Subversion Repositories MK3Mag

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Ignore whitespace Rev 21 → Rev 20

/branches/MK3Mag V0.14 Code Redesign Killagreg/main.c
57,7 → 57,6
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "timer0.h"
71,8 → 70,6
int16_t RawMagnet2a, RawMagnet2b;
int16_t RawMagnet3a, RawMagnet3b;
uint16_t Led_Timer = 0;
typedef struct
int16_t Range;
90,12 → 87,12
Calibration_t Calibration; // calibration data in RAM
int16_t UncalMagnetX, UncalMagnetY, UncalMagnetZ; // sensor signal difference without Scaling
int16_t MagnetX, MagnetY, MagnetZ; // rescaled magnetic field readings
int16_t UncalMagnetX, UncalMagnetY, UncalMagnetZ; // sensor signal difference without Scaling
int16_t MagnetX, MagnetY, MagnetZ; // rescaled magnetic field readings
uint8_t PC_Connected = 0;
int16_t Heading = -1;
int16_t Heading;
void CalcFields(void)
115,14 → 112,7
double nick_rad, roll_rad, Hx, Hy, Cx, Cy, Cz;
int16_t heading = -1;
// blink code for normal operation
Led_Timer = SetDelay(500);
Cx = MagnetX;
Cy = MagnetY;
Cz = MagnetZ;
156,52 → 146,23
void Calibrate(void)
uint8_t cal;
static uint8_t calold = 0;
static int16_t Xmin = 0, Xmax = 0, Ymin = 0, Ymax = 0, Zmin = 0, Zmax = 0;
static uint8_t blinkcount = 0;
// check both sources of communication for calibration request
if(I2C_WriteCal.CalByte) cal = I2C_WriteCal.CalByte;
else cal = ExternData.CalState;*/
else cal = ExternData.CalState;
cal = ExternData.CalState;
// blink code for current calibration state
if(CheckDelay(Led_Timer) || (cal != calold))
if(blinkcount & 0x01) LED_GRN_OFF;
else LED_GRN_ON;
// end of blinkcount sequence
if( (blinkcount + 1 ) >= (2 * cal) )
blinkcount = 0;
Led_Timer = SetDelay(1000);
Led_Timer = SetDelay(170);
// calibration state machine
case 0: // no calibration
case 1: // 1st step of calibration
// initialize ranges
// used to change the orientation of the MK3MAG in the horizontal plane
Xmin = 10000;
Xmax = -10000;
Ymin = 10000;
212,6 → 173,7
case 2: // 2nd step of calibration
// find Min and Max of the X- and Y-Sensors during rotation in the horizontal plane
if(UncalMagnetX < Xmin) Xmin = UncalMagnetX;
if(UncalMagnetX > Xmax) Xmax = UncalMagnetX;
if(UncalMagnetY < Ymin) Ymin = UncalMagnetY;
220,43 → 182,36
case 3: // 3rd step of calibration
// used to change the orietation of the MK3MAG vertical to the horizontal plane
case 4:
// find Min and Max of the Z-Sensor
if(UncalMagnetZ < Zmin) Zmin = UncalMagnetZ;
if(UncalMagnetZ > Zmax) Zmax = UncalMagnetZ;
case 5:
// Save values
if(cal != calold) // avoid continously wrinting of eeprom!
LED_GRN_OFF; // Save values
Calibration.X.Range = Xmax - Xmin;
Calibration.X.Offset = (Xmin + Xmax) / 2;
Calibration.Y.Range = Ymax - Ymin;
Calibration.Y.Offset = (Ymin + Ymax) / 2;
Calibration.Z.Range = Zmax - Zmin;
Calibration.Z.Offset = (Zmin + Zmax) / 2;
if((Calibration.X.Range > 150) && (Calibration.Y.Range > 150) && (Calibration.Z.Range > 150))
Calibration.X.Range = Xmax - Xmin;
Calibration.X.Offset = (Xmin + Xmax) / 2;
Calibration.Y.Range = Ymax - Ymin;
Calibration.Y.Offset = (Ymin + Ymax) / 2;
Calibration.Z.Range = Zmax - Zmin;
Calibration.Z.Offset = (Zmin + Zmax) / 2;
if((Calibration.X.Range > 150) && (Calibration.Y.Range > 150) && (Calibration.Z.Range > 150))
// indicate write process by setting the led
eeprom_write_block(&Calibration, &eeCalibration, sizeof(Calibration_t));
// reset led state
// reset blinkcode
blinkcount = 0;
Led_Timer = SetDelay(1000);
eeprom_write_block(&Calibration, &eeCalibration, sizeof(Calibration_t));
calold = cal;
280,7 → 235,6
DebugOut.Analog[15] = Heading;
DebugOut.Analog[16] = ExternData.UserParam[0];
DebugOut.Analog[17] = ExternData.UserParam[1];
DebugOut.Analog[31] = PC_Connected;
293,13 → 247,9
sei(); //Globale Interrupts Einschalten
Debug_Timer = SetDelay(100); // Sendeintervall
Led_Timer = SetDelay(100);
