdID.ToString());
                    //    Log(LogMsgType.Incoming, BitConverter.ToString(data));
        /// <summary>
        /// Analog label names 'A'
        /// each label name is returned as a single string
        /// and added to string array sAnalogLabel[]
        /// and the datatable dtAnalog
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">the label name</param>
        void _processLabelNames(string s)
            if (iLableIndex < 32)
                sAnalogLabel[iLableIndex] = s;
                if (dtAnalog.Rows.Count < 32)
                    dtAnalog.Rows.Add(s, "");
                    dtAnalog.Rows[iLableIndex].SetField(0, s);

                _getAnalogLabels(iLableIndex + 1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Debug values 'D'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adr">adress of the active controller (1-FC, 2-NC)</param>
        /// <param name="data">the received byte array to process</param>
        void _processDebugVals(byte adr,byte[] data)
            if (data.Length == 66)
                int[] iAnalogData = new int[32];

                int index = 0;
                Int16 i16 = 0;
                double dTemp = 0;
                for (int i = 2; i < 66; i += 2)
                    i16 = data[i + 1];
                    i16 = (Int16)(i16 << 8);
                    iAnalogData[index] = data[i] + i16;
                    sAnalogData[index] = (data[i] + i16).ToString();
                    dtAnalog.Rows[index].SetField(1, sAnalogData[index]);

