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Ignore whitespace Rev 2414 → Rev 2415

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0,0 → 1,0
<AVRStudio><MANAGEMENT><ProjectName>FlightCtrl</ProjectName><Created>15-May-2007 11:20:41</Created><LastEdit>11-Oct-2007 22:58:54</LastEdit><ICON>241</ICON><ProjectType>0</ProjectType><Created>15-May-2007 11:20:41</Created><Version>4</Version><Build>4, 13, 0, 528</Build><ProjectTypeName>AVR GCC</ProjectTypeName></MANAGEMENT><CODE_CREATION><ObjectFile>default\Flight-Ctrl.elf</ObjectFile><EntryFile></EntryFile><SaveFolder>F:\SVN\MikroKopter\FlightCtrl\branches\V0.64_ZeroWarnings\</SaveFolder></CODE_CREATION><DEBUG_TARGET><CURRENT_TARGET>AVR Simulator</CURRENT_TARGET><CURRENT_PART>ATmega644.xml</CURRENT_PART><BREAKPOINTS></BREAKPOINTS><IO_EXPAND><HIDE>false</HIDE></IO_EXPAND><REGISTERNAMES><Register>R00</Register><Register>R01</Register><Register>R02</Register><Register>R03</Register><Register>R04</Register><Register>R05</Register><Register>R06</Register><Register>R07</Register><Register>R08</Register><Register>R09</Register><Register>R10</Register><Register>R11</Register><Register>R12</Register><Register>R13</Register><Register>R14</Register><Register>R15</Register><Register>R16</Register><Register>R17</Register><Register>R18</Register><Register>R19</Register><Register>R20</Register><Register>R21</Register><Register>R22</Register><Register>R23</Register><Register>R24</Register><Register>R25</Register><Register>R26</Register><Register>R27</Register><Register>R28</Register><Register>R29</Register><Register>R30</Register><Register>R31</Register></REGISTERNAMES><COM>Auto</COM><COMType>0</COMType><WATCHNUM>0</WATCHNUM><WATCHNAMES><Pane0></Pane0><Pane1></Pane1><Pane2></Pane2><Pane3></Pane3></WATCHNAMES><BreakOnTrcaeFull>0</BreakOnTrcaeFull></DEBUG_TARGET><Debugger><Triggers></Triggers></Debugger><AVRGCCPLUGIN><FILES><SOURCEFILE>uart.c</SOURCEFILE><SOURCEFILE>analog.c</SOURCEFILE><SOURCEFILE>eeprom.c</SOURCEFILE><SOURCEFILE>fc.c</SOURCEFILE><SOURCEFILE>GPS.c</SOURCEFILE><SOURCEFILE>main.c</SOURCEFILE><SOURCEFILE>menu.c</SOURCEFILE><SOURCEFILE>printf_P.c</SOURCEFILE><SOURCEFILE>rc.c</SOURCEFILE><SOURCEFILE>timer0.c</SOURCEFILE><SOURCEFILE>twimaster.c</SOURCEFILE><HEADERFILE>uart.h</HEADERFILE><HEADERFILE>_Settings.h</HEADERFILE><HEADERFILE>analog.h</HEADERFILE><HEADERFILE>fc.h</HEADERFILE><HEADERFILE>gps.h</HEADERFILE><HEADERFILE>main.h</HEADERFILE><HEADERFILE>menu.h</HEADERFILE><HEADERFILE>old_macros.h</HEADERFILE><HEADERFILE>printf_P.h</HEADERFILE><HEADERFILE>rc.h</HEADERFILE><HEADERFILE>Settings.h</HEADERFILE><HEADERFILE>timer0.h</HEADERFILE><HEADERFILE>twimaster.h</HEADERFILE></FILES><CONFIGS><CONFIG><NAME>default</NAME><USESEXTERNALMAKEFILE>NO</USESEXTERNALMAKEFILE><EXTERNALMAKEFILE></EXTERNALMAKEFILE><PART>atmega644</PART><HEX>1</HEX><LIST>1</LIST><MAP>1</MAP><OUTPUTFILENAME>Flight-Ctrl.elf</OUTPUTFILENAME><OUTPUTDIR>default\</OUTPUTDIR><ISDIRTY>1</ISDIRTY><OPTIONS><OPTION><FILE>GPS.c</FILE><OPTIONLIST></OPTIONLIST></OPTION><OPTION><FILE>analog.c</FILE><OPTIONLIST></OPTIONLIST></OPTION><OPTION><FILE>eeprom.c</FILE><OPTIONLIST></OPTIONLIST></OPTION><OPTION><FILE>fc.c</FILE><OPTIONLIST></OPTIONLIST></OPTION><OPTION><FILE>main.c</FILE><OPTIONLIST></OPTIONLIST></OPTION><OPTION><FILE>menu.c</FILE><OPTIONLIST></OPTIONLIST></OPTION><OPTION><FILE>printf_P.c</FILE><OPTIONLIST></OPTIONLIST></OPTION><OPTION><FILE>rc.c</FILE><OPTIONLIST></OPTIONLIST></OPTION><OPTION><FILE>timer0.c</FILE><OPTIONLIST></OPTIONLIST></OPTION><OPTION><FILE>twimaster.c</FILE><OPTIONLIST></OPTIONLIST></OPTION><OPTION><FILE>uart.c</FILE><OPTIONLIST></OPTIONLIST></OPTION></OPTIONS><INCDIRS/><LIBDIRS/><LIBS><LIB>libc.a</LIB><LIB>libm.a</LIB></LIBS><LINKOBJECTS/><OPTIONSFORALL>-Wall -gdwarf-2 -Wstrict-prototypes -std=gnu99 -Os -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -DVERSION_HAUPTVERSION=0 -DVERSION_NEBENVERSION=64 -DVERSION_KOMPATIBEL=5</OPTIONSFORALL><LINKEROPTIONS></LINKEROPTIONS><SEGMENTS/></CONFIG></CONFIGS><LASTCONFIG>default</LASTCONFIG><USES_WINAVR>1</USES_WINAVR><GCC_LOC>C:\Program Files\WinAVR\bin\avr-gcc.exe</GCC_LOC><MAKE_LOC>C:\Program Files\WinAVR\utils\bin\make.exe</MAKE_LOC></AVRGCCPLUGIN><IOView><usergroups/></IOView><Files><File00000><FileId>00000</FileId><FileName>main.c</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00000><File00001><FileId>00001</FileId><FileName>uart.c</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00001><File00002><FileId>00002</FileId><FileName>menu.c</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00002><File00003><FileId>00003</FileId><FileName>timer0.c</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00003><File00004><FileId>00004</FileId><FileName>fc.c</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00004><File00005><FileId>00005</FileId><FileName>fc.h</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00005><File00006><FileId>00006</FileId><FileName>menu.h</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00006><File00007><FileId>00007</FileId><FileName>TWIMASTER.C</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00007><File00008><FileId>00008</FileId><FileName>twimaster.h</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00008><File00009><FileId>00009</FileId><FileName>uart.h</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00009><File00010><FileId>00010</FileId><FileName>_Settings.h</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00010><File00011><FileId>00011</FileId><FileName>analog.h</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00011><File00012><FileId>00012</FileId><FileName>gps.h</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00012><File00013><FileId>00013</FileId><FileName>main.h</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00013><File00014><FileId>00014</FileId><FileName>old_macros.h</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00014><File00015><FileId>00015</FileId><FileName>printf_P.h</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00015><File00016><FileId>00016</FileId><FileName>rc.h</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00016><File00017><FileId>00017</FileId><FileName>Settings.h</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00017><File00018><FileId>00018</FileId><FileName>timer0.h</FileName><Status>1</Status></File00018></Files><Events><Bookmarks></Bookmarks></Events><Trace><Filters></Filters></Trace></AVRStudio>
0,0 → 1,16
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Copyright (c) Holger Buss, Ingo Busker
// + only for non-profit use
// +
// + see the File "License.txt" for further Informations
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "main.h"
signed int GPS_Nick = 0;
signed int GPS_Roll = 0;
unsigned char GPS_Aid_StickMultiplikator = 0; // 64 = 100%
0,0 → 1,52
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Software Nutzungsbedingungen (english version: see below)
// + der Fa. HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland - nachfolgend Lizenzgeber genannt -
// + Der Lizenzgeber räumt dem Kunden ein nicht-ausschließliches, zeitlich und räumlich* unbeschränktes Recht ein, die im den
// + Mikrocontroller verwendete Firmware für die Hardware Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, MK3Mag & PC-Programm MikroKopter-Tool
// + - nachfolgend Software genannt - nur für private Zwecke zu nutzen.
// + Der Einsatz dieser Software ist nur auf oder mit Produkten des Lizenzgebers zulässig.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Die vom Lizenzgeber gelieferte Software ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte an der Software sowie an sonstigen im
// + Rahmen der Vertragsanbahnung und Vertragsdurchführung überlassenen Unterlagen stehen im Verhältnis der Vertragspartner ausschließlich dem Lizenzgeber zu.
// + Die in der Software enthaltenen Copyright-Vermerke, Markenzeichen, andere Rechtsvorbehalte, Seriennummern sowie
// + sonstige der Programmidentifikation dienenden Merkmale dürfen vom Kunden nicht verändert oder unkenntlich gemacht werden.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den sicheren Einsatz der Software. Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren
// + Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Die Haftung des Lizenzgebers wird - soweit gesetzlich zulässig - begrenzt in Höhe des typischen und vorhersehbaren
// + Schadens. Die gesetzliche Haftung bei Personenschäden und nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz bleibt unberührt. Dem Lizenzgeber steht jedoch der Einwand
// + des Mitverschuldens offen.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den Fall, dass die Software ganz oder teilweise nicht ordnungsgemäß arbeitet.
// + Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Der Kunde wird er seine Daten vor Einsatz der Software nach dem Stand der Technik sichern.
// + Der Kunde ist darüber unterrichtet, dass der Lizenzgeber seine Daten im zur Vertragsdurchführung erforderlichen Umfang
// + und auf Grundlage der Datenschutzvorschriften erhebt, speichert, verarbeitet und, sofern notwendig, an Dritte übermittelt.
// + *) Die räumliche Nutzung bezieht sich nur auf den Einsatzort, nicht auf die Reichweite der programmierten Software.
// + Hinweis: Informationen über erweiterte Nutzungsrechte (wie z.B. Nutzung für nicht-private Zwecke) sind auf Anfrage per Email an info(@) verfügbar.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + of HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland, Germany - the Licensor -
// + The Licensor grants the customer a non-exclusive license to use the microcontroller firmware of the Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, and MK3Mag hardware
// + (the Software) exclusively for private purposes. The License is unrestricted with respect to time and territory*.
// + The Software may only be used with the Licensor's products.
// + The Software provided by the Licensor is protected by copyright. With respect to the relationship between the parties to this
// + agreement, all rights pertaining to the Software and other documents provided during the preparation and execution of this
// + agreement shall be the property of the Licensor.
// + The information contained in the Software copyright notices, trademarks, other legal reservations, serial numbers and other
// + features that can be used to identify the program may not be altered or defaced by the customer.
// + The customer shall be responsible for taking reasonable precautions
// + for the safe use of the Software. The customer shall test the Software thoroughly regarding its suitability for the
// + intended purpose before implementing it for actual operation. The Licensor's liability shall be limited to the extent of typical and
// + foreseeable damage to the extent permitted by law, notwithstanding statutory liability for bodily injury and product
// + liability. However, the Licensor shall be entitled to the defense of contributory negligence.
// + The customer will take adequate precautions in the case, that the software is not working properly. The customer will test
// + the software for his purpose before any operational usage. The customer will backup his data before using the software.
// + The customer understands that the Licensor collects, stores and processes, and, where required, forwards, customer data
// + to third parties to the extent necessary for executing the agreement, subject to applicable data protection and privacy regulations.
// + *) The territory aspect only refers to the place where the Software is used, not its programmed range.
// + Note: For information on license extensions (e.g. commercial use), please contact us at info(@)
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
--- V2.00a_NOT_for_FC_V2.5/Spektrum.c (nonexistent)
+++ V2.00a_NOT_for_FC_V2.5/Spektrum.c (revision 2415)
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+Decodieren eines RC Summen Signals oder Spektrum Empfänger-Satellit
+#include "Spektrum.h"
+#include "main.h"
+unsigned char SpektrumTimer = 0;
+// Achtung: RECEIVER_SPEKTRUM_DX7EXP oder RECEIVER_SPEKTRUM_DX8EXP wird in der main.h gesetzt
+unsigned char s_excnt = 0; // Bitcounter for Spektrum-Expander
+unsigned char s_exparity = 0; // Parity Bit for Spektrum-Expander
+signed char s_exdata[11]; // Data for Spektrum-Expander
+void s_update(unsigned char channel, signed int value) // Channel-Diff numbercrunching and finally assign new stickvalue to PPM_in
+ if(SenderOkay >= 180) PPM_diff[channel] = ((value - PPM_in[channel]) / 3) * 3;
+ else PPM_diff[channel] = 0;
+ PPM_in[channel] = value;
+// USART1 initialisation from killagreg
+void SpektrumUartInit(void)
+ {
+ // -- Start of USART1 initialisation for Spekturm seriell-mode
+ // USART1 Control and Status Register A, B, C and baud rate register
+ uint8_t sreg = SREG;
+ uint16_t ubrr = (uint16_t) ((uint32_t) SYSCLK/(8 * 115200) - 1);
+ // disable all interrupts before reconfiguration
+ cli();
+ // disable RX-Interrupt
+ UCSR1B &= ~(1 << RXCIE1);
+ // disable TX-Interrupt
+ UCSR1B &= ~(1 << TXCIE1);
+ // disable DRE-Interrupt
+ UCSR1B &= ~(1 << UDRIE1);
+ // set direction of RXD1 and TXD1 pins
+ // set RXD1 (PD2) as an input pin
+ PORTD |= (1 << PORTD2);
+ DDRD &= ~(1 << DDD2);
+ // set TXD1 (PD3) as an output pin
+ PORTD |= (1 << PORTD3);
+ DDRD |= (1 << DDD3);
+ // USART0 Baud Rate Register
+ // set clock divider
+ UBRR1H = (uint8_t)(ubrr>>8);
+ UBRR1L = (uint8_t)ubrr;
+ // enable double speed operation
+ UCSR1A |= (1 << U2X1);
+ // enable receiver and transmitter
+ //UCSR1B = (1<<RXEN1)|(1<<TXEN1);
+ UCSR1B = (1<<RXEN1);
+ // set asynchronous mode
+ UCSR1C &= ~(1 << UMSEL11);
+ UCSR1C &= ~(1 << UMSEL10);
+ // no parity
+ UCSR1C &= ~(1 << UPM11);
+ UCSR1C &= ~(1 << UPM10);
+ // 1 stop bit
+ UCSR1C &= ~(1 << USBS1);
+ // 8-bit
+ UCSR1B &= ~(1 << UCSZ12);
+ UCSR1C |= (1 << UCSZ11);
+ UCSR1C |= (1 << UCSZ10);
+ // flush receive buffer explicit
+ while(UCSR1A & (1<<RXC1)) UDR1;
+ // enable RX-interrupts at the end
+ UCSR1B |= (1 << RXCIE1);
+ // -- End of USART1 initialisation
+ // restore global interrupt flags
+ SREG = sreg;
+ return;
+ }
+// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+// + Copyright (c) Rainer Walther
+// + RC-routines from original MK rc.c (c) H&I
+// + Useful infos from Walter:
+// + only for non-profit use
+// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+// 20080808 rw Modified for Spektrum AR6100 (PPM)
+// 20080823 rw Add Spektrum satellite receiver on USART1 (644P only)
+// 20081213 rw Add support for Spektrum DS9 Air-Tx-Module (9 channels)
+// Replace AR6100-coding with original composit-signal routines
+// ---
+// Entweder Summensignal ODER Spektrum-Receiver anschließen. Nicht beides gleichzeitig betreiben!
+// Binding is not implemented. Bind with external Receiver.
+// Servo output J3, J4, J5 not serviced
+// Anschuß Spektrum Receiver
+// Orange: 3V von der FC (keinesfalls an 5V anschließen!)
+// Schwarz: GND
+// Grau: RXD1 (Pin 3) auf 10-Pol FC-Stecker
+// ---
+// Satellite-Reciever connected on USART1:
+// DX7/DX6i: One data-frame at 115200 baud every 22ms.
+// DX7se: One data-frame at 115200 baud every 11ms.
+// byte1: unknown
+// byte2: unknown
+// byte3: and byte4: channel data (FLT-Mode)
+// byte5: and byte6: channel data (Roll)
+// byte7: and byte8: channel data (Nick)
+// byte9: and byte10: channel data (Gier)
+// byte11: and byte12: channel data (Gear Switch)
+// byte13: and byte14: channel data (Gas)
+// byte15: and byte16: channel data (AUX2)
+// DS9 (9 Channel): One data-frame at 115200 baud every 11ms, alternating frame 1/2 for CH1-7 / CH8-9
+// 1st Frame:
+// byte1: unknown
+// byte2: unknown
+// byte3: and byte4: channel data
+// byte5: and byte6: channel data
+// byte7: and byte8: channel data
+// byte9: and byte10: channel data
+// byte11: and byte12: channel data
+// byte13: and byte14: channel data
+// byte15: and byte16: channel data
+// 2nd Frame:
+// byte1: unknown
+// byte2: unknown
+// byte3: and byte4: channel data
+// byte5: and byte6: channel data
+// byte7: and byte8: 0xffff
+// byte9: and byte10: 0xffff
+// byte11: and byte12: 0xffff
+// byte13: and byte14: 0xffff
+// byte15: and byte16: 0xffff
+// Each channel data (16 bit= 2byte, first msb, second lsb) is arranged as:
+// Bits: F 0 C3 C2 C1 C0 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0
+// 0 means a '0' bit
+// F: 1 = indicates beginning of 2nd frame for CH8-9 (DS9 only)
+// C3 to C0 is the channel number. 0 to 9 (4 bit, as assigned in the transmitter)
+// D9 to D0 is the channel data (10 bit) 0xaa..0x200..0x356 for 100% transmitter-travel
+// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+#define MIN_FRAMEGAP 68 // 7ms
+#define MAX_BYTEGAP 3 // 310us
+// Wird im UART-Interrupt aufgerufen
+void SpektrumParser(unsigned char c)
+ static unsigned char Sync=0, FrameCnt=0, ByteHigh=0, ReSync=1, Frame2=0;
+ unsigned int Channel, index = 0;
+ signed int signal = 0, tmp;
+ int bCheckDelay;
+// c = UDR1; // get data byte
+ if(ReSync == 1)
+ {
+ // wait for beginning of new frame
+ ReSync = 0;
+ SpektrumTimer = MIN_FRAMEGAP;
+ FrameCnt = 0;
+ Sync = 0;
+ ByteHigh = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!SpektrumTimer) bCheckDelay = 1; else bCheckDelay = 0;//CheckDelay(FrameTimer);
+ if ( Sync == 0 )
+ {
+ if(bCheckDelay)
+ {
+ // nach einer Pause von mind. 7ms erstes Sync-Character gefunden
+ // Zeichen ignorieren, da Bedeutung unbekannt
+ Sync = 1;
+ FrameCnt ++;
+ SpektrumTimer = MAX_BYTEGAP;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Zeichen kam vor Ablauf der 7ms Sync-Pause
+ // warten auf erstes Sync-Zeichen
+ SpektrumTimer = MIN_FRAMEGAP;
+ FrameCnt = 0;
+ Sync = 0;
+ ByteHigh = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if((Sync == 1) && !bCheckDelay)
+ {
+ // zweites Sync-Character ignorieren, Bedeutung unbekannt
+ Sync = 2;
+ FrameCnt ++;
+ SpektrumTimer = MAX_BYTEGAP;
+ }
+ else if((Sync == 2) && !bCheckDelay)
+ {
+ SpektrumTimer = MAX_BYTEGAP;
+ // Datenbyte high
+ ByteHigh = c;
+ if (FrameCnt == 2)
+ {
+ // is 1st Byte of Channel-data
+ // Frame 1 with Channel 1-7 comming next
+ Frame2 = 0;
+ if(ByteHigh & 0x80)
+ {
+ // DS9: Frame 2 with Channel 8-9 comming next
+ Frame2 = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ Sync = 3;
+ FrameCnt ++;
+ }
+ else if((Sync == 3) && !bCheckDelay)
+ {
+ // Datenbyte low
+ // High-Byte for next channel comes next
+ SpektrumTimer = MAX_BYTEGAP;
+ Sync = 2;
+ FrameCnt ++;
+ Channel = ((unsigned int)ByteHigh << 8) | c;
+ if(EE_Parameter.Receiver == RECEIVER_SPEKTRUM)
+ {
+ signal = Channel & 0x3ff;
+ signal -= 0x200; // Offset, range 0x000..0x3ff?
+ signal = signal/3; // scaling to fit PPM resolution
+ index = (ByteHigh >> 2) & 0x0f;
+ }
+ else
+ if(EE_Parameter.Receiver == RECEIVER_SPEKTRUM_HI_RES)
+ {
+ signal = Channel & 0x7ff;
+ signal -= 0x400; // Offset, range 0x000..0x7ff?
+ signal = signal/6; // scaling to fit PPM resolution
+ index = (ByteHigh >> 3) & 0x0f;
+ }
+ else
+ //if(EE_Parameter.Receiver == RECEIVER_SPEKTRUM_LOW_RES)
+ {
+ signal = Channel & 0x3ff;
+ signal -= 360; // Offset, range 0x000..0x3ff?
+ signal = signal/2; // scaling to fit PPM resolution
+ index = (ByteHigh >> 2) & 0x0f;
+ }
+ index++;
+ if(index < 13)
+ {
+ // Stabiles Signal
+ if (index == 2) index = 4; // Analog channel reassigment (2 <-> 4) for logical numbering (1,2,3,4)
+ else if (index == 4) index = 2;
+ if(abs(signal - PPM_in[index]) < 6)
+ {
+ if(EE_Parameter.FailsafeChannel == 0 || PPM_in[EE_Parameter.FailsafeChannel] < 100) // forces Failsafe if the receiver doesn't have 'signal loss' on Failsafe
+ {
+ if(SenderOkay < 200) SenderOkay += 10;
+ else
+ {
+ SenderOkay = 200;
+ TIMSK1 &= ~_BV(ICIE1); // disable PPM-Input
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tmp = (3 * (PPM_in[index]) + signal) / 4;
+ if(tmp > signal+1) tmp--; else
+ if(tmp < signal-1) tmp++;
+ if(index == 6) // FLIGHT-MODE - The channel used for our data uplink
+ {
+ if (signal > 100) // SYNC received
+ {
+ if (s_exdata[s_excnt] == 125) s_exparity = ~s_exparity; // Bit = 1 -> Re-Invert parity bit
+ if ((s_excnt == 6 && ((s_exparity != 0 && s_exdata[s_excnt] == -125) || (s_exparity == 0 && s_exdata[s_excnt] == 125))) || (s_excnt == 9 && ((s_exparity == 0 && s_exdata[s_excnt] == -125) || (s_exparity != 0 && s_exdata[s_excnt] == 125)))) // Parity check
+ {
+ if (s_exdata[1] == 125 && s_exdata[2] == -125) s_update(5,-125); // Reconstruct tripole Flight-Mode value (CH5)
+ else if (s_exdata[1] == -125 && s_exdata[2] == -125) s_update(5,0); // Reconstruct tripole Flight-Mode value (CH5)
+ else if (s_exdata[1] == -125 && s_exdata[2] == 125) s_update(5,125); // Reconstruct tripole Flight-Mode value (CH5)
+ s_update(6,s_exdata[3]); // Elevator (CH6)
+ s_update(11,s_exdata[4]); // Aileron (CH11)
+ s_update(12,s_exdata[5]); // Rudder (CH12)
+ if (s_excnt == 9) // New Mode (12 Channels)
+ {
+ if (s_exdata[7] == 125) s_update(8,PPM_in[8]+5); // Hover Pitch UP (CH8)
+ if (s_exdata[8] == 125) s_update(8,PPM_in[8]-5); // Hover Pitch DN (CH8)
+ if (PPM_in[8] < -125) PPM_in[8] = -125; // Range-Limit
+ else if (PPM_in[8] > 125) PPM_in[8] = 125; // Range-Limit
+ s_update(10,s_exdata[6]); // AUX2 (CH10)
+ }
+ }
+ s_excnt = 0; // Reset bitcounter
+ s_exparity = 0; // Reset parity bit
+ }
+ if (signal < 10) s_exdata[++s_excnt] = -125; // Bit = 0 -> value = -125 (min)
+ if (s_excnt == 10) s_excnt = 0; // Overflow protection
+ if (signal < -100)
+ {
+ s_exdata[s_excnt] = 125; // Bit = 1 -> value = 125 (max)
+ s_exparity = ~s_exparity; // Bit = 1 -> Invert parity bit
+ }
+ }
+ if (index < 5 ) s_update(index,tmp); // Update normal potis (CH1-4)
+ else if (index == 5) s_update(7,signal); // Gear (CH7)
+ else if (index == 7) s_update(9,signal); // Hover Throttle (CH9)
+ if(index == 6) // FLIGHT-MODE - The channel used for our data uplink
+ {
+ if (signal > 100) // SYNC received
+ {
+ if (s_exdata[s_excnt] == 125) s_exparity = ~s_exparity; // Bit = 1 -> Re-Invert parity bit
+ if (s_excnt == 9 && ((s_exparity == 0 && s_exdata[s_excnt] == -125) || (s_exparity != 0 && s_exdata[s_excnt] == 125))) // Parity check
+ {
+ if (s_exdata[1] == 125 && s_exdata[2] == -125) s_update(5,-125); // Reconstruct tripole Flight-Mode value (CH5)
+ else if (s_exdata[1] == -125 && s_exdata[2] == -125) s_update(5,0); // Reconstruct tripole Flight-Mode value (CH5)
+ else if (s_exdata[1] == -125 && s_exdata[2] == 125) s_update(5,125); // Reconstruct tripole Flight-Mode value (CH5)
+ if (s_exdata[3] == 125 && s_exdata[6] == -125) s_update(6,125); // Reconstruct tripole Elev D/R value (CH6)
+ else if (s_exdata[3] == -125 && s_exdata[6] == -125) s_update(6,0); // Reconstruct tripole Elev D/R value (CH6)
+ else if (s_exdata[3] == -125 && s_exdata[6] == 125) s_update(6,-125); // Reconstruct tripole Elev D/R value (CH6)
+ if (s_exdata[7] == 125 && s_exdata[8] == -125) s_update(9,-125); // Reconstruct tripole AIL D/R value (CH9)
+ else if (s_exdata[7] == -125 && s_exdata[8] == -125) s_update(9,0); // Reconstruct tripole AIL D/R value (CH9)
+ else if (s_exdata[7] == -125 && s_exdata[8] == 125) s_update(9,125); // Reconstruct tripole AIL D/R value (CH9)
+ s_update(10,s_exdata[5]); // Gear (CH10)
+ s_update(12,s_exdata[4]); // Mix (CH12)
+ }
+ s_excnt = 0; // Reset bitcounter
+ s_exparity = 0; // Reset parity bit
+ }
+ if (signal < 10) s_exdata[++s_excnt] = -125; // Bit = 0 -> value = -125 (min)
+ if (s_excnt == 10) s_excnt = 0; // Overflow protection
+ if (signal < -100)
+ {
+ s_exdata[s_excnt] = 125; // Bit = 1 -> value = 125 (max)
+ s_exparity = ~s_exparity; // Bit = 1 -> Invert parity bit
+ }
+ }
+ if (index < 5 ) s_update(index,tmp); // Update normal potis (CH1-4)
+ else if (index == 7) s_update(7,signal); // R Trim (CH7)
+ else if (index == 5) s_update(8,signal); // AUX2 (CH8)
+ else if (index == 8) s_update(11,signal); // AUX3 (CH11)
+ if(SenderOkay >= 180) PPM_diff[index] = ((tmp - PPM_in[index]) / 3) * 3;
+ else PPM_diff[index] = 0;
+ PPM_in[index] = tmp;
+ }
+ else if(index > 17) ReSync = 1; // hier stimmt was nicht: neu synchronisieren
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // hier stimmt was nicht: neu synchronisieren
+ ReSync = 1;
+ FrameCnt = 0;
+ Frame2 = 0;
+ // new frame next, nach fruehestens 7ms erwartet
+ SpektrumTimer = MIN_FRAMEGAP;
+ }
+ // 16 Bytes eingetroffen -> Komplett
+ if(FrameCnt >= 16)
+ {
+ // Frame complete
+ if(Frame2 == 0)
+ {
+ // Null bedeutet: Neue Daten
+ // nur beim ersten Frame (CH 0-7) setzen
+ if(!ReSync) NewPpmData = 0;
+ }
+ FrameCnt = 0;
+ Frame2 = 0;
+ Sync = 0;
+ SpektrumTimer = MIN_FRAMEGAP;
+ }
+ }
0,0 → 1,12
Dekodieren eines Spektrum Signals
#ifndef _SPEKTRUM_H
#define _SPEKTRUM_H
void SpektrumUartInit(void);
void SpektrumBinding(void);
extern unsigned char SpektrumTimer;
extern void SpektrumParser(unsigned char c);
#endif //_RC_H
0,0 → 1,383
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Software Nutzungsbedingungen (english version: see below)
// + der Fa. HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland - nachfolgend Lizenzgeber genannt -
// + Der Lizenzgeber räumt dem Kunden ein nicht-ausschließliches, zeitlich und räumlich* unbeschränktes Recht ein, die im den
// + Mikrocontroller verwendete Firmware für die Hardware Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, MK3Mag & PC-Programm MikroKopter-Tool
// + - nachfolgend Software genannt - nur für private Zwecke zu nutzen.
// + Der Einsatz dieser Software ist nur auf oder mit Produkten des Lizenzgebers zulässig.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Die vom Lizenzgeber gelieferte Software ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte an der Software sowie an sonstigen im
// + Rahmen der Vertragsanbahnung und Vertragsdurchführung überlassenen Unterlagen stehen im Verhältnis der Vertragspartner ausschließlich dem Lizenzgeber zu.
// + Die in der Software enthaltenen Copyright-Vermerke, Markenzeichen, andere Rechtsvorbehalte, Seriennummern sowie
// + sonstige der Programmidentifikation dienenden Merkmale dürfen vom Kunden nicht verändert oder unkenntlich gemacht werden.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den sicheren Einsatz der Software. Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren
// + Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Die Haftung des Lizenzgebers wird - soweit gesetzlich zulässig - begrenzt in Höhe des typischen und vorhersehbaren
// + Schadens. Die gesetzliche Haftung bei Personenschäden und nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz bleibt unberührt. Dem Lizenzgeber steht jedoch der Einwand
// + des Mitverschuldens offen.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den Fall, dass die Software ganz oder teilweise nicht ordnungsgemäß arbeitet.
// + Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Der Kunde wird er seine Daten vor Einsatz der Software nach dem Stand der Technik sichern.
// + Der Kunde ist darüber unterrichtet, dass der Lizenzgeber seine Daten im zur Vertragsdurchführung erforderlichen Umfang
// + und auf Grundlage der Datenschutzvorschriften erhebt, speichert, verarbeitet und, sofern notwendig, an Dritte übermittelt.
// + *) Die räumliche Nutzung bezieht sich nur auf den Einsatzort, nicht auf die Reichweite der programmierten Software.
// + Hinweis: Informationen über erweiterte Nutzungsrechte (wie z.B. Nutzung für nicht-private Zwecke) sind auf Anfrage per Email an info(@) verfügbar.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + of HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland, Germany - the Licensor -
// + The Licensor grants the customer a non-exclusive license to use the microcontroller firmware of the Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, and MK3Mag hardware
// + (the Software) exclusively for private purposes. The License is unrestricted with respect to time and territory*.
// + The Software may only be used with the Licensor's products.
// + The Software provided by the Licensor is protected by copyright. With respect to the relationship between the parties to this
// + agreement, all rights pertaining to the Software and other documents provided during the preparation and execution of this
// + agreement shall be the property of the Licensor.
// + The information contained in the Software copyright notices, trademarks, other legal reservations, serial numbers and other
// + features that can be used to identify the program may not be altered or defaced by the customer.
// + The customer shall be responsible for taking reasonable precautions
// + for the safe use of the Software. The customer shall test the Software thoroughly regarding its suitability for the
// + intended purpose before implementing it for actual operation. The Licensor's liability shall be limited to the extent of typical and
// + foreseeable damage to the extent permitted by law, notwithstanding statutory liability for bodily injury and product
// + liability. However, the Licensor shall be entitled to the defense of contributory negligence.
// + The customer will take adequate precautions in the case, that the software is not working properly. The customer will test
// + the software for his purpose before any operational usage. The customer will backup his data before using the software.
// + The customer understands that the Licensor collects, stores and processes, and, where required, forwards, customer data
// + to third parties to the extent necessary for executing the agreement, subject to applicable data protection and privacy regulations.
// + *) The territory aspect only refers to the place where the Software is used, not its programmed range.
// + Note: For information on license extensions (e.g. commercial use), please contact us at info(@)
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "main.h"
#include "eeprom.h"
volatile int Aktuell_Nick,Aktuell_Roll,Aktuell_Gier,Aktuell_ax, Aktuell_ay,Aktuell_az, UBat = 100;
volatile int AdWertNickFilter = 0, AdWertRollFilter = 0, AdWertGierFilter = 0;
volatile int HiResNick = 2500, HiResRoll = 2500;
volatile int AdWertNick = 0, AdWertRoll = 0, AdWertGier = 0;
volatile int AdWertAccRoll = 0,AdWertAccNick = 0,AdWertAccHoch = 0;
volatile long Luftdruck = 32000;
volatile long SummenHoehe = 0;
volatile long StartLuftdruck;
volatile unsigned int MessLuftdruck = 1023;
unsigned char DruckOffsetSetting;
signed char ExpandBaro = 0;
volatile int VarioMeter = 0;
volatile unsigned int ZaehlMessungen = 0;
unsigned char AnalogOffsetNick = 115,AnalogOffsetRoll = 115,AnalogOffsetGier = 115;
volatile unsigned char AdReady = 1;
volatile long HoehenWertF = 0;
void ADC_Init(void)
ADMUX = 0;//Referenz ist extern
#define DESIRED_H_ADC 800
void SucheLuftruckOffset(void)
unsigned int off;
ExpandBaro = 0;
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
unsigned char off2;
OCR0A = 150;
off2 = GetParamByte(PID_PRESSURE_OFFSET);
if(off2 < 230) off2 += 10;
OCR0B = off2;
if(MessLuftdruck > DESIRED_H_ADC) off2 = 240;
for(; off2 >= 5; off2 -= 5)
OCR0B = off2;
if(MessLuftdruck > DESIRED_H_ADC) break;
SetParamByte(PID_PRESSURE_OFFSET, off2);
if(off2 >= 15) off = 140; else off = 0;
for(; off < 250;off++)
OCR0A = off;
if(MessLuftdruck < DESIRED_H_ADC) break;
DruckOffsetSetting = off;
off = GetParamByte(PID_PRESSURE_OFFSET);
if(off > 20) off -= 10;
OCR0A = off;
if(MessLuftdruck < DESIRED_H_ADC) off = 0;
for(; off < 250;off++)
OCR0A = off;
if(MessLuftdruck < DESIRED_H_ADC) break;
DruckOffsetSetting = off;
if((EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig & CFG_HOEHENREGELUNG) && (DruckOffsetSetting < 10 || DruckOffsetSetting >= 245)) VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_PRESSURE;
OCR0A = off;
void SucheGyroOffset(void)
unsigned char i, ready = 0;
int timeout;
timeout = SetDelay(2000);
for(i=140; i != 0; i--)
if(ready == 3 && i > 10) i = 9;
ready = 0;
if(AdWertNick < 1020) AnalogOffsetNick--; else if(AdWertNick > 1030) AnalogOffsetNick++; else ready++;
if(AdWertRoll < 1020) AnalogOffsetRoll--; else if(AdWertRoll > 1030) AnalogOffsetRoll++; else ready++;
if(AdWertGier < 1020) AnalogOffsetGier--; else if(AdWertGier > 1030) AnalogOffsetGier++; else ready++;
if(AnalogOffsetNick < 10) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_GYRO_NICK; AnalogOffsetNick = 10;}; if(AnalogOffsetNick > 245) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_GYRO_NICK; AnalogOffsetNick = 245;};
if(AnalogOffsetRoll < 10) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_GYRO_ROLL; AnalogOffsetRoll = 10;}; if(AnalogOffsetRoll > 245) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_GYRO_ROLL; AnalogOffsetRoll = 245;};
if(AnalogOffsetGier < 10) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_GYRO_YAW; AnalogOffsetGier = 10;}; if(AnalogOffsetGier > 245) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_GYRO_YAW; AnalogOffsetGier = 245;};
while(twi_state) if(CheckDelay(timeout)) {printf("\n\r DAC or I2C ERROR! Check I2C, 3Vref, DAC and BL-Ctrl"); break;}
AdReady = 0;
if(i<10) Delay_ms_Mess(10);
0 n
1 r
2 g
3 y
4 x
5 n
6 r
7 u
8 z
9 L
10 n
11 r
12 g
13 y
14 x
15 n
16 r
17 L
static unsigned char kanal=0,state = 0;
static signed int subcount = 0;
static signed int gier1, roll1, nick1, nick_filter, roll_filter;
static signed int accy, accx;
static long tmpLuftdruck = 0;
static char messanzahl_Druck = 0;
case 0:
nick1 = ADC;
kanal = AD_ROLL;
case 1:
roll1 = ADC;
kanal = AD_GIER;
case 2:
gier1 = ADC;
kanal = AD_ACC_Y;
case 3:
Aktuell_ay = NeutralAccY - ADC;
accy = Aktuell_ay;
kanal = AD_ACC_X;
case 4:
Aktuell_ax = ADC - NeutralAccX;
accx = Aktuell_ax;
kanal = AD_NICK;
case 5:
nick1 += ADC;
kanal = AD_ROLL;
case 6:
roll1 += ADC;
kanal = AD_UBAT;
case 7:
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(EE_Parameter.ExtraConfig & CFG_3_3V_REFERENCE) UBat = (3 * UBat + (11 * ADC) / 30) / 4; // there were some single FC2.1 with 3.3V reference
UBat = (3 * UBat + ADC / 3) / 4;
kanal = AD_ACC_Z;
case 8:
Aktuell_az = ADC;
AdWertAccHoch = Aktuell_az - NeutralAccZ - (int) NeutralAccZfine;
if(!ACC_AltitudeControl) // The Offset must be corrected, because of the ACC-Drift from vibrations
if(AdWertAccHoch > 1)
if(NeutralAccZ < 750)
subcount += 5;
if(modell_fliegt < 500) subcount += 10;
if(subcount > 100) { NeutralAccZ++; subcount -= 100;}
else if(AdWertAccHoch < -1)
if(NeutralAccZ > 550)
subcount -= 5;
if(modell_fliegt < 500) subcount -= 10;
if(subcount < -100) { NeutralAccZ--; subcount += 100;}
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(CosAttitude > 8192 - 50) // horizontal leveled within 6°
if(AdWertAccHoch > 1)
if(++subcount > 5000)
if(NeutralAccZfine < 6) NeutralAccZfine++;
subcount -= 5000;
if(AdWertAccHoch < -1)
if(--subcount < -5000)
if(NeutralAccZfine > -6) NeutralAccZfine--;
subcount += 5000;
Mess_Integral_Hoch += AdWertAccHoch; // Integrieren
Mess_Integral_Hoch -= Mess_Integral_Hoch / 1024; // dämfen
kanal = AD_DRUCK;
// "case 9:" fehlt hier absichtlich
case 10:
nick1 += ADC;
kanal = AD_ROLL;
case 11:
roll1 += ADC;
kanal = AD_GIER;
case 12:
if(PlatinenVersion == 10) AdWertGier = (ADC + gier1 + 1) / 2;
if(PlatinenVersion >= 20) AdWertGier = 2047 - (ADC + gier1);
else AdWertGier = (ADC + gier1);
kanal = AD_ACC_Y;
case 13:
Aktuell_ay = NeutralAccY - ADC;
AdWertAccRoll = (Aktuell_ay + accy);
kanal = AD_ACC_X;
case 14:
Aktuell_ax = ADC - NeutralAccX;
AdWertAccNick = (Aktuell_ax + accx);
kanal = AD_NICK;
case 15:
nick1 += ADC;
if(PlatinenVersion == 10) nick1 *= 2; else nick1 *= 4;
AdWertNick = nick1 / 8;
nick_filter = (nick_filter + nick1) / 2;
HiResNick = nick_filter - AdNeutralNick;
AdWertNickFilter = (AdWertNickFilter + HiResNick) / 2;
kanal = AD_ROLL;
case 16:
roll1 += ADC;
if(PlatinenVersion == 10) roll1 *= 2; else roll1 *= 4;
AdWertRoll = roll1 / 8;
roll_filter = (roll_filter + roll1) / 2;
HiResRoll = roll_filter - AdNeutralRoll;
AdWertRollFilter = (AdWertRollFilter + HiResRoll) / 2;
kanal = AD_DRUCK;
case 17:
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
HoehenWertF = (ACC_AltitudeFusion(0) + SA_FILTER/2)/SA_FILTER; // cm
else HoehenWertF = HoehenWert;
HoehenWertF = HoehenWert;
state = 0;
AdReady = 1;
// "break" fehlt hier absichtlich
case 9:
MessLuftdruck = ADC;
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
tmpLuftdruck = MessLuftdruck - 523 * (long)ExpandBaro; // -523 counts per offset step
Luftdruck -= Luftdruck/16;
Luftdruck += tmpLuftdruck;
HoehenWert = StartLuftdruck - Luftdruck; // cm
{ // old version (until FC V2.1)
tmpLuftdruck += MessLuftdruck;
if(++messanzahl_Druck >= 16) // war bis 0.86 "18"
signed int tmp;
Luftdruck = (7 * Luftdruck + tmpLuftdruck - (16 * 523) * (long)ExpandBaro + 4) / 8; // -523.19 counts per 10 counts offset step
HoehenWert = StartLuftdruck - Luftdruck;
SummenHoehe -= SummenHoehe/SM_FILTER;
SummenHoehe += HoehenWert;
tmp = (HoehenWert - SummenHoehe/SM_FILTER);
if(tmp > 1024) tmp = 1024; else if(tmp < -1024) tmp = -1024;
if(abs(VarioMeter) > 700) VarioMeter = (15 * VarioMeter + 8 * tmp)/16;
else VarioMeter = (31 * VarioMeter + 8 * tmp)/32;
tmpLuftdruck /= 2;
messanzahl_Druck = 16/2;
kanal = AD_NICK;
kanal = 0; state = 0; kanal = AD_NICK;
ADMUX = kanal;
if(state != 0) ANALOG_ON;
0,0 → 1,49
#ifndef _ANALOG_H
#define _ANALOG_H
#define SM_FILTER 16
#define SA_FILTER 512
extern volatile int UBat;
extern volatile int AdWertNick, AdWertRoll, AdWertGier;
extern volatile int AdWertAccRoll,AdWertAccNick,AdWertAccHoch;
extern volatile int HiResNick, HiResRoll;
extern volatile int AdWertNickFilter, AdWertRollFilter, AdWertGierFilter;
extern volatile int Aktuell_Nick,Aktuell_Roll,Aktuell_Gier,Aktuell_ax, Aktuell_ay,Aktuell_az;
extern volatile long Luftdruck;
extern volatile long SummenHoehe;
extern volatile char messanzahl_Druck;
extern volatile unsigned int ZaehlMessungen;
extern unsigned char DruckOffsetSetting;
extern signed char ExpandBaro;
extern volatile int VarioMeter;
extern volatile unsigned int MessLuftdruck;
extern volatile long StartLuftdruck;
extern volatile char MessanzahlNick;
extern unsigned char AnalogOffsetNick,AnalogOffsetRoll,AnalogOffsetGier;
extern volatile unsigned char AdReady;
volatile long HoehenWertF;
unsigned int ReadADC(unsigned char adc_input);
void ADC_Init(void);
void SucheLuftruckOffset(void);
void SucheGyroOffset(void);
#define AD_GIER 0
#define AD_ROLL 1
#define AD_NICK 2
#define AD_DRUCK 3
#define AD_UBAT 4
#define AD_ACC_Z 5
#define AD_ACC_Y 6
#define AD_ACC_X 7
#define ANALOG_ON ADCSRA=(1<<ADEN)|(1<<ADSC)|(0<<ADATE)|(1<<ADPS2)|(1<<ADPS1)|(1<<ADPS0)|(1<<ADIE)
//Signle trigger Mode, Interrupt on
#endif //_ANALOG_H
0,0 → 1,144
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Software Nutzungsbedingungen (english version: see below)
// + der Fa. HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland - nachfolgend Lizenzgeber genannt -
// + Der Lizenzgeber räumt dem Kunden ein nicht-ausschließliches, zeitlich und räumlich* unbeschränktes Recht ein, die im den
// + Mikrocontroller verwendete Firmware für die Hardware Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, MK3Mag & PC-Programm MikroKopter-Tool
// + - nachfolgend Software genannt - nur für private Zwecke zu nutzen.
// + Der Einsatz dieser Software ist nur auf oder mit Produkten des Lizenzgebers zulässig.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Die vom Lizenzgeber gelieferte Software ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte an der Software sowie an sonstigen im
// + Rahmen der Vertragsanbahnung und Vertragsdurchführung überlassenen Unterlagen stehen im Verhältnis der Vertragspartner ausschließlich dem Lizenzgeber zu.
// + Die in der Software enthaltenen Copyright-Vermerke, Markenzeichen, andere Rechtsvorbehalte, Seriennummern sowie
// + sonstige der Programmidentifikation dienenden Merkmale dürfen vom Kunden nicht verändert oder unkenntlich gemacht werden.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den sicheren Einsatz der Software. Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren
// + Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Die Haftung des Lizenzgebers wird - soweit gesetzlich zulässig - begrenzt in Höhe des typischen und vorhersehbaren
// + Schadens. Die gesetzliche Haftung bei Personenschäden und nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz bleibt unberührt. Dem Lizenzgeber steht jedoch der Einwand
// + des Mitverschuldens offen.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den Fall, dass die Software ganz oder teilweise nicht ordnungsgemäß arbeitet.
// + Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Der Kunde wird er seine Daten vor Einsatz der Software nach dem Stand der Technik sichern.
// + Der Kunde ist darüber unterrichtet, dass der Lizenzgeber seine Daten im zur Vertragsdurchführung erforderlichen Umfang
// + und auf Grundlage der Datenschutzvorschriften erhebt, speichert, verarbeitet und, sofern notwendig, an Dritte übermittelt.
// + *) Die räumliche Nutzung bezieht sich nur auf den Einsatzort, nicht auf die Reichweite der programmierten Software.
// + Hinweis: Informationen über erweiterte Nutzungsrechte (wie z.B. Nutzung für nicht-private Zwecke) sind auf Anfrage per Email an info(@) verfügbar.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + of HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland, Germany - the Licensor -
// + The Licensor grants the customer a non-exclusive license to use the microcontroller firmware of the Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, and MK3Mag hardware
// + (the Software) exclusively for private purposes. The License is unrestricted with respect to time and territory*.
// + The Software may only be used with the Licensor's products.
// + The Software provided by the Licensor is protected by copyright. With respect to the relationship between the parties to this
// + agreement, all rights pertaining to the Software and other documents provided during the preparation and execution of this
// + agreement shall be the property of the Licensor.
// + The information contained in the Software copyright notices, trademarks, other legal reservations, serial numbers and other
// + features that can be used to identify the program may not be altered or defaced by the customer.
// + The customer shall be responsible for taking reasonable precautions
// + for the safe use of the Software. The customer shall test the Software thoroughly regarding its suitability for the
// + intended purpose before implementing it for actual operation. The Licensor's liability shall be limited to the extent of typical and
// + foreseeable damage to the extent permitted by law, notwithstanding statutory liability for bodily injury and product
// + liability. However, the Licensor shall be entitled to the defense of contributory negligence.
// + The customer will take adequate precautions in the case, that the software is not working properly. The customer will test
// + the software for his purpose before any operational usage. The customer will backup his data before using the software.
// + The customer understands that the Licensor collects, stores and processes, and, where required, forwards, customer data
// + to third parties to the extent necessary for executing the agreement, subject to applicable data protection and privacy regulations.
// + *) The territory aspect only refers to the place where the Software is used, not its programmed range.
// + Note: For information on license extensions (e.g. commercial use), please contact us at info(@)
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "capacity.h"
#include "twimaster.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "timer0.h"
#include "analog.h"
#define CAPACITY_UPDATE_INTERVAL 10 // 10 ms
#define FC_OFFSET_CURRENT 5 // calculate with a current of 0.5A
#define BL_OFFSET_CURRENT 2 // calculate with a current of 0.2A
// global varialbles
unsigned short update_timer = 0;
Capacity_t Capacity;
// initialize capacity calculation
void Capacity_Init(void)
Capacity.ActualCurrent = 0;
Capacity.UsedCapacity = 0;
Capacity.ActualPower = 0;
Capacity.MinOfMaxPWM = 0;
update_timer = SetDelay(CAPACITY_UPDATE_INTERVAL);
// called in main loop at a regular interval
void Capacity_Update(void)
unsigned short Current, SetSum; // max value will be 255 * 12 = 3060
static unsigned short SubCounter = 0;
static unsigned short CurrentOffset = 0;
static unsigned long SumCurrentOffset = 0;
unsigned char i, NumOfMotors, MinOfMaxPWM;
update_timer += CAPACITY_UPDATE_INTERVAL; // do not use SetDelay to avoid timing leaks
// determine sum of all present BL currents and setpoints
Current = 0;
SetSum = 0;
NumOfMotors = 0;
MinOfMaxPWM = 255;
for(i = 0; i < MAX_MOTORS; i++)
Current += (unsigned int)(Motor[i].Current);
SetSum += (unsigned int)(Motor[i].SetPoint);
if(Motor[i].MaxPWM < MinOfMaxPWM) MinOfMaxPWM = Motor[i].MaxPWM;
Capacity.MinOfMaxPWM = MinOfMaxPWM;
if(SetSum == 0) // if all setpoints are 0
{ // determine offsets of motor currents
#define CURRENT_AVERAGE 8 // 8bit = 256 * 10 ms = 2.56s average time
CurrentOffset = (unsigned int)(SumCurrentOffset>>CURRENT_AVERAGE);
SumCurrentOffset -= CurrentOffset;
SumCurrentOffset += Current;
// after averaging set current to static offset
else // some motors are running, includes also motor test condition, where "MotorRunning" is false
{ // subtract offset
if(Current > CurrentOffset) Current -= CurrentOffset;
else Current = 0;
// add the FC and BL Offsets
// update actual Current
Capacity.ActualCurrent = Current;
// update actual Power
if(Current < 255) Capacity.ActualPower = (UBat * Current) / 100; // in W higher resolution
else Capacity.ActualPower = (UBat * (Current/4)) / 25; // in W
// update used capacity
SubCounter += Current;
// = 1mAh / (36000 / CAPACITY_UPDATE_INTERVAL)
if(SubCounter > SUB_COUNTER_LIMIT)
Capacity.UsedCapacity++; // we have one mAh more
SubCounter -= SUB_COUNTER_LIMIT; // keep the remaining sub part
} // EOF check delay update timer
0,0 → 1,18
#ifndef _CAPACITY_H
#define _CAPACITY_H
typedef struct
unsigned short ActualCurrent; // in 0.1A Steps
unsigned short ActualPower; // in 0.1W
unsigned short UsedCapacity; // in mAh
unsigned char MinOfMaxPWM; // BL Power Limit
} __attribute__((packed)) Capacity_t;
extern Capacity_t Capacity;
void Capacity_Init(void);
void Capacity_Update(void);
#endif //_CAPACITY_H
0,0 → 1,48
#include "main.h"
#include "debug.h"
#ifdef DEBUG // only include functions if DEBUG is defined in main.h
#warning : "### DEBUG-Funktion aktiv ###"
unsigned char Debug_BufPtr = 0;
struct str_Debug tDebug;
unsigned char SendDebugOutput = 0;
// function called from _printf_P to output character
void Debug_Putchar(char c)
if (!SendDebugOutput)
tDebug.Text[Debug_BufPtr++] = c; // copy character to buffer
if (Debug_BufPtr > 30) Debug_BufPtr = 30; // avoid buffer overflow
void DebugSend(unsigned char cmd)
if (!SendDebugOutput)
tDebug.Cmd = cmd;
tDebug.Text[Debug_BufPtr] = '\0'; // end of text marker
Debug_BufPtr = 0; // set bufferindex to 0
SendDebugOutput = 1; // set flag to trasmit data the next time in serial transmit function
add the following code block to the serial transmit function
#ifdef DEBUG // only include functions if DEBUG is defined
if(SendDebugOutput && UebertragungAbgeschlossen)
SendOutData('0', FC_ADDRESS, 1, (unsigned char *) &tDebug, sizeof(tDebug));
SendDebugOutput = 0;
0,0 → 1,60
#ifndef _DEBUG_H
#define _DEBUG_H
// ----------------------------------------------
#define CMD_NONE 0x00
#define CMD_RAW_OUTPUT 0x01
#define CMD_ERROR_MSG 0x02
#define CMD_WARNING_MSG 0x04
#define CMD_GREEN_MSG 0x08
// debug console in MK-Tool can also handle ANSI ESC seq.
#define ANSI_ATTRIBUTE_OFF "\033[0m"
#define ANSI_BOLD "\033[1m"
#define ANSI_UNDERSCORE "\033[4m"
#define ANSI_BLINK "\033[5m"
#define ANSI_INVERSE "\033[7m"
#define ANSI_INVISIBLE "\033[8m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_BLACK "\033[30m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_RED "\033[31m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_GREEN "\033[32m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_YELLOW "\033[33m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_BLUE "\033[34m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_VIOLETT "\033[35m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_KOBALTBLUE "\033[36m"
#define ANSI_COLOR_WHITE "\033[37m"
#define ANSI_CLEAR "\033[2J"
#define ANSI_HOME "\033[H"
// macros for easier use
#ifdef DEBUG // only include functions if DEBUG is defined in main.h
#define Debug(format, args...) { _printf_P(&Debug_Putchar, PSTR(format) , ## args); DebugSend(CMD_NONE); }
#define Debug_Raw(format, args...) { _printf_P(&Debug_Putchar, PSTR(format) , ## args); DebugSend(CMD_RAW_OUTPUT); }
#define Debug_Warning(format, args...) { _printf_P(&Debug_Putchar, PSTR(format) , ## args); DebugSend(CMD_WARNING_MSG); }
#define Debug_Error(format, args...) { _printf_P(&Debug_Putchar, PSTR(format) , ## args); DebugSend(CMD_ERROR_MSG); }
#define Debug_OK(format, args...) { _printf_P(&Debug_Putchar, PSTR(format) , ## args); DebugSend(CMD_GREEN_MSG); }
struct str_Debug
unsigned char Cmd; // bitcoded command
char Text[32];
extern struct str_Debug tDebug;
unsigned char SendDebugOutput;
void Debug_Putchar(char c);
void DebugSend(unsigned char cmd);
#else // dummy macros (won't waste flash, if #DEBUG is disabled)
#define Debug(format, args...) ;
#define Debug_Raw(format, args...) ;
#define Debug_Warning(format, args...) ;
#define Debug_Error(format, args...) ;
#define Debug_OK(format, args...) ;
// ----------------------------------------------
0,0 → 1,653
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Software Nutzungsbedingungen (english version: see below)
// + der Fa. HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland - nachfolgend Lizenzgeber genannt -
// + Der Lizenzgeber räumt dem Kunden ein nicht-ausschließliches, zeitlich und räumlich* unbeschränktes Recht ein, die im den
// + Mikrocontroller verwendete Firmware für die Hardware Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, MK3Mag & PC-Programm MikroKopter-Tool
// + - nachfolgend Software genannt - nur für private Zwecke zu nutzen.
