Subversion Repositories FlightCtrl

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 2315 → Rev 2316

69,7 → 69,6
unsigned char AnalogOffsetNick = 115,AnalogOffsetRoll = 115,AnalogOffsetGier = 115;
volatile unsigned char AdReady = 1;
volatile long HoehenWertF = 0;
volatile long VerticalVelocity;
void ADC_Init(void)
188,7 → 187,7
static unsigned char kanal=0,state = 0;
static signed char subcount = 0;
static signed int subcount = 0;
static signed int gier1, roll1, nick1, nick_filter, roll_filter;
static signed int accy, accx;
static long tmpLuftdruck = 0;
235,7 → 234,7
case 8:
Aktuell_az = ADC;
AdWertAccHoch = Aktuell_az - NeutralAccZ;
AdWertAccHoch = Aktuell_az - NeutralAccZ - (int) NeutralAccZfine;
if(!ACC_AltitudeControl) // The Offset must be corrected, because of the ACC-Drift from vibrations
if(AdWertAccHoch > 1)
244,8 → 243,8
subcount += 5;
if(modell_fliegt < 500) subcount += 10;
if(subcount > 100) { NeutralAccZ++; subcount -= 100;}
if(subcount > 100) { NeutralAccZ++; subcount -= 100;}
else if(AdWertAccHoch < -1)
257,6 → 256,29
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(CosAttitude > 8192 - 50) // horizontal leveled within 6°
if(AdWertAccHoch > 1)
if(++subcount > 5000)
if(NeutralAccZfine < 6) NeutralAccZfine++;
subcount -= 5000;
if(AdWertAccHoch < -1)
if(--subcount < -5000)
if(NeutralAccZfine > -6) NeutralAccZfine--;
subcount += 5000;
Mess_Integral_Hoch += AdWertAccHoch; // Integrieren
Mess_Integral_Hoch -= Mess_Integral_Hoch / 1024; // dämfen
kanal = AD_DRUCK;
309,7 → 331,7
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
HoehenWertF = (ACC_AltitudeFusion() + SA_FILTER/2)/SA_FILTER; // cm
HoehenWertF = (ACC_AltitudeFusion(0) + SA_FILTER/2)/SA_FILTER; // cm
else HoehenWertF = HoehenWert;
329,7 → 351,6
Luftdruck -= Luftdruck/16;
Luftdruck += tmpLuftdruck;
HoehenWert = StartLuftdruck - Luftdruck; // cm
HoehenWert = HoehenWert + AdWertAccHoch * 41 / 256; // Weight-compsensation <-------
25,7 → 25,7
extern volatile char MessanzahlNick;
extern unsigned char AnalogOffsetNick,AnalogOffsetRoll,AnalogOffsetGier;
extern volatile unsigned char AdReady;
volatile long HoehenWertF, VerticalVelocity, VerticalVelocitySum;
volatile long HoehenWertF;
unsigned int ReadADC(unsigned char adc_input);
void ADC_Init(void);
155,7 → 155,7
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_P = 20; // Wert : 0-32
EE_Parameter.Luftdruck_D = 40; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_ACC_Wirkung = 50; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_ACC_Wirkung = 30; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_HoverBand = 1; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_GPS_Z = 0; // Wert : 0-247
67,6 → 67,7
unsigned int NeutralAccX=0, NeutralAccY=0;
int NaviAccNick, NaviAccRoll,NaviCntAcc = 0;
int NeutralAccZ = 0;
signed char NeutralAccZfine = 0;
unsigned char ControlHeading = 0;// in 2°
long IntegralNick = 0,IntegralNick2 = 0;
long IntegralRoll = 0,IntegralRoll2 = 0;
211,13 → 212,11
DebugOut.Analog[30] = GPS_Nick;
DebugOut.Analog[31] = GPS_Roll;
if(VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] || VersionInfo.HardwareError[1]) DebugOut.Status[1] |= 1; else DebugOut.Status[1] &= 0xfe;
DebugOut.Analog[16] = Variance;
DebugOut.Analog[17] = VerticalVelocity;
DebugOut.Analog[18] = HoehenWertF;
DebugOut.Analog[25] = Parameter_Hoehe_P;
DebugOut.Analog[26] = Parameter_Luftdruck_D;
//DebugOut.Analog[16] = Variance;
//DebugOut.Analog[17] = VarioMeter;
//DebugOut.Analog[18] = HoehenWertF;
//DebugOut.Analog[25] = Parameter_Hoehe_P;
//DebugOut.Analog[26] = Parameter_Luftdruck_D;
272,16 → 271,17
// Nullwerte ermitteln
void SetNeutral(unsigned char AccAdjustment)
unsigned char SetNeutral(unsigned char AccAdjustment) // retuns: "sucess"
unsigned char i;
unsigned int gier_neutral=0, nick_neutral=0, roll_neutral=0;
unsigned char i, sucess = 1;
unsigned int gier_neutral = 0, nick_neutral = 0, roll_neutral = 0, acc_z_neutral = 0;
VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] = 0;
// HEF4017Reset_ON;
NeutralAccX = 0;