                    if (adr == 2) //NC
                        switch (index)
                            case 0: //pitch (German: nick)
                                artificialHorizon1.Invoke((Action)(() => artificialHorizon1.pitch_angle = ((double)iAnalogData[index] / (double)10)));
                                lblNCPitch.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCPitch.Text = ((double)iAnalogData[index] / (double)10).ToString("0.0°")));
                            case 1: //roll
                                artificialHorizon1.Invoke((Action)(() => artificialHorizon1.roll_angle = ((double)iAnalogData[index] / (double)10)));
                                lblNCRoll.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCRoll.Text = ((double)iAnalogData[index] / (double)10).ToString("0.0°")));
                            case 4: //altitude
                                lblNCAlt.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCAlt.Text = ((double)iAnalogData[index] / (double)10).ToString("0.0 m")));
                            case 7: //Voltage
                                lblNCVolt.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCVolt.Text = ((double)iAnalogData[index] / (double)10).ToString("0.0 V")));
                            case 8: // Current
                                lblNCCur.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCCur.Text = ((double)iAnalogData[index] / (double)10).ToString("0.0 A")));
                            case 10: //heading
                                lblNCCompass.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCCompass.Text = sAnalogData[index] + "°"));
                                headingIndicator1.Invoke((Action)(() => headingIndicator1.SetHeadingIndicatorParameters(iAnalogData[index])));
                            case 12: // SPI error
                                lblNCSPI.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCSPI.Text = sAnalogData[index]));
                            case 14: //i2c error
                                lblNCI2C.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCI2C.Text = sAnalogData[index]));
                            case 20: //Earthmagnet field
                                lblNCMF.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCMF.Text = sAnalogData[index] + "%"));
                            case 21: //GroundSpeed
                                lblNCGSpeed.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCGSpeed.Text = ((double)iAnalogData[index] / (double)100).ToString("0.00 m/s")));
                            case 28: //Distance East from saved home position -> calculate distance with distance N + height
                                dTemp = Math.Pow((double)iAnalogData[index], 2) + Math.Pow((double)iAnalogData[index - 1], 2);
                                dTemp = Math.Sqrt(dTemp) / (double)10; //'flat' distance from HP with N/E
                                                                       //  lblNCDist.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCDist.Text = dTemp.ToString("0.00")));
                                dTemp = Math.Pow(dTemp, 2) + Math.Pow(((double)iAnalogData[4] / (double)10), 2); //adding 'height' into calculation
                                dTemp = Math.Sqrt(dTemp);
                                lblNCDistHP.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCDistHP.Text = dTemp.ToString("0 m")));
                            case 31: //Sats used
                                lblNCSat.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCSat.Text = sAnalogData[index]));
                    if (adr == 1) //FC
                        switch (index)
                            case 0: //pitch (German: nick)
                                artificialHorizon1.Invoke((Action)(() => artificialHorizon1.pitch_angle = ((double)iAnalogData[index] / (double)10)));
                                lblNCPitch.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCPitch.Text = ((double)iAnalogData[index] / (double)10).ToString("0.0°")));
                            case 1: //roll
                                artificialHorizon1.Invoke((Action)(() => artificialHorizon1.roll_angle = ((double)iAnalogData[index] / (double)10)));
                                lblNCRoll.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCRoll.Text = ((double)iAnalogData[index] / (double)10).ToString("0.0°")));
                            case 5: //altitude
                                lblNCAlt.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCAlt.Text = ((double)iAnalogData[index] / (double)10).ToString("0.0 m")));
                            case 8: //heading
                                lblNCCompass.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCCompass.Text = sAnalogData[index] + "°"));
                                headingIndicator1.Invoke((Action)(() => headingIndicator1.SetHeadingIndicatorParameters(iAnalogData[index])));
                            case 9: //Voltage
                                lblNCVolt.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCVolt.Text = ((double)iAnalogData[index] / (double)10).ToString("0.0 V")));
                            case 10: //Receiver quality
                                lblNCRC.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCRC.Text = sAnalogData[index]));
                            case 22: // Current
                                lblNCCur.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCCur.Text = ((double)iAnalogData[index] / (double)10).ToString("0.0 A")));
                            case 23: //capacity used
                                lblNCCap.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCCap.Text = (iAnalogData[index]).ToString("0 mAh")));
                            case 27: // SPI error
                                lblNCSPI.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCSPI.Text = sAnalogData[index]));
                            case 28: //i2c error
                                lblNCI2C.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCI2C.Text = sAnalogData[index]));
                Debug.Print("wrong data-length (66): " + data.Length.ToString());
        /// <summary>
        /// Version string 'V'
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adr">adress of the active controller (1-FC, 2-NC)</param>
        /// <param name="data">the received byte array to process</param>
        void _processVersion(byte adr,byte[] data)
            if (data.Length == 12)
                if (!check_HWError)
                    string[] sVersionStruct = new string[10] { "SWMajor: ", "SWMinor: ", "ProtoMajor: ", "LabelTextCRC: ", "SWPatch: ", "HardwareError 1: ", "HardwareError 2: ", "HWMajor: ", "BL_Firmware: ", "Flags: " };
                    string sVersion = "";
                    //sbyte[] signed = Array.ConvertAll(data, b => unchecked((sbyte)b));
                    Log(LogMsgType.Warning, (adr == 1 ? "FC-" : "NC-") + "Version: ");
                    sVersion = "HW V" + (data[7] / 10).ToString() + "." + (data[7] % 10).ToString();
                    Log(LogMsgType.Incoming, sVersion);
                    sVersion = "SW V" + (data[0]).ToString() + "." + (data[1]).ToString() + ((char)(data[4] + 'a')).ToString();
                    Log(LogMsgType.Incoming, sVersion);
                    Log(LogMsgType.Incoming, "BL-Firmware: V" + (data[8] / 100).ToString() + "." + (data[8] % 100).ToString());
                if (data[5] > 0) //error0
                    if (adr == 1)
                        ErrorLog(LogMsgType.Error, "FC - HW-Error " + data[5].ToString() + ": " + ((FC_HWError0)data[5]).ToString());
                    if (adr == 2)
                        ErrorLog(LogMsgType.Error, "NC - HW-Error " + data[5].ToString() + ": " + ((NC_HWError0)data[5]).ToString());
                if (data[6] > 0) //error1
                    if (adr == 1)
                        ErrorLog(LogMsgType.Error, "FC - HW-Error " + data[6].ToString() + ": " + ((FC_HWError1)data[6]).ToString());
                    if (adr == 2)
                        ErrorLog(LogMsgType.Error, "NC - Unknown HW-ERROR: " + data[6].ToString()); //@moment NC has only one error field