// + Der Einsatz dieser Software ist nur auf oder mit Produkten des Lizenzgebers zulässig.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Die vom Lizenzgeber gelieferte Software ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte an der Software sowie an sonstigen im
// + Rahmen der Vertragsanbahnung und Vertragsdurchführung überlassenen Unterlagen stehen im Verhältnis der Vertragspartner ausschließlich dem Lizenzgeber zu.
// + Die in der Software enthaltenen Copyright-Vermerke, Markenzeichen, andere Rechtsvorbehalte, Seriennummern sowie
// + sonstige der Programmidentifikation dienenden Merkmale dürfen vom Kunden nicht verändert oder unkenntlich gemacht werden.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den sicheren Einsatz der Software. Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren
// + Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Die Haftung des Lizenzgebers wird - soweit gesetzlich zulässig - begrenzt in Höhe des typischen und vorhersehbaren
// + Schadens. Die gesetzliche Haftung bei Personenschäden und nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz bleibt unberührt. Dem Lizenzgeber steht jedoch der Einwand
// + des Mitverschuldens offen.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den Fall, dass die Software ganz oder teilweise nicht ordnungsgemäß arbeitet.
// + Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Der Kunde wird er seine Daten vor Einsatz der Software nach dem Stand der Technik sichern.
// + Der Kunde ist darüber unterrichtet, dass der Lizenzgeber seine Daten im zur Vertragsdurchführung erforderlichen Umfang
// + und auf Grundlage der Datenschutzvorschriften erhebt, speichert, verarbeitet und, sofern notwendig, an Dritte übermittelt.
// + *) Die räumliche Nutzung bezieht sich nur auf den Einsatzort, nicht auf die Reichweite der programmierten Software.
// + Hinweis: Informationen über erweiterte Nutzungsrechte (wie z.B. Nutzung für nicht-private Zwecke) sind auf Anfrage per Email an info(@) verfügbar.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + of HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland, Germany - the Licensor -
// + The Licensor grants the customer a non-exclusive license to use the microcontroller firmware of the Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, and MK3Mag hardware
// + (the Software) exclusively for private purposes. The License is unrestricted with respect to time and territory*.
// + The Software may only be used with the Licensor's products.
// + The Software provided by the Licensor is protected by copyright. With respect to the relationship between the parties to this
// + agreement, all rights pertaining to the Software and other documents provided during the preparation and execution of this
// + agreement shall be the property of the Licensor.
// + The information contained in the Software copyright notices, trademarks, other legal reservations, serial numbers and other
// + features that can be used to identify the program may not be altered or defaced by the customer.
// + The customer shall be responsible for taking reasonable precautions
// + for the safe use of the Software. The customer shall test the Software thoroughly regarding its suitability for the
// + intended purpose before implementing it for actual operation. The Licensor's liability shall be limited to the extent of typical and
// + foreseeable damage to the extent permitted by law, notwithstanding statutory liability for bodily injury and product
// + liability. However, the Licensor shall be entitled to the defense of contributory negligence.
// + The customer will take adequate precautions in the case, that the software is not working properly. The customer will test
// + the software for his purpose before any operational usage. The customer will backup his data before using the software.
// + The customer understands that the Licensor collects, stores and processes, and, where required, forwards, customer data
// + to third parties to the extent necessary for executing the agreement, subject to applicable data protection and privacy regulations.
// + *) The territory aspect only refers to the place where the Software is used, not its programmed range.
// + Note: For information on license extensions (e.g. commercial use), please contact us at info(@)
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#ifndef EEMEM
#define EEMEM __attribute__ ((section (".eeprom")))
#include <avr/eeprom.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "eeprom.h"
#include "uart.h"
#include "led.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "fc.h"
#include "twimaster.h"
paramset_t EE_Parameter;
MixerTable_t Mixer;
uint8_t RequiredMotors;
uint8_t RAM_Checksum(uint8_t* pBuffer, uint16_t len)
uint8_t crc = 0xAA;
uint16_t i;
for(i=0; i<len; i++)
crc += pBuffer[i];
return crc;
uint8_t EEProm_Checksum(uint16_t EEAddr, uint16_t len)
uint8_t crc = 0xAA;
uint16_t off;
for(off=0; off<len; off++)
crc += eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(EEAddr + off));;
return crc;
void ParamSet_DefaultStickMapping(void)
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GAS] = 1;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL] = 2;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK] = 3;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GIER] = 4;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI1] = 5;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI2] = 6;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI3] = 7;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI4] = 8;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI5] = 9;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI6] = 10;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI7] = 11;
EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI8] = 12;
/* Default Values for parameter set 1 */
void CommonDefaults(void)
EE_Parameter.Revision = EEPARAM_REVISION;
memset(EE_Parameter.Name,0,12); // delete name
if(PlatinenVersion >= 20)
EE_Parameter.Gyro_D = 10;
EE_Parameter.Driftkomp = 0;
EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor = 27;
EE_Parameter.WinkelUmschlagNick = 78;
EE_Parameter.WinkelUmschlagRoll = 78;
EE_Parameter.Gyro_D = 3;
EE_Parameter.Driftkomp = 32;
EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor = 30;
EE_Parameter.WinkelUmschlagNick = 85;
EE_Parameter.WinkelUmschlagRoll = 85;
EE_Parameter.GyroAccAbgleich = 32; // 1/k
EE_Parameter.BitConfig = 0; // Looping usw.
EE_Parameter.Receiver = RECEIVER_HOTT;
EE_Parameter.MotorSafetySwitch = 0;
EE_Parameter.ExternalControl = 0;
EE_Parameter.Gas_Min = 8; // Wert : 0-32
EE_Parameter.Gas_Max = 230; // Wert : 33-247
EE_Parameter.KompassWirkung = 64; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_MinGas = 30;
EE_Parameter.HoeheChannel = 5; // Wert : 0-32
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_P = 20; // Wert : 0-32
EE_Parameter.Luftdruck_D = 40; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_ACC_Wirkung = 30; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_HoverBand = 1; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_GPS_Z = 0; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_StickNeutralPoint = 127;// Wert : 0-247 (0 = Hover-Estimation)
EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig3 = CFG3_SPEAK_ALL;//
EE_Parameter.FailSafeTime = 30; // 0 = off
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_P = 15; // Wert : 0-32
EE_Parameter.Luftdruck_D = 30; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_ACC_Wirkung = 0; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_HoverBand = 8; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_GPS_Z = 20; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_StickNeutralPoint = 0;// Wert : 0-247 (0 = Hover-Estimation)
EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig3 = CFG3_SPEAK_ALL;
EE_Parameter.FailSafeTime = 0; // 0 = off
EE_Parameter.Hoehe_Verstaerkung = 15; // Wert : 0-50 (15 -> ca. +/- 5m/sek bei Stick-Voll-Ausschlag)
EE_Parameter.StartLandChannel = 0;
EE_Parameter.LandingSpeed = 12;
EE_Parameter.UserParam1 = 0; // zur freien Verwendung
EE_Parameter.UserParam2 = 0; // zur freien Verwendung
EE_Parameter.UserParam3 = 0; // zur freien Verwendung
EE_Parameter.UserParam4 = 0; // zur freien Verwendung
EE_Parameter.UserParam5 = 0; // zur freien Verwendung
EE_Parameter.UserParam6 = 0; // zur freien Verwendung
EE_Parameter.UserParam7 = 0; // zur freien Verwendung
EE_Parameter.UserParam8 = 0; // zur freien Verwendung
EE_Parameter.ServoNickControl = 128; // Wert : 0-247 // Stellung des Servos
EE_Parameter.ServoNickComp = 50; // Wert : 0-247 // Einfluss Gyro/Servo
EE_Parameter.ServoCompInvert = 2; // Wert : 0-247 // Richtung Einfluss Gyro/Servo
EE_Parameter.ServoNickMin = 24; // Wert : 0-247 // Anschlag
EE_Parameter.ServoNickMax = 230; // Wert : 0-247 // Anschlag
EE_Parameter.ServoNickRefresh = 4;
EE_Parameter.Servo3 = 125;
EE_Parameter.Servo4 = 125;
EE_Parameter.Servo5 = 125;
EE_Parameter.ServoRollControl = 128; // Wert : 0-247 // Stellung des Servos
EE_Parameter.ServoRollComp = 85; // Wert : 0-247 // Einfluss Gyro/Servo
EE_Parameter.ServoRollMin = 70; // Wert : 0-247 // Anschlag
EE_Parameter.ServoRollMax = 220; // Wert : 0-247 // Anschlag
EE_Parameter.ServoManualControlSpeed = 60;
EE_Parameter.CamOrientation = 0; // Wert : 0-24 -> 0-360 -> 15° steps
EE_Parameter.J16Bitmask = 95;
EE_Parameter.J17Bitmask = 243;
EE_Parameter.WARN_J16_Bitmask = 0xAA;
EE_Parameter.WARN_J17_Bitmask = 0xAA;
EE_Parameter.J16Timing = 40;
EE_Parameter.J17Timing = 40;
EE_Parameter.NaviOut1Parameter = 0; // Photo release in meter
EE_Parameter.LoopGasLimit = 50;
EE_Parameter.LoopThreshold = 90; // Wert: 0-247 Schwelle für Stickausschlag
EE_Parameter.LoopHysterese = 50;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsModeChannel = 6; // Kanal 6
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsGain = 100;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsP = 100;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsI = 90;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsD = 120;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsA = 40;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsPLimit = 75;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsILimit = 85;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsDLimit = 75;
EE_Parameter.NaviGpsMinSat = 6;
EE_Parameter.NaviStickThreshold = 8;
EE_Parameter.NaviWindCorrection = 50;
EE_Parameter.NaviAccCompensation = 42;
EE_Parameter.NaviOperatingRadius = 245;
EE_Parameter.NaviAngleLimitation = 140;
EE_Parameter.NaviPH_LoginTime = 2;
EE_Parameter.OrientationAngle = 0;
EE_Parameter.CareFreeChannel = 0;
EE_Parameter.UnterspannungsWarnung = 33; // Wert : 0-247 ( Automatische Zellenerkennung bei < 50)
EE_Parameter.NotGas = 65; // Wert : 0-247 // Gaswert bei Empangsverlust (ggf. in Prozent)
EE_Parameter.NotGasZeit = 90; // Wert : 0-247 // Zeit bis auf NotGas geschaltet wird, wg. Rx-Problemen
EE_Parameter.MotorSmooth = 0;
EE_Parameter.ComingHomeAltitude = 0; // 0 = don't change
EE_Parameter.MaxAltitude = 150; // 0 = off
EE_Parameter.AchsKopplung1 = 125;
EE_Parameter.AchsKopplung2 = 52;
EE_Parameter.FailsafeChannel = 0;
EE_Parameter.ServoFilterNick = 0;
EE_Parameter.ServoFilterRoll = 0;
void ParamSet_DefaultSet1(void) // sport
EE_Parameter.Stick_P = 14; // Wert : 1-20
EE_Parameter.Stick_D = 16; // Wert : 0-20
EE_Parameter.StickGier_P = 12; // Wert : 1-20
EE_Parameter.Gyro_P = 80; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_I = 150; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Gier_P = 80; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Gier_I = 150; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Stability = 6; // Wert : 1-8
EE_Parameter.I_Faktor = 32;
EE_Parameter.CouplingYawCorrection = 1;
EE_Parameter.GyroAccAbgleich = 16; // 1/k;
EE_Parameter.DynamicStability = 100;
memcpy(EE_Parameter.Name, "Sport\0", 12);
EE_Parameter.crc = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)(&EE_Parameter), sizeof(EE_Parameter)-1);
/* Default Values for parameter set 1 */
void ParamSet_DefaultSet1(void) // normal
EE_Parameter.Stick_P = 10; // Wert : 1-20
EE_Parameter.Stick_D = 16; // Wert : 0-20
EE_Parameter.StickGier_P = 6; // Wert : 1-20
EE_Parameter.Gyro_P = 90; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_I = 120; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Gier_P = 90; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Gier_I = 120; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Stability = 6; // Wert : 1-8
EE_Parameter.I_Faktor = 32;
EE_Parameter.CouplingYawCorrection = 60;
EE_Parameter.DynamicStability = 75;
memcpy(EE_Parameter.Name, "Fast",4);
EE_Parameter.crc = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)(&EE_Parameter), sizeof(EE_Parameter)-1);
/* Default Values for parameter set 2 */
void ParamSet_DefaultSet2(void) // Agil
EE_Parameter.Stick_P = 8; // Wert : 1-20
EE_Parameter.Stick_D = 16; // Wert : 0-20
EE_Parameter.StickGier_P = 6; // Wert : 1-20
EE_Parameter.Gyro_P = 100; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_I = 120; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Gier_P = 100; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Gier_I = 120; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Stability = 6; // Wert : 1-8
EE_Parameter.I_Faktor = 16;
EE_Parameter.CouplingYawCorrection = 70;
EE_Parameter.DynamicStability = 70;
memcpy(EE_Parameter.Name, "Agile",5);
EE_Parameter.crc = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)(&EE_Parameter), sizeof(EE_Parameter)-1);
/* Default Values for parameter set 3 */
void ParamSet_DefaultSet3(void) // Easy
EE_Parameter.Stick_P = 6; // Wert : 1-20
EE_Parameter.Stick_D = 10; // Wert : 0-20
EE_Parameter.StickGier_P = 4; // Wert : 1-20
EE_Parameter.Gyro_P = 100; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_I = 120; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Gier_P = 100; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Gier_I = 120; // Wert : 0-247
EE_Parameter.Gyro_Stability = 6; // Wert : 1-8
EE_Parameter.I_Faktor = 16;
EE_Parameter.CouplingYawCorrection = 70;
EE_Parameter.DynamicStability = 70;
memcpy(EE_Parameter.Name, "Easy", 4);
EE_Parameter.crc = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)(&EE_Parameter), sizeof(EE_Parameter)-1);
/* Read Parameter from EEPROM as byte */
uint8_t GetParamByte(uint16_t param_id)
return eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAM_BEGIN + param_id));
/* Write Parameter to EEPROM as byte */
void SetParamByte(uint16_t param_id, uint8_t value)
eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAM_BEGIN + param_id), value);
/* Read Parameter from EEPROM as word */
uint16_t GetParamWord(uint16_t param_id)
return eeprom_read_word((uint16_t *)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAM_BEGIN + param_id));
/* Write Parameter to EEPROM as word */
void SetParamWord(uint16_t param_id, uint16_t value)
eeprom_write_word((uint16_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAM_BEGIN + param_id), value);
/* Read Parameter Set from EEPROM */
// number [1..5]
uint8_t ParamSet_ReadFromEEProm(uint8_t setnumber)
uint8_t crc;
uint16_t eeaddr;
// range the setnumber
if((1 > setnumber) || (setnumber > 5)) setnumber = 3;
// calculate eeprom addr
eeaddr = EEPROM_ADR_PARAMSET + PARAMSET_STRUCT_LEN * (setnumber - 1);
// calculate checksum from eeprom
crc = EEProm_Checksum(eeaddr, PARAMSET_STRUCT_LEN - 1);
// check crc
if(crc != eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(eeaddr + PARAMSET_STRUCT_LEN - 1))) return 0;
// check revision
if(eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(eeaddr)) != EEPARAM_REVISION) return 0;
// read paramset from eeprom
eeprom_read_block((void *) &EE_Parameter, (void*)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAMSET + PARAMSET_STRUCT_LEN * (setnumber - 1)), PARAMSET_STRUCT_LEN);
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
return 1;
/* Write Parameter Set to EEPROM */
// number [1..5]
uint8_t ParamSet_WriteToEEProm(uint8_t setnumber)
uint8_t crc;
if(EE_Parameter.Revision == EEPARAM_REVISION) // write only the right revision to eeprom
if(setnumber > 5) setnumber = 5;
if(setnumber < 1) return 0;
if(EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig3 & CFG3_VARIO_FAILSAFE) // check the Setting: Not more than 100% emergency gas
if(EE_Parameter.NotGas > 99) EE_Parameter.NotGas = 80; // i.e. 80% of Hovergas
// update checksum
EE_Parameter.crc = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)(&EE_Parameter), sizeof(EE_Parameter)-1);
// write paramset to eeprom
eeprom_write_block((void *) &EE_Parameter, (void*)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAMSET + PARAMSET_STRUCT_LEN * (setnumber - 1)), PARAMSET_STRUCT_LEN);
// backup channel settings to separate block in eeprom
eeprom_write_block( (void*)(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung), (void*)(EEPROM_ADR_CHANNELS), sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung));
// write crc of channel block to eeprom
crc = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung), sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung));
eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_CHANNELS + sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung)), crc);
// update active settings number
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
return 1;
// wrong revision
return 0;
/* Read MixerTable from EEPROM */
uint8_t MixerTable_ReadFromEEProm(void)
uint8_t crc;
// calculate checksum in eeprom
crc = EEProm_Checksum(EEPROM_ADR_MIXERTABLE, sizeof(Mixer) - 1);
// check crc
if( crc != eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_MIXERTABLE + sizeof(Mixer) - 1)) ) return 0;
// check revision
if(eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_MIXERTABLE)) != EEMIXER_REVISION) return 0;
// read mixer table
eeprom_read_block((void *) &Mixer, (void*)(EEPROM_ADR_MIXERTABLE), sizeof(Mixer));
return 1;
/* Write Mixer Table to EEPROM */
uint8_t MixerTable_WriteToEEProm(void)
if(Mixer.Revision == EEMIXER_REVISION)
// update crc
Mixer.crc = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)(&Mixer), sizeof(Mixer) - 1);
// write to eeprom
eeprom_write_block((void *) &Mixer, (void*)(EEPROM_ADR_MIXERTABLE), sizeof(Mixer));
return 1;
else return 0;
/* Default Values for Mixer Table */
void MixerTable_Default(void) // Quadro
uint8_t i;
Mixer.Revision = EEMIXER_REVISION;
// clear mixer table
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
Mixer.Motor[i][MIX_GAS] = 0;
Mixer.Motor[i][MIX_NICK] = 0;
Mixer.Motor[i][MIX_ROLL] = 0;
Mixer.Motor[i][MIX_YAW] = 0;
// default = Quadro
Mixer.Motor[0][MIX_GAS] = 64; Mixer.Motor[0][MIX_NICK] = +64; Mixer.Motor[0][MIX_ROLL] = 0; Mixer.Motor[0][MIX_YAW] = +64;
Mixer.Motor[1][MIX_GAS] = 64; Mixer.Motor[1][MIX_NICK] = -64; Mixer.Motor[1][MIX_ROLL] = 0; Mixer.Motor[1][MIX_YAW] = +64;
Mixer.Motor[2][MIX_GAS] = 64; Mixer.Motor[2][MIX_NICK] = 0; Mixer.Motor[2][MIX_ROLL] = -64; Mixer.Motor[2][MIX_YAW] = -64;
Mixer.Motor[3][MIX_GAS] = 64; Mixer.Motor[3][MIX_NICK] = 0; Mixer.Motor[3][MIX_ROLL] = +64; Mixer.Motor[3][MIX_YAW] = -64;
memcpy(Mixer.Name, "Quadro\0\0\0\0\0\0", 12);
Mixer.crc = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)(&Mixer), sizeof(Mixer) - 1);
/* Get active parameter set */
uint8_t GetActiveParamSet(void)
uint8_t setnumber;
setnumber = eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAM_BEGIN + PID_ACTIVE_SET));
if(setnumber > 5)
setnumber = 3;
eeprom_write_byte((void*)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAM_BEGIN+PID_ACTIVE_SET), setnumber);
ActiveParamSet = setnumber;
/* Set active parameter set */
void SetActiveParamSet(uint8_t setnumber)
if(setnumber > 5) setnumber = 5;
if(setnumber < 1) setnumber = 1;
ActiveParamSet = setnumber;
eeprom_write_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_PARAM_BEGIN + PID_ACTIVE_SET), setnumber);
/* Set default parameter set */
void SetDefaultParameter(uint8_t set, uint8_t restore_channels)
if(set > 5) set = 5;
else if(set < 1) set = 1;
case 1:
ParamSet_DefaultSet1(); // Fill ParamSet Structure to default parameter set 1 (Sport)
case 2:
ParamSet_DefaultSet2(); // Kamera
case 3:
ParamSet_DefaultSet3(); // Beginner
ParamSet_DefaultSet3(); // Beginner
uint8_t crc;
// 1st check for a valid channel backup in eeprom
crc = EEProm_Checksum(EEPROM_ADR_CHANNELS, sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung));
if(crc == eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_CHANNELS + sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung))) )
eeprom_read_block((void *)EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung, (void*)(EEPROM_ADR_CHANNELS), sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung));
else ParamSet_DefaultStickMapping();
else ParamSet_DefaultStickMapping();
/* Initialize EEPROM Parameter Sets */
void ParamSet_Init(void)
uint8_t channel_backup = 0, bad_params = 0, ee_default = 0,i;
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(PlatinenVersion != GetParamByte(PID_HARDWARE_VERSION))
if(PlatinenVersion == 22 && GetParamByte(PID_HARDWARE_VERSION) == 21 && !(PIND & 0x10)) SetParamByte(PID_EE_REVISION,0); // reset the Settings if the Version changed to V2.2
SetParamByte(PID_HARDWARE_VERSION,PlatinenVersion); // Remember the Version number
wdt_enable(WDTO_15MS); // Reset-Commando
printf("\n\r--> Hardware Version Byte Changed <--");
ee_default = 1; // software update or forced by mktool
// 1st check for a valid channel backup in eeprom
i = EEProm_Checksum(EEPROM_ADR_CHANNELS, sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung));
if(i == eeprom_read_byte((uint8_t*)(EEPROM_ADR_CHANNELS + sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung)))) channel_backup = 1;
// parameter check
// check all 5 parameter settings
for (i = 1;i < 6; i++)
if(ee_default || !ParamSet_ReadFromEEProm(i)) // could not read paramset from eeprom
bad_params = 1;
printf("\n\rGenerating default Parameter Set %d",i);
case 1:
ParamSet_DefaultSet1(); // Fill ParamSet Structure to default parameter set 1 (Sport)
case 2:
ParamSet_DefaultSet2(); // Normal
ParamSet_DefaultSet3(); // Easy
if(channel_backup) // if we have an channel mapping backup in eeprom
{ // restore it from eeprom
eeprom_read_block((void *)EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung, (void*)(EEPROM_ADR_CHANNELS), sizeof(EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung));
{ // use default mapping
if(bad_params) // at least one of the parameter settings were invalid
// default-Setting is parameter set 3
// read active parameter set to ParamSet stucture
i = GetActiveParamSet();
printf("\n\rUsing Parameter Set %d", i);
// load mixer table
if(GetParamByte(PID_EE_REVISION) == 0xff || !MixerTable_ReadFromEEProm() )
printf("\n\rGenerating default Mixer Table");
MixerTable_Default(); // Quadro
if(ee_default) SetParamByte(PID_EE_REVISION, (EEPARAM_REVISION));
// determine motornumber
RequiredMotors = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if(Mixer.Motor[i][MIX_GAS] > 0) RequiredMotors++;
printf("\n\rMixer-Config: '%s' (%u Motors)",Mixer.Name, RequiredMotors);
PrintLine();// ("\n\r===================================");
0,0 → 1,281
#ifndef _EEPROM_H
#define _EEPROM_H
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "twimaster.h"
#define EEPARAM_REVISION 95 // is count up, if paramater stucture has changed (compatibility)
#define EEMIXER_REVISION 1 // is count up, if mixer stucture has changed (compatibility)
#define EE_DUMMY 0 // Byte
#define PID_EE_REVISION 1 // byte
#define PID_ACTIVE_SET 2 // byte
#define PID_PRESSURE_OFFSET 3 // byte
#define PID_ACC_NICK 4 // word
#define PID_ACC_ROLL 6 // word
#define PID_ACC_TOP 8 // word
#define PID_FLIGHT_MINUTES_TOTAL 10 // word
#define PID_FLIGHT_MINUTES 14 // word
#define PID_SPEAK_HOTT_CFG 16 // Byte
#define PID_HARDWARE_VERSION 17 // Byte
#define EEPROM_ADR_CHANNELS 80 // 80 - 93, 12 bytes + 1 byte crc
#define EEPROM_ADR_PARAMSET 100 // 100 - 725, 5 * 125 bytes
#define EEPROM_ADR_MIXERTABLE 1000 // 1000 - 1078, 78 bytes
#define EEPROM_ADR_BLCONFIG 1200 // 1200 - 1296, 12 * 8 bytes
#define MIX_GAS 0
#define MIX_NICK 1
#define MIX_ROLL 2
#define MIX_YAW 3
typedef struct
uint8_t Revision;
int8_t Name[12];
int8_t Motor[16][4];
uint8_t crc;
} __attribute__((packed)) MixerTable_t;
extern MixerTable_t Mixer;
extern uint8_t RequiredMotors;
#define CFG3_NO_SDCARD_NO_START 0x01
#define CFG3_DPH_MAX_RADIUS 0x02
#define CFG3_VARIO_FAILSAFE 0x04
#define CFG3_NO_GPSFIX_NO_START 0x10
#define CFG3_USE_NC_FOR_OUT1 0x20
#define CFG3_SPEAK_ALL 0x40
#define CFG_HEADING_HOLD 0x04
#define CFG_KOMPASS_AKTIV 0x08
#define CFG_KOMPASS_FIX 0x10
#define CFG_GPS_AKTIV 0x20
#define CFG_LOOP_OBEN 0x01
#define CFG_LOOP_UNTEN 0x02
#define CFG_LOOP_LINKS 0x04
#define CFG_LOOP_RECHTS 0x08
#define CFG_MOTOR_BLINK1 0x10
#define CFG_MOTOR_OFF_LED1 0x20
#define CFG_MOTOR_OFF_LED2 0x40
#define CFG_MOTOR_BLINK2 0x80
// ExtraConfig
#define CFG2_HEIGHT_LIMIT 0x01
#define CFG2_VARIO_BEEP 0x02
#define CFG_SENSITIVE_RC 0x04
#define CFG_3_3V_REFERENCE 0x08
#define CFG_GPS_AID 0x20
// bit mask for ParamSet.Config0
#define CFG0_HEIGHT_SWITCH 0x02
#define CFG0_HEADING_HOLD 0x04
#define CFG0_COMPASS_ACTIVE 0x08
#define CFG0_COMPASS_FIX 0x10
#define CFG0_GPS_ACTIVE 0x20
// bitcoding for EE_Parameter.ServoCompInvert
#define SERVO_NICK_INV 0x01
#define SERVO_ROLL_INV 0x02
#define SERVO_RELATIVE 0x04 // direct poti control or relative moving of the servo value
// defines for the receiver selection
#define RECEIVER_PPM 0
// defines for lookup ParamSet.ChannelAssignment
#define K_NICK 0
#define K_ROLL 1
#define K_GAS 2
#define K_GIER 3
#define K_POTI1 4
#define K_POTI2 5
#define K_POTI3 6
#define K_POTI4 7
#define K_POTI5 8
#define K_POTI6 9
#define K_POTI7 10
#define K_POTI8 11
// values above 247 representing poti1 to poti8
// poti1 = 255
// poti2 = 254
// poti3 = 253
// poti4 = 252
// poti5 = 251
// poti6 = 250
// poti7 = 249
// poti8 = 248
typedef struct
unsigned char Revision;
unsigned char Kanalbelegung[12]; // GAS[0], GIER[1],NICK[2], ROLL[3], POTI1, POTI2, POTI3
unsigned char GlobalConfig; // 0x01=Höhenregler aktiv,0x02=Kompass aktiv, 0x04=GPS aktiv, 0x08=Heading Hold aktiv
unsigned char Hoehe_MinGas; // Wert : 0-100
unsigned char Luftdruck_D; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char HoeheChannel; // Wert : 0-32
unsigned char Hoehe_P; // Wert : 0-32
unsigned char Hoehe_Verstaerkung; // Wert : 0-50
unsigned char Hoehe_ACC_Wirkung; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char Hoehe_HoverBand; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char Hoehe_GPS_Z; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char Hoehe_StickNeutralPoint;// Wert : 0-250
unsigned char Stick_P; // Wert : 1-6
unsigned char Stick_D; // Wert : 0-64
unsigned char StickGier_P; // Wert : 1-20
unsigned char Gas_Min; // Wert : 0-32
unsigned char Gas_Max; // Wert : 33-250
unsigned char GyroAccFaktor; // Wert : 1-64
unsigned char KompassWirkung; // Wert : 0-32
unsigned char Gyro_P; // Wert : 10-250
unsigned char Gyro_I; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char Gyro_D; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char Gyro_Gier_P; // Wert : 10-250
unsigned char Gyro_Gier_I; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char Gyro_Stability; // Wert : 0-16
unsigned char UnterspannungsWarnung; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char NotGas; // Wert : 0-250 //Gaswert bei Empängsverlust
unsigned char NotGasZeit; // Wert : 0-250 // Zeitbis auf NotGas geschaltet wird, wg. Rx-Problemen
unsigned char Receiver; // 0= Summensignal, 1= Spektrum, 2 =Jeti, 3=ACT DSL, 4=ACT S3D
unsigned char I_Faktor; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char UserParam1; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char UserParam2; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char UserParam3; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char UserParam4; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char ServoNickControl; // Wert : 0-250 // Stellung des Servos
unsigned char ServoNickComp; // Wert : 0-250 // Einfluss Gyro/Servo
unsigned char ServoNickMin; // Wert : 0-250 // Anschlag
unsigned char ServoNickMax; // Wert : 0-250 // Anschlag
//--- Seit V0.75
unsigned char ServoRollControl; // Wert : 0-250 // Stellung des Servos
unsigned char ServoRollComp; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char ServoRollMin; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char ServoRollMax; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char ServoNickRefresh; // Speed of the Servo
unsigned char ServoManualControlSpeed;//
unsigned char CamOrientation; //
unsigned char Servo3; // Value or mapping of the Servo Output
unsigned char Servo4; // Value or mapping of the Servo Output
unsigned char Servo5; // Value or mapping of the Servo Output
unsigned char LoopGasLimit; // Wert: 0-250 max. Gas während Looping
unsigned char LoopThreshold; // Wert: 0-250 Schwelle für Stickausschlag
unsigned char LoopHysterese; // Wert: 0-250 Hysterese für Stickausschlag
unsigned char AchsKopplung1; // Wert: 0-250 Faktor, mit dem Gier die Achsen Roll und Nick koppelt (NickRollMitkopplung)
unsigned char AchsKopplung2; // Wert: 0-250 Faktor, mit dem Nick und Roll verkoppelt werden
unsigned char CouplingYawCorrection; // Wert: 0-250 Faktor, mit dem Nick und Roll verkoppelt werden
unsigned char WinkelUmschlagNick; // Wert: 0-250 180°-Punkt
unsigned char WinkelUmschlagRoll; // Wert: 0-250 180°-Punkt
unsigned char GyroAccAbgleich; // 1/k (Koppel_ACC_Wirkung)
unsigned char Driftkomp;
unsigned char DynamicStability;
unsigned char UserParam5; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char UserParam6; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char UserParam7; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char UserParam8; // Wert : 0-250
//---Output ---------------------------------------------
unsigned char J16Bitmask; // for the J16 Output
unsigned char J16Timing; // for the J16 Output
unsigned char J17Bitmask; // for the J17 Output
unsigned char J17Timing; // for the J17 Output
// seit version V0.75c
unsigned char WARN_J16_Bitmask; // for the J16 Output
unsigned char WARN_J17_Bitmask; // for the J17 Output
unsigned char NaviOut1Parameter; // for the J16 Output
unsigned char NaviGpsModeChannel; // Parameters for the Naviboard
unsigned char NaviGpsGain;
unsigned char NaviGpsP;
unsigned char NaviGpsI;
unsigned char NaviGpsD;
unsigned char NaviGpsPLimit;
unsigned char NaviGpsILimit;
unsigned char NaviGpsDLimit;
unsigned char NaviGpsA;
unsigned char NaviGpsMinSat;
unsigned char NaviStickThreshold;
unsigned char NaviWindCorrection;
unsigned char NaviAccCompensation; // New since 0.86 -> was: SpeedCompensation
unsigned char NaviOperatingRadius;
unsigned char NaviAngleLimitation;
unsigned char NaviPH_LoginTime;
unsigned char ExternalControl; // for serial Control
unsigned char OrientationAngle; // Where is the front-direction?
unsigned char CareFreeChannel; // switch for CareFree
unsigned char MotorSafetySwitch;
unsigned char MotorSmooth;
unsigned char ComingHomeAltitude;
unsigned char FailSafeTime;
unsigned char MaxAltitude;
unsigned char FailsafeChannel; // if the value of this channel is > 100, the MK reports "RC-Lost"
unsigned char ServoFilterNick;
unsigned char ServoFilterRoll;
unsigned char StartLandChannel;
unsigned char LandingSpeed;
unsigned char BitConfig; // (war Loop-Cfg) Bitcodiert: 0x01=oben, 0x02=unten, 0x04=links, 0x08=rechts / wird getrennt behandelt
unsigned char ServoCompInvert; // // 0x01 = Nick, 0x02 = Roll, 0x04 = relative moving // WICHTIG!!! am Ende lassen
unsigned char ExtraConfig; // bitcodiert
unsigned char GlobalConfig3; // bitcodiert
char Name[12];
unsigned char crc; // must be the last byte!
} paramset_t; // 127 bytes
#define PARAMSET_STRUCT_LEN sizeof(paramset_t)
extern paramset_t EE_Parameter;
extern uint8_t RAM_Checksum(uint8_t* pBuffer, uint16_t len);
extern void ParamSet_Init(void);
extern void SetDefaultParameter(uint8_t set, uint8_t restore_channels);
extern uint8_t ParamSet_ReadFromEEProm(uint8_t setnumber);
extern uint8_t ParamSet_WriteToEEProm(uint8_t setnumber);
extern uint8_t GetActiveParamSet(void);
extern void SetActiveParamSet(uint8_t setnumber);
extern uint8_t MixerTable_ReadFromEEProm(void);
extern uint8_t MixerTable_WriteToEEProm(void);
extern uint8_t GetParamByte(uint16_t param_id);
extern void SetParamByte(uint16_t param_id, uint8_t value);
extern uint16_t GetParamWord(uint16_t param_id);
extern void SetParamWord(uint16_t param_id, uint16_t value);
#endif //_EEPROM_H
0,0 → 1,2150
Flight Control
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Software Nutzungsbedingungen (english version: see below)
// + der Fa. HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland - nachfolgend Lizenzgeber genannt -
// + Der Lizenzgeber räumt dem Kunden ein nicht-ausschließliches, zeitlich und räumlich* unbeschränktes Recht ein, die im den
// + Mikrocontroller verwendete Firmware für die Hardware Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, MK3Mag & PC-Programm MikroKopter-Tool
// + - nachfolgend Software genannt - nur für private Zwecke zu nutzen.
// + Der Einsatz dieser Software ist nur auf oder mit Produkten des Lizenzgebers zulässig.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Die vom Lizenzgeber gelieferte Software ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte an der Software sowie an sonstigen im
// + Rahmen der Vertragsanbahnung und Vertragsdurchführung überlassenen Unterlagen stehen im Verhältnis der Vertragspartner ausschließlich dem Lizenzgeber zu.
// + Die in der Software enthaltenen Copyright-Vermerke, Markenzeichen, andere Rechtsvorbehalte, Seriennummern sowie
// + sonstige der Programmidentifikation dienenden Merkmale dürfen vom Kunden nicht verändert oder unkenntlich gemacht werden.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den sicheren Einsatz der Software. Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren
// + Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Die Haftung des Lizenzgebers wird - soweit gesetzlich zulässig - begrenzt in Höhe des typischen und vorhersehbaren
// + Schadens. Die gesetzliche Haftung bei Personenschäden und nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz bleibt unberührt. Dem Lizenzgeber steht jedoch der Einwand
// + des Mitverschuldens offen.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den Fall, dass die Software ganz oder teilweise nicht ordnungsgemäß arbeitet.
// + Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Der Kunde wird er seine Daten vor Einsatz der Software nach dem Stand der Technik sichern.
// + Der Kunde ist darüber unterrichtet, dass der Lizenzgeber seine Daten im zur Vertragsdurchführung erforderlichen Umfang
// + und auf Grundlage der Datenschutzvorschriften erhebt, speichert, verarbeitet und, sofern notwendig, an Dritte übermittelt.
// + *) Die räumliche Nutzung bezieht sich nur auf den Einsatzort, nicht auf die Reichweite der programmierten Software.
// + Hinweis: Informationen über erweiterte Nutzungsrechte (wie z.B. Nutzung für nicht-private Zwecke) sind auf Anfrage per Email an info(@) verfügbar.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + of HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland, Germany - the Licensor -
// + The Licensor grants the customer a non-exclusive license to use the microcontroller firmware of the Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, and MK3Mag hardware
// + (the Software) exclusively for private purposes. The License is unrestricted with respect to time and territory*.
// + The Software may only be used with the Licensor's products.
// + The Software provided by the Licensor is protected by copyright. With respect to the relationship between the parties to this
// + agreement, all rights pertaining to the Software and other documents provided during the preparation and execution of this
// + agreement shall be the property of the Licensor.
// + The information contained in the Software copyright notices, trademarks, other legal reservations, serial numbers and other
// + features that can be used to identify the program may not be altered or defaced by the customer.
// + The customer shall be responsible for taking reasonable precautions
// + for the safe use of the Software. The customer shall test the Software thoroughly regarding its suitability for the
// + intended purpose before implementing it for actual operation. The Licensor's liability shall be limited to the extent of typical and
// + foreseeable damage to the extent permitted by law, notwithstanding statutory liability for bodily injury and product
// + liability. However, the Licensor shall be entitled to the defense of contributory negligence.
// + The customer will take adequate precautions in the case, that the software is not working properly. The customer will test
// + the software for his purpose before any operational usage. The customer will backup his data before using the software.
// + The customer understands that the Licensor collects, stores and processes, and, where required, forwards, customer data
// + to third parties to the extent necessary for executing the agreement, subject to applicable data protection and privacy regulations.
// + *) The territory aspect only refers to the place where the Software is used, not its programmed range.
// + Note: For information on license extensions (e.g. commercial use), please contact us at info(@)
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "main.h"
#include "mymath.h"
#include "isqrt.h"
unsigned char h,m,s;
unsigned int BaroExpandActive = 0;
int MesswertNick,MesswertRoll,MesswertGier,MesswertGierBias, RohMesswertNick,RohMesswertRoll;
int TrimNick, TrimRoll;
int AdNeutralNick = 0,AdNeutralRoll = 0,AdNeutralGier = 0,StartNeutralRoll = 0,StartNeutralNick = 0;
int Mittelwert_AccNick, Mittelwert_AccRoll;
unsigned int NeutralAccX=0, NeutralAccY=0;
int NaviAccNick, NaviAccRoll,NaviCntAcc = 0;
int NeutralAccZ = 0;
signed char NeutralAccZfine = 0;
unsigned char ControlHeading = 0;// in 2°
long IntegralNick = 0,IntegralNick2 = 0;
long IntegralRoll = 0,IntegralRoll2 = 0;
long IntegralAccNick = 0,IntegralAccRoll = 0,IntegralAccZ = 0;
long Integral_Gier = 0;
long Mess_IntegralNick = 0,Mess_IntegralNick2 = 0;
long Mess_IntegralRoll = 0,Mess_IntegralRoll2 = 0;
long Mess_Integral_Gier = 0,Mess_Integral_Gier2 = 0;
long MittelIntegralNick,MittelIntegralRoll,MittelIntegralNick2,MittelIntegralRoll2;
long SummeNick=0,SummeRoll=0;
volatile long Mess_Integral_Hoch = 0;
int KompassValue = -1;
int KompassSollWert = 0;
//int KompassRichtung = 0;
char CalculateCompassTimer = 100;
unsigned char KompassFusion = 32;
unsigned int KompassSignalSchlecht = 50;
unsigned char MAX_GAS,MIN_GAS;
unsigned char HoehenReglerAktiv = 0;
unsigned char TrichterFlug = 0;
long Umschlag180Nick = 250000L, Umschlag180Roll = 250000L;
long ErsatzKompass;
int ErsatzKompassInGrad; // Kompasswert in Grad
int GierGyroFehler = 0;
char GyroFaktor,GyroFaktorGier;
char IntegralFaktor,IntegralFaktorGier;
int DiffNick,DiffRoll;
int StickGasHover = 120, HoverGasMin = 0, HoverGasMax = 1023;
int StickNick = 0,StickRoll = 0,StickGier = 0,StickGas = 0;
//int Poti1 = 0, Poti2 = 0, Poti3 = 0, Poti4 = 0, Poti5 = 0, Poti6 = 0, Poti7 = 0, Poti8 = 0;
unsigned char Poti[9] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
volatile unsigned char SenderOkay = 0;
char MotorenEin = 0,StartTrigger = 0;
long HoehenWert = 0;
long SollHoehe = 0;
signed int AltitudeSetpointTrimming = 0;
long FromNC_AltitudeSetpoint = 0;
unsigned char FromNC_AltitudeSpeed = 0;
unsigned char carefree_old = 50; // to make the Beep when switching
signed char WaypointTrimming = 0;
int CompassGierSetpoint = 0;
unsigned char CalibrationDone = 0;
char NeueKompassRichtungMerken = 0;
int LageKorrekturRoll = 0,LageKorrekturNick = 0, HoverGas = 0;
//float Ki = FAKTOR_I;
int Ki = 10300 / 33;
unsigned char Looping_Nick = 0,Looping_Roll = 0;
unsigned char Looping_Links = 0, Looping_Rechts = 0, Looping_Unten = 0, Looping_Oben = 0;
unsigned char Parameter_Luftdruck_D = 48; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char Parameter_HoehenSchalter = 0; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char Parameter_Hoehe_P = 16; // Wert : 0-32
unsigned char Parameter_Hoehe_ACC_Wirkung = 58; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char Parameter_KompassWirkung = 64; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char Parameter_Hoehe_GPS_Z = 64; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char Parameter_Gyro_D = 8; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char Parameter_Gyro_P = 150; // Wert : 10-250
unsigned char Parameter_Gyro_I = 150; // Wert : 0-250
unsigned char Parameter_Gyro_Gier_P = 150; // Wert : 10-250
unsigned char Parameter_Gyro_Gier_I = 150; // Wert : 10-250
unsigned char Parameter_Gier_P = 2; // Wert : 1-20
unsigned char Parameter_I_Faktor = 10; // Wert : 1-20
unsigned char Parameter_UserParam1 = 0;
unsigned char Parameter_UserParam2 = 0;
unsigned char Parameter_UserParam3 = 0;
unsigned char Parameter_UserParam4 = 0;
unsigned char Parameter_UserParam5 = 0;
unsigned char Parameter_UserParam6 = 0;
unsigned char Parameter_UserParam7 = 0;
unsigned char Parameter_UserParam8 = 0;
unsigned char Parameter_NickControl = 100;
unsigned char Parameter_ServoNickControl = 100;
unsigned char Parameter_ServoRollControl = 100;
unsigned char Parameter_ServoNickComp = 50;
unsigned char Parameter_ServoRollComp = 85;
unsigned char Parameter_LoopGasLimit = 70;
unsigned char Parameter_AchsKopplung1 = 90;
unsigned char Parameter_AchsKopplung2 = 65;
unsigned char Parameter_CouplingYawCorrection = 64;
//unsigned char Parameter_AchsGegenKopplung1 = 0;
unsigned char Parameter_DynamicStability = 100;
unsigned char Parameter_J16Bitmask; // for the J16 Output
unsigned char Parameter_J16Timing; // for the J16 Output
unsigned char Parameter_J17Bitmask; // for the J17 Output
unsigned char Parameter_J17Timing; // for the J17 Output
unsigned char Parameter_NaviGpsGain;
unsigned char Parameter_NaviGpsP;
unsigned char Parameter_NaviGpsI;
unsigned char Parameter_NaviGpsD;
unsigned char Parameter_NaviGpsA;
unsigned char Parameter_NaviOperatingRadius;
unsigned char Parameter_NaviWindCorrection;
unsigned char Parameter_NaviSpeedCompensation;
unsigned char Parameter_ExternalControl;
unsigned char Parameter_GlobalConfig;
unsigned char Parameter_ExtraConfig;
unsigned char Parameter_MaximumAltitude;
unsigned char Parameter_Servo3,Parameter_Servo4,Parameter_Servo5;
unsigned char CareFree = 0;
const signed char sintab[31] = { 0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 8, 8, 7, 6, 4, 2, 0, -2, -4, -6, -7, -8, -8, -8, -7, -6, -4, -2, 0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 8}; // 15° steps
signed int ExternStickNick = 0,ExternStickRoll = 0,ExternStickGier = 0, ExternHoehenValue = -20;
int MaxStickNick = 0,MaxStickRoll = 0;
unsigned int modell_fliegt = 0;
volatile unsigned char FC_StatusFlags = 0, FC_StatusFlags2 = 0;
long GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR = 1291;
signed int KopplungsteilNickRoll,KopplungsteilRollNick;
signed int tmp_motorwert[MAX_MOTORS];
char VarioCharacter = ' ';
unsigned int HooverGasEmergencyPercent = 0; // The gas value for Emergency landing
unsigned int GasIsZeroCnt = 0; // to detect that the gas-stick is down for a while
signed int Variance = 0;
signed int CosAttitude; // for projection of hoover gas
unsigned char ACC_AltitudeControl = 0;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Debugwerte zuordnen
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
void CopyDebugValues(void)
DebugOut.Analog[0] = IntegralNick / (EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor * 4);
DebugOut.Analog[1] = IntegralRoll / (EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor * 4);
DebugOut.Analog[2] = Mittelwert_AccNick / 4;
DebugOut.Analog[3] = Mittelwert_AccRoll / 4;
DebugOut.Analog[4] = (signed int) AdNeutralGier - AdWertGier;
DebugOut.Analog[5] = HoehenWert/10;
DebugOut.Analog[6] = Aktuell_az;//AdWertAccHoch;//(Mess_Integral_Hoch / 512);
DebugOut.Analog[8] = KompassValue;
DebugOut.Analog[9] = UBat;
DebugOut.Analog[10] = SenderOkay;
DebugOut.Analog[11] = ErsatzKompassInGrad;
DebugOut.Analog[12] = Motor[0].SetPoint;
DebugOut.Analog[13] = Motor[1].SetPoint;
DebugOut.Analog[14] = Motor[2].SetPoint;
DebugOut.Analog[15] = Motor[3].SetPoint;
DebugOut.Analog[20] = ServoNickValue;
DebugOut.Analog[21] = HoverGas;
DebugOut.Analog[22] = Capacity.ActualCurrent;
DebugOut.Analog[23] = Capacity.UsedCapacity;
DebugOut.Analog[24] = SollHoehe/10;
DebugOut.Analog[27] = KompassSollWert;
DebugOut.Analog[29] = Capacity.MinOfMaxPWM;
DebugOut.Analog[30] = GPS_Nick;
DebugOut.Analog[31] = GPS_Roll;
if(VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] || VersionInfo.HardwareError[1]) DebugOut.Status[1] |= 1; else DebugOut.Status[1] &= 0xfe;
//DebugOut.Analog[16] = Variance;
//DebugOut.Analog[17] = VarioMeter;
//DebugOut.Analog[18] = HoehenWertF;
//DebugOut.Analog[25] = Parameter_Hoehe_P;
//DebugOut.Analog[26] = Parameter_Luftdruck_D;
void Piep(unsigned char Anzahl, unsigned int dauer)
unsigned int wait = 0;
if(MotorenEin) return; //auf keinen Fall im Flug!
beeptime = dauer;
wait = dauer;
while(beeptime || wait)
UpdateMotor = 0;
if(!beeptime) wait--;
// Messwerte beim Ermitteln der Nullage
void CalibrierMittelwert(void)
unsigned char i;
if(PlatinenVersion == 13) SucheGyroOffset();
// ADC auschalten, damit die Werte sich nicht während der Berechnung ändern
MesswertNick = AdWertNick;
MesswertRoll = AdWertRoll;
MesswertGier = AdWertGier;
Mittelwert_AccNick = ACC_AMPLIFY * AdWertAccNick;
Mittelwert_AccRoll = ACC_AMPLIFY * AdWertAccRoll;
// ADC einschalten
int tmp;
tmp = PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI1 + i]] + 127;
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(tmp, 0, 255);
if(Poti[i] > tmp) Poti[i]--; else if(Poti[i] < tmp) Poti[i]++;
Umschlag180Nick = (long) EE_Parameter.WinkelUmschlagNick * 2500L;
Umschlag180Roll = (long) EE_Parameter.WinkelUmschlagRoll * 2500L;
// Nullwerte ermitteln
// Parameter: 0 -> after switch on (ignore ACC-Z fault)
// Parameter: 1 -> before Start
// Parameter: 2 -> calibrate and store ACC
unsigned char SetNeutral(unsigned char AdjustmentMode) // retuns: "sucess"
unsigned char i, sucess = 1;
unsigned int gier_neutral = 0, nick_neutral = 0, roll_neutral = 0, acc_z_neutral = 0;
VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] = 0;
// HEF4017Reset_ON;
NeutralAccX = 0;
NeutralAccY = 0;
NeutralAccZ = 0;
NeutralAccZfine = 0;
AdNeutralNick = 0;
AdNeutralRoll = 0;
AdNeutralGier = 0;
Parameter_AchsKopplung1 = 0;
Parameter_AchsKopplung2 = 0;
ExpandBaro = 0;
if((EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig & CFG_HOEHENREGELUNG)) // Höhenregelung aktiviert?
if((MessLuftdruck > 950) || (MessLuftdruck < 750)) SucheLuftruckOffset();
for(i=0; i<NEUTRAL_FILTER; i++)
gier_neutral += AdWertGier;
nick_neutral += AdWertNick;
roll_neutral += AdWertRoll;
acc_z_neutral += Aktuell_az;
AdNeutralNick = (nick_neutral+NEUTRAL_FILTER/2) / (NEUTRAL_FILTER / 8);
AdNeutralRoll = (roll_neutral+NEUTRAL_FILTER/2) / (NEUTRAL_FILTER / 8);
AdNeutralGier = (gier_neutral+NEUTRAL_FILTER/2) / (NEUTRAL_FILTER);
NeutralAccZ = (acc_z_neutral+NEUTRAL_FILTER/2) / (NEUTRAL_FILTER);
StartNeutralRoll = AdNeutralRoll;
StartNeutralNick = AdNeutralNick;
if(AdjustmentMode == 2)
NeutralAccX = abs(Mittelwert_AccNick) / (2*ACC_AMPLIFY);
NeutralAccY = abs(Mittelwert_AccRoll) / (2*ACC_AMPLIFY);
// Save ACC neutral settings to eeprom
SetParamWord(PID_ACC_NICK, (uint16_t)NeutralAccX);
SetParamWord(PID_ACC_ROLL, (uint16_t)NeutralAccY);
SetParamWord(PID_ACC_TOP, (uint16_t)NeutralAccZ);
// restore from eeprom
NeutralAccX = (int16_t)GetParamWord(PID_ACC_NICK);
NeutralAccY = (int16_t)GetParamWord(PID_ACC_ROLL);
// strange settings?
