Subversion Repositories FlightCtrl

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 908 → Rev 911

/branches/V0.69k Code Redesign killagreg/fc.c
76,12 → 76,12
volatile uint16_t I2CTimeout = 100;
// gyro readings
volatile int16_t Reading_GyroPitch, Reading_GyroRoll, Reading_GyroYaw;
volatile int16_t Reading_GyroNick, Reading_GyroRoll, Reading_GyroYaw;
// gyro neutral readings
volatile int16_t AdNeutralPitch = 0, AdNeutralRoll = 0, AdNeutralYaw = 0;
volatile int16_t StartNeutralRoll = 0, StartNeutralPitch = 0;
volatile int16_t AdNeutralNick = 0, AdNeutralRoll = 0, AdNeutralYaw = 0;
volatile int16_t StartNeutralRoll = 0, StartNeutralNick = 0;
// mean accelerations
volatile int16_t Mean_AccPitch, Mean_AccRoll, Mean_AccTop;
volatile int16_t Mean_AccNick, Mean_AccRoll, Mean_AccTop;
// neutral acceleration readings
volatile int16_t NeutralAccX=0, NeutralAccY=0;
88,17 → 88,17
volatile float NeutralAccZ = 0;
// attitude gyro integrals
volatile int32_t IntegralPitch = 0,IntegralPitch2 = 0;
volatile int32_t IntegralNick = 0,IntegralNick2 = 0;
volatile int32_t IntegralRoll = 0,IntegralRoll2 = 0;
volatile int32_t IntegralYaw = 0;
volatile int32_t Reading_IntegralGyroPitch = 0, Reading_IntegralGyroPitch2 = 0;
volatile int32_t Reading_IntegralGyroNick = 0, Reading_IntegralGyroNick2 = 0;
volatile int32_t Reading_IntegralGyroRoll = 0, Reading_IntegralGyroRoll2 = 0;
volatile int32_t Reading_IntegralGyroYaw = 0;
volatile int32_t MeanIntegralPitch;
volatile int32_t MeanIntegralNick;
volatile int32_t MeanIntegralRoll;
// attitude acceleration integrals
volatile int32_t IntegralAccPitch = 0, IntegralAccRoll = 0;
volatile int32_t IntegralAccNick = 0, IntegralAccRoll = 0;
volatile int32_t Reading_Integral_Top = 0;
// compass course
112,7 → 112,7
int16_t YawGyroDrift;
int16_t NaviAccPitch = 0, NaviAccRoll = 0, NaviCntAcc = 0;
int16_t NaviAccNick = 0, NaviAccRoll = 0, NaviCntAcc = 0;
// flags
120,12 → 120,12
uint8_t EmergencyLanding = 0;
uint16_t Model_Is_Flying = 0;
int32_t TurnOver180Pitch = 250000L, TurnOver180Roll = 250000L;
int32_t TurnOver180Nick = 250000L, TurnOver180Roll = 250000L;
float Gyro_P_Factor;
float Gyro_I_Factor;
volatile int16_t DiffPitch, DiffRoll;
volatile int16_t DiffNick, DiffRoll;
int16_t Poti1 = 0, Poti2 = 0, Poti3 = 0, Poti4 = 0, Poti5 = 0, Poti6 = 0, Poti7 = 0, Poti8 = 0;
133,12 → 133,12
volatile uint8_t Motor_Front, Motor_Rear, Motor_Right, Motor_Left;
// stick values derived by rc channels readings
int16_t StickPitch = 0, StickRoll = 0, StickYaw = 0, StickThrust = 0;
int16_t GPS_Pitch = 0, GPS_Roll = 0;
int16_t StickNick = 0, StickRoll = 0, StickYaw = 0, StickGas = 0;
int16_t GPS_Nick = 0, GPS_Roll = 0;
int16_t MaxStickPitch = 0, MaxStickRoll = 0;
int16_t MaxStickNick = 0, MaxStickRoll = 0;
// stick values derived by uart inputs
int16_t ExternStickPitch = 0, ExternStickRoll = 0, ExternStickYaw = 0, ExternHeightValue = -20;
int16_t ExternStickNick = 0, ExternStickRoll = 0, ExternStickYaw = 0, ExternHeightValue = -20;
146,11 → 146,11
int16_t ReadingHeight = 0;
int16_t SetPointHeight = 0;
int16_t AttitudeCorrectionRoll = 0, AttitudeCorrectionPitch = 0;
int16_t AttitudeCorrectionRoll = 0, AttitudeCorrectionNick = 0;
float Ki = FACTOR_I;
uint8_t Looping_Pitch = 0, Looping_Roll = 0;
uint8_t Looping_Nick = 0, Looping_Roll = 0;
uint8_t Looping_Left = 0, Looping_Right = 0, Looping_Down = 0, Looping_Top = 0;
180,7 → 180,7
NeutralAccX = 0;
NeutralAccY = 0;
NeutralAccZ = 0;
AdNeutralPitch = 0;
AdNeutralNick = 0;
AdNeutralRoll = 0;
AdNeutralYaw = 0;
FCParam.Yaw_PosFeedback = 0;
192,29 → 192,29
if((ReadingAirPressure > 950) || (ReadingAirPressure < 750)) SearchAirPressureOffset();
AdNeutralPitch = AdValueGyrPitch;
AdNeutralNick = AdValueGyrNick;
AdNeutralRoll = AdValueGyrRoll;
AdNeutralYaw = AdValueGyrYaw;
StartNeutralRoll = AdNeutralRoll;
StartNeutralPitch = AdNeutralPitch;
if(GetParamWord(PID_ACC_PITCH) > 1023)
StartNeutralNick = AdNeutralNick;
if(GetParamWord(PID_ACC_NICK) > 1023)
NeutralAccY = abs(Mean_AccRoll) / ACC_AMPLIFY;
NeutralAccX = abs(Mean_AccPitch) / ACC_AMPLIFY;
NeutralAccX = abs(Mean_AccNick) / ACC_AMPLIFY;
NeutralAccZ = Current_AccZ;
NeutralAccX = (int16_t)GetParamWord(PID_ACC_PITCH);
NeutralAccX = (int16_t)GetParamWord(PID_ACC_NICK);
NeutralAccY = (int16_t)GetParamWord(PID_ACC_ROLL);
NeutralAccZ = (int16_t)GetParamWord(PID_ACC_Z);
Reading_IntegralGyroPitch = 0;
Reading_IntegralGyroPitch2 = 0;
Reading_IntegralGyroNick = 0;
Reading_IntegralGyroNick2 = 0;
Reading_IntegralGyroRoll = 0;
Reading_IntegralGyroRoll2 = 0;
Reading_IntegralGyroYaw = 0;
Reading_GyroPitch = 0;
Reading_GyroNick = 0;
Reading_GyroRoll = 0;
Reading_GyroYaw = 0;
StartAirPressure = AirPressure;
222,10 → 222,10
Reading_Integral_Top = 0;
CompassCourse = CompassHeading;
BeepTime = 50;
TurnOver180Pitch = ((int32_t) ParamSet.AngleTurnOverPitch * 2500L) +15000L;
TurnOver180Nick = ((int32_t) ParamSet.AngleTurnOverNick * 2500L) +15000L;
TurnOver180Roll = ((int32_t) ParamSet.AngleTurnOverRoll * 2500L) +15000L;
ExternHeightValue = 0;
GPS_Pitch = 0;
GPS_Nick = 0;
GPS_Roll = 0;
YawGyroHeading = CompassHeading * YAW_GYRO_DEG_FACTOR;
YawGyroDrift = 0;
241,19 → 241,19
// Get offset corrected gyro readings (~ to angular velocity)
Reading_GyroYaw = AdNeutralYaw - AdValueGyrYaw;
Reading_GyroRoll = AdValueGyrRoll - AdNeutralRoll;
Reading_GyroPitch = AdValueGyrPitch - AdNeutralPitch;
Reading_GyroNick = AdValueGyrNick - AdNeutralNick;
// Acceleration Sensor
// sliding average sensor readings
Mean_AccPitch = ((int32_t)Mean_AccPitch * 1 + ((ACC_AMPLIFY * (int32_t)AdValueAccPitch))) / 2L;
Mean_AccNick = ((int32_t)Mean_AccNick * 1 + ((ACC_AMPLIFY * (int32_t)AdValueAccNick))) / 2L;
