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Ignore whitespace Rev 1733 → Rev 1734

0,0 → 1,482
* Copyright (C) 2008 Thomas Kaiser, *
* Copyright (C) 2009 Peter "woggle" Mack, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Christian "Cebra" Brandtner, *
* Copyright (C) 2011 Harald Bongartz *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. *
* *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
* *
* *
* Credits to: *
* Holger Buss & Ingo Busker from for the MK project + SVN *
* *
* Gregor "killagreg" Stobrawa for his version of the MK code *
* Thomas Kaiser "thkais" for the original project. See *
* *
* *
* Claas Anders "CaScAdE" Rathje for providing the font and his C-OSD code *
* *
* Harald Bongartz "HaraldB" for providing his Ideas and Code for usibility*
#include "cpu.h"
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <avr/eeprom.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
#include "lcd.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "timer.h"
#include "eeprom.h"
#include "Wi232.h"
#include "mk-data-structs.h"
#include "connect.h"
uint8_t EE_LowBat EEMEM = 137; // 13,7V
uint8_t EE_DisplayTimeout EEMEM = 0; // Display immer an
uint8_t EE_DisplayLanguage EEMEM = 254; // Default ungesetzt
uint8_t EE_WiTXRXChannel EEMEM = 1; // Kanal 1 MK Standard
uint8_t EE_WiNetworkGroup EEMEM = 66; // Gruppe 66 MK Standard
uint8_t EE_WiNetworkMode EEMEM = NetMode_Normal; // MK Standard;
uint8_t EE_WiTXTO EEMEM = TWaitTime16; // MK Standard
uint8_t EE_WiUartMTU EEMEM = UartMTU64; // MK Standard
uint8_t EE_LCD_Orientation EEMEM = 0; // normale Ansicht
uint8_t EE_LCD_DisplayMode EEMEM = 0; // Normal
uint8_t EE_LCD_Kontrast EEMEM = 27; // Kontrast normal
uint8_t EE_LCD_Helligkeit EEMEM = 100; // Helligkeit in %gkeit in %
uint8_t EE_USBBT EEMEM = 0; // USB Betrieb
uint8_t EE_U02SV2 EEMEM = 1; // SV2 (Kabel) Standard
uint8_t EE_Debug EEMEM = 0; // kein Debug
uint8_t EE_UseWi EEMEM = true; // Wi.232 eingebaut?
uint8_t EE_UseBT EEMEM = true; // BT-222 eingebaut?
uint8_t EE_BTIsSlave EEMEM = true; // BT-222 Slave gesetzt?
uint8_t EE_WiIsSet EEMEM = false; // Flag für die Initialisierung Wi232
uint8_t EE_BTIsSet EEMEM = false; // Flag für die Initialisierung Bluetooth
uint8_t EE_PKT_IdleBeep EEMEM = 0; // kein Piepsen bei Inaktivität
uint8_t EE_PKT_StartInfo EEMEM = true; // Startinformationen anzeigen
uint16_t EE_Lipo_UOffset EEMEM = 0; // Offset für die Lipospannugsmessung
uint8_t EE_PKT_Accutyp EEMEM = true; // True = Lipo, False = LiON
uint8_t EE_OSD_RCErrorbeep EEMEM = true; //Empfangsausffallwarnung im OSD Screen
uint8_t EE_OSD_InvertOut EEMEM = false; // Invertierte Anzeige Out1 und Out2
uint8_t EE_OSD_LEDform EEMEM = 1; // Form der Anzeige ( + oder schwarz)
uint8_t EE_OSD_SendOSD EEMEM = false; // Sende OSD-Daten an SV2
uint8_t EE_OSD_Fallspeed EEMEM = 0; // Maximal Sinkrate, für Warnmeldung
uint8_t EE_OSD_VarioBeep EEMEM = 1; // Vario Beep im OSD Screen
uint8_t EE_OSD_HomeMKView EEMEM = true; // Home Circle from MK-View
uint16_t EE_OSD_mAh_Warning EEMEM = 10000; //Warnschwelle für mAh
uint8_t EE_OSD_ScreenMode EEMEM = 0; //Variante des OSD-Screen
uint8_t EE_OSD_LipoBar EEMEM = 0; //Bargraphanzeige für MK Lipo
uint8_t EE_PKT_Baudrate EEMEM = Wi232_57600; // Baudrate für BT und Wi232, siehe Wi223.h
uint16_t EE_FM_Refresh EEMEM = 500; // FollowMe interval
uint16_t EE_FM_Speed EEMEM = 30; // FollowMe Speed in m/s *0.1
uint16_t EE_FM_Radius EEMEM = 5; // Waypoint Tolerance Radius in meter
uint8_t EEMEM EE_BTPin[bt_pin_length + 1];
uint8_t EEMEM EE_BTName[bt_name_length + 1];
uint8_t EEMEM EE_gps_UsedDevName[20]; // benutztes GPS Device Name
uint8_t EEMEM EE_gps_UsedMac[14]; // benutztes GPS Device Mac Adresse
uint8_t EEMEM EE_gps_UseGPS; // ist GPS aktiv?