NeutralAccY = 0;
NeutralAccZ = 0;
NeutralAccZfine = 0;
AdNeutralNick = 0;
AdNeutralRoll = 0;
308,10 → 308,12
gier_neutral += AdWertGier;
nick_neutral += AdWertNick;
roll_neutral += AdWertRoll;
acc_z_neutral += Aktuell_az;
AdNeutralNick= (nick_neutral+NEUTRAL_FILTER/2) / (NEUTRAL_FILTER / 8);
AdNeutralRoll= (roll_neutral+NEUTRAL_FILTER/2) / (NEUTRAL_FILTER / 8);
AdNeutralGier= (gier_neutral+NEUTRAL_FILTER/2) / (NEUTRAL_FILTER);
AdNeutralNick = (nick_neutral+NEUTRAL_FILTER/2) / (NEUTRAL_FILTER / 8);
AdNeutralRoll = (roll_neutral+NEUTRAL_FILTER/2) / (NEUTRAL_FILTER / 8);
AdNeutralGier = (gier_neutral+NEUTRAL_FILTER/2) / (NEUTRAL_FILTER);
NeutralAccZ = (acc_z_neutral+NEUTRAL_FILTER/2) / (NEUTRAL_FILTER);
StartNeutralRoll = AdNeutralRoll;
StartNeutralNick = AdNeutralNick;
320,8 → 322,6
NeutralAccX = abs(Mittelwert_AccNick) / (2*ACC_AMPLIFY);
NeutralAccY = abs(Mittelwert_AccRoll) / (2*ACC_AMPLIFY);
NeutralAccZ = Aktuell_az;
// Save ACC neutral settings to eeprom
SetParamWord(PID_ACC_NICK, (uint16_t)NeutralAccX);
SetParamWord(PID_ACC_ROLL, (uint16_t)NeutralAccY);
332,17 → 332,15
// restore from eeprom
NeutralAccX = (int16_t)GetParamWord(PID_ACC_NICK);
NeutralAccY = (int16_t)GetParamWord(PID_ACC_ROLL);
NeutralAccZ = (int16_t)GetParamWord(PID_ACC_TOP);
// strange settings?
if(((unsigned int) NeutralAccX > 2048) || ((unsigned int) NeutralAccY > 2048) || ((unsigned int) NeutralAccZ > 1024))
if(((unsigned int) NeutralAccX > 2048) || ((unsigned int) NeutralAccY > 2048)/* || ((unsigned int) NeutralAccZ > 1024)*/)
printf("\n\rACC not calibrated!\r\n");
NeutralAccX = abs(Mittelwert_AccNick) / (2*ACC_AMPLIFY);
NeutralAccY = abs(Mittelwert_AccRoll) / (2*ACC_AMPLIFY);
NeutralAccZ = Aktuell_az;
sucess = 0;
MesswertNick = 0;
MesswertRoll = 0;
MesswertGier = 0;
356,7 → 354,6
Mess_Integral_Gier = 0;
StartLuftdruck = Luftdruck;
VarioMeter = 0;
VerticalVelocitySum = 0;
SummenHoehe = 0; Mess_Integral_Hoch = 0;
KompassSollWert = KompassValue;
KompassSignalSchlecht = 100;
387,6 → 384,20
NickServoValue = ((128 - 60) * 4 * 16); // neutral position = lower 1/4
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
signed int tilt1, tilt2;
tilt1 = (int)(IntegralNick/GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR); // nick angle in deg
tilt2 = (int)(IntegralRoll/GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR); // roll angle in deg
tilt1 = (int16_t)ihypot(tilt1,tilt2); // tilt angle over all
CosAttitude = c_cos_8192(tilt1);
NeutralAccZ = (long)((long) (NeutralAccZ - 512) * 8192 + 4096) / CosAttitude + 512;
if(tilt1 > 20) sucess = 0; // calibration must be within 20° Tilt angle
if(ACC_AltitudeControl) if((NeutralAccZ < 682 - 25) || (NeutralAccZ > 682 + 25)) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_ACC_TOP; sucess = 0;};
NeutralAccZ = (int16_t)GetParamWord(PID_ACC_TOP);
if((AdNeutralNick < 150 * 16) || (AdNeutralNick > 850 * 16)) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_GYRO_NICK; };
if((AdNeutralRoll < 150 * 16) || (AdNeutralRoll > 850 * 16)) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_GYRO_ROLL; };
if((AdNeutralGier < 150 * 2) || (AdNeutralGier > 850 * 2)) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_GYRO_YAW; };
393,10 → 404,13
if((NeutralAccX < 300) || (NeutralAccX > 750)) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_ACC_NICK; };
if((NeutralAccY < 300) || (NeutralAccY > 750)) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_ACC_ROLL; };
if((NeutralAccZ < 512) || (NeutralAccZ > 850)) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_ACC_TOP; };
if(VersionInfo.HardwareError[0]) sucess = 0;
carefree_old = 70;
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
ACC_AltitudeFusion(2); // initalisation
863,13 → 877,13
if((MessLuftdruck > 950) || (MessLuftdruck < 750)) SucheLuftruckOffset();
// ServoActive = 0;
CalibrationDone = 1;
CalibrationDone = SetNeutral(0);
ServoActive = 1;
DDRD |=0x80; // enable J7 -> Servo signal
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(abs(Aktuell_az - NeutralAccZ) > 5 && ACC_AltitudeControl) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_ACC_TOP; };