Mean_AccRoll = ((int32_t)Mean_AccRoll * 1 + ((ACC_AMPLIFY * (int32_t)AdValueAccRoll))) / 2L;
Mean_AccTop = ((int32_t)Mean_AccTop * 1 + ((int32_t)AdValueAccTop)) / 2L;
// sum sensor readings for later averaging
IntegralAccPitch += ACC_AMPLIFY * AdValueAccPitch;
IntegralAccNick += ACC_AMPLIFY * AdValueAccNick;
IntegralAccRoll += ACC_AMPLIFY * AdValueAccRoll;
NaviAccPitch += AdValueAccPitch;
NaviAccNick += AdValueAccNick;
NaviAccRoll += AdValueAccRoll;
266,9 → 266,9
// Coupling fraction
if(!Looping_Pitch && !Looping_Roll && (ParamSet.GlobalConfig & CFG_AXIS_COUPLING_ACTIVE))
if(!Looping_Nick && !Looping_Roll && (ParamSet.GlobalConfig & CFG_AXIS_COUPLING_ACTIVE))
tmpl = (Reading_GyroYaw * Reading_IntegralGyroPitch) / 2048L;
tmpl = (Reading_GyroYaw * Reading_IntegralGyroNick) / 2048L;
tmpl *= FCParam.Yaw_PosFeedback;
tmpl /= 4096L;
tmpl2 = ( Reading_GyroYaw * Reading_IntegralGyroRoll) / 2048L;
305,32 → 305,32
if(AdValueGyrRoll > 2020) Reading_GyroRoll = +1000;
if(AdValueGyrRoll > 2034) Reading_GyroRoll = +2000;
// Pitch
Reading_GyroPitch -= tmpl2;
Reading_GyroPitch -= (tmpl*FCParam.Yaw_NegFeedback) / 512L;
Reading_IntegralGyroPitch2 += Reading_GyroPitch;
Reading_IntegralGyroPitch += Reading_GyroPitch - AttitudeCorrectionPitch;
if(Reading_IntegralGyroPitch > TurnOver180Pitch)
// Nick
Reading_GyroNick -= tmpl2;
Reading_GyroNick -= (tmpl*FCParam.Yaw_NegFeedback) / 512L;
Reading_IntegralGyroNick2 += Reading_GyroNick;
Reading_IntegralGyroNick += Reading_GyroNick - AttitudeCorrectionNick;
if(Reading_IntegralGyroNick > TurnOver180Nick)
Reading_IntegralGyroPitch = -(TurnOver180Pitch - 25000L);
Reading_IntegralGyroPitch2 = Reading_IntegralGyroPitch;
Reading_IntegralGyroNick = -(TurnOver180Nick - 25000L);
Reading_IntegralGyroNick2 = Reading_IntegralGyroNick;
if(Reading_IntegralGyroPitch < -TurnOver180Pitch)
if(Reading_IntegralGyroNick < -TurnOver180Nick)
Reading_IntegralGyroPitch = (TurnOver180Pitch - 25000L);
Reading_IntegralGyroPitch2 = Reading_IntegralGyroPitch;
Reading_IntegralGyroNick = (TurnOver180Nick - 25000L);
Reading_IntegralGyroNick2 = Reading_IntegralGyroNick;
if(AdValueGyrPitch < 15) Reading_GyroPitch = -1000;
if(AdValueGyrPitch < 7) Reading_GyroPitch = -2000;
if(AdValueGyrNick < 15) Reading_GyroNick = -1000;
if(AdValueGyrNick < 7) Reading_GyroNick = -2000;
if(BoardRelease == 10)
if(AdValueGyrPitch > 1010) Reading_GyroPitch = +1000;
if(AdValueGyrPitch > 1017) Reading_GyroPitch = +2000;
if(AdValueGyrNick > 1010) Reading_GyroNick = +1000;
if(AdValueGyrNick > 1017) Reading_GyroNick = +2000;
if(AdValueGyrPitch > 2020) Reading_GyroPitch = +1000;
if(AdValueGyrPitch > 2034) Reading_GyroPitch = +2000;
if(AdValueGyrNick > 2020) Reading_GyroNick = +1000;
if(AdValueGyrNick > 2034) Reading_GyroNick = +2000;
// start ADC again to capture measurement values for the next loop
337,15 → 337,15
IntegralYaw = Reading_IntegralGyroYaw;
IntegralPitch = Reading_IntegralGyroPitch;
IntegralNick = Reading_IntegralGyroNick;
IntegralRoll = Reading_IntegralGyroRoll;
IntegralPitch2 = Reading_IntegralGyroPitch2;
IntegralNick2 = Reading_IntegralGyroNick2;
IntegralRoll2 = Reading_IntegralGyroRoll2;
if((ParamSet.GlobalConfig & CFG_ROTARY_RATE_LIMITER) && !Looping_Pitch && !Looping_Roll)
if((ParamSet.GlobalConfig & CFG_ROTARY_RATE_LIMITER) && !Looping_Nick && !Looping_Roll)
if(Reading_GyroPitch > 200) Reading_GyroPitch += 4 * (Reading_GyroPitch - 200);
else if(Reading_GyroPitch < -200) Reading_GyroPitch += 4 * (Reading_GyroPitch + 200);
if(Reading_GyroNick > 200) Reading_GyroNick += 4 * (Reading_GyroNick - 200);
else if(Reading_GyroNick < -200) Reading_GyroNick += 4 * (Reading_GyroNick + 200);
if(Reading_GyroRoll > 200) Reading_GyroRoll += 4 * (Reading_GyroRoll - 200);
else if(Reading_GyroRoll < -200) Reading_GyroRoll += 4 * (Reading_GyroRoll + 200);
359,11 → 359,11
// stop ADC to avoid changing values during calculation
Reading_GyroPitch = AdValueGyrPitch;
Reading_GyroNick = AdValueGyrNick;
Reading_GyroRoll = AdValueGyrRoll;
Reading_GyroYaw = AdValueGyrYaw;
Mean_AccPitch = ACC_AMPLIFY * (int32_t)AdValueAccPitch;
Mean_AccNick = ACC_AMPLIFY * (int32_t)AdValueAccNick;
Mean_AccRoll = ACC_AMPLIFY * (int32_t)AdValueAccRoll;
Mean_AccTop = (int32_t)AdValueAccTop;
// start ADC (enables internal trigger so that the ISR in analog.c
370,7 → 370,7
// updates the readings once)
TurnOver180Pitch = (int32_t) ParamSet.AngleTurnOverPitch * 2500L;
TurnOver180Nick = (int32_t) ParamSet.AngleTurnOverNick * 2500L;
TurnOver180Roll = (int32_t) ParamSet.AngleTurnOverRoll * 2500L;
430,8 → 430,8
444,10 → 444,10
static uint8_t stick = 1;
// if pitch is centered or top set stick to zero
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] > -20) stick = 0;
// if pitch is down trigger to next cal state
if((PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] < -70) && !stick)
// if nick is centered or top set stick to zero
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]] > -20) stick = 0;
// if nick is down trigger to next cal state
if((PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]] < -70) && !stick)
stick = 1;
464,27 → 464,27
void MotorControl(void)
int16_t MotorValue, pd_result, h, tmp_int;
int16_t YawMixFraction, ThrustMixFraction;
static int32_t SumPitch = 0, SumRoll = 0;
int16_t YawMixFraction, GasMixFraction;
static int32_t SumNick = 0, SumRoll = 0;
static int32_t SetPointYaw = 0;
static int32_t IntegralErrorPitch = 0;
static int32_t IntegralErrorNick = 0;
static int32_t IntegralErrorRoll = 0;
static uint16_t RcLostTimer;
static uint8_t delay_neutral = 0, delay_startmotors = 0, delay_stopmotors = 0;
static uint8_t HeightControlActive = 0;