uint8_t EEMEM EE_gps_UsedGPSMouse; // GPS Maustyp
uint32_t EE_LastLongitude EEMEM = 0;
uint32_t EE_LastLatitude EEMEM = 0;
WPListDirectory EEWPDirectory[NumberOfWPLists] EEMEM;
WayPoints EEWayPointList[NumberOfWaypoints] EEMEM;
uint8_t EE_PKTVersion EEMEM = EEpromVersion;
volatile uint8_t DisplayTimeout;
volatile uint8_t DisplayLanguage;
volatile uint8_t WiTXRXChannel;
volatile uint8_t WiNetworkGroup;
volatile uint8_t WiNetworkMode;
volatile uint8_t WiTXTO;
volatile uint8_t WiUartMTU;
volatile uint8_t LCD_ORIENTATION;
volatile uint8_t LCD_DisplayMode;
volatile uint8_t LCD_Kontrast;
volatile uint8_t LCD_Helligkeit;
volatile uint8_t USBBT;
volatile uint8_t U02SV2;
volatile uint8_t Debug;
volatile uint8_t UseWi; // Wi232 wird genutzt
volatile uint8_t UseBT; // BT wird genutzt
volatile uint8_t WiIsSet; // Wi232 ist initialisiert
volatile uint8_t BTIsSet; // BT ist initialisiert
volatile uint8_t BTIsSlave; // Slave Flag
char bt_pin[bt_pin_length + 1]; // BT Pinnummer
char bt_name[bt_name_length + 1]; // BT Name
char gps_UsedDevName[20]; // benutztes GPS Device Name
char gps_UsedMac[14]; // benutztes GPS Device Mac Adresse
volatile uint8_t gps_UseGPS; // ist GPS aktiv?
volatile uint8_t gps_UsedGPSMouse; // GPS Maustyp
volatile uint32_t LastLongitude; // Letzte Position
volatile uint32_t LastLatitude;
volatile uint8_t PKT_IdleBeep;
volatile uint8_t PKT_StartInfo;
volatile uint16_t Lipo_UOffset; // Offset für die Lipospannugsmessung
volatile uint8_t PKT_Accutyp; // verwendeter Akkutyp
volatile uint8_t OSD_RCErrorbeep; //Empfangsausffallwarnung im OSD Screen
volatile uint8_t OSD_InvertOut; // Out1/2 invertiert anzeigen
volatile uint8_t OSD_LEDform; // Form der Anzeige ( + oder schwarz)
volatile uint8_t OSD_SendOSD; // OSD Daten an SV2 senden
volatile uint8_t OSD_Fallspeed; // maximale Sinkrate
volatile uint8_t OSD_VarioBeep; // Vario Beep im OSD Screen
volatile uint8_t OSD_HomeMKView; // Home Circle from MK-View
volatile uint16_t OSD_mAh_Warning; // mAh Warnschwelle
volatile uint8_t OSD_ScreenMode; //Variante des OSD-Screen
volatile uint8_t OSD_LipoBar; //Bargraphanzeige für MK Lipo
volatile uint8_t PKT_Baudrate; // Baudrate für BT und Wi232
volatile uint16_t FM_Refresh; // FollowMe interval
volatile uint16_t FM_Speed; // FollowMe Speed in m/s *0.1
volatile uint16_t FM_Radius; // Waypoint Tolerance Radius in meter
volatile WayPoints PKTWayPoint; // Waypointdaten für einen Waypoint
volatile WPListDirectory PKTWayPointDirectory; // Inhaltsverzeichnis der Listen
void WriteWiInitFlag(void)
WiIsSet = true;
eeprom_write_byte(&EE_WiIsSet, WiIsSet);
void WriteBTInitFlag(void)
BTIsSet = true;
eeprom_write_byte(&EE_BTIsSet, BTIsSet);
void WriteBTSlaveFlag(void)
BTIsSlave = true;
eeprom_write_byte(&EE_BTIsSlave, BTIsSlave);
void WriteBTMasterFlag(void)
BTIsSlave = false;
eeprom_write_byte(&EE_BTIsSlave, BTIsSlave);
void ReadLastPosition(void)
LastLongitude = eeprom_read_dword(&EE_LastLongitude);
LastLatitude = eeprom_read_dword(&EE_LastLatitude);
void WriteLastPosition(uint32_t ELongitude,uint32_t ELatitude)
void ReadParameter (void)
if (eeprom_read_byte(&EE_PKTVersion) == EEpromVersion)
MK_LowBat = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_LowBat);
DisplayTimeout = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_DisplayTimeout);
DisplayLanguage = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_DisplayLanguage);
WiTXRXChannel = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_WiTXRXChannel);
WiNetworkGroup = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_WiNetworkGroup);
WiNetworkMode = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_WiNetworkMode);
WiTXTO = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_WiTXTO);