            check_HWError = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// BL-Ctrl data 'K'
        /// for FC you have to use a customized firmware
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">the received byte array to process</param>
        void _processBLCtrl(byte[] data)
            if (data.Length % 6 == 0) //data.Length up to 96 (16 motors x 6 byte data) --> new datastruct in FC -> not standard!
                bool bAvailable = false;
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length && data[i] < 8; i += 6) // data[i] < 8 --> at moment there are 8 display fields for motors

                    if ((data[i + 4] & 128) == 128) //Status bit at pos 7 = 128 dec -- if true, motor is available
                        bAvailable = true;
                        bAvailable = false;

                    if (data[i] < 4)
                        if (bAvailable)
                            dtMotors1.Rows[data[i]].SetField(1, ((double)data[i + 1] / (double)10).ToString("0.0 A"));
                            dtMotors1.Rows[data[i]].SetField(2, data[i + 2].ToString("0 °C"));
                            dtMotors1.Rows[data[i]].SetField(1, "NA");
                            dtMotors1.Rows[data[i]].SetField(2, "NA");
                    if (data[i] > 3 && data[i] < 8)
                        if (bAvailable)
                            dtMotors2.Rows[data[i] - 4].SetField(1, ((double)data[i + 1] / (double)10).ToString("0.0 A"));
                            dtMotors2.Rows[data[i] - 4].SetField(2, data[i + 2].ToString("0 °C"));
                            dtMotors2.Rows[data[i] - 4].SetField(1, "NA");
                            dtMotors2.Rows[data[i] - 4].SetField(2, "NA");

        /// <summary>
        /// Navi-Ctrl data 'O'
        /// GPS-Position, capacatiy, flying time...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">the received byte array to process</param>
        void _processNCData(byte[] data)
            int i_32, i_16, iVal;
            double d;
            i_32 = data[4];
            iVal = i_32 << 24;
            i_32 = data[3];
            iVal += i_32 << 16;
            i_32 = data[2];
            iVal += i_32 << 8;
            iVal += data[1];
            d = (double)iVal / Math.Pow(10, 7);
            lblNCGPSLong.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCGPSLong.Text = d.ToString("0.######°"))); //GPS-Position: Longitude in decimal degree
            //lblNCGPSLong.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCGPSLong.Text = _convertDegree(d))); //GPS-Position: Longitude in minutes, seconds

            i_32 = data[8];
            iVal = i_32 << 24;
            i_32 = data[7];
            iVal += i_32 << 16;
            i_32 = data[6];
            iVal += i_32 << 8;
            iVal += data[5];
            d = (double)iVal / Math.Pow(10, 7);
            lblNCGPSLat.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCGPSLat.Text = d.ToString("0.######°"))); //GPS-Position: Latitude in decimal degree
            //lblNCGPSLat.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCGPSLat.Text = _convertDegree(d))); //GPS-Position: Latitude in minutes, seconds

            i_16 = data[81];
            i_16 = (Int16)(i_16 << 8);
            iVal = data[80] + i_16;
            lblNCCap.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCCap.Text = iVal.ToString() + " mAh")); //Capacity used

            i_16 = data[56];
            i_16 = (Int16)(i_16 << 8);
            iVal = data[55] + i_16;
            TimeSpan t = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(iVal);
            string Text = t.Hours.ToString("D2") + ":" + t.Minutes.ToString("D2") + ":" + t.Seconds.ToString("D2");
            lblNCFlTime.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCFlTime.Text = Text.ToString())); //Flying time

            lblNCRC.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCRC.Text = data[66].ToString())); //RC quality
            lblNCErrNmbr.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCErrNmbr.Text = data[69].ToString()));   //NC Errornumber
            //if (data[69] > 0)
            //    _readNCError();
            if (data[69] > 0 & data[69] < 44)
                ErrorLog(LogMsgType.Error, "NC Error [" + data[69].ToString() + "]: " + NC_Error[data[69]]);