if(((unsigned int) NeutralAccX > 2048) || ((unsigned int) NeutralAccY > 2048)/* || ((unsigned int) NeutralAccZ > 1024)*/)
printf("\n\rACC not calibrated!\r\n");
NeutralAccX = abs(Mittelwert_AccNick) / (2*ACC_AMPLIFY);
NeutralAccY = abs(Mittelwert_AccRoll) / (2*ACC_AMPLIFY);
sucess = 0;
EEAR = EE_DUMMY; // Set the EEPROM Address pointer to an unused space
MesswertNick = 0;
MesswertRoll = 0;
MesswertGier = 0;
Mittelwert_AccNick = ACC_AMPLIFY * AdWertAccNick;
Mittelwert_AccRoll = ACC_AMPLIFY * AdWertAccRoll;
IntegralNick = EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor * (long)Mittelwert_AccNick;
IntegralRoll = EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor * (long)Mittelwert_AccRoll;
Mess_IntegralNick = IntegralNick;
Mess_IntegralRoll = IntegralRoll;
Mess_Integral_Gier = 0;
StartLuftdruck = Luftdruck;
VarioMeter = 0;
SummenHoehe = 0; Mess_Integral_Hoch = 0;
KompassSollWert = KompassValue;
KompassSignalSchlecht = 100;
beeptime = 50;
Umschlag180Nick = ((long) EE_Parameter.WinkelUmschlagNick * 2500L) + 15000L;
Umschlag180Roll = ((long) EE_Parameter.WinkelUmschlagRoll * 2500L) + 15000L;
ExternHoehenValue = 0;
ErsatzKompass = KompassValue * GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR;
GierGyroFehler = 0;
FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_K = -1;
FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxDrift = 0;
FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxFusion = 32;
Poti[i] = PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI1 + i]] + 127;
SenderOkay = 100;
if(ServoActive) DDRD |=0x80; // enable J7 -> Servo signal
// if(EE_Parameter.ServoCompInvert & SERVO_NICK_INV) NickServoValue = ((128 + 60) * 4 * 16); // neutral position = upper 1/4// else
NickServoValue = ((128 - 60) * 4 * 16); // neutral position = lower 1/4
CalculateServoSignals = 1;
CalculateServo(); // nick
CalculateServo(); // roll
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
signed int tilt1, tilt2;
tilt1 = (int)(IntegralNick/GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR); // nick angle in deg
tilt2 = (int)(IntegralRoll/GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR); // roll angle in deg
tilt1 = (int16_t)ihypot(tilt1,tilt2); // tilt angle over all
CosAttitude = c_cos_8192(tilt1);
NeutralAccZ = (long)((long) (NeutralAccZ - 512) * 8192 + 4096) / CosAttitude + 512;
if(tilt1 > 20) sucess = 0; // calibration must be within 20° Tilt angle
if(AdjustmentMode != 0 && ACC_AltitudeControl) if((NeutralAccZ < 682 - 25) || (NeutralAccZ > 682 + 25)) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_ACC_TOP; sucess = 0;};
NeutralAccZ = (int16_t)GetParamWord(PID_ACC_TOP);
EEAR = EE_DUMMY; // Set the EEPROM Address pointer to an unused space
if((AdNeutralNick < 150 * 16) || (AdNeutralNick > 850 * 16)) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_GYRO_NICK; };
if((AdNeutralRoll < 150 * 16) || (AdNeutralRoll > 850 * 16)) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_GYRO_ROLL; };
if((AdNeutralGier < 150 * 2) || (AdNeutralGier > 850 * 2)) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_GYRO_YAW; };
if((NeutralAccX < 300) || (NeutralAccX > 750)) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_ACC_NICK; };
if((NeutralAccY < 300) || (NeutralAccY > 750)) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_ACC_ROLL; };
if((NeutralAccZ < 512) || (NeutralAccZ > 850)) { VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_ACC_TOP; };
if(VersionInfo.HardwareError[0]) sucess = 0;
carefree_old = 70;
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
ACC_AltitudeFusion(2); // initalisation
// Bearbeitet die Messwerte
void Mittelwert(void)
static signed long tmpl,tmpl2,tmpl3,tmpl4;
static signed int oldNick, oldRoll, d2Roll, d2Nick;
signed long winkel_nick, winkel_roll;
MesswertGier = (signed int) AdNeutralGier - AdWertGier;
MesswertNick = (signed int) AdWertNickFilter / 8;
MesswertRoll = (signed int) AdWertRollFilter / 8;
RohMesswertNick = MesswertNick;
RohMesswertRoll = MesswertRoll;
// Beschleunigungssensor ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mittelwert_AccNick = (Mittelwert_AccNick * 3 + ((ACC_AMPLIFY * AdWertAccNick))) / 4L;
Mittelwert_AccRoll = (Mittelwert_AccRoll * 3 + ((ACC_AMPLIFY * AdWertAccRoll))) / 4L;
IntegralAccNick += ACC_AMPLIFY * AdWertAccNick;
IntegralAccRoll += ACC_AMPLIFY * AdWertAccRoll;
NaviAccNick += AdWertAccNick;
NaviAccRoll += AdWertAccRoll;
IntegralAccZ += Aktuell_az - NeutralAccZ;
// ADC einschalten
AdReady = 0;
if(Mess_IntegralRoll > 93000L) winkel_roll = 93000L;
else if(Mess_IntegralRoll <-93000L) winkel_roll = -93000L;
else winkel_roll = Mess_IntegralRoll;
if(Mess_IntegralNick > 93000L) winkel_nick = 93000L;
else if(Mess_IntegralNick <-93000L) winkel_nick = -93000L;
else winkel_nick = Mess_IntegralNick;
// Gier ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mess_Integral_Gier += MesswertGier;
ErsatzKompass += MesswertGier;
// Kopplungsanteil +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(!Looping_Nick && !Looping_Roll && (Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_ACHSENKOPPLUNG_AKTIV))
tmpl3 = (MesswertRoll * winkel_nick) / 2048L;
tmpl3 *= Parameter_AchsKopplung2; //65
tmpl3 /= 4096L;
tmpl4 = (MesswertNick * winkel_roll) / 2048L;
tmpl4 *= Parameter_AchsKopplung2; //65
tmpl4 /= 4096L;
KopplungsteilNickRoll = tmpl3;
KopplungsteilRollNick = tmpl4;
tmpl4 -= tmpl3;
ErsatzKompass += tmpl4;
if(!Parameter_CouplingYawCorrection) Mess_Integral_Gier -= tmpl4/2; // Gier nachhelfen
tmpl = ((MesswertGier + tmpl4) * winkel_nick) / 2048L;
tmpl *= Parameter_AchsKopplung1; // 90
tmpl /= 4096L;
tmpl2 = ((MesswertGier + tmpl4) * winkel_roll) / 2048L;
tmpl2 *= Parameter_AchsKopplung1;
tmpl2 /= 4096L;
if(abs(MesswertGier) > 64) if(labs(tmpl) > 128 || labs(tmpl2) > 128) TrichterFlug = 1;
//MesswertGier += (Parameter_CouplingYawCorrection * tmpl4) / 256;
else tmpl = tmpl2 = KopplungsteilNickRoll = KopplungsteilRollNick = 0;
TrimRoll = tmpl - tmpl2 / 100L;
TrimNick = -tmpl2 + tmpl / 100L;
// Kompasswert begrenzen ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(ErsatzKompass >= (360L * GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR)) ErsatzKompass -= 360L * GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR; // 360° Umschlag
if(ErsatzKompass < 0) ErsatzKompass += 360L * GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR;
// Roll ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mess_IntegralRoll2 += MesswertRoll + TrimRoll;
Mess_IntegralRoll += MesswertRoll + TrimRoll - LageKorrekturRoll;
if(Mess_IntegralRoll > Umschlag180Roll)
Mess_IntegralRoll = -(Umschlag180Roll - 25000L);
Mess_IntegralRoll2 = Mess_IntegralRoll;
if(Mess_IntegralRoll <-Umschlag180Roll)
Mess_IntegralRoll = (Umschlag180Roll - 25000L);
Mess_IntegralRoll2 = Mess_IntegralRoll;
// Nick ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Mess_IntegralNick2 += MesswertNick + TrimNick;
Mess_IntegralNick += MesswertNick + TrimNick - LageKorrekturNick;
if(Mess_IntegralNick > Umschlag180Nick)
Mess_IntegralNick = -(Umschlag180Nick - 25000L);
Mess_IntegralNick2 = Mess_IntegralNick;
if(Mess_IntegralNick <-Umschlag180Nick)
Mess_IntegralNick = (Umschlag180Nick - 25000L);
Mess_IntegralNick2 = Mess_IntegralNick;
Integral_Gier = Mess_Integral_Gier;
IntegralNick = Mess_IntegralNick;
IntegralRoll = Mess_IntegralRoll;
IntegralNick2 = Mess_IntegralNick2;
IntegralRoll2 = Mess_IntegralRoll2;
#define D_LIMIT 128
MesswertNick = HiResNick / 8;
MesswertRoll = HiResRoll / 8;
if(AdWertNick < 15) MesswertNick = -1000; if(AdWertNick < 7) MesswertNick = -2000;
if(PlatinenVersion == 10) { if(AdWertNick > 1010) MesswertNick = +1000; if(AdWertNick > 1017) MesswertNick = +2000; }
else { if(AdWertNick > 2000) MesswertNick = +1000; if(AdWertNick > 2015) MesswertNick = +2000; }
if(AdWertRoll < 15) MesswertRoll = -1000; if(AdWertRoll < 7) MesswertRoll = -2000;
if(PlatinenVersion == 10) { if(AdWertRoll > 1010) MesswertRoll = +1000; if(AdWertRoll > 1017) MesswertRoll = +2000; }
else { if(AdWertRoll > 2000) MesswertRoll = +1000; if(AdWertRoll > 2015) MesswertRoll = +2000; }
d2Nick = HiResNick - oldNick;
oldNick = (oldNick + HiResNick)/2;
if(d2Nick > D_LIMIT) d2Nick = D_LIMIT;
else if(d2Nick < -D_LIMIT) d2Nick = -D_LIMIT;
d2Roll = HiResRoll - oldRoll;
oldRoll = (oldRoll + HiResRoll)/2;
if(d2Roll > D_LIMIT) d2Roll = D_LIMIT;
else if(d2Roll < -D_LIMIT) d2Roll = -D_LIMIT;
MesswertNick += (d2Nick * (signed int) Parameter_Gyro_D) / 16;
MesswertRoll += (d2Roll * (signed int) Parameter_Gyro_D) / 16;
HiResNick += (d2Nick * (signed int) Parameter_Gyro_D);
HiResRoll += (d2Roll * (signed int) Parameter_Gyro_D);
if(RohMesswertRoll > 0) TrimRoll += ((long) abs(KopplungsteilNickRoll) * Parameter_CouplingYawCorrection) / 64L;
else TrimRoll -= ((long) abs(KopplungsteilNickRoll) * Parameter_CouplingYawCorrection) / 64L;
if(RohMesswertNick > 0) TrimNick += ((long) abs(KopplungsteilRollNick) * Parameter_CouplingYawCorrection) / 64L;
else TrimNick -= ((long) abs(KopplungsteilRollNick) * Parameter_CouplingYawCorrection) / 64L;
if(Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_DREHRATEN_BEGRENZER && !Looping_Nick && !Looping_Roll)
if(RohMesswertNick > 256) MesswertNick += 1 * (RohMesswertNick - 256);
else if(RohMesswertNick < -256) MesswertNick += 1 * (RohMesswertNick + 256);
if(RohMesswertRoll > 256) MesswertRoll += 1 * (RohMesswertRoll - 256);
else if(RohMesswertRoll < -256) MesswertRoll += 1 * (RohMesswertRoll + 256);
// Senden der Motorwerte per I2C-Bus
void SendMotorData(void)
unsigned char i;
if(!PC_MotortestActive) MotorTest[i] = 0;
Motor[i].SetPoint = MotorTest[i];
Motor[i].SetPointLowerBits = 0;
Motor[i].SetPoint = MotorTest[i] / 4; // testing the high resolution
Motor[i].SetPointLowerBits = MotorTest[i] % 4;
if(PC_MotortestActive) PC_MotortestActive--;
else FC_StatusFlags |= FC_STATUS_MOTOR_RUN;
I2C_TransferActive = 0; // enable for the next time
motor_write = 0;
I2C_Start(TWI_STATE_MOTOR_TX); //Start I2C Interrupt Mode
unsigned char GetChannelValue(unsigned char ch) // gives the unsigned value of the channel
int tmp2;
if(ch == 0) return(0);
tmp2 = PPM_in[ch] + 127;
if(tmp2 > 255) tmp2 = 255; else if(tmp2 < 0) tmp2 = 0;
// Trägt ggf. das Poti als Parameter ein
void ParameterZuordnung(void)
unsigned char tmp,i;
int tmp2;
tmp = EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI1 + i];
tmp2 = PPM_in[tmp] + 127;
if(tmp2 > 255) tmp2 = 255; else if(tmp2 < 0) tmp2 = 0;
if(tmp == 25) Poti[i] = tmp2; // 25 = WaypointEvent channel -> no filter
if(tmp2 != Poti[i])
Poti[i] += (tmp2 - Poti[i]) / 4;
if(Poti[i] > tmp2) Poti[i]--;
else Poti[i]++;
if(EE_Parameter.Servo3 == 247) { if(PORTC & (1<<PORTC2)) Parameter_Servo3 = 140; else Parameter_Servo3 = 70;} // Out1 (J16)
else if(EE_Parameter.Servo3 == 246) { if(PORTC & (1<<PORTC3)) Parameter_Servo3 = 140; else Parameter_Servo3 = 70;}
else CHK_POTI_MM(Parameter_Servo3,EE_Parameter.Servo3, 24, 255);
if(EE_Parameter.Servo4 == 247) { if(PORTC & (1<<PORTC2)) Parameter_Servo4 = 140; else Parameter_Servo4 = 70;}
else if(EE_Parameter.Servo4 == 246) { if(PORTC & (1<<PORTC3)) Parameter_Servo4 = 140; else Parameter_Servo4 = 70;} // Out2 (J17)
else CHK_POTI_MM(Parameter_Servo4,EE_Parameter.Servo4, 24, 255);
CHK_POTI_MM(Parameter_Servo5,EE_Parameter.Servo5, 24, 255);
Parameter_HoehenSchalter = GetChannelValue(EE_Parameter.HoeheChannel);
if((NC_To_FC_MaxAltitude && NC_To_FC_MaxAltitude < Parameter_MaximumAltitude) || Parameter_MaximumAltitude == 0) Parameter_MaximumAltitude = NC_To_FC_MaxAltitude;
Parameter_GlobalConfig = EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig;
Parameter_ExtraConfig = EE_Parameter.ExtraConfig;
// CHK_POTI(Parameter_AchsGegenKopplung1,EE_Parameter.AchsGegenKopplung1,0,255);
Ki = 10300 / (Parameter_I_Faktor + 1);
MAX_GAS = EE_Parameter.Gas_Max;
MIN_GAS = EE_Parameter.Gas_Min;
CareFree = 1;
if(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.CareFreeChannel] < -64) CareFree = 0;
// if(tmp >= 248 && Poti[255 - tmp] < 50) CareFree = 0;
if(carefree_old != CareFree)
if(carefree_old < 3)
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(CareFree) { beeptime = 1500; if(!SpeakHoTT) SpeakHoTT = SPEAK_CF_ON; }
else { beeptime = 200; if(!SpeakHoTT) SpeakHoTT = SPEAK_CF_OFF; }
if(CareFree) beeptime = 1500;
else beeptime = 200;
NeueKompassRichtungMerken = 5;
carefree_old = CareFree;
} else carefree_old--;
if(FromNaviCtrl.CompassValue < 0 && CareFree) VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_CAREFREE; //else VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] &= ~FC_ERROR0_CAREFREE;
CareFree = 0;
carefree_old = 10;
if(FromNaviCtrl.CompassValue < 0 && MotorenEin && CareFree && BeepMuster == 0xffff) // ungültiger Kompasswert
beeptime = 15000;
BeepMuster = 0xA400;
CareFree = 0;
if(CareFree) { FC_StatusFlags2 |= FC_STATUS2_CAREFREE; /*if(Parameter_AchsKopplung1 < 210) Parameter_AchsKopplung1 += 30;*/} else FC_StatusFlags2 &= ~FC_STATUS2_CAREFREE;
void MotorRegler(void)
int pd_ergebnis_nick,pd_ergebnis_roll,tmp_int, tmp_int2;
int GierMischanteil,GasMischanteil;
static long sollGier = 0,tmp_long,tmp_long2;
static long IntegralFehlerNick = 0;
static long IntegralFehlerRoll = 0;
static unsigned int RcLostTimer;
static unsigned char delay_neutral = 0;
static unsigned char delay_einschalten = 0,delay_ausschalten = 0;
static signed char move_safety_switch = 0;
static long ausgleichNick, ausgleichRoll;
int IntegralNickMalFaktor,IntegralRollMalFaktor;
unsigned char i;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Gaswert ermitteln
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig3 & CFG3_VARIO_FAILSAFE)
if(HoverGas && HoverGas < 150 * STICK_GAIN)
HooverGasEmergencyPercent = (HoverGas/(STICK_GAIN) * EE_Parameter.NotGas) / 100; // i.e. 80% of Hovergas
else HooverGasEmergencyPercent = 45; // default if the Hoovergas was could not calculated yet
} else HooverGasEmergencyPercent = EE_Parameter.NotGas;
if(GasIsZeroCnt == 30000) // in that case we have RC-Lost, but the MK is probably landed
StickGas = 0; // Hold Gas down in that case
HooverGasEmergencyPercent = MIN_GAS;
GasMischanteil = StickGas;
if(GasMischanteil < MIN_GAS + 10) GasMischanteil = MIN_GAS + 10;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Empfang schlecht
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(SenderOkay < 100 && !(FC_StatusFlags2 & FC_STATUS2_RC_FAILSAVE_ACTIVE))
if(RcLostTimer) RcLostTimer--;
MotorenEin = 0;
modell_fliegt = 0;
if(modell_fliegt > 1000 && Capacity.MinOfMaxPWM > 100) // wahrscheinlich in der Luft --> langsam absenken
GasMischanteil = HooverGasEmergencyPercent;
PPM_diff[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] = 0;
PPM_diff[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]] = 0;
PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] = 0;
PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]] = 0;
PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GIER]] = 0;
MotorenEin = 0;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Emfang gut
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(SenderOkay > 140)
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
static unsigned int trigger = 1000;
static unsigned char old_switch = 100;
if(EE_Parameter.StartLandChannel && EE_Parameter.LandingSpeed)
if(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.StartLandChannel] > 50)
if(old_switch == 50) if(FC_StatusFlags2 & FC_STATUS2_WAIT_FOR_TAKEOFF) { FC_StatusFlags2 |= FC_STATUS2_AUTO_STARTING; SpeakHoTT = SPEAK_RISING;}
old_switch = 150;
if(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.StartLandChannel] < -50)
if(old_switch == 150) { FC_StatusFlags2 |= FC_STATUS2_AUTO_LANDING; SpeakHoTT = SPEAK_SINKING;}
old_switch = 50;
RcLostTimer = EE_Parameter.NotGasZeit * 50;
if(GasMischanteil > 40 && MotorenEin)
if(modell_fliegt < 0xffff) modell_fliegt++;
if((modell_fliegt < 256))
SummeNick = 0;
SummeRoll = 0;
sollGier = 0;
Mess_Integral_Gier = 0;
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
old_switch = 100;
FC_StatusFlags |= FC_STATUS_FLY;
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if((NC_To_FC_Flags & NC_TO_FC_AUTOSTART || FC_StatusFlags2 & FC_STATUS2_AUTO_STARTING) && (VarioCharacter == '=') && ACC_AltitudeControl)
FromNC_AltitudeSpeed = 80;
FromNC_AltitudeSetpoint = 500;
SollHoehe = 500;
trigger = 1000;
/* if(StartTrigger != 2)
StartTrigger = 1;
if(HoverGas < STICK_GAIN * 35) HoverGas = STICK_GAIN * 35;
// else FC_StatusFlags2 &= ~(FC_STATUS2_AUTO_STARTING);
if(HoehenWertF > 150 || HoehenWert < -350 || !(Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_HOEHENREGELUNG))
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
trigger = 1000;
if(FC_StatusFlags2 & FC_STATUS2_AUTO_STARTING) { FromNC_AltitudeSpeed = 0; SollHoehe = 300;/*HoehenWertF + 100;*/}
else SpeakHoTT = SPEAK_RISING;
SummeNick = 0;
SummeRoll = 0;
Mess_Integral_Gier = 0;
// sollGier = 0;
if(modell_fliegt > 1000) modell_fliegt = 1000; // for the Hooverpoint-Estimation
else // Flying mode
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if((FC_StatusFlags2 & FC_STATUS2_AUTO_LANDING) && (VarioCharacter == 'v' || VarioCharacter == '=') && ACC_AltitudeControl)
FromNC_AltitudeSpeed = EE_Parameter.LandingSpeed;
FromNC_AltitudeSetpoint = -20000;
if(trigger < 1000)
SummeNick = 0;
SummeRoll = 0;
Mess_Integral_Gier = 0;
SollHoehe = HoehenWertF - 300;
if(trigger == 1000 && FC_StatusFlags2 & FC_STATUS2_AUTO_LANDING && VarioCharacter != '+')
FC_StatusFlags2 |= FC_STATUS2_WAIT_FOR_TAKEOFF; // go back into starting state
if(ACC_AltitudeControl && (VarioCharacter == 'v' || VarioCharacter == '-') && HoehenWert < 1000 /*&& FromNC_AltitudeSetpoint < 0*/)
if(Aktuell_az > 940)
trigger = 0;
} // end of: modell_fliegt > 256
if((PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GAS]] > 80) && MotorenEin == 0)
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// auf Nullwerte kalibrieren
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GIER]] > 75) // Neutralwerte
if(++delay_neutral > 200) // nicht sofort
delay_neutral = 0;
modell_fliegt = 0;
if(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] > 70 || abs(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]]) > 70)
unsigned char setting=1;
if(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]] > 70 && PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] < 70) setting = 1;
if(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]] > 70 && PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] > 70) setting = 2;
if(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]] < 70 && PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] > 70) setting = 3;
if(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]] <-70 && PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] > 70) setting = 4;
if(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]] <-70 && PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] < 70) setting = 5;
SetActiveParamSet(setting); // aktiven Datensatz merken
if(abs(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]]) < 30 && PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] < -70)
WinkelOut.CalcState = 1;
CalibrationDone = 0;
beeptime = 1000;
if((Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_HOEHENREGELUNG)) // Höhenregelung aktiviert?
if((MessLuftdruck > 950) || (MessLuftdruck < 750)) SucheLuftruckOffset();
CalibrationDone = SetNeutral(1);
ServoActive = 1;
DDRD |=0x80; // enable J7 -> Servo signal
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(VersionInfo.HardwareError[0]) SpeakHoTT = SPEAK_ERR_SENSOR;
if(!CalibrationDone) SpeakHoTT = SPEAK_ERR_CALIBARTION;
ShowSettingNameTime = 5; // for HoTT & Jeti
if(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GIER]] < -75) // ACC Neutralwerte speichern
if(++delay_neutral > 200) // nicht sofort
MotorenEin = 0;
delay_neutral = 0;
modell_fliegt = 0;
CalibrationDone = SetNeutral(2); // store ACC values into EEPROM
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(VersionInfo.HardwareError[0]) SpeakHoTT = SPEAK_ERR_SENSOR;
if(!CalibrationDone) SpeakHoTT = SPEAK_ERR_CALIBARTION;
else delay_neutral = 0;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Gas ist unten
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GAS]] < -100)
if(PPM_diff[EE_Parameter.MotorSafetySwitch & 127] > 5) move_safety_switch = 100;
if(PPM_diff[EE_Parameter.MotorSafetySwitch & 127] < -5) move_safety_switch = -100;
// Motoren Starten
if((((PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GIER]] < -100) && ((!(EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig3 & CFG3_MOTOR_SWITCH_MODE) && PPM_in[EE_Parameter.MotorSafetySwitch] < -75) || EE_Parameter.MotorSafetySwitch == 0)))
|| (((EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig3 & CFG3_MOTOR_SWITCH_MODE) && PPM_in[EE_Parameter.MotorSafetySwitch] > -10 && move_safety_switch == 100)))
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Einschalten
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(CalibrationDone) FC_StatusFlags |= FC_STATUS_START;
StartLuftdruck = Luftdruck;
HoehenWertF = 0;
HoehenWert = 0;
SummenHoehe = 0;
if((PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] > -100 || abs(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]]) < 100) && EE_Parameter.MotorSafetySwitch == 0) delay_einschalten = 0;
if(++delay_einschalten > 253)
delay_einschalten = 0;
if(!VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] && CalibrationDone && !NC_ErrorCode)
modell_fliegt = 1;
MotorenEin = 1;
sollGier = 0;
Mess_Integral_Gier = 0;
Mess_Integral_Gier2 = 0;
Mess_IntegralNick = EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor * (long)Mittelwert_AccNick;
Mess_IntegralRoll = EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor * (long)Mittelwert_AccRoll;
Mess_IntegralNick2 = IntegralNick;
Mess_IntegralRoll2 = IntegralRoll;
SummeNick = 0;
SummeRoll = 0;
// ControlHeading = (((int) EE_Parameter.OrientationAngle * 15 + KompassValue) % 360) / 2;
NeueKompassRichtungMerken = 100; // 2 sekunden
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
beeptime = 1500; // indicate missing calibration
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(!CalibrationDone) SpeakHoTT = SPEAK_ERR_CALIBARTION;
else delay_einschalten = 0;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Auschalten
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
else // only if motors are running
// if((PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GIER]] > 75) && (PPM_in[EE_Parameter.MotorSafetySwitch] < -75 || EE_Parameter.MotorSafetySwitch == 0))
if((((PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GIER]] > 100) && ((!(EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig3 & CFG3_MOTOR_SWITCH_MODE) && PPM_in[EE_Parameter.MotorSafetySwitch] < -75) || EE_Parameter.MotorSafetySwitch == 0)))
|| (((EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig3 & CFG3_MOTOR_SWITCH_MODE) && PPM_in[EE_Parameter.MotorSafetySwitch] < -50 && move_safety_switch == -100)))
if((PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] > -100 || abs(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]]) < 100) && EE_Parameter.MotorSafetySwitch == 0)
delay_ausschalten = 0;
SummeNick = 0;
SummeRoll = 0;
StickNick = 0;
StickRoll = 0;
if(++delay_ausschalten > 250) // nicht sofort
MotorenEin = 0;
delay_ausschalten = 0;
modell_fliegt = 0;
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
else delay_ausschalten = 0;
if(GasIsZeroCnt < 1000) GasIsZeroCnt++;
else // gas not at minimum
move_safety_switch = 0;
GasIsZeroCnt = 0;
else // Empfang zwischen 100 und 140 -> schlecht
if(GasIsZeroCnt >= 750) // gas-stick was down for 1.5 seconds before RC-Lost
if((GPSInfo.HomeDistance < 40 * 10) && (HoehenWert < 15 * 100)) // and we are at the starting point -> maybe landed?
GasIsZeroCnt = 30000;
if(modell_fliegt > 1001) modell_fliegt = 1001;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// neue Werte von der Funke
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(!NewPpmData-- || (FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_EMERGENCY_LANDING))
static int stick_nick,stick_roll;
unsigned char stick_p;
stick_p = EE_Parameter.Stick_P;
stick_nick = (stick_nick * 3 + PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] * stick_p) / 4;
stick_nick += PPM_diff[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] * EE_Parameter.Stick_D;
stick_roll = (stick_roll * 3 + PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]] * stick_p) / 4;
stick_roll += PPM_diff[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]] * EE_Parameter.Stick_D;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// CareFree und freie Wahl der vorderen Richtung
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
signed int nick, roll;
nick = stick_nick / 4;
roll = stick_roll / 4;
StickNick = ((FromNC_Rotate_C * nick) + (FromNC_Rotate_S * roll)) / (32 / 4);
StickRoll = ((FromNC_Rotate_C * roll) - (FromNC_Rotate_S * nick)) / (32 / 4);
FromNC_Rotate_C = sintab[EE_Parameter.OrientationAngle + 6];
FromNC_Rotate_S = sintab[EE_Parameter.OrientationAngle];
StickNick = ((FromNC_Rotate_C * stick_nick) + (FromNC_Rotate_S * stick_roll)) / 8;
StickRoll = ((FromNC_Rotate_C * stick_roll) - (FromNC_Rotate_S * stick_nick)) / 8;
StickGier = -PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GIER]];
if(StickGier > 4) StickGier -= 4; else
if(StickGier < -4) StickGier += 4; else StickGier = 0;
if(GPS_Aid_StickMultiplikator) // in that case the GPS controls stronger
StickNick = (GPS_Aid_StickMultiplikator * (StickNick / 8)) / 16;
StickRoll = (GPS_Aid_StickMultiplikator * (StickRoll / 8)) / 16;
StickNick -= GPS_Nick;
StickRoll -= GPS_Roll;
StickGas = PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GAS]] + 127;
GyroFaktor = (Parameter_Gyro_P + 10.0);
IntegralFaktor = Parameter_Gyro_I;
GyroFaktorGier = (Parameter_Gyro_Gier_P + 10.0);
IntegralFaktorGier = Parameter_Gyro_Gier_I;
//+ Analoge Steuerung per Seriell
if(ExternControl.Config & 0x01 && Parameter_ExternalControl > 128)
StickNick += (int) ExternControl.Nick * (int) EE_Parameter.Stick_P;
StickRoll += (int) ExternControl.Roll * (int) EE_Parameter.Stick_P;
StickGier += ExternControl.Gier;
ExternHoehenValue = (int) ExternControl.Hight * (int)EE_Parameter.Hoehe_Verstaerkung;
if(ExternControl.Gas < StickGas) StickGas = ExternControl.Gas;
if(StickGas < 0) StickGas = 0;
if(Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_HEADING_HOLD) IntegralFaktor = 0;
if(abs(StickNick/STICK_GAIN) > MaxStickNick)
MaxStickNick = abs(StickNick)/STICK_GAIN;
if(MaxStickNick > 100) MaxStickNick = 100;
else MaxStickNick--;
if(abs(StickRoll/STICK_GAIN) > MaxStickRoll)
MaxStickRoll = abs(StickRoll)/STICK_GAIN;
if(MaxStickRoll > 100) MaxStickRoll = 100;
else MaxStickRoll--;
if(FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_EMERGENCY_LANDING) {MaxStickNick = 0; MaxStickRoll = 0;}
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Looping?
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if((PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]] > EE_Parameter.LoopThreshold) && EE_Parameter.BitConfig & CFG_LOOP_LINKS) Looping_Links = 1;
if((PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]] < (EE_Parameter.LoopThreshold - EE_Parameter.LoopHysterese))) Looping_Links = 0;
if((PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]] < -EE_Parameter.LoopThreshold) && EE_Parameter.BitConfig & CFG_LOOP_RECHTS) Looping_Rechts = 1;
if(Looping_Rechts) // Hysterese
if(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]] > -(EE_Parameter.LoopThreshold - EE_Parameter.LoopHysterese)) Looping_Rechts = 0;
if((PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] > EE_Parameter.LoopThreshold) && EE_Parameter.BitConfig & CFG_LOOP_OBEN) Looping_Oben = 1;
if(Looping_Oben) // Hysterese
if((PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] < (EE_Parameter.LoopThreshold - EE_Parameter.LoopHysterese))) Looping_Oben = 0;
if((PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] < -EE_Parameter.LoopThreshold) && EE_Parameter.BitConfig & CFG_LOOP_UNTEN) Looping_Unten = 1;
if(Looping_Unten) // Hysterese
if(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] > -(EE_Parameter.LoopThreshold - EE_Parameter.LoopHysterese)) Looping_Unten = 0;
if(Looping_Links || Looping_Rechts) Looping_Roll = 1; else Looping_Roll = 0;
if(Looping_Oben || Looping_Unten) { Looping_Nick = 1; Looping_Roll = 0; Looping_Links = 0; Looping_Rechts = 0;} else Looping_Nick = 0;
} // Ende neue Funken-Werte
if(Looping_Roll || Looping_Nick)
if(GasMischanteil > EE_Parameter.LoopGasLimit) GasMischanteil = EE_Parameter.LoopGasLimit;
TrichterFlug = 1;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Bei Empfangsausfall im Flug
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
StickNick = -GPS_Nick;
StickRoll = -GPS_Roll;
StickGas = StickGasHover;
Parameter_HoehenSchalter = 200; // switch on
StickGier = 0;
StickNick = 0;
StickRoll = 0;
GyroFaktor = 90;
IntegralFaktor = 120;
GyroFaktorGier = 90;
IntegralFaktorGier = 120;
Looping_Roll = 0;
Looping_Nick = 0;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Integrale auf ACC-Signal abgleichen
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
MittelIntegralNick += IntegralNick; // Für die Mittelwertbildung aufsummieren
MittelIntegralRoll += IntegralRoll;
MittelIntegralNick2 += IntegralNick2;
MittelIntegralRoll2 += IntegralRoll2;
if(Looping_Nick || Looping_Roll)
IntegralAccNick = 0;
IntegralAccRoll = 0;
MittelIntegralNick = 0;
MittelIntegralRoll = 0;
MittelIntegralNick2 = 0;
MittelIntegralRoll2 = 0;
Mess_IntegralNick2 = Mess_IntegralNick;
Mess_IntegralRoll2 = Mess_IntegralRoll;
ZaehlMessungen = 0;
LageKorrekturNick = 0;
LageKorrekturRoll = 0;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(!Looping_Nick && !Looping_Roll && (Aktuell_az > 512 || MotorenEin))
long tmp_long, tmp_long2;
if(FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_K > 0 /*&& !TrichterFlug*/)
tmp_long = (long)(IntegralNick / EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor - (long)(Mittelwert_AccNick - FromNaviCtrl.AccErrorN));
tmp_long2 = (long)(IntegralRoll / EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor - (long)(Mittelwert_AccRoll - FromNaviCtrl.AccErrorR));
tmp_long = (tmp_long * FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_K) / (32 * 16);
tmp_long2 = (tmp_long2 * FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_K) / (32 * 16);
if((MaxStickNick > 64) || (MaxStickRoll > 64))
tmp_long /= 2;
tmp_long2 /= 2;
if(tmp_long > (long) FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxFusion) tmp_long = (long) FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxFusion;
if(tmp_long < (long)-FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxFusion) tmp_long = (long)-FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxFusion;
if(tmp_long2 > (long) FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxFusion) tmp_long2 = (long) FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxFusion;
if(tmp_long2 < (long)-FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxFusion) tmp_long2 = (long)-FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxFusion;
tmp_long = (long)(IntegralNick / EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor - (long)Mittelwert_AccNick);
tmp_long2 = (long)(IntegralRoll / EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor - (long)Mittelwert_AccRoll);
tmp_long /= 16;
tmp_long2 /= 16;
if((MaxStickNick > 64) || (MaxStickRoll > 64))
tmp_long /= 3;
tmp_long2 /= 3;
if(abs(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GIER]]) > 25)
tmp_long /= 3;
tmp_long2 /= 3;
KompassFusion = 25;
#define AUSGLEICH 32
if(tmp_long > AUSGLEICH) tmp_long = AUSGLEICH;
if(tmp_long < -AUSGLEICH) tmp_long =-AUSGLEICH;
if(tmp_long2 > AUSGLEICH) tmp_long2 = AUSGLEICH;
if(tmp_long2 <-AUSGLEICH) tmp_long2 =-AUSGLEICH;
Mess_IntegralNick -= tmp_long;
Mess_IntegralRoll -= tmp_long2;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(ZaehlMessungen >= ABGLEICH_ANZAHL)
static int cnt = 0;
static char last_n_p,last_n_n,last_r_p,last_r_n;
static long MittelIntegralNick_Alt,MittelIntegralRoll_Alt;
if(!Looping_Nick && !Looping_Roll && !TrichterFlug && EE_Parameter.Driftkomp)
MittelIntegralNick /= ABGLEICH_ANZAHL;
MittelIntegralRoll /= ABGLEICH_ANZAHL;
IntegralAccNick = (EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor * IntegralAccNick) / ABGLEICH_ANZAHL;
IntegralAccRoll = (EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor * IntegralAccRoll) / ABGLEICH_ANZAHL;
IntegralAccZ = IntegralAccZ / ABGLEICH_ANZAHL;
#define MAX_I 0
// Nick ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
IntegralFehlerNick = (long)(MittelIntegralNick - (long)IntegralAccNick);
ausgleichNick = IntegralFehlerNick / EE_Parameter.GyroAccAbgleich;
// Roll ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
IntegralFehlerRoll = (long)(MittelIntegralRoll - (long)IntegralAccRoll);
ausgleichRoll = IntegralFehlerRoll / EE_Parameter.GyroAccAbgleich;
LageKorrekturNick = ausgleichNick / ABGLEICH_ANZAHL;
LageKorrekturRoll = ausgleichRoll / ABGLEICH_ANZAHL;
if(((MaxStickNick > 64) || (MaxStickRoll > 64) || (abs(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GIER]]) > 25)) && (FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_K == -1))
LageKorrekturNick /= 2;
LageKorrekturRoll /= 2;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Gyro-Drift ermitteln
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
MittelIntegralNick2 /= ABGLEICH_ANZAHL;
MittelIntegralRoll2 /= ABGLEICH_ANZAHL;
tmp_long = IntegralNick2 - IntegralNick;
tmp_long2 = IntegralRoll2 - IntegralRoll;
IntegralFehlerNick = tmp_long;
IntegralFehlerRoll = tmp_long2;
Mess_IntegralNick2 -= IntegralFehlerNick;
Mess_IntegralRoll2 -= IntegralFehlerRoll;
if(GierGyroFehler > ABGLEICH_ANZAHL/2) { AdNeutralGier++; }
if(GierGyroFehler <-ABGLEICH_ANZAHL/2) { AdNeutralGier--; }
GierGyroFehler = 0;
#define BEWEGUNGS_LIMIT 20000
// Nick +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
cnt = 1;// + labs(IntegralFehlerNick) / 4096;
if(labs(IntegralFehlerNick) > FEHLER_LIMIT1) cnt = 4;
if(labs(MittelIntegralNick_Alt - MittelIntegralNick) < BEWEGUNGS_LIMIT || (FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxDrift > 3*8))
if(IntegralFehlerNick > FEHLER_LIMIT2)
cnt += labs(IntegralFehlerNick) / (FEHLER_LIMIT2 / 8);
ausgleichNick = IntegralFehlerNick / 8;
if(ausgleichNick > 5000) ausgleichNick = 5000;
LageKorrekturNick += ausgleichNick / ABGLEICH_ANZAHL;
else last_n_p = 1;
} else last_n_p = 0;
if(IntegralFehlerNick < -FEHLER_LIMIT2)
cnt += labs(IntegralFehlerNick) / (FEHLER_LIMIT2 / 8);
ausgleichNick = IntegralFehlerNick / 8;
if(ausgleichNick < -5000) ausgleichNick = -5000;
LageKorrekturNick += ausgleichNick / ABGLEICH_ANZAHL;
else last_n_n = 1;
} else last_n_n = 0;
cnt = 0;
KompassSignalSchlecht = 100;
if(cnt > EE_Parameter.Driftkomp) cnt = EE_Parameter.Driftkomp;
if(FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxDrift) if(cnt > FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxDrift) cnt = FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxDrift;
if(IntegralFehlerNick > FEHLER_LIMIT) AdNeutralNick += cnt;
if(IntegralFehlerNick < -FEHLER_LIMIT) AdNeutralNick -= cnt;
// Roll +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
cnt = 1;// + labs(IntegralFehlerRoll) / 4096;
if(labs(IntegralFehlerRoll) > FEHLER_LIMIT1) cnt = 4;
if(labs(MittelIntegralRoll_Alt - MittelIntegralRoll) < BEWEGUNGS_LIMIT || (FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxDrift > 3*8))
if(IntegralFehlerRoll > FEHLER_LIMIT2)
cnt += labs(IntegralFehlerRoll) / (FEHLER_LIMIT2 / 8);
ausgleichRoll = IntegralFehlerRoll / 8;
if(ausgleichRoll > 5000) ausgleichRoll = 5000;
LageKorrekturRoll += ausgleichRoll / ABGLEICH_ANZAHL;
else last_r_p = 1;
} else last_r_p = 0;
if(IntegralFehlerRoll < -FEHLER_LIMIT2)
cnt += labs(IntegralFehlerRoll) / (FEHLER_LIMIT2 / 8);
ausgleichRoll = IntegralFehlerRoll / 8;
if(ausgleichRoll < -5000) ausgleichRoll = -5000;
LageKorrekturRoll += ausgleichRoll / ABGLEICH_ANZAHL;
else last_r_n = 1;
} else last_r_n = 0;
} else
cnt = 0;
KompassSignalSchlecht = 100;
if(cnt > EE_Parameter.Driftkomp) cnt = EE_Parameter.Driftkomp;
if(FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxDrift) if(cnt > FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxDrift) cnt = FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxDrift;
if(IntegralFehlerRoll > FEHLER_LIMIT) AdNeutralRoll += cnt;
if(IntegralFehlerRoll < -FEHLER_LIMIT) AdNeutralRoll -= cnt;
LageKorrekturRoll = 0;
LageKorrekturNick = 0;
TrichterFlug = 0;
if(!IntegralFaktor) { LageKorrekturRoll = 0; LageKorrekturNick = 0;} // z.B. bei HH
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
MittelIntegralNick_Alt = MittelIntegralNick;
MittelIntegralRoll_Alt = MittelIntegralRoll;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
IntegralAccNick = 0;
IntegralAccRoll = 0;
IntegralAccZ = 0;
MittelIntegralNick = 0;
MittelIntegralRoll = 0;
MittelIntegralNick2 = 0;
MittelIntegralRoll2 = 0;
ZaehlMessungen = 0;
} // ZaehlMessungen >= ABGLEICH_ANZAHL
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Gieren
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(abs(StickGier) > 3) // war 15
// KompassSignalSchlecht = 1000;
if(!(Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_KOMPASS_FIX))
NeueKompassRichtungMerken = 50; // eine Sekunde zum Einloggen
tmp_int = (long) EE_Parameter.StickGier_P * ((long)StickGier * abs(StickGier)) / 512L; // expo y = ax + bx²
tmp_int += (EE_Parameter.StickGier_P * StickGier) / 4;
if(GasIsZeroCnt > 512) tmp_int = 0; // disable Yawing when Gas-Stick is to Zero
tmp_int += CompassGierSetpoint;
sollGier = tmp_int;
Mess_Integral_Gier -= tmp_int;
if(Mess_Integral_Gier > 50000) Mess_Integral_Gier = 50000; // begrenzen
if(Mess_Integral_Gier <-50000) Mess_Integral_Gier =-50000;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Kompass
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(KompassValue >= 0 && (Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_KOMPASS_AKTIV))
if(CalculateCompassTimer-- == 1)
int w,v,r,fehler,korrektur; // wird von der SPI-Routine auf 1 gesetzt
CalculateCompassTimer = 13; // falls keine Navi-Daten
// max. Korrekturwert schätzen
w = abs(IntegralNick /512); // mit zunehmender Neigung den Einfluss drosseln
v = abs(IntegralRoll /512);
if(v > w) w = v; // grösste Neigung ermitteln
// korrektur = w / 4 + 1;
korrektur = w / 8 + 2;
ErsatzKompassInGrad = ErsatzKompass/GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR;
// Kompassfehlerwert bestimmen
fehler = ((540 + KompassValue - ErsatzKompassInGrad) % 360) - 180;
// GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR ist ca. 1200
// Kompasswert einloggen
if(KompassSignalSchlecht) KompassSignalSchlecht--;
if(w < 25)
GierGyroFehler += fehler;
if(--NeueKompassRichtungMerken == 0)
KompassSollWert = ErsatzKompassInGrad;
// Kompass fusionieren
if(!KompassSignalSchlecht) ErsatzKompass += (fehler * KompassFusion) / korrektur;
// MK Gieren
r = ((540 + (KompassSollWert - ErsatzKompassInGrad)) % 360) - 180;
v = r * (Parameter_KompassWirkung/2); // nach Kompass ausrichten
CompassGierSetpoint = v / 16;
else CompassGierSetpoint = 0;
} // CalculateCompassTimer
else CompassGierSetpoint = 0;
//DebugOut.Analog[16] = KompassFusion;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Drehgeschwindigkeit und -winkel zu einem Istwert zusammenfassen
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(TrichterFlug) { SummeRoll = 0; SummeNick = 0;};
if(!Looping_Nick) IntegralNickMalFaktor = (IntegralNick * IntegralFaktor) / (44000 / STICK_GAIN); else IntegralNickMalFaktor = 0;
if(!Looping_Roll) IntegralRollMalFaktor = (IntegralRoll * IntegralFaktor) / (44000 / STICK_GAIN); else IntegralRollMalFaktor = 0;
#define TRIM_MAX 200
if(TrimNick > TRIM_MAX) TrimNick = TRIM_MAX; else if(TrimNick <-TRIM_MAX) TrimNick =-TRIM_MAX;
if(TrimRoll > TRIM_MAX) TrimRoll = TRIM_MAX; else if(TrimRoll <-TRIM_MAX) TrimRoll =-TRIM_MAX;
MesswertNick = IntegralNickMalFaktor + (long)((long)MesswertNick * GyroFaktor + (long)TrimNick * 128L) / (256L / STICK_GAIN);
MesswertRoll = IntegralRollMalFaktor + (long)((long)MesswertRoll * GyroFaktor + (long)TrimRoll * 128L) / (256L / STICK_GAIN);
MesswertGier = (long)(MesswertGier * 2 * (long)GyroFaktorGier) / (256L / STICK_GAIN) + (long)(Integral_Gier * IntegralFaktorGier) / (2 * (44000 / STICK_GAIN));
// Maximalwerte abfangen
#define MAX_SENSOR (4096)
if(MesswertNick > MAX_SENSOR) MesswertNick = MAX_SENSOR;
if(MesswertNick < -MAX_SENSOR) MesswertNick = -MAX_SENSOR;
if(MesswertRoll > MAX_SENSOR) MesswertRoll = MAX_SENSOR;
if(MesswertRoll < -MAX_SENSOR) MesswertRoll = -MAX_SENSOR;
if(MesswertGier > MAX_SENSOR) MesswertGier = MAX_SENSOR;
if(MesswertGier < -MAX_SENSOR) MesswertGier = -MAX_SENSOR;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Höhenregelung
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(UBat > BattLowVoltageWarning) GasMischanteil = ((unsigned int)GasMischanteil * BattLowVoltageWarning) / UBat; // Gas auf das aktuelle Spannungvieveau beziehen
GasMischanteil *= STICK_GAIN;
// if height control is activated
if((Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_HOEHENREGELUNG) && !(Looping_Roll || Looping_Nick) && !(VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] & 0x7F)) // Höhenregelung
#define HOVER_GAS_AVERAGE 16384L // 16384 * 2ms = 32s averaging
#define HC_GAS_AVERAGE 4 // 4 * 2ms= 8ms averaging
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
#define OPA_OFFSET_STEP 15
#define OPA_OFFSET_STEP 10
int HCGas, GasReduction = 0;
static int HeightTrimming = 0; // rate for change of height setpoint
static int HeightDeviation = 0, FilterHCGas = 0;
static unsigned long HoverGasFilter = 0;
static unsigned char delay = 100, BaroAtUpperLimit = 0, BaroAtLowerLimit = 0;
// Expand the measurement
// measurement of air pressure close to upper limit and no overflow in correction of the new OCR0A value occurs
if(MessLuftdruck > 920)
{ // increase offset
if(OCR0A < (255 - OPA_OFFSET_STEP))
ExpandBaro -= 1;
OCR0A = DruckOffsetSetting - OPA_OFFSET_STEP * ExpandBaro; // increase offset to shift ADC down
beeptime = 300;
BaroExpandActive = 350;
BaroAtLowerLimit = 1;
// measurement of air pressure close to lower limit and
if(MessLuftdruck < 100)
{ // decrease offset
ExpandBaro += 1;
OCR0A = DruckOffsetSetting - OPA_OFFSET_STEP * ExpandBaro; // decrease offset to shift ADC up
beeptime = 300;
BaroExpandActive = 350;
BaroAtUpperLimit = 1;
BaroAtUpperLimit = 0;
BaroAtLowerLimit = 0;
else // delay, because of expanding the Baro-Range
// now clear the D-values
VarioMeter = 0;
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(ACC_AltitudeControl) ACC_AltitudeFusion(1); // init
else SummenHoehe = HoehenWert * SM_FILTER;
SummenHoehe = HoehenWert * SM_FILTER;
// if height control is activated by an rc channel
if(Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_HOEHEN_SCHALTER) // Regler wird über Schalter gesteuert
{ // check if parameter is less than activation threshold
if(Parameter_HoehenSchalter < 50) // for 3 or 2-state switch height control is disabled in lowest position
{ //height control not active
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(!SpeakHoTT && HoehenReglerAktiv) SpeakHoTT = SPEAK_ALTITUDE_OFF;
HoehenReglerAktiv = 0; // disable height control
SollHoehe = HoehenWert; // update SetPoint with current reading
delay = 1;
if(Parameter_HoehenSchalter > 70)
{ //height control is activated
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(!SpeakHoTT && !HoehenReglerAktiv) SpeakHoTT = SPEAK_ALTITUDE_ON;
delay = 200;
HoehenReglerAktiv = 1; // enable height control
else // no switchable height control
SollHoehe = ((int16_t) ExternHoehenValue + (int16_t) Parameter_HoehenSchalter) * (int)EE_Parameter.Hoehe_Verstaerkung;
HoehenReglerAktiv = 1;
// calculate cos of nick and roll angle used for projection of the vertical hoover gas
tmp_int = (int)(IntegralNick/GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR); // nick angle in deg
tmp_int2 = (int)(IntegralRoll/GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR); // roll angle in deg
CosAttitude = (int16_t)ihypot(tmp_int, tmp_int2); // phytagoras gives effective attitude angle in deg
LIMIT_MAX(CosAttitude, 60); // limit effective attitude angle
CosAttitude = c_cos_8192(CosAttitude); // cos of actual attitude
VarioCharacter = ' ';
AltitudeSetpointTrimming = 0;
if(HoehenReglerAktiv && !(FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_EMERGENCY_LANDING))
// Holger original version
// start of height control algorithm
// the height control is only an attenuation of the actual gas stick.
// I.e. it will work only if the gas stick is higher than the hover gas
// and the hover height will be allways larger than height setpoint.
if((Parameter_ExtraConfig & CFG2_HEIGHT_LIMIT) || !(Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_HOEHEN_SCHALTER)) // Regler wird über Schalter gesteuert)
{ // old version
HCGas = GasMischanteil; // take current stick gas as neutral point for the height control
HeightTrimming = 0;
AltitudeSetpointTrimming = 0;
// set both flags to indicate no vario mode
// alternative height control
// PD-Control with respect to hoover point
// the thrust loss out of horizontal attitude is compensated
// the setpoint will be fine adjusted with the gas stick position
if(FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_FLY) // trim setpoint only when flying
{ // gas stick is above hoover point
if(StickGas > (StickGasHover + HEIGHT_CONTROL_STICKTHRESHOLD) && !BaroAtUpperLimit)
if(HeightDeviation > 20) SollHoehe = HoehenWertF; // update setpoint to current heigth
SollHoehe = HoehenWertF; // update setpoint to current heigth
// Limit the maximum Altitude
if(Parameter_MaximumAltitude && (SollHoehe/100 > Parameter_MaximumAltitude)) AltitudeSetpointTrimming = 0;
// SollHoehe = (long) Parameter_MaximumAltitude * 100L;
// HeightTrimming += abs(StickGas - (StickGasHover - HEIGHT_CONTROL_STICKTHRESHOLD));
AltitudeSetpointTrimming = abs(StickGas - (StickGasHover + HEIGHT_CONTROL_STICKTHRESHOLD));
VarioCharacter = '+';
WaypointTrimming = 0;
} // gas stick is below hoover point
else if(StickGas < (StickGasHover - HEIGHT_CONTROL_STICKTHRESHOLD) && !BaroAtLowerLimit )
SollHoehe = HoehenWertF; // update setpoint to current heigth
AltitudeSetpointTrimming = -abs(StickGas - (StickGasHover - HEIGHT_CONTROL_STICKTHRESHOLD));
// HeightTrimming -= abs(StickGas - (StickGasHover - HEIGHT_CONTROL_STICKTHRESHOLD));
VarioCharacter = '-';
WaypointTrimming = 0;
else // Gas Stick in Hover Range
VarioCharacter = '=';
if(FromNC_AltitudeSpeed && FromNC_AltitudeSetpoint > SollHoehe) // von NC gesteuert -> Steigen
AltitudeSetpointTrimming = FromNC_AltitudeSpeed;
//HeightTrimming += FromNC_AltitudeSpeed;
WaypointTrimming = 10;
VarioCharacter = '^';
if(FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_VARIO_TRIM_DOWN) // changed from sinking to rising
SollHoehe = HoehenWertF; // update setpoint to current heigth
if(FromNC_AltitudeSpeed && FromNC_AltitudeSetpoint < SollHoehe) // von NC gesteuert -> sinken
AltitudeSetpointTrimming = -FromNC_AltitudeSpeed;
//HeightTrimming -= FromNC_AltitudeSpeed;
WaypointTrimming = -10;
VarioCharacter = 'v';
if(FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_VARIO_TRIM_UP) // changed from rising to sinking
SollHoehe = HoehenWertF; // update setpoint to current heigth
if(!WaypointTrimming) LIMIT_MIN_MAX(SollHoehe, (HoehenWertF-200), (HoehenWertF+200)) // max. 2m Unterschied
else WaypointTrimming = 0;
HeightTrimming = 0;
if(Parameter_ExtraConfig & CFG2_VARIO_BEEP) beeptime = 500;
if(!StartTrigger && HoehenWert > 50)
StartTrigger = 1;
// Trim height set point
HeightTrimming += AltitudeSetpointTrimming;
if(abs(HeightTrimming) > 500) // bei Waypoint-Flug ist das ca. die 500Hz
if(abs(FromNC_AltitudeSetpoint - SollHoehe) < 10) SollHoehe = FromNC_AltitudeSetpoint;
else SollHoehe += WaypointTrimming;
if(HeightTrimming > 0) SollHoehe += EE_Parameter.Hoehe_Verstaerkung / 3;
else SollHoehe -= EE_Parameter.Hoehe_Verstaerkung / 3;
HeightTrimming = 0;
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(SollHoehe, (HoehenWert-1024), (HoehenWert+1024)); // max. 10m Unterschied
if(Parameter_ExtraConfig & CFG2_VARIO_BEEP) beeptime = 100;
//update hoover gas stick value when setpoint is shifted
if(!EE_Parameter.Hoehe_StickNeutralPoint && FromNC_AltitudeSpeed == 0)
StickGasHover = HoverGas/STICK_GAIN; //rescale back to stick value
StickGasHover = (StickGasHover * UBat) / BattLowVoltageWarning;
if(StickGasHover < 70) StickGasHover = 70;
else if(StickGasHover > 150) StickGasHover = 150;
if(BaroExpandActive) SollHoehe = HoehenWertF; // update setpoint to current altitude if Expanding is active
} //if FCFlags & MKFCFLAG_FLY
SollHoehe = HoehenWert - 400;
if(EE_Parameter.Hoehe_StickNeutralPoint) StickGasHover = EE_Parameter.Hoehe_StickNeutralPoint;
else StickGasHover = 120;
HoverGas = GasMischanteil;
VarioCharacter = '.';
HCGas = HoverGas; // take hover gas (neutral point)
if(HoehenWertF > SollHoehe || !(Parameter_ExtraConfig & CFG2_HEIGHT_LIMIT))
// from this point the Heigth Control Algorithm is identical for both versions
if(BaroExpandActive) // baro range expanding active
HCGas = HoverGas; // hover while expanding baro adc range
HeightDeviation = 0;
} // EOF // baro range expanding active
else // valid data from air pressure sensor
// ------------------------- P-Part ----------------------------
tmp_long = (HoehenWertF - SollHoehe); // positive when too high
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(tmp_long, -32767L, 32767L); // avoid overflov when casting to int16_t
HeightDeviation = (int)(tmp_long); // positive when too high
tmp_long = (tmp_long * (long)Parameter_Hoehe_P) / 32L; // p-part
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(tmp_long, -127 * STICK_GAIN, 256 * STICK_GAIN); // more than the full range makes no sense
GasReduction = tmp_long;
// ------------------------- D-Part 1: Vario Meter ----------------------------
tmp_int = VarioMeter / 8;
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(tmp_int, -127, 128);
tmp_int = (tmp_int * (long)Parameter_Luftdruck_D) / 4L; // scale to d-gain parameter
if(FC_StatusFlags & (FC_STATUS_VARIO_TRIM_UP|FC_STATUS_VARIO_TRIM_DOWN)) tmp_int /= 4; // reduce d-part while trimming setpoint
if(Parameter_ExtraConfig & CFG2_HEIGHT_LIMIT) tmp_int /= 8; // reduce d-part in "Deckel" mode
GasReduction += tmp_int;
} // EOF no baro range expanding
// ------------------------ D-Part 2: ACC-Z Integral ------------------------
tmp_long = ((Mess_Integral_Hoch / 128L) * (int32_t) Parameter_Hoehe_ACC_Wirkung) / (128L / STICK_GAIN);
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(tmp_long, -32 * STICK_GAIN, 64 * STICK_GAIN);
GasReduction += tmp_long;
// ------------------------ D-Part 3: GpsZ ----------------------------------
tmp_int = (Parameter_Hoehe_GPS_Z * (int)FromNaviCtrl_Value.GpsZ)/128L;
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(tmp_int, -32 * STICK_GAIN, 64 * STICK_GAIN);
GasReduction += tmp_int;
GasReduction = (long)((long)GasReduction * HoverGas) / 512; // scale to the gas value
// ------------------------ ----------------------------------
HCGas -= GasReduction;
// limit deviation from hoover point within the target region
if(!AltitudeSetpointTrimming && HoverGas > 0) // height setpoint is not changed and hoover gas not zero
unsigned int tmp;
tmp = abs(HeightDeviation);
if(tmp <= 60)
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(HCGas, HoverGasMin, HoverGasMax); // limit gas around the hoover point
tmp = (tmp - 60) / 32;
if(tmp > 15) tmp = 15;
if(HeightDeviation > 0)
tmp = (HoverGasMin * (16 - tmp)) / 16;
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(HCGas, tmp, HoverGasMax); // limit gas around the hoover point
tmp = (HoverGasMax * (tmp + 16)) / 16;
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(HCGas, HoverGasMin, tmp); // limit gas around the hoover point
// strech control output by inverse attitude projection 1/cos
// + 1/cos(angle) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
tmp_long2 = (int32_t)HCGas;
tmp_long2 *= 8192L;
tmp_long2 /= CosAttitude;
HCGas = (int16_t)tmp_long2;
// update height control gas averaging
FilterHCGas = (FilterHCGas * (HC_GAS_AVERAGE - 1) + HCGas) / HC_GAS_AVERAGE;
// limit height control gas pd-control output
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(FilterHCGas, EE_Parameter.Hoehe_MinGas * STICK_GAIN, (MAX_GAS - 20) * STICK_GAIN);
// set GasMischanteil to HeightControlGasFilter
if(Parameter_ExtraConfig & CFG2_HEIGHT_LIMIT)
{ // old version
LIMIT_MAX(FilterHCGas, GasMischanteil); // nicht mehr als Gas
GasMischanteil = FilterHCGas;
else GasMischanteil = FilterHCGas + (GasMischanteil - HoverGas) / 4; // only in Vario-Mode
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
else // ACC-Altitude control
// from this point the Heigth Control Algorithm is identical for both versions
if(BaroExpandActive) // baro range expanding active
HCGas = HoverGas; // hover while expanding baro adc range
HeightDeviation = 0;
} // EOF // baro range expanding active
else // valid data from air pressure sensor
// ------------------------- P-Part ----------------------------
tmp_long = (HoehenWertF - SollHoehe); // positive when too high
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(tmp_long, -32767L, 32767L); // avoid overflov when casting to int16_t
HeightDeviation = (int)(tmp_long); // positive when too high
tmp_long = (tmp_long * (long)Parameter_Hoehe_P) / 32L; // p-part
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(tmp_long, -511 * STICK_GAIN, 512 * STICK_GAIN); // more than full range makes sense
GasReduction = tmp_long;
// ------------------------ D-Part: ACC-Z Integral ------------------------
tmp_long = VarioMeter + (AdWertAccHoch * Parameter_Hoehe_ACC_Wirkung)/256;
// ------------------------- D-Part: Vario Meter ----------------------------
if(WaypointTrimming) {
Variance = AltitudeSetpointTrimming * 8;
} else {
Variance = AltitudeSetpointTrimming * EE_Parameter.Hoehe_Verstaerkung*9/32;
tmp_long -= (long)Variance;
tmp_long = (tmp_long * (long)Parameter_Luftdruck_D) / 32; // scale to d-gain parameter
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(tmp_long,-511 * STICK_GAIN, 512 * STICK_GAIN);
GasReduction += tmp_long;
} // EOF no baro range expanding
HCGas -= GasReduction;
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(HCGas, HoverGasMin, HoverGasMax); // limits gas around hover point
// strech control output by inverse attitude projection 1/cos
// + 1/cos(angle) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
tmp_long2 = (int32_t)HCGas;
tmp_long2 *= 8192L;
tmp_long2 /= CosAttitude;
HCGas = (int16_t)tmp_long2;
// update height control gas averaging
FilterHCGas = (FilterHCGas * (HC_GAS_AVERAGE - 1) + HCGas) / HC_GAS_AVERAGE;
// limit height control gas pd-control output
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(FilterHCGas, EE_Parameter.Hoehe_MinGas * STICK_GAIN, (MAX_GAS - 20) * STICK_GAIN);
// set GasMischanteil to HeightControlGasFilter
if(Parameter_ExtraConfig & CFG2_HEIGHT_LIMIT)
{ // old version
LIMIT_MAX(FilterHCGas, GasMischanteil); // nicht mehr als Gas
GasMischanteil = FilterHCGas;
else GasMischanteil = FilterHCGas;
} // end of ACC-Altitude control
}// EOF height control active
else // HC not active
//update hoover gas stick value when HC is not active
StickGasHover = HoverGas/STICK_GAIN; // rescale back to stick value
StickGasHover = (StickGasHover * UBat) / BattLowVoltageWarning;
else StickGasHover = EE_Parameter.Hoehe_StickNeutralPoint;
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(StickGasHover, 70, 150); // reserve some range for trim up and down
FilterHCGas = GasMischanteil;
// set both flags to indicate no vario mode
// Hover gas estimation by averaging gas control output on small z-velocities
// this is done only if height contol option is selected in global config and aircraft is flying
if((FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_FLY))// && !(FC_SatusFlags & FC_STATUS_EMERGENCY_LANDING))
//if(HoverGasFilter == 0 || StartTrigger == 1) HoverGasFilter = HOVER_GAS_AVERAGE * (unsigned long)(GasMischanteil); // init estimation
if(HoverGasFilter == 0 || StartTrigger == 1) HoverGasFilter = HOVER_GAS_AVERAGE * (unsigned long)(HoverGas); // 0.90f: geändert
if(StartTrigger == 1) StartTrigger = 2;
tmp_long2 = (int32_t)GasMischanteil; // take current thrust
tmp_long2 *= CosAttitude; // apply attitude projection
tmp_long2 /= 8192;
// average vertical projected thrust
if(modell_fliegt < 4000) // the first 8 seconds
{ // reduce the time constant of averaging by factor of 4 to get much faster a stable value
HoverGasFilter -= HoverGasFilter/(HOVER_GAS_AVERAGE/16L);
HoverGasFilter += 16L * tmp_long2;
if(modell_fliegt < 8000) // the first 16 seconds
{ // reduce the time constant of averaging by factor of 2 to get much faster a stable value
HoverGasFilter -= HoverGasFilter/(HOVER_GAS_AVERAGE/4L);
HoverGasFilter += 4L * tmp_long2;
else //later
if(abs(VarioMeter) < 100 && abs(HoehenWertF - SollHoehe) < 256) // only on small vertical speed & difference is small (only descending)
HoverGasFilter -= HoverGasFilter/HOVER_GAS_AVERAGE;
HoverGasFilter += tmp_long2;
HoverGas = (int16_t)(HoverGasFilter/HOVER_GAS_AVERAGE);
int16_t band;
band = HoverGas / EE_Parameter.Hoehe_HoverBand; // the higher the parameter the smaller the range
HoverGasMin = HoverGas - band;
HoverGasMax = HoverGas + band;
{ // no limit
HoverGasMin = 0;
HoverGasMax = 1023;
StartTrigger = 0;
HoverGasFilter = 0;
HoverGas = 0;
}// EOF Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_HEIGHT_CONTROL
// set undefined state to indicate vario off
} // EOF no height control
// Limits the maximum gas in case of "Out of Range emergency landing"
if(GasMischanteil/STICK_GAIN > HooverGasEmergencyPercent && HoverGas) GasMischanteil = HooverGasEmergencyPercent * STICK_GAIN;
SollHoehe = HoehenWertF; // update setpoint to current heigth
beeptime = 15000;
BeepMuster = 0x0E00;
// limit gas to parameter setting
LIMIT_MIN(GasMischanteil, (MIN_GAS + 10) * STICK_GAIN);
if(GasMischanteil > (MAX_GAS - 20) * STICK_GAIN) GasMischanteil = (MAX_GAS - 20) * STICK_GAIN;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// all BL-Ctrl connected?
