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#!/usr/bin/perl -d:ptkdb
# - Tracking Antenne
# Copyright (C) 2009 Rainer Walther (
# Creative Commons Lizenz mit den Zusaetzen (by, nc, sa)
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# Kurzform:
# Komplett:
# 2009-02-14 0.0.1 rw created
# 2009-04-01 0.1.0 rw RC1
# 2009-06-14 0.1.1 rw Tilt-Servo added
# 2009-08-15 0.1.2 rw Flip Pan/Tilt servo for >180 degree
# config servo direction and range
# optional get antenna home position from Map-config
# Signal handler replaced by command-queue
# 2009-09-30 0.1.3 rw Commandline parameter added
# 2009-10-07 0.1.4 rw COM-Port > 9
# Servo Speed, neutral position and 8 bit position
# Add Coldstart command
# Relax servo at shutdown
# PortSetSkip config
# 2010-01-02 0.1.5 rw bugfix
# 2010-03-12 0.1.6 rw Pololu Maestro-6 Controller
# 2010-07-29 0.1.7 rw change ServoTest/GpsWait sequence
$Version{''} = "0.1.6 - 2010-03-12";
if ( $0 =~ /$/i )
# Program wurde direkt aufgerufen
# change working directory to program path
my $Cwd = substr ($0, 0, rindex ($0, ""));
chdir $Cwd;
# set path for local Perl libs
push @INC, $Cwd . "perl/lib";
# Packages
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep gettimeofday); #
use threads; #
use threads::shared; #
use Thread::Queue; #
use Math::Trig;
use Geo::Ellipsoid; #
if ( $^O =~ /Win32/i )
require Win32::SerialPort; #
require Device::SerialPort; #
require ""; # MK communication
# Sharing for Threads
share (@ServoPos);
share (%MkTrack);
# Queue for receiving commands
$TrackQueue = Thread::Queue->new();
# Commandline
my %CmdLine = @ARGV;
# Parameter
$SysTimerResolution = 1000; # System Timer resolution in us
$TrackInterval = 50; # Tracking in ms
# Com Port for Pololu Mikro-Servoboard
my $ComPort = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'Port'} || "COM8";
# Servo parameter
$ServoPan = 0; # Servo channel Pan
$ServoTilt = 1; # Servo channel Tilt
$MkTrack{'ServoPan'} = $ServoPan;
$MkTrack{'ServoTilt'} = $ServoTilt;
@ServoSpeed = (200/40, 200/40, 200/40, 200/40, 200/40, 200/40, 200/40, 200/40); # ms/degree
$ServoConstPpm = 20; # PPM protocol overhead in ms
# Servo Parameter defaults
@ServoPar = ( { Min => 1000, Mid => 1500, Max => 2000, Speed => 0, Accel => 0, }, # Servo 0
{ Min => 1000, Mid => 1500, Max => 2000, Speed => 0, Accel => 0, }, # Servo 1
{ Min => 1000, Mid => 1500, Max => 2000, Speed => 0, Accel => 0, }, # Servo 2
{ Min => 1000, Mid => 1500, Max => 2000, Speed => 0, Accel => 0, }, # Servo 3
{ Min => 1000, Mid => 1500, Max => 2000, Speed => 0, Accel => 0, }, # Servo 4
{ Min => 1000, Mid => 1500, Max => 2000, Speed => 0, Accel => 0, }, # Servo 5
{ Min => 1000, Mid => 1500, Max => 2000, Speed => 0, Accel => 0, }, # Servo 6
{ Min => 1000, Mid => 1500, Max => 2000, Speed => 0, Accel => 0, }, # Servo 7
# Read configuration
$ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Min'} = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'ServoPanLeft'} || "1000";
$ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Mid'} = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'ServoPanMiddle'} || "1500";
$ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Max'} = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'ServoPanRight'} || "2000";
$ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Speed'} = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'ServoPanSpeed'} || "0";
$ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Accel'} = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'ServoPanAccel'} || "0";
$ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Min'} = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'ServoTiltFront'} || "1000";
$ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Mid'} = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'ServoTiltTop'} || "1500";
$ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Max'} = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'ServoTiltBack'} || "2000";
$ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Speed'} = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'ServoTiltSpeed'} || "0";
$ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Accel'} = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'ServoTiltAccel'} || "0";
my $ServoController = $Cfg->{'track'}->{'ServoController'} || "Pololu Micro Serial";
# Debug
$MkTrack{'ServoPanLeft'} = $ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Min'};
$MkTrack{'ServoPanMiddle'} = $ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Mid'};
$MkTrack{'ServoPanRight'} = $ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Max'};
$MkTrack{'ServoPanSpeed'} = $ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Speed'};
$MkTrack{'ServoPanAccel'} = $ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Accel'};
$MkTrack{'ServoTiltLeft'} = $ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Min'};
$MkTrack{'ServoTiltMiddle'} = $ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Mid'};
$MkTrack{'ServoTiltRight'} = $ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Max'};
$MkTrack{'ServoTiltSpeed'} = $ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Speed'};
$MkTrack{'ServoTiltAccel'} = $ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Accel'};
$MkTrack{'ServoController'} = $ServoController;
# Pan, Tilt in degrees for servo test
@ServoTest = ( [ 90, 0 ],
[ 180, 0 ],
[ 180, 90 ],
[ 90, 0 ],
[ 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 90 ],
[ 90, 0 ],
[ 90, 180 ],
[ 90, 0 ], );
# Timer
sub SetTimer_ms()
return $SysTimerCount_ms + $_[0];
sub CheckTimer_ms()
my $Diff = $_[0] - $SysTimerCount_ms;
return ($Diff <= 0);
# Servo
sub ServoInit()
# open COM-Port
undef $ServoPort;
if ( $ComPort =~ /^COM/i )
$ComPort = "\\\\.\\" . $ComPort; # for Port > 9 required
if ( $^O =~ m/Win32/ )
$ServoPort = Win32::SerialPort->new ($ComPort) || die "Error open $ComPort\n";
$ServoPort = Device::SerialPort->new ($ComPort) || die "Error open $ComPort\n";
if ( ! ($Cfg->{'track'}->{'PortSetSkip'} =~ /y/i) )
# Set COM parameters, don't set for Bluetooth device
if ( $ServoController =~ /Pololu Micro Serial/i )
# Byte 1: sync - Pololu Mode
# Byte 2: device
# Byte 3: command
# Byte 4: Servo num
# Byte 5: Set Speed 0, 1..127, 0=full speed
# Speed Pan/Tilt servo #0/#1
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x80, 0x01, 0x01, $ServoPan, $ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Speed'} );
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x80, 0x01, 0x01, $ServoTilt, $ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Speed'} );