if(VersionInfo.HardwareError[0]) SpeakHoTT = SPEAK_ERR_SENSOR;
if(!CalibrationDone) SpeakHoTT = SPEAK_ERR_CALIBARTION;
884,10 → 898,12
MotorenEin = 0;
delay_neutral = 0;
modell_fliegt = 0;
CalibrationDone = 1;
CalibrationDone = SetNeutral(1);
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(VersionInfo.HardwareError[0]) SpeakHoTT = SPEAK_ERR_SENSOR;
if(!CalibrationDone) SpeakHoTT = SPEAK_ERR_CALIBARTION;
1530,18 → 1546,15
else // delay, because of expanding the Baro-Range
// now clear the D-values
VarioMeter = 0;
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(ACC_AltitudeControl) SummenHoehe = HoehenWert * SA_FILTER;
if(ACC_AltitudeControl) ACC_AltitudeFusion(1); // init
else SummenHoehe = HoehenWert * SM_FILTER;
SummenHoehe = HoehenWert * SM_FILTER;
VerticalVelocitySum = 0;
VarioMeter = 0;
// if height control is activated by an rc channel
if(Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_HOEHEN_SCHALTER) // Regler wird über Schalter gesteuert
{ // check if parameter is less than activation threshold
1722,8 → 1735,8
if(HoehenWertF > SollHoehe || !(Parameter_ExtraConfig & CFG2_HEIGHT_LIMIT))
// from this point the Heigth Control Algorithm is identical for both versions
if(BaroExpandActive) // baro range expanding active
1806,9 → 1819,9
GasMischanteil = FilterHCGas;
else GasMischanteil = FilterHCGas + (GasMischanteil - HoverGas) / 4; // only in Vario-Mode
else // ACC-Altitude control
// from this point the Heigth Control Algorithm is identical for both versions
if(BaroExpandActive) // baro range expanding active
1825,7 → 1838,7
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(tmp_long, -511 * STICK_GAIN, 512 * STICK_GAIN); // more than full range makes sense
GasReduction = tmp_long;
// ------------------------ D-Part: ACC-Z Integral ------------------------
tmp_long = VerticalVelocity + AdWertAccHoch * Parameter_Hoehe_ACC_Wirkung/256;
tmp_long = VarioMeter + (AdWertAccHoch * Parameter_Hoehe_ACC_Wirkung)/256;
// ------------------------- D-Part: Vario Meter ----------------------------
if(WaypointTrimming) {
Variance = AltitudeSetpointTrimming * 8;
1837,7 → 1850,6
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(tmp_long,-511 * STICK_GAIN, 512 * STICK_GAIN);
GasReduction += tmp_long;
} // EOF no baro range expanding
DebugOut.Analog[19] = -GasReduction;
HCGas -= GasReduction;
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(HCGas, HoverGasMin, HoverGasMax); // limits gas around hover point
// strech control output by inverse attitude projection 1/cos
1856,8 → 1868,8
LIMIT_MAX(FilterHCGas, GasMischanteil); // nicht mehr als Gas
GasMischanteil = FilterHCGas;
else GasMischanteil = FilterHCGas;// + (GasMischanteil - HoverGas) / 4; // Qopter: geändert
else GasMischanteil = FilterHCGas;
} // end of ACC-Altitude control
}// EOF height control active
else // HC not active
1879,8 → 1891,8
// this is done only if height contol option is selected in global config and aircraft is flying
if((FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_FLY))// && !(FC_SatusFlags & FC_STATUS_EMERGENCY_LANDING))
//if(HoverGasFilter == 0 || StartTrigger == 1) HoverGasFilter = HOVER_GAS_AVERAGE * (unsigned long)(GasMischanteil); // init estimation
if(HoverGasFilter == 0 || StartTrigger == 1) HoverGasFilter = HOVER_GAS_AVERAGE * (unsigned long)(HoverGas); // Qopter: geändert
//if(HoverGasFilter == 0 || StartTrigger == 1) HoverGasFilter = HOVER_GAS_AVERAGE * (unsigned long)(GasMischanteil); // init estimation
if(HoverGasFilter == 0 || StartTrigger == 1) HoverGasFilter = HOVER_GAS_AVERAGE * (unsigned long)(HoverGas); // Qopter: geändert
if(StartTrigger == 1) StartTrigger = 2;
tmp_long2 = (int32_t)GasMischanteil; // take current thrust
tmp_long2 *= CosAttitude; // apply attitude projection
1897,8 → 1909,7
HoverGasFilter += 4L * tmp_long2;
else //later
//if(abs(VerticalVelocity) < 50 && abs(HoehenWertF - SollHoehe) < 256) // Qopter: geändert, Anpassung nötig?