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(MissingMotor || Capacity.MinOfMaxPWM != 255 || NC_ErrorCode) // wait until all BL-Ctrls started and no Errors
if(modell_fliegt > 1 && modell_fliegt < 50 && GasMischanteil > 0) // only during start-phase
modell_fliegt = 1;
GasMischanteil = (MIN_GAS + 10) * STICK_GAIN;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Mischer und PI-Regler
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
DebugOut.Analog[7] = GasMischanteil;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Gier-Anteil
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
GierMischanteil = MesswertGier - sollGier * STICK_GAIN; // Regler für Gier
#define MIN_GIERGAS (40*STICK_GAIN) // unter diesem Gaswert trotzdem Gieren
if(GasMischanteil > MIN_GIERGAS)
if(GierMischanteil > (GasMischanteil / 2)) GierMischanteil = GasMischanteil / 2;
if(GierMischanteil < -(GasMischanteil / 2)) GierMischanteil = -(GasMischanteil / 2);
if(GierMischanteil > (MIN_GIERGAS / 2)) GierMischanteil = MIN_GIERGAS / 2;
if(GierMischanteil < -(MIN_GIERGAS / 2)) GierMischanteil = -(MIN_GIERGAS / 2);
if(GierMischanteil > ((tmp_int - GasMischanteil))) GierMischanteil = ((tmp_int - GasMischanteil));
if(GierMischanteil < -((tmp_int - GasMischanteil))) GierMischanteil = -((tmp_int - GasMischanteil));
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Nick-Achse
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
DiffNick = MesswertNick - StickNick; // Differenz bestimmen
if(IntegralFaktor) SummeNick += IntegralNickMalFaktor - StickNick; // I-Anteil bei Winkelregelung
else SummeNick += DiffNick; // I-Anteil bei HH
if(SummeNick > (STICK_GAIN * 16000L)) SummeNick = (STICK_GAIN * 16000L);
if(SummeNick < -(16000L * STICK_GAIN)) SummeNick = -(16000L * STICK_GAIN);
if(EE_Parameter.Gyro_Stability <= 8) pd_ergebnis_nick = (EE_Parameter.Gyro_Stability * DiffNick) / 8; // PI-Regler für Nick
else pd_ergebnis_nick = ((EE_Parameter.Gyro_Stability / 2) * DiffNick) / 4; // Überlauf verhindern
pd_ergebnis_nick += SummeNick / Ki;
tmp_int = (long)((long)Parameter_DynamicStability * (long)(GasMischanteil + abs(GierMischanteil)/2)) / 64;
if(pd_ergebnis_nick > tmp_int) pd_ergebnis_nick = tmp_int;
if(pd_ergebnis_nick < -tmp_int) pd_ergebnis_nick = -tmp_int;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Roll-Achse
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
DiffRoll = MesswertRoll - StickRoll; // Differenz bestimmen
if(IntegralFaktor) SummeRoll += IntegralRollMalFaktor - StickRoll;// I-Anteil bei Winkelregelung
else SummeRoll += DiffRoll; // I-Anteil bei HH
if(SummeRoll > (STICK_GAIN * 16000L)) SummeRoll = (STICK_GAIN * 16000L);
if(SummeRoll < -(16000L * STICK_GAIN)) SummeRoll = -(16000L * STICK_GAIN);
if(EE_Parameter.Gyro_Stability <= 8) pd_ergebnis_roll = (EE_Parameter.Gyro_Stability * DiffRoll) / 8; // PI-Regler für Roll
else pd_ergebnis_roll = ((EE_Parameter.Gyro_Stability / 2) * DiffRoll) / 4; // Überlauf verhindern
pd_ergebnis_roll += SummeRoll / Ki;
tmp_int = (long)((long)Parameter_DynamicStability * (long)(GasMischanteil + abs(GierMischanteil)/2)) / 64;
if(pd_ergebnis_roll > tmp_int) pd_ergebnis_roll = tmp_int;
if(pd_ergebnis_roll < -tmp_int) pd_ergebnis_roll = -tmp_int;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Universal Mixer
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
for(i=0; i<MAX_MOTORS; i++)
signed int tmp_int;
if(Mixer.Motor[i][0] > 0)
// Gas
if(Mixer.Motor[i][0] == 64) tmp_int = GasMischanteil; else tmp_int = ((long)GasMischanteil * Mixer.Motor[i][0]) / 64L;
// Nick
if(Mixer.Motor[i][1] == 64) tmp_int += pd_ergebnis_nick;
else if(Mixer.Motor[i][1] == -64) tmp_int -= pd_ergebnis_nick;
else tmp_int += ((long)pd_ergebnis_nick * Mixer.Motor[i][1]) / 64L;
// Roll
if(Mixer.Motor[i][2] == 64) tmp_int += pd_ergebnis_roll;
else if(Mixer.Motor[i][2] == -64) tmp_int -= pd_ergebnis_roll;
else tmp_int += ((long)pd_ergebnis_roll * Mixer.Motor[i][2]) / 64L;
// Gier
if(Mixer.Motor[i][3] == 64) tmp_int += GierMischanteil;
else if(Mixer.Motor[i][3] == -64) tmp_int -= GierMischanteil;
else tmp_int += ((long)GierMischanteil * Mixer.Motor[i][3]) / 64L;
if(tmp_int > tmp_motorwert[i]) tmp_int = (tmp_motorwert[i] + tmp_int) / 2; // MotorSmoothing
// else tmp_int = 2 * tmp_int - tmp_motorwert[i]; // original MotorSmoothing
if(EE_Parameter.MotorSmooth == 0)
tmp_int = 2 * tmp_int - tmp_motorwert[i]; // original MotorSmoothing
else // 1 means tmp_int = tmp_int;
if(EE_Parameter.MotorSmooth > 1)
// If >= 2 then allow >= 50% of the intended step down to rapidly reach the intended value.
tmp_int = tmp_int + ((tmp_motorwert[i] - tmp_int)/EE_Parameter.MotorSmooth);
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(tmp_int,(int) MIN_GAS * 4,(int) MAX_GAS * 4);
Motor[i].SetPoint = tmp_int / 4;
Motor[i].SetPointLowerBits = (tmp_int % 4)<<1; // (3 bits total)
tmp_motorwert[i] = tmp_int;
Motor[i].SetPoint = 0;
Motor[i].SetPointLowerBits = 0;
0,0 → 1,150
Flight Control
#ifndef _FC_H
#define _FC_H
//#define GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR 1291L // Abhängigkeit zwischen GyroIntegral und Winkel
//#define GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR 1160L
extern long GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR; // Abhängigkeit zwischen GyroIntegral und Winkel
#define STICK_GAIN 4
#define ACC_AMPLIFY 6
// FC_StatusFlags
#define FC_STATUS_MOTOR_RUN 0x01
#define FC_STATUS_FLY 0x02
#define FC_STATUS_START 0x08
#define FC_STATUS_LOWBAT 0x20
// FC_StatusFlags2
#define FC_STATUS2_CAREFREE 0x01
#define FC_STATUS2_OUT1_ACTIVE 0x08
#define FC_STATUS2_OUT2_ACTIVE 0x10
#define FC_STATUS2_WAIT_FOR_TAKEOFF 0x20 // Motor Running, but still on the ground
#define NC_TO_FC_FLYING_RANGE 0x01
#define NC_TO_FC_AUTOSTART 0x04
#define NC_TO_FC_AUTOLANDING 0x08 // not used
extern volatile unsigned char FC_StatusFlags, FC_StatusFlags2;
extern void ParameterZuordnung(void);
extern unsigned char GetChannelValue(unsigned char ch); // gives the unsigned value of the channel
#define Poti1 Poti[0]
#define Poti2 Poti[1]
#define Poti3 Poti[2]
#define Poti4 Poti[3]
#define Poti5 Poti[4]
#define Poti6 Poti[5]
#define Poti7 Poti[6]
#define Poti8 Poti[7]
#define LIMIT_MIN(value, min) {if(value <= min) value = min;}
#define LIMIT_MAX(value, max) {if(value >= max) value = max;}
#define LIMIT_MIN_MAX(value, min, max) {if(value <= min) value = min; else if(value >= max) value = max;}
#define CHK_POTI(b,a) {if(a < 248) b = a; else b = Poti[255 - a];}
#define CHK_POTI_OFF(b,a,off) {if(a < 248) b = a; else b = Poti[255 - a] - off;}
#define CHK_POTI_MM(b,a,min,max) {CHK_POTI(b,a); LIMIT_MIN_MAX(b, min, max);}
#define CHK_POTI_MM_OFF(b,a,min,max,off) {CHK_POTI_OFF(b,a,off); LIMIT_MIN_MAX(b, min, max);}
extern unsigned char Sekunde,Minute;
extern unsigned int BaroExpandActive;
extern long IntegralNick,IntegralNick2;
extern long IntegralRoll,IntegralRoll2;
//extern int IntegralNick,IntegralNick2;
//extern int IntegralRoll,IntegralRoll2;
extern unsigned char Poti[9];
extern long Mess_IntegralNick,Mess_IntegralNick2;
extern long Mess_IntegralRoll,Mess_IntegralRoll2;
extern long IntegralAccNick,IntegralAccRoll;
extern long SummeNick,SummeRoll;
extern volatile long Mess_Integral_Hoch;
extern long Integral_Gier,Mess_Integral_Gier,Mess_Integral_Gier2;
extern int KompassValue;
extern int KompassSollWert;
extern int KompassRichtung;
extern char CalculateCompassTimer;
extern unsigned char KompassFusion;
extern unsigned char ControlHeading;
extern int TrimNick, TrimRoll;
extern long ErsatzKompass;
extern int ErsatzKompassInGrad; // Kompasswert in Grad
extern long HoehenWert;
extern long SollHoehe;
extern long FromNC_AltitudeSetpoint;
extern unsigned char FromNC_AltitudeSpeed;
extern unsigned char Parameter_HoehenSchalter; // Wert : 0-250
extern unsigned char CareFree;
extern int MesswertNick,MesswertRoll,MesswertGier;
extern int AdNeutralNick,AdNeutralRoll,AdNeutralGier, Mittelwert_AccNick, Mittelwert_AccRoll;
extern unsigned int NeutralAccX, NeutralAccY;
extern unsigned char HoehenReglerAktiv;
extern int NeutralAccZ;
extern signed char NeutralAccZfine;
extern long Umschlag180Nick, Umschlag180Roll;
extern signed int ExternStickNick,ExternStickRoll,ExternStickGier;
extern unsigned char Parameter_UserParam1,Parameter_UserParam2,Parameter_UserParam3,Parameter_UserParam4,Parameter_UserParam5,Parameter_UserParam6,Parameter_UserParam7,Parameter_UserParam8;
extern int NaviAccNick,NaviAccRoll,NaviCntAcc;
extern unsigned int modell_fliegt;
extern void MotorRegler(void);
extern void SendMotorData(void);
//void CalibrierMittelwert(void);
//void Mittelwert(void);
extern unsigned char SetNeutral(unsigned char AccAdjustment); // retuns: "sucess"
extern void Piep(unsigned char Anzahl, unsigned int dauer);
extern void CopyDebugValues(void);
extern unsigned char ACC_AltitudeControl;
extern signed int CosAttitude; // for projection of hoover gas
extern unsigned char h,m,s;
extern int StickNick,StickRoll,StickGier,StickGas;
extern volatile unsigned char Timeout ;
extern unsigned char CosinusNickWinkel, CosinusRollWinkel;
extern int DiffNick,DiffRoll;
//extern int Poti1, Poti2, Poti3, Poti4;
extern volatile unsigned char SenderOkay;
extern int StickNick,StickRoll,StickGier;
extern char MotorenEin;
extern unsigned char CalibrationDone;
extern unsigned char Parameter_Servo3,Parameter_Servo4,Parameter_Servo5;
extern char VarioCharacter;
extern signed int AltitudeSetpointTrimming;
extern signed char WaypointTrimming;
extern int HoverGas;
extern unsigned char Parameter_Luftdruck_D;
//extern unsigned char Parameter_MaxHoehe;
extern unsigned char Parameter_Hoehe_P;
extern unsigned char Parameter_Hoehe_ACC_Wirkung;
extern unsigned char Parameter_KompassWirkung;
extern unsigned char Parameter_Gyro_P;
extern unsigned char Parameter_Gyro_I;
extern unsigned char Parameter_Gier_P;
extern unsigned char Parameter_ServoNickControl;
extern unsigned char Parameter_ServoRollControl;
extern unsigned char Parameter_ServoNickComp;
extern unsigned char Parameter_ServoRollComp;
extern unsigned char Parameter_AchsKopplung1;
extern unsigned char Parameter_AchsKopplung2;
//extern unsigned char Parameter_AchsGegenKopplung1;
extern unsigned char Parameter_J16Bitmask; // for the J16 Output
extern unsigned char Parameter_J16Timing; // for the J16 Output
extern unsigned char Parameter_J17Bitmask; // for the J17 Output
extern unsigned char Parameter_J17Timing; // for the J17 Output
extern unsigned char Parameter_GlobalConfig;
extern unsigned char Parameter_ExtraConfig;
extern signed char MixerTable[MAX_MOTORS][4];
extern const signed char sintab[31];
#endif //_FC_H
0,0 → 1,0
<Project name="Flight-Ctrl"><File path="uart.h"></File><File path="jeti.h"></File><File path="main.c"></File><File path="main.h"></File><File path="makefile"></File><File path="uart.c"></File><File path="printf_P.h"></File><File path="timer0.c"></File><File path="timer0.h"></File><File path="old_macros.h"></File><File path="twimaster.c"></File><File path="version.txt"></File><File path="twimaster.h"></File><File path="rc.c"></File><File path="rc.h"></File><File path="fc.h"></File><File path="menu.h"></File><File path="menu.c"></File><File path="_Settings.h"></File><File path="analog.c"></File><File path="analog.h"></File><File path="GPS.c"></File><File path="gps.h"></File><File path="License.txt"></File><File path="spi.h"></File><File path="spi.c"></File><File path="led.h"></File><File path="led.c"></File><File path="fc.c"></File><File path="mymath.c"></File><File path="mymath.h"></File><File path="isqrt.S"></File><File path="Spektrum.c"></File><File path="Spektrum.h"></File><File path="eeprom.h"></File><File path="eeprom.c"></File><File path="libfc.h"></File><File path="debug.c"></File><File path="debug.h"></File><File path="hottmenu.c"></File><File path="hottmenu.h"></File></Project>
0,0 → 1,0
<pd><ViewState><e p="Flight-Ctrl" x="true"></e></ViewState></pd>
0,0 → 1,3
extern signed int GPS_Nick;
extern signed int GPS_Roll;
extern unsigned char GPS_Aid_StickMultiplikator;
0,0 → 1,830
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Software Nutzungsbedingungen (english version: see below)
// + der Fa. HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland - nachfolgend Lizenzgeber genannt -
// + Der Lizenzgeber räumt dem Kunden ein nicht-ausschließliches, zeitlich und räumlich* unbeschränktes Recht ein, die im den
// + Mikrocontroller verwendete Firmware für die Hardware Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, MK3Mag & PC-Programm MikroKopter-Tool
// + - nachfolgend Software genannt - nur für private Zwecke zu nutzen.
// + Der Einsatz dieser Software ist nur auf oder mit Produkten des Lizenzgebers zulässig.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Die vom Lizenzgeber gelieferte Software ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte an der Software sowie an sonstigen im
// + Rahmen der Vertragsanbahnung und Vertragsdurchführung überlassenen Unterlagen stehen im Verhältnis der Vertragspartner ausschließlich dem Lizenzgeber zu.
// + Die in der Software enthaltenen Copyright-Vermerke, Markenzeichen, andere Rechtsvorbehalte, Seriennummern sowie
// + sonstige der Programmidentifikation dienenden Merkmale dürfen vom Kunden nicht verändert oder unkenntlich gemacht werden.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den sicheren Einsatz der Software. Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren
// + Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Die Haftung des Lizenzgebers wird - soweit gesetzlich zulässig - begrenzt in Höhe des typischen und vorhersehbaren
// + Schadens. Die gesetzliche Haftung bei Personenschäden und nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz bleibt unberührt. Dem Lizenzgeber steht jedoch der Einwand
// + des Mitverschuldens offen.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den Fall, dass die Software ganz oder teilweise nicht ordnungsgemäß arbeitet.
// + Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Der Kunde wird er seine Daten vor Einsatz der Software nach dem Stand der Technik sichern.
// + Der Kunde ist darüber unterrichtet, dass der Lizenzgeber seine Daten im zur Vertragsdurchführung erforderlichen Umfang
// + und auf Grundlage der Datenschutzvorschriften erhebt, speichert, verarbeitet und, sofern notwendig, an Dritte übermittelt.
// + *) Die räumliche Nutzung bezieht sich nur auf den Einsatzort, nicht auf die Reichweite der programmierten Software.
// + Hinweis: Informationen über erweiterte Nutzungsrechte (wie z.B. Nutzung für nicht-private Zwecke) sind auf Anfrage per Email an info(@) verfügbar.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + of HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland, Germany - the Licensor -
// + The Licensor grants the customer a non-exclusive license to use the microcontroller firmware of the Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, and MK3Mag hardware
// + (the Software) exclusively for private purposes. The License is unrestricted with respect to time and territory*.
// + The Software may only be used with the Licensor's products.
// + The Software provided by the Licensor is protected by copyright. With respect to the relationship between the parties to this
// + agreement, all rights pertaining to the Software and other documents provided during the preparation and execution of this
// + agreement shall be the property of the Licensor.
// + The information contained in the Software copyright notices, trademarks, other legal reservations, serial numbers and other
// + features that can be used to identify the program may not be altered or defaced by the customer.
// + The customer shall be responsible for taking reasonable precautions
// + for the safe use of the Software. The customer shall test the Software thoroughly regarding its suitability for the
// + intended purpose before implementing it for actual operation. The Licensor's liability shall be limited to the extent of typical and
// + foreseeable damage to the extent permitted by law, notwithstanding statutory liability for bodily injury and product
// + liability. However, the Licensor shall be entitled to the defense of contributory negligence.
// + The customer will take adequate precautions in the case, that the software is not working properly. The customer will test
// + the software for his purpose before any operational usage. The customer will backup his data before using the software.
// + The customer understands that the Licensor collects, stores and processes, and, where required, forwards, customer data
// + to third parties to the extent necessary for executing the agreement, subject to applicable data protection and privacy regulations.
// + *) The territory aspect only refers to the place where the Software is used, not its programmed range.
// + Note: For information on license extensions (e.g. commercial use), please contact us at info(@)
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "libfc.h"
#include "printf_P.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "spi.h"
#include "capacity.h"
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
#define HoTT_printf(format, args...) { _printf_P(&LIBFC_HoTT_Putchar, PSTR(format) , ## args);}
#define HoTT_printfxy(x,y,format, args...) { LIBFC_HoTT_SetPos(y * 21 + x); _printf_P(&LIBFC_HoTT_Putchar, PSTR(format) , ## args);}
#define HoTT_printfxy_INV(x,y,format, args...) { LIBFC_HoTT_SetPos(y * 21 + x); _printf_P(&LIBFC_HoTT_Putchar_INV, PSTR(format) , ## args);}
#define HoTT_printfxy_BLINK(x,y,format, args...) { LIBFC_HoTT_SetPos(y * 21 + x); _printf_P(&LIBFC_HoTT_Putchar_BLINK, PSTR(format) , ## args);}
#define HoTT_printf_BLINK(format, args...) { _printf_P(&LIBFC_HoTT_Putchar_BLINK, PSTR(format) , ## args);}
#define HoTT_printf_INV(format, args...) { _printf_P(&LIBFC_HoTT_Putchar_INV, PSTR(format) , ## args);}
#define VOICE_BEEP 5
#define HoTT_GRAD 96
#define HoTT_LINKS 123
#define HoTT_RECHTS 124
#define HoTT_OBEN 125
#define HoTT_UNTEN 126
#define HOTT_KEY_RIGHT 1
#define HOTT_KEY_DOWN 2
#define HOTT_KEY_UP 4
#define HOTT_KEY_SET 6
#define HOTT_KEY_LEFT 8
#define VARIO_ZERO 30000
unsigned char NaviData_WaypointIndex = 0, NaviData_WaypointNumber = 0, NaviData_TargetHoldTime = 0;
unsigned int NaviData_TargetDistance = 0;
GPSPacket_t GPSPacket;
VarioPacket_t VarioPacket;
ASCIIPacket_t ASCIIPacket;
ElectricAirPacket_t ElectricAirPacket;
HoTTGeneral_t HoTTGeneral;
unsigned char SpeakHoTT = SPEAK_MIKROKOPTER;
unsigned char ToNC_SpeakHoTT = 0, ShowSettingNameTime = 0;
int HoTTVarioMeter = 0;
const char PROGMEM MIKROKOPTER[] = {" MikroKopter "};
const char PROGMEM UNDERVOLTAGE[] = {" !! LiPo voltage !! "};
const char PROGMEM SETTING[] = {"Set :"};
"No Error \0", // 0
"Not compatible \0", // 1
"MK3Mag not compa\0", // 2
"No FC communicat\0", // 3
"Compass communic\0", // 4
"GPS communicatio\0", // 5
"compass value \0", // 6
"RC Signal lost \0", // 7
"FC spi rx error \0", // 8
"No NC communicat\0", // 9
"FC Nick Gyro \0", // 10
"FC Roll Gyro \0", // 11
"FC Yaw Gyro \0", // 12
"FC Nick ACC \0", // 13
"FC Roll ACC \0", // 14
"FC Z-ACC \0", // 15
"Pressure sensor \0", // 16
"I2C FC->BL-Ctrl \0", // 17
"Bl Missing \0", // 18
"Mixer Error \0", // 19
"Carefree Error \0", // 20
"GPS Fix lost \0", // 21
"Magnet Error \0", // 22
"Motor restart \0", // 23
"BL Limitation \0", // 24
"GPS Range \0", // 25
"No SD-Card \0", // 26
"SD-Logging error\0", // 27
"Flying range! \0", // 28
"Max Altitude! \0", // 29
"No GPS fix \0", // 30
"compass not cal.\0" // 31
{ // 1 -> only in flight 0 -> also on ground
{0,0},// "No Error \0", // 0
{SPEAK_ERROR,0},// "Not compatible \0", // 1
{SPEAK_ERROR,0},// "MK3Mag not compa\0", // 2
{SPEAK_ERR_NAVI,1},// "No FC communicat\0", // 3
{SPEAK_ERR_COMPASS,1},// "MK3Mag communica\0", // 4
{SPEAK_ERR_GPS,0},// "GPS communicatio\0", // 5
{SPEAK_ERR_COMPASS,1},// "compass value \0", // 6
{SPEAK_ERR_RECEICER,0},// "RC Signal lost \0", // 7
{SPEAK_ERR_NAVI,0},// "FC spi rx error \0", // 8
{SPEAK_ERR_NAVI,0},// "No NC communicat\0", // 9
{SPEAK_ERR_SENSOR,0},// "FC Nick Gyro \0", // 10
{SPEAK_ERR_SENSOR,0},// "FC Roll Gyro \0", // 11
{SPEAK_ERR_SENSOR,0},// "FC Yaw Gyro \0", // 12
{SPEAK_ERR_SENSOR,0},// "FC Nick ACC \0", // 13
{SPEAK_ERR_SENSOR,0},// "FC Roll ACC \0", // 14
{SPEAK_ERR_SENSOR,0},// "FC Z-ACC \0", // 15
{SPEAK_ERR_SENSOR,0},// "Pressure sensor \0", // 16
{SPEAK_ERR_DATABUS,1},// "I2C FC->BL-Ctrl \0", // 17
{SPEAK_ERR_DATABUS,1},// "Bl Missing \0", // 18
{SPEAK_ERROR,0},// "Mixer Error \0", // 19
{SPEAK_CF_OFF,1},// "Carefree Error \0", // 20
{SPEAK_GPS_FIX,1},// "GPS Fix lost \0", // 21
{SPEAK_ERR_COMPASS,0},// "Magnet Error \0", // 22
{SPEAK_ERR_MOTOR,1},// "Motor restart \0", // 23
{SPEAK_MAX_TEMPERAT,1},// "BL Limitation \0", // 24
{SPEAK_MAX_RANGE,1},// "GPS Range \0", // 25
{SPEAK_ERROR,1},// "No SD-Card \0", // 26
{SPEAK_ERROR,1},// "SD-Logging error\0", // 27
{SPEAK_MAX_RANGE,1},// "Flying range! \0", // 28
{SPEAK_MAX_ALTITUD,1},// "Max Altitude! \0" // 29
{SPEAK_GPS_FIX,1}// "no GPS Fix, // 30
unsigned char MaxBlTempertaure = 0;
unsigned char MinBlTempertaure = 0;
unsigned char HottestBl = 0;
void GetHottestBl(void)
static unsigned char search = 0,tmp_max,tmp_min,who;
if(Motor[search].Temperature > tmp_max) { tmp_max = Motor[search].Temperature; who = search;}
if(Motor[search].Temperature) if(Motor[search].Temperature < tmp_min) tmp_min = Motor[search].Temperature;
if(++search > MAX_MOTORS)
search = 0;
if(tmp_min != 255) MinBlTempertaure = tmp_min; else MinBlTempertaure = 0;
MaxBlTempertaure = tmp_max;
HottestBl = who;
tmp_min = 255;
tmp_max = 0;
who = 0;
void Hott_ClearLine(unsigned char line)
HoTT_printfxy(0,line," ");
unsigned char HoTT_Waring(void)
unsigned char status = 0;
static char old_status = 0;
static int repeat;
//if(Parameter_UserParam1) return(Parameter_UserParam1);
ToNC_SpeakHoTT = SpeakHoTT;
if(NC_ErrorCode) // Fehlercodes
if(MotorenEin || !pgm_read_byte(&HOTT_ERROR[NC_ErrorCode][1])) status = pgm_read_byte(&HOTT_ERROR[NC_ErrorCode][0]);
if(!status) // Sprachansagen
// if(!(GetParamByte(PID_SPEAK_HOTT_CFG) & 0x01)) SpeakHoTT = 0; // is the voice wanted?
if(!(EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig3 & CFG3_SPEAK_ALL)) SpeakHoTT = 0; // is the voice wanted?
else status = SpeakHoTT;
else ToNC_SpeakHoTT = status;
if(old_status == status) // Gleichen Fehler nur alle 5 sek bringen
if(!CheckDelay(repeat)) return(0);
repeat = SetDelay(5000);
else repeat = SetDelay(2000);
if(status == SpeakHoTT) SpeakHoTT = 0;
old_status = status;
// DebugOut.Analog[16] = status;
unsigned char HoTTErrorCode(void)
void NC_Fills_HoTT_Telemety(void)
unsigned char *ptr = NULL;
unsigned char max = 0,i,z;
ptr = (unsigned char *) &VarioPacket;
max = sizeof(VarioPacket);
ptr = (unsigned char *) &GPSPacket;
max = sizeof(GPSPacket);
ptr = (unsigned char *) &ElectricAirPacket;
max = sizeof(ElectricAirPacket);
ptr = (unsigned char *) &HoTTGeneral;
max = sizeof(HoTTGeneral);
z = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[0]; // Data allocation
for(i=0; i < FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[1]; i++)
if(z >= max) break;
ptr[z] = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[2+i];
unsigned int BuildHoTT_Vario(void)
unsigned int tmp = VARIO_ZERO;
if(VarioCharacter == '+' || VarioCharacter == '-')
tmp = VARIO_ZERO + (AltitudeSetpointTrimming * EE_Parameter.Hoehe_Verstaerkung) / 3;
if(tmp < VARIO_ZERO && tmp > VARIO_ZERO - 50) tmp = VARIO_ZERO - 50; // weil es sonst erst bei < 0,5m/sek piept
if((VarioCharacter == ' ') && (FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_FLY))
tmp = VARIO_ZERO + HoTTVarioMeter;
if(tmp > VARIO_ZERO)
if(tmp < VARIO_ZERO + 100) tmp = VARIO_ZERO;
else tmp -= 100;
if(tmp < VARIO_ZERO)
if(tmp > VARIO_ZERO - 100) tmp = VARIO_ZERO;
else tmp += 100;
if(VarioCharacter == '^') tmp = VARIO_ZERO + FromNC_AltitudeSpeed * 10;
if(VarioCharacter == 'v') tmp = VARIO_ZERO - FromNC_AltitudeSpeed * 10;
unsigned char HoTT_Telemety(unsigned char packet_request)
unsigned char i;
//Debug("rqst: %02X",packet_request);
GPSPacket.WarnBeep = HoTT_Waring(); // Achtung: das ist richtig hier, damit der Varioton schon vorher abgestellt wird
VarioPacket.Altitude = HoehenWert/100 + 500;
if(!GPSPacket.WarnBeep) VarioPacket.m_sec = BuildHoTT_Vario(); else VarioPacket.m_sec = VARIO_ZERO;
VarioPacket.m_3sec = VarioPacket.m_sec;
VarioPacket.m_10sec = VarioPacket.m_sec;
if (VarioPacket.Altitude < VarioPacket.MinAltitude) VarioPacket.MinAltitude = VarioPacket.Altitude;
if (VarioPacket.Altitude > VarioPacket.MaxAltitude) VarioPacket.MaxAltitude = VarioPacket.Altitude;
VarioPacket.WarnBeep = 0;//HoTT_Waring();
HoTT_DataPointer = (unsigned char *) &VarioPacket;
VarioPacket.FreeCharacters[0] = VarioCharacter;
if(FC_StatusFlags2 & FC_STATUS2_CAREFREE) VarioPacket.FreeCharacters[1] = 'C'; else VarioPacket.FreeCharacters[1] = ' ';
// VarioPacket.FreeCharacters[2] = ' ';
VarioPacket.Text[0] = NC_ErrorCode/10 + '0';
VarioPacket.Text[1] = NC_ErrorCode%10 + '0';
VarioPacket.Text[2] = ':';
for(i=0; i<16;i++) VarioPacket.Text[i+3] = pgm_read_byte(&NC_ERROR_TEXT[NC_ErrorCode][i]);
if(FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_LOWBAT) for(i=0; i<21;i++) VarioPacket.Text[i] = pgm_read_byte(&UNDERVOLTAGE[i]); // no Error
if(ShowSettingNameTime) // no Error
for(i=0; i<sizeof(SETTING);i++) VarioPacket.Text[i] = pgm_read_byte(&SETTING[i]);
VarioPacket.Text[4] = '0' + ActiveParamSet;
for(i=0; i<sizeof(EE_Parameter.Name);i++) VarioPacket.Text[i+7] = EE_Parameter.Name[i]; // no Error
VarioPacket.Text[18] = ' ';
VarioPacket.Text[19] = ' ';
VarioPacket.Text[20] = ' ';
unsigned int tmp_int;
unsigned char tmp;
VarioPacket.Text[0] = 'W'; VarioPacket.Text[1] = 'P';
VarioPacket.Text[2] = ' ';
VarioPacket.Text[3] = '0'+(NaviData_WaypointIndex) / 10;
VarioPacket.Text[4] = '0'+(NaviData_WaypointIndex) % 10;
VarioPacket.Text[5] = '/';
VarioPacket.Text[6] = '0'+(NaviData_WaypointNumber) / 10;
VarioPacket.Text[7] = '0'+(NaviData_WaypointNumber) % 10;
VarioPacket.Text[8] = ' ';
tmp_int = NaviData_TargetDistance;
if(tmp_int > 1000) { VarioPacket.Text[9] = '0'+(tmp_int) / 1000; tmp_int %= 1000;}
else VarioPacket.Text[9] = ' ';
if(tmp_int > 100) { VarioPacket.Text[10] = '0'+(tmp_int) / 100; tmp_int %= 100;}
else VarioPacket.Text[10] = ' ';
VarioPacket.Text[11] = '0'+(tmp_int) / 10;
VarioPacket.Text[12] = '0'+(tmp_int) % 10;
VarioPacket.Text[13] = 'm';
VarioPacket.Text[14] = ' ';
tmp = NaviData_TargetHoldTime;
if(tmp > 100) { VarioPacket.Text[15] = '0'+(tmp) / 100; tmp %= 100;} else VarioPacket.Text[15] = ' ';
VarioPacket.Text[16] = '0'+(tmp) / 10;
VarioPacket.Text[17] = '0'+(tmp) % 10;
VarioPacket.Text[18] = 's';
VarioPacket.Text[19] = ' ';
for(i=0; i<17;i++) VarioPacket.Text[i] = pgm_read_byte(&MIKROKOPTER[i+2]); // no Error and not calibrated
VarioPacket.Text[16] = '0'+VERSION_MAJOR;
VarioPacket.Text[17] = '.';
VarioPacket.Text[18] = '0'+VERSION_MINOR/10;
VarioPacket.Text[19] = '0'+VERSION_MINOR%10;
VarioPacket.Text[20] = 'a'+VERSION_PATCH;
for(i=0; i<21;i++) VarioPacket.Text[i] = pgm_read_byte(&MIKROKOPTER[i]); // no Error
GPSPacket.Altitude = HoehenWert/100 + 500;
// GPSPacket.Distance = GPSInfo.HomeDistance/10; // macht die NC
// GPSPacket.Heading = GPSInfo.HomeBearing/2; // macht die NC
// GPSPacket.Speed = (GPSInfo.Speed * 36) / 10; // macht die NC
// GPSPacket.WarnBeep = HoTT_Waring(); //(wird jetzt weiter oben gemacht)
if(!GPSPacket.WarnBeep) GPSPacket.m_sec = BuildHoTT_Vario(); else GPSPacket.m_sec = VARIO_ZERO;
GPSPacket.m_3sec = 120;
GPSPacket.NumOfSats = GPSInfo.NumOfSats;
if(GPSInfo.Flags & FLAG_DIFFSOLN) GPSPacket.SatFix = 'D';
if(GPSInfo.SatFix == SATFIX_3D) GPSPacket.SatFix = ' ';
else GPSPacket.SatFix = '!';
HoTT_DataPointer = (unsigned char *) &GPSPacket;
GPSPacket.FreeCharacters[0] = NC_GPS_ModeCharacter;
GPSPacket.FreeCharacters[2] = GPSPacket.SatFix;
GPSPacket.HomeDirection = GPSInfo.HomeBearing / 2;//230;
ElectricAirPacket.Altitude = HoehenWert/100 + 500;
ElectricAirPacket.Battery1 = UBat;
ElectricAirPacket.Battery2 = UBat;
ElectricAirPacket.VoltageCell1 = ErsatzKompassInGrad / 2;
ElectricAirPacket.VoltageCell8 = ElectricAirPacket.VoltageCell1;
ElectricAirPacket.VoltageCell6 = GPSInfo.HomeBearing / 2;
ElectricAirPacket.VoltageCell7 = GPSInfo.HomeDistance/20;
ElectricAirPacket.VoltageCell13 = ElectricAirPacket.VoltageCell6;
ElectricAirPacket.VoltageCell14 = ElectricAirPacket.VoltageCell7;
if(!GPSPacket.WarnBeep) ElectricAirPacket.m_sec = BuildHoTT_Vario(); else ElectricAirPacket.m_sec = VARIO_ZERO;
ElectricAirPacket.m_3sec = 120;
ElectricAirPacket.InputVoltage = UBat;
ElectricAirPacket.Temperature1 = MinBlTempertaure + 20;
ElectricAirPacket.Temperature2 = MaxBlTempertaure + 20;
ElectricAirPacket.Capacity = Capacity.UsedCapacity/10;
ElectricAirPacket.WarnBeep = 0;//HoTT_Waring();
ElectricAirPacket.Current = Capacity.ActualCurrent;
HoTT_DataPointer = (unsigned char *) &ElectricAirPacket;
ElectricAirPacket.FlightTimeMinutes = FlugSekunden / 60;
ElectricAirPacket.FlightTimeSeconds = FlugSekunden % 60;
HoTTGeneral.Rpm = GPSInfo.HomeDistance/100;
HoTTGeneral.VoltageCell1 = ErsatzKompassInGrad / 2;
HoTTGeneral.VoltageCell6 = GPSInfo.HomeBearing / 2;
if(UBat > BattLowVoltageWarning + 5) HoTTGeneral.FuelPercent = (UBat - (BattLowVoltageWarning + 6)) * 3;
else HoTTGeneral.FuelPercent = 0;
HoTTGeneral.FuelCapacity = HoehenWert/100;
if(HoTTGeneral.FuelCapacity < 0) HoTTGeneral.FuelCapacity = 0;
HoTTGeneral.Altitude = HoehenWert/100 + 500;
HoTTGeneral.Battery1 = UBat;
HoTTGeneral.Battery2 = UBat;
if(!GPSPacket.WarnBeep) HoTTGeneral.m_sec = BuildHoTT_Vario(); else HoTTGeneral.m_sec = VARIO_ZERO;
HoTTGeneral.m_3sec = 120;
HoTTGeneral.InputVoltage = UBat;
HoTTGeneral.Temperature1 = MinBlTempertaure + 20;
HoTTGeneral.Temperature2 = MaxBlTempertaure + 20;
HoTTGeneral.Capacity = Capacity.UsedCapacity/10;
HoTTGeneral.WarnBeep = 0;//HoTT_Waring();
HoTTGeneral.Current = Capacity.ActualCurrent;
//HoTTGeneral.ErrorNumber = HoTTErrorCode();
HoTT_DataPointer = (unsigned char *) &HoTTGeneral;
default: return(0);
void HoTT_Menu(void)
static unsigned char line, page = 0,show_current = 0,show_mag = 0, show_poti = 0;
unsigned char tmp;
HoTTVarioMeter = (HoTTVarioMeter * 7 + VarioMeter) / 8;
if(page == 0)
case 0:
if(FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_LOWBAT)
HoTT_printfxy_BLINK(0,0," %2i.%1iV ",UBat/10, UBat%10)
HoTT_printfxy(0,0," %2i.%1iV ",UBat/10, UBat%10)
if(Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_HOEHENREGELUNG)
if(HoehenReglerAktiv) HoTT_printfxy_INV(10,0,"ALT:%4im %c", (int16_t)(HoehenWert/100),VarioCharacter)
else HoTT_printfxy(10,0,"ALT:%4im ", (int16_t)(HoehenWert/100))
else HoTT_printfxy(10,0,"ALT:---- ");
case 1:
if(FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_LOWBAT)
HoTT_printfxy_BLINK(0,1," %2i:%02i ",FlugSekunden/60,FlugSekunden%60)
else HoTT_printfxy(0,1," %2i:%02i ",FlugSekunden/60,FlugSekunden%60);
HoTT_printfxy(10,1,"DIR: %3d%c",ErsatzKompassInGrad, HoTT_GRAD);
if(FC_StatusFlags2 & FC_STATUS2_CAREFREE) HoTT_printfxy_INV(20,1,"C") else HoTT_printfxy(20,1," ");
case 2:
if(FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_LOWBAT)
HoTT_printfxy_BLINK(0,2," %5i ",Capacity.UsedCapacity)
else HoTT_printfxy(0,2," %5i ",Capacity.UsedCapacity);
HoTT_printfxy(12,2,"I:%2i.%1iA ",Capacity.ActualCurrent/10, Capacity.ActualCurrent%10);
case 3:
// HoTT_printfxy(0,3,"---------------------");
case 4:
HoTT_printfxy(0,4,"SAT:%2d ",GPSInfo.NumOfSats);
switch (GPSInfo.SatFix)
case SATFIX_3D:
if(GPSInfo.Flags & FLAG_DIFFSOLN) HoTT_printfxy(7,4,"D ")
else HoTT_printfxy(7,4,"3D");
case 5:
HoTT_printfxy(0,5,"MAG:%3u%% ",EarthMagneticField);
HoTT_printfxy(12,5,"HM:%3d%c %c", GPSInfo.HomeBearing, HoTT_GRAD, NC_GPS_ModeCharacter);
HoTT_printfxy(9,5,"incl:%2d%c(%2i)",EarthMagneticInclination, HoTT_GRAD,EarthMagneticInclinationTheoretic);
HoTT_printfxy(0,5," %2um/s: HM:%3d%c %c",GPSInfo.Speed, GPSInfo.HomeBearing, HoTT_GRAD, NC_GPS_ModeCharacter);
else Hott_ClearLine(5);
case 6:
case 7: if(NC_ErrorCode)
if(HoTTBlink && NC_ErrorCode < MAX_ERR_NUMBER)
HoTT_printfxy_INV(0,7,"ERR: %2d !",NC_ErrorCode);
HoTT_printfxy(0,7,"ERR: "); _printf_P(&LIBFC_HoTT_Putchar, NC_ERROR_TEXT[NC_ErrorCode] , 0);};
if(FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_LOWBAT) HoTT_printfxy(1,7,"!! LiPo voltage !!")
else HoTT_printfxy(0,7," ");
case 8: //ASCIIPacket.WarnBeep = HoTT_Waring();
// ASCIIPacket.WarnBeep = Parameter_UserParam1;
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
case 14:
case 15:
case 16:
if(HottKeyboard == HOTT_KEY_SET) { if(show_mag) show_mag = 0; else show_mag = 1;}
if(HottKeyboard == HOTT_KEY_LEFT) { LIBFC_HoTT_Clear(); page = 1; line = 0;};
HottKeyboard = 0;
default: line = 0;
if(page == 1)
case 0:
if(FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_LOWBAT)
HoTT_printfxy_BLINK(0,0," %2i:%02i %2i.%1iV %4imAh",FlugSekunden/60,FlugSekunden%60,UBat/10, UBat%10,Capacity.UsedCapacity)
else HoTT_printfxy(0,0," %2i:%02i %2i.%1iV %4imAh",FlugSekunden/60,FlugSekunden%60,UBat/10, UBat%10,Capacity.UsedCapacity);
case 1:
HoTT_printfxy(0,1,"DIR:%3d%c",KompassValue, HoTT_GRAD);
if(Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_HOEHENREGELUNG)
if(HoehenReglerAktiv) HoTT_printfxy_INV(10,1,"ALT:%4im", (int16_t)(HoehenWert/100))
else HoTT_printfxy(10,1,"ALT:%4im", (int16_t)(HoehenWert/100))
else HoTT_printfxy(10,1,"ALT:---- ");
case 2:
HoTT_printfxy(1,2,"HM:%3d%c DIST:%3dm %c", GPSInfo.HomeBearing, HoTT_GRAD, GPSInfo.HomeDistance/10, NC_GPS_ModeCharacter);
case 3:
HoTT_printfxy(0,3,"PWR:%2i.%1iA (%iW) ",Capacity.ActualCurrent/10, Capacity.ActualCurrent%10,Capacity.ActualPower);
if(FC_StatusFlags2 & FC_STATUS2_CAREFREE) HoTT_printfxy_INV(19,3,"CF") else HoTT_printfxy(19,3," ");
case 4:
HoTT_printfxy(0,4,"GPS:%2um/s SAT:%d ",GPSInfo.Speed,GPSInfo.NumOfSats);
switch (GPSInfo.SatFix)
case SATFIX_3D:
HoTT_printfxy(16,4," 3D ");
//case SATFIX_2D:
HoTT_printfxy(16,4,"DGPS ");
{ //012345678901234567890
HoTT_printfxy(0,4," No NaviCtrl ");
case 5:
HoTT_printfxy(0,5,"%2i.%i %2i.%i %2i.%i %2i.%iA", Motor[0].Current/10,Motor[0].Current%10,Motor[1].Current/10,Motor[1].Current%10,Motor[2].Current/10,Motor[2].Current%10,Motor[3].Current/10,Motor[3].Current%10);
HoTT_printfxy(0,5,"%3i %3i %3i %3i%cC", Motor[0].Temperature, Motor[1].Temperature, Motor[2].Temperature, Motor[3].Temperature,HoTT_GRAD);
case 6:
if(RequiredMotors == 4) Hott_ClearLine(6);
if(RequiredMotors == 6) HoTT_printfxy(0,6,"%2i.%i %2i.%iA", Motor[4].Current/10,Motor[4].Current%10,Motor[5].Current/10,Motor[5].Current%10)
if(RequiredMotors > 6) HoTT_printfxy(0,6,"%2i.%i %2i.%i %2i.%i %2i.%iA", Motor[4].Current/10,Motor[4].Current%10,Motor[5].Current/10,Motor[5].Current%10,Motor[6].Current/10,Motor[6].Current%10,Motor[7].Current/10,Motor[7].Current%10);
if(RequiredMotors == 4) Hott_ClearLine(6);
if(RequiredMotors == 6) HoTT_printfxy(0,6,"%3i %3i%cC ", Motor[4].Temperature, Motor[5].Temperature,HoTT_GRAD)
if(RequiredMotors > 6) HoTT_printfxy(0,6,"%3i %3i %3i %3i%cC", Motor[4].Temperature, Motor[5].Temperature, Motor[6].Temperature, Motor[7].Temperature,HoTT_GRAD);
case 7: if(NC_ErrorCode)
if(HoTTBlink && NC_ErrorCode < MAX_ERR_NUMBER)
HoTT_printfxy_INV(0,7,"ERR: %2d !",NC_ErrorCode);
HoTT_printfxy(0,7,"ERR: "); _printf_P(&LIBFC_HoTT_Putchar, NC_ERROR_TEXT[NC_ErrorCode] , 0);};
if(FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_LOWBAT) HoTT_printfxy(1,7,"!! LiPo voltage !!")