        /// <summary>
        /// OSD Menue 'L'
        /// single page called by pagenumber
        /// no autoupdate
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">the received byte array to process</param>
        void _processOSDSingle(byte[] data)
            if (data.Length == 84)
                string sMessage = "";
                iOSDPage = data[0];
                iOSDMax = data[1];
                if (cbOSD.Items.Count != iOSDMax) _initOSDCB();
                sMessage = new string(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetChars(data, 2, data.Length - 4));
                OSD(LogMsgType.Incoming, sMessage.Substring(0, 20));
                OSD(LogMsgType.Incoming, sMessage.Substring(20, 20));
                OSD(LogMsgType.Incoming, sMessage.Substring(40, 20));
                OSD(LogMsgType.Incoming, sMessage.Substring(60, 20));
                lblOSDPageNr.Invoke((Action)(() => lblOSDPageNr.Text = iOSDPage.ToString("[0]")));

                OSD(LogMsgType.Incoming, "Wrong length: " + data.Length + " (should be 84)");

        /// <summary>
        /// OSD Menue 'H'
        /// called by keys (0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04)
        /// autoupdate
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">the received byte array to process</param>
        void _processOSDAuto(byte[] data)
            if (data.Length == 81)
                string sMessage = "";
                sMessage = new string(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetChars(data, 0, data.Length - 1));
                OSD(LogMsgType.Incoming, sMessage.Substring(0, 20));
                OSD(LogMsgType.Incoming, sMessage.Substring(20, 20));
                OSD(LogMsgType.Incoming, sMessage.Substring(40, 20));
                OSD(LogMsgType.Incoming, sMessage.Substring(60, 20));

                OSD(LogMsgType.Incoming, "Wrong length: " + data.Length + " (should be 81)");
        #endregion processing received data

        /// <summary> send message to controller to request data
        /// for detailed info see
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CMDID"> the command ID </param>
        /// <param name="address"> the address of the controller: 0-any, 1-FC, 2-NC </param>
        private void _sendControllerMessage(char CMDID, byte address)
            if (simpleSerialPort.Port.IsOpen)
                Stream serialStream = simpleSerialPort.Port.BaseStream;
                byte[] bytes = FlightControllerMessage.CreateMessage(CMDID, address);
                serialStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                Log(LogMsgType.Error, "NOT CONNECTED!");
        /// <summary> send message to controller to request data
        /// for detailed info see
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CMDID"> the command ID </param>
        /// <param name="address"> the address of the controller: 0-any, 1-FC, 2-NC </param>
        /// <param name="data"> additional data for the request</param>
        private void _sendControllerMessage(char CMDID, byte address, byte[]data)
            if (simpleSerialPort.Port.IsOpen)
                Stream serialStream = simpleSerialPort.Port.BaseStream;
                byte[] bytes = FlightControllerMessage.CreateMessage(CMDID, address,data);
                serialStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                Log(LogMsgType.Error, "NOT CONNECTED!");

        /// <summary>
        /// read the analog-label names for the actual controller
        /// and load it into listbox
        /// </summary>
        void _loadLabelNames()
            if (_iCtrlAct > 0 && _iCtrlAct < 3)
                switch (_iCtrlAct)
                    case 1:
                        sAnalogLabel = Properties.Resources.FCLabelTexts.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    case 2:
                        sAnalogLabel = Properties.Resources.NCLabelTexts.Split(new[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                    if (dtAnalog.Rows.Count < 32)
                        dtAnalog.Rows.Add(sAnalogLabel[i], "");
                        dtAnalog.Rows[i].SetField(0, sAnalogLabel[i]);
        /// <summary>
        /// no longer used...
        /// read the analog-label textfile for the actual controller
        /// </summary>
         private void _loadLabelFile()
            switch (_iCtrlAct)
                case 1:
                    fileName = "FCLabelTexts.txt";
                case 2:
                    fileName = "NCLabelTexts.txt";
                //    fileName = "NCLabelTexts.txt";
                //    break;