# Acceleration not supported
elsif ( $ServoController =~ /Pololu Maestro/i )
# Pololu compact protocoll
# Byte 1: Command
# Byte 2: device
# Byte 3: low bits 0..6
# Byte 4: high bits 7..14
# Speed
my $Speed = $ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Speed'};
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x87, $ServoPan, $Speed & 0x7f, ($Speed >> 7) & 0x7f );
my $Speed = $ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Speed'};
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x87, $ServoTilt, $Speed & 0x7f, ($Speed >> 7) & 0x7f );
# Acceleration
my $Accel = $ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Accel'};
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x89, $ServoPan, $Accel & 0x7f, ($Accel >> 7) & 0x7f );
my $Accel = $ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Accel'};
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x89, $ServoTilt, $Accel & 0x7f, ($Accel >> 7) & 0x7f );
@ServoStartTime = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); # Timestamp of last ServoMove() call
@ServoEndTime = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); # Timestamp of estimated arrival at end position
@ServoPos = (90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90, 90); # Current servo position 0..180 degree
sub ServoMove()
my ($Num, $Angel, $Time) = @_;
my $Overhead = 0;
if ( $Angel != $ServoPos[$Num] )
if ( $Angel < 0) {$Angel = 0;}
if ( $Angel > 180) {$Angel = 180;}
my $Pos = $Angel - 90; # -90..0..90
my $Min = $ServoPar[$Num]{'Min'};
my $Mid = $ServoPar[$Num]{'Mid'};
my $Max = $ServoPar[$Num]{'Max'};
if ( $Pos >= 0 )
$Pos = int ($Mid + $Pos / 90 * ($Max - $Mid) + 0.5);
$Pos = int ($Mid + $Pos / 90 * ($Mid - $Min) + 0.5);
if ( $ServoController =~ /Pololu Micro Serial/i )
# output to COM port
# Byte 1: sync - Pololu Mode
# Byte 2: device
# Byte 3: command
# Byte 4: Servo num
# Byte 5: bits 7..14 in 0.5 us
# Byte 6: bits 0..6 in 0.5 us
$Pos *= 2; # 0.5 us resolution
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x80, 0x01, 0x04, $Num, ($Pos >> 7) & 0x7f, $Pos & 0x7f );
elsif ( $ServoController =~ /Pololu Maestro/i )
# Pololu compact protocoll
# Byte 1: Command
# Byte 2: device
# Byte 3: low bits 0..6 in 0.25 us
# Byte 4: high bits 7..14 in 0.25 us
$Pos *= 4; # 0.25 us resolution
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x84, $Num, $Pos & 0x7f, ($Pos >> 7) & 0x7f );
$Overhead += $ServoConstPpm; # PPM protocol overhead
# set timer stuff for travel time predicion
my $LastAngel = $ServoPos[$Num];
my $EstimatedTime = abs($Angel - $LastAngel) * $ServoSpeed[$Num] + $Overhead;
if ( $Time > 0 )
# Parameter override
$EstimatedTime = $Time;
$ServoStartTime[$Num] = $SysTimerCount_ms;
$ServoEndTime[$Num] = $SysTimerCount_ms + $EstimatedTime;
$ServoPos[$Num] = $Angel;
return $ServoEndTime[$Num];
# switch off servo
sub ServoRelax()
if ( defined $ServoPort )
if ( $ServoController =~ /Pololu Micro Serial/i )
# Byte 1: sync - Pololu Mode
# Byte 2: device
# Byte 3: command
# Byte 4: Servo num
# Byte 5: Set Parameter
# Bit 6: Servo on/off
# Bit 5: Direction
# Bit 4-0: Servo Range
# Set Pan/Tilt servo #0/#1
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x80, 0x01, 0x00, $ServoPan, 0x00 | 15 );
my $Output = pack('C*', 0x80, 0x01, 0x00, $ServoTilt, 0x00 | 15 );
elsif ( $ServoController =~ /Pololu Maestro/i )