else HoTT_printfxy(0,7," ");
case 8: // ASCIIPacket.WarnBeep = HoTT_Waring();
// ASCIIPacket.WarnBeep = Parameter_UserParam1;
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
case 14:
case 15:
case 16:
if(HottKeyboard == HOTT_KEY_SET) { if(show_current) show_current = 0; else show_current = 1; Hott_ClearLine(5); Hott_ClearLine(6);}
if(HottKeyboard == HOTT_KEY_LEFT) { LIBFC_HoTT_Clear(); page = 2; line = 0;}
if(HottKeyboard == HOTT_KEY_RIGHT) { LIBFC_HoTT_Clear(); page = 0; line = 0;}
//if(HottKeyboard) HoTT_printfxy(15,6,"%KEY:%02x ",HottKeyboard);
HottKeyboard = 0;
default: line = 0;
if(page == 2)
case 0:
HoTT_printfxy_INV(0,0,"Setting:%u %s ",ActiveParamSet,EE_Parameter.Name);
case 1: HoTT_printfxy(0,1,"Min:%2i.%1iV %s ",BattLowVoltageWarning/10, BattLowVoltageWarning%10, Mixer.Name);
case 2: HoTT_printfxy(0,2,"ALT:");
if(Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_HOEHENREGELUNG)
if(!(EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig & CFG_HOEHEN_SCHALTER)) HoTT_printf("POTI:%3u ", Parameter_HoehenSchalter)
if(Parameter_HoehenSchalter > 50) HoTT_printf("(ON) ") else HoTT_printf("(OFF) ");
if((Parameter_ExtraConfig & CFG2_HEIGHT_LIMIT)) HoTT_printf("LIMIT", Parameter_HoehenSchalter)
else HoTT_printf("VARIO", Parameter_HoehenSchalter);
case 3: HoTT_printfxy(0,3,"CF:");
if(!EE_Parameter.CareFreeChannel) HoTT_printf("DISABLED")
if(CareFree) HoTT_printf(" (ON) ") else HoTT_printf(" (OFF)");
if(EE_Parameter.ExtraConfig & CFG_LEARNABLE_CAREFREE) HoTT_printf(" TEACH");
case 4: HoTT_printfxy(0,4,"GPS:");
if(!(Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_GPS_AKTIV)) HoTT_printf("DISABLED")
tmp = GetChannelValue(EE_Parameter.NaviGpsModeChannel);
if(tmp < 50) HoTT_printf("(FREE)")
if(tmp >= 180) HoTT_printf("(HOME)")
if(EE_Parameter.ExtraConfig & CFG_GPS_AID) HoTT_printf("(AID) ")
else HoTT_printf("(HOLD)")
if(EE_Parameter.FailSafeTime) HoTT_printfxy(10,4," FS:%usek ",EE_Parameter.FailSafeTime)
case 5: HoTT_printfxy(0,5,"HOME ALT:");
if(EE_Parameter.ComingHomeAltitude) HoTT_printf("%um",EE_Parameter.ComingHomeAltitude) else HoTT_printf("HOLD ");
case 6:
HoTT_printfxy(0,6,"Ni:%4i Ro:%4i C:%3i",PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]],PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]], Parameter_ServoNickControl);
HoTT_printfxy(0,7,"Gs:%4i Ya:%4i ",PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GAS]]+127,PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GIER]]);
HoTT_printfxy(0,6,"P1:%4i P2:%4i 3:%3i",Poti1,Poti2, Poti3);
HoTT_printfxy(0,7,"P4:%4i P5:%4i 6:%3i",Poti4,Poti5, Poti6);
case 7: //HoTT_printfxy(0,6,"WARNINGS:");
LIBFC_HoTT_SetPos(6 * 21);
if(!(Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_ACHSENKOPPLUNG_AKTIV)) HoTT_printf_BLINK("COUPLING OFF! ");
if(Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_HEADING_HOLD) HoTT_printf_BLINK("HH! ");
if(!(Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_KOMPASS_AKTIV)) HoTT_printf_BLINK("COMPASS OFF! ");
case 8: //ASCIIPacket.WarnBeep = HoTT_Waring();
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
case 14:
case 15:
case 16:
if(HottKeyboard == HOTT_KEY_SET) { if(show_poti) show_poti = 0; else show_poti = 1; Hott_ClearLine(6); Hott_ClearLine(7);}
// else
// if(HottKeyboard == HOTT_KEY_LEFT) { LIBFC_HoTT_Clear(); page = 3; line = 0;}
if(HottKeyboard == HOTT_KEY_RIGHT) { LIBFC_HoTT_Clear(); page = 1; line = 0;};
HottKeyboard = 0;
default: line = 0;
/* else
if(page == 3)
case 0:
case 1:
// if(GetParamByte(PID_SPEAK_HOTT_CFG) & 0x01)
if(!(GlobalConfig3 & CFG3_SPEAK_ALL) & 0x01)) HoTT_printfxy_INV(7,2,"All Messages ")
else HoTT_printfxy_INV(7,2,"Warnings only");
case 2:
HoTT_printfxy(1,4,"Use (set) to select");
if(HottKeyboard == HOTT_KEY_SET)
SetParamByte(PID_SPEAK_HOTT_CFG, GetParamByte(PID_SPEAK_HOTT_CFG) ^ 0x01);
if(HottKeyboard == HOTT_KEY_RIGHT) { LIBFC_HoTT_Clear(); page = 2; line = 0;};
HottKeyboard = 0;
line = 0;
else page = 0;
0,0 → 1,230
#ifndef _HOTTMENU_H
#define _HOTTMENU_H
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
#define SPEAK_ERR_NAVI 4
#define SPEAK_ERROR 5
#define SPEAK_ERR_GPS 8
#define SPEAK_NEXT_WP 13
#define SPEAK_LANDING 14
#define SPEAK_GPS_FIX 15
#define SPEAK_GPS_HOLD 17
#define SPEAK_GPS_HOME 18
#define SPEAK_GPS_OFF 19
#define SPEAK_BEEP 20
#define SPEAK_CF_OFF 23
#define SPEAK_MAX_RANGE 25
#define SPEAK_MK_OFF 38
#define SPEAK_CF_ON 46
#define SPEAK_SINKING 47
#define SPEAK_RISING 48
#define SPEAK_HOLDING 49
#define SPEAK_GPS_ON 50
#define MAX_ERR_NUMBER (31+1)
extern const char PROGMEM NC_ERROR_TEXT[MAX_ERR_NUMBER][17];
extern unsigned char NaviData_WaypointIndex, NaviData_WaypointNumber, NaviData_TargetHoldTime;
extern unsigned int NaviData_TargetDistance;
extern unsigned char HottKeyboard,HoTT_RequestedSensor;
extern unsigned char HottUpdate(unsigned char key);
extern unsigned char SpeakHoTT,ShowSettingNameTime;
extern unsigned char ToNC_SpeakHoTT;
extern volatile unsigned char *HoTT_DataPointer;
extern unsigned char MaxBlTempertaure;
extern void CreateHoTT_Menu(void);
extern void LIBFC_HoTT_Putchar(char);
extern void LIBFC_HoTT_Putchar_INV(char); // print Invers
extern void LIBFC_HoTT_Putchar_BLINK(char);
extern void LIBFC_HoTT_SetPos(unsigned char);
extern void LIBFC_HoTT_Clear(void);
extern void NC_Fills_HoTT_Telemety(void);
extern void HoTT_Menu(void);
extern unsigned char HoTT_Telemety(unsigned char);
extern unsigned char HoTT_Waring(void);
extern volatile unsigned char HoTTBlink;
extern void GetHottestBl(void);
typedef struct
unsigned char StartByte; // 0x7C
unsigned char Packet_ID; // HOTT_GENERAL_PACKET_ID
unsigned char WarnBeep; // 3 Anzahl der Töne 0..36
unsigned char SensorID; // 4 0xD0
unsigned char InverseStatus1; // 5
unsigned char InverseStatus2; // 6
unsigned char VoltageCell1; // 7 208 = 4,16V (Voltage * 50 = Wert)
unsigned char VoltageCell2; // 8 209 = 4,18V
unsigned char VoltageCell3; // 9
unsigned char VoltageCell4; // 10
unsigned char VoltageCell5; // 11
unsigned char VoltageCell6; // 12
unsigned int Battery1; // 13+14 51 = 5,1V
unsigned int Battery2; // 15+16 51 = 5,1V
unsigned char Temperature1; // 17 44 = 24°C, 0 = -20°C
unsigned char Temperature2; // 18 44 = 24°C, 0 = -20°C
unsigned char FuelPercent; // 19
signed int FuelCapacity; // 20+21
unsigned int Rpm; // 22+23
signed int Altitude; // 24+25
unsigned int m_sec; // 26+27 3000 = 0
unsigned char m_3sec; // 28 120 = 0
unsigned int Current; // 29+30 1 = 0.1A
unsigned int InputVoltage; // 31+32 66 = 6,6V
unsigned int Capacity; // 33+34 1 = 10mAh
unsigned int Speed; // 35+36
unsigned char LowestCellVoltage; // 37
unsigned char LowestCellNumber; // 38
unsigned int Rpm2; // 39+40
unsigned char ErrorNumber; // 41
unsigned char Pressure; // 42 in 0,1bar 20=2,0bar
unsigned char Version; // 43
unsigned char EndByte; // 0x7D
} HoTTGeneral_t;
typedef struct
unsigned char StartByte; // 0x7C
unsigned char Packet_ID; // HOTT_ELECTRIC_AIR_PACKET_ID
unsigned char WarnBeep; // Anzahl der Töne 0..36
unsigned char SensorID; // 4 0xE0
unsigned char InverseStatus1; // 5
unsigned char InverseStatus2; // 6
unsigned char VoltageCell1; // 7 208 = 4,16V (Voltage * 50 = Wert)
unsigned char VoltageCell2; // 209 = 4,18V
unsigned char VoltageCell3; //
unsigned char VoltageCell4; //
unsigned char VoltageCell5; //
unsigned char VoltageCell6; //
unsigned char VoltageCell7; //
unsigned char VoltageCell8; //
unsigned char VoltageCell9; //
unsigned char VoltageCell10; //
unsigned char VoltageCell11; //
unsigned char VoltageCell12; //
unsigned char VoltageCell13; //
unsigned char VoltageCell14; // 20
unsigned int Battery1; // 21+22 51 = 5,1V
unsigned int Battery2; // 23+24 51 = 5,1V
unsigned char Temperature1; // 25 44 = 24°C, 0 = -20°C
unsigned char Temperature2; // 26 44 = 24°C, 0 = -20°C
signed int Altitude; // 27+28
unsigned int Current; // 29+30 1 = 0.1A
unsigned int InputVoltage; // 31+32 66 = 6,6V
unsigned int Capacity; // 33+34 1 = 10mAh
unsigned int m_sec; // 35+36 30000 = 0
unsigned char m_3sec; // 37 120 = 0
unsigned int Rpm; // 38+39
unsigned char FlightTimeMinutes; // 40
unsigned char FlightTimeSeconds; // 41
unsigned char Speed; // 42 1=2km
unsigned char Version; // 43 0x00
unsigned char EndByte; // 0x7D
} ElectricAirPacket_t;
typedef struct
unsigned char StartByte; // 0x7C
unsigned char Packet_ID; // 0x89 - Vario ID
unsigned char WarnBeep; //3 // Anzahl der Töne 0..36
unsigned char SensorID; // 0x90
unsigned char InverseStatus;
signed int Altitude; //6+7 // 500 = 0m
signed int MaxAltitude; //8+9 // 500 = 0m
signed int MinAltitude; //10+11 // 500 = 0m
unsigned int m_sec; //12+13 // 3000 = 0
unsigned int m_3sec; //14+15
unsigned int m_10sec; //26+17
char Text[21]; //18-38
char FreeCharacters[3]; // 39-41
unsigned char NullByte; // 42 0x00
unsigned char Version; // 43
unsigned char EndByte; // 0x7D
} VarioPacket_t;
typedef struct
unsigned char StartByte; //0 // 0x7C
unsigned char Packet_ID; //1 // 0x8A - GPS ID
unsigned char WarnBeep; //2 // Anzahl der Töne 0..36
unsigned char SensorID; // 4 0xA0
unsigned char InverseStatus1; // 5
unsigned char InverseStatus2; // 6
unsigned char Heading; //7 // 1 = 2°
unsigned int Speed; //8+9 // in km/h
unsigned char Lat_North; //10
unsigned char Lat_G; //11
unsigned char Lat_M; //12
unsigned char Lat_Sek1; //13
unsigned char Lat_Sek2; //14
unsigned char Lon_East; //15
unsigned char Lon_G; //16
unsigned char Lon_M; //17
unsigned char Lon_Sek1; //18
unsigned char Lon_Sek2; //19
unsigned int Distance; //20+21 // 9000 = 0m
signed int Altitude; //22+23 // 500 = 0m
unsigned int m_sec; //24+25 // 3000 = 0
unsigned char m_3sec; //26 120 = 0
unsigned char NumOfSats; //27
unsigned char SatFix; //28
unsigned char HomeDirection; // 29
unsigned char AngleX; // 30
unsigned char AngleY; // 31
unsigned char AngleZ; // 32
signed int GyroX; //33+34
signed int GyroY; //35+36
signed int GyroZ; //37+38
unsigned char Vibration; // 39
char FreeCharacters[3]; // 40-42
unsigned char Version; // 43
unsigned char EndByte; // 0x7D
} GPSPacket_t;
typedef struct
unsigned char StartByte; // 0x7B
unsigned char Packet_ID; //
unsigned char WarnBeep; // Anzahl der Töne 0..36
char Text[8*21];
unsigned char EndByte; // 0x7D
} ASCIIPacket_t;
extern GPSPacket_t GPSPacket;
extern VarioPacket_t VarioPacket;
extern ASCIIPacket_t ASCIIPacket;
extern ElectricAirPacket_t ElectricAirPacket;
extern HoTTGeneral_t HoTTGeneral;
0,0 → 1,203
; Fast integer squareroot routines for avr-gcc project (C)ChaN, 2008
; uint16_t isqrt32 (uint32_t n);
; uint8_t isqrt16 (uint16_t n);
; uint16_t ihypot (int16_t x, int16_t y);
; 32bit integer squareroot
; uint16_t isqrt32 (
; uint32_t n
; );
; Return Value:
; Squareroot of n.
; Size = 53 words
; Clock = 532..548 cycles
; Stack = 0 byte
.global isqrt32
.func isqrt32
clr r0
clr r18
clr r19
clr r20
ldi r21, 1
clr r27
clr r30
clr r31
ldi r26, 16
1: lsl r22
rol r23
rol r24
rol r25
rol r0
rol r18
rol r19
rol r20
lsl r22
rol r23
rol r24
rol r25
rol r0
rol r18
rol r19
rol r20
brpl 2f
add r0, r21
adc r18, r27
adc r19, r30
adc r20, r31
rjmp 3f
2: sub r0, r21
sbc r18, r27
sbc r19, r30
sbc r20, r31
3: lsl r21
rol r27
rol r30
andi r21, 0b11111000
ori r21, 0b00000101
sbrc r20, 7
subi r21, 2
dec r26
brne 1b
lsr r30
ror r27
ror r21
lsr r30
ror r27
ror r21
mov r24, r21
mov r25, r27
; 16bit integer squareroot
; uint8_t isqrt16 (
; uint16_t n
; );
; Return Value:
; Squareroot of n.
; Size = 33 words
; Clock = 181..189 cycles
; Stack = 0 byte
.global isqrt16
.func isqrt16
clr r18
clr r19
ldi r20, 1
clr r21
ldi r22, 8
1: lsl r24
rol r25
rol r18
rol r19
lsl r24
rol r25
rol r18
rol r19
brpl 2f
add r18, r20
adc r19, r21
rjmp 3f
2: sub r18, r20
sbc r19, r21
3: lsl r20
rol r21
andi r20, 0b11111000
ori r20, 0b00000101
sbrc r19, 7
subi r20, 2
dec r22
brne 1b
lsr r21
ror r20
lsr r21
ror r20
mov r24, r20
; 16bit integer hypot (megaAVR is required)
; uint16_t ihypot (
; int16_t x,
; int16_t y
; );
; Return Value:
; Squareroot of (x*x + y*y)
; Size = 42 words
; Clock = 581..597 cycles
; Stack = 0 byte
.global ihypot
.func ihypot
clr r26
sbrs r25, 7
rjmp 1f
com r24
com r25
adc r24, r26
adc r25, r26
1: sbrs r23, 7
rjmp 2f
com r22
com r23
adc r22, r26
adc r23, r26
2: mul r22, r22
movw r18, r0
mul r23, r23
movw r20, r0
mul r22, r23
add r19, r0
adc r20, r1
adc r21, r26
add r19, r0
adc r20, r1
adc r21, r26
mul r24, r24
movw r30, r0
mul r25, r25
add r18, r30
adc r19, r31
adc r20, r0
adc r21, r1
mul r24, r25
add r19, r0
adc r20, r1
adc r21, r26
add r19, r0
adc r20, r1
adc r21, r26
movw r24, r20
movw r22, r18
clr r1
rjmp isqrt32
0,0 → 1,11
#ifndef _ISQRT_H
#define _ISQRT_H
#include <inttypes.h>
// coded in assembler file
extern uint16_t isqrt32(uint32_t n);
extern uint8_t isqrt16(uint16_t n);
extern uint16_t ihypot(int16_t x, int16_t y);
#endif // _ISQRT_H
0,0 → 1,141
#include "libfc.h"
#include "printf_P.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "spi.h"
#include "capacity.h"
#include "jeti_ex.h"
#include "hottmenu.h"
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
const char PROGMEM JETI_CODE[53] =
0, // 0
'Y', // SPEAK_NEXT_WP 13
'Z', // SPEAK_GPS_FIX 15
'G', // SPEAK_GPS_OFF 19
'H', // SPEAK_BEEP 20
'I', // SPEAK_CF_OFF 23
0, // 27
0, // 28
0, // 29
0, // 30
0, // 31
0, // 32
0, // 33
0, // 34
0, // 35
0, // 36
0, // 37
'D', // SPEAK_MK_OFF 38
0, // 41
0, // 42
0, // 43
0, // 44
0, // 45
'N', // SPEAK_CF_ON 46
'K', // SPEAK_GPS_ON 50
JetiExPacket_t JetiExData[JETI_EX_PARAMETER_COUNT + 1] = // Parameter count + DeviceName (ID0)
// Label[10] unit[3], data type, Data , position of decimal point
// "1234567890", "123",
// { "-=.M_K.=-" , " ", 1, 0 , 0 }, // first one is device name // datatype 1 = -8192...8192
{ "MK " , " ", 1, 0 , 0 }, // first one is device name // datatype 1 = -8192...8192
{ "Voltage " , "V ", 1, 0 , 1 }, // ID 1
{ "Current " , "A ", 1, 0 , 1 }, // ID 2
{ "Capacity " , "Ah ", 1, 0 , 2 }, // ID 3
{ "Altitude " , "m ", 1, 0 , 0 }, // ID 4
{ "Compass " , "° ", 1, 0 , 0 }, // ID 5
{ "Sats " , " ", 1, 0 , 0 }, // ID 6
{ "Speed " , "m/s", 1, 0 , 0 }, // ID 7
{ "Distance " , "m ", 1, 0 , 0 }, // ID 8
{ "Home-Dir " , "° ", 1, 0 , 0 }, // ID 9
{ "max.Temp. " , "°C ", 1, 0 , 0 }, // ID 10
{ "Magn.field" , "% ", 1, 0 , 0 }, // ID 11
{ "Vario " , " ", 1, 0 , 0 }, // ID 12
{ "ErrorCode " , " ", 1, 0 , 0 }, // ID 13
{ "frei " , " ", 1, 0 , 3 }, // ID 14
{ "frei " , " ", 1, 0 , 3 }, // ID 15
void BuildJeti_Vario(void)
signed int tmp = 0;
static signed int JetiVarioMeter = 0;
JetiVarioMeter = (JetiVarioMeter * 3 + VarioMeter) / 4;
if(VarioCharacter == '+')
tmp = (AltitudeSetpointTrimming * EE_Parameter.Hoehe_Verstaerkung) / 32 + 5;
if(VarioCharacter == '-')
tmp = (AltitudeSetpointTrimming * EE_Parameter.Hoehe_Verstaerkung) / 32 - 5;
if((VarioCharacter == ' ') && (FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_FLY))
tmp = (JetiVarioMeter/32);
if(VarioCharacter == '^') tmp = FromNC_AltitudeSpeed;
if(VarioCharacter == 'v') tmp = tmp - FromNC_AltitudeSpeed;
JetiExData[12].Value = tmp;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void JetiEX_Update(void)
JetiExData[1].Value = UBat;
JetiExData[2].Value = Capacity.ActualCurrent;
JetiExData[3].Value = Capacity.UsedCapacity / 10;
JetiExData[4].Value = HoehenWert / 100;
JetiExData[5].Value = KompassValue;
JetiExData[6].Value = GPSInfo.NumOfSats;
JetiExData[7].Value = GPSInfo.Speed;
JetiExData[8].Value = GPSInfo.HomeDistance / 10;
JetiExData[9].Value = GPSInfo.HomeBearing;
JetiExData[10].Value = MaxBlTempertaure;
JetiExData[11].Value = EarthMagneticField;
// JetiExData[12].Value = Vario;
JetiExData[13].Value = NC_ErrorCode;
0,0 → 1,37
#ifndef _JETI_EX_H
#define _JETI_EX_H
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
extern void BuildJeti_Vario(void);
// define here how many Jeti EX parameters should be transmitted (max. = 15)
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
extern const char PROGMEM JETI_CODE[53];
typedef struct
char Label[10];
char Unit[3];
unsigned char DataType;
long Value;
unsigned char DecimalPointPos;
} JetiExPacket_t;
extern JetiExPacket_t JetiExData[];
extern void JetiEX_Update(void);
#error "ERROR: Too many Jeti EX parameters (max. allowed 15)"
#endif //_JETI_EX_H
0,0 → 1,267
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Software Nutzungsbedingungen (english version: see below)
// +
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + der Fa. HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland - nachfolgend Lizenzgeber genannt -
// + Der Lizenzgeber räumt dem Kunden ein nicht-ausschließliches, zeitlich und räumlich* unbeschränktes Recht ein, die im den
// + Mikrocontroller verwendete Firmware für die Hardware Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, MK3Mag & PC-Programm MikroKopter-Tool
// + - nachfolgend Software genannt - nur für private Zwecke zu nutzen.
// + Der Einsatz dieser Software ist nur auf oder mit Produkten des Lizenzgebers zulässig.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Die vom Lizenzgeber gelieferte Software ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte an der Software sowie an sonstigen im
// + Rahmen der Vertragsanbahnung und Vertragsdurchführung überlassenen Unterlagen stehen im Verhältnis der Vertragspartner ausschließlich dem Lizenzgeber zu.
// + Die in der Software enthaltenen Copyright-Vermerke, Markenzeichen, andere Rechtsvorbehalte, Seriennummern sowie
// + sonstige der Programmidentifikation dienenden Merkmale dürfen vom Kunden nicht verändert oder unkenntlich gemacht werden.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den sicheren Einsatz der Software. Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren
// + Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Die Haftung des Lizenzgebers wird - soweit gesetzlich zulässig - begrenzt in Höhe des typischen und vorhersehbaren
// + Schadens. Die gesetzliche Haftung bei Personenschäden und nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz bleibt unberührt. Dem Lizenzgeber steht jedoch der Einwand
// + des Mitverschuldens offen.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den Fall, dass die Software ganz oder teilweise nicht ordnungsgemäß arbeitet.
// + Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Der Kunde wird er seine Daten vor Einsatz der Software nach dem Stand der Technik sichern.
// + Der Kunde ist darüber unterrichtet, dass der Lizenzgeber seine Daten im zur Vertragsdurchführung erforderlichen Umfang
// + und auf Grundlage der Datenschutzvorschriften erhebt, speichert, verarbeitet und, sofern notwendig, an Dritte übermittelt.
// + *) Die räumliche Nutzung bezieht sich nur auf den Einsatzort, nicht auf die Reichweite der programmierten Software.
// + Hinweis: Informationen über erweiterte Nutzungsrechte (wie z.B. Nutzung für nicht-private Zwecke) sind auf Anfrage per Email an info(@) verfügbar.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + of HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland, Germany - the Licensor -
// + The Licensor grants the customer a non-exclusive license to use the microcontroller firmware of the Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, and MK3Mag hardware
// + (the Software) exclusively for private purposes. The License is unrestricted with respect to time and territory*.
// + The Software may only be used with the Licensor's products.
// + The Software provided by the Licensor is protected by copyright. With respect to the relationship between the parties to this
// + agreement, all rights pertaining to the Software and other documents provided during the preparation and execution of this
// + agreement shall be the property of the Licensor.
// + The information contained in the Software copyright notices, trademarks, other legal reservations, serial numbers and other
// + features that can be used to identify the program may not be altered or defaced by the customer.
// + The customer shall be responsible for taking reasonable precautions
// + for the safe use of the Software. The customer shall test the Software thoroughly regarding its suitability for the
// + intended purpose before implementing it for actual operation. The Licensor's liability shall be limited to the extent of typical and
// + foreseeable damage to the extent permitted by law, notwithstanding statutory liability for bodily injury and product
// + liability. However, the Licensor shall be entitled to the defense of contributory negligence.
// + The customer will take adequate precautions in the case, that the software is not working properly. The customer will test
// + the software for his purpose before any operational usage. The customer will backup his data before using the software.
// + The customer understands that the Licensor collects, stores and processes, and, where required, forwards, customer data
// + to third parties to the extent necessary for executing the agreement, subject to applicable data protection and privacy regulations.
// + *) The territory aspect only refers to the place where the Software is used, not its programmed range.
// + Note: For information on license extensions (e.g. commercial use), please contact us at info(@)
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "jetimenu.h"
#include "libfc.h"
#include "printf_P.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "spi.h"
#include "capacity.h"
#include "hottmenu.h"
#define JETIBOX_KEY_UP 0x2F
#define JETIBOX_KEY_UNDEF 0x00
#define JetiBox_printfxy(x,y,format, args...) { LIBFC_JetiBox_SetPos(y * 16 + x); _printf_P(&LIBFC_JetiBox_Putchar, PSTR(format) , ## args);}
#define JetiBox_printf(format, args...) { _printf_P(&LIBFC_JetiBox_Putchar, PSTR(format) , ## args);}
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// the menu functions
// -----------------------------------------------------------
void Menu_Status(uint8_t key)
{ //0123456789ABCDEF
JetiBox_printfxy(0,0,"%2i.%1iV",UBat/10, UBat%10);
JetiBox_printfxy(6,0,"%3d%c %03dm%c",ErsatzKompassInGrad, 0xDF, GPSInfo.HomeDistance/10,NC_GPS_ModeCharacter);
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
static unsigned int timer;
static char toggle = 1;
if(CheckDelay(timer)) { if(toggle) toggle = 0; else toggle = 1; timer = SetDelay(1500);};
_printf_P(&LIBFC_JetiBox_Putchar, NC_ERROR_TEXT[NC_ErrorCode] , 0);
JetiBox_printfxy(6,0,"ERROR: %2d ",NC_ErrorCode);
// if(MotorenEin) JetiBeep = 'O';
JetiBox_printfxy(0,1,"Set%d:%s ",ActiveParamSet,EE_Parameter.Name);
return; // nichts weiter ausgeben
if(NC_ErrorCode) { JetiBox_printfxy(6,0,"ERROR: %2d ",NC_ErrorCode); if(MotorenEin) JetiBeep = 'S';};
JetiBox_printfxy(0,1,"%4i %2i:%02i",Capacity.UsedCapacity,FlugSekunden/60,FlugSekunden%60);
if(Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_HOEHENREGELUNG)
JetiBox_printfxy(10,1,"%4im%c", (int16_t)(HoehenWert/100),VarioCharacter);
void Menu_Temperature(uint8_t key)
{ //0123456789ABCDEF
JetiBox_printfxy(0,0,"%3i %3i %3i %3i", Motor[0].Temperature, Motor[1].Temperature, Motor[2].Temperature, Motor[3].Temperature);
JetiBox_printfxy(0,1,"%3i %3i %3i %3i", Motor[4].Temperature, Motor[5].Temperature, Motor[6].Temperature, Motor[7].Temperature);
if(RequiredMotors <= 4)
JetiBox_printfxy(0,1,"Temperatures ");
if(RequiredMotors <= 6)
JetiBox_printfxy(8,1,"\%cC ",0xdf);
void Menu_Battery(uint8_t key)
{ //0123456789ABCDEF
JetiBox_printfxy(0,0,"%2i.%1iV %3i.%1iA", UBat/10, UBat%10, Capacity.ActualCurrent/10, Capacity.ActualCurrent%10);
JetiBox_printfxy(0,1,"%4iW %6imAh",Capacity.ActualPower, Capacity.UsedCapacity);
void Magnet_Values(uint8_t key)
{ //0123456789ABCDEF
JetiBox_printfxy(0,0,"Magnet:%3i%% %3i%c",EarthMagneticField, KompassValue,0xDF);
JetiBox_printfxy(0,1,"Incli.:%3i%c (%i) ",EarthMagneticInclination, 0xDF,EarthMagneticInclinationTheoretic);
void Menu_PosInfo(uint8_t key)
JetiBox_printfxy(0,0,"%2um/s Sat:%d ",GPSInfo.Speed,GPSInfo.NumOfSats);
switch (GPSInfo.SatFix)
case SATFIX_3D:
JetiBox_printfxy(12,0," 3D");
// case SATFIX_2D:
// case SATFIX_NONE:
JetiBox_printfxy(0,1,"Home:%3dm %3d%c %c", GPSInfo.HomeDistance/10, GPSInfo.HomeBearing, 0xDF,NC_GPS_ModeCharacter);
{ //0123456789ABCDEF
JetiBox_printfxy(2,0,"No NaviCtrl!");
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// the menu topology
// -----------------------------------------------------------
typedef void (*pFctMenu) (uint8_t); // the menu item handler function pointer
typedef struct{
int8_t left;
int8_t right;
int8_t up;
int8_t down;
pFctMenu pHandler;
// the menu navigation structure
/* |
3 - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 0
const MENU_ENTRY JetiBox_Menu[] PROGMEM=
{ // l r u d pHandler
{4, 1, 0, 0, &Menu_Status }, // 0
{0, 2, 1, 1, &Menu_Temperature }, // 1
{1, 3, 2, 2, &Menu_Battery }, // 2
{2, 4, 3, 3, &Menu_PosInfo }, // 3
{3, 0, 4, 4, &Magnet_Values } // 4
// -----------------------------------------------------------
// Update display buffer
// -----------------------------------------------------------
unsigned char JetiBox_Update(unsigned char key)
static uint8_t item = 0, last_item = 0; // the menu item
static uint8_t updateDelay = 1;
// navigate within the menu by key action
last_item = item;
//if (item == 0) return (1); // switch back to jeti expander menu
// else
item = pgm_read_byte(&JetiBox_Menu[item].left); //trigger to left menu item
item = pgm_read_byte(&JetiBox_Menu[item].right); //trigger to right menu item
item = pgm_read_byte(&JetiBox_Menu[item].up); //trigger to up menu item
item = pgm_read_byte(&JetiBox_Menu[item].down); //trigger to down menu item
// if the menu item has been changed, do not pass the key to the item handler
// to avoid jumping over to items
if(item != last_item) key = JETIBOX_KEY_UNDEF;
if (updateDelay++ & 0x01)
//execute menu item handler
return (0);
0,0 → 1,6
#ifndef _JETIMENU_H
#define _JETIMENU_H
extern unsigned char JetiBox_Update(unsigned char key);
#endif //_JETIMENU_H
0,0 → 1,128
#include <inttypes.h>
#include "main.h"
uint16_t LED1_Timing = 0;
uint16_t LED2_Timing = 0;
unsigned char J16Blinkcount = 0, J16Mask = 1;
unsigned char J17Blinkcount = 0, J17Mask = 1;
// initializes the LED control outputs J16, J17
void LED_Init(void)
// set PC2 & PC3 as output (control of J16 & J17)
DDRC |= (1<<DDC2)|(1<<DDC3);
J16Blinkcount = 0; J16Mask = 128;
J17Blinkcount = 0; J17Mask = 128;
// called in UpdateMotors() every 2ms
void LED_Update(void)
static char delay = 0;
static unsigned char J16Bitmask = 0;
static unsigned char J17Bitmask = 0;
static unsigned char J16Warn = 0, J17Warn = 0;
static unsigned char from_nc = 0;
if(FromNC_WP_EventChannel != -127) { from_nc = (unsigned char) FromNC_WP_EventChannel + 127; /*beeptime = 300;*/};
if(!delay--) // 20ms Intervall
delay = 9;
if(FC_StatusFlags & (FC_STATUS_LOWBAT | FC_STATUS_EMERGENCY_LANDING) || (VersionInfo.HardwareError[1] & FC_ERROR1_I2C))
if(!J16Warn) J16Blinkcount = 4;
J16Warn = 1;
if(!J17Warn) J17Blinkcount = 4;
J17Warn = 1;
J16Warn = 0;
J17Warn = 0;
J16Bitmask = EE_Parameter.J16Bitmask;
J17Bitmask = EE_Parameter.J17Bitmask;
//DebugOut.Analog[29] = EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig3;
// Output 1
if((EE_Parameter.BitConfig & CFG_MOTOR_BLINK1) && !MotorenEin) {if(EE_Parameter.BitConfig & CFG_MOTOR_OFF_LED1) J16_ON; else J16_OFF;}
if((EE_Parameter.J16Timing > 247) && (Parameter_J16Timing > 220)) {if(J16Bitmask & 128) J16_ON; else J16_OFF; J16Mask = 1;}
if((EE_Parameter.J16Timing > 247) && (Parameter_J16Timing == 5)) {if(J16Bitmask & 128) J16_OFF; else J16_ON; J16Mask = 1;}
if(EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig3 & CFG3_USE_NC_FOR_OUT1)
J16Blinkcount = from_nc / 2;
if(!from_nc) { if(J16Bitmask & 128) J16_OFF; else J16_ON; J16Mask = 0; } // Ausschalten
if(J16Mask == 0)
from_nc = 0;
J16Mask = 128;
if(J16Bitmask & 128) J16_OFF; else J16_ON; // Ausschalten
if(J16Mask & J16Bitmask) J16_ON; else J16_OFF;
J16Mask /= 2;
J16Blinkcount = Parameter_J16Timing / 2;
if(J16Mask == 1) { from_nc = 0; J16Mask = 128; } else J16Mask /= 2;
if(J16Mask & J16Bitmask) J16_ON; else J16_OFF;
else // warning case
J16Blinkcount = 10-1;
if(J16Mask == 1) J16Mask = 128; else J16Mask /= 2;
if(J16Mask & EE_Parameter.WARN_J16_Bitmask) J16_ON; else J16_OFF;
// Output 2
if((EE_Parameter.BitConfig & CFG_MOTOR_BLINK2) && !MotorenEin) {if(EE_Parameter.BitConfig & CFG_MOTOR_OFF_LED2) J17_ON; else J17_OFF;}
if((EE_Parameter.J17Timing > 247) && (Parameter_J17Timing > 220)) {if(J17Bitmask & 128) J17_ON; else J17_OFF; J17Mask = 1;}
if((EE_Parameter.J17Timing > 247) && (Parameter_J17Timing == 5)) {if(J17Bitmask & 128) J17_OFF; else J17_ON; J17Mask = 1;}
J17Blinkcount = Parameter_J17Timing / 2;
if(J17Mask == 1) J17Mask = 128; else J17Mask /= 2;
if(J17Mask & J17Bitmask) J17_ON; else J17_OFF;
else // warning case
J17Blinkcount = 10-1;
if(J17Mask == 1) J17Mask = 128; else J17Mask /= 2;
if(J17Mask & EE_Parameter.WARN_J17_Bitmask) J17_ON; else J17_OFF;
if(PORTC & (1<<PORTC2)) FC_StatusFlags2 |= FC_STATUS2_OUT1_ACTIVE; //else FC_StatusFlags2 &= ~FC_STATUS2_OUT1_ACTIVE; // Out1 (J16) -> wird in der SPI zurück gesetzt
if(PORTC & (1<<PORTC3)) FC_StatusFlags2 |= FC_STATUS2_OUT2_ACTIVE; else FC_StatusFlags2 &= ~FC_STATUS2_OUT2_ACTIVE; // Out2 (J17)
0,0 → 1,11
#include <avr/io.h>
#define J16_ON PORTC |= (1<<PORTC2)
#define J16_OFF PORTC &= ~(1<<PORTC2)
#define J16_TOGGLE PORTC ^= (1<<PORTC2)
#define J17_ON PORTC |= (1<<PORTC3)
#define J17_OFF PORTC &= ~(1<<PORTC3)
#define J17_TOGGLE PORTC ^= (1<<PORTC3)
extern void LED_Init(void);
extern void LED_Update(void);
0,0 → 1,24
#ifndef _LIBFC_H
#define _LIBFC_H
#define CPU_UNKNOWN 0
#define CPU_ATMEGA644 1
#define CPU_ATMEGA644P 2
#define CPU_ATMEGA1284 3
#define CPU_ATMEGA1284P 4
extern void LIBFC_Init(unsigned char);
extern void LIBFC_Polling(void);
extern void LIBFC_ReceiverInit(unsigned char rtype);
extern void LIBFC_JetiBox_Putchar(char c);
extern void LIBFC_JetiBox_SetPos(unsigned char index);
extern void LIBFC_JetiBox_Clear(void);
extern void LIBFC_CheckSettings(void);
extern unsigned char LIBFC_GetCPUType(void);
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
extern long ACC_AltitudeFusion(unsigned char init);
#endif //_LIBFC_H
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
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Property changes:
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Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
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0,0 → 1,464
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Software Nutzungsbedingungen (english version: see below)
// + der Fa. HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland - nachfolgend Lizenzgeber genannt -
// + Der Lizenzgeber räumt dem Kunden ein nicht-ausschließliches, zeitlich und räumlich* unbeschränktes Recht ein, die im den
// + Mikrocontroller verwendete Firmware für die Hardware Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, MK3Mag & PC-Programm MikroKopter-Tool
// + - nachfolgend Software genannt - nur für private Zwecke zu nutzen.
// + Der Einsatz dieser Software ist nur auf oder mit Produkten des Lizenzgebers zulässig.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Die vom Lizenzgeber gelieferte Software ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte an der Software sowie an sonstigen im
// + Rahmen der Vertragsanbahnung und Vertragsdurchführung überlassenen Unterlagen stehen im Verhältnis der Vertragspartner ausschließlich dem Lizenzgeber zu.
// + Die in der Software enthaltenen Copyright-Vermerke, Markenzeichen, andere Rechtsvorbehalte, Seriennummern sowie
// + sonstige der Programmidentifikation dienenden Merkmale dürfen vom Kunden nicht verändert oder unkenntlich gemacht werden.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den sicheren Einsatz der Software. Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren
// + Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Die Haftung des Lizenzgebers wird - soweit gesetzlich zulässig - begrenzt in Höhe des typischen und vorhersehbaren
// + Schadens. Die gesetzliche Haftung bei Personenschäden und nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz bleibt unberührt. Dem Lizenzgeber steht jedoch der Einwand
// + des Mitverschuldens offen.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den Fall, dass die Software ganz oder teilweise nicht ordnungsgemäß arbeitet.
// + Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Der Kunde wird er seine Daten vor Einsatz der Software nach dem Stand der Technik sichern.
// + Der Kunde ist darüber unterrichtet, dass der Lizenzgeber seine Daten im zur Vertragsdurchführung erforderlichen Umfang
// + und auf Grundlage der Datenschutzvorschriften erhebt, speichert, verarbeitet und, sofern notwendig, an Dritte übermittelt.
// + *) Die räumliche Nutzung bezieht sich nur auf den Einsatzort, nicht auf die Reichweite der programmierten Software.
// + Hinweis: Informationen über erweiterte Nutzungsrechte (wie z.B. Nutzung für nicht-private Zwecke) sind auf Anfrage per Email an info(@) verfügbar.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + of HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland, Germany - the Licensor -
// + The Licensor grants the customer a non-exclusive license to use the microcontroller firmware of the Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, and MK3Mag hardware
// + (the Software) exclusively for private purposes. The License is unrestricted with respect to time and territory*.
// + The Software may only be used with the Licensor's products.
// + The Software provided by the Licensor is protected by copyright. With respect to the relationship between the parties to this
// + agreement, all rights pertaining to the Software and other documents provided during the preparation and execution of this
// + agreement shall be the property of the Licensor.
// + The information contained in the Software copyright notices, trademarks, other legal reservations, serial numbers and other
// + features that can be used to identify the program may not be altered or defaced by the customer.
// + The customer shall be responsible for taking reasonable precautions
// + for the safe use of the Software. The customer shall test the Software thoroughly regarding its suitability for the
// + intended purpose before implementing it for actual operation. The Licensor's liability shall be limited to the extent of typical and
// + foreseeable damage to the extent permitted by law, notwithstanding statutory liability for bodily injury and product
// + liability. However, the Licensor shall be entitled to the defense of contributory negligence.
// + The customer will take adequate precautions in the case, that the software is not working properly. The customer will test
// + the software for his purpose before any operational usage. The customer will backup his data before using the software.
// + The customer understands that the Licensor collects, stores and processes, and, where required, forwards, customer data
// + to third parties to the extent necessary for executing the agreement, subject to applicable data protection and privacy regulations.
// + *) The territory aspect only refers to the place where the Software is used, not its programmed range.
// + Note: For information on license extensions (e.g. commercial use), please contact us at info(@)
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "main.h"
unsigned char DisableRcOffBeeping = 0;
unsigned char PlatinenVersion = 10;
unsigned char BattLowVoltageWarning = 94;
unsigned int FlugMinuten = 0,FlugMinutenGesamt = 0;
unsigned int FlugSekunden = 0;
pVoidFnct_pVoidFnctChar_const_fmt _printf_P;
unsigned char FoundMotors = 0;
unsigned char JetiBeep = 0; // to allow any Morse-Beeping of the Jeti-Box
unsigned char ActiveParamSet = 3;
void PrintLine(void)
void CalMk3Mag(void)
static unsigned char stick = 1;
if(PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] > -20) stick = 0;
if((PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]] < -70) && !stick)
stick = 1;
if(WinkelOut.CalcState > 4)
// WinkelOut.CalcState = 0; // in Uart.c
beeptime = 1000;
else Piep(WinkelOut.CalcState,150);
void LipoDetection(unsigned char print)
#define MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE 43 // max cell volatage for LiPO
unsigned int timer, cells;
if(print) printf("\n\rBatt:");
if(EE_Parameter.UnterspannungsWarnung < 50) // automatische Zellenerkennung
timer = SetDelay(500);
if(print) while (!CheckDelay(timer));
// up to 6s LiPo, less than 2s is technical impossible
for(cells = 2; cells < 7; cells++)
if(UBat < cells * MAX_CELL_VOLTAGE) break;
BattLowVoltageWarning = cells * EE_Parameter.UnterspannungsWarnung;
Piep(cells, 200);
printf(" %d Cells ", cells);
else BattLowVoltageWarning = EE_Parameter.UnterspannungsWarnung;
if(print) printf(" Low warning: %d.%d",BattLowVoltageWarning/10,BattLowVoltageWarning%10);
int main (void)
unsigned int timer,i,timer2 = 0, timerPolling;
unsigned char update_spi = 1;
DDRB = 0x00;
PORTB = 0x00;
DDRD = 0x0A; // UART & J3 J4 J5
PORTD = 0x5F; // PPM-Input & UART
for(timer = 0; timer < 1000; timer++); // verzögern
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
unsigned char AccZ_ErrorCnt = 0;
if(PINB & 0x02)
if(PIND & 0x10) PlatinenVersion = 21; // No Bridge from J4 to GND
else { PlatinenVersion = 22; ACC_AltitudeControl = 1;};
PlatinenVersion = 23; ACC_AltitudeControl = 1;
if(PINB & 0x01)
if(PINB & 0x02) PlatinenVersion = 13;
else PlatinenVersion = 11;
if(PINB & 0x02) PlatinenVersion = 20;
PlatinenVersion = 10;
DDRD = 0x3E; // Speaker & TXD & J3 J4 J5
PORTD = 0x47; //
DDRC = 0x81; // I2C, Spaker
DDRC |=0x40; // HEF4017 Reset
PORTC = 0xff; // Pullup SDA
DDRB = 0x1B; // LEDs und Druckoffset
PORTB = 0x01; // LED_Rot
MCUSR &=~(1<<WDRF);
WDTCSR |= (1<<WDCE)|(1<<WDE);
beeptime = 2500;
StickGier = 0; PPM_in[K_GAS] = 0; StickRoll = 0; StickNick = 0;
if(PlatinenVersion >= 20) GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR = 1220; else GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR = 1291; // unterschiedlich für ME und ENC
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Check connected BL-Ctrls
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Check connected BL-Ctrls
motor_read = 0; // read the first I2C-Data
timer = SetDelay(500);
while(!(BLFlags & BLFLAG_TX_COMPLETE) && !CheckDelay(timer)); //wait for complete transfer
printf("\n\rFound BL-Ctrl: ");
timer = SetDelay(4000);
for(i=0; i < MAX_MOTORS; i++)
while(!(BLFlags & BLFLAG_TX_COMPLETE) && !CheckDelay(timer)); //wait for complete transfer
if(Mixer.Motor[i][0] > 0) // wait max 4 sec for the BL-Ctrls to wake up
while(!CheckDelay(timer) && !(Motor[i].State & MOTOR_STATE_PRESENT_MASK) )
while(!(BLFlags & BLFLAG_TX_COMPLETE) && !CheckDelay(timer)); //wait for complete transfer
// if(Motor[i].Version & MOTOR_STATE_NEW_PROTOCOL_MASK) printf("(new) ");
for(i=0; i < MAX_MOTORS; i++)
if(!(Motor[i].State & MOTOR_STATE_PRESENT_MASK) && Mixer.Motor[i][0] > 0)
printf("\n\r\n\r!! MISSING BL-CTRL: %d !!",i+1);
ServoActive = 2; // just in case the FC would be used as camera-stabilizer
Motor[i].State &= ~MOTOR_STATE_ERROR_MASK; // clear error counter
PrintLine();// ("\n\r===================================");
if(RequiredMotors < FoundMotors) VersionInfo.HardwareError[1] |= FC_ERROR1_MIXER;
//if(EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig & CFG_HOEHENREGELUNG)
printf("\n\rCalibrating pressure sensor..");
timer = SetDelay(1000);
while (!CheckDelay(timer));
beeptime = 2000;
ExternControl.Digital[0] = 0x55;
FlugMinuten = (unsigned int)GetParamByte(PID_FLIGHT_MINUTES) * 256 + (unsigned int)GetParamByte(PID_FLIGHT_MINUTES + 1);
FlugMinutenGesamt = (unsigned int)GetParamByte(PID_FLIGHT_MINUTES_TOTAL) * 256 + (unsigned int)GetParamByte(PID_FLIGHT_MINUTES_TOTAL + 1);
if((FlugMinutenGesamt == 0xFFFF) || (FlugMinuten == 0xFFFF))
FlugMinuten = 0;
FlugMinutenGesamt = 0;
printf("\n\rFlight-time %u min Total:%u min", FlugMinuten, FlugMinutenGesamt);
I2CTimeout = 5000;
WinkelOut.Orientation = 1;
PrintLine();// ("\n\r===================================");
timer = SetDelay(2000);
timerPolling = SetDelay(250);
Debug(ANSI_CLEAR "FC-Start!\n\rFlugzeit: %d min", FlugMinutenGesamt); // Note: this won't waste flash memory, if #DEBUG is not active
//printf("\n\rEE_Parameter size:%i\n\r", PARAMSET_STRUCT_LEN);
DebugOut.Status[0] = 0x01 | 0x02;
JetiBeep = 0;
if(EE_Parameter.ExtraConfig & CFG_NO_RCOFF_BEEPING) DisableRcOffBeeping = 1;
EEAR = EE_DUMMY; // Set the EEPROM Address pointer to an unused space
if(ReceiverUpdateModeActive) while (1) PORTC &= ~(1<<7); // Beeper off
if(UpdateMotor && AdReady) // ReglerIntervall
if(WinkelOut.CalcState) CalMk3Mag();
else MotorRegler();
if(SenderOkay) { SenderOkay--; /*VersionInfo.HardwareError[1] &= ~FC_ERROR1_PPM;*/ }
TIMSK1 |= _BV(ICIE1); // enable PPM-Input
PPM_in[0] = 0; // set RSSI to zero on data timeout
VersionInfo.HardwareError[1] |= FC_ERROR1_PPM;
//if(HoehenReglerAktiv && NaviDataOkay && SenderOkay < 160 && SenderOkay > 10 && FromNaviCtrl_Value.SerialDataOkay > 220) SenderOkay = 160;
//if(HoehenReglerAktiv && NaviDataOkay && SenderOkay < 101 && SenderOkay > 10 && FromNaviCtrl_Value.SerialDataOkay > 1) SenderOkay = 101;
if(!--I2CTimeout || MissingMotor)
I2CTimeout = 5;
DebugOut.Analog[28]++; // I2C-Error
VersionInfo.HardwareError[1] |= FC_ERROR1_I2C;
DebugOut.Status[1] |= 0x02; // BL-Error-Status
if((BeepMuster == 0xffff) && MotorenEin)
beeptime = 25000;
BeepMuster = 0x0080;
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(NewSBusData) ProcessSBus();
if(CalculateServoSignals) CalculateServo();
static unsigned char second;
timer += 20; // 20 ms interval
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(EE_Parameter.Receiver == RECEIVER_HOTT) HoTT_Menu();
if(EE_Parameter.Receiver == RECEIVER_JETI) BuildJeti_Vario();
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + check the ACC-Z range
if(ACC_AltitudeControl && ((Aktuell_az < 300) || (DebugOut.Analog[7] < (128 * 4) && Aktuell_az > 850))) // DebugOut.Analog[7] = GasMischanteil
if(++AccZ_ErrorCnt > 50)
if(MotorenEin) VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] |= FC_ERROR0_ACC_TOP;
else CalibrationDone = 0;
else AccZ_ErrorCnt = 0;
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
VersionInfo.HardwareError[1] |= FC_ERROR1_BL_MISSING;
DebugOut.Status[1] |= 0x02; // BL-Error-Status
if(I2CTimeout > 6) DebugOut.Status[1] &= ~0x02; // BL-Error-Status
if(DisableRcOffBeeping) if(SenderOkay > 150) { DisableRcOffBeeping = 0; beeptime = 5000;};
if(PcZugriff) PcZugriff--;
ExternControl.Config = 0;
ExternStickNick = 0;
ExternStickRoll = 0;
ExternStickGier = 0;
if(BeepMuster == 0xffff && DisableRcOffBeeping != 2)
beeptime = 15000;
BeepMuster = 0x0c00;
if(DisableRcOffBeeping) DisableRcOffBeeping = 2;
if(NaviDataOkay > 200)
VersionInfo.HardwareError[1] &= ~FC_ERROR1_SPI_RX;
VersionInfo.HardwareError[1] |= FC_ERROR1_SPI_RX;
NC_ErrorCode = 9; // "ERR: no NC communication"
if(BeepMuster == 0xffff && MotorenEin)
beeptime = 15000;
BeepMuster = 0xA800;
GPS_Nick = 0;
GPS_Roll = 0;
GPS_Aid_StickMultiplikator = 0;
GPSInfo.Flags = 0;
FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_K = -1;
FromNaviCtrl.AccErrorN = 0;
FromNaviCtrl.AccErrorR = 0;
FromNaviCtrl.CompassValue = -1;
FromNC_AltitudeSpeed = 0;
FromNC_AltitudeSetpoint = 0;
NaviDataOkay = 0;
if(UBat < BattLowVoltageWarning)
if(BeepMuster == 0xffff)
beeptime = 6000;
BeepMuster = 0x0300;
else if(!beeptime) FC_StatusFlags &= ~FC_STATUS_LOWBAT;
EEAR = EE_DUMMY; // Set the EEPROM Address pointer to an unused space
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Sekundentakt
if(++second == 49)
second = 0;
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(ShowSettingNameTime) ShowSettingNameTime--;
if(FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_FLY) FlugSekunden++;
else timer2 = 1450; // 0,5 Minuten aufrunden
if(modell_fliegt < 1024)
if(StartLuftdruck < Luftdruck) StartLuftdruck += 5;
if(StartLuftdruck > Luftdruck) StartLuftdruck -= 5;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(++timer2 == 2930) // eine Minute
timer2 = 0;
SetParamByte(PID_FLIGHT_MINUTES,FlugMinuten / 256);
SetParamByte(PID_FLIGHT_MINUTES+1,FlugMinuten % 256);
SetParamByte(PID_FLIGHT_MINUTES_TOTAL,FlugMinutenGesamt / 256);
SetParamByte(PID_FLIGHT_MINUTES_TOTAL+1,FlugMinutenGesamt % 256);
timer = SetDelay(20); // falls "timer += 20;" mal nicht geht
} //else DebugOut.Analog[26]++;
if(update_spi) update_spi--;
} // 500Hz
if(update_spi == 0) { SPI_StartTransmitPacket(); update_spi = 12;} // 41Hz
else if(!SendSPI) { SPI_TransmitByte(); }
0,0 → 1,83
#ifndef _MAIN_H
#define _MAIN_H
//#define DEBUG // use to activate debug output to MK-Tool: use Debug(text);
//#define UserParameter8_FAILSAFE
// neue Hardware
#define ROT_OFF {if((PlatinenVersion == 10)||(PlatinenVersion >= 20)) PORTB &=~0x01; else PORTB |= 0x01;}
#define ROT_ON {if((PlatinenVersion == 10)||(PlatinenVersion >= 20)) PORTB |= 0x01; else PORTB &=~0x01;}
#define ROT_FLASH PORTB ^= 0x01
#define GRN_OFF {if((PlatinenVersion < 12) || PlatinenVersion == 23) PORTB &=~0x02; else PORTB |= 0x02;}
#define GRN_ON {if((PlatinenVersion < 12) || PlatinenVersion == 23) PORTB |= 0x02; else PORTB &=~0x02;}
#define GRN_FLASH PORTB ^= 0x02
#define SYSCLK F_CPU
#define J3High PORTD |= 0x20
#define J3Low PORTD &= ~0x20
#define J4High PORTD |= 0x10
#define J4Low PORTD &= ~0x10
#define J5High PORTD |= 0x08
#define J5Low PORTD &= ~0x08
extern volatile unsigned char SenderOkay;
extern unsigned char BattLowVoltageWarning;
extern unsigned char CosinusNickWinkel, CosinusRollWinkel;
extern unsigned char PlatinenVersion;
extern unsigned char FoundMotors,DisableRcOffBeeping;
extern unsigned char JetiBeep;
void LipoDetection(unsigned char print);
extern unsigned int FlugMinuten,FlugMinutenGesamt,FlugSekunden;
extern void PrintLine(void); // "================================="
extern unsigned char ActiveParamSet;
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <avr/eeprom.h>
#include <avr/boot.h>
#include <avr/wdt.h>
#include "old_macros.h"
#include "printf_P.h"
#include "timer0.h"
#include "uart.h"
#include "analog.h"
#include "twimaster.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "rc.h"
#include "fc.h"
#include "gps.h"
#include "spi.h"
#include "led.h"
#include "spektrum.h"
#include "capacity.h"
#include "eeprom.h"
#include "libfc.h"
#include "hottmenu.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "sbus.h"
#include "jeti_ex.h"
#endif //_MAIN_H
0,0 → 1,496
# MCU name
MCU = atmega1284p
#MCU = atmega644p
F_CPU = 20000000
VERSION_SERIAL_MAJOR = 11 # Serial Protocol
VERSION_SERIAL_MINOR = 0 # Serial Protocol
NC_SPI_COMPATIBLE = 55 # Navi-Kompatibilität
# ATMEGA644: 63487 is maximum
# 0 a
# 1 b
# 2 c
# 3 d
# 4 e
# 5 f
# 6 g
# 7 h
# 8 i
# 9 j
# 10 k
# 11 L
# get SVN revision
REV := $(shell sh -c "cat .svn/entries | sed -n '4p'")
ifeq ($(MCU), atmega1284p)
FUSE_SETTINGS = -u -U lfuse:w:0xff:m -U hfuse:w:0xdf:m
LIBFC_EXT = 1284
ifeq ($(MCU), atmega644p)
FUSE_SETTINGS = -u -U lfuse:w:0xff:m -U hfuse:w:0xdf:m
ifeq ($(F_CPU), 16000000)
ifeq ($(F_CPU), 20000000)
# Output format. (can be srec, ihex, binary)
FORMAT = ihex
# Target file name (without extension).
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 0)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 1)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 2)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 3)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 4)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 5)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 6)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 7)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 8)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 9)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 10)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 11)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 12)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 13)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 14)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 15)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 16)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 17)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 18)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 19)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 20)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 21)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 22)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 23)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 24)
ifeq ($(VERSION_PATCH), 25)
# Optimization level, can be [0, 1, 2, 3, s]. 0 turns off optimization.
# (Note: 3 is not always the best optimization level. See avr-libc FAQ.)
OPT = s
#OPT = 2
# List C source files here. (C dependencies are automatically generated.)
SRC = main.c uart.c timer0.c analog.c menu.c eeprom.c
SRC += twimaster.c rc.c fc.c GPS.c spi.c led.c Spektrum.c
SRC += mymath.c jetimenu.c capacity.c debug.c
SRC += hottmenu.c sbus.c user_receiver.c
SRC += jeti_ex.c
# List Assembler source files here.
# Make them always end in a capital .S. Files ending in a lowercase .s
# will not be considered source files but generated files (assembler
# output from the compiler), and will be deleted upon "make clean"!
# Even though the DOS/Win* filesystem matches both .s and .S the same,
# it will preserve the spelling of the filenames, and gcc itself does
# care about how the name is spelled on its command-line.
ASRC = isqrt.S
# List any extra directories to look for include files here.
# Each directory must be seperated by a space.
# Optional compiler flags.
# -g: generate debugging information (for GDB, or for COFF conversion)
# -O*: optimization level
# -f...: tuning, see gcc manual and avr-libc documentation
# -Wall...: warning level
# -Wa,...: tell GCC to pass this to the assembler.
# -ahlms: create assembler listing
CFLAGS = -O$(OPT) -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fpack-struct -fshort-enums -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wa,-adhlns=$(<:%.c=%.lst) $(patsubst %,-I%,$(EXTRAINCDIRS))
# Set a "language standard" compiler flag.
# Unremark just one line below to set the language standard to use.
# gnu99 = C99 + GNU extensions. See GCC manual for more information.
#CFLAGS += -std=c89
#CFLAGS += -std=gnu89
#CFLAGS += -std=c99
CFLAGS += -std=gnu99
# shrink code size
CFLAGS += -mtiny-stack
#CFLAGS += -fno-inline-functions
CFLAGS += -mcall-prologues
# Optional assembler flags.
# -Wa,...: tell GCC to pass this to the assembler.
# -ahlms: create listing
# -gstabs: have the assembler create line number information; note that
# for use in COFF files, additional information about filenames
# and function names needs to be present in the assembler source
# files -- see avr-libc docs [FIXME: not yet described there]
ASFLAGS = -Wa,-adhlns=$(<:.S=.lst),-gstabs
# Optional linker flags.
# -Wl,...: tell GCC to pass this to linker.
# -Map: create map file
# --cref: add cross reference to map file
LDFLAGS = -Wl,-Map=$(TARGET).map,--cref
# Additional libraries
# Minimalistic printf version
#LDFLAGS += -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_min
# Floating point printf version (requires -lm below)
#LDFLAGS += -Wl,-u,vfprintf -lprintf_flt
# -lm = math library
LDFLAGS += -lm
LDFLAGS += libfc$(LIBFC_EXT).a
##LDFLAGS += -T./linkerfile/avr5.x
# Programming support using avrdude. Settings and variables.
# Programming hardware: alf avr910 avrisp bascom bsd
# dt006 pavr picoweb pony-stk200 sp12 stk200 stk500
# Type: avrdude -c ?
# to get a full listing.
#falls Ponyser ausgewählt wird, muss sich unsere avrdude-Configdatei im Bin-Verzeichnis des Compilers befinden
#AVRDUDE_PORT = com1 # programmer connected to serial device
#AVRDUDE_PORT = lpt1 # programmer connected to parallel port
AVRDUDE_PORT = usb # programmer connected to USB
#avrdude -c avrispv2 -P usb -p m32 -U flash:w:blink.hex
# Uncomment the following if you want avrdude's erase cycle counter.
# Note that this counter needs to be initialized first using -Yn,
# see avrdude manual.
# Uncomment the following if you do /not/ wish a verification to be
# performed after programming the device.
# Increase verbosity level. Please use this when submitting bug
# reports about avrdude. See <>
# to submit bug reports.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define directories, if needed.
DIRAVR = c:/winavr
DIRLIB = $(DIRAVR)/avr/lib
# Define programs and commands.
SHELL = sh
CC = avr-gcc
OBJCOPY = avr-objcopy
OBJDUMP = avr-objdump
SIZE = avr-size
# Programming support using avrdude.
AVRDUDE = avrdude
REMOVE = rm -f
COPY = cp
HEXSIZE = $(SIZE) --target=$(FORMAT) $(TARGET).hex
ELFSIZE = $(SIZE) -x -A $(TARGET).elf
LIMITS = $(SIZE) --mcu=$(MCU) -C $(TARGET).elf
# Define Messages
# English
MSG_ERRORS_NONE = Errors: none
MSG_BEGIN = -------- begin --------
MSG_END = -------- end --------
MSG_SIZE_BEFORE = Size before:
MSG_SIZE_AFTER = Size after:
MSG_COFF = Converting to AVR COFF:
MSG_EXTENDED_COFF = Converting to AVR Extended COFF:
MSG_FLASH = Creating load file for Flash:
MSG_EEPROM = Creating load file for EEPROM:
MSG_EXTENDED_LISTING = Creating Extended Listing:
MSG_SYMBOL_TABLE = Creating Symbol Table:
MSG_LINKING = Linking:
MSG_COMPILING = Compiling:
MSG_ASSEMBLING = Assembling:
MSG_CLEANING = Cleaning project:
# Define all object files.
OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.o) $(ASRC:.S=.o)
# Define all listing files.
LST = $(ASRC:.S=.lst) $(SRC:.c=.lst)
# Combine all necessary flags and optional flags.
# Add target processor to flags.
#ALL_CFLAGS = -mmcu=$(MCU) -DF_CPU=$(F_CPU) -I. $(CFLAGS)
ALL_CFLAGS = -mmcu=$(MCU) -I. $(CFLAGS)
ALL_ASFLAGS = -mmcu=$(MCU) -I. -x assembler-with-cpp $(ASFLAGS)
# Default target.
all: begin gccversion sizebefore $(TARGET).elf $(TARGET).hex sizeafter finished end
# Eye candy.
# AVR Studio 3.x does not check make's exit code but relies on
# the following magic strings to be generated by the compile job.
@echo $(MSG_BEGIN)
@echo $(MSG_END)
# Display size of file.
@if [ -f $(TARGET).elf ]; then echo Size before:; $(ELFSIZE); $(HEXSIZE); $(LIMITS); echo; fi
@if [ -f $(TARGET).elf ]; then echo Size after:; $(ELFSIZE); $(HEXSIZE); $(LIMITS); echo; fi
# Display compiler version information.
gccversion :
@$(CC) --version
# Convert ELF to COFF for use in debugging / simulating in
# AVR Studio or VMLAB.
COFFCONVERT=$(OBJCOPY) --debugging \
--change-section-address .data-0x800000 \
--change-section-address .bss-0x800000 \
--change-section-address .noinit-0x800000 \
--change-section-address .eeprom-0x810000
coff: $(TARGET).elf
@echo $(MSG_COFF) $(TARGET).cof
$(COFFCONVERT) -O coff-avr $< $(TARGET).cof
extcoff: $(TARGET).elf
$(COFFCONVERT) -O coff-ext-avr $< $(TARGET).cof
# Program the device.
program: $(TARGET).hex $(TARGET).eep
# Create final output files (.hex, .eep) from ELF output file.
%.hex: %.elf
@echo $(MSG_FLASH) $@
$(OBJCOPY) -O $(FORMAT) -R .eeprom $< $@
%.eep: %.elf
@echo $(MSG_EEPROM) $@
-$(OBJCOPY) -j .eeprom --set-section-flags=.eeprom="alloc,load" \
--change-section-lma .eeprom=0 -O $(FORMAT) $< $@
# Create extended listing file from ELF output file.
%.lss: %.elf
$(OBJDUMP) -h -S $< > $@
# Create a symbol table from ELF output file.
%.sym: %.elf
@echo $(MSG_SYMBOL_TABLE) $@
avr-nm -n $< > $@
# Link: create ELF output file from object files.
%.elf: $(OBJ)
@echo $(MSG_LINKING) $@
$(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) $(OBJ) --output $@ $(LDFLAGS)
# Compile: create object files from C source files.
%.o : %.c
@echo $(MSG_COMPILING) $<
$(CC) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Compile: create assembler files from C source files.