static int16_t HeightControlThrust = 0;
static int16_t HeightControlGas = 0;
static int8_t TimerDebugOut = 0;
static uint16_t UpdateCompassCourse = 0;
static int32_t CorrectionPitch, CorrectionRoll;
static int32_t CorrectionNick, CorrectionRoll;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// determine thrust value
// determine gas value
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
ThrustMixFraction = StickThrust;
if(ThrustMixFraction < ParamSet.Trust_Min + 10) ThrustMixFraction = ParamSet.Trust_Min + 10;
GasMixFraction = StickGas;
if(GasMixFraction < ParamSet.Gas_Min + 10) GasMixFraction = ParamSet.Gas_Min + 10;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// RC-signal is bad
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
507,13 → 507,13
ROT_ON; // set red led
if(Model_Is_Flying > 1000) // wahrscheinlich in der Luft --> langsam absenken
ThrustMixFraction = ParamSet.EmergencyThrust; // set emergency thrust
GasMixFraction = ParamSet.EmergencyGas; // set emergency gas
EmergencyLanding = 1; // enable emergency landing
// set neutral rc inputs
PPM_diff[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] = 0;
PPM_diff[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]] = 0;
PPM_diff[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] = 0;
PPM_diff[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_YAW]] = 0;
PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] = 0;
PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]] = 0;
PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] = 0;
PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_YAW]] = 0;
527,14 → 527,14
EmergencyLanding = 0; // switch off emergency landing if RC-signal is okay
// reset emergency timer
RcLostTimer = ParamSet.EmergencyThrustDuration * 50;
if(ThrustMixFraction > 40)
RcLostTimer = ParamSet.EmergencyGasDuration * 50;
if(GasMixFraction > 40)
if(Model_Is_Flying < 0xFFFF) Model_Is_Flying++;
if(Model_Is_Flying < 256)
SumPitch = 0;
SumNick = 0;
SumRoll = 0;
StickYaw = 0;
if(Model_Is_Flying == 250) UpdateCompassCourse = 1;
560,8 → 560,8
if(Poti7 < 0) Poti7 = 0; else if(Poti7 > 255) Poti7 = 255;
if(Poti8 < 0) Poti8 = 0; else if(Poti8 > 255) Poti8 = 255;
// if motors are off and the thrust stick is in the upper position
if((PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_THRUST]] > 80) && MotorsOn == 0)
// if motors are off and the gas stick is in the upper position
if((PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_GAS]] > 80) && MotorsOn == 0)
// and if the yaw stick is in the leftmost position
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_YAW]] > 75)
569,7 → 569,7
// calibrate the neutral readings of all attitude sensors
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// thrust/yaw joystick is top left
// gas/yaw joystick is top left
// _________
// |x |
// | |
582,13 → 582,13
delay_neutral = 0;
Model_Is_Flying = 0;
// check roll/pitch stick position
// if pitch stick is top or roll stick is left or right --> change parameter setting
// according to roll/pitch stick position
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] > 70 || abs(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]]) > 70)
// check roll/nick stick position
// if nick stick is top or roll stick is left or right --> change parameter setting
// according to roll/nick stick position
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]] > 70 || abs(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]]) > 70)
uint8_t setting = 1; // default
// pitch/roll joystick
// nick/roll joystick
// _________
// |2 3 4|
// | |
596,16 → 596,16
// | |
// | |
// ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
// roll stick leftmost and pitch stick centered --> setting 1
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] > 70 && PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] < 70) setting = 1;
// roll stick leftmost and pitch stick topmost --> setting 2
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] > 70 && PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] > 70) setting = 2;
// roll stick centered an pitch stick topmost --> setting 3
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] < 70 && PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] > 70) setting = 3;
// roll stick rightmost and pitch stick topmost --> setting 4
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] <-70 && PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] > 70) setting = 4;
// roll stick rightmost and pitch stick centered --> setting 5
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] <-70 && PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] < 70) setting = 5;
// roll stick leftmost and nick stick centered --> setting 1
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] > 70 && PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]] < 70) setting = 1;
// roll stick leftmost and nick stick topmost --> setting 2
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] > 70 && PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]] > 70) setting = 2;
// roll stick centered an nick stick topmost --> setting 3
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] < 70 && PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]] > 70) setting = 3;
// roll stick rightmost and nick stick topmost --> setting 4
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] <-70 && PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]] > 70) setting = 4;
// roll stick rightmost and nick stick centered --> setting 5
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] <-70 && PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]] < 70) setting = 5;