# not supported
# Check, if servo has reached end position
sub ServoCheck()
my $Num = $_[0];
return &CheckTimer_ms($ServoEndTime[$Num]);
sub ServoClose()
# close COM-Port
undef $ServoPort;
# Track it
sub TrackAntennaGps()
# initialize system-timer
$SysTimerCount_ms = 0;
$SysTimerError = 0;
($t0_s, $t0_us) = gettimeofday;
# State maschine
my $State = "Idle";
while (1)
$MkTrack{'State'} = $State; # export state
# Idle
if ( $State eq "Idle" )
# nothing to do. Wait for commands in TrackQueue
# ColdStart
elsif ( $State eq "ColdStart" )
$ServoTestIndex = 0;
$State = "WaitGps";
# Wait for GPS Home position and compass
elsif ( $State eq "WaitGps" )
lock (%MkOsd); # until end of block
lock (%MkTrack);
if ( $MkOsd{'_Timestamp'} >= time-2 and
$MkOsd{'SatsInUse'} >= 6 )
# gültige OSD daten vom MK und guter Satellitenempfang
# take GPS and compass from map definition or MK as antenna home-position
$MkTrack{'HomePos_Lon'} = $Map{'Track_Lon'} || $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lon'};
$MkTrack{'HomePos_Lat'} = $Map{'Track_Lat'} || $MkOsd{'HomePos_Lat'};
$MkTrack{'HomePos_Alt'} = $Map{'Track_Alt'} || $MkOsd{'HomePos_Alt'};
$MkTrack{'CompassHeading'} = $Map{'Track_Bearing'} || $MkOsd{'CompassHeading'};
$TrackTimer = &SetTimer_ms($TrackInterval);
$State = "InitServoTest";
# Start servo test
# doesn't really make much sense, but looks cool:-)
elsif ( $State eq "InitServoTest")
if ( &ServoCheck ($ServoPan) and &ServoCheck ($ServoTilt) )
my $PanPos = $ServoTest[$ServoTestIndex][0];
my $TiltPos = $ServoTest[$ServoTestIndex][1];
$ServoTestIndex ++;
if ( defined $PanPos and defined $TiltPos )
my $Delay = 200;
my $LastPan = $ServoPos[$ServoPan];
my $LastTilt = $ServoPos[$ServoTilt];
my $ServoPanSpeed = $ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Speed'};
my $ServoTiltSpeed = $ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Speed'};
if ( $ServoController =~ /Pololu Micro Serial/i )
# 50 us/s
elsif ( $ServoController =~ /Pololu Maestro/i )
# 25 us/s
$ServoPanSpeed /= 2;
$ServoTiltSpeed /= 2;
my $EstimatedPan = 1000;
if ( $ServoPanSpeed != 0 )
# about 2ms/180degree pulse, 50us/s servo pulse change per unit
$EstimatedPan = abs($PanPos - $LastPan) * 0.002/180 / ($ServoPanSpeed * 0.000050) * 1000 + $Delay;
my $EstimatedTilt = 1000;
if ( $ServoTiltSpeed != 0 )
# about 2ms/180degree pulse, 50us/s servo pulse change per unit
$EstimatedTilt = abs($TiltPos - $LastTilt) * 0.002/180 / ($ServoTiltSpeed * 0.000050) * 1000 + $Delay;
&ServoMove ($ServoPan, $PanPos, $EstimatedPan); # override travel time
&ServoMove ($ServoTilt, $TiltPos, $EstimatedTilt); # override travel time
# complete
$ServoTestIndex = 0;
$State = "TrackGps";
# Servo test finisched
# GPS Fix Home position
# Track now
elsif ( $State eq "TrackGps" )
if ( &CheckTimer_ms($TrackTimer) and &ServoCheck($ServoPan) )
$TrackTimer = &SetTimer_ms($TrackInterval); # reload Timer
lock (%MkOsd); # until end of block
lock (%MkTrack);
if ( $MkOsd{'_Timestamp'} >= time -2 and
$MkOsd{'SatsInUse'} >= 4 )
# valid OSD data from the MK and sufficient satellites
my $Track_Geo = Geo::Ellipsoid->new( 'units' => 'degrees',
'distance_units' => 'meter',
'ellipsoid' => 'WGS84',
'longitude' => 1, # Symmetric: -pi..pi
my ($Dist, $Bearing) = $Track_Geo->to($MkTrack{'HomePos_Lat'}, $MkTrack{'HomePos_Lon'},
$MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'}, $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'});
my $Dir_h = $MkTrack{'CompassHeading'};
my $Dir_c = $MkOsd{'CompassHeading'};
if ( $Dist < 4 ) # meter
# Too close to Home-Position. Set antenna to middle position
$Bearing = $Dir_h;
$MkTrack{'Bearing'} = sprintf ("%d", $Bearing);
$MkTrack{'Dist'} = sprintf ("%d", $Dist);
$MkTrack{'CurPos_Lon'} = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lon'};
$MkTrack{'CurPos_Lat'} = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Lat'};
$MkTrack{'CurPos_Alt'} = $MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'};
# antenna pan direction: 0..180 degree, centre = 90
my $AngelPan = $Bearing - $Dir_h + 90;
$AngelPan = $AngelPan % 360;
# antenna tilt direction: 0..180 degree, centre is up, 0 is front
my $AngelTilt = rad2deg(atan2(($MkOsd{'CurPos_Alt'} - $MkTrack{'HomePos_Alt'}), $Dist));
if ( $AngelTilt < 0 ) { $AngelTilt = 0; }
if ( $AngelTilt > 180 ) { $AngelTilt = 180; }
if ( $AngelPan >= 180 )
# Flip Pan/Tilt
$AngelPan = $AngelPan - 180;
$AngelTilt = 180 - $AngelTilt;
$MkTrack{'AngelPan'} = $AngelPan;
$MkTrack{'AngelTilt'} = $AngelTilt;
&ServoMove ($ServoPan, $AngelPan);
&ServoMove ($ServoTilt, $AngelTilt);
# Timestamp, wann der Datensatz geschtieben wurde
$MkTrack{'_Timestamp'} = time;
# Restart
$State = "ColdStart";
# check command queue
while ( $TrackQueue->pending() > 0 )
my $Cmd = $TrackQueue->dequeue(1);
if ( $Cmd =~ /COLDSTART/i )
$State = "ColdStart";
if ( $Cmd =~ /IDLE/i )
if ( defined $ServoPort )
# move all Servo to neutral position
&ServoMove ($ServoPan, 90);
&ServoMove ($ServoTilt, 0);
sleep 1;
&ServoRelax(); # swith off servo
$State = "Idle";
# update system-timer
($t1_s, $t1_us) = gettimeofday;
$SysTimerSleep_us = ($t0_s - $t1_s) * 1000000 + $t0_us - $t1_us + $SysTimerCount_ms * $SysTimerResolution;
if ($SysTimerSleep_us > 0)
usleep ($SysTimerSleep_us);
$SysTimerError ++;
$SysTimerCount_ms ++;
# Main Program
if ( $0 =~ /$/i )
# Program wurde direkt aufgerufen
# Commandline Parameter
my $TrackPort = $CmdLine{'-TrackPort'};
if ( $TrackPort ne "" )
$ComPort = $TrackPort;
my $MkPort = $CmdLine{'-MkPort'};
if ( $MkPort ne "" )
$Cfg->{'mkcomm'}->{'Port'} = $MkPort;
my $Pan = $CmdLine{'-ServoPan'};
if ( $Pan ne "" )
my ($Min, $Mid, $Max) = split ',', $Pan;
$ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Min'} = $Min;
$ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Mid'} = $Mid;
$ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Max'} = $Max;
my $Tilt = $CmdLine{'-ServoTilt'};
if ( $Tilt ne "" )
my ($Min, $Mid, $Max) = split ',', $Tilt;
$ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Min'} = $Min;
$ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Mid'} = $Mid;
$ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Max'} = $Max;
my $PanSpeed = $CmdLine{'-PanSpeed'};
if ( $PanSpeed ne "" )
$ServoPar[$ServoPan]{'Speed'} = $PanSpeed;
my $TiltSpeed = $CmdLine{'-TiltSpeed'};
if ( $TiltSpeed ne "" )
$ServoPar[$ServoTilt]{'Speed'} = $TiltSpeed;
# Kommunikation zum MK herstellen
# Input: %MkOsd, %MkTarget, %MkNcDebug
# Ouput: Thread-Queue: $MkSendQueue
$mk_thr = threads->create (\&MkCommLoop) -> detach();
$TrackQueue->enqueue("COLDSTART"); # start command
# should never exit