%.s : %.c
$(CC) -S $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Assemble: create object files from assembler source files.
%.o : %.S
@echo $(MSG_ASSEMBLING) $<
$(CC) -c $(ALL_ASFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Target: clean project.
clean: begin clean_list finished end
clean_list :
$(REMOVE) Flight-Ctrl_*.hex
$(REMOVE) Flight-Ctrl_*.eep
$(REMOVE) Flight-Ctrl_*.elf
$(REMOVE) Flight-Ctrl_*.map
$(REMOVE) Flight-Ctrl_*.sym
$(REMOVE) $(SRC:.c=.s)
$(REMOVE) $(SRC:.c=.d)
$(REMOVE) $(SRC:.c=.o)
# Automatically generate C source code dependencies.
# (Code originally taken from the GNU make user manual and modified
# (See README.txt Credits).)
# Note that this will work with sh (bash) and sed that is shipped with WinAVR
# (see the SHELL variable defined above).
# This may not work with other shells or other seds.
%.d: %.c
set -e; $(CC) -MM $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< \
| sed 's,\(.*\)\.o[ :]*,\1.o \1.d : ,g' > $@; \
[ -s $@ ] || rm -f $@
# Remove the '-' if you want to see the dependency files generated.
-include $(SRC:%.c=%.d)
# Listing of phony targets.
.PHONY : all begin finish end sizebefore sizeafter gccversion coff extcoff \
clean clean_list program
0,0 → 1,265
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Software Nutzungsbedingungen (english version: see below)
// + der Fa. HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland - nachfolgend Lizenzgeber genannt -
// + Der Lizenzgeber räumt dem Kunden ein nicht-ausschließliches, zeitlich und räumlich* unbeschränktes Recht ein, die im den
// + Mikrocontroller verwendete Firmware für die Hardware Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, MK3Mag & PC-Programm MikroKopter-Tool
// + - nachfolgend Software genannt - nur für private Zwecke zu nutzen.
// + Der Einsatz dieser Software ist nur auf oder mit Produkten des Lizenzgebers zulässig.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Die vom Lizenzgeber gelieferte Software ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte an der Software sowie an sonstigen im
// + Rahmen der Vertragsanbahnung und Vertragsdurchführung überlassenen Unterlagen stehen im Verhältnis der Vertragspartner ausschließlich dem Lizenzgeber zu.
// + Die in der Software enthaltenen Copyright-Vermerke, Markenzeichen, andere Rechtsvorbehalte, Seriennummern sowie
// + sonstige der Programmidentifikation dienenden Merkmale dürfen vom Kunden nicht verändert oder unkenntlich gemacht werden.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den sicheren Einsatz der Software. Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren
// + Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Die Haftung des Lizenzgebers wird - soweit gesetzlich zulässig - begrenzt in Höhe des typischen und vorhersehbaren
// + Schadens. Die gesetzliche Haftung bei Personenschäden und nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz bleibt unberührt. Dem Lizenzgeber steht jedoch der Einwand
// + des Mitverschuldens offen.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den Fall, dass die Software ganz oder teilweise nicht ordnungsgemäß arbeitet.
// + Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Der Kunde wird er seine Daten vor Einsatz der Software nach dem Stand der Technik sichern.
// + Der Kunde ist darüber unterrichtet, dass der Lizenzgeber seine Daten im zur Vertragsdurchführung erforderlichen Umfang
// + und auf Grundlage der Datenschutzvorschriften erhebt, speichert, verarbeitet und, sofern notwendig, an Dritte übermittelt.
// + *) Die räumliche Nutzung bezieht sich nur auf den Einsatzort, nicht auf die Reichweite der programmierten Software.
// + Hinweis: Informationen über erweiterte Nutzungsrechte (wie z.B. Nutzung für nicht-private Zwecke) sind auf Anfrage per Email an info(@) verfügbar.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + of HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland, Germany - the Licensor -
// + The Licensor grants the customer a non-exclusive license to use the microcontroller firmware of the Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, and MK3Mag hardware
// + (the Software) exclusively for private purposes. The License is unrestricted with respect to time and territory*.
// + The Software may only be used with the Licensor's products.
// + The Software provided by the Licensor is protected by copyright. With respect to the relationship between the parties to this
// + agreement, all rights pertaining to the Software and other documents provided during the preparation and execution of this
// + agreement shall be the property of the Licensor.
// + The information contained in the Software copyright notices, trademarks, other legal reservations, serial numbers and other
// + features that can be used to identify the program may not be altered or defaced by the customer.
// + The customer shall be responsible for taking reasonable precautions
// + for the safe use of the Software. The customer shall test the Software thoroughly regarding its suitability for the
// + intended purpose before implementing it for actual operation. The Licensor's liability shall be limited to the extent of typical and
// + foreseeable damage to the extent permitted by law, notwithstanding statutory liability for bodily injury and product
// + liability. However, the Licensor shall be entitled to the defense of contributory negligence.
// + The customer will take adequate precautions in the case, that the software is not working properly. The customer will test
// + the software for his purpose before any operational usage. The customer will backup his data before using the software.
// + The customer understands that the Licensor collects, stores and processes, and, where required, forwards, customer data
// + to third parties to the extent necessary for executing the agreement, subject to applicable data protection and privacy regulations.
// + *) The territory aspect only refers to the place where the Software is used, not its programmed range.
// + Note: For information on license extensions (e.g. commercial use), please contact us at info(@)
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "main.h"
#include "eeprom.h"
char DisplayBuff[80];
unsigned char DispPtr = 0;
unsigned char MaxMenue = 16;
unsigned char MenuePunkt = 0;
unsigned char RemoteKeys = 0;
#define KEY1 0x01
#define KEY2 0x02
#define KEY3 0x04
#define KEY4 0x08
#define KEY5 0x10
void LcdClear(void)
unsigned char i;
for(i=0;i<80;i++) DisplayBuff[i] = ' ';
void Menu_Putchar(char c)
if(DispPtr < 80) DisplayBuff[DispPtr++] = c;
void Menu(void)
unsigned char i;
if(RemoteKeys & KEY1) { if(MenuePunkt) MenuePunkt--; else MenuePunkt = MaxMenue;}
if(RemoteKeys & KEY2) { if(MenuePunkt == MaxMenue) MenuePunkt = 0; else MenuePunkt++;}
if((RemoteKeys & KEY1) && (RemoteKeys & KEY2)) MenuePunkt = 0;
if(MenuePunkt < 10) {LCD_printfxy(17,0,"[%i]",MenuePunkt);}
else {LCD_printfxy(16,0,"[%i]",MenuePunkt);};
case 0:
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"+ MikroKopter +");
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"HW:V%d.%d SW:%d.%d%c V4",PlatinenVersion/10,PlatinenVersion%10, VERSION_MAJOR, VERSION_MINOR, VERSION_PATCH +'a');
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Setting:%d %s", ActiveParamSet,Mixer.Name);
if(VersionInfo.HardwareError[1] & FC_ERROR1_MIXER) LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Mixer Error!")
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
_printf_P(&Menu_Putchar, NC_ERROR_TEXT[NC_ErrorCode] , 0);
if(VersionInfo.HardwareError[0]) LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Hardware Error 1:%d !!",VersionInfo.HardwareError[0])
if(MissingMotor) LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Missing BL-Ctrl:%d!!",MissingMotor)
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"! NC-ERR: %2d ! ",NC_ErrorCode);
// if(VersionInfo.HardwareError[1]) LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Error 2:%d !!",VersionInfo.HardwareError[1])
if(I2CTimeout < 6) LCD_printfxy(0,3,"I2C ERROR!!!")
case 1:
if(Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_HOEHENREGELUNG)
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"Height: %5i",(int)(HoehenWert/5));
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Offset: %5i",OCR0A);
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(ACC_AltitudeControl) LCD_printfxy(17,3,"(A)",OCR0A);
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"Height control");
//LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Height control");
case 2:
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"act. bearing");
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Nick: %5i",IntegralNick/1024);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Roll: %5i",IntegralRoll/1024);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Compass: %5i",ErsatzKompassInGrad);
case 3:
for(i=1;i<9;i+=2) LCD_printfxy(0,i/2,"K%i:%4i K%i:%4i ",i,PPM_in[i],i+1,PPM_in[i+1]);
case 4:
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"Ni:%4i Ro:%4i ",PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]],PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]]);
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Gs:%4i Gi:%4i ",PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GAS]]+127,PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GIER]]);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"P1:%4i P2:%4i ",PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI1]]+127,PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI2]]+127);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"P3:%4i P4:%4i ",PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI3]]+127,PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_POTI4]]+127);
case 5:
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"Gyro - Sensor");
if(PlatinenVersion == 10)
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Nick%4i (%3i.%i)",AdWertNick - AdNeutralNick/8, AdNeutralNick/8, AdNeutralNick%8);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Roll%4i (%3i.%i)",AdWertRoll - AdNeutralRoll/8, AdNeutralRoll/8, AdNeutralRoll%8);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Gier%4i (%3i)",AdNeutralGier - AdWertGier, AdNeutralGier);
if((PlatinenVersion == 11) || (PlatinenVersion >= 20))
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Nick %4i (%3i.%x)",AdWertNick - AdNeutralNick/8, AdNeutralNick/16, (AdNeutralNick%16)/2);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Roll %4i (%3i.%x)",AdWertRoll - AdNeutralRoll/8, AdNeutralRoll/16, (AdNeutralRoll%16)/2);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Yaw %4i (%3i)",AdNeutralGier - AdWertGier, AdNeutralGier/2);
if(PlatinenVersion == 13)
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Nick %4i (%3i)(%3i)",AdWertNick - AdNeutralNick/8, AdNeutralNick/16,AnalogOffsetNick);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Roll %4i (%3i)(%3i)",AdWertRoll - AdNeutralRoll/8, AdNeutralRoll/16,AnalogOffsetRoll);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Yaw %4i (%3i)(%3i)",AdNeutralGier - AdWertGier, AdNeutralGier/2,AnalogOffsetGier);
case 6:
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"ACC - Sensor");
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Nick %4i (%3i)",AdWertAccNick,NeutralAccX);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Roll %4i (%3i)",AdWertAccRoll,NeutralAccY);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Z %4i (%3i)",AdWertAccHoch,(int)NeutralAccZ);
case 7:
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"Voltage: %3i.%1iV",UBat/10, UBat%10);
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Current: %3i.%1iA",Capacity.ActualCurrent/10, Capacity.ActualCurrent%10);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Power: %4iW",Capacity.ActualPower);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Discharge: %5imAh", Capacity.UsedCapacity);
case 8:
// LCD_printfxy(0,1,"RC-RSSI: %4i", PPM_in[0]);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"RC-Quality: %4i", SenderOkay);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"RC-Channels:%4i", Channels-1);
case 9:
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Magnet: %5i",KompassValue);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Gyro: %5i",ErsatzKompassInGrad);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Setpoint: %5i",KompassSollWert);
case 10:
for(i=0;i<4;i++) LCD_printfxy(0,i,"Poti%i: %3i",i+1,Poti[i]);
case 11:
for(i=0;i<4;i++) LCD_printfxy(0,i,"Poti%i: %3i",i+5,Poti[i+4]);
case 12:
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"Servo " );
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Setpoint %3i",Parameter_ServoNickControl);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Position: %3i",ServoNickValue/4);
/* case 13:
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"ExternControl " );
LCD_printfxy(0,1,"Ni:%4i Ro:%4i ",ExternControl.Nick,ExternControl.Roll);
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Gs:%4i Gi:%4i ",ExternControl.Gas,ExternControl.Gier);
LCD_printfxy(0,3,"Hi:%4i Cf:%4i ",ExternControl.Hight,ExternControl.Config);
case 13:
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"BL-Ctrl Errors " );
LCD_printfxy(0,i+1,"%3d %3d %3d %3d ",Motor[i*4].State & MOTOR_STATE_ERROR_MASK,Motor[i*4+1].State & MOTOR_STATE_ERROR_MASK,Motor[i*4+2].State & MOTOR_STATE_ERROR_MASK,Motor[i*4+3].State & MOTOR_STATE_ERROR_MASK);
// if(i*4 >= RequiredMotors) break;
case 14:
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"BL Temperature" );
LCD_printfxy(0,i+1,"%3d %3d %3d %3d ",Motor[i*4].Temperature,Motor[i*4+1].Temperature,Motor[i*4+2].Temperature,Motor[i*4+3].Temperature);
// if(4 + i * 4 >= RequiredMotors) break;
case 15:
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"BL-Ctrl found " );
LCD_printfxy(0,1," %c %c %c %c ",'-' + 4 * (Motor[0].State>>7),'-' + 5 * (Motor[1].State>>7),'-' + 6 * (Motor[2].State>>7),'-' + 7 * (Motor[3].State>>7));
LCD_printfxy(0,2," %c %c %c %c ",'-' + 8 * (Motor[4].State>>7),'-' + 9 * (Motor[5].State>>7),'-' + 10 * (Motor[6].State>>7),'-' + 11 * (Motor[7].State>>7));
LCD_printfxy(0,3," %c - - - ",'-' + 12 * (Motor[8].State>>7));
if(Motor[9].State>>7) LCD_printfxy(4,3,"10");
if(Motor[10].State>>7) LCD_printfxy(8,3,"11");
if(Motor[11].State>>7) LCD_printfxy(12,3,"12");
case 16:
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"Flight-Time " );
LCD_printfxy(0,2,"Act: %5umin",FlugMinuten);
if(RemoteKeys & KEY4)
FlugMinuten = 0;
SetParamWord(PID_FLIGHT_MINUTES, FlugMinuten);
if(MenuePunkt == MaxMenue) MaxMenue--;
MenuePunkt = 0;
RemoteKeys = 0;
0,0 → 1,17
#ifndef _MENU_H
#define _MENU_H
extern void Menu(void);
extern void LcdClear(void);
extern void Menu_Putchar(char c);
extern char DisplayBuff[80];
extern unsigned char DispPtr;
extern unsigned char MaxMenue;
extern unsigned char MenuePunkt;
extern unsigned char RemoteKeys;
#define LCD_printfxy(x,y,format, args...) { DispPtr = (y) * 20 + (x); _printf_P(&Menu_Putchar,PSTR(format) , ## args);}
#define LCD_printf(format, args...) { _printf_P(&Menu_Putchar, PSTR(format) , ## args);}
#endif //_MENU_H
0,0 → 1,41
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include "mymath.h"
// discrete mathematics
// Sinus with argument in degree at an angular resolution of 1 degree and a discretisation of 13 bit.
const uint16_t pgm_sinlookup[91] PROGMEM = {0, 143, 286, 429, 571, 714, 856, 998, 1140, 1282, 1423, 1563, 1703, 1843, 1982, 2120, 2258, 2395, 2531, 2667, 2802, 2936, 3069, 3201, 3332, 3462, 3591, 3719, 3846, 3972, 4096, 4219, 4341, 4462, 4581, 4699, 4815, 4930, 5043, 5155, 5266, 5374, 5482, 5587, 5691, 5793, 5893, 5991, 6088, 6183, 6275, 6366, 6455, 6542, 6627, 6710, 6791, 6870, 6947, 7022, 7094, 7165, 7233, 7299, 7363, 7424, 7484, 7541, 7595, 7648, 7698, 7746, 7791, 7834, 7875, 7913, 7949, 7982, 8013, 8041, 8068, 8091, 8112, 8131, 8147, 8161, 8172, 8181, 8187, 8191, 8192};
int16_t c_sin_8192(int16_t angle)
int8_t m,n;
int16_t sinus;
// avoid negative angles
if (angle < 0)
m = -1;
angle = abs(angle);
else m = +1;
// fold angle to intervall 0 to 359
angle %= 360;
// check quadrant
if (angle <= 90) n=1; // first quadrant
else if ((angle > 90) && (angle <= 180)) {angle = 180 - angle; n = 1;} // second quadrant
else if ((angle > 180) && (angle <= 270)) {angle = angle - 180; n = -1;} // third quadrant
else {angle = 360 - angle; n = -1;} //fourth quadrant
// get lookup value
sinus = pgm_read_word(&pgm_sinlookup[angle]);
// calculate sinus value
return (sinus * m * n);
// Cosinus with argument in degree at an angular resolution of 1 degree and a discretisation of 13 bit.
int16_t c_cos_8192(int16_t angle)
return (c_sin_8192(90 - angle));
0,0 → 1,10
#ifndef _MYMATH_H
#define _MYMATH_H
#include <inttypes.h>
extern int16_t c_sin_8192(int16_t angle);
extern int16_t c_cos_8192(int16_t angle);
extern int16_t c_atan2(int16_t y, int16_t x);
extern uint32_t c_sqrt(uint32_t a);
#endif // _MYMATH_H
0,0 → 1,47
For backwards compatibility only.
Ingo Busker
#ifndef cbi
#define cbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) &= ~_BV(bit))
#ifndef sbi
#define sbi(sfr, bit) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) |= _BV(bit))
#ifndef inb
#define inb(sfr) _SFR_BYTE(sfr)
#ifndef outb
#define outb(sfr, val) (_SFR_BYTE(sfr) = (val))
#ifndef inw
#define inw(sfr) _SFR_WORD(sfr)
#ifndef outw
#define outw(sfr, val) (_SFR_WORD(sfr) = (val))
#ifndef outp
#define outp(val, sfr) outb(sfr, val)
#ifndef inp
#define inp(sfr) inb(sfr)
#ifndef BV
#define BV(bit) _BV(bit)
#ifndef PRG_RDB
#define PRG_RDB pgm_read_byte
0,0 → 1,69
// Die Funktion printf_P() unterliegt ihrer eigenen Lizenz und ist nicht von der Lizenz für den MikroKopter-Teil unterstellt
Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation
This file is part of the GNU IO Library. This library is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, if you link this library with files
compiled with a GNU compiler to produce an executable, this does not cause
the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
* Copyright (c) 1990 Regents of the University of California.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. [rescinded 22 July 1999]
* 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
* may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.
#ifndef _PRINTF_P_H_
#define _PRINTF_P_H_
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
// function pointer to external callback function
typedef void (*pVoidFnctChar) (char );
typedef void (*pVoidFnct_pVoidFnctChar_const_fmt) (pVoidFnctChar, char const *fmt0, ...);
extern pVoidFnct_pVoidFnctChar_const_fmt _printf_P;
#endif //_PRINTF_P_H_
0,0 → 1,283
Decodieren eines RC Summen Signals
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Software Nutzungsbedingungen (english version: see below)
// + der Fa. HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland - nachfolgend Lizenzgeber genannt -
// + Der Lizenzgeber räumt dem Kunden ein nicht-ausschließliches, zeitlich und räumlich* unbeschränktes Recht ein, die im den
// + Mikrocontroller verwendete Firmware für die Hardware Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, MK3Mag & PC-Programm MikroKopter-Tool
// + - nachfolgend Software genannt - nur für private Zwecke zu nutzen.
// + Der Einsatz dieser Software ist nur auf oder mit Produkten des Lizenzgebers zulässig.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Die vom Lizenzgeber gelieferte Software ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte an der Software sowie an sonstigen im
// + Rahmen der Vertragsanbahnung und Vertragsdurchführung überlassenen Unterlagen stehen im Verhältnis der Vertragspartner ausschließlich dem Lizenzgeber zu.
// + Die in der Software enthaltenen Copyright-Vermerke, Markenzeichen, andere Rechtsvorbehalte, Seriennummern sowie
// + sonstige der Programmidentifikation dienenden Merkmale dürfen vom Kunden nicht verändert oder unkenntlich gemacht werden.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den sicheren Einsatz der Software. Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren
// + Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Die Haftung des Lizenzgebers wird - soweit gesetzlich zulässig - begrenzt in Höhe des typischen und vorhersehbaren
// + Schadens. Die gesetzliche Haftung bei Personenschäden und nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz bleibt unberührt. Dem Lizenzgeber steht jedoch der Einwand
// + des Mitverschuldens offen.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den Fall, dass die Software ganz oder teilweise nicht ordnungsgemäß arbeitet.
// + Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Der Kunde wird er seine Daten vor Einsatz der Software nach dem Stand der Technik sichern.
// + Der Kunde ist darüber unterrichtet, dass der Lizenzgeber seine Daten im zur Vertragsdurchführung erforderlichen Umfang
// + und auf Grundlage der Datenschutzvorschriften erhebt, speichert, verarbeitet und, sofern notwendig, an Dritte übermittelt.
// + *) Die räumliche Nutzung bezieht sich nur auf den Einsatzort, nicht auf die Reichweite der programmierten Software.
// + Hinweis: Informationen über erweiterte Nutzungsrechte (wie z.B. Nutzung für nicht-private Zwecke) sind auf Anfrage per Email an info(@) verfügbar.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + of HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland, Germany - the Licensor -
// + The Licensor grants the customer a non-exclusive license to use the microcontroller firmware of the Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, and MK3Mag hardware
// + (the Software) exclusively for private purposes. The License is unrestricted with respect to time and territory*.
// + The Software may only be used with the Licensor's products.
// + The Software provided by the Licensor is protected by copyright. With respect to the relationship between the parties to this
// + agreement, all rights pertaining to the Software and other documents provided during the preparation and execution of this
// + agreement shall be the property of the Licensor.
// + The information contained in the Software copyright notices, trademarks, other legal reservations, serial numbers and other
// + features that can be used to identify the program may not be altered or defaced by the customer.
// + The customer shall be responsible for taking reasonable precautions
// + for the safe use of the Software. The customer shall test the Software thoroughly regarding its suitability for the
// + intended purpose before implementing it for actual operation. The Licensor's liability shall be limited to the extent of typical and
// + foreseeable damage to the extent permitted by law, notwithstanding statutory liability for bodily injury and product
// + liability. However, the Licensor shall be entitled to the defense of contributory negligence.
// + The customer will take adequate precautions in the case, that the software is not working properly. The customer will test
// + the software for his purpose before any operational usage. The customer will backup his data before using the software.
// + The customer understands that the Licensor collects, stores and processes, and, where required, forwards, customer data
// + to third parties to the extent necessary for executing the agreement, subject to applicable data protection and privacy regulations.
// + *) The territory aspect only refers to the place where the Software is used, not its programmed range.
// + Note: For information on license extensions (e.g. commercial use), please contact us at info(@)
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "rc.h"
#include "main.h"
// Achtung: ACT_S3D_SUMMENSIGNAL wird in der Main.h gesetzt
#define MAX_RC_IN 16+12+3+4 // 16ch + 12ser + 3stages + 4 reserved
volatile int PPM_in[MAX_RC_IN];
volatile int PPM_diff[MAX_RC_IN]; // das differnzierte Stick-Signal
volatile char Channels,tmpChannels = 0;
volatile unsigned char NewPpmData = 1;
unsigned int PPM_Neutral = 466;
// Clear the values
void rc_sum_init(void)
unsigned char i;
if(i < 5) PPM_in[i] = 0; else PPM_in[i] = -127;
PPM_diff[i] = 0;
PPM_in[PPM_IN_MAX] = +127;
PPM_in[PPM_IN_OFF] = -127;
PPM_in[PPM_IN_MID] = 0;
AdNeutralGier = 0;
AdNeutralRoll = 0;
AdNeutralNick = 0;
// Interrupt function for the PPM-Input
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(!(EE_Parameter.ExtraConfig & CFG_SENSITIVE_RC))
static unsigned int AltICR=0;
signed int signal = 0,tmp;
static int index;
signal = (unsigned int) ICR1 - AltICR;
AltICR = ICR1;
//Syncronisationspause? (3.52 ms < signal < 25.6 ms)
if((signal > 1100) && (signal < 8000))
Channels = index;
if(index >= 4) NewPpmData = 0; // Null bedeutet: Neue Daten
index = 1;
if(index < 13+4)
if((signal > 250) && (signal < 687))
signal -= PPM_Neutral;
// Stabiles Signal
if(EE_Parameter.FailsafeChannel == 0 || PPM_in[EE_Parameter.FailsafeChannel] < 100) // forces Failsafe if the receiver doesn't have 'signal loss' on Failsafe
if(abs(signal - PPM_in[index]) < 6) { if(SenderOkay < 200) SenderOkay += 10; else SenderOkay = 200;}
tmp = (3 * (PPM_in[index]) + signal) / 4;
if(tmp > signal+1) tmp--; else
if(tmp < signal-1) tmp++;
if(SenderOkay >= 195) PPM_diff[index] = ((tmp - PPM_in[index]) / 3) * 3;
else PPM_diff[index] = 0;
PPM_in[index] = tmp;
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(PlatinenVersion < 20)
if(index == 5) J3High; else J3Low; // Servosignal an J3 anlegen
if(index == 6) J4High; else J4Low; // Servosignal an J4 anlegen
if(index == 7) J5High; else J5Low; // Servosignal an J5 anlegen
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
static unsigned int AltICR=0;
static int ppm_in[13+4];
static int ppm_diff[13+4];
static int old_ppm_in[13+4];
static int old_ppm_diff[13+4];
signed int signal = 0,tmp;
static unsigned char index, okay_cnt = 0;
signal = (unsigned int) ICR1 - AltICR;
AltICR = ICR1;
//Syncronisationspause? (3.52 ms < signal < 25.6 ms)
if((signal > 1100) && (signal < 8000))
tmpChannels = index;
if(tmpChannels >= 4 && Channels == tmpChannels)
if(okay_cnt > 10)
NewPpmData = 0; // Null bedeutet: Neue Daten
for(index = 0; index < 13+4; index++)
if(okay_cnt > 30)
old_ppm_in[index] = PPM_in[index];
old_ppm_diff[index] = PPM_diff[index];
PPM_in[index] = ppm_in[index];
PPM_diff[index] = ppm_diff[index];
if(okay_cnt < 255) okay_cnt++;
if(okay_cnt > 100) okay_cnt = 10; else okay_cnt = 0;
index = 1;
if(!MotorenEin) Channels = tmpChannels;
if(index < 13+4)
if((signal > 250) && (signal < 687))
signal -= PPM_Neutral;
// Stabiles Signal
if((abs(signal - ppm_in[index]) < 6))
if(EE_Parameter.FailsafeChannel == 0 || PPM_in[EE_Parameter.FailsafeChannel] < 100) // forces Failsafe if the receiver doesn't have 'signal loss' on Failsafe
if(okay_cnt > 25) SenderOkay += 10;
if(okay_cnt > 10) SenderOkay += 2;
if(SenderOkay > 200) SenderOkay = 200;
tmp = (3 * (ppm_in[index]) + signal) / 4;
if(tmp > signal+1) tmp--; else
if(tmp < signal-1) tmp++;
if(SenderOkay >= 190) ppm_diff[index] = ((tmp - ppm_in[index]) / 3) * 3;
else ppm_diff[index] = 0;
ppm_in[index] = tmp;
else ROT_ON;
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(PlatinenVersion < 20)
if(index == 5) J3High; else J3Low; // Servosignal an J3 anlegen
if(index == 6) J4High; else J4Low; // Servosignal an J4 anlegen
if(index == 7) J5High; else J5Low; // Servosignal an J5 anlegen
if(index < 20) index++;
if(index == 20)
unsigned char i;
index = 30;
for(i=0;i<13+4;i++) // restore from older data
PPM_in[i] = old_ppm_in[i];
PPM_diff[i] = 0;
// okay_cnt /= 2;
// Interrupt function for the PPM-Input
static unsigned int AltICR=0;
signed int signal = 0,tmp;
static int index;
signal = (unsigned int) ICR1 - AltICR;
signal /= 2;
AltICR = ICR1;
if((signal > 1100*2) && (signal < 8000*2))
if(index >= 4) NewPpmData = 0; // Null bedeutet: Neue Daten
index = 1;
if(index < 13)
if((signal > 250) && (signal < 687*2))
signal -= 962;
// Stabiles Signal
if(abs(signal - PPM_in[index]) < 6) { if(SenderOkay < 200) SenderOkay += 10;}
tmp = (3 * (PPM_in[index]) + signal) / 4;
if(tmp > signal+1) tmp--; else
if(tmp < signal-1) tmp++;
if(SenderOkay >= 195) PPM_diff[index] = ((tmp - PPM_in[index]) / 3) * 3;
else PPM_diff[index] = 0;
PPM_in[index] = tmp;
0,0 → 1,42
Derkodieren eines RC Summen Signals
#ifndef _RC_H
#define _RC_H
#if defined (__AVR_ATmega644__)
#if defined (__AVR_ATmega644P__)
#define MAX_RC_IN 16+12+3+4 // 16ch + 12ser + 3stages + 4 reserved
extern void rc_sum_init (void);
extern volatile int PPM_in[MAX_RC_IN];
extern volatile int PPM_diff[MAX_RC_IN]; // das diffenzierte Stick-Signal
extern volatile unsigned char NewPpmData;
extern volatile char Channels,tmpChannels;
extern unsigned int PPM_Neutral;
// 0 -> frei bzw. ACT rssi
// 1 - 16 -> 1-16
// 17 - 28 -> 12 Serial channels
// 29 -> WP-Event kanal
// 30 -> -127
// 31 -> 0
// 32 -> 128
#define WP_EVENT_PPM_IN 29
#define PPM_IN_OFF 30
#define PPM_IN_MAX 31
#define PPM_IN_MID 32
#define FromNC_WP_EventChannel PPM_in[WP_EVENT_PPM_IN] // WP_EVENT-Channel-Value
#endif //_RC_H
0,0 → 1,199
Decodes the sbus protocol
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Software Nutzungsbedingungen (english version: see below)
// + der Fa. HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland - nachfolgend Lizenzgeber genannt -
// + Der Lizenzgeber räumt dem Kunden ein nicht-ausschließliches, zeitlich und räumlich* unbeschränktes Recht ein, die im den
// + Mikrocontroller verwendete Firmware für die Hardware Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, MK3Mag & PC-Programm MikroKopter-Tool
// + - nachfolgend Software genannt - nur für private Zwecke zu nutzen.
// + Der Einsatz dieser Software ist nur auf oder mit Produkten des Lizenzgebers zulässig.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Die vom Lizenzgeber gelieferte Software ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte an der Software sowie an sonstigen im
// + Rahmen der Vertragsanbahnung und Vertragsdurchführung überlassenen Unterlagen stehen im Verhältnis der Vertragspartner ausschließlich dem Lizenzgeber zu.
// + Die in der Software enthaltenen Copyright-Vermerke, Markenzeichen, andere Rechtsvorbehalte, Seriennummern sowie
// + sonstige der Programmidentifikation dienenden Merkmale dürfen vom Kunden nicht verändert oder unkenntlich gemacht werden.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den sicheren Einsatz der Software. Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren
// + Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Die Haftung des Lizenzgebers wird - soweit gesetzlich zulässig - begrenzt in Höhe des typischen und vorhersehbaren
// + Schadens. Die gesetzliche Haftung bei Personenschäden und nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz bleibt unberührt. Dem Lizenzgeber steht jedoch der Einwand
// + des Mitverschuldens offen.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den Fall, dass die Software ganz oder teilweise nicht ordnungsgemäß arbeitet.
// + Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Der Kunde wird er seine Daten vor Einsatz der Software nach dem Stand der Technik sichern.
// + Der Kunde ist darüber unterrichtet, dass der Lizenzgeber seine Daten im zur Vertragsdurchführung erforderlichen Umfang
// + und auf Grundlage der Datenschutzvorschriften erhebt, speichert, verarbeitet und, sofern notwendig, an Dritte übermittelt.
// + *) Die räumliche Nutzung bezieht sich nur auf den Einsatzort, nicht auf die Reichweite der programmierten Software.
// + Hinweis: Informationen über erweiterte Nutzungsrechte (wie z.B. Nutzung für nicht-private Zwecke) sind auf Anfrage per Email an info(@) verfügbar.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + of HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland, Germany - the Licensor -
// + The Licensor grants the customer a non-exclusive license to use the microcontroller firmware of the Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, and MK3Mag hardware
// + (the Software) exclusively for private purposes. The License is unrestricted with respect to time and territory*.
// + The Software may only be used with the Licensor's products.
// + The Software provided by the Licensor is protected by copyright. With respect to the relationship between the parties to this
// + agreement, all rights pertaining to the Software and other documents provided during the preparation and execution of this
// + agreement shall be the property of the Licensor.
// + The information contained in the Software copyright notices, trademarks, other legal reservations, serial numbers and other
// + features that can be used to identify the program may not be altered or defaced by the customer.
// + The customer shall be responsible for taking reasonable precautions
// + for the safe use of the Software. The customer shall test the Software thoroughly regarding its suitability for the
// + intended purpose before implementing it for actual operation. The Licensor's liability shall be limited to the extent of typical and
// + foreseeable damage to the extent permitted by law, notwithstanding statutory liability for bodily injury and product
// + liability. However, the Licensor shall be entitled to the defense of contributory negligence.
// + The customer will take adequate precautions in the case, that the software is not working properly. The customer will test
// + the software for his purpose before any operational usage. The customer will backup his data before using the software.
// + The customer understands that the Licensor collects, stores and processes, and, where required, forwards, customer data
// + to third parties to the extent necessary for executing the agreement, subject to applicable data protection and privacy regulations.
// + *) The territory aspect only refers to the place where the Software is used, not its programmed range.
// + Note: For information on license extensions (e.g. commercial use), please contact us at info(@)
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "sbus.h"
#include "main.h"
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
unsigned char NewSBusData = 0, sBusBuffer[25];
// USART1 initialisation from killagreg
void SbusUartInit(void)
// -- Start of USART1 initialisation for Spekturm seriell-mode
// USART1 Control and Status Register A, B, C and baud rate register
uint8_t sreg = SREG;
uint16_t ubrr = (uint16_t) ((uint32_t) SYSCLK/(8 * 100000) - 1);
// disable all interrupts before reconfiguration
// disable RX-Interrupt
UCSR1B &= ~(1 << RXCIE1);
// disable TX-Interrupt
UCSR1B &= ~(1 << TXCIE1);
// disable DRE-Interrupt
UCSR1B &= ~(1 << UDRIE1);
// set direction of RXD1 and TXD1 pins
// set RXD1 (PD2) as an input pin
PORTD |= (1 << PORTD2);
DDRD &= ~(1 << DDD2);
// set TXD1 (PD3) as an output pin
PORTD |= (1 << PORTD3);
DDRD |= (1 << DDD3);
// USART0 Baud Rate Register
// set clock divider
UBRR1H = (uint8_t)(ubrr>>8);
UBRR1L = (uint8_t)ubrr;
// enable double speed operation
UCSR1A |= (1 << U2X1);
// enable receiver and transmitter
//UCSR1B = (1<<RXEN1)|(1<<TXEN1);
UCSR1B = (1<<RXEN1);
// set asynchronous mode
UCSR1C &= ~(1 << UMSEL11);
UCSR1C &= ~(1 << UMSEL10);
// parity
UCSR1C <= (1 << UPM11); // even
UCSR1C &= ~(1 << UPM10);
// stop bit
UCSR1C |= (1 << USBS1); // two
// 8-bit
UCSR1B &= ~(1 << UCSZ12);
UCSR1C |= (1 << UCSZ11);
UCSR1C |= (1 << UCSZ10);
// flush receive buffer explicit
while(UCSR1A & (1<<RXC1)) UDR1;
// enable RX-interrupts at the end
UCSR1B |= (1 << RXCIE1);
// -- End of USART1 initialisation
// restore global interrupt flags
sBusBuffer[23] |= 4; // This Bit contains the 'Signal loss'
SREG = sreg;
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#define MIN_FRAMEGAP 68 // 7ms
#define MAX_BYTEGAP 3 // 310us
// Is called by the uart RX interrupt
void SbusParser(unsigned char udr)
static unsigned char ptr = 0;
if(!SpektrumTimer && udr == 0x0f) // wait for the start
ptr = 0;
SpektrumTimer = 80; // 8ms gap
if(++ptr == 24) // last byte
NewSBusData = 1;
if(ptr > 24) ptr = 25;
sBusBuffer[ptr] = udr; // collect all bytes
void ProcessSBus(void)
static unsigned char load = 0;
unsigned char bitmask8 = 1, sbyte = 2, i, index = 1, process;
unsigned int bitmask11 = 256;
signed int signal = 0,tmp;
if(!(sBusBuffer[23] & 4)) // This Bit contains the 'Signal loss'
TIMSK1 &= ~_BV(ICIE1); // disable PPM-Input
if(EE_Parameter.FailsafeChannel == 0 || PPM_in[EE_Parameter.FailsafeChannel] < 100) // forces Failsafe if the receiver doesn't have 'signal loss' on Failsafe
if(SenderOkay < 200) SenderOkay += 20; else SenderOkay = 200;
signal = sBusBuffer[1];
if(!load--) { process = (12*11 - 8); load = 2;} else process = (4*11 - 8); // lowers the processor load
for(i = 0; i < process; i++) // collect the single bits
if(sBusBuffer[sbyte] & bitmask8) signal |= bitmask11;
bitmask8 *= 2;
bitmask8 = 1;
bitmask11 *= 2;
if(bitmask11 == 2048)
bitmask11 = 1;
signal = (signal-1024) / 5; // the resolution is higher than required
tmp = (3 * (PPM_in[index]) + signal) / 4;
if(tmp > signal+1) tmp--; else
if(tmp < signal-1) tmp++;
if(SenderOkay >= 195) PPM_diff[index] = ((tmp - PPM_in[index]) / 3) * 3;
else PPM_diff[index] = 0;
PPM_in[index] = tmp;
signal = 0;
index++; // next channel
NewPpmData = 0; // Null bedeutet: Neue Daten
NewSBusData = 0;
0,0 → 1,11
#ifndef _SBUS_H
#define _SBUS_H
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
extern unsigned char NewSBusData, sBusBuffer[25];
extern void SbusParser(unsigned char);
extern void SbusUartInit(void);
extern void ProcessSBus(void);
0,0 → 1,400
// ######################## SPI - FlightCtrl ###################
#include "main.h"
#include "eeprom.h"
//struct str_ToNaviCtrl_Version ToNaviCtrl_Version;
//struct str_FromNaviCtrl_Version FromNaviCtrl_Version;
struct str_ToNaviCtrl ToNaviCtrl;
struct str_FromNaviCtrl FromNaviCtrl;
struct str_FromNaviCtrl_Value FromNaviCtrl_Value;
struct str_SPI_VersionInfo NC_Version;
struct str_GPSInfo GPSInfo;
unsigned char SPI_BufferIndex;
unsigned char SPI_RxBufferIndex;
signed char FromNC_Rotate_C = 32, FromNC_Rotate_S = 0;
volatile unsigned char SPI_Buffer[sizeof(FromNaviCtrl)];
unsigned char *SPI_TX_Buffer;
unsigned char SPITransferCompleted, SPI_ChkSum;
unsigned char SPI_RxDataValid,NaviDataOkay = 250;
unsigned char SPI_CommandSequence[] = { SPI_FCCMD_STICK, SPI_FCCMD_USER, SPI_FCCMD_PARAMETER1,
unsigned char SPI_CommandCounter = 0;
unsigned char NC_ErrorCode = 0;
unsigned char NC_GPS_ModeCharacter = ' ';
unsigned char EarthMagneticField = 0;
unsigned char EarthMagneticInclination = 0, EarthMagneticInclinationTheoretic = 0;
unsigned char NC_To_FC_Flags = 0;
unsigned char NC_To_FC_MaxAltitude = 0; // this is a Parameter on the SD-card
signed int POI_KameraNick = 0; // in 0,1°
vector16_t MagVec = {0,0,0};
void SPI_MasterInit(void)
DDR_SPI |= (1<<DD_MOSI)|(1<<DD_SCK); // Set MOSI and SCK output, all others input
SPCR = (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR)|(1<<SPR1)|(0<<SPR0)|(0<<SPIE); // Enable SPI, Master, set clock rate fck/64
SPSR = 0;//(1<<SPI2X);
SPITransferCompleted = 1;
//SPDR = 0x00; // dummy write
ToNaviCtrl.Sync1 = 0xAA;
ToNaviCtrl.Sync2 = 0x83;
ToNaviCtrl.Command = SPI_FCCMD_USER;
ToNaviCtrl.IntegralNick = 0;
ToNaviCtrl.IntegralRoll = 0;
FromNaviCtrl_Value.SerialDataOkay = 0;
SPI_RxDataValid = 0;
void SPI_StartTransmitPacket(void)
if (!SPITransferCompleted) return;
SPI_TX_Buffer = (unsigned char *) &ToNaviCtrl;
ToNaviCtrl.Command = SPI_CommandSequence[SPI_CommandCounter++];
if (SPI_CommandCounter >= sizeof(SPI_CommandSequence)) SPI_CommandCounter = 0;
SPITransferCompleted = 0;
UpdateSPI_Buffer(); // update buffer
SPI_BufferIndex = 1;
ToNaviCtrl.Chksum = ToNaviCtrl.Sync1;
SPDR = ToNaviCtrl.Sync1; // Start transmission
void SPI_TransmitByte(void)
static unsigned char SPI_RXState = 0;
unsigned char rxdata;
static unsigned char rxchksum;
if (SPITransferCompleted) return;
if (!(SPSR & (1 << SPIF))) return;
// _delay_us(30);
SLAVE_SELECT_PORT |= (1 << SPI_SLAVE_SELECT); // DeselectSlave
rxdata = SPDR;
switch ( SPI_RXState)
case 0:
SPI_RxBufferIndex = 0;
rxchksum = rxdata;
if (rxdata == 0x81 ) { SPI_RXState = 1; } // 1. Syncbyte ok
case 1:
if (rxdata == 0x55) { rxchksum += rxdata; SPI_RXState = 2; } // 2. Syncbyte ok
else SPI_RXState = 0;
case 2:
SPI_Buffer[SPI_RxBufferIndex++]= rxdata; // get data
if (SPI_RxBufferIndex >= sizeof(FromNaviCtrl))
if (rxdata == rxchksum)
unsigned char *ptr = (unsigned char *)&FromNaviCtrl;
memcpy(ptr, (unsigned char *) SPI_Buffer, sizeof(SPI_Buffer));
SPI_RxDataValid = 1;
SPI_RxDataValid = 0;
SPI_RXState = 0;
else rxchksum += rxdata;
if (SPI_BufferIndex < sizeof(ToNaviCtrl))
asm volatile ("nop"); asm volatile ("nop"); asm volatile ("nop"); asm volatile ("nop");
SPDR = SPI_TX_Buffer[SPI_BufferIndex];
ToNaviCtrl.Chksum += SPI_TX_Buffer[SPI_BufferIndex];
else SPITransferCompleted = 1;
void UpdateSPI_Buffer(void)
signed int tmp;
static unsigned char motorindex, oldcommand = SPI_NCCMD_VERSION;
ToNaviCtrl.IntegralNick = (int) (IntegralNick / (long)(EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor * 4));
ToNaviCtrl.IntegralRoll = (int) (IntegralRoll / (long)(EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor * 4));
ToNaviCtrl.GyroCompass = (10 * ErsatzKompass) / GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR;
ToNaviCtrl.GyroGier = (signed int) AdNeutralGier - AdWertGier;
ToNaviCtrl.AccNick = ((int) ACC_AMPLIFY * (NaviAccNick / NaviCntAcc))/4;
ToNaviCtrl.AccRoll = ((int) ACC_AMPLIFY * (NaviAccRoll / NaviCntAcc))/4;
NaviCntAcc = 0; NaviAccNick = 0; NaviAccRoll = 0;
// ToNaviCtrl.User8 = Parameter_UserParam8;
// ToNaviCtrl.CalState = WinkelOut.CalcState;
switch(ToNaviCtrl.Command) //
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[0] = Parameter_UserParam1;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[1] = Parameter_UserParam2;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[2] = Parameter_UserParam3;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[3] = Parameter_UserParam4;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[4] = Parameter_UserParam5;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[5] = Parameter_UserParam6;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[6] = Parameter_UserParam7;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[7] = Parameter_UserParam8;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[8] = FC_StatusFlags;
//if(FC_StatusFlags2 & FC_STATUS2_WAIT_FOR_TAKEOFF) ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[8] &= ~FC_STATUS_FLY;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[9] = ActiveParamSet;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[10] = EE_Parameter.ComingHomeAltitude;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[11] = FC_StatusFlags2;
if(!(PORTC & (1<<PORTC2))) FC_StatusFlags2 &= ~FC_STATUS2_OUT1_ACTIVE; // Out1 (J16)
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Int[0] = Capacity.ActualCurrent; // 0.1A
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Int[1] = Capacity.UsedCapacity; // mAh
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[4] = (unsigned char) UBat; // 0.1V
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[5] = GetChannelValue(EE_Parameter.NaviGpsModeChannel); // GPS-Mode control
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[6] = VarioCharacter;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[7] = motorindex;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[8] = Motor[motorindex].MaxPWM;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[9] = Motor[motorindex].State;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[10] = Motor[motorindex].Temperature;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[11] = Motor[motorindex].Current;
if(Mixer.Motor[++motorindex][0] == 0) // next motor is not used ?
while(Mixer.Motor[motorindex][0] == 0 && motorindex) motorindex = (motorindex + 1) % 12;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[0] = (unsigned char) BattLowVoltageWarning; //0.1V
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[1] = EE_Parameter.NaviGpsGain; // Parameters for the Naviboard
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[2] = EE_Parameter.NaviGpsP;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[3] = EE_Parameter.NaviGpsI;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[4] = EE_Parameter.NaviGpsD;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[5] = EE_Parameter.NaviGpsA;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[6] = EE_Parameter.NaviGpsMinSat;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[7] = EE_Parameter.NaviStickThreshold;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[8] = EE_Parameter.NaviOperatingRadius;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[9] = EE_Parameter.NaviWindCorrection;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[10] = EE_Parameter.NaviAccCompensation;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[11] = EE_Parameter.NaviAngleLimitation;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[0] = EE_Parameter.NaviOut1Parameter; // Distance between Photo releases
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
// create the ToNC_SpeakHoTT
if(EE_Parameter.Receiver != RECEIVER_HOTT)
if(JetiBeep != 'B') JetiBeep = pgm_read_byte(&JETI_CODE[HoTT_Waring()]);
else HoTT_Waring();
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[1] = ToNC_SpeakHoTT;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[1] = 0;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[2] = EE_Parameter.LandingSpeed;
tmp = PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GAS]]; if(tmp > 127) tmp = 127; else if(tmp < -127) tmp = -127;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[0] = (char) tmp;
tmp = PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_GIER]]; if(tmp > 127) tmp = 127; else if(tmp < -127) tmp = -127;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[1] = (char) tmp;
tmp = PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_ROLL]]; if(tmp > 127) tmp = 127; else if(tmp < -127) tmp = -127;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[2] = (char) tmp;
tmp = PPM_in[EE_Parameter.Kanalbelegung[K_NICK]]; if(tmp > 127) tmp = 127; else if(tmp < -127) tmp = -127;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[3] = (char) tmp;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[4] = (unsigned char) Poti[0];
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[5] = (unsigned char) Poti[1];
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[6] = (unsigned char) Poti[2];
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[7] = (unsigned char) Poti[3];
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[8] = (unsigned char) Poti[4];
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[9] = (unsigned char) Poti[5];
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[10] = (unsigned char) Poti[6];
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[11] = (unsigned char) Poti[7];
if(WinkelOut.CalcState > 5)
WinkelOut.CalcState = 0;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[0] = 5;
else ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[0] = WinkelOut.CalcState;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[1] = EE_Parameter.NaviPH_LoginTime;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Int[1] = (int)(HoehenWert/5);
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Int[2] = (int)(SollHoehe/5);
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[6] = EE_Parameter.NaviGpsPLimit;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[7] = EE_Parameter.NaviGpsILimit;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[8] = EE_Parameter.NaviGpsDLimit;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[9] = (unsigned char) SenderOkay;
// ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[10] = (unsigned char) PPM_in[0]; // ACT RSSI
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[10] = 0;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[11] = DebugOut.Analog[7] / 4; //GasMischanteil
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[0] = VERSION_MAJOR;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[1] = VERSION_MINOR;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[2] = VERSION_PATCH;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[3] = NC_SPI_COMPATIBLE;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[4] = PlatinenVersion;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[5] = VersionInfo.HardwareError[0];
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[6] = VersionInfo.HardwareError[1];
VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] &= ~FC_ERROR0_CAREFREE; // VersionInfo.HardwareError[0] = 0;
VersionInfo.HardwareError[1] &= FC_ERROR1_MIXER;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[7] = 0;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[8] = Parameter_GlobalConfig;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[9] = Parameter_ExtraConfig;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[10] = EE_Parameter.OrientationAngle;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[11] = EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig3;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[0] = EE_Parameter.ServoNickRefresh; // Parameters for the Servo Control
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[1] = EE_Parameter.ServoCompInvert;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[2] = Parameter_ServoNickControl;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[3] = EE_Parameter.ServoNickComp;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[4] = EE_Parameter.ServoNickMin;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[5] = EE_Parameter.ServoNickMax;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[6] = Parameter_ServoRollControl;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[7] = EE_Parameter.ServoRollComp;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[8] = EE_Parameter.ServoRollMin;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[9] = EE_Parameter.ServoRollMax;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[10] = Capacity.MinOfMaxPWM;
ToNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[11] = DebugOut.Analog[28]; // I2C-Error counter
if(FromNaviCtrl.Command != oldcommand) NaviDataOkay = 250;
oldcommand = FromNaviCtrl.Command;
CalculateCompassTimer = 1;
if(abs(FromNaviCtrl.GPS_Nick) < 512 && abs(FromNaviCtrl.GPS_Roll) < 512 && (EE_Parameter.GlobalConfig & CFG_GPS_AKTIV))
GPS_Nick = FromNaviCtrl.GPS_Nick;
GPS_Roll = FromNaviCtrl.GPS_Roll;
// update compass readings
// MagVec.x = FromNaviCtrl.MagVecX;
// MagVec.y = FromNaviCtrl.MagVecY;
// MagVec.z = FromNaviCtrl.MagVecZ;
if(FromNaviCtrl.CompassValue <= 360) KompassValue = FromNaviCtrl.CompassValue;
// KompassRichtung = ((540 + KompassValue - KompassSollWert) % 360) - 180;
if(FromNaviCtrl.BeepTime > beeptime && !DisableRcOffBeeping) beeptime = FromNaviCtrl.BeepTime;
switch (FromNaviCtrl.Command)
FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_K = FromNaviCtrl.Param.sByte[0];
FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxFusion = FromNaviCtrl.Param.sByte[1];
FromNaviCtrl_Value.Kalman_MaxDrift = FromNaviCtrl.Param.sByte[2];
KompassFusion = FromNaviCtrl.Param.sByte[3];
FromNaviCtrl_Value.GpsZ = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[4];
FromNC_Rotate_C = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[5];
FromNC_Rotate_S = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[6];
GPS_Aid_StickMultiplikator = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[7];
if(CareFree && FromNaviCtrl.Param.sInt[4] >= 0)
KompassSollWert = FromNaviCtrl.Param.sInt[4]; // bei Carefree kann NC den Kompass-Sollwinkel vorgeben
if(EE_Parameter.CamOrientation) // Kamera angle is not front
KompassSollWert += 360 - ((unsigned int) EE_Parameter.CamOrientation * 15);
KompassSollWert %= 360;
POI_KameraNick = (POI_KameraNick + FromNaviCtrl.Param.sInt[5]) / 2; // FromNaviCtrl.Param.sInt[5]; // Nickwinkel
NC_Version.Major = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[0];
NC_Version.Minor = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[1];
NC_Version.Patch = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[2];
NC_Version.Compatible = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[3];
NC_Version.Hardware = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[4];
DebugOut.Status[0] |= FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[5];
DebugOut.Status[1] = (DebugOut.Status[1] & (0x01|0x02)) | (FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[6] & (0x04 | 0x08));
NC_ErrorCode = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[7];
NC_GPS_ModeCharacter = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[8];
FromNaviCtrl_Value.SerialDataOkay = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[9];
NC_To_FC_Flags = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[10];
NC_To_FC_MaxAltitude = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[11];
GPSInfo.Flags = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[0];
GPSInfo.NumOfSats = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[1];
GPSInfo.SatFix = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[2];
GPSInfo.Speed = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[3];
GPSInfo.HomeDistance = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Int[2];
GPSInfo.HomeBearing = FromNaviCtrl.Param.sInt[3];
PPM_in[WP_EVENT_PPM_IN] = (signed char) FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[8]; // WP_EVENT-Channel-Value (FromNC_WP_EventChannel)
FromNC_AltitudeSpeed = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[9];
FromNC_AltitudeSetpoint = (long) FromNaviCtrl.Param.sInt[5] * 10; // in cm
case SPI_MISC:
EarthMagneticField = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[0];
EarthMagneticInclination = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[1];
EarthMagneticInclinationTheoretic = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[2];
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(!SpeakHoTT || (SpeakHoTT >= SPEAK_GPS_HOLD && SpeakHoTT <= SPEAK_GPS_OFF)) SpeakHoTT = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[3];
NaviData_WaypointIndex = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[4];
NaviData_WaypointNumber = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[5];
NaviData_TargetDistance = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Int[3];
NaviData_TargetHoldTime = FromNaviCtrl.Param.Byte[8];
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(EE_Parameter.Receiver == RECEIVER_HOTT) NC_Fills_HoTT_Telemety();
// 0 = 0,1
// 1 = 2,3
// 2 = 4,5
// 3 = 6,7
// 4 = 8,9
// 5 = 10,11
// KompassValue = 0;
// KompassRichtung = 0;
GPS_Nick = 0;
GPS_Roll = 0;
0,0 → 1,197
// ######################## SPI - FlightCtrl ###################
#ifndef _SPI_H
#define _SPI_H
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "vector.h"
#define SPI_BYTEGAP 3
#define DDR_SPI DDRB
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__)
#define DD_SS PORTB4
#define DD_SCK PORTB7
#define DD_MOSI PORTB5
#define DD_MISO PORTB6
#define DD_SS PB4
#define DD_SCK PB7
#define DD_MOSI PB5
#define DD_MISO PB6
// for compatibility reasons gcc3.x <-> gcc4.x
#ifndef SPCR
#define SPCR SPCR0
#ifndef SPE
#define SPE SPE0
#ifndef MSTR
#define MSTR MSTR0
#ifndef SPR1
#define SPR1 SPR01
#ifndef SPR0
#define SPR0 SPR00
#ifndef SPIE
#define SPIE SPIE0
#ifndef SPDR
#define SPDR SPDR0
#ifndef SPIF
#define SPIF SPIF0
#ifndef SPSR
#define SPSR SPSR0
// -------------------------
#define SPI_FCCMD_USER 10
#define SPI_FCCMD_STICK 11
#define SPI_FCCMD_MISC 12
#define SPI_FCCMD_BL_ACCU 16
struct str_ToNaviCtrl
unsigned char Sync1, Sync2;
unsigned char Command;
signed int IntegralNick;
signed int IntegralRoll;
signed int AccNick;
signed int AccRoll;
signed int GyroCompass;
signed int GyroNick;
signed int GyroRoll;
signed int GyroGier;
unsigned int FCStatus;
unsigned char Byte[12];
char sByte[12];
unsigned int Int[6];
int sInt[6];
unsigned long Long[3];
long sLong[3];
float Float[3];
} Param;
unsigned char Chksum;
#define SPI_NCCMD_KALMAN 103
#define SPI_MISC 107
struct str_FromNaviCtrl
unsigned char Command;
signed int GPS_Nick;
signed int GPS_Roll;
signed int MagVecX;
signed int CompassValue;
signed int AccErrorN;
signed int AccErrorR;
signed int MagVecY;
signed int MagVecZ;
unsigned int BeepTime;
unsigned char Byte[12];
char sByte[12];
unsigned int Int[6];
int sInt[6];
unsigned long Long[3];
long sLong[3];
float Float[3];
} Param;
unsigned char Chksum;
struct str_FromNaviCtrl_Value
signed char Kalman_K;
signed char Kalman_MaxDrift;
signed char Kalman_MaxFusion;
unsigned char SerialDataOkay;
signed char GpsZ;
struct str_SPI_VersionInfo
unsigned char Major;
unsigned char Minor;
unsigned char Patch;
unsigned char Compatible;
unsigned char Hardware;
// Satfix types for GPSData.SatFix
#define SATFIX_NONE 0x00
#define SATFIX_2D 0x02
#define SATFIX_3D 0x03
#define SATFIX_TIMEONLY 0x05
// Flags for interpretation of the GPSData.Flags
#define FLAG_GPSFIXOK 0x01 // (i.e. within DOP & ACC Masks)
#define FLAG_DIFFSOLN 0x02 // (is DGPS used)
#define FLAG_WKNSET 0x04 // (is Week Number valid)
#define FLAG_TOWSET 0x08 // (is Time of Week valid)
#define FLAG_GPS_NAVIGATION_ACTIVE 0x10 // NC to FC -> NC is ready to navigate
struct str_GPSInfo
unsigned char Flags; // Status Flags
unsigned char NumOfSats; // number of satelites
unsigned char SatFix; // type of satfix
unsigned char Speed; // m/sek
unsigned int HomeDistance; // distance to Home in dm
int HomeBearing; // bearing to home in deg
extern struct str_GPSInfo GPSInfo;
extern struct str_SPI_VersionInfo NC_Version;
extern struct str_FromNaviCtrl_Value FromNaviCtrl_Value;
extern struct str_ToNaviCtrl ToNaviCtrl;
extern struct str_FromNaviCtrl FromNaviCtrl;
extern unsigned char SPI_CommandCounter,NaviDataOkay;
extern signed char FromNC_Rotate_C, FromNC_Rotate_S;
extern unsigned char NC_ErrorCode;
extern void SPI_MasterInit(void);
extern void SPI_StartTransmitPacket(void);
extern void UpdateSPI_Buffer(void);
extern void SPI_TransmitByte(void);
extern signed int POI_KameraNick;
extern unsigned char NC_GPS_ModeCharacter, NC_To_FC_Flags, NC_To_FC_MaxAltitude;
extern vector16_t MagVec;
extern unsigned char EarthMagneticField;
extern unsigned char EarthMagneticInclination,EarthMagneticInclinationTheoretic;
// -------------------------------- Dummy -----------------------------------------
#define SPI_MasterInit() ;
#define SPI_StartTransmitPacket() ;
#define UpdateSPI_Buffer() ;
#define SPI_TransmitByte() ;
0,0 → 1,484
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Software Nutzungsbedingungen (english version: see below)
// + der Fa. HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland - nachfolgend Lizenzgeber genannt -
// + Der Lizenzgeber räumt dem Kunden ein nicht-ausschließliches, zeitlich und räumlich* unbeschränktes Recht ein, die im den
// + Mikrocontroller verwendete Firmware für die Hardware Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, MK3Mag & PC-Programm MikroKopter-Tool
// + - nachfolgend Software genannt - nur für private Zwecke zu nutzen.
