Subversion Repositories FlightCtrl

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Ignore whitespace Rev 1812 → Rev 1813

1,3 → 1,20
V0.82b-Arthur-P 2010-12-18
Version includes only support for external HEF4017 for FC1.x hardware, NOT for Twi2Ppm converters for ESCs.
2010-12-18 Transferred changes to v.0.82b-Arthur-P. Remarked out variable i in Mittelwert() as this
variable is not used.
20100917: Transferred changes to v0.80g-Arthur-Px.
20100804: Arthur P.: Modified to use user parameter 7 to determine downstep for motorsmoothing
with 0 or 1 defaulting to the default -150% first step followed by upsmoothing and
values beyond that resulting in 50% (2), 75% (4), 90% (10), 95% (20), 97.5% (40), 99% (100)
Within timer0.c user paramater 8 is used to activate an external HEF4017 on FC 1.x hardware,
and/or to set the shutter interval timer in steps of 0.1sec (minimum = 1 sec), by using
bit 8 (128) as on/off switch, and bits 7 (0..127) for the timer counter.
Flight Control
368,7 → 385,13
static signed long tmpl,tmpl2,tmpl3,tmpl4;
static signed int oldNick, oldRoll, d2Roll, d2Nick;
signed long winkel_nick, winkel_roll;
unsigned char i;
Arthur P: Disabbled unsinged char i as this variable is not used.
// unsigned char i;
Arthur P: End of change.
MesswertGier = (signed int) AdNeutralGier - AdWertGier;
MesswertNick = (signed int) AdWertNickFilter / 8;
MesswertRoll = (signed int) AdWertRollFilter / 8;
1715,8 → 1738,42
else if(Mixer.Motor[i][3] == -64) tmp_int -= GierMischanteil;
else tmp_int += ((long)GierMischanteil * Mixer.Motor[i][3]) / 64L;
Arthur P: the original code allowed the motor value to drop to 0 or negative values
straight off, i.e. could amplify an intended decrease excessively while upregulation
is dampened. The modification would still allow immediate drop below intended value
but would dampen this. This would still allow for airbraking of the prop to have effect
but it might lead to less sudden excessive drops in rpm with only gradual recovery.
090807 Arthur P: Due to problems with uart.c which still refers to user parameter 1 and 2 and
possible timing issues with the shutter interval load, removed the shutter interval functions
and switched to use of userparam6 for the motor smoothing.
091114 Inserted modification into 0.76g source code.
20100804 Modified v.0.80d code where motorsmoothing is no longer a separate function.
Downsmoothing either uses default v.0.7x+ 150% downstep (user para 7 == 0),
50% downstep (user para 7 == 1 or 2), or downsteps of x% (userpara7 ==):
66.6% (3), 75% (4), 80% (5), 90% (10), 95% (20), 97.5% (40), 98% (50), 99% (100).
if(tmp_int > tmp_motorwert[i]) tmp_int = (tmp_motorwert[i] + tmp_int) / 2; // MotorSmoothing
else tmp_int = 2 * tmp_int - tmp_motorwert[i]; // MotorSmoothing
Arthur P: Start of changes in fc.c. Next line is disabled and replaced by modified routine.
// else tmp_int = 2 * tmp_int - tmp_motorwert[i]; // MotorSmoothing
if(Parameter_UserParam7 < 2)
{ // Original function
tmp_int = 2 * tmp_int - tmp_motorwert[i];
// If userpara7 >= 2 then allow >= 50% of the intended step down to rapidly reach the intended value.
tmp_int = tmp_int + ((tmp_motorwert[i] - tmp_int)/Parameter_UserParam7);
Arthur P: End of changes in fc.c.
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(tmp_int,(int) MIN_GAS * 4,(int) MAX_GAS * 4);
Motor[i].SetPoint = tmp_int / 4;
1,3 → 1,18
V0.82b-Arthur-P 2010-12-18
Version includes only support for external HEF4017 for FC1.x hardware, NOT for Twi2Ppm converters for ESCs.
Besides adding this header. The following files have been modified:
* main.c: Remark header added with summary of changes to other files. Also remarked out variable i from function
Mittelwert as this variable is not used. No other changes.
* menu.c: Modifed text to show branch name in MKTool window.
* fc.c: Modified motor smoothing routine.
* timer0.c: Added several variables and modified the servo control routines to allow control to be activated
* through a parameter, and to allow different shutter servo control.
* makefile: Modified to correctly name output file to reflect branch name.
All changes are clearly marked similar to this change.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Copyright (c) Holger Buss, Ingo Busker
// + Nur für den privaten Gebrauch / NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY
1,3 → 1,6
#v0.82b-Arthur-P 2010-12-18
#Modified the output line to correctly reflect the branch name.
# MCU name
#MCU = atmega1284p
42,10 → 45,13
# Target file name (without extension).
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 0)
#Arthur P: Following line modified.
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 1)
#Arthur P: End of modification.
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 2)
1,3 → 1,9
V0.80b-Arthur-P 2010-12-18
Version includes only support for external HEF4017 for FC1.x hardware, NOT for Twi2Ppm converters for ESCs.
2010-12-18 Modified to show branch version in MKTool window.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Copyright (c) Holger Buss, Ingo Busker
// + only for non-profit use
45,7 → 51,13
case 0:
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"+ MikroKopter +");
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"HW:V%d.%d SW:%d.%d%c",PlatinenVersion/10,PlatinenVersion%10, VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_PATCH +'a');
Arthur P: Modified next line to show branch version name in MKTool window.