WiUartMTU = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_WiUartMTU);
LCD_ORIENTATION = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_LCD_Orientation);
LCD_DisplayMode = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_LCD_DisplayMode);
LCD_Kontrast = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_LCD_Kontrast);
LCD_Helligkeit = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_LCD_Helligkeit);
USBBT = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_USBBT);
U02SV2 = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_U02SV2);
Debug = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_Debug);
UseWi = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_UseWi);
UseBT = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_UseBT);
WiIsSet = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_WiIsSet);
BTIsSet = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_BTIsSet);
BTIsSlave = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_BTIsSlave);
PKT_IdleBeep = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_PKT_IdleBeep);
PKT_StartInfo = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_PKT_StartInfo);
Lipo_UOffset = eeprom_read_word (&EE_Lipo_UOffset);
PKT_Accutyp = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_PKT_Accutyp);
OSD_RCErrorbeep = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_OSD_RCErrorbeep);
OSD_InvertOut = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_OSD_InvertOut);
OSD_LEDform = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_OSD_LEDform);
OSD_SendOSD = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_OSD_SendOSD);
OSD_Fallspeed = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_OSD_Fallspeed);
OSD_VarioBeep = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_OSD_VarioBeep);
OSD_HomeMKView = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_OSD_HomeMKView);
OSD_mAh_Warning = eeprom_read_word (&EE_OSD_mAh_Warning);
OSD_ScreenMode = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_OSD_ScreenMode);
OSD_LipoBar = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_OSD_LipoBar);
PKT_Baudrate = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_PKT_Baudrate);
FM_Refresh = eeprom_read_word (&EE_FM_Refresh);
FM_Speed = eeprom_read_word (&EE_FM_Speed);
FM_Radius = eeprom_read_word (&EE_FM_Radius);
New_Baudrate = PKT_Baudrate; // Merkzellen setzen
Old_Baudrate = PKT_Baudrate;
eeprom_read_block ((void*)&bt_pin, (const void*)&EE_BTPin, bt_pin_length);
eeprom_read_block ((void*)&bt_name, (const void*)&EE_BTName, bt_name_length);
eeprom_read_block ((void*)&gps_UsedDevName, (const void*)&EE_gps_UsedDevName, 20);
eeprom_read_block ((void*)&gps_UsedMac, (const void*)&EE_gps_UsedMac, 14);
gps_UseGPS = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_gps_UseGPS);
gps_UsedGPSMouse = eeprom_read_byte (&EE_gps_UsedGPSMouse);
LastLongitude = eeprom_read_dword (&EE_LastLongitude);
LastLatitude = eeprom_read_dword (&EE_LastLatitude);
void Delete_EEPROM(void)
// EEPROM auf Default setzen
lcd_printp_at (0, 0, PSTR(" EEPROM Parameter "), 2);
lcd_printp_at (0, 1, PSTR("werden auf"), 0);
lcd_printp_at (0, 2, PSTR("Standardwerte gesetzt"), 0);
MK_LowBat = 137; // 13,7V
DisplayTimeout = 0; // Display immer an
DisplayLanguage = 1; // default englisch
WiTXRXChannel = 1; // Kanal 1 MK Standard
WiNetworkGroup = 66; // Gruppe 66 MK Standard
WiNetworkMode = NetMode_Normal; // MK Standard
WiTXTO = TWaitTime16; // MK Standard
WiUartMTU = UartMTU64; // MK Standard
LCD_ORIENTATION = 0; // normale Ansicht
LCD_DisplayMode = 0; // Normal
LCD_Kontrast = 20; // Kontrast normal
LCD_Helligkeit = 100; // Helligkeit in %
USBBT = 0; // USB Betrieb
U02SV2 = 0; // SV2 (Kabel) Standard
Debug = 0; // kein Debug
UseWi = true; // Wi.232 eingebaut?