            if (File.Exists(filePath + "\\" + fileName))
                sAnalogLabel = File.ReadAllLines(filePath + "\\" + fileName);
                lbLabels.Invoke((Action)(() => lbLabels.Items.Clear()));
                lbLabels.Invoke((Action)(() => lbLabels.Update()));
                lbLabels.Invoke((Action)(() => lbLabels.Items.AddRange(sAnalogLabel)));
                Console.WriteLine("Names loaded from file");
                lblFileName.Invoke((Action)(() => lblFileName.Text = fileName));
                Log(LogMsgType.Error, "Label-file not found!");
                Log(LogMsgType.Error, "Please go to settings-tab and load the label texts from the copter control (FC & NC)");
                Log(LogMsgType.Error, "When done, you have to save the label texts with the 'save' button!");
        /// <summary>
        /// no longer used...
        /// assign the analog-label names from the textfile to the datatable
        /// </summary>
        private void _assignLabelNames()
            if (lbLabels.Items.Count == 32)
                lbLabels.Items.CopyTo(sAnalogLabel, 0);
                for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                    if (dtAnalog.Rows.Count < 32)
                        dtAnalog.Rows.Add(sAnalogLabel[i], "");
                        dtAnalog.Rows[i].SetField(0, sAnalogLabel[i]);

        /// <summary>
        /// get the version struct of actual controller
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>
        /// get the labeltexts for the analog values
        /// </summary>
        private void _getAnalogLabels()
            if (simpleSerialPort.Port.IsOpen)
                iLableIndex = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                    Stream serialStream = simpleSerialPort.Port.BaseStream;
                    byte[] bytes = FlightControllerMessage.CreateMessage('a', 0, new byte[1] { (byte)i });
                    serialStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                Log(LogMsgType.Error, "NOT CONNECTED!");
        /// <summary>
        /// get the labeltext for a single label
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iIndex">index of the label</param>
        private void _getAnalogLabels(int iIndex)
            if (simpleSerialPort.Port.IsOpen)
                if (iIndex < 32)
                    iLableIndex = iIndex;
                    _sendControllerMessage('a', 0, new byte[1] { (byte)iLableIndex });
                Log(LogMsgType.Error, "NOT CONNECTED!");
        private void _getVersion()
            _sendControllerMessage('v', 0);
        /// <summary>
        /// get FC version struct via NC
        /// by sending '1' as data (not documented in wiki...)
        /// returns HW error 255 (comment in uart1.c : tells the KopterTool that it is the FC-version)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctrl">controller number 1=FC</param>
        private void _getVersion(byte ctrl)
            _sendControllerMessage('v', 0, new byte[1] {ctrl});
        /// <summary>
        /// Switch back to NC by sending the 'Magic Packet' 0x1B,0x1B,0x55,0xAA,0x00
        /// </summary>
        private void _switchToNC()
            if (simpleSerialPort.Port.IsOpen)
                Stream serialStream = simpleSerialPort.Port.BaseStream;
                byte[] bytes = new byte[5] { 0x1B,0x1B,0x55,0xAA,0x00 };
                serialStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