// update active parameter set in eeprom
616,10 → 616,10
if((ParamSet.GlobalConfig & CFG_COMPASS_ACTIVE))
// if roll stick is centered and pitch stick is down
if (abs(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]]) < 20 && PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] < -70)
// if roll stick is centered and nick stick is down
if (abs(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]]) < 20 && PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]] < -70)
// pitch/roll joystick
// nick/roll joystick
// _________
// | |
// | |
631,7 → 631,7
CompassCalState = 1;
BeepTime = 1000;
else // pitch and roll are centered
else // nick and roll are centered
638,7 → 638,7
else // pitch and roll are centered
else // nick and roll are centered
655,11 → 655,11
delay_neutral = 0;
SetParamWord(PID_ACC_PITCH, 0xFFFF); // make value invalid
SetParamWord(PID_ACC_NICK, 0xFFFF); // make value invalid
Model_Is_Flying = 0;
// Save ACC neutral settings to eeprom
SetParamWord(PID_ACC_PITCH, (uint16_t)NeutralAccX);
SetParamWord(PID_ACC_NICK, (uint16_t)NeutralAccX);
SetParamWord(PID_ACC_ROLL, (uint16_t)NeutralAccY);
SetParamWord(PID_ACC_Z, (uint16_t)NeutralAccZ);
668,9 → 668,9
else delay_neutral = 0;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// thrust stick is down
// gas stick is down
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_THRUST]] < -85)
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_GAS]] < -85)
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// and yaw stick is rightmost --> start motors
684,11 → 684,11
MotorsOn = 1;
SetPointYaw = 0;
Reading_IntegralGyroYaw = 0;
Reading_IntegralGyroPitch = 0;
Reading_IntegralGyroNick = 0;
Reading_IntegralGyroRoll = 0;
Reading_IntegralGyroPitch2 = IntegralPitch;
Reading_IntegralGyroNick2 = IntegralNick;
Reading_IntegralGyroRoll2 = IntegralRoll;
SumPitch = 0;
SumNick = 0;
SumRoll = 0;
#if defined (USE_KILLAGREG) || defined (USE_MK3MAG)
if(ParamSet.GlobalConfig & CFG_GPS_ACTIVE)
729,17 → 729,17
int tmp_int;
ParameterMapping(); // remapping params (online poti replacement)
// calculate Stick inputs by rc channels (P) and changing of rc channels (D)
StickPitch = (StickPitch * 3 + PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] * ParamSet.Stick_P) / 4;
StickPitch += PPM_diff[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] * ParamSet.Stick_D;
StickPitch -= (GPS_Pitch);
StickNick = (StickNick * 3 + PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]] * ParamSet.Stick_P) / 4;
StickNick += PPM_diff[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]] * ParamSet.Stick_D;
StickNick -= (GPS_Nick);
StickRoll = (StickRoll * 3 + PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] * ParamSet.Stick_P) / 4;
StickRoll += PPM_diff[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_ROLL]] * ParamSet.Stick_D;
StickRoll -= (GPS_Roll);
// direct mapping of yaw and thrust
// direct mapping of yaw and gas
StickYaw = -PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_YAW]];
StickThrust = PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_THRUST]] + 120;// shift to positive numbers
StickGas = PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_GAS]] + 120;// shift to positive numbers
// update gyro control loop factors
Gyro_P_Factor = ((float) FCParam.Gyro_P + 10.0) / (256.0 / STICK_GAIN);
754,7 → 754,7
if(DubWiseKeys[1] & DUB_KEY_UP) tmp_int = KEY_VALUE;
else if(DubWiseKeys[1] & DUB_KEY_DOWN) tmp_int = -KEY_VALUE;
else tmp_int = 0;
ExternStickPitch = (ExternStickPitch * 7 + tmp_int) / 8;
ExternStickNick = (ExternStickNick * 7 + tmp_int) / 8;
if(DubWiseKeys[1] & DUB_KEY_LEFT) tmp_int = KEY_VALUE;
else if(DubWiseKeys[1] & DUB_KEY_RIGHT) tmp_int = -KEY_VALUE;
else tmp_int = 0;
765,7 → 765,7
if(DubWiseKeys[0] & 2) ExternHeightValue++;
if(DubWiseKeys[0] & 16) ExternHeightValue--;
StickPitch += (STICK_GAIN * ExternStickPitch) / 8;
StickNick += (STICK_GAIN * ExternStickNick) / 8;
StickRoll += (STICK_GAIN * ExternStickRoll) / 8;
StickYaw += (STICK_GAIN * ExternStickYaw);
775,13 → 775,13
if(ExternControl.Config & 0x01 && FCParam.UserParam8 > 128)
StickPitch += (int16_t) ExternControl.Pitch * (int16_t) ParamSet.Stick_P;
StickNick += (int16_t) ExternControl.Nick * (int16_t) ParamSet.Stick_P;
StickRoll += (int16_t) ExternControl.Roll * (int16_t) ParamSet.Stick_P;
StickYaw += ExternControl.Yaw;
ExternHeightValue = (int16_t) ExternControl.Height * (int16_t)ParamSet.Height_Gain;
if(ExternControl.Thrust < StickThrust) StickThrust = ExternControl.Thrust;
if(ExternControl.Gas < StickGas) StickGas = ExternControl.Gas;
if(StickThrust < 0) StickThrust = 0;
if(StickGas < 0) StickGas = 0;
// disable I part of gyro control feedback
if(ParamSet.GlobalConfig & CFG_HEADING_HOLD) Gyro_I_Factor = 0;
790,10 → 790,10
if(Gyro_I_Factor < 0) Gyro_I_Factor = 0;
// update max stick positions for pitch and roll
// update max stick positions for nick and roll
if(abs(StickPitch / STICK_GAIN) > MaxStickPitch) MaxStickPitch = abs(StickPitch)/STICK_GAIN;
else MaxStickPitch--;
if(abs(StickNick / STICK_GAIN) > MaxStickNick) MaxStickNick = abs(StickNick)/STICK_GAIN;
else MaxStickNick--;
if(abs(StickRoll / STICK_GAIN) > MaxStickRoll) MaxStickRoll = abs(StickRoll)/STICK_GAIN;
else MaxStickRoll--;
818,32 → 818,32
if((PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] > ParamSet.LoopThreshold) && ParamSet.LoopConfig & CFG_LOOP_UP) Looping_Top = 1;
if((PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]] > ParamSet.LoopThreshold) && ParamSet.LoopConfig & CFG_LOOP_UP) Looping_Top = 1;
if(Looping_Top) // Hysteresis