// + Der Einsatz dieser Software ist nur auf oder mit Produkten des Lizenzgebers zulässig.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Die vom Lizenzgeber gelieferte Software ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte an der Software sowie an sonstigen im
// + Rahmen der Vertragsanbahnung und Vertragsdurchführung überlassenen Unterlagen stehen im Verhältnis der Vertragspartner ausschließlich dem Lizenzgeber zu.
// + Die in der Software enthaltenen Copyright-Vermerke, Markenzeichen, andere Rechtsvorbehalte, Seriennummern sowie
// + sonstige der Programmidentifikation dienenden Merkmale dürfen vom Kunden nicht verändert oder unkenntlich gemacht werden.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den sicheren Einsatz der Software. Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren
// + Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Die Haftung des Lizenzgebers wird - soweit gesetzlich zulässig - begrenzt in Höhe des typischen und vorhersehbaren
// + Schadens. Die gesetzliche Haftung bei Personenschäden und nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz bleibt unberührt. Dem Lizenzgeber steht jedoch der Einwand
// + des Mitverschuldens offen.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den Fall, dass die Software ganz oder teilweise nicht ordnungsgemäß arbeitet.
// + Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Der Kunde wird er seine Daten vor Einsatz der Software nach dem Stand der Technik sichern.
// + Der Kunde ist darüber unterrichtet, dass der Lizenzgeber seine Daten im zur Vertragsdurchführung erforderlichen Umfang
// + und auf Grundlage der Datenschutzvorschriften erhebt, speichert, verarbeitet und, sofern notwendig, an Dritte übermittelt.
// + *) Die räumliche Nutzung bezieht sich nur auf den Einsatzort, nicht auf die Reichweite der programmierten Software.
// + Hinweis: Informationen über erweiterte Nutzungsrechte (wie z.B. Nutzung für nicht-private Zwecke) sind auf Anfrage per Email an info(@) verfügbar.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + of HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland, Germany - the Licensor -
// + The Licensor grants the customer a non-exclusive license to use the microcontroller firmware of the Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, and MK3Mag hardware
// + (the Software) exclusively for private purposes. The License is unrestricted with respect to time and territory*.
// + The Software may only be used with the Licensor's products.
// + The Software provided by the Licensor is protected by copyright. With respect to the relationship between the parties to this
// + agreement, all rights pertaining to the Software and other documents provided during the preparation and execution of this
// + agreement shall be the property of the Licensor.
// + The information contained in the Software copyright notices, trademarks, other legal reservations, serial numbers and other
// + features that can be used to identify the program may not be altered or defaced by the customer.
// + The customer shall be responsible for taking reasonable precautions
// + for the safe use of the Software. The customer shall test the Software thoroughly regarding its suitability for the
// + intended purpose before implementing it for actual operation. The Licensor's liability shall be limited to the extent of typical and
// + foreseeable damage to the extent permitted by law, notwithstanding statutory liability for bodily injury and product
// + liability. However, the Licensor shall be entitled to the defense of contributory negligence.
// + The customer will take adequate precautions in the case, that the software is not working properly. The customer will test
// + the software for his purpose before any operational usage. The customer will backup his data before using the software.
// + The customer understands that the Licensor collects, stores and processes, and, where required, forwards, customer data
// + to third parties to the extent necessary for executing the agreement, subject to applicable data protection and privacy regulations.
// + *) The territory aspect only refers to the place where the Software is used, not its programmed range.
// + Note: For information on license extensions (e.g. commercial use), please contact us at info(@)
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "main.h"
#define MULTIPLYER 4
volatile unsigned int CountMilliseconds = 0;
volatile unsigned int tim_main;
volatile unsigned char UpdateMotor = 0;
volatile unsigned int cntKompass = 0;
volatile unsigned int beeptime = 0;
volatile unsigned char SendSPI = 0, ServoActive = 0, CalculateServoSignals = 1;
unsigned char JustMK3MagConnected = 0;
uint16_t RemainingPulse = 0;
volatile int16_t ServoNickOffset = (255 / 2) * MULTIPLYER * 16; // initial value near center positon
volatile int16_t ServoRollOffset = (255 / 2) * MULTIPLYER * 16; // initial value near center positon
unsigned int BeepMuster = 0xffff;
signed int NickServoValue = 128 * MULTIPLYER * 16;
volatile int16_t ServoNickValue = 0;
volatile int16_t ServoRollValue = 0;
enum {
STOP = 0,
CK = 1,
CK8 = 2,
CK64 = 3,
CK256 = 4,
CK1024 = 5,
ISR(TIMER0_OVF_vect) // 9,7kHz
static unsigned char cnt_1ms = 1,cnt = 0;
unsigned char pieper_ein = 0;
if(SendSPI) SendSPI--;
if(SpektrumTimer) SpektrumTimer--;
cnt = 9;
cnt_1ms %= 2;
if(!cnt_1ms) UpdateMotor = 1;
if(!(PINC & 0x10)) JustMK3MagConnected = 1;
if(beeptime > 10) beeptime -= 10; else beeptime = 0;
if(beeptime & BeepMuster)
pieper_ein = 1;
else pieper_ein = 0;
pieper_ein = 0;
BeepMuster = 0xffff;
#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(pieper_ein) PORTC |= (1<<7); // Speaker an PORTC.7
else PORTC &= ~(1<<7);
if(PlatinenVersion == 10) PORTD |= (1<<2); // Speaker an PORTD.2
else PORTC |= (1<<7); // Speaker an PORTC.7
if(PlatinenVersion == 10) PORTD &= ~(1<<2);
else PORTC &= ~(1<<7);
if(JustMK3MagConnected && !NaviDataOkay && Parameter_GlobalConfig & CFG_KOMPASS_AKTIV)
if(PINC & 0x10)
if(++cntKompass > 1000) JustMK3MagConnected = 0;
if((cntKompass) && (cntKompass < 362))
cntKompass += cntKompass / 41;
if(cntKompass > 10) KompassValue = cntKompass - 10; else KompassValue = 0;
// KompassRichtung = ((540 + KompassValue - KompassSollWert) % 360) - 180;
cntKompass = 0;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
unsigned int SetDelay(unsigned int t)
// TIMSK0 &= ~_BV(TOIE0);
return(CountMilliseconds + t + 1);
// TIMSK0 |= _BV(TOIE0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
char CheckDelay(unsigned int t)
// TIMSK0 &= ~_BV(TOIE0);
return(((t - CountMilliseconds) & 0x8000) >> 9);
// TIMSK0 |= _BV(TOIE0);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void Delay_ms(unsigned int w)
unsigned int akt;
akt = SetDelay(w);
while (!CheckDelay(akt));
void Delay_ms_Mess(unsigned int w)
unsigned int akt;
akt = SetDelay(w);
while (!CheckDelay(akt)) if(AdReady) {AdReady = 0; ANALOG_ON;}
/* Initialize Timer 2 */
// The timer 2 is used to generate the PWM at PD7 (J7)
// to control a camera servo for nick compensation.
void TIMER2_Init(void)
uint8_t sreg = SREG;
// disable all interrupts before reconfiguration
PORTD &= ~(1<<PORTD7); // set PD7 to low
DDRC |= (1<<DDC6); // set PC6 as output (Reset for HEF4017)
// Timer/Counter 2 Control Register A
// Timer Mode is FastPWM with timer reload at OCR2A (Bits: WGM22 = 1, WGM21 = 1, WGM20 = 1)
// PD7: Normal port operation, OC2A disconnected, (Bits: COM2A1 = 0, COM2A0 = 0)
// PD6: Normal port operation, OC2B disconnected, (Bits: COM2B1 = 0, COM2B0 = 0)
TCCR2A &= ~((1<<COM2A1)|(1<<COM2A0)|(1<<COM2B1)|(1<<COM2B0));
TCCR2A |= (1<<WGM21)|(1<<WGM20);
// Timer/Counter 2 Control Register B
// Set clock divider for timer 2 to SYSKLOCK/32 = 20MHz / 32 = 625 kHz
// The timer increments from 0x00 to 0xFF with an update rate of 625 kHz or 1.6 us
// hence the timer overflow interrupt frequency is 625 kHz / 256 = 2.44 kHz or 0.4096 ms
// divider 32 (Bits: CS022 = 0, CS21 = 1, CS20 = 1)
TCCR2B &= ~((1<<FOC2A)|(1<<FOC2B)|(1<<CS22));
TCCR2B |= (1<<CS21)|(1<<CS20)|(1<<WGM22);
// Initialize the Timer/Counter 2 Register
TCNT2 = 0;
// Initialize the Output Compare Register A used for PWM generation on port PD7.
OCR2A = 255;
TCCR2A |= (1<<COM2A1); // set or clear at compare match depends on value of COM2A0
// Timer/Counter 2 Interrupt Mask Register
// Enable timer output compare match A Interrupt only
TIMSK2 &= ~((1<<OCIE2B)|(1<<TOIE2));
TIMSK2 |= (1<<OCIE2A);
SREG = sreg;
void Timer_Init(void)
tim_main = SetDelay(10);
TCCR0A = (1<<COM0A1)|(1<<COM0B1)|3;//fast PWM
OCR0A = 0;
OCR0B = 180;
TCNT0 = (unsigned char)-TIMER_RELOAD_VALUE; // reload
//OCR1 = 0x00;
/* Control Servo Position */
void CalcNickServoValue(void)
signed int max, min;
if(EE_Parameter.ServoCompInvert & SERVO_RELATIVE) // relative moving of the servo value
max = ((unsigned int) EE_Parameter.ServoNickMax * MULTIPLYER * 15);
min = ((unsigned int) EE_Parameter.ServoNickMin * MULTIPLYER * 20);
NickServoValue -= ((signed char) (Parameter_ServoNickControl - 128) / 4) * 6;
LIMIT_MIN_MAX(NickServoValue,min, max);
else NickServoValue = (int16_t)Parameter_ServoNickControl * (MULTIPLYER*16); // direct poti control
void CalculateServo(void)
signed char cosinus, sinus;
signed long nick, roll;
cosinus = sintab[EE_Parameter.CamOrientation + 6];
sinus = sintab[EE_Parameter.CamOrientation];
if(CalculateServoSignals == 1)
nick = (cosinus * IntegralNick) / 128L - (sinus * IntegralRoll) / 128L;
nick -= POI_KameraNick * 7;
nick = ((long)Parameter_ServoNickComp * nick) / 512L;
// offset (Range from 0 to 255 * 3 = 765)
if(EE_Parameter.ServoCompInvert & SERVO_RELATIVE) ServoNickOffset = NickServoValue;
else ServoNickOffset += (NickServoValue - ServoNickOffset) / EE_Parameter.ServoManualControlSpeed;
if(EE_Parameter.ServoCompInvert & SERVO_NICK_INV) // inverting movement of servo
nick = ServoNickOffset / 16 + nick;
{ // inverting movement of servo
nick = ServoNickOffset / 16 - nick;
if(EE_Parameter.ServoFilterNick) ServoNickValue = ((ServoNickValue * EE_Parameter.ServoFilterNick) + nick) / (EE_Parameter.ServoFilterNick + 1);
else ServoNickValue = nick;
// limit servo value to its parameter range definition
if(ServoNickValue < ((int16_t)EE_Parameter.ServoNickMin * MULTIPLYER))
ServoNickValue = (int16_t)EE_Parameter.ServoNickMin * MULTIPLYER;
if(ServoNickValue > ((int16_t)EE_Parameter.ServoNickMax * MULTIPLYER))
ServoNickValue = (int16_t)EE_Parameter.ServoNickMax * MULTIPLYER;
if(PlatinenVersion < 20) CalculateServoSignals = 0; else CalculateServoSignals++;
roll = (cosinus * IntegralRoll) / 128L + (sinus * IntegralNick) / 128L;
roll = ((long)Parameter_ServoRollComp * roll) / 512L;
ServoRollOffset += ((int16_t)Parameter_ServoRollControl * (MULTIPLYER*16) - ServoRollOffset) / EE_Parameter.ServoManualControlSpeed;
if(EE_Parameter.ServoCompInvert & SERVO_ROLL_INV)
{ // inverting movement of servo
roll = ServoRollOffset / 16 + roll;
{ // inverting movement of servo
roll = ServoRollOffset / 16 - roll;
if(EE_Parameter.ServoFilterRoll) ServoRollValue = ((ServoRollValue * EE_Parameter.ServoFilterRoll) + roll) / (EE_Parameter.ServoFilterRoll + 1);
else ServoRollValue = roll;
// limit servo value to its parameter range definition
if(ServoRollValue < ((int16_t)EE_Parameter.ServoRollMin * MULTIPLYER))
ServoRollValue = (int16_t)EE_Parameter.ServoRollMin * MULTIPLYER;
if(ServoRollValue > ((int16_t)EE_Parameter.ServoRollMax * MULTIPLYER))
ServoRollValue = (int16_t)EE_Parameter.ServoRollMax * MULTIPLYER;
CalculateServoSignals = 0;
// frame len 22.5 ms = 14063 * 1.6 us
// stop pulse: 0.3 ms = 188 * 1.6 us
// min servo pulse: 0.6 ms = 375 * 1.6 us
// max servo pulse: 2.4 ms = 1500 * 1.6 us
// resolution: 1500 - 375 = 1125 steps
#define IRS_RUNTIME 127
#define PPM_STOPPULSE 188
#define PPM_FRAMELEN (1757 * EE_Parameter.ServoNickRefresh)
#define MAXSERVOPULSE 1500
static uint8_t PulseOutput = 0;
static uint16_t ServoFrameTime = 0;
static uint8_t ServoIndex = 0;
if(PlatinenVersion < 20)
// Nick servo state machine
if(!PulseOutput) // pulse output complete
if(TCCR2A & (1<<COM2A0)) // we had a low pulse
TCCR2A &= ~(1<<COM2A0);// make a high pulse
RemainingPulse = MINSERVOPULSE + SERVORANGE/2; // center position ~ 1.5ms
RemainingPulse += ServoNickValue - (256 / 2) * MULTIPLYER; // shift ServoNickValue to center position
// range servo pulse width
if(RemainingPulse > MAXSERVOPULSE ) RemainingPulse = MAXSERVOPULSE; // upper servo pulse limit
else if(RemainingPulse < MINSERVOPULSE ) RemainingPulse = MINSERVOPULSE; // lower servo pulse limit
// accumulate time for correct update rate
ServoFrameTime = RemainingPulse;
else // we had a high pulse
TCCR2A |= (1<<COM2A0); // make a low pulse
RemainingPulse = PPM_FRAMELEN - ServoFrameTime;
CalculateServoSignals = 1;
// set pulse output active
PulseOutput = 1;
} // EOF Nick servo state machine
// PPM state machine, onboard demultiplexed by HEF4017
if(!PulseOutput) // pulse output complete
if(TCCR2A & (1<<COM2A0)) // we had a low pulse
TCCR2A &= ~(1<<COM2A0);// make a high pulse
if(ServoIndex == 0) // if we are at the sync gap
RemainingPulse = PPM_FRAMELEN - ServoFrameTime; // generate sync gap by filling time to full frame time
ServoFrameTime = 0; // reset servo frame time
HEF4017Reset_ON; // enable HEF4017 reset
else // servo channels
if(ServoIndex > EE_Parameter.ServoNickRefresh)
RemainingPulse = 10; // end it here
RemainingPulse = MINSERVOPULSE + SERVORANGE/2; // center position ~ 1.5ms
switch(ServoIndex) // map servo channels
case 1: // Nick Compensation Servo
RemainingPulse += ServoNickValue - (256 / 2) * MULTIPLYER; // shift ServoNickValue to center position
case 2: // Roll Compensation Servo
RemainingPulse += ServoRollValue - (256 / 2) * MULTIPLYER; // shift ServoNickValue to center position
case 3:
RemainingPulse += ((int16_t)Parameter_Servo3 * MULTIPLYER) - (256 / 2) * MULTIPLYER;
case 4:
RemainingPulse += ((int16_t)Parameter_Servo4 * MULTIPLYER) - (256 / 2) * MULTIPLYER;
case 5:
RemainingPulse += ((int16_t)Parameter_Servo5 * MULTIPLYER) - (256 / 2) * MULTIPLYER;
default: // other servo channels
RemainingPulse += 2 * PPM_in[ServoIndex]; // add channel value, factor of 2 because timer 1 increments 3.2µs
// range servo pulse width
if(RemainingPulse > MAXSERVOPULSE) RemainingPulse = MAXSERVOPULSE; // upper servo pulse limit
else if(RemainingPulse < MINSERVOPULSE) RemainingPulse = MINSERVOPULSE; // lower servo pulse limit
// substract stop pulse width
RemainingPulse -= PPM_STOPPULSE;
// accumulate time for correct sync gap
ServoFrameTime += RemainingPulse;
else // we had a high pulse
TCCR2A |= (1<<COM2A0); // make a low pulse
// set pulsewidth to stop pulse width
RemainingPulse = PPM_STOPPULSE;
// accumulate time for correct sync gap
ServoFrameTime += RemainingPulse;
if((ServoActive && SenderOkay) || ServoActive == 2) HEF4017Reset_OFF; // disable HEF4017 reset
else HEF4017Reset_ON;
if(ServoIndex > EE_Parameter.ServoNickRefresh+1)
CalculateServoSignals = 1;
ServoIndex = 0; // reset to the sync gap
// set pulse output active
PulseOutput = 1;
} // EOF PPM state machine
// General pulse output generator
if(RemainingPulse > (255 + IRS_RUNTIME))
OCR2A = 255;
RemainingPulse -= 255;
if(RemainingPulse > 255) // this is the 2nd last part
if((RemainingPulse - 255) < IRS_RUNTIME)
RemainingPulse -= 255 - IRS_RUNTIME;
else // last part > ISR_RUNTIME
OCR2A = 255;
RemainingPulse -= 255;
else // this is the last part
OCR2A = RemainingPulse;
RemainingPulse = 0;
PulseOutput = 0; // trigger to stop pulse
} // EOF general pulse output generator
0,0 → 1,25
#define HEF4017Reset_ON PORTC |= (1<<PORTC6)
#define HEF4017Reset_OFF PORTC &= ~(1<<PORTC6)
void Timer_Init(void);
void TIMER2_Init(void);
void Delay_ms(unsigned int);
void Delay_ms_Mess(unsigned int);
unsigned int SetDelay (unsigned int t);
char CheckDelay (unsigned int t);
void CalculateServo(void);
void CalcNickServoValue(void);
extern volatile unsigned int CountMilliseconds;
extern volatile unsigned char UpdateMotor;
extern volatile unsigned int beeptime;
extern volatile unsigned int cntKompass;
extern unsigned int BeepMuster;
extern volatile unsigned char SendSPI, ServoActive, CalculateServoSignals;
extern volatile int16_t ServoNickValue;
extern volatile int16_t ServoRollValue;
extern signed int NickServoValue;
extern unsigned char JustMK3MagConnected;
0,0 → 1,469
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Software Nutzungsbedingungen (english version: see below)
// + der Fa. HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland - nachfolgend Lizenzgeber genannt -
// + Der Lizenzgeber räumt dem Kunden ein nicht-ausschließliches, zeitlich und räumlich* unbeschränktes Recht ein, die im den
// + Mikrocontroller verwendete Firmware für die Hardware Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, MK3Mag & PC-Programm MikroKopter-Tool
// + - nachfolgend Software genannt - nur für private Zwecke zu nutzen.
// + Der Einsatz dieser Software ist nur auf oder mit Produkten des Lizenzgebers zulässig.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Die vom Lizenzgeber gelieferte Software ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte an der Software sowie an sonstigen im
// + Rahmen der Vertragsanbahnung und Vertragsdurchführung überlassenen Unterlagen stehen im Verhältnis der Vertragspartner ausschließlich dem Lizenzgeber zu.
// + Die in der Software enthaltenen Copyright-Vermerke, Markenzeichen, andere Rechtsvorbehalte, Seriennummern sowie
// + sonstige der Programmidentifikation dienenden Merkmale dürfen vom Kunden nicht verändert oder unkenntlich gemacht werden.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den sicheren Einsatz der Software. Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren
// + Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Die Haftung des Lizenzgebers wird - soweit gesetzlich zulässig - begrenzt in Höhe des typischen und vorhersehbaren
// + Schadens. Die gesetzliche Haftung bei Personenschäden und nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz bleibt unberührt. Dem Lizenzgeber steht jedoch der Einwand
// + des Mitverschuldens offen.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den Fall, dass die Software ganz oder teilweise nicht ordnungsgemäß arbeitet.
// + Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Der Kunde wird er seine Daten vor Einsatz der Software nach dem Stand der Technik sichern.
// + Der Kunde ist darüber unterrichtet, dass der Lizenzgeber seine Daten im zur Vertragsdurchführung erforderlichen Umfang
// + und auf Grundlage der Datenschutzvorschriften erhebt, speichert, verarbeitet und, sofern notwendig, an Dritte übermittelt.
// + *) Die räumliche Nutzung bezieht sich nur auf den Einsatzort, nicht auf die Reichweite der programmierten Software.
// + Hinweis: Informationen über erweiterte Nutzungsrechte (wie z.B. Nutzung für nicht-private Zwecke) sind auf Anfrage per Email an info(@) verfügbar.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + of HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland, Germany - the Licensor -
// + The Licensor grants the customer a non-exclusive license to use the microcontroller firmware of the Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, and MK3Mag hardware
// + (the Software) exclusively for private purposes. The License is unrestricted with respect to time and territory*.
// + The Software may only be used with the Licensor's products.
// + The Software provided by the Licensor is protected by copyright. With respect to the relationship between the parties to this
// + agreement, all rights pertaining to the Software and other documents provided during the preparation and execution of this
// + agreement shall be the property of the Licensor.
// + The information contained in the Software copyright notices, trademarks, other legal reservations, serial numbers and other
// + features that can be used to identify the program may not be altered or defaced by the customer.
// + The customer shall be responsible for taking reasonable precautions
// + for the safe use of the Software. The customer shall test the Software thoroughly regarding its suitability for the
// + intended purpose before implementing it for actual operation. The Licensor's liability shall be limited to the extent of typical and
// + foreseeable damage to the extent permitted by law, notwithstanding statutory liability for bodily injury and product
// + liability. However, the Licensor shall be entitled to the defense of contributory negligence.
// + The customer will take adequate precautions in the case, that the software is not working properly. The customer will test
// + the software for his purpose before any operational usage. The customer will backup his data before using the software.
// + The customer understands that the Licensor collects, stores and processes, and, where required, forwards, customer data
// + to third parties to the extent necessary for executing the agreement, subject to applicable data protection and privacy regulations.
// + *) The territory aspect only refers to the place where the Software is used, not its programmed range.
// + Note: For information on license extensions (e.g. commercial use), please contact us at info(@)
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <util/twi.h>
#include "eeprom.h"
#include "twimaster.h"
#include "fc.h"
#include "analog.h"
#include "uart.h"
#include "timer0.h"
volatile uint8_t twi_state = TWI_STATE_MOTOR_TX;
volatile uint8_t dac_channel = 0;
volatile uint8_t motor_write = 0;
volatile uint8_t motor_read = 0;
volatile uint8_t I2C_TransferActive = 0;
volatile uint16_t I2CTimeout = 100;
uint8_t MissingMotor = 0;
volatile uint8_t BLFlags = 0;
MotorData_t Motor[MAX_MOTORS];
// bit mask for witch BL the configuration should be sent
volatile uint16_t BLConfig_WriteMask = 0;
// bit mask for witch BL the configuration should be read
volatile uint16_t BLConfig_ReadMask = 0;
// buffer for BL Configuration
BLConfig_t BLConfig;
#define I2C_WriteByte(byte) {TWDR = byte; TWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWEN) | (1<<TWIE);}
#define I2C_ReceiveByte() {TWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWEN) | (1<<TWIE) | (1<<TWEA);}
#define I2C_ReceiveLastByte() {TWCR = (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWEN) | (1<<TWIE);}
#define SCL_CLOCK 200000L
#define I2C_TIMEOUT 30000
#define TWI_BASE_ADDRESS 0x52
/* Initialize I2C (TWI) */
void I2C_Init(char clear)
uint8_t i;
uint8_t sreg = SREG;
DDRC &= ~(1<<DDC1);
// SCL is output
DDRC |= (1<<DDC0);
// pull up SDA
PORTC |= (1<<PORTC0)|(1<<PORTC1);
// TWI Status Register
// prescaler 1 (TWPS1 = 0, TWPS0 = 0)
TWSR &= ~((1<<TWPS1)|(1<<TWPS0));
// set TWI Bit Rate Register
TWBR = ((F_CPU/SCL_CLOCK)-16)/2;
twi_state = TWI_STATE_MOTOR_TX;
motor_write = 0;
motor_read = 0;
if(clear) for(i=0; i < MAX_MOTORS; i++)
Motor[i].Version = 0;
Motor[i].SetPoint = 0;
Motor[i].SetPointLowerBits = 0;
Motor[i].State = 0;
Motor[i].ReadMode = BL_READMODE_STATUS;
Motor[i].Current = 0;
Motor[i].MaxPWM = 0;
Motor[i].Temperature = 0;
SREG = sreg;
void I2C_Reset(void)
// stop i2c bus
TWCR = (1<<TWINT); // reset to original state incl. interrupt flag reset
TWAMR = 0;
TWAR = 0;
TWDR = 0;
TWSR = 0;
TWBR = 0;
I2C_TransferActive = 0;
/* I2C ISR */
ISR (TWI_vect)
static uint8_t missing_motor = 0, motor_read_temperature = 0;
static uint8_t *pBuff = 0;
static uint8_t BuffLen = 0;
switch (twi_state++)
// Master Transmit
I2C_TransferActive = 1;
// skip motor if not used in mixer
while((Mixer.Motor[motor_write][MIX_GAS] <= 0) && (motor_write < MAX_MOTORS)) motor_write++;
if(motor_write >= MAX_MOTORS) // writing finished, read now
BLConfig_WriteMask = 0; // reset configuration bitmask
motor_write = 0; // reset motor write counter for next cycle
twi_state = TWI_STATE_MOTOR_RX;
I2C_WriteByte(TWI_BASE_ADDRESS + TW_READ + (motor_read<<1) ); // select slave address in rx mode
else I2C_WriteByte(TWI_BASE_ADDRESS + TW_WRITE + (motor_write<<1) ); // select slave address in tx mode
case 1: // Send Data to Slave
I2C_WriteByte(Motor[motor_write].SetPoint); // transmit setpoint
// if old version has been detected
if(!(Motor[motor_write].Version & MOTOR_STATE_NEW_PROTOCOL_MASK))
twi_state = 4; //jump over sending more data
// the new version has been detected
else if(!( (Motor[motor_write].SetPointLowerBits && (RequiredMotors < 7)) || BLConfig_WriteMask || BLConfig_ReadMask ) )
{ // or LowerBits are zero and no BlConfig should be sent (saves round trip time)
twi_state = 4; //jump over sending more data
case 2: // lower bits of setpoint (higher resolution)
if ((0x0001<<motor_write) & BLConfig_ReadMask)
Motor[motor_write].ReadMode = BL_READMODE_CONFIG; // configuration request
Motor[motor_write].ReadMode = BL_READMODE_STATUS; // normal status request
// send read mode and the lower bits of setpoint
I2C_WriteByte((Motor[motor_write].ReadMode<<3)|(Motor[motor_write].SetPointLowerBits & 0x07));
// configuration tranmission request?
if((0x0001<<motor_write) & BLConfig_WriteMask)
{ // redirect tx pointer to configuration data
pBuff = (uint8_t*)&BLConfig; // select config for motor
BuffLen = sizeof(BLConfig_t);
{ // jump to end of transmission for that motor
twi_state = 4;
case 3: // send configuration
if(--BuffLen > 0) twi_state = 3; // if there are some bytes left
case 4: // repeat case 0-4 for all motors
if(TWSR == TW_MT_DATA_NACK) // Data transmitted, NACK received
if(!missing_motor) missing_motor = motor_write + 1;
if((Motor[motor_write].State & MOTOR_STATE_ERROR_MASK) < MOTOR_STATE_ERROR_MASK) Motor[motor_write].State++; // increment error counter and handle overflow
I2CTimeout = 10;
motor_write++; // next motor
I2C_Start(TWI_STATE_MOTOR_TX); // Repeated start -> switch slave or switch Master Transmit -> Master Receive
// Master Receive Data
if(TWSR != TW_MR_SLA_ACK) // SLA+R transmitted but no ACK received
{ // no response from the addressed slave received
Motor[motor_read].State &= ~MOTOR_STATE_PRESENT_MASK; // clear present bit
if(++motor_read >= MAX_MOTORS)
{ // all motors read
motor_read = 0; // restart from beginning
BLConfig_ReadMask = 0; // reset read configuration bitmask
if(++motor_read_temperature >= MAX_MOTORS)
motor_read_temperature = 0;
I2C_TransferActive = 0;
{ // motor successfully addressed
Motor[motor_read].State |= MOTOR_STATE_PRESENT_MASK; // set present bit
if(Motor[motor_read].Version & MOTOR_STATE_NEW_PROTOCOL_MASK)
// new BL found
pBuff = (uint8_t*)&BLConfig;
BuffLen = sizeof(BLConfig_t);
pBuff = (uint8_t*)&(Motor[motor_read].Current);
if(motor_read == motor_read_temperature) BuffLen = 3; // read Current, MaxPwm & Temp
else BuffLen = 1;// read Current only
else // old BL version
pBuff = (uint8_t*)&(Motor[motor_read].Current);
if((BLFlags & BLFLAG_READ_VERSION) || (motor_read == motor_read_temperature)) BuffLen = 2; // Current & MaxPwm
else BuffLen = 1; // read Current only
if(BuffLen == 1)
I2C_ReceiveLastByte(); // read last byte
I2C_ReceiveByte(); // read next byte
MissingMotor = missing_motor;
missing_motor = 0;
case 6: // receive bytes
*pBuff = TWDR;
I2C_ReceiveByte(); // read next byte
else if (BuffLen == 1)
I2C_ReceiveLastByte(); // read last byte
else // nothing left
if(!(FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_MOTOR_RUN) && (Motor[motor_read].MaxPWM == 250) ) Motor[motor_read].Version |= MOTOR_STATE_NEW_PROTOCOL_MASK;
else Motor[motor_read].Version = 0;
if(++motor_read >= MAX_MOTORS)
motor_read = 0; // restart from beginning
BLConfig_ReadMask = 0; // reset read configuration bitmask
if(++motor_read_temperature >= MAX_MOTORS)
motor_read_temperature = 0;
I2C_TransferActive = 0;
twi_state = 6; // if there are some bytes left
// writing Gyro-Offsets
case 18:
I2C_WriteByte(0x98); // Address the DAC
case 19:
I2C_WriteByte(0x10 + (dac_channel * 2)); // Select DAC Channel (0x10 = A, 0x12 = B, 0x14 = C)
case 20:
case 0:
I2C_WriteByte(AnalogOffsetNick); // 1st byte for Channel A
case 1:
I2C_WriteByte(AnalogOffsetRoll); // 1st byte for Channel B
case 2:
I2C_WriteByte(AnalogOffsetGier); // 1st byte for Channel C
case 21:
I2C_WriteByte(0x80); // 2nd byte for all channels is 0x80
case 22:
I2C_TransferActive = 0;
I2CTimeout = 10;
// repeat case 18...22 until all DAC Channels are updated
if(dac_channel < 2)
dac_channel ++; // jump to next channel
I2C_Start(TWI_STATE_GYRO_OFFSET_TX); // start transmission for next channel
dac_channel = 0; // reset dac channel counter
I2CTimeout = 10;
motor_write = 0;
motor_read = 0;
I2C_TransferActive = 0;
uint8_t I2C_WriteBLConfig(uint8_t motor)
uint8_t i;
uint16_t timer;
if(MotorenEin || PC_MotortestActive) return(BLCONFIG_ERR_MOTOR_RUNNING); // not when motors are running!
if(motor > MAX_MOTORS) return (BLCONFIG_ERR_MOTOR_NOT_EXIST); // motor does not exist!
if(!(Motor[motor-1].State & MOTOR_STATE_PRESENT_MASK)) return(BLCONFIG_ERR_MOTOR_NOT_EXIST); // motor does not exist!
if(!(Motor[motor-1].Version & MOTOR_STATE_NEW_PROTOCOL_MASK)) return(BLCONFIG_ERR_HW_NOT_COMPATIBLE); // not a new BL!
// check BL configuration to send
if(BLConfig.Revision != BLCONFIG_REVISION) return (BLCONFIG_ERR_SW_NOT_COMPATIBLE); // bad revison
i = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)&BLConfig, sizeof(BLConfig_t) - 1);
if(i != BLConfig.crc) return(BLCONFIG_ERR_CHECKSUM); // bad checksum
timer = SetDelay(2000);
while(!(BLFlags & BLFLAG_TX_COMPLETE) && !CheckDelay(timer)); //wait for complete transfer
// prepare the bitmask
if(!motor) // 0 means all
BLConfig_WriteMask = 0xFF; // all motors at once with the same configuration
else //only one specific motor
BLConfig_WriteMask = 0x0001<<(motor-1);
for(i = 0; i < MAX_MOTORS; i++)
if((0x0001<<i) & BLConfig_WriteMask)
Motor[i].SetPoint = 0;
Motor[i].SetPointLowerBits = 0;
motor_write = 0;
// needs at least MAX_MOTORS loops of 2 ms (12*2ms = 24ms)
I2C_Start(TWI_STATE_MOTOR_TX); // start an i2c transmission
while(!(BLFlags & BLFLAG_TX_COMPLETE) && !CheckDelay(timer)); //wait for complete transfer
}while(BLConfig_WriteMask && !CheckDelay(timer)); // repeat until the BL config has been sent
if(BLConfig_WriteMask) return(BLCONFIG_ERR_MOTOR_NOT_EXIST);
uint8_t I2C_ReadBLConfig(uint8_t motor)
uint8_t i;
uint16_t timer;
if(MotorenEin || PC_MotortestActive) return(BLCONFIG_ERR_MOTOR_RUNNING); // not when motors are running!
if(motor > MAX_MOTORS) return (BLCONFIG_ERR_MOTOR_NOT_EXIST); // motor does not exist!
if(motor == 0) return (BLCONFIG_ERR_READ_NOT_POSSIBLE);
if(!(Motor[motor-1].State & MOTOR_STATE_PRESENT_MASK)) return(BLCONFIG_ERR_MOTOR_NOT_EXIST); // motor does not exist!
if(!(Motor[motor-1].Version & MOTOR_STATE_NEW_PROTOCOL_MASK)) return(BLCONFIG_ERR_HW_NOT_COMPATIBLE); // not a new BL!
timer = SetDelay(2000);
while(!(BLFlags & BLFLAG_TX_COMPLETE) && !CheckDelay(timer)); //wait for complete transfer
// prepare the bitmask
BLConfig_ReadMask = 0x0001<<(motor-1);
for(i = 0; i < MAX_MOTORS; i++)
if((0x0001<<i) & BLConfig_ReadMask)
Motor[i].SetPoint = 0;
Motor[i].SetPointLowerBits = 0;
motor_read = 0;
BLConfig.Revision = 0; // bad revision
BLConfig.crc = 0; // bad checksum
// needs at least MAX_MOTORS loops of 2 ms (12*2ms = 24ms)
I2C_Start(TWI_STATE_MOTOR_TX); // start an i2c transmission
while(!(BLFlags & BLFLAG_TX_COMPLETE) && !CheckDelay(timer)); //wait for complete transfer
}while(BLConfig_ReadMask && !CheckDelay(timer)); // repeat until the BL config has been received from all motors
// validate result
if(BLConfig.Revision != BLCONFIG_REVISION) return (BLCONFIG_ERR_SW_NOT_COMPATIBLE); // bad revison
i = RAM_Checksum((uint8_t*)&BLConfig, sizeof(BLConfig_t) - 1);
if(i != BLConfig.crc) return(BLCONFIG_ERR_CHECKSUM); // bad checksum
0,0 → 1,100
#ifndef _I2C_MASTER_H
#define _I2C_MASTER_H
+#include <inttypes.h>
+extern volatile uint8_t twi_state;
+extern volatile uint8_t motor_write;
+extern volatile uint8_t motor_read;
+extern volatile uint8_t I2C_TransferActive;
+extern uint8_t MissingMotor;
+#define MAX_MOTORS 12
+#define BLFLAG_TX_COMPLETE 0x01
+extern volatile uint8_t BLFlags;
+typedef struct
+ uint8_t Version; // the version of the BL (0 = old)
+ uint8_t SetPoint; // written by attitude controller
+ uint8_t SetPointLowerBits; // for higher Resolution of new BLs
+ uint8_t State; // 7 bit for I2C error counter, highest bit indicates if motor is present
+ uint8_t ReadMode; // select data to read
+ // the following bytes must be exactly in that order!
+ uint8_t Current; // in 0.1 A steps, read back from BL
+ uint8_t MaxPWM; // read back from BL -> is less than 255 if BL is in current limit, not running (250) or starting (40)
+ int8_t Temperature; // old BL-Ctrl will return a 255 here, the new version the temp. in °C
+} __attribute__((packed)) MotorData_t;
+extern MotorData_t Motor[MAX_MOTORS];
+#define MASK_SET_PWM_SCALING 0x01
+#define MASK_SET_TEMP_LIMIT 0x04
+#define MASK_SET_BITCONFIG 0x10
+#define MASK_SET_SAVE_EEPROM 0x80
+#define BITCONF_RES1 0x02
+#define BITCONF_RES2 0x04
+#define BITCONF_RES3 0x08
+#define BITCONF_RES4 0x10
+#define BITCONF_RES5 0x20
+#define BITCONF_RES6 0x40
+#define BITCONF_RES7 0x80
+typedef struct
+ uint8_t Revision; // must be BL_REVISION
+ uint8_t SetMask; // settings mask
+ uint8_t PwmScaling; // maximum value of control pwm, acts like a thrust limit
+ uint8_t CurrentLimit; // current limit in A
+ uint8_t TempLimit; // in °C
+ uint8_t CurrentScaling; // scaling factor for current measurement
+ uint8_t BitConfig; // see defines above
+ uint8_t crc; // checksum
+} __attribute__((packed)) BLConfig_t;
+extern BLConfig_t BLConfig;
+extern volatile uint16_t I2CTimeout;
+void I2C_Init(char); // Initialize I2C
+#define I2C_Start(start_state) {twi_state = start_state; BLFlags &= ~BLFLAG_TX_COMPLETE; TWCR = (1<<TWSTA) | (1<<TWEN) | (1<<TWINT) | (1<<TWIE);}
+#define I2C_Stop(start_state) {twi_state = start_state; TWCR = (1<<TWEN) | (1<<TWSTO) | (1<<TWINT);}
+void I2C_Reset(void); // Reset I2C
+uint8_t I2C_WriteBLConfig(uint8_t motor);
+uint8_t I2C_ReadBLConfig(uint8_t motor);
0,0 → 1,791
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// +
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Software Nutzungsbedingungen (english version: see below)
// + der Fa. HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland - nachfolgend Lizenzgeber genannt -
// + Der Lizenzgeber räumt dem Kunden ein nicht-ausschließliches, zeitlich und räumlich* unbeschränktes Recht ein, die im den
// + Mikrocontroller verwendete Firmware für die Hardware Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, MK3Mag & PC-Programm MikroKopter-Tool
// + - nachfolgend Software genannt - nur für private Zwecke zu nutzen.
// + Der Einsatz dieser Software ist nur auf oder mit Produkten des Lizenzgebers zulässig.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Die vom Lizenzgeber gelieferte Software ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Alle Rechte an der Software sowie an sonstigen im
// + Rahmen der Vertragsanbahnung und Vertragsdurchführung überlassenen Unterlagen stehen im Verhältnis der Vertragspartner ausschließlich dem Lizenzgeber zu.
// + Die in der Software enthaltenen Copyright-Vermerke, Markenzeichen, andere Rechtsvorbehalte, Seriennummern sowie
// + sonstige der Programmidentifikation dienenden Merkmale dürfen vom Kunden nicht verändert oder unkenntlich gemacht werden.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den sicheren Einsatz der Software. Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren
// + Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Die Haftung des Lizenzgebers wird - soweit gesetzlich zulässig - begrenzt in Höhe des typischen und vorhersehbaren
// + Schadens. Die gesetzliche Haftung bei Personenschäden und nach dem Produkthaftungsgesetz bleibt unberührt. Dem Lizenzgeber steht jedoch der Einwand
// + des Mitverschuldens offen.
// + Der Kunde trifft angemessene Vorkehrungen für den Fall, dass die Software ganz oder teilweise nicht ordnungsgemäß arbeitet.
// + Er wird die Software gründlich auf deren Verwendbarkeit zu dem von ihm beabsichtigten Zweck testen, bevor er diese operativ einsetzt.
// + Der Kunde wird er seine Daten vor Einsatz der Software nach dem Stand der Technik sichern.
// + Der Kunde ist darüber unterrichtet, dass der Lizenzgeber seine Daten im zur Vertragsdurchführung erforderlichen Umfang
// + und auf Grundlage der Datenschutzvorschriften erhebt, speichert, verarbeitet und, sofern notwendig, an Dritte übermittelt.
// + *) Die räumliche Nutzung bezieht sich nur auf den Einsatzort, nicht auf die Reichweite der programmierten Software.
// + Hinweis: Informationen über erweiterte Nutzungsrechte (wie z.B. Nutzung für nicht-private Zwecke) sind auf Anfrage per Email an info(@) verfügbar.
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + of HiSystems GmbH, Flachsmeerstrasse 2, 26802 Moormerland, Germany - the Licensor -
// + The Licensor grants the customer a non-exclusive license to use the microcontroller firmware of the Flight-Ctrl, Navi-Ctrl, BL-Ctrl, and MK3Mag hardware
// + (the Software) exclusively for private purposes. The License is unrestricted with respect to time and territory*.
// + The Software may only be used with the Licensor's products.
// + The Software provided by the Licensor is protected by copyright. With respect to the relationship between the parties to this
// + agreement, all rights pertaining to the Software and other documents provided during the preparation and execution of this
// + agreement shall be the property of the Licensor.
// + The information contained in the Software copyright notices, trademarks, other legal reservations, serial numbers and other
// + features that can be used to identify the program may not be altered or defaced by the customer.
// + The customer shall be responsible for taking reasonable precautions
// + for the safe use of the Software. The customer shall test the Software thoroughly regarding its suitability for the
// + intended purpose before implementing it for actual operation. The Licensor's liability shall be limited to the extent of typical and
// + foreseeable damage to the extent permitted by law, notwithstanding statutory liability for bodily injury and product
// + liability. However, the Licensor shall be entitled to the defense of contributory negligence.
// + The customer will take adequate precautions in the case, that the software is not working properly. The customer will test
// + the software for his purpose before any operational usage. The customer will backup his data before using the software.
// + The customer understands that the Licensor collects, stores and processes, and, where required, forwards, customer data
// + to third parties to the extent necessary for executing the agreement, subject to applicable data protection and privacy regulations.
// + *) The territory aspect only refers to the place where the Software is used, not its programmed range.
// + Note: For information on license extensions (e.g. commercial use), please contact us at info(@)
// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "uart.h"
#include "libfc.h"
#include "eeprom.h"
#define FC_ADDRESS 1
#define NC_ADDRESS 2
#define MK3MAG_ADDRESS 3
#define ABO_TIMEOUT 4000 // disable abo after 4 seconds
#define MAX_SENDE_BUFF 220
#define MASK_SET_TEMP_LIMIT 0x04
unsigned char GetExternalControl = 0,DebugDisplayAnforderung1 = 0, DebugDisplayAnforderung = 0,DebugDataAnforderung = 0,GetVersionAnforderung = 0, GetPPMChannelAnforderung = 0;
unsigned char DisplayLine = 0;
unsigned volatile char SioTmp = 0;
unsigned volatile char NeuerDatensatzEmpfangen = 0;
unsigned volatile char NeueKoordinateEmpfangen = 0;
unsigned volatile char UebertragungAbgeschlossen = 1;
unsigned volatile char CntCrcError = 0;
unsigned volatile char AnzahlEmpfangsBytes = 0;
unsigned volatile char TxdBuffer[MAX_SENDE_BUFF];
unsigned volatile char RxdBuffer[MAX_EMPFANGS_BUFF];
unsigned char *pRxData = 0;
unsigned char RxDataLen = 0;
unsigned volatile char PC_DebugTimeout = 0;
unsigned volatile char PC_MotortestActive = 0;
unsigned char DebugTextAnforderung = 255;
unsigned char PcZugriff = 100;
unsigned char MotorTest[16];
unsigned char MeineSlaveAdresse = 1; // Flight-Ctrl
unsigned char ConfirmFrame;
struct str_DebugOut DebugOut;
struct str_ExternControl ExternControl;
struct str_VersionInfo VersionInfo;
struct str_WinkelOut WinkelOut;
struct str_Data3D Data3D;
int Display_Timer, Debug_Timer,Kompass_Timer,Timer3D;
unsigned int DebugDataIntervall = 0, Intervall3D = 0, Display_Interval = 0;
unsigned int AboTimeOut = 0;
unsigned volatile char ReceiverUpdateModeActive = 0; // 1 = Update 2 = JetiBox-Simulation
const unsigned char ANALOG_TEXT[32][16] PROGMEM =
"AngleNick ", //0
"AngleRoll ",
"AccNick ",
"AccRoll ",
"YawGyro ",
"Altitude [0.1m] ", //5
"AccZ ",
"Gas ",
"Compass Value ",
"Voltage [0.1V] ",
"Receiver Level ", //10
"Gyro Compass ",
"Motor 1 ",
"Motor 2 ",
"Motor 3 ",
"Motor 4 ", //15
"16 ",
"17 ",
"18 ",
"19 ",
"Servo ", //20
"Hovergas ",
"Current [0.1A] ",
"Capacity [mAh] ",
"Height Setpoint ",
"25 ", //25
"26 ", //"26 CPU OverLoad ",
"Compass Setpoint",
"I2C-Error ",
"BL Limit ",
"GPS_Nick ", //30
"GPS_Roll "
//++ Sende-Part der Datenübertragung
static unsigned int ptr = 0;
unsigned char tmp_tx;
ptr++; // die [0] wurde schon gesendet
tmp_tx = TxdBuffer[ptr];
if((tmp_tx == '\r') || (ptr == MAX_SENDE_BUFF))
ptr = 0;
UebertragungAbgeschlossen = 1;
UDR0 = tmp_tx;
else ptr = 0;
//++ Empfangs-Part der Datenübertragung, incl. CRC-Auswertung
static unsigned int crc;
static unsigned char crc1,crc2,buf_ptr;
static unsigned char UartState = 0;
unsigned char CrcOkay = 0;
if (ReceiverUpdateModeActive == 1) { UDR1 = UDR0; return; } // 1 = Update
if (ReceiverUpdateModeActive == 2) { RxdBuffer[0] = UDR0; return; } // 2 = JetiBox-Simulation
SioTmp = UDR0;
if(buf_ptr >= MAX_SENDE_BUFF) UartState = 0;
if(SioTmp == '\r' && UartState == 2)
UartState = 0;
crc -= RxdBuffer[buf_ptr-2];
crc -= RxdBuffer[buf_ptr-1];
crc %= 4096;
crc1 = '=' + crc / 64;
crc2 = '=' + crc % 64;
CrcOkay = 0;
if((crc1 == RxdBuffer[buf_ptr-2]) && (crc2 == RxdBuffer[buf_ptr-1])) CrcOkay = 1; else { CrcOkay = 0; CntCrcError++;};
if(!NeuerDatensatzEmpfangen && CrcOkay) // Datensatz schon verarbeitet
NeuerDatensatzEmpfangen = 1;
AnzahlEmpfangsBytes = buf_ptr + 1;
RxdBuffer[buf_ptr] = '\r';
if(RxdBuffer[2] == 'R')
wdt_enable(WDTO_250MS); // Reset-Commando
ServoActive = 0;
case 0:
if(SioTmp == '#' && !NeuerDatensatzEmpfangen) UartState = 1; // Startzeichen und Daten schon verarbeitet
buf_ptr = 0;
RxdBuffer[buf_ptr++] = SioTmp;
crc = SioTmp;
case 1: // Adresse auswerten
RxdBuffer[buf_ptr++] = SioTmp;
crc += SioTmp;
case 2: // Eingangsdaten sammeln
RxdBuffer[buf_ptr] = SioTmp;
if(buf_ptr < MAX_EMPFANGS_BUFF) buf_ptr++;
else UartState = 0;
crc += SioTmp;
UartState = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void AddCRC(unsigned int wieviele)
unsigned int tmpCRC = 0,i;
for(i = 0; i < wieviele;i++)
tmpCRC += TxdBuffer[i];
// if(i > MAX_SENDE_BUFF - 3) tmpCRC += 11;
tmpCRC %= 4096;
TxdBuffer[i++] = '=' + tmpCRC / 64;
TxdBuffer[i++] = '=' + tmpCRC % 64;
TxdBuffer[i++] = '\r';
UebertragungAbgeschlossen = 0;
UDR0 = TxdBuffer[0];
//if(DebugOut.Analog[] < i) DebugOut.Analog[] = i;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void SendOutData(unsigned char cmd,unsigned char address, unsigned char BufferAnzahl, ...) //unsigned char *snd, unsigned char len)
va_list ap;
unsigned int pt = 0;
unsigned char a,b,c;
unsigned char ptr = 0;
unsigned char *snd = 0;
int len = 0;
TxdBuffer[pt++] = '#'; // Startzeichen
TxdBuffer[pt++] = 'a' + address; // Adresse (a=0; b=1,...)