                Log(LogMsgType.Error, "NOT CONNECTED!");
        /// <summary>
        /// switch to FC
        /// </summary>
        private void _switchToFC()
            _sendControllerMessage('u', 2, new byte[1] { (byte)0 });
        /// <summary>
        /// send RESET signal to FC
        /// </summary>
        private void _resetCtrl()
            _sendControllerMessage('R', 1);
        /// <summary>
        /// poll the debug data (4sec subscription)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="auto"> onetimequery(false) or autoupdate(true) with set timing interval </param>
        private void _readDebugData(bool auto)
            byte interval = auto ? debugInterval : (byte)0;
            _sendControllerMessage('d', 0, new byte[1] { debugInterval });
        /// <summary>
        /// poll the BL-CTRL status via NC (4sec subscription)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="auto"> onetimequery(false) or autoupdate(true) with set timing interval </param>
        private void _readBLCtrl(bool auto)
            byte interval = auto ? blctrlInterval : (byte)0;
            _sendControllerMessage('k', 0, new byte[1] { interval });
        /// <summary>
        /// poll the NC data struct (4sec subscription)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="auto"> onetimequery(false) or autoupdate(true) with set timing interval </param>
        private void _readNavData(bool auto)
            byte interval = auto ? navctrlInterval : (byte)0;
            _sendControllerMessage('o', 2, new byte[1] { interval });
        /// <summary>
        /// get the errortext for pending NC error
        /// </summary>
        private void _readNCError()
            _sendControllerMessage('e', 2);
        /// <summary>
        /// start/stop continous polling of controller values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="b">start/stop switch</param>
        void _readCont(bool b)
            bReadContinously = b;
            btnReadDebugCont.Invoke((Action)(() => btnReadDebugCont.Text = bReadContinously ? "stop automatic" + Environment.NewLine + "data refresh" : "start automatic" + Environment.NewLine + "data refresh"));
            btnReadDebugCont.Invoke((Action)(() => btnReadDebugCont.BackColor = bReadContinously ? Color.FromArgb(192, 255, 192) : Color.FromArgb(224, 224, 224)));
            if (bReadContinously)
                if (_debugDataAutorefresh) { _readDebugData(true); Thread.Sleep(10); }
                if (_blctrlDataAutorefresh) { _readBLCtrl(true); Thread.Sleep(10); }
                if (_navCtrlDataAutorefresh && _iCtrlAct == 2) { _readNavData(true); Thread.Sleep(10); }
                if (_OSDAutorefresh) { _OSDMenueAutoRefresh(); Thread.Sleep(10);}
                lblLifeCounter.Invoke((Action)(() => lblLifeCounter.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 224, 0)));
                lblLifeCounter.Invoke((Action)(() => lblLifeCounter.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(224, 224, 224)));
            _iLifeCounter = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// set values to "NA" when not available with FC
        /// </summary>
        void _setFieldsNA()
            lblNCFlTime.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCFlTime.Text = "NA"));    //FlightTime
            lblNCErrNmbr.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCErrNmbr.Text = "NA"));  //NC ErrorNr
            lblNCMF.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCMF.Text = "NA"));            //earth magnet field
            lblNCGSpeed.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCGSpeed.Text = "NA"));    //GroundSpeed
            lblNCDistHP.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCDistHP.Text = "NA"));    //Distance to HP
            lblNCSat.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCSat.Text = "NA"));          //Sats used
            lblNCGPSLong.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCGPSLong.Text = "NA"));  //GPS position - longitude
            lblNCGPSLat.Invoke((Action)(() => lblNCGPSLat.Text = "NA"));    //GPS position - latitude
        /// <summary>
        /// one time query of the OSD Menue with pagenumber
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iMenue">Menue page</param>
        void _OSDMenue(int iMenue)
            if (simpleSerialPort.Port.IsOpen)
                if (iMenue > iOSDMax)
                    iMenue = 0;
                Stream serialStream = simpleSerialPort.Port.BaseStream;
                byte[] bytes = FlightControllerMessage.CreateMessage('l', 0, new byte[1] { (byte)iMenue });
                serialStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                Log(LogMsgType.Error, "NOT CONNECTED!");

        /// <summary>
        /// call the OSDMenue and start autorefresh
        ///  usually by sending a menuekey
        /// a bit tricky - but by sending inverted value of 32 (32 = 0010 0000) you can start the OSD menue with autoupdate (abo) without switching the page with the keyvalues (0x1, 0x2)
        /// therefore the value has to be negative (inverted) in order to distinguish from old (2 line) menuestyle
        /// and must not have any bits of the menue keys 0x1 0x2 0x4 0x8 (0x10?) --> 0x20 = -33
        /// </summary>
        void _OSDMenueAutoRefresh()
            _sendControllerMessage('h', 0, new byte[2] { unchecked((byte)(-33)),OSDInterval });
        void _OSDMenueAutoRefresh(byte key)
            _sendControllerMessage('h', 0, new byte[2] { unchecked((byte)~key), OSDInterval });
        /// <summary>
        /// initialize the OSD menue combobox
        /// combox is filled by numbers from 0 to max pagenumber
        /// </summary>
        void _initOSDCB()
            _bCBInit = true;
            if(iOSDMax == 0)
            for(int i = 0; i <= iOSDMax;i++)
                cbOSD.Invoke((Action)(() => cbOSD.Items.Add(i)));
            cbOSD.Invoke((Action)(() => cbOSD.SelectedItem = iOSDPage));
            _bCBInit = false;
        void _readIni()
            if (!File.Exists(filePath + "\\MKLiveViewSettings.ini"))
            IniFile ini = new IniFile("MKLiveViewSettings.ini");
            ini.path = filePath + "\\MKLiveViewSettings.ini";

