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Ignore whitespace Rev 177 → Rev 178

0,0 → 1,87
/*fc_comm.c allows encoding and decoding of the serial protocol, the
FlightCtrl uses.
The encode and decode algorithms are part of the FlightCtrl software and
are therefore written by the MikroKopter team. */
//Include header files, which provide resources, fc_comm.c needs:
#include "pc_serial_port.h"
#include "fc_comm.h"
//Global variables:
char tx_buffer[150]; //Transmit Buffer (SendOutData places coded frame here)
char rx_buffer[150]; //Receive Buffer (Decode64 reads this buffer)
/*AddCRC calculates two byte sized CRC checksums for the encoded frame and
adds them to the end of the data-frame. Additionally it adds an \r escape
sequence to the end of the frame (defined by the Mikrokopter-Protocoll) */
void AddCRC(unsigned int frame_length) { //length of #,adr,cmd,data
unsigned int tmpCRC = 0;
unsigned int i;
for (i=0; i < frame_length;i++)
tmpCRC += tx_buffer[i];
tmpCRC %= 4096;
tx_buffer[i++] = '=' + tmpCRC / 64;
tx_buffer[i++] = '=' + tmpCRC % 64;
tx_buffer[i++] = '\r';
void SendOutData(unsigned char cmd,unsigned char addr, unsigned char *snd, unsigned char len) {
unsigned int pt = 0;
unsigned char a,b,c;
unsigned char ptr = 0;
tx_buffer[pt++] = '#'; // Start-Byte
tx_buffer[pt++] = 'a' + addr; // Adress
tx_buffer[pt++] = cmd; // Command
if(len) { a = snd[ptr++]; len--;} else a = 0;
if(len) { b = snd[ptr++]; len--;} else b = 0;
if(len) { c = snd[ptr++]; len--;} else c = 0;
tx_buffer[pt++] = '=' + (a >> 2);
tx_buffer[pt++] = '=' + (((a & 0x03) << 4) | ((b & 0xf0) >> 4));
tx_buffer[pt++] = '=' + (((b & 0x0f) << 2) | ((c & 0xc0) >> 6));
tx_buffer[pt++] = '=' + ( c & 0x3f);
sendStringToCom(tx_buffer, pt+3); //whole frame length is pt+3
} //#,adr,cmd,data ; crc1,crc2,\r
void Decode64(unsigned char *ptrOut, unsigned char len, unsigned char ptrIn,unsigned char max) {
unsigned char a,b,c,d;
unsigned char ptr = 0;
unsigned char x,y,z;
a = rx_buffer[ptrIn++] - '=';
b = rx_buffer[ptrIn++] - '=';
c = rx_buffer[ptrIn++] - '=';
d = rx_buffer[ptrIn++] - '=';
if(ptrIn > max - 2) break; // dont process more data than recieved
x = (a << 2) | (b >> 4);
y = ((b & 0x0f) << 4) | (c >> 2);
z = ((c & 0x03) << 6) | d;
if(len--) ptrOut[ptr++] = x; else break;
if(len--) ptrOut[ptr++] = y; else break;
if(len--) ptrOut[ptr++] = z; else break;