if((PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] < (ParamSet.LoopThreshold - ParamSet.LoopHysteresis))) Looping_Top = 0;
if((PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]] < (ParamSet.LoopThreshold - ParamSet.LoopHysteresis))) Looping_Top = 0;
if((PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] < -ParamSet.LoopThreshold) && ParamSet.LoopConfig & CFG_LOOP_DOWN) Looping_Down = 1;
if((PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]] < -ParamSet.LoopThreshold) && ParamSet.LoopConfig & CFG_LOOP_DOWN) Looping_Down = 1;
if(Looping_Down) // Hysteresis
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_PITCH]] > -(ParamSet.LoopThreshold - ParamSet.LoopHysteresis)) Looping_Down = 0;
if(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_NICK]] > -(ParamSet.LoopThreshold - ParamSet.LoopHysteresis)) Looping_Down = 0;
if(Looping_Left || Looping_Right) Looping_Roll = 1; else Looping_Roll = 0;
if(Looping_Top || Looping_Down) {Looping_Pitch = 1; Looping_Roll = 0; Looping_Left = 0; Looping_Right = 0;} else Looping_Pitch = 0;
if(Looping_Top || Looping_Down) {Looping_Nick = 1; Looping_Roll = 0; Looping_Left = 0; Looping_Right = 0;} else Looping_Nick = 0;
} // End of new RC-Values or Emergency Landing
if(Looping_Roll) BeepTime = 100;
if(Looping_Roll || Looping_Pitch)
if(Looping_Roll || Looping_Nick)
if(ThrustMixFraction > ParamSet.LoopThrustLimit) ThrustMixFraction = ParamSet.LoopThrustLimit;
if(GasMixFraction > ParamSet.LoopGasLimit) GasMixFraction = ParamSet.LoopGasLimit;
861,13 → 861,13
StickYaw = 0;
StickPitch = 0;
StickNick = 0;
StickRoll = 0;
Gyro_P_Factor = (float) 100 / (256.0 / STICK_GAIN);
Gyro_I_Factor = (float) 120 / (44000 / STICK_GAIN);
Looping_Roll = 0;
Looping_Pitch = 0;
MaxStickPitch = 0;
Looping_Nick = 0;
MaxStickNick = 0;
MaxStickRoll = 0;
877,38 → 877,38
// sum for averaging
MeanIntegralPitch += IntegralPitch;
MeanIntegralNick += IntegralNick;
MeanIntegralRoll += IntegralRoll;
if(Looping_Pitch || Looping_Roll) // if looping in any direction
if(Looping_Nick || Looping_Roll) // if looping in any direction
// reset averaging for acc and gyro integral as well as gyro integral acc correction
MeasurementCounter = 0;
IntegralAccPitch = 0;
IntegralAccNick = 0;
IntegralAccRoll = 0;
MeanIntegralPitch = 0;
MeanIntegralNick = 0;
MeanIntegralRoll = 0;
Reading_IntegralGyroPitch2 = Reading_IntegralGyroPitch;
Reading_IntegralGyroNick2 = Reading_IntegralGyroNick;
Reading_IntegralGyroRoll2 = Reading_IntegralGyroRoll;
AttitudeCorrectionPitch = 0;
AttitudeCorrectionNick = 0;
AttitudeCorrectionRoll = 0;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(!Looping_Pitch && !Looping_Roll) // if not lopping in any direction
if(!Looping_Nick && !Looping_Roll) // if not lopping in any direction
int32_t tmp_long, tmp_long2;
// determine the deviation of gyro integral from averaged acceleration sensor
tmp_long = (int32_t)(IntegralPitch / ParamSet.GyroAccFactor - (int32_t)Mean_AccPitch);
tmp_long = (int32_t)(IntegralNick / ParamSet.GyroAccFactor - (int32_t)Mean_AccNick);
tmp_long /= 16;
tmp_long2 = (int32_t)(IntegralRoll / ParamSet.GyroAccFactor - (int32_t)Mean_AccRoll);
tmp_long2 /= 16;
if((MaxStickPitch > 32) || (MaxStickRoll > 32)) // reduce effect during stick commands
if((MaxStickNick > 32) || (MaxStickRoll > 32)) // reduce effect during stick commands
tmp_long /= 3;
tmp_long2 /= 3;
926,7 → 926,7
if(tmp_long2 > BALANCE) tmp_long2 = BALANCE;
if(tmp_long2 <-BALANCE) tmp_long2 =-BALANCE;
// correct current readings
Reading_IntegralGyroPitch -= tmp_long;
Reading_IntegralGyroNick -= tmp_long;
Reading_IntegralGyroRoll -= tmp_long2;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
935,25 → 935,25
static int16_t cnt = 0;
static int8_t last_n_p, last_n_n, last_r_p, last_r_n;
static int32_t MeanIntegralPitch_old, MeanIntegralRoll_old;
static int32_t MeanIntegralNick_old, MeanIntegralRoll_old;
// if not lopping in any direction (this should be alwais the case,
// because the Measurement counter is reset to 0 if looping in any direction is active.)
if(!Looping_Pitch && !Looping_Roll && !FunnelCourse)
if(!Looping_Nick && !Looping_Roll && !FunnelCourse)
// Calculate mean value of the gyro integrals
MeanIntegralPitch /= BALANCE_NUMBER;
MeanIntegralNick /= BALANCE_NUMBER;
MeanIntegralRoll /= BALANCE_NUMBER;
// Calculate mean of the acceleration values
IntegralAccPitch = (ParamSet.GyroAccFactor * IntegralAccPitch) / BALANCE_NUMBER;
IntegralAccNick = (ParamSet.GyroAccFactor * IntegralAccNick) / BALANCE_NUMBER;
IntegralAccRoll = (ParamSet.GyroAccFactor * IntegralAccRoll ) / BALANCE_NUMBER;
// Pitch ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Nick ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Calculate deviation of the averaged gyro integral and the averaged acceleration integral
IntegralErrorPitch = (int32_t)(MeanIntegralPitch - (int32_t)IntegralAccPitch);
CorrectionPitch = IntegralErrorPitch / ParamSet.GyroAccTrim;
AttitudeCorrectionPitch = CorrectionPitch / BALANCE_NUMBER;
IntegralErrorNick = (int32_t)(MeanIntegralNick - (int32_t)IntegralAccNick);
CorrectionNick = IntegralErrorNick / ParamSet.GyroAccTrim;
AttitudeCorrectionNick = CorrectionNick / BALANCE_NUMBER;
// Roll ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Calculate deviation of the averaged gyro integral and the averaged acceleration integral
IntegralErrorRoll = (int32_t)(MeanIntegralRoll - (int32_t)IntegralAccRoll);
960,9 → 960,9
CorrectionRoll = IntegralErrorRoll / ParamSet.GyroAccTrim;
AttitudeCorrectionRoll = CorrectionRoll / BALANCE_NUMBER;
if((MaxStickPitch > 32) || (MaxStickRoll > 32) || (abs(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_YAW]]) > 25))