TxdBuffer[pt++] = cmd; // Commando
va_start(ap, BufferAnzahl);
snd = va_arg(ap, unsigned char*);
len = va_arg(ap, int);
ptr = 0;
a = snd[ptr++];
if((!len) && BufferAnzahl)
snd = va_arg(ap, unsigned char*);
len = va_arg(ap, int);
ptr = 0;
else a = 0;
b = snd[ptr++];
if((!len) && BufferAnzahl)
snd = va_arg(ap, unsigned char*);
len = va_arg(ap, int);
ptr = 0;
else b = 0;
c = snd[ptr++];
if((!len) && BufferAnzahl)
snd = va_arg(ap, unsigned char*);
len = va_arg(ap, int);
ptr = 0;
else c = 0;
TxdBuffer[pt++] = '=' + (a >> 2);
TxdBuffer[pt++] = '=' + (((a & 0x03) << 4) | ((b & 0xf0) >> 4));
TxdBuffer[pt++] = '=' + (((b & 0x0f) << 2) | ((c & 0xc0) >> 6));
TxdBuffer[pt++] = '=' + ( c & 0x3f);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Decode64(void) // die daten werden im rx buffer dekodiert, das geht nur, weil aus 4 byte immer 3 gemacht werden.
unsigned char a,b,c,d;
unsigned char x,y,z;
unsigned char ptrIn = 3; // start at begin of data block
unsigned char ptrOut = 3;
unsigned char len = AnzahlEmpfangsBytes - 6; // von der Gesamtbytezahl eines Frames gehen 3 Bytes des Headers ('#',Addr, Cmd) und 3 Bytes des Footers (CRC1, CRC2, '\r') ab.
a = RxdBuffer[ptrIn++] - '=';
b = RxdBuffer[ptrIn++] - '=';
c = RxdBuffer[ptrIn++] - '=';
d = RxdBuffer[ptrIn++] - '=';
x = (a << 2) | (b >> 4);
y = ((b & 0x0f) << 4) | (c >> 2);
z = ((c & 0x03) << 6) | d;
if(len--) RxdBuffer[ptrOut++] = x; else break;
if(len--) RxdBuffer[ptrOut++] = y; else break;
if(len--) RxdBuffer[ptrOut++] = z; else break;
pRxData = (unsigned char*)&RxdBuffer[3]; // decodierte Daten beginnen beim 4. Byte
RxDataLen = ptrOut - 3; // wie viele Bytes wurden dekodiert?
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void BearbeiteRxDaten(void)
if(!NeuerDatensatzEmpfangen) return;
unsigned char tempchar1, tempchar2;
Decode64(); // dekodiere datenblock im Empfangsbuffer
switch(RxdBuffer[1]-'a') // check for Slave Address
case FC_ADDRESS: // FC special commands
case 'K':// Kompasswert
memcpy((unsigned char *)&KompassValue , (unsigned char *)pRxData, sizeof(KompassValue));
// KompassRichtung = ((540 + KompassValue - KompassSollWert) % 360) - 180;
case 't':// Motortest
if(AnzahlEmpfangsBytes > 20) memcpy(&MotorTest[0], (unsigned char *)pRxData, sizeof(MotorTest));
else memcpy(&MotorTest[0], (unsigned char *)pRxData, 4);
PC_MotortestActive = 240;
//SendOutData('T', MeineSlaveAdresse, 0);
PcZugriff = 255;
case 'n':// "Get Mixer
SendOutData('N', FC_ADDRESS, 1, (unsigned char *) &Mixer, sizeof(Mixer) - 1);
Debug("Mixer lesen");
case 'm':// "Write Mixer
if(pRxData[0] == EEMIXER_REVISION)
memcpy(&Mixer, (unsigned char *)pRxData, sizeof(Mixer) - 1);
tempchar1 = 1;
VersionInfo.HardwareError[1] &= ~FC_ERROR1_MIXER;
tempchar1 = 0;
SendOutData('M', FC_ADDRESS, 1, &tempchar1, sizeof(tempchar1));
case 'p': // get PPM Channels
GetPPMChannelAnforderung = 1;
PcZugriff = 255;
case 'q':// "Get"-Anforderung für Settings
// Bei Get werden die vom PC einstellbaren Werte vom PC zurückgelesen
if(MotorenEin) break;
if((10 <= pRxData[0]) && (pRxData[0] < 20))
tempchar1 = pRxData[0] - 10;
if(tempchar1< 1) tempchar1 = 1; // limit to 1
else if(tempchar1 > 5) tempchar1 = 5; // limit to 5
SetDefaultParameter(tempchar1, 1);
else if((20 <= pRxData[0]) && (pRxData[0] < 30))
tempchar1 = pRxData[0] - 20;
if(tempchar1< 1) tempchar1 = 1; // limit to 1
else if(tempchar1 > 5) tempchar1 = 5; // limit to 5
SetDefaultParameter(tempchar1, 0);
tempchar1 = pRxData[0];
if(tempchar1 == 0xFF)
tempchar1 = GetActiveParamSet();
if(tempchar1< 1) tempchar1 = 1; // limit to 1
else if(tempchar1 > 5) tempchar1 = 5; // limit to 5
// load requested parameter set
SendOutData('Q', FC_ADDRESS, 2, &tempchar1, sizeof(tempchar1), (unsigned char *) &EE_Parameter, sizeof(EE_Parameter) - 1);
Debug("Lese Setting %d", tempchar1);
case 's': // Parametersatz speichern
if((1 <= pRxData[0]) && (pRxData[0] <= 5) && (pRxData[1] == EEPARAM_REVISION) && MotorenEin == 0) // check for setting to be in range
memcpy(&EE_Parameter, (uint8_t*)&pRxData[1], sizeof(EE_Parameter) - 1);
Umschlag180Nick = (long) EE_Parameter.WinkelUmschlagNick * 2500L;
Umschlag180Roll = (long) EE_Parameter.WinkelUmschlagRoll * 2500L;
tempchar1 = GetActiveParamSet();
tempchar1 = 0; // mark in response an invlid setting
SendOutData('S', FC_ADDRESS, 1, &tempchar1, sizeof(tempchar1));
if(!MotorenEin) Piep(tempchar1,110);
case 'f': // auf anderen Parametersatz umschalten
if(MotorenEin) break;
if((1 <= pRxData[0]) && (pRxData[0] <= 5)) ParamSet_ReadFromEEProm(pRxData[0]);
tempchar1 = GetActiveParamSet();
SendOutData('F', FC_ADDRESS, 1, &tempchar1, sizeof(tempchar1));
case 'y':// serial Potis
for(tempchar1 = 0; tempchar1 < 12; tempchar1++) PPM_in[SERIAL_POTI_START + tempchar1] = (signed char) pRxData[tempchar1];
case 'u': // request BL parameter
Debug("Reading BL %d", pRxData[0]);
// try to read BL configuration
tempchar2 = I2C_ReadBLConfig(pRxData[0]);
if(tempchar2 == BLCONFIG_SUCCESS) tempchar1 = 1;
else tempchar1 = 0;
while(!UebertragungAbgeschlossen); // wait for previous frame to be sent
SendOutData('U', FC_ADDRESS, 4, &tempchar1, sizeof(tempchar1), &tempchar2, sizeof(tempchar2), &pRxData[0], 1, &BLConfig, sizeof(BLConfig_t));
case 'w': // write BL parameter
Debug("Writing BL %d", pRxData[0]);
if(RxDataLen >= 1+sizeof(BLConfig_t))
memcpy(&BLConfig, (uint8_t*)(&pRxData[1]), sizeof(BLConfig_t));
tempchar2 = I2C_WriteBLConfig(pRxData[0]);
if(tempchar2 == BLCONFIG_SUCCESS) tempchar1 = 1;
else tempchar1 = 0; // indicate error
while(!UebertragungAbgeschlossen); // wait for previous frame to be sent
SendOutData('W', FC_ADDRESS,2, &tempchar1, sizeof(tempchar1), &tempchar2, sizeof(tempchar2));
case 'j':
if(MotorenEin) break;
tempchar1 = LIBFC_GetCPUType();
if((tempchar1 == CPU_ATMEGA644P) || (tempchar1 == CPU_ATMEGA1284P))
uint16_t ubrr = (uint16_t) ((uint32_t) F_CPU/ (8 * 38400L) - 1);
// UART0 & UART1 disable RX and TX-Interrupt
UCSR0B &= ~((1 << RXCIE0)|(1 << TXCIE0));
UCSR1B &= ~((1 << RXCIE1)|(1 << TXCIE1));
// UART0 & UART1 disable receiver and transmitter
UCSR0B &= ~((1 << TXEN0) | (1 << RXEN0));
UCSR1B &= ~((1 << TXEN1) | (1 << RXEN1));
// UART0 & UART1 flush receive buffer explicit
while ( UCSR1A & (1<<RXC1) ) UDR1;
while ( UCSR0A & (1<<RXC0) ) UDR0;
if(pRxData[0] == 1) ReceiverUpdateModeActive = 2;
{ // Jeti or HoTT update
//#if (defined(__AVR_ATmega1284__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__))
if(pRxData[0] == 100) ubrr = (uint16_t) ((uint32_t) F_CPU/ (8 * 19200L) - 1); // HoTT
ReceiverUpdateModeActive = 1;
// UART0 & UART1 set baudrate
UBRR1H = (uint8_t)(ubrr>>8);
UBRR1L = (uint8_t)ubrr;
// UART1 no parity
UCSR1C &= ~(1 << UPM11);
UCSR1C &= ~(1 << UPM10);
// UART1 8-bit
UCSR1B &= ~(1 << UCSZ12);
UCSR1C |= (1 << UCSZ11);
UCSR1C |= (1 << UCSZ10);
// UART0 & UART1 1 stop bit
UCSR1C &= ~(1 << USBS1);
UCSR0C &= ~(1 << USBS0);
// UART1 clear 9th bit
UCSR1B &= ~(1<<TXB81);
// enable receiver and transmitter for UART0 and UART1
UCSR0B |= (1 << TXEN0) | (1 << RXEN0);
UCSR1B |= (1 << TXEN1) | (1 << RXEN1);
// enable RX-Interrupt for UART0 and UART1
UCSR0B |= (1 << RXCIE0);
UCSR1B |= (1 << RXCIE1);
// disable other Interrupts
TIMSK0 = 0;
TIMSK1 = 0;
TIMSK2 = 0;
} // case FC_ADDRESS:
default: // any Slave Address
// 't' comand placed here only for compatibility to BL
case 't':// Motortest
if(AnzahlEmpfangsBytes >= sizeof(MotorTest)) memcpy(&MotorTest[0], (unsigned char *)pRxData, sizeof(MotorTest));
else memcpy(&MotorTest[0], (unsigned char *)pRxData, 4);
SendOutData('T', MeineSlaveAdresse, 0);
PC_MotortestActive = 250;
PcZugriff = 255;
AboTimeOut = SetDelay(ABO_TIMEOUT);
// 'K' comand placed here only for compatibility to old MK3MAG software, that does not send the right Slave Address
case 'K':// Kompasswert
memcpy((unsigned char *)&KompassValue , (unsigned char *)pRxData, sizeof(KompassValue));
// KompassRichtung = ((540 + KompassValue - KompassSollWert) % 360) - 180;
case 'a':// Texte der Analogwerte
DebugTextAnforderung = pRxData[0];
if (DebugTextAnforderung > 31) DebugTextAnforderung = 31;
PcZugriff = 255;
case 'b':
memcpy((unsigned char *)&ExternControl, (unsigned char *)pRxData, sizeof(ExternControl));
ConfirmFrame = ExternControl.Frame;
PcZugriff = 255;
case 'c': // Poll the 3D-Data
if(!Intervall3D) { if(pRxData[0]) Timer3D = SetDelay(pRxData[0] * 10);}
Intervall3D = pRxData[0] * 10;
AboTimeOut = SetDelay(ABO_TIMEOUT);
case 'd': // Poll the debug data
PcZugriff = 255;
DebugDataIntervall = (unsigned int)pRxData[0] * 10;
if(DebugDataIntervall > 0) DebugDataAnforderung = 1;
AboTimeOut = SetDelay(ABO_TIMEOUT);
case 'h':// x-1 Displayzeilen
PcZugriff = 255;
if((pRxData[0] & 0x80) == 0x00) // old format
DisplayLine = 2;
Display_Interval = 0;
else // new format
RemoteKeys |= ~pRxData[0];
Display_Interval = (unsigned int)pRxData[1] * 10;
DisplayLine = 4;
AboTimeOut = SetDelay(ABO_TIMEOUT);
DebugDisplayAnforderung = 1;
case 'l':// x-1 Displayzeilen
PcZugriff = 255;
MenuePunkt = pRxData[0];
DebugDisplayAnforderung1 = 1;
case 'v': // Version-Anforderung und Ausbaustufe
GetVersionAnforderung = 1;
case 'g'://
GetExternalControl = 1;
//unsupported command received
break; // default:
NeuerDatensatzEmpfangen = 0;
pRxData = 0;
RxDataLen = 0;
//Routine für die Serielle Ausgabe
void uart_putchar (char c)
//Warten solange bis Zeichen gesendet wurde
loop_until_bit_is_set(UCSR0A, UDRE0);
//Ausgabe des Zeichens
UDR0 = c;
//INstallation der Seriellen Schnittstelle
void UART_Init (void)
unsigned int ubrr = (unsigned int) ((unsigned long) F_CPU/(8 * USART0_BAUD) - 1);
//Enable TXEN im Register UCR TX-Data Enable & RX Enable
UCSR0B = (1 << TXEN0) | (1 << RXEN0);
// UART Double Speed (U2X)
UCSR0A |= (1 << U2X0);
// RX-Interrupt Freigabe
UCSR0B |= (1 << RXCIE0);
// TX-Interrupt Freigabe
UCSR0B |= (1 << TXCIE0);
// USART0 Baud Rate Register
// set clock divider
UBRR0H = (uint8_t)(ubrr >> 8);
UBRR0L = (uint8_t)ubrr;
Debug_Timer = SetDelay(DebugDataIntervall);
Kompass_Timer = SetDelay(220);
VersionInfo.SWMajor = VERSION_MAJOR;
VersionInfo.SWMinor = VERSION_MINOR;
VersionInfo.SWPatch = VERSION_PATCH;
VersionInfo.ProtoMajor = VERSION_SERIAL_MAJOR;
VersionInfo.reserved1 = 0;
VersionInfo.reserved2 = 0;
VersionInfo.HWMajor = PlatinenVersion;
pRxData = 0;
RxDataLen = 0;
void DatenUebertragung(void)
if(!UebertragungAbgeschlossen) return;
Display_Interval = 0;
DebugDataIntervall = 0;
Intervall3D = 0;
if(((Display_Interval>0 && CheckDelay(Display_Timer)) || DebugDisplayAnforderung) && UebertragungAbgeschlossen)
if(DisplayLine > 3)// new format
SendOutData('H', FC_ADDRESS, 1, (uint8_t *)DisplayBuff, 80);
else // old format
LCD_printfxy(0,0,"!!! INCOMPATIBLE !!!");
SendOutData('H', FC_ADDRESS, 2, &DisplayLine, sizeof(DisplayLine), (uint8_t *)DisplayBuff, 20);
if(DisplayLine++ > 3) DisplayLine = 0;
Display_Timer = SetDelay(Display_Interval);
DebugDisplayAnforderung = 0;
if(DebugDisplayAnforderung1 && UebertragungAbgeschlossen)
SendOutData('L', FC_ADDRESS, 3, &MenuePunkt, sizeof(MenuePunkt), &MaxMenue, sizeof(MaxMenue), DisplayBuff, sizeof(DisplayBuff));
DebugDisplayAnforderung1 = 0;
if(GetVersionAnforderung && UebertragungAbgeschlossen)
SendOutData('V', FC_ADDRESS, 1, (unsigned char *) &VersionInfo, sizeof(VersionInfo));
GetVersionAnforderung = 0;
Debug_OK("Version gesendet");
if(GetExternalControl && UebertragungAbgeschlossen) // Bei Get werden die vom PC einstellbaren Werte vom PC zurückgelesen
SendOutData('G',MeineSlaveAdresse, 1, (unsigned char *) &ExternControl, sizeof(ExternControl));
GetExternalControl = 0;
if(((DebugDataIntervall>0 && CheckDelay(Debug_Timer)) || DebugDataAnforderung) && UebertragungAbgeschlossen)
SendOutData('D', FC_ADDRESS, 1, (unsigned char *) &DebugOut,sizeof(DebugOut));
DebugDataAnforderung = 0;
if(DebugDataIntervall>0) Debug_Timer = SetDelay(DebugDataIntervall);
if(Intervall3D > 0 && CheckDelay(Timer3D) && UebertragungAbgeschlossen)
Data3D.Winkel[0] = (int) (IntegralNick / (EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor * 4)); // etwa in 0.1 Grad
Data3D.Winkel[1] = (int) (IntegralRoll / (EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor * 4)); // etwa in 0.1 Grad
Data3D.Winkel[2] = (int) ((10 * ErsatzKompass) / GIER_GRAD_FAKTOR);
Data3D.Centroid[0] = SummeNick >> 9;
Data3D.Centroid[1] = SummeRoll >> 9;
Data3D.Centroid[2] = Mess_Integral_Gier >> 9;
SendOutData('C', FC_ADDRESS, 1, (unsigned char *) &Data3D,sizeof(Data3D));
Timer3D = SetDelay(Intervall3D);
if(DebugTextAnforderung != 255) // Texte für die Analogdaten
unsigned char label[16]; // local sram buffer
memcpy_P(label, ANALOG_TEXT[DebugTextAnforderung], 16); // read lable from flash to sra
SendOutData('A', FC_ADDRESS, 2, (unsigned char *)&DebugTextAnforderung, sizeof(DebugTextAnforderung),label, 16);
DebugTextAnforderung = 255;
if(ConfirmFrame && UebertragungAbgeschlossen) // Datensatz bestätigen
SendOutData('B', FC_ADDRESS, 1, (uint8_t*)&ConfirmFrame, sizeof(ConfirmFrame));
ConfirmFrame = 0;
if(GetPPMChannelAnforderung && UebertragungAbgeschlossen)
SendOutData('P', FC_ADDRESS, 1, (unsigned char *) &PPM_in, sizeof(PPM_in));
GetPPMChannelAnforderung = 0;
if((CheckDelay(Kompass_Timer)) && UebertragungAbgeschlossen)
WinkelOut.Winkel[0] = (int) (IntegralNick / (EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor * 4)); // etwa in 0.1 Grad
WinkelOut.Winkel[1] = (int) (IntegralRoll / (EE_Parameter.GyroAccFaktor * 4)); // etwa in 0.1 Grad
WinkelOut.UserParameter[0] = Parameter_UserParam1;
WinkelOut.UserParameter[1] = Parameter_UserParam2;
SendOutData('k', MK3MAG_ADDRESS, 1, (unsigned char *) &WinkelOut,sizeof(WinkelOut));
if(WinkelOut.CalcState > 4) WinkelOut.CalcState = 6; // wird dann in SPI auf Null gesetzt
if(!NaviDataOkay) Kompass_Timer = SetDelay(99);
else Kompass_Timer = SetDelay(999);
#ifdef DEBUG // only include functions if DEBUG is defined
if(SendDebugOutput && UebertragungAbgeschlossen)
SendOutData('0', FC_ADDRESS, 1, (unsigned char *) &tDebug, sizeof(tDebug));
SendDebugOutput = 0;
0,0 → 1,117
#ifndef _UART_H
#define _UART_H
#define printf_P(format, args...) _printf_P(&uart_putchar, format , ## args)
#define printf(format, args...) _printf_P(&uart_putchar, PSTR(format) , ## args)
void BearbeiteRxDaten(void);
extern unsigned char DebugGetAnforderung;
extern unsigned volatile char ReceiverUpdateModeActive;
extern unsigned volatile char UebertragungAbgeschlossen;
extern unsigned volatile char PC_DebugTimeout;
extern unsigned volatile char NeueKoordinateEmpfangen;
extern unsigned volatile char PC_MotortestActive;
extern unsigned char MeineSlaveAdresse;
extern unsigned char PcZugriff;
extern unsigned char RemotePollDisplayLine;
extern unsigned volatile char RxdBuffer[];
extern int Debug_Timer,Kompass_Timer;
extern void UART_Init (void);
extern void uart_putchar (char c);
//extern void boot_program_page (uint32_t page, uint8_t *buf);
extern void DatenUebertragung(void);
extern void Uart1Init(void);
extern void BearbeiteRxDaten(void);
extern unsigned char MotorTest[16];
struct str_DebugOut
unsigned char Status[2];
signed int Analog[32]; // Debugwerte
extern struct str_DebugOut DebugOut;
struct str_WinkelOut
signed int Winkel[2];
unsigned char UserParameter[2];
unsigned char CalcState;
unsigned char Orientation;
extern struct str_WinkelOut WinkelOut;
struct str_Data3D
signed int Winkel[3]; // nick, roll, compass in 0,1°
signed char Centroid[3];
signed char reserve[5];
extern struct str_Data3D Data3D;
struct str_ExternControl
unsigned char Digital[2];
unsigned char RemoteTasten;
signed char Nick;
signed char Roll;
signed char Gier;
unsigned char Gas;
signed char Hight;
unsigned char free;
unsigned char Frame;
unsigned char Config;
extern struct str_ExternControl ExternControl;
// FC hardware errors
// bitmask for UART_VersionInfo_t.HardwareError[0]
#define FC_ERROR0_GYRO_NICK 0x01
#define FC_ERROR0_GYRO_ROLL 0x02
#define FC_ERROR0_GYRO_YAW 0x04
#define FC_ERROR0_ACC_NICK 0x08
#define FC_ERROR0_ACC_ROLL 0x10
#define FC_ERROR0_ACC_TOP 0x20
#define FC_ERROR0_PRESSURE 0x40
#define FC_ERROR0_CAREFREE 0x80
// bitmask for UART_VersionInfo_t.HardwareError[1]
#define FC_ERROR1_I2C 0x01
#define FC_ERROR1_BL_MISSING 0x02
#define FC_ERROR1_SPI_RX 0x04
#define FC_ERROR1_PPM 0x08
#define FC_ERROR1_MIXER 0x10
#define FC_ERROR1_RES1 0x20
#define FC_ERROR1_RES2 0x40
#define FC_ERROR1_RES3 0x80
// for FlightCtrl
// for NaviCtrl
struct str_VersionInfo
unsigned char SWMajor;
unsigned char SWMinor;
unsigned char ProtoMajor;
unsigned char reserved1;
unsigned char SWPatch;
unsigned char HardwareError[2];
unsigned char HWMajor;
unsigned char reserved2;
unsigned char Flags;
extern struct str_VersionInfo VersionInfo;
//#define USART0_BAUD 9600
//#define USART0_BAUD 14400
//#define USART0_BAUD 28800
//#define USART0_BAUD 38400
#define USART0_BAUD 57600
#endif //_UART_H
0,0 → 1,23
// Implement your own RC-decoding routines here
// Initialize the UART here
void User_Receiver_Init(void)
// SpektrumUartInit(); // or use an existing routine like this
// Is called by the uart RX interrupt
// UDR contains the received byte
void User_RX_Parser(unsigned char udr)
0,0 → 1,4
// for own implementations
void User_Receiver_Init(void);
void User_RX_Parser(unsigned char);
0,0 → 1,19
#ifndef _VECTOR_H
#define _VECTOR_H
typedef struct
int32_t x;
int32_t y;
int32_t z;
} __attribute__((packed)) vector32_t;
typedef struct
int16_t x;
int16_t y;
int16_t z;
} __attribute__((packed)) vector16_t;
#endif //_VECTOR_H
0,0 → 1,616
V0.53 27.04.2007 H.Buss
- erste öffentliche Version
V0.53b 29.04.2007 H.Buss
- der FAKTOR_I war versehentlich auf Null, dann liegt der MikroKopter nicht so hart in der Luft
V0.53c 29.04.2007 H.Buss
- es gib ein Menü, in dem die Werte der Kanäle nach Nick, Roll, Gas,... sortiert sind.
Die angezeigten Werte waren nicht die Werte der Funke
V0.54 01.05.2007 H.Buss
- die Paramtersätze können jetzt vor dem Start ausgewählt werden
Dazu wird beim Kalibrieren der Messwerte (Gashebel oben links) der Nick-Rollhebel abgefragt:
2 3 4
1 x 5
- - -
Bedeutet: Nick-Rollhebel Links Mitte = Setting:1 Links Oben = Setting:2 usw.
- der Faktor_I für den Hauptregler ist hinzugekommen. Im Heading-Hold-Modus sollte er vergössert werden, was Stabilität bringt
V0.55 14.05.2007 H.Buss
- es können nun Servos an J3,J4,J5 mit den Kanälen 5-7 gesteuert werden
V0.56 14.05.2007 H.Buss
- es gab Probleme mit Funken, die mehr als 8 Kanäle haben, wenn mehrere Kanäle dann auf Null waren
- Funken, die nicht bis +-120 aussteuern können, sollten jetzt auch gehen
V0.57 24.05.2007 H.Buss
- Der Höhenregler kann nun auch mittels Schalter bedient werden
- Bug im Gier-Algorithmus behoben; Schnelles Gieren fürhrte dazu, dass der MK zu weit gedreht hat
- Kompass-Einfluss dämpfen bei Neigung
- Man kann zwischen Kompass FIX (Richtung beim Kalibrieren) und Variabel (einstellbar per Gier) wählen
- Der Motortest vom Kopter-Tool geht jetzt
- Man kann den Parametersätzen einen Namen geben
- Das Kamerasetting ist unter Setting 2 defaultmässig integriert
V0.58 30.05.2007 H.Buss
- Der Höhenregler-Algorithmus wird nun umgangen, wenn der Höhenreglerschalter aus ist
V0.60 17.08.2007 H.Buss
- "Schwindel-Bug" behoben
- Die Poti-Werte werden jetzt auf Unterlauf (<0) überprüft
- Poti4 zugefügt
- Es werden jetzt 8 Kanäle ausgewertet
- Kamera-Servo (an J7)
- Die Settings müssen überschrieben werden
V0.61 - V0.63 H.Buss 27.09.2007
- Poti 4 und Kanal 8 werden im Menü angezeigt
- ein paar Kleinigkeiten bei den DefaultKonstanten2 bereinigt
- Analog.c: Aktuell_ax korrigiert
- auf 32 Debug-Kanäle erweitert
- Loopings sind jetzt möglich und einzeln im KopterTool freischaltbar
- leichte Anpassungen im Gier - Geschwindigkeit und Drift
- die Hardwareversion V1.1 wird erkannt und das Programm stellt sich auf die geänderte Gyroverstärkung und die geänderten Portpins ein
- die Software startet nach dem Einschalten schneller, weil der Luftdruckoffset schneller gefunden wird
- die PPM-Ausgänge liegen wieder an den Pins an
- Details an der Sensordatenverarbeitung -> es fliegt sich geringfügig anders
- der MK ist bei wenig Gas nicht mehr so giftig -> soll das Landen vereinfachen
- I2C-Bus läuft jetzt sicher nach einer Störung wieder an
- Sticksignale werden präziser ausgewertet
- Stick-Kanäle werden ans Kopter-Tool übertragen
- Es muss die Version V1.47 des Kopter-Tool verwendet werden
- Die Settings werden auf Default zurückgesetzt
- am Piepen kann man die Fehlerart unterscheiden
1. einzelnes Piepen beim Einschalten und Kalibrieren
2. langsames Intervall mindestens 1 Sek -> Empfangsausfall
3. schnelleres Intervall mindestens 1 Sek -> Akku
4. sehr schnelles Intervall mindestens 1 Sek -> Kommunikation zu den Reglern gestört
V0.64 H.Buss 30.09.2007
- beim Gieren wurden die Achsen nicht hart genug geregelt
V0.65a H.Buss 15.10.2007
- Integral im Mischer wieder integriert
- Feinabstimmung im ACC/Gyro Abgleich -> 1/32 & 100
- ACC/Gyro Abgleich auch bei HH
V0.66a H.Buss 3.11.2007
- Messwertverarbeitung aus dem Analog-Interrupt entfernt
- Analogmessung hängt jetzt am FC-Timing
- Looping-Stick-Hysterese eingebaut
- Looping-180°-Umschlag einstellbar
- Achsenkopplung: Gierbewegung verkoppelt Nick und Roll
- Lageregelung nach ACC-Sensor verbessert
- zusätzlicher I-Anteil in der Lageregelung verbessert die Neutrallage
- Gyrodriftkompensation überarbeitet
- Bug in der Gier-Stick-Berechnung behoben
- Gyro-Messung auf 1kHz beschleunigt
V0.67a H.Buss 16.11.2007
- der Hauptregler-I-Anteil wirkt jetzt nur noch auf den Winkel (ausser im HH-Mode)
- Gyro-Acc-Abgleich jetzt wieder in jedem Zyklus
- Feinabstimmung
- Beim HH-Modus gab es noch Bugs
V0.67e H.Buss 29.11.2007
- Parameter: Dynamic Stability und Driftfaktor eingeführt
- Die Namen der Analogwerte werden jetzt zum Koptertool übertragen
- Kompatibilität zum Koptertool erhöht
V0.67f H.Buss 04.12.2007
- Das Integral des Hauptreglers wird jetzt linear entladen und nicht mehr proportional
- Schub für Gier wird jetzt auf den Gaswert begrenzt, dadurch steigt der MK nicht mehr beim Gieren. Gier ist allerdings nicht mehr so agressiv
- Die ACC-Nullwerte können jetzt dauerhaft im EEPROM gespeichert werden (Stick:Vollgas und Gier rechts)
V0.68a I.Busker 28.12.2007
- SPI.c & SPI.h ins Projekt aufgenommen
SPI-Kommuikation kann in SPI.h aktiviert/deaktivert werden
V0.68c H.Buss 05.01.2008
- Stickauswertung verbessert -> träger und präziser
- Alle Settings angepasst
V0.69e H.Buss 05.05.2008
- kleinere Bugs beseitigt
- Schneller Sinkflug jetzt möglich
- Min- und Maxgas in den Settings geändert
- Lagewinkel wird jetzt in 0,1 Grad an Kompass und Navi gesendet
- Kalibrierung für MK3Mag -> Nick unten beim Kalibrieren
- Kompassroutine um den Ersatzkompass (Gyro unterstützt Kompasswert) erweitert
V0.69h H.Buss 21.05.2008
- STICK_GAIN = 4 eingeführt. Das erhöht die Auflösung der Sollwerte. Stick_P und Stick_I müssen nun um Faktor 4 erhöht werden
- SenderOkay auch an das Naviboard übertragen
- Bessere Parameter bei Senderausfall
V0.69j H.Buss 30.05.2008
- Höhere Präzision der Achsenkopplung
V0.69k H.Buss 31.05.2008
- Bug in SPI.C behoben
- in 0.69h war ein Bug, der zu ungewollten Loopings führen konnte
V0.69L H.Buss 14.06.2008
- feinere Cam-Servo-Auflösung
V0.70a H.Buss 01.07.2008
- Unterstützung der V1.3-Hardware mit automatischem Hardware-Gyro-Abgleich
V0.70b H.Buss 14.07.2008
- flexible Einstellungsmöglichkeit von J16 und J17 (Transistorausgänge)
- eigene Parameter für GPS-Naviboard
- eigener Parameter für ExternalControl (war vorher UserParameter1 bzw. 8)
- neue Parameter im EEPROM-Datensatz: J16Bitmask, J16Timing, ExternalControl, Navi...
- MikroKopterFlags eingeführt, damit das Navi den Status des MKs kennt
- KopterTool-Kompatibilität auf 8 erhöht
V0.70c H.Buss 30.07.2008
- Parameter der Datenfusion leicht modifiziert
- EEPROM-Parameter für Looping-Umschlag angepasst (von 100 auf 85)
- MaxStick wird auf 100 begrenzt
V0.70d H.Buss 02.08.2008
- Transistorausgänge: das oberste Bit der Blinkmaske (im KopterTool linkes Bit) gibt nun den Zustand des Ausgangs im Schalterbetrieb an
0.71b: H.Buss 19.10.2008
Kommunikation zum Navi erweitert:
- Beeptime jetzt 32Bit
- Datenfusion und Driftkopensation wird durch NaviBoard unterstützt
0.71c: H.Buss 20.10.2008
- LoopConfig heisst jetzt BitConfig
- 3-Fach-Schalter für Höhensteuerung möglich -> kann man mit GPS-Schalter zusammenlegen
- bei den Settings wurde Setting[0] mit abgespeichert, welches es nicht gab.
- in Zukunft werden bei neuen EEPROM-Settings die Kanäle von Setting 1 übernommen
- Variablen NaviWindCorrection, NaviSpeedCompensation, NaviOperatingRadius eingeführt
0.71f: H.Buss 15.11.2008
- Ausschalten der Höhenregelung per Schalter um 0,3 sek verzögert
- bei der seriellen Übertragung hat die FC jetzt als SlaveAdresse die 1
- VersionInfo.NaviKompatibel eingeführt
- wenn manuell gegiert wird, wird der GyroKompass-Wert auf den Kompasswert gesetzt
- Luftdruckwert wird an das Navi übertragen
- Der Baro-Offset wird jetzt nachgeführt, um den Messbereich zu erweitern. Geht nur bei Höhenregler mit Schalter
- Debugdaten können jetzt mit 'f' gepollt werden
0.71g: Gregor 09.12.2008
- Kommunikation überarbeitet
Infos hier:
0.71h: H.Buss 15.12.2008
- Freigegebene Version
- NaviAngleLimitation als Parameter zum Navi implementiert
- Antwort auf CMD: 't' entfernt
0.72d: H.Buss 22.01.2009
- OCTO als Compilerschalter
- Unterstützung der FC 2.0 (ME)
- GYRO_D eingeführt
- Achsenkopplung jetzt auch auf Nick/Roll-Bewegung
0.72e: H.Buss 27.01.2009
- die 0.72d hatte kein Integral im Gier
- Parameter eingeführt:
0.72f: H.Buss 28.01.2009
- Bug im Ersatzkompass entfernt
0.72h: H.Buss 05.02.2009
- Algorithmen beschleunigt -> Floats durch Fixkomma ersetzt
- Achsentkopplung weiter verbessert
- Nick- und Roll im Octo-Mischer auf jeweils vier Motoren aufgeteilt
0.72i: H.Buss 07.02.2009
- Abtastrate von 1kHz auf 2kHz erhöht
0.72j: H.Buss 09.02.2009
- neue Implementierung der Servoausgänge
0.72k: H.Buss 10.02.2009
- Abtastrate auf 5kHz erhöht
0.72L: H.Buss 13.02.2009
- Signalfilterung überarbeitet
- OCTO2 implementiert
0.72M: H.Buss 13.02.2009
- Code Cleanup
0.72o: H.Buss 24.02.2009
- Abtastrate auf 2kHz
- HW-Version an Navi
- neuer Datensatz 'c' -> Lagedaten für 3D-Grafik
- Auswerteroutine für Spectrum-Satteliten implementiert
- Kanalsettings werden beim Parameterreset nicht mehr gelöscht
- die Driftkompensation wird jetzt feiner aufgelöst --> EE_Parameter.Driftkomp muss mal 8 genommen werden
- die Integrale und ACC-Werte werden jetzt im Scope in ca. 0,1° angezeigt (wie beim NaviBrd)
0.72p: H.Buss 01.03.2009
- Octo3 erstellt
- Analogwerte umbenannt
0.73a-d: H.Buss 05.04.2009
- MixerTabelle implementiert
- I2C-Bus auf bis zu 12 Motoren erweitert
- die Busfehler der BL-Regler werden im Menü angezeigt
- Revision der MixerTabelle eingeführt
- MixerTabelle wird bei Parameterreset neu initialisiert
- Motortest auf [12] erweitert
- Motorschalter nicht mehr 3-Stufig
- Datenfusion im Flug auch, wenn ACC-Z < 512
- Wert für die Luftdruck-Messbereichserweiterung abgefangen
- Die Driftkompensation ist jetzt dreistufig -> 0,5% pro sekunde zusätzlich eingeführts
0.75a G.Stobrawa 22.5.2009
- Extern Control also received from NC via SPI
0.75b H.Buss 27.05.2009
- Spektrum-Singale schalten den PPM-Eingang aus
- max. 2 Sekunden nach dem Start auf die BL-Regler warten
- Automatische Zellenerkennung, wenn Spannungswarnung < 5,0V
- Bei automatischer Zellenerkennung piept es je nach Zellenzahl
- EE_DATENREVISION auf 76 erhöht
- Servo:
- Roll-Servo für FC ME implementiert
- Update-Cmd stoppt Servos
- Servos werden erst nach dem ersten Kalibrieren aktiviert
0.75c G.Stobrawa 25.7.2009
- Übertragung der Servo-Settings zur NC
- RSSI wird an NC gesendet, derzeit wird der Wert nicht gesetzt
- Bugfix Messbereichsumschaltung des Luftdrucksensors springt
- Auflösung des Luftdrucks nun bis auf 1 cm (5mal feiner) zur genaueren Berechnung des D-Anteils
- Unterstützung von Warnings-Bitmasks für die J16, J17-Outputs bei Unterspannung
- Unterspannung für einzelne Zelle´n von 3.2V auf 3.3V angehoben (9.6V --> 9.9V für 3S)
0.75d H.Buss 13.8.2009
- RC-Routine: Empfangsausfall soll sicherer erkannt werden
- Zellenerkennung nun auch beim Speichern der Settings
- Warnungs-Blinkmaske auch bei Empfangsausfall
0.75e H.Buss 18.8.2009
- LED-Blinken kann an die Motoren gekoppelt werden
- Feinabstimmung des Höhenreglers
0.75f H.Buss 27.8.2009
- D-Anteil des Höhenreglers jetzt mit Quadratischer Komponente
- Lagewinkel wirkt jetzt mit 1/Cos(x) mit in den Höhenregler
- leichte Modifikation der RC-Empfangroutine
0.75g H.Buss 31.08.2009
- die Akkuspannung geht jetzt antiproportional ins Gas ein
0.75h H.Buss 3.09.2009
- im Höhenregler werden jetzt die Stellwerte begrenzt --> max +- 16% vom geschätzten Schwebegas
0.75i H.Buss 7.09.2009
- GpsZ vom Navi zur FC für den Höhenregler
- "hoovergas-Variation" als Parameter
- Kompatibilität zu NC und PC erhöht
0.75j H.Buss 17.09.2009
- Laufzeitzähler eingebaut
0.75k H.Buss 22.09.2009
- zweite Variante (Gregor) der Höhenregelung implementiert
- umschaltbare RC-Routine
0.75L H.Buss 23.09.2009
- SollHoehe und Gas geht nun auch an die NC
0.75M H.Buss 29.09.2009
- Spektrum-Timing wird nun überwacht
- die FC kann nun stand-Alone als Kamera-Stabilizer eingesetzt werden, weil die Servos aktiviert werden, wenn I2C fehlt
0.75N H.Buss 29.09.2009
- Hoover-Stickpunkt wird bei aktivem Höhenregler nicht nachgeführt
- Hoover-Stickpunkt kann per Parameter fest eingestellt werden
- Baro-Messbereichserweiterung auch bei aktiviertem Höhenregler
- Gyro_Gier_P und Gyro_Gier_I eingeführt
- I2C_fehler-Zähler jetzt in den Analogdaten
0.75o H.Buss 01.10.2009
- der Höhenregler wird jetzt nur alle 10ms bearbeitet
- Baro-Messbereichserweiterung auch bei Poti als Sollwert
0.76d H.Buss 10.10.2009
- bei aktiver Messbereichserweiterung wird die aktuelle Höhe übernommen
0.76e H.Buss 27.10.2009
- es werden beim Start einmal alle BL-Regler angesprochen, damit BL-Regler#8 auch einen Selbsttest macht
- S3D-ACT-Summensignal als Compilerschalter
0.76f H.Buss 05.11.2009
- untere Spannungsgrenze der Unterspannungswarnung (9,3V) entfernt
0.76g H.Buss 10.11.2009
- Casting-Fehler in der Gas-Berechnung
0.77a H.Buss 11.11.2009
- Erweiterung auf 12 Kanäle
- Bei Koptertool-Kanalabfrage kein Empfangsausfall-Piepsen
- serielle Kanalerweiterung eingebaut -> PPM_in auf 25 erweitert
- Servos3-5 einstellbar
- neues Kommando "f" -> schaltet auf anderen Parametersatz um
0.77b H.Buss 09.12.2009
- JetiBox: Menü wird übertragen
- neu: FCFlags |= FCFLAG_I2CERR;
- LED-Warn-Blinken nun mit festem Timing und abschaltbar
0.77c H.Buss 07.01.2010
- zwei weitere Spektrum-Varianten implementiert
0.77d H.Buss 25.01.2010
- Strom-Messung eingebaut
0.78a H.Buss 03.02.2010
- Bugfix: Settingsumschaltung im Flug
0.78b H.Buss
- veröffentlichte Version
0.78c H.Buss + G.Stobrawa 22.2.2010
- Bewegungsbegrenzung an Servo 3 to 5 der FC 2.0
- Theoretischer Variablenüberlauf bei Vario-Höhenregler
- Anzeige des "SPI RX communication error" wenn GPS Option nicht aktiv
- LED-Schwellwerte fürs Blinken waren unterschiedlich
0.78c H.Buss + G.Stobrawa 04.3.2010
- Code cosmetics
0.78f H.Buss + I.Busker 23.3.2010
- Unterstützung für Jeti-Expander
- Begrenzung des Vario-Höhenreglers auf ein 10m-Fenster um Überläufe zu verhindern
- Einführung eines Vario-Zeichens (+/-/ ) auf der Jetibox
- BL-Timeout beim Start erhöht
0.80a-d H. Buss + G.Stobrawa 20.5.2010 - 22.7.2010
- Motoren Starten nicht ohne Kalibrierung
- Unterstützung der BL2.0-Regler
- statt 8 nun 10 Bit Auflösung der Lageregekung
- Unterstützung der BL2.0-Regler Konfiguration via MK-Tool
- Parametersätze werden per I2C an die BL-Regler durchgereicht
- "Care-Free" implementiert
- Freie Belegung der "Vorne"-Richtung
- nur wenn Motoren laufen: Beepen, wenn Carefree ohne Navi oder ohne gültigen MK3Mag-Wert
- nur wenn Motoren laufen: Beepen wenn NC plötzlich ausfällt
- #define RECEIVER_SPEKTRUM_EXP eingeführt
- #define SWITCH_LEARNS_CAREFREE eingeführt
- Schwerpunktanzeige in den 3D-Daten
- Checksummen gesicherte Datenablage im EEProm
- Fehlerdiagnose implementiert (Wiki: ErrorCodes)
- ErrorCode aufs Jeti-Display
- JetiMenü: bis acht Temperaturen der BL-Regler
- GPSInfo.Speed im Jeti-Display
- Compass-Richtung nun im Jeti-menü
- diverse Änderungen im Höhenregler
- P wirkt schwächer
- D wirkt stärker
- Anpassung der Höhenregelung auf Level des Hoovergases
- AccZ schneller nachführen
Parameter modifiziert:
- EEPROM-Kompatibilität auf 84 -> Parameter werden resettet
- EE_Parameter.Hoehe_ACC_Wirkung = 0; // war 30
- EE_Parameter.Hoehe_HoverBand = 8; // war 5
- Notgas = 45
- NotgasZeit = 90
- Beginnersetting: EE_Parameter.DynamicStability = 70;
- Neu: GyroStability = 6
- GPS-Login-Time auf 2 reduziert
0.80e H.Buss 02.08.2010
- MK3Mag ohne NC ging nicht
0.80f H.Buss 04.08.2010
- Beim Höhenregler "Deckel" wird das Gas wieder wie in der alten Version behandelt und der D-Anteil auf das alte Verhalten (um Faktor 8) reduziert
0.80g H.Buss 11.08.2010
- erweitetern Messbereich für Luftdruck bei der FC2.1 aktiviert
0.80h H.Buss 30.08.2010
- bei I2C-Fehlern wurden die Counter zurück gesetzt und für einige ms die Interrupts angehalten - das ist jetzt behoben
- Nur I2C-Daten senden, wenn das alte Paket komplett raus ist
0.82a H.Buss 08.11.2010
- MotorSafetySwitch - Verriegelt das Ein/Ausschalten
- ServoManualControlSpeed - Verlangsamt das Cam-Servo
- CamOrientation - für verdrehte Kamera-Servos
- Position der Status-Bits verändert
- "Zucken" der Servos bei kurzen Empfangsausfällen behoben
- jeti update command 'j' added
- Poti-Auswertung nach ParameterZuordnung() verschoben -> FC-Code schneller
- Waypont-Events z.B. zum Triggern der Kamera
- Gyro-Sytbility: Werte bis 16 möglich
0.82b H.Buss 08.12.2010
- Unterstützung von 3,3V-Referenzspannung (nur ATMEGA128)
0.84a H.Buss 21.03.2011 (Release: 30.03.2011)
- nur starten, wenn NC_ErrorCode = 0
- Beeptime von NC auch beim Kalibrieren durchlassen
- Varible "JetiBeep" eingeführt
- Kompass-Winkelvorgabe von NaviControl -> POI
- Piepen beim Umschalten von CareFree
- Compass-Routinen überarbeitet
- Dafaultvalues Servo-Min/MAx an MKDS18 angepasst
- Defaultreceiver ist RECEIVER_JETI
- GPS-Operation-Radius per default auf 245m bzw. 100%
- Höhenvorgabe im Vario-Mode durch Waypoints
- bei laufenden Motoren keine neuen Settings annehmen
- immer einmal Carefree Beepen nach dem Kalibrieren
- Kanaloffset für Potis von 110 auf 127 erhöht, damit es gleich ist mit allen anderen Kanälen
- POI-Richtung (Soll-Himmelsrichtung) bezieht sich auf den Kamera-Winkel
0.86a H.Buss 13.09.2011
- Variable "JetiBeep" wird gelöscht, wenn an den Empfänger gesendet wurde
- wenn GPS deaktiviert ist, keinen Fehler bringen, wenn GPS fehlt. Auch dann nicht piepsen
- GPS-Sollwertverschiebung
- Empfangs-Piepen unterdrücken -> einstellbar
- MotorSmooth einstellbar
- Höhenregler: keine 'harte' IstWert-Übernahme bei Bewegen des Sticks in die Hoover-Position
- Coming Home mit Höhenvorgabe
- Coming Home als Failsafe
- Einführung des GPS-Characters (- / W H D P)
- Klartext bei den Jeti-Fehlermeldungen
- Jeti-Beep "3*kurz" bei NC-Errors
- Jeti-LCD-Aufruf nur noch alle 300ms, weil die Werte zu unruhig waren
- Mixer-Settings werden nicht gelöscht, wenn sich die Parameter-Revision ändert
- GPS-Angle limit von 100 auf 140
- GPS-I-Limit von 75 auf 85
- GAS-Offset von 120 auf 127 erhöht, damit es für alle Kanäle gleich ist
- EE_Parameter.Hoehe_StickNeutralPoint auf Werte zwischen 80 und 180 begrenzt
- PPM_Neutral eingeführt, um den Offset bei HoTT auszugleichen;
- LED_Update() nun nur noch alle 20ms, weil die schnellste Ausgabe (bei Potivorgabe) ohnehin nur 40ms sind
- Jeti & HoTT: Nur beim Fehler auch JetiBeep, wenn die Motoren laufen -> sonst nervt das bei der Fehlerbehebung (Compass-Kalibrieren usw.)
- Error-Text auch im virtuellen Display des Koptertools
- virtuelles LCD-Menü:
- "ExternControl" aus Platzgründen aus dem virtuellen LCD-Menü entfernt.
- keine BL-Temperaturen und I2C-Fehler anzeigen, wenn die BL-Regler nicht verwendet werden
- nach dem Gieren nicht den Ersatzkompass auf den Kompasswert stellen, die Umschaltung war zu hart
- ACC Correction eingeführt
- I2C Fehler kamen nicht bei der NC an, weil die zu kurz waren - jetzt meldet die NC die Fehler mind. 8 Sekunden
- Fehlermeldungen stehen jetzt mind. so lange an, bis sie an die Nc ge sendet wurden
- neue Fehlermeldungen:
"No NC communicat", // 9
"GPS Fix lost ", // 21
"Magnet Error ", // 22
"Motor restart ", // 23
"BL Limitation " // 24
- LED: Schaltfläche "nur bei Motor start" bei beiden getrennt
- Ausbau der HoTT-Telemetrie
- Variable "KompassRichtung" entfernt
- ErsatzKompassInGrad sinvoll genutzt
- HoTT-Update per Uart-Durchschleifen
- AltitudeSetpointTrimming eingeführt
- Vario-Anzeige für HoTT
- Verhindern eines Überlaufs im Vario
- echter Varioton auch ohne Vario-Höhenregler
- Flugminuten laufen jetzt bei (FC_StatusFlags & FC_STATUS_FLY) los, weil sonst die Zeit zur NC verschieden war
- KompassFusion wird jetzt getrennt von der NC berechnet
- Sport-Setting entfernt und ein "Easy-Setting" eingeführt (leicht reduzierte Sticks); "Beginner" ist jetzt "Normal"
- MagnetError kann man in der Startphase ignorieren
- BL-Temperaturen, I2C-Fehler und BL-MaxPWM zum Loggen an NC
- Einzelströme nun auch bei HoTT angezeigt
0.86b H.Buss 20.09.2011
- Höhenbegrenzung bewirkt nur, dass im Vario-Mode der Sollwert nicht weiter nach oben geschoben werden kann
- grüne LED ging aus - gefixt
- K1-K8 wurden im LCD mit 0-7 bezeichnet
0.86c H.Buss 22.09.2011
- Neue Anzeige: Magnetfeld und Inklination bei HoTT und Jeti
- Neuer SPI-Block 'SPI_MISC'
- Kompass-Fusions-Dämpfung bei Neigung leicht verringert
- '.' im Vario-Höhenregler
0.86d H.Buss 26.09.2011
- Analog.c: Vario Überlauf anders verhinden
- Poti1-6 auch im HoTT-Display
0.88 H.Buss 12.12.2011 - 26.03.2012
- Failsafe-Kanal
- Failsafe: 5 Sekunden warten & Höhe ändern (macht die NC)
- Option: Failsafe-Sinkflug xx% Schwebegas
- Stopp der Motoren wenn bei Failsafe ein Motor blockiert
- von 30 auf 60 Sekunden Failsafe-Zeit verlängert
- Höhenwert auf cm kalibriert (zeigte ca. 10% zu viel an)
- Neue Error-Codes: "No SD-Card", "Flying range!" und "Error SD-Logging"
- Wenn die Motoren aus sind, den Luftduckwert langsam nachführen
- das sbus-protokoll implementiert (nur FC2.1)
- Schaltkanal auf Servo-Ausgang
- Filter auf den Ausgängen der Servos
- Option: Failsafe-Sinkflug xx% Schwebegas
- "Max Altitude" als Parameter auf der SD-Karte im Navi -> Beeinflusst "Parameter_MaximumAltitude" (das niedrigste gilt) und es gibt eine Fehlermeldung "ERR:Max Altitude"
- SPI-Protokoll: BL.Status eingefügt und Parameter.GlobalConfig & Parameter.ExtraConfig verschoben
- Senden der Out1 & Out2-Zustände an die NC, damit es in der OSD-Darstellung angezeigt werden kann
- Kompassrichtung neu merken, wenn CF geschaltet wird
- "I" aus dem Hott-Menü entfernt und durch ":" ersetzt, weil das nur auf der mx-20 gut aussah
- Höhenregler-Settings: GPS-Z von 64 auf 20 reduziert
0.88M H.Buss 15.05.2012
- HoTT V4
- Kamera-Servo beim Kalibrieren weiter laufen lassen.
- Error 30: no GPS fix bei Start
- echter MotorSchalter
0.88n H.Buss 06.07.2012
- Bugfix: Der letzte angesteuerte Servo-Puls war zu kurz
0.90 H.Buss 04.03.2013
- Anzeige WP x/Y in der HoTT-Telemetrie
- Schalter und WP-Event gleichzeitig
- Photo-Auslösung als Entfernungsintervalle
- Jeti +
- Kamera-Neitung als Integral
- RC-Lost am Startpunkt macht kein Failsafe, wenn GAS auf Null für 1,5sek war
- Auswahl:Speak-All nun in der KopterTool-Config
0.90e H.Buss 04.03.2013
- Parameter_ServoRollComp jetzt auf Poti /Kompatibilität auf 93 erhöht)
0.90f (26.04.2013)
- disable Yawing when Gas-Stick is to Zero
- calibration must be within 20° Tilt angle
- Hold I-Parts of the attitude control to zero when the MK is still on the ground
- ACC-Altitude sensor data fusion implemented to the altitude controller (HW-Update from FC2.1 to 2.2 needed)
- MK must be within 20° tilt angle when calibrating sensors
- Parameter Reset, if the HW-Version changes (FC2.1 to 2.2)
0.90g (29.04.2013)
- No ACC-Z error if the MK is tilted after switching on
- ATMEGA644 (until FC2.0): Sensitive RC-Signal validation removed -> that was only nessecary for old 35MHz receivers
0.90h (14.05.2013)
- Auto Start and landing for Waypoints
- back to old eeprom-compatiblity to remain compatible to other Tools
- HoTT-Bugfix: no speech while vario tone
- Bugfix: Wrong error speech in JetiEX ("Error calibration")
0.90j (27.05.2013)
- Changes for better EEPROM-Safety
- variable ActiveParamSet instead of the direct EEPROM-Reading (faster)
- Checking the ACC-Z value in flight and report ACC-Z if out of range
- disable Altitude hold in case of ACC-Z error
2.00a (after public Beta test 0.91)
- GPS-Parameter changed (P = 90->100; I = 90->90; D = 90->120; A = 40)
- Move NICK/Roll Sticks for switching on / off
- Move the Stick > 100 instead > 75 for switch on / off
- Failsafe active if ACC-Upgarde
- AltitudeMode, GPS_Mode & Carefree_Mode are now direct channels instead of Poti-Values (NaviGpsModeChannel,CareFreeChannel,HoeheChannel)
- NC-SPI communication from 25Hz to 41Hz
- MotorTemperature and GPS-Mode-Switch more often to NC
- Auto-Start/Landing
- JetiEX: Name set to 'MK'
- if(CareFree) Parameter_AchsKopplung1 += 30; removed
- StickNeutral setting per default 127
- UART-Buffer increased from 175 to 220 Bytes
- show name of active parameter set in the HoTT/Jeti display
- fixed in 0.91L: if "ServoRelative" is used, it coud happen that the servo moves a wide range in the first second after the first calibration
- Servo3-5 Limit to 24-255
- no. of channels increased from 12 to 16
// 0 -> frei bzw. ACT rssi (or zero if unsigned)
// 1 - 16 -> 1-16
// 17 - 28 -> 12 Serial channels
// 29 -> WP-Event kanal
// 30 Fix -> -127
// 31 Fix -> 0
// 32 Fix -> 128
Property changes:
Added: tsvn:logminsize
\ No newline at end of property