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"HW:V%d.%d SW:%d.%d%c-Arthur-P",PlatinenVersion/10,PlatinenVersion%10, VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_PATCH +'a');
Arthur P: End of changes to menu.c.
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Setting:%d %s", GetActiveParamSet(),Mixer.Name);
if(VersionInfo.HardwareError[0]) LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Hardware Error 1:%d !!",VersionInfo.HardwareError[0])
1,3 → 1,21
V0.82b-Arthur-P 2010-12-18
Version includes only support for external HEF4017 for FC1.x hardware, NOT for Twi2Ppm converters for ESCs.
2010-12-18 Transferred changes to v.0.82b-Arthur-P
20100917: Transferred changes to v0.80g-Arthur-P.
Arthur P. Modified to use several parameters for servo control:
User_Parameter8: Use external HEF4017 if bit 8 is set (>127). The remaining 7 bits are used
for the shutter cycle counter: the value is multiplied by 5 programmatically,
resulting in steps of approx. 0.1sec. Minimum value to start using the
interval timer is 10 (approx. 1 sec, or countervalue of 50). Note that this
was originally done through user para 6.
#include "main.h"
#define MULTIPLYER 4
16,7 → 34,24
volatile int16_t ServoNickValue = 0;
volatile int16_t ServoRollValue = 0;
Arthur P: Added two variables for control of the shutter servo cycle.
091114 Inserted same changes into v.0.76g code.
091114 Inactivated the following two lines as the shutter interval funtion is not
used at the moment.
20100804 Reactivated to be able to choose slower shutter rate than normal for
Panasonic FX150 in continuous mode.
volatile static unsigned int CameraShutterCycleCounter = 0;
volatile static unsigned int CameraShutterCycle = 0;
volatile static unsigned int CameraShutterCycleOnCount = 20; // Leave the shutter on for at least
// 20 cycles or approx. 0.2 seconds.
Arthur P: End of changes to variables section of timer0.c.
enum {
STOP = 0,
CK = 1,
130,6 → 165,23
uint8_t sreg = SREG;
Arthur P: Added initialization of the CameraShutterCycle value here as this routine is only
called once. This retains all code changes in timer0.c. If (parameter 8 & 127) > 0 then the user
has set a value for the cycle. CameraShuytterCycle == 5x (Para8 & 127) to get approx 0.1sec increments.
090807: Arthur P.: Removed the shutter cycle parts as they may be impacting timing loops.
20100804 Arthur P.: Reactivate shutter cycle counters. Modified to use the lower 7 bits of
user parameter 8 (bit 8 is used for enabling the external HEF4017).
CameraShutterCycle = Parameter_UserParam6;
CameraShutterCycle = 5 * (Parameter_UserParam8 & 127);
Arthur P: End of changes to Timer2 function.
// disable all interrupts before reconfiguration
271,7 → 323,21
static uint8_t ServoIndex = 0;
if(PlatinenVersion < 20)
Arthur P: Modified the code to check the value of parameter 8. If 128 or higher then a HEF4017 is
expected and will be used. Else J7 and J9 are seen as separate normal outputs.
if((PlatinenVersion < 20)
091114. Inserted same changes into v.0.76g code.
20100802 Inserted same changes into v.0.80d code.
// if(PlatinenVersion < 20)
if((PlatinenVersion < 20) && (Parameter_UserParam8 < 128 ))
Arthur P: End of modification ot if statement.
// Nick servo state machine
327,9 → 393,70
case 2: // Roll Compensation Servo
RemainingPulse += ServoRollValue - (256 / 2) * MULTIPLYER; // shift ServoNickValue to center position
Arthur P: Shutter Servo including interval control over parameter 5 and 6.
091114 Inserted same modification into v.0.76g code, removing previously REM-ed out modified parts.
20100802 Inserted same modification into v.0.76g code, removing previously REM-ed out modified parts.
Modified to use lower 7 bits of user parameter 7.
case 3:
RemainingPulse += ((int16_t)Parameter_Servo3 * MULTIPLYER) - (256 / 2) * MULTIPLYER;
// RemainingPulse += ((int16_t)Parameter_Servo3 * MULTIPLYER) - (256 / 2) * MULTIPLYER;
// break;
if(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI3]] < -32)
// Set servo to null position, turning camera off.
RemainingPulse = MINSERVOPULSE;
// 090807: Arthur P.: Removed the shutter cycle parts as they may be impacting timing loops.
// 20100804 Reactived shutter interval timer capability.
if(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI3]] > 32)
// Top position on a 3 position switch which runs from -127 to +127
// Cycle shutter servo between 50% on and off depending upon CameraShutterCycleCounter
// If CameraShutterCylce < 50 then default to continuous shoot.
if(CameraShutterCycle < 50 ) // == 5x the minimum value of userpara8 lower 7 bits
if(CameraShutterCycleCounter == CameraShutterCycle)
// Shutter on
CameraShutterCycleCounter = 0;
// Leave on for at least 20 cycles or 0.2 seconds to allow
// the camera to properly trigger, turn off if past 0.2 sec.
// For now this is actually set via para5 to allow for a long enough
// shutter pulse for different cameras. Once it is clear what value
// works, this can be changed to a hardcoded value.
if(CameraShutterCycleCounter == CameraShutterCycleOnCount)
// Shutter off
RemainingPulse = MINSERVOPULSE;
Arthur P: End of modified shutter servo control (via HEF4017) and of modifications to timer0.c.
case 4:
RemainingPulse += ((int16_t)Parameter_Servo4 * MULTIPLYER) - (256 / 2) * MULTIPLYER;