if((MaxStickNick > 32) || (MaxStickRoll > 32) || (abs(PPM_in[ParamSet.ChannelAssignment[CH_YAW]]) > 25))
AttitudeCorrectionPitch /= 2;
AttitudeCorrectionNick /= 2;
AttitudeCorrectionRoll /= 2;
969,10 → 969,10
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Gyro-Drift ermitteln
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// deviation of gyro pitch integral (IntegralPitch is corrected by averaged acc sensor)
IntegralErrorPitch = IntegralPitch2 - IntegralPitch;
Reading_IntegralGyroPitch2 -= IntegralErrorPitch;
// deviation of gyro pitch integral (IntegralPitch is corrected by averaged acc sensor)
// deviation of gyro nick integral (IntegralNick is corrected by averaged acc sensor)
IntegralErrorNick = IntegralNick2 - IntegralNick;
Reading_IntegralGyroNick2 -= IntegralErrorNick;
// deviation of gyro nick integral (IntegralNick is corrected by averaged acc sensor)
IntegralErrorRoll = IntegralRoll2 - IntegralRoll;
Reading_IntegralGyroRoll2 -= IntegralErrorRoll;
980,13 → 980,13
if(YawGyroDrift < -BALANCE_NUMBER/2) AdNeutralYaw--;
YawGyroDrift = 0;
DebugOut.Analog[17] = IntegralAccPitch / 26;
DebugOut.Analog[17] = IntegralAccNick / 26;
DebugOut.Analog[18] = IntegralAccRoll / 26;
DebugOut.Analog[19] = IntegralErrorPitch;// / 26;
DebugOut.Analog[19] = IntegralErrorNick;// / 26;
DebugOut.Analog[20] = IntegralErrorRoll;// / 26;
DebugOut.Analog[21] = MeanIntegralPitch / 26;
DebugOut.Analog[21] = MeanIntegralNick / 26;
DebugOut.Analog[22] = MeanIntegralRoll / 26;
//DebugOut.Analog[28] = CorrectionPitch;
//DebugOut.Analog[28] = CorrectionNick;
DebugOut.Analog[29] = CorrectionRoll;
DebugOut.Analog[30] = AttitudeCorrectionRoll * 10;
994,31 → 994,31
#define MOVEMENT_LIMIT 20000
// Pitch +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
cnt = 1;// + labs(IntegralErrorPitch) / 4096;
CorrectionPitch = 0;
if(labs(MeanIntegralPitch_old - MeanIntegralPitch) < MOVEMENT_LIMIT)
// Nick +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
cnt = 1;// + labs(IntegralErrorNick) / 4096;
CorrectionNick = 0;
if(labs(MeanIntegralNick_old - MeanIntegralNick) < MOVEMENT_LIMIT)
if(IntegralErrorPitch > ERROR_LIMIT2)
if(IntegralErrorNick > ERROR_LIMIT2)
cnt += labs(IntegralErrorPitch) / ERROR_LIMIT2;
CorrectionPitch = IntegralErrorPitch / 8;
if(CorrectionPitch > 5000) CorrectionPitch = 5000;
AttitudeCorrectionPitch += CorrectionPitch / BALANCE_NUMBER;
cnt += labs(IntegralErrorNick) / ERROR_LIMIT2;
CorrectionNick = IntegralErrorNick / 8;
if(CorrectionNick > 5000) CorrectionNick = 5000;
AttitudeCorrectionNick += CorrectionNick / BALANCE_NUMBER;
else last_n_p = 1;
else last_n_p = 0;
if(IntegralErrorPitch < -ERROR_LIMIT2)
if(IntegralErrorNick < -ERROR_LIMIT2)
cnt += labs(IntegralErrorPitch) / ERROR_LIMIT2;
CorrectionPitch = IntegralErrorPitch / 8;
if(CorrectionPitch < -5000) CorrectionPitch = -5000;
AttitudeCorrectionPitch += CorrectionPitch / BALANCE_NUMBER;
cnt += labs(IntegralErrorNick) / ERROR_LIMIT2;
CorrectionNick = IntegralErrorNick / 8;
if(CorrectionNick < -5000) CorrectionNick = -5000;
AttitudeCorrectionNick += CorrectionNick / BALANCE_NUMBER;
else last_n_n = 1;
1031,11 → 1031,11
if(cnt > ParamSet.DriftComp) cnt = ParamSet.DriftComp;
// correct Gyro Offsets
if(IntegralErrorPitch > ERROR_LIMIT) AdNeutralPitch += cnt;
if(IntegralErrorPitch < -ERROR_LIMIT) AdNeutralPitch -= cnt;
if(IntegralErrorNick > ERROR_LIMIT) AdNeutralNick += cnt;
if(IntegralErrorNick < -ERROR_LIMIT) AdNeutralNick -= cnt;
// Roll +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
cnt = 1;// + labs(IntegralErrorPitch) / 4096;
cnt = 1;// + labs(IntegralErrorNick) / 4096;
CorrectionRoll = 0;
if(labs(MeanIntegralRoll_old - MeanIntegralRoll) < MOVEMENT_LIMIT)
1075,7 → 1075,7
if(IntegralErrorRoll < -ERROR_LIMIT) AdNeutralRoll -= cnt;
DebugOut.Analog[27] = CorrectionRoll;
DebugOut.Analog[23] = AdNeutralPitch;//10*(AdNeutralPitch - StartNeutralPitch);
DebugOut.Analog[23] = AdNeutralNick;//10*(AdNeutralNick - StartNeutralNick);
DebugOut.Analog[24] = 10*(AdNeutralRoll - StartNeutralRoll);
1082,7 → 1082,7
else // looping is active
AttitudeCorrectionRoll = 0;
AttitudeCorrectionPitch = 0;
AttitudeCorrectionNick = 0;
FunnelCourse = 0;
1090,16 → 1090,16
AttitudeCorrectionRoll = 0;
AttitudeCorrectionPitch = 0;
AttitudeCorrectionNick = 0;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
MeanIntegralPitch_old = MeanIntegralPitch;
MeanIntegralNick_old = MeanIntegralNick;
MeanIntegralRoll_old = MeanIntegralRoll;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// reset variables used for averaging
IntegralAccPitch = 0;
IntegralAccNick = 0;
IntegralAccRoll = 0;
MeanIntegralPitch = 0;
MeanIntegralNick = 0;
MeanIntegralRoll = 0;
MeasurementCounter = 0;
} // end of averaging
1154,7 → 1154,7
// get maximum attitude angle
w = abs(IntegralPitch/512);
w = abs(IntegralNick/512);
v = abs(IntegralRoll /512);
if(v > w) w = v;
// update compass course
1180,7 → 1180,7
{ //
YawGyroDrift += error;
v = 64 + (MaxStickPitch + MaxStickRoll) / 8;
v = 64 + (MaxStickNick + MaxStickRoll) / 8;
// calc course deviation
r = ((540 + (YawGyroHeading / YAW_GYRO_DEG_FACTOR) - CompassCourse) % 360) - 180;
v = (r * w) / v; // align to compass course
1212,7 → 1212,7
GPS_Pitch = 0;
GPS_Nick = 0;
GPS_Roll = 0;
1223,9 → 1223,9
TimerDebugOut = 24; // update debug outputs every 25*2ms = 50 ms (20Hz)
DebugOut.Analog[0] = IntegralPitch / ParamSet.GyroAccFactor;
DebugOut.Analog[0] = IntegralNick / ParamSet.GyroAccFactor;
DebugOut.Analog[1] = IntegralRoll / ParamSet.GyroAccFactor;
DebugOut.Analog[2] = Mean_AccPitch;
DebugOut.Analog[2] = Mean_AccNick;
DebugOut.Analog[3] = Mean_AccRoll;