            string sVal = ini.IniReadValue("default", "AutorefreshDebugData");
            _debugDataAutorefresh = Convert.ToBoolean(sVal);
            sVal = ini.IniReadValue("default", "AutorefreshNavCtrlData");
            _navCtrlDataAutorefresh = Convert.ToBoolean(sVal);
            sVal = ini.IniReadValue("default", "AutorefreshBLCtrlData");
            _blctrlDataAutorefresh = Convert.ToBoolean(sVal);
            sVal = ini.IniReadValue("default", "AutorefreshOSDData");
            _OSDAutorefresh = Convert.ToBoolean(sVal);

            sVal = ini.IniReadValue("default", "IntervalDebugData");
            debugInterval = (byte)Convert.ToInt16(sVal);
            sVal = ini.IniReadValue("default", "IntervalNavCtrlData");
            navctrlInterval = (byte)Convert.ToInt16(sVal);
            sVal = ini.IniReadValue("default", "IntervalBLCtrlData");
            blctrlInterval = (byte)Convert.ToInt16(sVal);
            sVal = ini.IniReadValue("default", "IntervalOSDData");
            OSDInterval = (byte)Convert.ToInt16(sVal);
        void _writeIni()

            IniFile ini = new IniFile("MKLiveViewSettings.ini");
            ini.path = filePath + "\\MKLiveViewSettings.ini";

            ini.IniWriteValue("default", "AutorefreshDebugData", _debugDataAutorefresh ? "true":"false");
            ini.IniWriteValue("default", "AutorefreshNavCtrlData", _navCtrlDataAutorefresh ? "true":"false");
            ini.IniWriteValue("default", "AutorefreshBLCtrlData", _blctrlDataAutorefresh ? "true":"false");
            ini.IniWriteValue("default", "AutorefreshOSDData", _OSDAutorefresh ? "true":"false");

            ini.IniWriteValue("default", "IntervalDebugData", debugInterval.ToString());
            ini.IniWriteValue("default", "IntervalNavCtrlData", navctrlInterval.ToString());
            ini.IniWriteValue("default", "IntervalBLCtrlData", blctrlInterval.ToString());
            ini.IniWriteValue("default", "IntervalOSDData", OSDInterval.ToString());

        /// <summary>
        /// initialize the 2 datatables for motor values
        /// dtMotors1 - motor 1 - 4
        /// dtMotors2 - motor 5 - 8
        /// DataGridView dgvMotors1/2 are bound to dtMotors1/2
        /// </summary>
        void _initDTMotors()
            for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                if (dtMotors1.Rows.Count < 4)
                    dtMotors1.Rows.Add((i + 1).ToString(), "NA", "NA");
                    dtMotors1.Rows[i].SetField(1, "NA");
                    dtMotors1.Rows[i].SetField(2, "NA");
                if (dtMotors2.Rows.Count < 4)
                    dtMotors2.Rows.Add((i + 5).ToString(), "NA", "NA");
                    dtMotors2.Rows[i].SetField(1, "NA");
                    dtMotors2.Rows[i].SetField(2, "NA");
            dgvMotors1.Invoke((Action)(() => dgvMotors1.Refresh()));
            dgvMotors2.Invoke((Action)(() => dgvMotors2.Refresh()));

        /// <summary>
        /// Convert decimal degrees to degrees, minutes, seconds, milliseconds
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="coord">the degree value as double</param>
        /// <returns>0° 0' 0,0"</returns>
        string _convertDegree(double coord)
            //double minutes = (degree - Math.Floor(degree)) * 60.0;
            //double seconds = (minutes - Math.Floor(minutes)) * 60.0;
            //double tenths = (seconds - Math.Floor(seconds)) * 10.0;
            //// get rid of fractional part
            //minutes = Math.Floor(minutes);
            //seconds = Math.Floor(seconds);
            //tenths = Math.Floor(tenths);