UseBT = true; // BT-222 eingebaut?
WiIsSet = false; // Flag für die Initialisierung Wi232
BTIsSet = false; // Flag für die Initialisierung Bluetooth
BTIsSlave = true; // Slave Flag setzen
PKT_IdleBeep = 0; // kein Piepsen bei Inaktivität
PKT_StartInfo = true; // Startnformationen anzeigen
PKT_Accutyp = true; // True = Lipo, False= LiON
OSD_RCErrorbeep = true; // OSD Receiveerrorbeep
OSD_InvertOut = false; // LED Anzeige invertiren
OSD_LEDform = 1; // Form der Anzeige ( + oder schwarz)
OSD_SendOSD = false; // OSD Daten an SV2
OSD_Fallspeed = 40; // maximale Sinkrate
OSD_VarioBeep = 1; // Vario Beep ein
OSD_HomeMKView = true; // Home Circle from MK View
OSD_mAh_Warning = 10000; //mAh Warnschwelle
OSD_ScreenMode = 0; // Variante des OSD Screen
OSD_LipoBar = 0; //Bargraphanzeige für MK Lipo
PKT_Baudrate = Wi232_57600; //Baudrate für BT und Wi232
Lipo_UOffset = 6000; // Offset für PKT-Lipomessung
FM_Refresh = 500; // FollowMe interval
FM_Speed = 30; // FollowMe Speed in m/s *0.1
FM_Radius = 5; // Waypoint Tolerance Radius in meter
LastLongitude = 88199720;
LastLatitude = 522039630;
strcpy_P(bt_pin, PSTR("0000"));
eeprom_write_block ((const void*)&bt_pin, (void*)&EE_BTPin, bt_pin_length);
strcpy_P(bt_name, PSTR("PKT Cebra ")); // Wenn Name kürzer als "bt_name_length" mit Leerzeichen auffüllen
eeprom_write_block ((const void*)&bt_name, (void*)&EE_BTName, bt_name_length);
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 20; i++)
gps_UsedDevName[i] = 0; // benutztes GPS Device Name
for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 14; i++)
gps_UsedMac[i] = '0'; // benutztes GPS Device Mac Adresse
gps_UseGPS = false; // ist GPS aktiv?
gps_UsedGPSMouse = 0;
// lcd_printp_at (0, 4, PSTR("Waypoints loeschen"), 0);
// EEWayPointList_Clear();
lcd_printp_at (0, 6, PSTR("!!Check Parameter!! "), 0);
lcd_printp_at (18, 7, PSTR("OK"), 0);
set_beep ( 200, 0x0080, BeepNormal);
while (!(get_key_short (1 << KEY_ENTER)));
// _delay_ms(500);
//#if defined HWVERSION3_9
// clr_V_On();
// wdt_enable( WDTO_250MS );
// while (1)
// {;}
void WriteParameter (void)
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_LowBat, MK_LowBat);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_DisplayTimeout, DisplayTimeout);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_DisplayLanguage, DisplayLanguage);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_WiTXRXChannel, WiTXRXChannel);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_WiNetworkGroup, WiNetworkGroup);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_WiNetworkMode, WiNetworkMode);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_WiTXTO, WiTXTO);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_WiUartMTU, WiUartMTU);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_LCD_Orientation, LCD_ORIENTATION);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_LCD_DisplayMode, LCD_DisplayMode);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_LCD_Kontrast, LCD_Kontrast);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_LCD_Helligkeit, LCD_Helligkeit);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_USBBT, USBBT);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_U02SV2, U02SV2);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_Debug, Debug);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_UseWi, UseWi);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_UseBT, UseBT);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_WiIsSet, WiIsSet);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_BTIsSet, BTIsSet);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_BTIsSlave, BTIsSlave);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_PKT_IdleBeep, PKT_IdleBeep);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_PKT_StartInfo, PKT_StartInfo);