DebugOut.Analog[4] = Reading_GyroYaw;
DebugOut.Analog[5] = ReadingHeight;
1240,7 → 1240,7
DebugOut.Analog[30] = GPS_Pitch;
DebugOut.Analog[30] = GPS_Nick;
DebugOut.Analog[31] = GPS_Roll;
/* DebugOut.Analog[16] = motor_rx[0];
1255,7 → 1255,7
DebugOut.Analog[24] = motor_rx[7];
DebugOut.Analog[25] = motor_rx[4] + motor_rx[5] + motor_rx[6] + motor_rx[7];
DebugOut.Analog[9] = Reading_GyroPitch;
DebugOut.Analog[9] = Reading_GyroNick;
DebugOut.Analog[9] = SetPointHeight;
DebugOut.Analog[10] = Reading_IntegralGyroYaw / 128;
1262,9 → 1262,9
DebugOut.Analog[10] = FCParam.Gyro_I;
DebugOut.Analog[10] = ParamSet.Gyro_I;
DebugOut.Analog[9] = CompassOffCourse;
DebugOut.Analog[10] = ThrustMixFraction;
DebugOut.Analog[10] = GasMixFraction;
DebugOut.Analog[3] = HeightD * 32;
DebugOut.Analog[4] = HeightControlThrust;
DebugOut.Analog[4] = HeightControlGas;
1272,30 → 1272,30
// calculate control feedback from angle (gyro integral) and agular velocity (gyro signal)
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
if(Looping_Pitch) Reading_GyroPitch = Reading_GyroPitch * Gyro_P_Factor;
else Reading_GyroPitch = IntegralPitch * Gyro_I_Factor + Reading_GyroPitch * Gyro_P_Factor;
if(Looping_Nick) Reading_GyroNick = Reading_GyroNick * Gyro_P_Factor;
else Reading_GyroNick = IntegralNick * Gyro_I_Factor + Reading_GyroNick * Gyro_P_Factor;
if(Looping_Roll) Reading_GyroRoll = Reading_GyroRoll * Gyro_P_Factor;
else Reading_GyroRoll = IntegralRoll * Gyro_I_Factor + Reading_GyroRoll * Gyro_P_Factor;
Reading_GyroYaw = Reading_GyroYaw * (2 * Gyro_P_Factor) + IntegralYaw * Gyro_I_Factor / 2;
DebugOut.Analog[21] = Reading_GyroPitch;
DebugOut.Analog[21] = Reading_GyroNick;
DebugOut.Analog[22] = Reading_GyroRoll;
// limit control feedback
#define MAX_SENSOR (4096 * STICK_GAIN)
if(Reading_GyroPitch > MAX_SENSOR) Reading_GyroPitch = MAX_SENSOR;
if(Reading_GyroPitch < -MAX_SENSOR) Reading_GyroPitch = -MAX_SENSOR;
if(Reading_GyroRoll > MAX_SENSOR) Reading_GyroRoll = MAX_SENSOR;
if(Reading_GyroRoll < -MAX_SENSOR) Reading_GyroRoll = -MAX_SENSOR;
if(Reading_GyroYaw > MAX_SENSOR) Reading_GyroYaw = MAX_SENSOR;
if(Reading_GyroYaw < -MAX_SENSOR) Reading_GyroYaw = -MAX_SENSOR;
if(Reading_GyroNick > MAX_SENSOR) Reading_GyroNick = MAX_SENSOR;
if(Reading_GyroNick < -MAX_SENSOR) Reading_GyroNick = -MAX_SENSOR;
if(Reading_GyroRoll > MAX_SENSOR) Reading_GyroRoll = MAX_SENSOR;
if(Reading_GyroRoll < -MAX_SENSOR) Reading_GyroRoll = -MAX_SENSOR;
if(Reading_GyroYaw > MAX_SENSOR) Reading_GyroYaw = MAX_SENSOR;
if(Reading_GyroYaw < -MAX_SENSOR) Reading_GyroYaw = -MAX_SENSOR;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Height Control
// The height control algorithm reduces the thrust but does not increase the thrust.
// The height control algorithm reduces the gas but does not increase the gas.
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
ThrustMixFraction *= STICK_GAIN;
GasMixFraction *= STICK_GAIN;
// If height control is activated and no emergency landing is active
if((ParamSet.GlobalConfig & CFG_HEIGHT_CONTROL) && (!EmergencyLanding) )
1318,13 → 1318,13
// get current height
h = ReadingHeight;
// if current height is above the setpoint reduce thrust
// if current height is above the setpoint reduce gas
if((h > SetPointHeight) && HeightControlActive)
// ThrustMixFraction - HightDeviation * P - HeightChange * D - ACCTop * DACC
// GasMixFraction - HightDeviation * P - HeightChange * D - ACCTop * DACC
// height difference -> P control part
h = ((h - SetPointHeight) * (int16_t) FCParam.Height_P) / (16 / STICK_GAIN);
h = ThrustMixFraction - h; // reduce gas
h = GasMixFraction - h; // reduce gas
// height gradient --> D control part
//h -= (HeightD * FCParam.Height_D) / (8 / STICK_GAIN); // D control part
h -= (HeightD) / (8 / STICK_GAIN); // D control part
1333,74 → 1333,74
if(tmp_int > 70 * STICK_GAIN) tmp_int = 70 * STICK_GAIN;
else if(tmp_int < -(70 * STICK_GAIN)) tmp_int = -(70 * STICK_GAIN);
h -= tmp_int;
// update height control thrust
HeightControlThrust = (HeightControlThrust*15 + h) / 16;
// limit thrust reduction
if(HeightControlThrust < ParamSet.Height_MinThrust * STICK_GAIN)
// update height control gas
HeightControlGas = (HeightControlGas*15 + h) / 16;
// limit gas reduction
if(HeightControlGas < ParamSet.Height_MinGas * STICK_GAIN)
if(ThrustMixFraction >= ParamSet.Height_MinThrust * STICK_GAIN) HeightControlThrust = ParamSet.Height_MinThrust * STICK_GAIN;
// allows landing also if thrust stick is reduced below min thrust on height control
if(ThrustMixFraction < ParamSet.Height_MinThrust * STICK_GAIN) HeightControlThrust = ThrustMixFraction;
if(GasMixFraction >= ParamSet.Height_MinGas * STICK_GAIN) HeightControlGas = ParamSet.Height_MinGas * STICK_GAIN;
// allows landing also if gas stick is reduced below min gas on height control
if(GasMixFraction < ParamSet.Height_MinGas * STICK_GAIN) HeightControlGas = GasMixFraction;
// limit thrust to stick setting
if(HeightControlThrust > ThrustMixFraction) HeightControlThrust = ThrustMixFraction;
ThrustMixFraction = HeightControlThrust;
// limit gas to stick setting
if(HeightControlGas > GasMixFraction) HeightControlGas = GasMixFraction;
GasMixFraction = HeightControlGas;
// limit thrust to parameter setting
if(ThrustMixFraction > (ParamSet.Trust_Max - 20) * STICK_GAIN) ThrustMixFraction = (ParamSet.Trust_Max - 20) * STICK_GAIN;
// limit gas to parameter setting
if(GasMixFraction > (ParamSet.Gas_Max - 20) * STICK_GAIN) GasMixFraction = (ParamSet.Gas_Max - 20) * STICK_GAIN;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// + Mixer and PI-Controller
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