if(abs(VarioMeter) < 100 && abs(HoehenWert - SollHoehe) < 256) // only on small vertical speed & difference is small (only descending)
if(abs(VarioMeter) < 100 && abs(HoehenWertF - SollHoehe) < 256) // only on small vertical speed & difference is small (only descending)
HoverGasFilter -= HoverGasFilter/HOVER_GAS_AVERAGE;
HoverGasFilter += tmp_long2;
87,6 → 87,7
extern unsigned int NeutralAccX, NeutralAccY;
extern unsigned char HoehenReglerAktiv;
extern int NeutralAccZ;
extern signed char NeutralAccZfine;
extern long Umschlag180Nick, Umschlag180Roll;
extern signed int ExternStickNick,ExternStickRoll,ExternStickGier;
extern unsigned char Parameter_UserParam1,Parameter_UserParam2,Parameter_UserParam3,Parameter_UserParam4,Parameter_UserParam5,Parameter_UserParam6,Parameter_UserParam7,Parameter_UserParam8;
96,7 → 97,7
extern void SendMotorData(void);
//void CalibrierMittelwert(void);
//void Mittelwert(void);
extern void SetNeutral(unsigned char AccAdjustment);
extern unsigned char SetNeutral(unsigned char AccAdjustment); // retuns: "sucess"
extern void Piep(unsigned char Anzahl, unsigned int dauer);
extern void CopyDebugValues(void);
extern unsigned char ACC_AltitudeControl;
8,7 → 8,7
#define CPU_ATMEGA1284P 4
extern void LIBFC_Init(unsigned char);
extern long ACC_AltitudeFusion(void);
extern long ACC_AltitudeFusion(unsigned char init);
extern void LIBFC_Polling(void);
extern void LIBFC_ReceiverInit(unsigned char rtype);
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
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Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
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151,6 → 151,7
DDRC = 0x81; // I2C, Spaker
DDRC |=0x40; // HEF4017 Reset
PORTC = 0xff; // Pullup SDA
9,8 → 9,8
VERSION_SERIAL_MAJOR = 11 # Serial Protocol
VERSION_SERIAL_MINOR = 0 # Serial Protocol
NC_SPI_COMPATIBLE = 52 # Navi-Kompatibilität
NC_SPI_COMPATIBLE = 53 # Navi-Kompatibilität
# ATMEGA644: 63487 is maximum
117,7 → 117,7
"AccNick ",
"AccRoll ",
"YawGyro ",
"Altitude [0,1m] ", //5
"Altitude [0.1m] ", //5
"AccZ ",
"Gas ",
"Compass Value ",
128,17 → 128,17
"Motor 2 ",
"Motor 3 ",
"Motor 4 ", //15
"16 Variance ",
"17 vv ",
"18 HoehenWertF ",
"19 GasEinwirkung",
"16 ",
"17 ",
"18 ",
"19 ",
"Servo ", //20
"Hovergas ",
"Current [0.1A] ",
"Capacity [mAh] ",
"Height Setpoint ",
"25 P ", //25
"26 D ", //"26 CPU OverLoad ",
"25 ", //25
"26 ", //"26 CPU OverLoad ",
"Compass Setpoint",
"I2C-Error ",
"BL Limit ",
567,6 → 567,7
- disable Yawing when Gas-Stick is to Zero
- calibration must be within 20° Tilt angle
- I-Anteile bein Start auf Null halten, wenn der Kopter auf dem Boden steht (<150cm)
- ACC-Fusion des Höhenreglers integriert (ab FC2.2)