eeprom_write_word (&EE_Lipo_UOffset,Lipo_UOffset);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_PKT_Accutyp, PKT_Accutyp);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_OSD_RCErrorbeep, OSD_RCErrorbeep);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_OSD_InvertOut, OSD_InvertOut);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_OSD_LEDform, OSD_LEDform);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_OSD_SendOSD, OSD_SendOSD);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_OSD_Fallspeed, OSD_Fallspeed);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_OSD_VarioBeep, OSD_VarioBeep);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_OSD_HomeMKView, OSD_HomeMKView);
eeprom_write_word (&EE_OSD_mAh_Warning, OSD_mAh_Warning);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_OSD_ScreenMode, OSD_ScreenMode);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_OSD_LipoBar, OSD_LipoBar);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_PKT_Baudrate, PKT_Baudrate);
eeprom_write_word (&EE_FM_Refresh,FM_Refresh);
eeprom_write_word (&EE_FM_Speed,FM_Speed);
eeprom_write_word (&EE_FM_Radius,FM_Radius);
eeprom_write_block ((const void*)&bt_pin, (void*)&EE_BTPin, bt_pin_length);
eeprom_write_block ((const void*)&bt_name, (void*)&EE_BTName, bt_name_length);
eeprom_write_block ((const void*)&gps_UsedDevName, (void*)&EE_gps_UsedDevName, 20);
eeprom_write_block ((const void*)&gps_UsedMac, (void*)&EE_gps_UsedMac, 14);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_gps_UseGPS,gps_UseGPS);
eeprom_write_byte (&EE_gps_UsedGPSMouse,gps_UsedGPSMouse);
void EEWayPointList_Clear(void) // löschen der Waypointliste im EEProm
uint8_t i;
PKTWayPoint.Waypoint.Position.Latitude = 0;
PKTWayPoint.Waypoint.Position.Longitude = 0;
PKTWayPoint.Waypoint.Position.Altitude = 0;
PKTWayPoint.Waypoint.Heading = 361;
for(i = 0; i < MAX_WPLIST_LEN; i++)
PKTWayPointDirectory.WPList.WPDirectory[i] = 0;
for(i = 0; i < NumberOfWaypoints; i++)
lcd_printp (PSTR("."), 0);
eeprom_write_byte (&EEWayPointList[i].WPIndex, i);
eeprom_write_byte (&EEWayPointList[i].Waypoint.Position.Status, INVALID);
eeprom_write_block ((const void*)&PKTWayPoint.Waypoint.Position.Latitude, (void*)&EEWayPointList[i].Waypoint.Position.Latitude, sizeof(EEWayPointList[i].Waypoint.Position.Latitude));
eeprom_write_block ((const void*)&PKTWayPoint.Waypoint.Position.Longitude, (void*)&EEWayPointList[i].Waypoint.Position.Longitude, sizeof(EEWayPointList[i].Waypoint.Position.Longitude));
eeprom_write_block ((const void*)&PKTWayPoint.Waypoint.Position.Altitude, (void*)&EEWayPointList[i].Waypoint.Position.Altitude, sizeof(EEWayPointList[i].Waypoint.Position.Altitude));
eeprom_write_block ((const void*)&PKTWayPoint.Waypoint.Heading, (void*)&EEWayPointList[i].Waypoint.Heading, sizeof(EEWayPointList[i].Waypoint.Heading));
eeprom_write_byte (&EEWayPointList[i].Waypoint.ToleranceRadius, 0); // in meters, if the MK is within that range around the target, then the next target is triggered
eeprom_write_byte (&EEWayPointList[i].Waypoint.HoldTime, 0); // in seconds, if the was once in the tolerance area around a WP, this time defines the delay before the next WP is triggered
eeprom_write_byte (&EEWayPointList[i].Waypoint.Type, POINT_TYPE_INVALID);
eeprom_write_byte (&EEWayPointList[i].Waypoint.Event_Flag, 0); // future implementation
eeprom_write_byte (&EEWayPointList[i].Waypoint.AltitudeRate, 0); // no change of setpoint
for(i = 0; i < NumberOfWPLists; i++)
lcd_printp (PSTR("."), 0);
eeprom_write_byte (&EEWPDirectory[i].WPList.WPListnumber, i);
eeprom_write_byte (&EEWPDirectory[i].WPList.WPListAktiv, false);
eeprom_write_byte (&EEWPDirectory[i].WPList.POI_CAM_NICK_CTR, 0);
eeprom_write_byte (&EEWPDirectory[i].WPList.UsePOI, 0);
eeprom_write_block ((const void*)&PKTWayPointDirectory.WPList.WPDirectory, (void*)&EEWPDirectory[i].WPList.WPDirectory, sizeof(EEWPDirectory[i].WPList.WPDirectory));
lcd_printp (PSTR("\r\n"), 0);