DebugOut.Analog[7] = ThrustMixFraction;
DebugOut.Analog[7] = GasMixFraction;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Yaw-Fraction
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
YawMixFraction = Reading_GyroYaw - SetPointYaw * STICK_GAIN; // yaw controller
#define MIN_YAWTHRUST (40 * STICK_GAIN) // yaw also below this thrust value
#define MIN_YAWGAS (40 * STICK_GAIN) // yaw also below this gas value
// limit YawMixFraction
if(ThrustMixFraction > MIN_YAWTHRUST)
if(GasMixFraction > MIN_YAWGAS)
if(YawMixFraction > (ThrustMixFraction / 2)) YawMixFraction = ThrustMixFraction / 2;
if(YawMixFraction < -(ThrustMixFraction / 2)) YawMixFraction = -(ThrustMixFraction / 2);
if(YawMixFraction > (GasMixFraction / 2)) YawMixFraction = GasMixFraction / 2;
if(YawMixFraction < -(GasMixFraction / 2)) YawMixFraction = -(GasMixFraction / 2);
if(YawMixFraction > (MIN_YAWTHRUST / 2)) YawMixFraction = MIN_YAWTHRUST / 2;
if(YawMixFraction < -(MIN_YAWTHRUST / 2)) YawMixFraction = -(MIN_YAWTHRUST / 2);
if(YawMixFraction > (MIN_YAWGAS / 2)) YawMixFraction = MIN_YAWGAS / 2;
if(YawMixFraction < -(MIN_YAWGAS / 2)) YawMixFraction = -(MIN_YAWGAS / 2);
tmp_int = ParamSet.Trust_Max * STICK_GAIN;
if(YawMixFraction > ((tmp_int - ThrustMixFraction))) YawMixFraction = ((tmp_int - ThrustMixFraction));
if(YawMixFraction < -((tmp_int - ThrustMixFraction))) YawMixFraction = -((tmp_int - ThrustMixFraction));
tmp_int = ParamSet.Gas_Max * STICK_GAIN;
if(YawMixFraction > ((tmp_int - GasMixFraction))) YawMixFraction = ((tmp_int - GasMixFraction));
if(YawMixFraction < -((tmp_int - GasMixFraction))) YawMixFraction = -((tmp_int - GasMixFraction));
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Pitch-Axis
// Nick-Axis
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
DiffPitch = Reading_GyroPitch - StickPitch; // get difference
if(Gyro_I_Factor) SumPitch += IntegralPitch * Gyro_I_Factor - StickPitch; // I-part for attitude control
else SumPitch += DiffPitch; // I-part for head holding
if(SumPitch > (STICK_GAIN * 16000L)) SumPitch = (STICK_GAIN * 16000L);
if(SumPitch < -(STICK_GAIN * 16000L)) SumPitch = -(STICK_GAIN * 16000L);
pd_result = DiffPitch + Ki * SumPitch; // PI-controller for pitch
DiffNick = Reading_GyroNick - StickNick; // get difference
if(Gyro_I_Factor) SumNick += IntegralNick * Gyro_I_Factor - StickNick; // I-part for attitude control
else SumNick += DiffNick; // I-part for head holding
if(SumNick > (STICK_GAIN * 16000L)) SumNick = (STICK_GAIN * 16000L);
if(SumNick < -(STICK_GAIN * 16000L)) SumNick = -(STICK_GAIN * 16000L);
pd_result = DiffNick + Ki * SumNick; // PI-controller for nick
tmp_int = (int32_t)((int32_t)FCParam.DynamicStability * (int32_t)(ThrustMixFraction + abs(YawMixFraction)/2)) / 64;
tmp_int = (int32_t)((int32_t)FCParam.DynamicStability * (int32_t)(GasMixFraction + abs(YawMixFraction)/2)) / 64;
if(pd_result > tmp_int) pd_result = tmp_int;
if(pd_result < -tmp_int) pd_result = -tmp_int;
// Motor Front
MotorValue = ThrustMixFraction + pd_result + YawMixFraction; // Mixer
MotorValue = GasMixFraction + pd_result + YawMixFraction; // Mixer
MotorValue /= STICK_GAIN;
if ((MotorValue < 0)) MotorValue = 0;
else if(MotorValue > ParamSet.Trust_Max) MotorValue = ParamSet.Trust_Max;
if (MotorValue < ParamSet.Trust_Min) MotorValue = ParamSet.Trust_Min;
else if(MotorValue > ParamSet.Gas_Max) MotorValue = ParamSet.Gas_Max;
if (MotorValue < ParamSet.Gas_Min) MotorValue = ParamSet.Gas_Min;
Motor_Front = MotorValue;
// Motor Rear
MotorValue = ThrustMixFraction - pd_result + YawMixFraction; // Mixer
MotorValue = GasMixFraction - pd_result + YawMixFraction; // Mixer
MotorValue /= STICK_GAIN;
if ((MotorValue < 0)) MotorValue = 0;
else if(MotorValue > ParamSet.Trust_Max) MotorValue = ParamSet.Trust_Max;
if (MotorValue < ParamSet.Trust_Min) MotorValue = ParamSet.Trust_Min;
else if(MotorValue > ParamSet.Gas_Max) MotorValue = ParamSet.Gas_Max;
if (MotorValue < ParamSet.Gas_Min) MotorValue = ParamSet.Gas_Min;
Motor_Rear = MotorValue;
// +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// Roll-Axis
1411,24 → 1411,24
if(SumRoll > (STICK_GAIN * 16000L)) SumRoll = (STICK_GAIN * 16000L);
if(SumRoll < -(STICK_GAIN * 16000L)) SumRoll = -(STICK_GAIN * 16000L);
pd_result = DiffRoll + Ki * SumRoll; // PI-controller for roll
tmp_int = (int32_t)((int32_t)FCParam.DynamicStability * (int32_t)(ThrustMixFraction + abs(YawMixFraction)/2)) / 64;
tmp_int = (int32_t)((int32_t)FCParam.DynamicStability * (int32_t)(GasMixFraction + abs(YawMixFraction)/2)) / 64;
if(pd_result > tmp_int) pd_result = tmp_int;
if(pd_result < -tmp_int) pd_result = -tmp_int;
// Motor Left
MotorValue = ThrustMixFraction + pd_result - YawMixFraction; // Mixer
MotorValue = GasMixFraction + pd_result - YawMixFraction; // Mixer
MotorValue /= STICK_GAIN;
if ((MotorValue < 0)) MotorValue = 0;
else if(MotorValue > ParamSet.Trust_Max) MotorValue = ParamSet.Trust_Max;
if (MotorValue < ParamSet.Trust_Min) MotorValue = ParamSet.Trust_Min;
else if(MotorValue > ParamSet.Gas_Max) MotorValue = ParamSet.Gas_Max;
if (MotorValue < ParamSet.Gas_Min) MotorValue = ParamSet.Gas_Min;
Motor_Left = MotorValue;
// Motor Right
MotorValue = ThrustMixFraction - pd_result - YawMixFraction; // Mixer
MotorValue = GasMixFraction - pd_result - YawMixFraction; // Mixer
MotorValue /= STICK_GAIN;
if ((MotorValue < 0)) MotorValue = 0;
else if(MotorValue > ParamSet.Trust_Max) MotorValue = ParamSet.Trust_Max;
if (MotorValue < ParamSet.Trust_Min) MotorValue = ParamSet.Trust_Min;
else if(MotorValue > ParamSet.Gas_Max) MotorValue = ParamSet.Gas_Max;
if (MotorValue < ParamSet.Gas_Min) MotorValue = ParamSet.Gas_Min;
Motor_Right = MotorValue;