            //int sec = (int)Math.Round(coord * 3600);
            //int deg = sec / 3600;
            //sec = Math.Abs(sec % 3600);
            //int min = sec / 60;
            //sec %= 60;

            var ts = TimeSpan.FromHours(Math.Abs(coord));
            double deg = Math.Sign(coord) * Math.Floor(ts.TotalHours);
            int min = ts.Minutes;
            int sec = ts.Seconds;
            int milli = ts.Milliseconds;

            return deg.ToString("0° ") + min.ToString("0") + "' " + sec.ToString("0") + "," + milli.ToString() + "\"";
        #endregion functions

        #region buttons
        private void buttonReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void btnVersion_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void btnAnalogLabels_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void btnDbgData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _readDebugData(false); //onetime reading of debug data --> subscription lasts 4sec - this means you will receive data for 4 seconds
        private void btnSaveLabels_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            switch (_iCtrlAct)
                case 1:
                    fileName = "FCLabelTexts.txt";
                case 2:
                    fileName = "NCLabelTexts.txt";
                    fileName = "NCLabelTexts.txt";
            if (sAnalogLabel[0] != null)
                File.WriteAllLines(filePath + "\\" + fileName, sAnalogLabel);
                Console.WriteLine("Names saved to file");
                Log(LogMsgType.Warning, "there's no data -> read first from fc/nc!");
        private void btnLoadLabels_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void btnReadLabelFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void btnSwitchFC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void btnSwitchNC_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void btnReadDbgCont_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void btnReadBLCtrl_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            if (_iCtrlAct == 2) _readBLCtrl(false);
            else Log(LogMsgType.Warning, "only available when connected to NC");
        private void btnGetNaviData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (_iCtrlAct == 2) _readNavData(false);
            else Log(LogMsgType.Warning, "only available when connected to NC");
        private void btnConn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void button4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        private void btnOSD_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (iOSDPage > iOSDMax)
                iOSDPage = 0;
        private void btnOSDForward_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (iOSDPage > iOSDMax)
                iOSDPage = 0;

        private void btnOSDBackward_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (iOSDPage < 0)
                iOSDPage = iOSDMax;

        private void btnOSDAuto_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        /// call the OSDMenue with Key 0x8
        private void btnOSDLeave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        /// call the OSDMenue with Key 0x4
        private void btnOSDEnter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        #endregion buttons
    public class IniFile
        public string path;

        private static extern long WritePrivateProfileString(string section,
          string key, string val, string filePath);

        [DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
        static extern uint GetPrivateProfileSectionNames(IntPtr lpszReturnBuffer,
               uint nSize, string lpFileName);

        private static extern int GetPrivateProfileString(string section,
          string key, string def, StringBuilder retVal,
          int size, string filePath);

        public IniFile(string INIPath)
            path = INIPath;

        public void IniWriteValue(string Section, string Key, string Value)
            WritePrivateProfileString(Section, Key, Value, this.path);

        public string IniReadValue(string Section, string Key)
            StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder(255);
            int i = GetPrivateProfileString(Section, Key, "", temp, 255, this.path);
            return temp.ToString();
        //Ini_sections auslesen in String-Array
        public string[] IniSectionNames()

            //  uint MAX_BUFFER = 32767;
            uint MAX_BUFFER = 8388608;
            IntPtr pReturnedString = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem((int)MAX_BUFFER);
            uint bytesReturned = GetPrivateProfileSectionNames(pReturnedString, MAX_BUFFER, this.path);
            if (bytesReturned == 0)
                return null;
            string local = Marshal.PtrToStringAuto(pReturnedString, (int)bytesReturned).ToString();
            //use of Substring below removes terminating null for split
            return local.Substring(0, local.Length - 1).Split('\0');

    public static class ControlExtensions
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute a threadsafe operation, when accessing a control via another thread
        /// action is a lamdaexpression
        /// e.g. comboBox1.ExecuteThreadSafe(() => comboBox1.Enabled = true);
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="control"> The control </param>
        /// <param name="action"> The 'action' to perform </param>
        public static void ExecuteThreadSafe(this Control control, Action action)
            if (control.InvokeRequired)
                control.BeginInvoke(action); //"BeginInvoke" is an async call -> threadsafety error when called to many times successively -> then take "Invoke"