// read calibration info from eeprom
eeprom_read_block(&Calibration, &eeCalibration, sizeof(Calibration_t));
318,7 → 268,6
RawMagnet3a = ADC_GetValue(ADC7);
RawMagnet1b = ADC_GetValue(ADC0);
328,8 → 277,7
//if(ExternData.CalState || I2C_WriteCal.CalByte) Calibrate();
if(ExternData.CalState) Calibrate();
if(ExternData.CalState || I2C_WriteCal.CalByte) Calibrate();
else CalcHeading();
// check data from USART
/branches/MK3Mag V0.14 Code Redesign Killagreg/uart.c
66,8 → 66,8
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#define TXD_BUFFER_LEN 150
#define RXD_BUFFER_LEN 150
#define TXD_BUFFER_LEN 100
#define RXD_BUFFER_LEN 100
volatile uint8_t txd_buffer[TXD_BUFFER_LEN];
volatile uint8_t rxd_buffer_locked = FALSE;
75,8 → 75,6
volatile uint8_t txd_complete = TRUE;
volatile uint8_t ReceivedBytes = 0;
uint8_t RequestVerInfo = FALSE;
uint8_t RequestDebugData = FALSE;
uint8_t RequestDebugLabel = FALSE;
111,7 → 109,7
"ZOffset ",
"ZRange ",
"Calstate ",
"Heading ", //15
"Heading Request ", //15
"User0 ",
"User1 ",
"Analog18 ",
164,9 → 162,9
// USART0 Control and Status Register A, B, C
// enable double speed operation
// enable double speed operation in
UCSR0A |= (1 << U2X0);
// enable receiver and transmitter
// enable receiver and transmitter in
UCSR0B |= (1 << TXEN0) | (1 << RXEN0);
// set asynchronous mode
UCSR0C &= ~(1 << UMSEL01);
203,7 → 201,7
VersionInfo.Minor = VERSION_MINOR;
VersionInfo.PCCompatible = VERSION_COMPATIBLE;
// Version beim Start ausgeben (nicht schön, aber geht... )
// Version beim Start ausgeben (nicht schön, aber geht... )
uart_putchar ('\n');uart_putchar ('C');uart_putchar ('P');uart_putchar (':');
uart_putchar ('V');uart_putchar (0x30 + VERSION_MAJOR);uart_putchar ('.');uart_putchar (0x30 + VERSION_MINOR/10); uart_putchar (0x30 + VERSION_MINOR%10);
uart_putchar ('\n');
212,7 → 210,6
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void USART0_EnableTXD(void)
//if(!(UCSR0B & (1 << TXEN0))) return;
DDRD |= (1<<DDD1); // set TXD pin as output
UCSR0B |= (1 << TXEN0); // enable TX in USART
220,9 → 217,6
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void USART0_DisableTXD(void)
//if((UCSR0B & (1 << TXEN0))) return;
while(!txd_complete){ };
UCSR0B &= ~(1 << TXEN0); // disable TXD in USART
DDRD &= ~(1<<DDD1); // set TXD pin as input
242,7 → 236,7
if((tmp_tx == '\r') || (ptr_txd_buffer == TXD_BUFFER_LEN))
ptr_txd_buffer = 0; // reset txd pointer
txd_complete = TRUE; // stop transmission
txd_complete = 1; // stop transmission
UDR0 = tmp_tx; // send current byte will trigger this ISR again
256,9 → 250,9
static uint16_t crc;
static uint8_t ptr_rxd_buffer = 0;
uint8_t crc1, crc2;
uint8_t c;
static uint8_t ptr_rxd_buffer = 0;
c = UDR0; // catch the received byte
387,7 → 381,7
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
int uart_putchar (int8_t c)
int16_t uart_putchar (int8_t c)
// if tx is not enabled return immediatly
if(!(UCSR0B & (1 << TXEN0))) return (0);
412,6 → 406,7
case 'w':// Attitude
Decode64((uint8_t *) &ExternData, sizeof(ExternData), 3, ReceivedBytes);
RequestCompassHeading = TRUE;
418,20 → 413,8
case 'b': // extern control
case 'c': // extern control with debug request
Decode64((uint8_t *) &ExternControl,sizeof(ExternControl), 3,ReceivedBytes);
#define KEY1 0x01
#define KEY2 0x02
#define KEY3 0x04
#define KEY4 0x08
#define KEY5 0x10
// use right arrow at display for switching the calstate
if(ExternControl.RemoteButtons & KEY2)
if(ExternData.CalState == 6) ExternData.CalState = 0;
ExternData.Attitude[0] = ExternControl.Par1;
ExternData.Attitude[1] = ExternControl.Par2;
PC_Connected = 255;
case 'h':// x-1 display columns
/branches/MK3Mag V0.14 Code Redesign Killagreg/uart.h
18,7 → 18,7
void USART0_DisableTXD(void);
void USART0_TransmitTxData(void);
void USART0_ProcessRxData(void);
int uart_putchar (int8_t c);
int16_t uart_putchar(int8_t c);